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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 56 KB, 510x587, myst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10429665 No.10429665 [Reply] [Original]

Posted without comment

>> No.10429713

Boring and overrated

>> No.10429745

Oh hey, it's that game that collected dust on actual boomer's shelves because they hated games but bought it to justify spending hundreds on that shiny new cdrom drive

>> No.10429779

Myst was often bundled with new CD-ROM drives.

>> No.10429810

Myst is the perfect game for the midwit bell curve meme.
>Low IQ: "Haha, pretty!"
>Mid IQ: "Slow, boring, not jokes like Lucasarts (which I played with a walkthrough)"
>High IQ: "Finally, an adventure game with cause-and-effect in the puzzles."

This was exaggerated even more with Riven.

>> No.10429823

It came free with a printer for me. Honestly, everyone seemed to have this game yet I don't recall a single person actually paying for it. No-one completed it or really got very far into it either. I actually kind of enjoyed it desu

>> No.10429829

More like, we don't have any software developers. How far can we push hypercard?

>> No.10429836

I absolutely loved it. It and Riven ruined adventure games for me. It felt like an actual change from text adventures or graphical adventures, jettisoning the flaws along the way.

>> No.10430206

I got stuck for two hours, will try again

>> No.10430242

Is this game still worth playing if you kind of dig point and clicks?

>> No.10430284

I always wanted to try it but felt I'd enjoy it more walking around than point 'n click. Did get to play a version of it later and liked it, though I never finished it. That underground maze is just insanity.

>> No.10430594

>sells millions
>everyone filtered by the island
>still pleased because "lol, nice looking island"
Most successful pleb filter ever.

>> No.10430706

I remember playing it as a kid and getting stuck on some puzzle. Looked up a walkthrough and it said "the lever is a red herring", being a dumb kid I was looking for a red fish but couldn't find it anywhere.

>> No.10430815

>"Finally, an adventure game with cause-and-effect in the puzzles."

It's ironic you would describe that, since only a Low IQ person who's never played adventure games would describe an intelligent person as saying that.

>> No.10430845
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But I'm high IQ and I say th... wait a minute

>> No.10430851

Never played Zork I take it? Or any other Adventure game made before 1993?

>> No.10430853
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Am I the only one that was legitimately expecting to run into someone or something at some point in the game? I thought that one place that had like a village in the trees was going too have some Ewok type things walking around.

>> No.10430857

thanks for spoiling it for me asshat

>> No.10430885

They wouldn't including movie people until Riven, which is much better.

>> No.10430905

Oh dude seriously? Shit came out like 30 years ago.

>> No.10430909

>What the fuck do you mean Darth Vader is Lukes father? ASSHOLE, THANKS FOR THE SPOILER!

You're one of those people now.

>> No.10430921

Yeah and like 5 people actually played it. Gangly mayonnaise faggot.

And you’re not even a person

>> No.10430932

Nobody cares what you think bruh

>> No.10430941

You obviously do or you wouldn’t reply. ca t think of anything else to say to be a piece of shit human. I was just upset about getting Myst spoiled and then you all just start attacking me like hyenas attacking a baby elephant.

>> No.10430948

>Gangly mayonnaise faggot

Why is everyone in /vr/ so mean? I'm talking like meaner than any other board on this website. You would think this would be the nostalgia capitol of 4chan, but instead it's just everyone being really nasty to each other. fuck man, I just want to talk about old games.

>> No.10430952

Well I didn’t want to get myst spoiled then get bombarded by pudge garglers spewing silicon cum

>> No.10430971

I mainly remember it being a VERY popular game at the library. I would often stop by for Nintendo Power and Animorphs and kids would usually be playing it.

One time I walked in and started watching some kids playing just as they were getting to the end of the game. Nobody ever got that far into the game, so it was my first time seeing people play it who actually seemed to know what they were doing. I assume they'd been sitting there chipping away at it for hours. They finally found the last blue page, put it in the book and...

>> No.10430982
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>get bombarded by pudge garglers spewing silicon cum
As shitty as it is that you got spoiled. Your insult game is on point.

>> No.10431035

>get myst spoiled
>pudge gargler

Aw man I didn't mean to spoil it for you. I'm actually wrong to some extent, because you DO actually run into someone and I won't spoil that for you.

Also, what's a "pudge gargler"?

>> No.10431063

I guess it’s ok, thanks anon.

