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10431809 No.10431809 [Reply] [Original]

It's likely an overlooked part of what makes OoT so great. It allows it to tie up more puerile and trifling themes with those of increasing derogatoriness surrounding adulthood: Sneaking into places without any consequences or trading cute masks, which is the equivalent of teaching your child how money works with a lemonade stand, becomes getting killed or thrown in jail if caught and getting someone deathly ill their medicine just to find it's already too late. It's an enormous range and "immersion enhancer" that not only makes what you experience and how characters engage with you more appropriate but probably played an overlooked role in how the whole game was put together

A lot of games took note of a lot of factors that made this Zelda so popular, but I'm hard-pressed to think of another game that does this

>> No.10431810

To be fair, it's probably hard to do this after OoT without being deemed derivative

>> No.10431818

That's why it's my fav. I love WW and TP but Ocarina is two birds with one stone and just feels like a grander game

>> No.10431820

How is trading masks the equivalent of exchanging money for a product?

>> No.10431821

This is one of the many things the game handles in a very specific way which allows it to stand above everything else, but which at the same time is so idiosyncratic to it that it wouldn't make much sense for other games to copy it. Similar to this are things like:

- The day night cycle and how time works differently in different areas
- The way you use your instrument and how this allows both specific music associated with areas/events to affect gameplay and allows things like location specific warp music
- The way the camera works, including details like how certain areas have locked perspectives that you might also be able to switch between

All these things contribute strongly towards the game's identity, and other games that don't do things like this will struggle to be as good, but at the same time none of these aspects could be easily cloned into anything else.

>> No.10431827

not quite retro but it was cool in fallout 3. in new vegas you start as some random fuck and are supposed to care

>> No.10431830

>exchanging money for a product?
that's what you do. you don't really trade masks iirc

>> No.10431832

Oh. OP is retarded then.

>> No.10431834

This is true.
At least they didn't patent it like they did with a bunch of the BotW gameplay, including features they didn't pioneer.

>> No.10431837

What did Nintendo patent with BotW?

>> No.10431838

They copied that from Dragon Quest, like the day&night cycle

not retro

>> No.10431839

Which Dragon Quest?

>> No.10431842
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The best Dragon Quest

>> No.10431845

Not really the same thing as time travel to be fair.

>> No.10431850

>it's impossible for two entities to come up with something as mundane as the time passing and growing up
Also this

>> No.10431857
File: 60 KB, 698x560, botw2-patent2.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They patented the rewind feature. Yes the thing that was in several games before such as Prince of Persia

>> No.10431862

What's impossible is for a Japanese dev to be unaware that one of the most popular and best selling adventure game ever made features a growing up protagonist, especially when it was released on one of their systems.

if it was that mundane it would have been in many more games and OP wouldn't even have needed to make this thread.

You sound like one of those OoT fanboys who claim every little thing about the game was "innovative" and then when presented with proof of the contrary, going all "oh no this doesn't count!!"

see also >>10431857

>> No.10431865

Link doesn’t really 'grow up'. He just time travels.

>> No.10431869

>Link doesn’t really 'grow up'. He just time travels.

It's literally the same thing as in DQ5: there is a deus ex machine story excuse that puts the protagonist in stasis for a number of years

>> No.10431871

That doesn’t really sound like the same thing.

>> No.10431876
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You do both. Some NPCs give you more money and others hardly enough to break even. All the dialogues make it feel like a cute way of showing that you have to be patient and sometimes invest something first. The bean seller does something similar. When you first meet him, he remarks that his beans aren't selling well and they're very cheap. If you keep buying more, he keeps coming up with reasons for more and more exorbitant prices

>> No.10431880

surprised they didn't patent z-targeting. or maybe they did? now that i think about it no other games has targeting that works EXACTLY like in zelda. souls is probably the closest

>> No.10431881

Breath of Fire 3

>> No.10431887

>presented with proof of the contrary
But you don't have any proof. And this thread doesn't even seem to be about whether OoT did x first. Not everything is a war

>> No.10431895

pic is a girl I am disappoint

>> No.10431902

i miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.10431906

The only thing I don't like is this hybrid shit Nintendo is doing now. I just wanted one more Zelda with an older Link before I die

>> No.10431912

>without being deemed derivative
Only if it involves switching between young and old (or less young).

