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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 300x168, peak of the original fomula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10434789 No.10434789 [Reply] [Original]

The most underrated game in the mainline series. Everyone puts the first two on a pedestal, and some wankers even claim Wind Waker is their favorite. However this is where the traditional formula capped out.

>> No.10434792

The dungeons, bosses, and world are nice, but it has too much filler.
The characters of the world are decent, but their designs are off-putting and Link's animations, particularly his running animation, look bad.
I enjoy the game more each time I play it, but it will never be anywhere close to my favorite 3D entry.

>> No.10434802

What is the best retro Zelda game?

>> No.10434824

TP is not Retro according to the Rules

>> No.10434847
File: 671 KB, 684x1000, Midna.(True.Form).full.2052462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but their designs are off-putting
Speak for yourself

>> No.10434852

I like all versions of midna, but the human characters look slightly fucked

>> No.10434857
File: 540 KB, 2160x2160, peak toon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda games getting underrated
Only in the most niche autist corners of the internet. Don't let it get to you, homie. It's easily one of the most refined boy-with-sword game of its generation
>and some wankers even claim Wind Waker is their favorite
I do on some days. I respect your opinion and taste

Really goes to show what an amazing and ambivalent series this is when people can absolutely love one game but hate the other

>> No.10434861

I just find Twilight Princess to be so boring every time I play it. I can't really pinpoint why, because like; the locations are interesting and the combat is pretty good. I just always find myself bored after a few hours of running around.

>> No.10434905
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shut the fuck up

>> No.10434906
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>> No.10434912

Wouldnt it be easier to make a zelda general out of the 10 fucking threads you fags have every single day

>> No.10434913

Only gets decent halfway through and even then it feels like OoT remake, early hours are absolutely atrocious
>some wankers even claim Wind Waker is their favorite
I do, it's a masterpiece. Don't even compare TP to something as good as WW, compare it to Okami, a fellow dog game that absolutely destroys TP.

>> No.10434914

He wasn't right because people started hating Wii Sports as soon as Wii Sports Resort came out, and now all those Wii motion games are considered shit because modern motion controls are much better.

>> No.10434917

People keep shilling it but what's so good about it? Never played it, looks exactly the same as all the other top-down Zeldas to me

>> No.10434918

I've been playing this recently. I picked up an old save just after the Fire dungeon.

The game is OK. I'm having a good time as a laid-back Zelda. I personally really enjoy the more realistic take on the visuals.

It feels disjointed, though. There's a lot of warping about the map for single progressions of the plot,
Warp to Castle
>the next dungeon is in the snow
Warp to snow area
>"you can't cross the snow until we know what kind of fish I drew"
>zora nearby says the prince knows how to catch that kind of fish
Warp to kakariko (where the prince is)
>have my special fish hook

It's like - idk, how can you not compare it to OoT obviously. OoT is linear and people knock it for that, but at least there's a logical progression to the areas you go through that feels sensible. Or ALttP - you're often stumbling on stuff that leads to nearby opportunities. The warping in TP doesn't feel so much like padding as the devs were so familiar with the Zelda formula that they forgot the fun of exploration, linear or not.

It's less hang-out-y than OoT or ALttP. Actually it has OoT overworlditis 10x.

The game is kind of a slog but it's enjoyable. Just not in a tight Zelda masterpiece kind of way. It's more like a modern AAA follow the story game.

Arbiter's Grounds dungeon was sick tho.

>> No.10434920


>> No.10434927

>looks exactly the same as all the other top-down Zeldas to me
but plays better. it introduces some new items and has a bunch of activities to do.

>> No.10434928
File: 15 KB, 320x414, FZrL4WYWIAArFMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human characters look slightly fucked
The official reason for that is that they want some characters to stand out without turning them into flashy anime dolls (Link for example is still supposed to be your avatar). They also get carried away taking personality traits and shaping appearance after them, which can be quite charming and preferable to half the characters being models and coom bait. And medieval riffraff did look slightly fucked. Even wannabe-serious movies like The Last Duel make them too pretty (balding for example is barely still a thing in movies in general), so maybe it's a bit of a statement as well...