It’s alright, I just don’t understand why I got double niggered for having a game spoiled. It was uncalled for

>> No.10431067

>Also, what's a "pudge gargler"?
I just make up shit on the spot all the time. What do you want it to mean?

>> No.10431097

Played it and Return to Zork with my brother, I think we also got them in some free bundle. I never played many other "FMV" (I think they were 99% still images at that point) games so they weren't habit forming freebies, but they had appeal.

>> No.10431119

I've just never heard it before. Thought it was some new lingo. Hey I think they made a newer version of Myst AND Riven where there's a bunch of new stuff; maybe check those out? I'll admit Riven was too difficult for me when I tried to play it back in the 90s. I guess that makes me a low IQ pudge gargling fuckhead eh? In all seriousness, I do recall someone I met at work telling me they were good.

>> No.10431228

Absolutely, I did my first playthrough this year.
Downloaded the masterpiece edition. Don't get the Unity remake, its soulless.

>> No.10431247 [DELETED] 

>You obviously do or you wouldn’t reply.
That's a cope that I've seen said too many times. I replied to make fun of you. You're a joke is what I'm saying. If I actually cared what you thought I'd be offended instead of laughing at you RN.

>> No.10431273
File: 512 KB, 997x887, 5yjw45yw45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The over-whelming majority of people on /vr/ are developmentally stunted manchildren still clinging to children's toys, and children's behavior, only interested in retro games to play what they played as children, instead of being interested in the history, development, origins, or just plain fun of older games.

Thus, whenever you challenge them or even faintly give the aura of mockery, they flip the switch into defensive-mode, and attack using said developmentally-stunted child-like behavior.

Mix all of that together with the fact you're on an anonymous image-board, 4chan of all places, and what do you expect?

>> No.10431278


>> No.10431296

>You obviously do or you wouldn’t reply.
That's a cope that I've seen said too many times. I replied to make fun of you. You're a joke is what I'm saying. If I actually cared what you thought I'd be offended instead of laughing at you RN.

No normally functioning adult spazzes out because video game plot was spoiled for them. Or anything for that matter.

>> No.10431305

Wow, cool island.

>> No.10431338

It's so sad. I'm trying to play n64 games on my work laptop with a ps4 controller but I just can't seem to make it work...but I wouldn't dare ask for advice on the matter here because I would just be called something. Like this place should literally be THE place to talk about stuff like that, but whenever I'm here there's always this fear I have that I'm going to be bullied and even banned or whatever.

>> No.10431405
File: 523 KB, 1080x2340, pierre-roussel-n64-phone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but whenever I'm here there's always this fear I have that I'm going to be bullied and even banned or whatever.

I'm not even trying to mock you here, but good lord man, grow some thicker skin. getting banned on 4chan is next to impossible and even if you do its (99/100 times) temporary and easily evaded if not.

that said, what emulator are you using? the last n64 emulator I dicked around with was Project64 (watch some faggot reeee at me for that) and it worked well enough for me. are you mapping the buttons out correctly? how's it not working?

>> No.10431430

I got into like the third world/level thing where there were wooden planks across some swamp type area with valves and realized I didn't give a shit anymore and gave up

>> No.10431436

>getting banned on 4chan is next to impossible
I've been banned multiple times in the last 3 weeks because of the retarded jannies for extremely petty and stupid reasons. In fact, I'll probably get banned by some fat lard-ass retarded jannie seeing this post and getting upset I complained about it.

>> No.10431446

this game scared me as a kid. Something about the ambiance and those book people

>> No.10431579

Kek. I miss being a dumbass kid. Now I’m a dumbass adult.

>> No.10431606

>the game is 30 years old
>ok faggot
>"w-why is everyone pouncing on poor widdle me? i am like a little dikdik getting reamed by a pack of sabertooth tigers!"

>> No.10431615

>Well I didn’t want to get myst spoiled
Then you should have played it 25 years ago.

>> No.10431624

It wasn't even a fucking spoiler, dude just said that it's weird there's no other characters in the game, it was clear to me 5 minutes in that that would be the case.

>> No.10431631
File: 3.25 MB, 692x296, 1696475238565508.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get banned together

>> No.10431635


>> No.10431638

Nah, dude deserved it. Quit trying to wax poetic about being a redditor, faggot.