>> No.10432008

>deus ex machina excuse that puts the protagonist in stasis for a number of years
>doesn't really sound like the same thing
That's the entire premise of OoT, 1:1.

>> No.10432018

Are you fucking retarded. Not only are you wrong about the courier just being sone nobody, but fo1 is just a random person chosen to go on a suicide mission, same with fo2(chosen one is a euphemism for “we don’t care if you die”). Why are you like this?

>> No.10432027

>games where you grow up
How about you try that in real life, tendie

>> No.10432029 [DELETED] 

You just pulled the exact “ohh that doesn’t count” bullshit excuse. Read the OP title. You’re just flat out wrong, but you nintendrones are so fucking full of yourselves and egotistical you won’t ever admit to being wrong about oot. It’s like your god, your dogma, you’re all insane.

>> No.10432030

You just pulled the exact “ohh that doesn’t count” bullshit excuse. Read the OP title. You’re just flat out wrong, but you nintendrones are so fucking full of yourselves and egotistical you won’t ever admit to being wrong about oot. It’s like your god, your dogma, you’re all insane

>> No.10432045

>step into thread
>see guy use the word "nintendrones"
Already found the schizo!

>> No.10432049

>they copied that from Dragon Quest, like the day&night cycle
In the late 1980s I began learning GFA Basic and I wrote the beginnings of a simple 2D tiled RPG engine, copying Ultima III's graphics pixel by pixel via graph paper to use as a basis. But I wasn't satisfied with that, so I used palette swapping techniques to create not only a day/night cycle (the green foliage progressing through stages to red for sunset and dark blue for night), but a seasonal cycle, with the tiles capable of turning autumn or snow-colored. And as if that wasn't enough I added rain/snow precipitation effects.

Every game developer in the world owes me royalties for coming up with the dynamic day/night/weather cycle in computer gaming (and I owe Richard Garriott).

>> No.10432098

start of new vegas feels more like you're taking on the role of an established character than in 3 where you're literally a baby. the intro video even makes it feel like the courier might know about the package or has history with benny and some syndicate

>> No.10432143
File: 79 KB, 768x1200, Valkyrie No Bouken Toki No Kagi Densetsu (Valkyrie's Adventure - Legend of the Time Key).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp, but even if it was true 1) nobody played your game except your mom so nobody copied ideas from you and 2) Valkyrie no Bouken did it before you. Game which most likely influenced DQ3 for its day&cycle, except DQ3 went above and beyond with the feature, and then the way it's done in OoT is exactly like DQ3.

>> No.10432146

>nobody played your game
Of course nobody played it. I wasn't in highschool yet. I was too young to know how to publish a game, and it was just the beginnings of an engine. I didn't become a professional developer until many years later.

>> No.10432151
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NiGHTS Into Dreams, sort of. You barely get to play as the kids though

>> No.10432156


>> No.10432284

Explain to the folks at home what you seem to think 'stasis' means.

>> No.10432290

zelda is a girl, tranny, gtfo

>> No.10432319
File: 80 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, nobody's going to mention BoF3?
>fucked up past, people want you dead and you didn't even do anything wrong.
>rough childhood where you fall into criminality just to survive
>anime happens
>become so badass when you transform into your true form you throw your sword to the side like you never fucking needed it
>kill god
yup, i'm thinking it's a great game.

>> No.10432326

Are these games good if I’m not much of a JRPG fan, and by that I mean easy to finish without much grinding through random encounters? The graphics have always looked nice but it seems like BoF was always that other JRPG franchise that didn’t get as much attention.

