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1043494 No.1043494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, I just started FF7 after a decade long break.

I don't remember much from my one and only other play through, but what I do remember is being absolutely confused by character stats. I know materia alters stats, but I never knew which materia to stick on which characters. There were obvious ones, like Aeris, but what class is Barret supposed to be? Cait Sith? Vincent? I'm about to fuck up the Midgar Serpant, and right now, (level 15) everyone has about the same stats, except for Aeris because she's loaded down with materia.

This is what I have so far:
>Cloud: Rune Knight
>Aeris: Black/White/Red Mage
>Cid: Dragoon
Yuffie: Thief
>Red XIII Blue Mage (?)
>Tifa: Monk (?)
>Barret: Knight (?)
>Cait Sith (?)
>Vincent (?)

Are each charaters' stats relatively the same and altered by their materia, or do certain characters grow to benefit from certain materia?

Side note: I was expecting this game to not really live up to its legacy. But 8 hours in and I can see why it has such a name for itself. The plot itself is nothing too special or spectacular, but the characters are so well done. Tifa's a bore, but everyone else is an absolute delight. I don't think I've enjoyed dialogue in video games in a long time, but the stair case scene when sneaking into Shinra had me in stitches.

Also, the "Aeris is a prostitute" rumor is dumb and has no basis in the game. I can say that for certain, unless her time in the slums is fleshed out more. And I know her time with the party is limited.

>> No.1043498


>> No.1043508

Yes, that is what I said. Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.1043521

Caith Sith dies too
Magic defense doesn't work either

>> No.1043525

Oh yeah. I forgot about that.

Fuck you, man.

>> No.1043528

Magic defense kind of works. It's just that the magic defense stat on armor doesn't work. So, your actual magic defense will always be equal to the character's Spirit stat.

>> No.1043540

Good to know for the future. Trying to stack enough magic defense to survive Beta.

>> No.1043546

If you put Sadness on everyone via Tranqs, they'll take about 30% less damage. Your limit gauges will increase more slowly, but it's great for damage reduction.

>> No.1043565

I actually can take him right now, flubbed it last time when he had ~100 HP left because I accidently healed Aeris instead of Cloud right before I triggered Beta, Cloud could have taken it if he was at full health, which he would have had I not miscast.

>> No.1043567

Don't forget to put everybody in the back row and use Bio for damage. Also, when it puts its head up it knocks the person out who has damaged it the most so make sure that's not the person with the E. Skill materia.

Honestly though it won't be that long until you get better shit like Aqualung (better damage usually) and Trine (less MP) and then finally Magic Breath. It doesn't seem worth the effort just to get it early in the game to blow away a couple of easy bosses.

>> No.1043574

I think the "Aeris is a prostitute" thing was dreamed up by butt9/11'd Tifa fans.

>> No.1043586

I also got this game on PSN recently so I could finally finish it (stopped on North Crater) and one thing I noticed is all the weird attempts to vary up the gameplay with pseudo mini games and awkward platforming. Like this shit happens in nearly every new area.

Some examples
-Trying to push that godamn button at the same time
-Doing squats in Wall Market
-Sneaking past the guards in Shinra HQ
-Jumping on to the wire in Wall Market
-Jumping the dolphin up the tower in Junon
-Dodging the rolling rocks in Temple of the Ancients
-Dodging the energy/wind in the Whirlwind Maze

It's nice they tried to make it more than just talking and blowing up shit with Enemy Skills, but some of them are kind of annoying if you fuck up after the first time because often times you can trigger random battles while doing them and it just delays things even more. The jumping ones are especially ridiculous since the pre-rendered backgrounds make it nearly impossible to know "where you are." The full blown mini games (chocobo racing, motorcycle, snowboard) are the ones that everyone remembers, but this shit was kind of annoying TBH.

>> No.1043793

It's mostly for novelty. I can't seem to get him to trigger it though. He'll be below 500 health and counter with a party member eject instead of Beta. The one time he did do Beta he killed everyone but Cloud (who he E. Skill) and followed up immediately with an attack and finished him off. I've killed him four times, so I think that's enough novelty.

>> No.1043921

>That parade in Junon
>That little girl you give CPR to, and mouth-to-mouth

Awesome JRPG but yeah, I know exactly what you mean. The full-blown minigames (racing, etc.) were sweet, but the random microgames just felt like the programmers were showing off.

>> No.1043949

Things like that was normal for 16 bit RPGs. And I think they thought they would use that mentality for the FF7. That's why you have that snowboard minigame out of nowhere. And randomly dressing in drag. If it was on 16 bit people would think it's cute and don't really think much of it. But since they were going down a more serious path (more so with 8) a lot of those things seems weird.
How are you playing it? If you got it off Steam they fixed a few of the bugs like magic defense works normally now.

>> No.1043958

Is it possible to beat the demon door with out the barrier

>> No.1043964


>Midgar Serpant

Did the re-releases change the fucking name? Originally it was Midgar Zolom.

>> No.1043971

PSOne Greatest Hits. I got this around 2004 or so at a Blockbuster. 14 bucks new.

No, that was me not remembering it's name. I'm playing the Greatest Hits version.

>> No.1044134


Great Gospel, dude.

>> No.1044143


>> No.1044162


Jesus. I like to challenge myself in games but that's just masochistic.

>> No.1044172

Haha, you have no idea the kind of shit people do with FFVII.

I know the game far too well at this point, so next time I'm going to do something I'll likely regret.

>> No.1044174

>dat nostalgic world map music.

>> No.1044190


I think the craziest game for shit like this, though, is FFT.

>> No.1044267
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fucking hardcore

>> No.1044287

Search GarlandTheGreat. His stuff is insane.
Here's him messing around with Ruby and Emerald, for example.

>> No.1044290
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-As previously mentioned in the thread, ignore the Magic Defense stat as the game wasn't programmed correctly.
-When in the cave after the Midgar Zolom, you can trigger a battle that has at least 5 enemies. You can use this time to get your limit breaks. You earn the first part of a limit break's level be killing a certain amount of enemies with that character, and the 2nd limit is acquired by using the 1st limit a certain number of times.
-Barret and cloud have high strength and magic so can be used as tanks.
-Tifa is quick and can be used to steal important items, cast haste on her when you can
- Aeris is obviously a great healer and should be used as such.
Cait Sith- pretty much boring to use, and can even do a limit roll that can kill the party.

All characters are affected the same from materia, some just naturally grow some stats higher than others.

>> No.1045143

I get that. I was wondering if anyone knew what classic FF jobs the characters' stats grew by.

>> No.1045167
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>> No.1046075

That's actually fantastic.