>> No.10431645

>dude deserved it
Which dude

>> No.10431651

Nah, y’all were ganging up on me because I was annoyed the game got spoiled, I’m not going to get ganged up on and just take it without retaliation. I know you just bend over and take it up the ass like a docile little femmeboi, I don’t. Simple as.

>> No.10431656

The one that replied to me with a dildo attitude because I was annoyed that a game got spoiled for me. Why do you even give a shit?

>> No.10431661

>ps4 controller
I just CANNOT get it to work. I've watched the youtube videos and installed the plugins and it STILL doesn't work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.10431671


you're such a crybaby faggot holy shit

someone mentioned a detail about the game and you start sperging out and talking shit about everyone and when they say literally anything back you start crying about you are being ganged up on when you started the gay antagonistic faggotry and threw it at everyone in the thread.
you want to be the cool tough insult guy but shrivel into a whiny defenseless baby so easily

>> No.10431675
File: 2.15 MB, 320x240, a64.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not trying to seem like a tough guy after acting like a mentally ill tranny

>> No.10431680

See this fucking chuckle cuck, just part of the 4chan hive mind. He literally can’t help himself but to saltpost because I’m defending myself from retards, such as himself. Yeah i was annoyed because the game got spoiled, then simpletons such as yourself tried to attack me. I fought back. now you’re the one who sounds like a crybaby little bitch. What’s the point in replying to me if it’s such a non issue to you?

>> No.10431685


>> No.10431776

what have earth have you dorks done to the myst thread

>> No.10431798

Lmao you thin skinned dumb faggot, it wasn't even a fucking spoiler. Imagine crying about an imagined insult on an anonymous image board for 12 hours. Holy shit.

>> No.10431824

Is this a bit or is the tourism really that bad this year?

>> No.10432074

It's pretty bad with the tourist faggots spoiling shit for everyone.

>> No.10432184

Riven is one of the best games ever made.

>> No.10432754
File: 256 KB, 800x1150, 1696827324474020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433210

Playing through Riven with a notepad and taking down info and designs was honestly the best experience I ever had with games.
That the entire game is basically just gearing you up to solve one puzzle is mind blowing.

>> No.10433450

The game exists entirely on communicative design. It's like one big puzzle that you slowly unravel through exploration.

>> No.10433584

Until you realize your dad is trapped in the book and it's over.

>> No.10433794
File: 16 KB, 662x85, soulless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10434174

Except boomers didn't play it, mostly millenials did. That's a 30+ year difference. I know words aren't your best subject though

People played it because it looked great and was one of the firsts to look that nice on a pc

>> No.10434192

What is the most beautiful Myst game?

>> No.10434206

I know zero mellenials who played myst or riven. It was definitely a game I saw on boomer shelf’s.

>> No.10434207

I stopped reading the thread because it went to hell, but I love Myst. It's a wonderful series for giving the sense of exploring a dead civilization.

>> No.10434339

watch the run button lps. believe it or not they made watching other people play a point and click game comfy and entertaining

>> No.10434492

It was absolutely boomers playing Myst. Were you even alive in the 90's?

>> No.10434694

Funny how your image can also be used to describe Hexen 1

>> No.10436381

What's better, Myst or realMyst?

>> No.10436423

Fucking zoomers i swear.

>> No.10436495

Excellent point. I was a kid then and I remember the school librarians talking about Myst and recommending it to the kids.

I think I prefer the original, but realMyst has some additional content. The 2021 remake of Myst is the best of them all.

>> No.10436693

Myst and Myst masterpiece are pretty good
realMyst (2000) is pretty neat, but changes aesthetic a bit
realMyst Masterpiece is ok, but the changes to aesthetic are very questionable
2021 remake of Myst is most current, has better aesthetic, but a lot of the design was changed because VR

>> No.10437643

99% of the difficulty of myst isn't the puzzles but figuring out where the fuck you are, shit is, and what it had any affect on. Random sound switch... good luck finding out what the fuck that does and the weird ass angles for moving around.

This is demonstrably true by simply playing the real time versions where you know where you are and noise/light/motion etc... are relative to where you are and the puzzles are dirt easy themselves.

It's basically just convoluted as fuck not a good puzzle game.

>> No.10437695

Shit got ported to every thing with a CPU

>> No.10438084

>what is logical abstraction
how can zoomers be this retarded

>> No.10440586
File: 126 KB, 789x762, 1700729170825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind, the lead guy just trooned the fuck out and looks like a murderer with the fashion sense of an 8 year old girl because it isn't a fetish