>> No.10432347

i generally dislike rpgs, but i count this among my favorites along with xenogears and chrono trigger. shrug

>grinding through random encounters
not necessary, but you'll want to acquire certain skills, SOME OF WHICH CAN BE TOTALLY MISSED if you want to give yourself an advantage. the game becomes quite difficult without these skills, so you'll need an edge. the skills are learned from enemies and 'masters' throughout the game. some characters are ideal for certain masters, some aren't. the cool thing is you do have some choice at least with the main char, whether you want to be more of a magic user or a physical attack guy. there might be some options for other characters, but i haven't really fucked around with them to that extent.

the game does have random encounters though which can be annoying. more annoying however is the minigames. if you play on an emulator, you'll want to make liberal use of savestates for certain, required minigames. i don't consider this cheating because some of the minigames are utter, half-baked bullshit. they're few and far between though. it doesn't detract from it being a great jrpg.

>> No.10432358

Sounds good. I’ll give it a try on my Vita.

>> No.10432362

In Ocarina it’s more of a mechanic than a plot point since Link can go into the temple to age or de-age himself at will.

>> No.10432364

Nintendo fans are somehow able to take the worst aspects of the Apple, Marvel, Sonic, and MLP fanbase and proudly combine them.

>> No.10432367

Damn, and Forza was known for rewind, it's the core mechanic of the franchise. And yet even MS weren't enough of a scumbag to patent it. So what, MS can't use rewind in Forza anymore or something?

>> No.10432376

I think it would have to a pretty specific mechanic rather than just a general rewind feature. I actually don’t even recall being able to rewind time in BotW.

>> No.10432391

>Are these games good if I’m not much of a JRPG fan
I dropped BoF3 when I reached that town because the camera was just inexcusably bad. You have to turn it the whole time to see where you're going and it's very slow and clunky. Then your typical random encounters and turn-based combat

Could be great if you can stomach these things, though

>> No.10432397

I didn’t even realize it had camera controls. I thought these were typical top down 2D JRPGs.

>> No.10432415

i definitely won't defend the camera in this game because sometimes it seems like they used it as a crutch for making an otherwise isometric game plainly readable. however, i would say it leads to some interesting situations where it's like "yes, but did you peek behind thiiiiis wall?" i feel like the game rewards you for not making too many assumptions about the environment.

>> No.10432420

But V does have time travel too. You even go and meet your younger self at one point.

>> No.10432423

Zelda OOT copied it from Dragon Quest V, a game where your grownup character gets married with a woman he meet for the first time when they were both kids, have children, solves the problems he couldn't solve as a child, finish his father's quest... although there might be even older examples.
Zelda OOT is also way too simplistic and derivative in terms of characters, plot and worldbuilding to make the concept reallly work.

>> No.10432428

I think the main difference is this >>10432376. The first time you pull the Master Sword from the stone is a big story moment but after that you can go back and forth between kid and teen Link whenever.

>> No.10432435

Oops, wrong post. I meant this >>10432362

>> No.10432449

In Fable you grow from a boy into a young hero during the prolonged intro and tutorial sections.

>> No.10432461

>Zelda OOT is also way too simplistic and derivative in terms of characters, plot and worldbuilding to make the concept reallly work.

I think that’s more due to the limitations of the N64 cartridge format. I agree it would be cooler if the future version of Hyrule was more changed.

>> No.10432617
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>> No.10433045

finish the game then nigger it sounds fun

>> No.10433062

farty stinko

>> No.10433094

Yeah, britbong briefs would have sufficed as far as the PC's comedic ass is concerned. Never played the sequels though and the remake looks fucking terrible. Don't think I am missing out on much considering they apparently made new games even easier and never upped the Jack of Blades as the villain.

>> No.10434361

Stuff like this always reminds me of what Miyazaki said about refinement, elegance and dignity

>> No.10434406

Not retro, but Nier Replicant does this trope as it's basically an Ocarina of Time for adults. You start as a naïve and idealistic boy first, then halfway through there's a big traumatic event, a time skip and you play as a cynical adult who's also much stronger physically and can wield more weapon types etc.