Have fun telling people that you want to cast a lot of ugly freaks, Miyamoto

>> No.10434931

Subjective. OoT can be considered the most flawless one in terms of raw game design and pacing. Same with ALttP for 2D

>> No.10434934

It's fascinating how much soul and plastic SS oozes at the same time

>> No.10434936

I actually appreciate them trying something new over just going with the basic anime artstyle of the N64 games again, but it didn't work for me in practice.
More than the faces, I think the strange proportions of characters' bodies was the most off-putting part to me.

>> No.10434946

bro, Twilight Princess is retro.

>> No.10434947

Released in 2006 for GameCube, you mongs.

>> No.10434950

>OoT is linear and people knock it for that
? No one knocks it for that except retarded people and it's quite open for what it is (not a shitty Bethesda game)

>> No.10434957

>the mainline series
The mainline series ended with OoT.

>> No.10434960

Considering playing it again. There is a lot more sovl in this game than I remember

>> No.10434962

OoT seems to be the most popular but I prefer the 2D Zelda games. I like each room taking up a screen and the dungeons being more focused on the puzzles. I wish there was a rom hack that turned the entire game into one giant dungeon.

>> No.10434970

HD version messes things up but maybe play that one and enable every difficulty boost you can. Makes the game an actual 10/10

>> No.10434975

>harder = le better
people say this but then you die to something stupid and all it does is frustrate you. the fun in zelda comes from exploring and thinking outside the box with items

>> No.10434982

WW is still impressive af

>> No.10434995

The best thing in Zelda is obtaining the Master Sword

>> No.10435001

OoT > MM > LA > ALttP > BotW > OoX > ALBW > TLoZ > AoL > TWW > TMC > TotK > TP > ST > SS > PH > FSA > FS > TFH

>> No.10435019

All Zeldas are underrated. They should get 11/10 scores considering what other games get 10/10s, especially these days. No game does open world, dense dungeon crawling, shitton of puzzles and items and that level of polishing, playability and on top of it all music.

>> No.10435020


>> No.10435026

That's a comfy dungeon

>> No.10435029

I dropped it there on GCN and haven't gone back. Now the barrier to entry seems too high to bother.

>> No.10435041

Why was that a deal-breaker? It's just window dressing for gating your progression the way other dungeons with a design based around a central element would.
It also gets you comfortable with the yeti characters, which makes the boss reveal impactful.
I don't think it's one of the best dungeons ever or anything, but at least it has a unique atmosphere.

>> No.10435046

I couldn't tell ya, I was in high school and that part just turned me off at the time.

>> No.10435061

i love wind wanker

>> No.10435070

Wind Waker is my favorite 3D Zelda game, but I like Twilight Princess a lot. I think even its staunchest defenders would admit that the early game bug hunting stuff doesn’t make the best first impression.

>> No.10435072

>AoL > TWW > TMC
you're tripping

>> No.10435215
File: 95 KB, 540x475, 614EZRQ6Z0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day it clicked to me than the art direction of Twilight Princess maybe was inspired by these kind of fantasy illustrations from the 80s or 90's, you know which ones I mean? those ochre pastel tones, those eyes... you can compare them with the concept art of the game and It looks pretty similar. I remember when I was a kid my cousin liked them and she drew fairies and fantasy creatures imitating the style

>> No.10435220
File: 49 KB, 640x373, 6ca62b7ee35628bc0886ae62b4382a75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a couple more for comparison

>> No.10435235
File: 293 KB, 908x1300, b0c6f6fb9c27da4c7232a15a1fe911bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare this fairy with the queen fairy from Twilight Princess, aren't they similar?

