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10437386 No.10437386 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10437490

Never clicked. Terrible AI, no atmosphere, clunky controls that now feel like Silent Hill instead of RE (all animations are long and have terrible wind-up to it), doesn't feel like the same world from RE2/3.

>> No.10437658

Lone Wolf or burst
also 1>>>>>>2

>> No.10437671

was an ambitious idea, but online play might've been better for pc or xbox live at that time

>> No.10437808

if they remade it for today, it would be fun to see considering how many co-op online games are heavily praised. I still have fond memories as does my cousin when we played this at his house one night

>> No.10437862

The first one feels like a demo.
The second one is solid.
Controls are completely fine, the same as the other classic entries.
Contrarian retardation.

>> No.10437879

OBSRV is fun and playing online is fun, singeplayer is terrible

>> No.10437885

I played it solo and it's fine

User yoko for extra items

>> No.10437887

Everything that’s boring about Resident Evil x100 with nothing that’s fun about Resident Evil

>> No.10437916

>Controls are completely fine, the same as the other classic entries.

>3d controls
>shoot on the move
>real-time inventory menu that doesnt pause the game

>same as classic games

>> No.10438348

>Controls are completely fine, the same as the other classic entries.
bullshit. there's input lag to compensate for net lag but its present even when playing offline

>> No.10438363

I wanted this game to be good, but it wasn't.

>> No.10438538

Tank controls with dpad, dumb fuck.
Shoot and move is a new feature only in file 2 and it's nice.
>doesn't pause
Never noticed any. It's not a fighting game, there's zero fucking chance it could ever make a difference. You just suck and you're blaming bullshit

>> No.10438807

The infinitely respawning enemies and death timer completely killed it right out of the gate. Even if you removed those from the equation it still feels like they intentionally set out to make the most tedious game imaginable with stupid ideas like the handgun ammo/magazine system and Hunters breaking your weapons.

>> No.10438812
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it's pretty well established that plebs and general retards don't perceive input lag. enjoy your ignorance. unironically.

>> No.10438813

I remember it being hard as hell to play. They just did not give you any mercy in this one between the highly restricted inventory space and the hard time limit on every level.

>> No.10438910

I felt like they gave me tons of ammo when I played as yoko, who also gets the virus slower.

Seriously, just play as yoko. That's the answer to this thread.

Nah, you're a retard. Resident evil is a slow series, not a fighting game. You're just a bitch.

Be Yoko

>> No.10438927

It bugs me they released two online co-op focused Resident Evil games in an era where no one played online on consoles, but now when they're just remaking games and we live in an online world, they won't remake these or port them.

>> No.10438976
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 1695144051557296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.10439072

Didn't the last two attempts at online-only games tank? And it seems like the MP portions of the last two games to have the, REmake 3 and RE8, aren't very popular either...actually, considering how much bad money Capcom seems to be throwing after good here, I'm surprised they haven't tried it. Especially since there's a ton of unused content and concepts that never made it to either game.

>> No.10439578

They considered Resistance sort of an Outbreak successor. It was called Outbreakers internally.

>> No.10439597

Best way to make a RE side story.

>> No.10439602

I totally forgot that I was about to make a cup of coffee

>> No.10439625
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>>no u

>> No.10440415
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, Left_4_Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is better playing with friends.

>> No.10440425

I like that it's bite sized RE scenarios I can play and finish in about the span of an hour. The characters and their abilities make each playthrough feel a little different but you can tell they were designed to synergize with each other in multiplayer.

I wasn't a big fan of the game's difficulty curve between singleplayer and multiplayer. Bot AI made playing alone really annoying as they used up all the ammunition and healing items or just died in random places, they were virtually never useful so you were better off playing without them. In multiplayer though, the game was far easier because now you had a team coordinating together that gave you a lot more inventory space and helped conserve items in addition to other people who could handle objectives beyond yourself.

I think if they went the route of FF: Crystal Chronicles and gave you a personal bonus for playing solo the game would be a lot better to play. It would kill one of the selling points of it (Having to interact with your teammates), but even something as simple as giving the player +4 inventory spaces in singleplayer would've gone a long way.

>> No.10440429

Capcom could make a lot of money porting them to PC and adding online. They won't do that though, because that would be smart.

>> No.10440482

Neat ideas, obtuse progression, shit load times. This game needs a modern remake, it was made 10 years too early.

>> No.10440503

And on the wrong platform.

>> No.10442010

i have deduced outbreak or ff11 were my favorite ps2 game but reonline is a unfinished concept. the zomblification feature needs an incentive to go after your teammates for a reason besides just being an asshole. give it its own point system which kills and attacks give you enough "z points" to unlock kevin Z-zombie costume for kevin or some shit. give the player more attack types like grabbing players and bitting them by holding L>R+R+R

i liked the concept of outbreak and its ideas and ballsy attempt to make a horror multiplayer game. when separated in bigger levels it did a good job making you feel lost/left behind and alone. too bad we never got the rest of the levels but it reached a point i do NOT want to see the company in its current form fuck up the game like it did for 2 and 3

>> No.10443020

>when separated in bigger levels it did a good job making you feel lost/left behind and alone.
coincidently this new lethal company game gets somewhat close to recreating that experience. i hope it gets the development it needs

>> No.10443145

The second one has worse maps though. They were literally leftovers that weren't deemed good enough for the first and got cut. The zoo is the only original good map in the game. Two of the maps retread environments from RE2 and the forest map just plain sucks. Every map from the first game is good.

>> No.10445159

file 1 levels have stronger presence but 2 are better balanced

>> No.10445194

I bought it day 1 back when it first came put. Never had my PS2 online so I had to rely on the AI. I gave it a fair shot and ended up hating it. I found it cheap a few years back and my opinion is pretty much the same.

>> No.10445204

Shit idea and shit game. That mercenaries mobileshit spinoff was legit better butter.

>> No.10445284

Intensely overrated, likely by tryhards who spend their time speedrunning with the server resurrection community.
The funniest part is people saying that an online remaster of this would sell well, when it was not just intensely out of touch in terms of gameplay when it released, but also had a historic dropoff of sales between entries (1 million to 100K).

>> No.10445726

I bought File 2 for cheap and played it a few times back when it came out. The only thing I remember is that it had like 3 or 4 different handguns and you had to have the magazine for your specific gun if you wanted to be able to reload quickly. For example, if you had Handgun A and a magazine for Handgun B or C you were just shit outta luck and had to watch your character stand there and reload one round at a time. Which is what you had to do most of the time anyway, because magazines were really rare. They also took up an inventory slot so your handgun, ammo, and magazine already occupied 3 of your 4 available slots.
Stupid fucking game designed by complete retards.

>> No.10445926

You weren't kidding about feeling lost and the isolation. Hearing muffled gun blasts from an unseen teammate from God knows where was the creepiest shit.

>> No.10446103

it is unironically just shit. Something about the environment and episodic style makes it very un-RE

>> No.10447469

Yeah I'm sure a multiplayer game with no voice chat and terrible netcode would sell dozens of copies.