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File: 9 KB, 640x448, Sonic_Marble_Zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10436365 No.10436365 [Reply] [Original]

Marble zone is a good level because Genesis sonic isn't about speed, it's about momentum. The whole point of the game is learning how to build momentum over short distances to jump higher than you otherwise would, and to throttle momentum in the air to stop faster. It's not about going fast at all, really.
3d sonic bought into its own marketing, that's why it doesn't work. Fast is boring in 3d, but they've never even tried making a game about momentum and height. It would be like a platformer Tony Hawk game.

>> No.10436534

I've been wondering, would Sonic just be better if he didn't run fast, and you had to use the roll to build up speed?

>> No.10436549

Wow I love building momentum in a cramped dungeon with completely flat ground where you have to stop every 2 seconds. Thanks, OP, you really changed my mind

>> No.10436560

Lol. Worst Sonic zone ever.

>> No.10436569

Labyrinth zone exists

>> No.10436583

The frustration that Sonic fags feel for Marble Zone just proves that they aren't good enough to play a real platfomer.

>> No.10436592

They're kind of tied for me, they really slog down the game as a whole.

Also, the special stages are still filtering me

>> No.10437115

you're right OP, don't listen to these losers

>> No.10437185

I just started Sonic 2 for the first time since I was a kid. I can't seem to do a vault jump (jumping with the rev-up for maximal distance) in this one. Did they step back from the physics they had added to 1 or have I just become rusty since I played that?

>> No.10437202
File: 62 KB, 600x401, 8bit-photogun-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not why Marble Zone is in the game

Imagine you had Green Hill Zone, Star Light Zone, and then the rest of the game is slow blocky levels like Marble Zone. It would be boring, as evidenced by the modern Sonic games that follow this pattern. Marble Zone exists to put distance between the opening stages and the more climactic fast-paced end stages. Sonic CD also does this by putting levels like Tidal Tempest long before levels like Stardust Speedway, so they can save the good stuff for later in the game. The last game to really do this (not /vr/ but whatever) was Unleashed. After that you just get two fast stages and six slow stages and that's it.

Sonic 2 and 3 is when they started putting levels like Chemical Plant and Hydrocity right at the beginning followed by a bunch of slower levels. It starts out great but after that it just gets kind of boring. If they followed 1 and CD's pattern though they would be more fun to play to the end.

>> No.10437207

It is easier to do in Sonic CD with the peel-out, in fact you can skip the entire Collision Chaos boss by jumping at just the right moment

>> No.10437413


>> No.10438838

It is true what you're saying it's just... you never need to build momentum or know the levels because the game is very easy and level design will sometimes have some spots where you'll suffer cheap damage but otherwise it's very forgiving

>> No.10438867

Nothing after Green Hill is fun in this game.

>> No.10439203

>Sonic the Hedgehog comes out
>Being the only game in the series it is only thing that Sonic games are about.

>Decades later will say that the game is infact not what Sonic is about but that Sonic is about this thing featured in games way later
>Be upset that Sonic the Hedgehog did not conform to the standards of games that never came out.

This is unbelievably retarded. Like it's struggling to realize that time is a straight line.

>> No.10439232

They're not comparable as one is a water stage.

>> No.10439243

You fools hate on Labyrinth Zone too?! That's even worse to me. It's a super comfy zone with a "survival while exploring aquatic ruins" vibe. It's like you hate the very concept of being challenged or having to overcome an obstacle in a way that isn't bouncing around everywhere.

How can you even into other cool platformers like Aladdin and Earthworm if you are stopped by Labyrinth Zone? I even try to get finding Marble simple stuff boring but... there's so much right in Labyrinth Zone like spikes, enemies (you even have time to react and bump 'em slo-mo cuz water), levers, water! I'm shaking my head that this does in fact comprise the not atypical zone hatedom.

>> No.10439253

Reading comprehension, nigga. Sonic 2, 3, and CD also do the momentum thing. It's when they moved to 3d that they lost it.

>> No.10439256

To hate labyrinth zone makes me believe they've never really played Genesis Sonic games.

>> No.10439285
File: 72 KB, 1280x538, sonic_and_ozzy_from_sonic_the_hedgehog_2__2022__by_yesenia62702_df1o0u3-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing OP is talking about is more prevalent in the Game Gear games if anything. As any Sonic CD speedrunner will tell you, Super Peel-Out basically removes the concept of building momentum by holding right (which is still... holding right lol), just as the spin dash does in the other Genesis games.

Not really sure why Tony Hawk is being brought up either since that game is literally on wheels. Actually if anything Sonic R is closer since it focuses on building momentum by holding the accel button, though you can walk up some slopes in that game too iirc

>> No.10439320

>Also, the special stages are still filtering me
Kek, yeah I see why your opinion is so shit, because you're shit at the game.

>> No.10439347

This, thank you anon. We need to start being as vocal as the brain rotted anons spewing buzzword filled hate rants. They can't even explain why the zones are bad. You get shit like "it's too fast you hit too much stuff, I'm dumb I don't know what I'm doing" to "it's to slow, I thought sanic gotta go fast, this is for fagniggers" it's fucking sith logic, either black or white. No, nuanced or understanding that you can indeed go fast if you take time to practice and memorize the levels. Theennnnn you get bullshit like "I'm not practicing or memorizing thos slop, why should I have to, it should be easy enough to master the first time i play it!" They're retarded, simple as.

>> No.10439351

I feel like the game is about threatening you with your own momentum rather than encouraging you to build it.

>> No.10439353

That level filtered 4 year old me

>> No.10439356

What frustration? It's just a boring zone.

>> No.10439360
File: 237 KB, 496x370, tumblr_mpn3t3dSCL1r6ja9oo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically Mario is a better momentum game than Sonic is.

>> No.10439365 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.57 MB, 470x352, shia-la-beouf-just-do-it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont be afraid of the unknown, embrace it and learn from your mistakes. That's the only way to make sonic your bitch. Don't pussy foot around the vagina bush JUST DO IT [/thread] , anon

>> No.10439382
File: 403 KB, 500x275, ttsonic_header.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically laughed at this, thanks anon kek

>> No.10441437

People who say shit like this have never played any of the spinoffs, or even just the games after S3K in general. Marble and Labyrinth aren't what most Sonic fans want, but they're incredible compared to the shit you'd find in games like Chaos, Triple Trouble and Advance 2.