>> No.10435243
File: 721 KB, 1910x2048, FHvM7unXsAMahUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally these characters from the game, It's fanart but they look pretty close to the concept art. What do you think?

>> No.10435246

I don't get why there was no other game with this look or still isn't. Is it that hard to imitate? Most cel shading games did those black outlines instead that usually look terrible. There is the Ninu Kuni type of cel shading which is great and relatively close but still not quite it and environments are too detailed

>> No.10435247

I've always thought about this but never really knew how to explain it. This kind of fantasy art was quite common in the 90s and early 2000s. When I first saw TP I thought of this style

>> No.10435251

>What do you think?
i'm gay

>> No.10435259

They're all good games if it makes you feel better.

>> No.10435286

>ranking 3D together with 2D

>> No.10435290

Zelda died when it went 3D
Prove me wrong
You can't

>> No.10435291
File: 124 KB, 640x853, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tp character design is underrated, it's basically middle ages portraits

>> No.10435293

>Prove me wrong

>> No.10435326
File: 1.79 MB, 3900x1900, TP Guardian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the woods were bigger, pure soul

>> No.10435328
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Only overcompensating midwits hate on WW. It's just a soulful cartoon adventure

>> No.10435402

People like Coldplay and Kings of Leon. You can't trust people.

>> No.10435439

>Everyone puts the first two on a pedestal
Didn't know that The Adventure of Link was so hyped.

>> No.10435919

ok, and?

>> No.10436286

Never felt like an adventure the way everyone held Link's hand the entire game.

>> No.10436315


>> No.10436736
File: 1.39 MB, 1132x836, 1680814964708872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, the beginning of the game before you make it to the goron mines is terrible

but after that, it really picks up

>> No.10436741

>jabu's pearl given to you for blowing a hole in a wall
>the triforce hunt paywall
>the return to FF thats just a tennis match and then ANOTHER boss fight
>cant actually sail anywhere in your boat until you finish 3 temples
>the tedium and repetitiveness of playing the command melody in EVERY room of the wind and earth temples
>fire island is just a circle and a switch puzzle

>> No.10436829
File: 383 KB, 2874x2158, Ekj14jsXgAAeFJc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate blue water, it's scary and not comfy

>> No.10436847

It is lost technology, you saw what they did to the HD re-releases.

>> No.10436915
File: 84 KB, 750x1000, IMG_2507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wind Waker is my favorite and there’s nothing you can do about it.

>> No.10436920

I didn’t mind the new lighting in WW 2013 desu. Made it look almost claymation at times which was pretty neat.

>> No.10437545

TP was awesome

>> No.10437549

what's wrong with there the bosses in the fortress? it's supposed to be a dungeon and phantom ganon was a hint
the rest sure though you can tell it needed more time and it would be nice if they did that for the hd version instead of just making it hd and giving you a faster way to get around the world
and miiverse rip, gone but not forgotten

>> No.10437796

>>jabu's pearl given to you for blowing a hole in a wall
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, stop straying even one inch from the Zelda formula
>every shiny thing has to be obtained via the exact same invariable loop throughout the entire game
Okami not doing this is why it mogged Zelda in 2006 and won GotY over TP for publications like IGN. The content before JabuJabu didn't warrant another dungeon and instant graficiation is nice sometimes, many BotW and TotK shrines do that

Never become a game dev

>> No.10437892

This is why it goes back to OoT - It's the utmost balance for the old 3d Zelda style. Gameplay, world building, whimsy, seriousness, story, artstyle, lateral challenge

>> No.10437940

Ocarina isn't even the best Zelda game on the N64. It's not a bad game but it's wildly overrated.

>> No.10437989

That’s actually how I’ve always felt about Majora. It was a one and done Zelda game for me.