>> No.10434549
File: 19 KB, 496x319, nier-remasted-protagonist-world-nier-replicant-wiki-guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for adults
Yeah, as soon as I became an adult, I mmediately began to crave a protag who makes Raiden look manly, a literal tranny companion, an anime sob story, a washed-out world that feels the same everywhere and casualized DMC combat in lieu of puzzle solving. Common rite of passage

>> No.10434624

What a weird thing to complain about in a LoZ thread. Nier is much more manly than fucking Link lmao

>> No.10435035

damn, all the games that do this are 10/10 bangers

>> No.10435304
File: 124 KB, 1000x650, The.Last.Story.full.789207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC you don't control a kid at any point but TLS really captures growing into your role and responsibility and becoming someone

>> No.10435529
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>it would be cooler if the future version of Hyrule was more changed.

>> No.10435539
File: 51 KB, 256x329, Fablebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you wish

>> No.10435671

Kaine isn't a "tranny", she's a female replicant with a male gestalt. Do you know what that means? Have you played the game?
lmao LMAO! Fuck off.

>> No.10435913

she's a hermaphrodite and has a bulge wearing a mini dress. i like the game but it's obviously pervy gay jap shit and pandering to the lowest common demoniator

>> No.10437336

>pervy gay jap shit
American prude detected

>> No.10437442
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>> No.10437818

>copied it from Dragon Quest V,
No it did not, you fucking retarded cum guzzling faggot. The purpose of adult link in OoT was for purely gameplay purposes, not pointless and trivial garbage like plot, world building or characters you worthless piece of shit. DQV is one of the most unimaginative, boring games ever conceived.

>> No.10438056

That's actually really the coolest thing about Ocarina, how it uses story devices for gameplay devices at the same time, like time travel and even music

>> No.10438236

Does Link really run around Hyrule dressed like this?

>> No.10438247

Mother 3

>> No.10438328

>Nier is 10/10
Not even Tarofags say that

>> No.10438681

Based TLS poster

>> No.10438689

final fantasy 1
>but it doesn't effect the world only your magic and stuff gameplay-wise

>> No.10440662

Looks like they patented the exact way it works in BotW, anon

>> No.10441442

I hate how III got that beautiful SNES remaster while V looks like shit

>> No.10441460

V. The story goes through the protagonist's life from birth to adulthood.

>> No.10441986 [DELETED] 

I love that this has an epilogue. Almost no game has a proper epilogue

>> No.10442451

God I want to impregnate that cute femboy Link bussy.

>> No.10442824

Damn, this actually is an aspect that makes it so good

>> No.10442987

People are overthinking why this series is so beloved. Everyone loves medieval and anime, it ocmbines both in a way other games don't + its own weirdness + solid game design

>> No.10443498

The idea that the phrase "it copied Dragon Quest" sends these guys into these fucking meltdowns is hilarious. It's the most popular and culturally relevant RPG series Japan ever saw and a series key Zelda devs grew up playing. The fucking devs themselves would happily tell you they copied Dragon Quest and feel no shame whatsoever because everyone did, it was influencial for a reason, but the autists on here just won't have it.

>> No.10443503

You can't impregnate an asshole, anon.

>> No.10443767
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But I can try

>> No.10443776

>Everyone loves medieval and anime
I don't, and I still like Zelda. Gameplay is good.

>> No.10444643
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>everyone likes anime

>> No.10445564

Nights is a diddler

>> No.10447324
File: 81 KB, 640x476, awl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are the only one aging in the game
>older than your own mother at one point
Speaking of which, Harvest Moon AWL. Also one of the Sims games

>> No.10447760

looked up the cosplayer. She has a lot of things that indicates that she's les

>> No.10447830

Because everyone else is a scrub who does nothing while you are powerleveling (which translates to getting old as fuck unless you throw sacrifices/donations at the temples to reverse the aging). You can fight the giga nigger Thunder in the base game's sidequest to marry Lady Grey and then re-fight him in the expansion and the loser hasn't powerleveled even one bit in the meantime.

>> No.10449657

Not quite retro but Tales of Graces. Good game besides the obligatory garbage endgame dungeons