>> No.10438006

I give Majora the edge because I like the original concept and the unique atmosphere. The dungeons actually kind of drag the game down and I wish the entire thing was just doing Groundhog Day stuff but I still love it. Ocarina is just LttP...but in 3D. And it does a very good job of that but personally I'd rather just play LttP again if I wanted that. I also thing TP does OoT better than OoT does but not many people seem to agree with that.

>> No.10438018
File: 81 KB, 456x386, 1693038779338372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, as bad as it is having a gorillion threads (many of which are created by one lone autist by his own admission, see >>10432480), you DON'T want a general, not for a game that attracts this number of obsessed spergs. It works for Doom because they actually play other games similar to it and, while they can be fanatical, they're not spergtastic manchildren the way Zelda fans are. What's going to happen is they're going to become their own little circlejerk cult that will spiral down into repetitive insanity and will at that point pop open like a boil and spread their bullshit everywhere. And I say all this as a Zelda fan whose favorite is OoT.

>> No.10438039

Both are two of the best games ever. There is no reason to make this an either x or y

>> No.10438308
File: 412 KB, 499x516, 1672270943093248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cutting out a trial or test before receiving a sacredd goddess pearl is filler because um...er...well the other zelda games did it too!!!
you get bombs by swining on lantern ropes. You swim around in a circle and shoot at a wall. Its baby shit and YOU are a fucking retard that lead to this series being casual garbage that insults the player's intelligence

>> No.10438360

Wind Waker is also terrible, midwit or not game is still bad.

>> No.10438409
File: 297 KB, 1620x2160, Ganondorf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midwit or not
Well, midwit in your case
>10/10 visuals
>10/10 music
>10/10 atmosphere
>Zelda formula mostly intact, meaning very good adction adventure by default

>> No.10438416

Can you at least quote the actual post and try actually engaging with what the poster said instead of arguing with ghost people, you mongoloid?

>> No.10438419

>doesnt know how to read

>> No.10438430


>> No.10438490

Why do all full-time 4chan shitposters behave like 40-year-old pedophiles who spend too much time in underager Discords?

>> No.10438492

why do mongoloids resort to ad hominem instead of refuting an argument?

>> No.10438601

Strawmanning isn't an argument

>> No.10438742

Underrated? It literally was the best selling Zelda before BOTW.

>> No.10438770

Please put the word zelda in the thread next time so my filter can catch it, thanks

>> No.10440147

I think the magic of Wind Waker's "adventure" disappears when you notice the Giant Octo "boss fights" aren't. They don't have any attacks and are just big targets you have to hit in a time limit. The dramatic music and lightning storm is just smoke and mirrors. Fail to defeat them, this massive beast engulfs you and... you reappear away from it, with a quarter heart of damage. The danger doesn't exist in Wind Waker. It's a parent guiding a child by the hand through an amusement park.

>> No.10440161
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 614ByPP9d7L._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the actual underrated Zelda game. TP is just OOT Re.

>> No.10440224

The early game is kind of shit though. Ordon Village is fine but having to do all of that bullshit as WL sucks ass. I think, overall, WL was one of the worst gimmicks. I still think the art style for this is awesome and the OST is pretty great, and Midna is the best companion

>> No.10440657

The pixel art is fantastic but it's the worst of the 2D Zeldas imo.

>> No.10440691

Is this official? That's awesome and really captures Faron

>> No.10441175

No magic was kind of a bummer and I feel like it could have used a few more items or made better use of existing items. The spinner for example

>> No.10441351

thanks for informing me not to do it ever, you're welcome

>> No.10442051

>The most underrated game in the mainline series.
Is actually the most overrated after OoT

>> No.10442083

t. ALTTP enjoyer

>> No.10442197

>do not refute argument
>do engage in ad hominem
>user claims you did not refute an argument and that you engaged in ad hominem
google the word strawman

>> No.10442338
File: 96 KB, 736x1288, 2fa7537f49680dbcd49486360c4d6be5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all its faults, TP had the best Zelda design for sure and I crushed on her hard as a kid (mostly through seeing her in Smash Bros Brawl, she was barely in the actual game)

>> No.10442352
File: 83 KB, 800x601, zelda CtWwZSJUIAA9bIf.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wore it breast best?

>> No.10442374
File: 130 KB, 800x450, d9q6i3y-4d562f66-59f9-4fc4-9cd5-8322ed6cbcd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like every time they put TP Zelda in a game her boobs are made bigger
Hyrule Warriors definitely has the biggest pair

>> No.10442396
File: 838 KB, 1220x900, 1691534847650167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laid her life down to save ehr people
>hot as fuck
>like goddamn, what a smokeshow
zelda my love

>> No.10442562
File: 563 KB, 2150x2921, mc2ydp3pkqxa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely some of the best design the franchise has ever had
I think the gold metallic elements like the pauldrons are my favorite parts

>> No.10442646

Agree, they really did a god tier design and then made her appear just about 5 minutes in the entire game, sad.

>> No.10442830 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.70 MB, 1280x720, cannon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder this is canon

>> No.10442892
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>> No.10442904
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>> No.10442930

Damn I gotta get on Hyrule warriors. It’s just been sitting in my collection for the past 2-3 years

>> No.10442952

One of the best artists of this style is Frank Frazetta. He's the most famous one. I think that the american Genesis cover art were mostly based on this style, but it's all wrong, since the anatomy was all fucked up. I've never liked it, japanese Sonic was so much superior that even as a kid I was aware of that. The worst offender is Alisia Dragon.

>> No.10442959

I meant, I've never liked the american Genesis cover art, Frank Frazetta is great.

>> No.10443759
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, terminafield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just takes an annoying while to unlock stuff (unlses you just get a savegame) but yeah it's a lot of fun to try out every character for some time. It basically has infinite content too

>> No.10443763

It's the best game in the series.

>> No.10443974

It's an entire game of "they did the thing and I noticed and I clapped" so depending on your own personal level of interest in the Zelda series overall you might get more out of it.

>> No.10444639
File: 134 KB, 1000x563, Cia official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's worth it for she (until she takes off the mask)

>> No.10444695

is that OG or original? I have it on Wii U

>> No.10444735

TP has too much filler, but WW has too little meat. I know which I prefer.

>> No.10445054

Sex with midna!

>> No.10445458


>> No.10446536

>white hair
>pixie cut
She is one of the rare few where the mask getting removed doesn't ruin the character.

>> No.10446539

>5 hr tutorial
>bug hunting
>wolf sections
>Terrible pacing
>Ganondorf was behind it all!
>Just as easy as Wind Waker
>Dull ugly version of OoT
>Terrible Anime story
>Useless items
>Dungeons are glorified set pieces
>Overworld is somehow worse than the N64 games.
worst 3d zelda

>> No.10446540

It's the Switch version (you can tell because of the character switching icons on the left). However, the Wii U version did get two character DLC packs for the 3DS ports added characters and their weapons.

>> No.10446601

So that’s where Lon Lon Milk comes from!

>> No.10446610

Fucking shit, and it's the first game I played where I realized the magic of video games was gone for me.

>> No.10446614

>series staple villain ends up being the final boss
woah, no way
>Dungeons are glorified set pieces
what does this even mean?

>> No.10446617

Damn that sucks. Time to move on from the video game boards anon. Out you go

>> No.10446981

>what does this even mean?
There is a guy samefagging and sperging about Zelda all day. His mind is numbed and eroded by the ghosts of his teenage console war past so he's unable to grasp that there simply isn't anything like Zelda or a comparable game doing it better, so he's cursed to waste day after day yelling at clouds and posting text walls. It's kinda funny because he deserves it

>> No.10447042

if it takes you five hours to enter the forest temple then you're worse at video games than a kid

>> No.10447108

started playing it a few weeks ago but gave up after the 3 dungeon or so. it felt so linear and on rails. overworld was huge but felt mostly empty just like in ww. there is a reason I never replayed that zelda in the last 20 or so years.

>> No.10447340

See >>10447108

>> No.10447983
File: 93 KB, 537x785, 1212559-6f9aebc5fb-00000001 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's your Twilight Princess concept artist bro

>> No.10447985

What's that...

>> No.10447994

A 4-act yaoi kemonomimi x bestiality h-manga by one of the concept artists for TP.
Give a read.

>> No.10448004
File: 27 KB, 512x512, 2qjdcbqaaaaabliq7vyl7cupcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yaoi kemonomimi x bestiality h-manga
oh boy, Nintendo really needed some creative jap coomers to win back "hardcore" Zelda.

>> No.10448007
File: 54 KB, 475x356, 30a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 4-act yaoi kemonomimi x bestiality h-manga
>by one of the concept artists for TP

>> No.10448016

No wonder Twilight Princess felt like it was made for women.

>> No.10448027

zeldafag please go

>> No.10448045

any Zelda that was released before BoTW is heavily underrated and a masterpiece compared to that piece of shit. this shouldn't be a controversial opinion but it is. thats how badly hijacked the series has become now.

>> No.10448061

It's literally the two women behind all the Zelda manga adaptations.

>> No.10448147

Yup, im thinking Mega Man Legends is shit

>> No.10448171

A general already exists and it's currently in hiatus phase again.
What the fuck are you guys talking about?

>> No.10448725

>>Just as easy as Wind Waker
I'd argue it's even easier. At least Wind Waker has the foresight you throw mobs of enemies at you. Not only is Twilight Princess Enemy AI really fucking stupid, not only do they not throw mobs at you until Hyrule Castle, but the game gives you a million items PLUS tons of Advanced Maneuvers that 99% of enemies can't do shit about.

>> No.10448730

Not to be a hyperbolic shitposter but this unironically also happened to me. This was the game to teach me to stop preordering and stop falling for hype cycles. A lesson well learned

>> No.10448732

Its the same shit

>> No.10448734
File: 143 KB, 850x779, __link_princess_zelda_midna_and_midna_the_legend_of_zelda_and_1_more_drawn_by_ninto__sample-72e5473d07187d677e59d27d0f6fcc67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two horny women gave us loli Midna
So based....

>> No.10448772

Isn't that literally one of Squall's limit breaks?

>> No.10448776

If I took that off would she die?

>> No.10448820
File: 954 KB, 1220x900, 1674293551170995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more combat options BAD
reminder that WW doesnt have this at all and you get to just sit there and wait until the mook you just combo'd gets back on his feet and dusts himself off

>> No.10449620

Great game and top 10 in its genre but the worst 3D Zelda together with Zelda SS

>> No.10449743

>traditional formula

Zelda started as an open-world game with ZERO puzzles.

Linear shit like in your pic is trash that betrayed the series' roots.

The only traditional Zelda games from this century are BOTW and TOTK.

>> No.10449750

The original.

>> No.10449753

Wii Sports is actually fun. WW and TP are shit.

No one played Resort.

>> No.10450383

What about BotW shrines? Most of them are some sort of puzzle.

>> No.10450469
File: 2.09 MB, 2016x1512, A_stranger_for_imp_Midna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shame since I like it for having a creepy/spooky mood that is reminiscent of the very first game which is my favorite. I can still enjoy the game even when I prefer others in the series, it is still a pretty good game. Also, Midna just puts the game over for me.

>> No.10450523


>> No.10450601


>> No.10450604

no, not at all
considering you need to riddle out how to get past grumble grumble, and you need to stumble upon another half of a dungeon for an item to beat the final boss

>> No.10450643

The part of the game that everyone dislikes and agrees you could remove completely and nobody would miss?

>> No.10451423

It has very good combat.
It can be short if you want it to be, but it has lots of stuff to do if you want to 100% it.
The items are unique and fun, and you can use them anywhere (not just in their dungeons).

It's a good game, I'd recommend it to anyone.

>> No.10451869

>>more combat options BAD
Yes if you're enemies can't react to any of it. You're just overpowered

>> No.10451871

>Everyone puts the first two on a pedestal
Zelda 2 is incredibly controversial. You do know that Zelda didn't start on the N64, don't you, zoomer?

>> No.10451898

Most actual gamers who got a Wii because it was the next Nintendo console viewed Wii Sports as an amusing novelty, maybe something they could get their non-gamer friends to play at a social event. If anything it ultimately became symbolic of the pure wagglin' game disease that befell the console when devs realized it was easier and more profitable to treat the bulk of their Wii output as endcap and bargain bin toys meant to capitalize on the five year olds' slumber party, nursing home, middle aged mom's distraction and weight loss markets. That is until COVID, when people were suddenly overcome with nostalgia for that particular period of time and era of in-person casual social gaming, and prices and renewed interest in Wii Sports spiked.

>> No.10451931

TotK=BotW>WW>OoT>LttP >>> MM>TLoZ >>> SS>2>TP
I genuinely think Zelda 2 is better than TP, that's how much I hate TP. God it sucks, bland looking linear piece of shit game. At least SS looks nice and the sky area is a bit fun to explore. TP is boring even when it opens up because it's still so formulaic. At least 2 keeps surprising you with weird shit as you explore
Granted I might be biased for WW because I started with it, but having replayed it recently I still love it so I stand by it

>> No.10451982

I obviously meant 3D games, the mainline ones.

>> No.10451995

Mainline != 3D. Mainline means the ones that were released for console as opposed to handheld. The NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii, Wii U, and Switch Zelda games are mainline.
You're too young to appreciate retro.

>> No.10453286

>Zelda started as an open-world game with ZERO puzzles.

>> No.10454295

blah blah you know what I meant, words

>> No.10454506

>Really goes to show what an amazing and ambivalent series this is when people can absolutely love one game but hate the other
This is very true. People calling Zelda games rehashes are mental

>> No.10454535

and how is that a bad thing?

>> No.10454570

imagine a version of skyward sword that wasn't lobotomized for the wii, would've easily been the best 3d zelda

>> No.10454583

>Great dungeons
>Shit-tier overworld
It deserves its mid status

>> No.10454805

I thought Link's animation were okay, but you're right about the faces. They reach a level of ugliness that I don't think n64 graphics could achieve.
I don't like the wolfshit either. I don't play Zelda to be a wolf

>> No.10454835

She dies pretty soon after getting unmasked.

>> No.10455513
File: 97 KB, 860x1147, twilight_princess__beth_by_crystleicefire_d5mknoy-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even as a thirteen year old I was wondering why they designed this character as though she gives blowjobs in underground carparks for a hit of crack. And she's not even close to the worst designed character in this game. What the fuck, Nintendo?

>> No.10455526

Are you seriously asking how is it a bad thing to have all the options in the world to run circles around your enemies while they can't do a damn thing about it? It's like asking why giving yourself cheat codes. A functional game is entirely about obstacles, if there's no obstacles there's no game. At that point might as well use cheat codes.

>> No.10455542

I wish I never sold my fucking copy

>> No.10455551

> She dies
You didn't beat the back half of the story mode.

>> No.10455605

I mean it's understandable because that addition was from the 3DS port. Wii U exclusively ends it the way they described.

>> No.10455827

Shit, he never even got to fight Ganon, that sucks.

>> No.10455969

wait until you play Shinobi or mario 3

>> No.10455997

Just like OOT.

I loved it as a kid but I think it's unbearably slow now.

>> No.10456049

Nah it ends after Ganon's defeat. Cia's missions are DLC, and the Wind Waker stuff (where she comes back) and Linkle's stuff were all new story mode added with Legends.