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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10428878 No.10428878 [Reply] [Original]

Contra bros, I've recently played pic rel and I have to admit it is simply the best contra, no contest. You can be a dog in it, and fight Noiman in the virtual zone. It's just too cool.

>> No.10428917

Aren't all Contras ugly repetitive garbage? Sure, some bosses are nice but you can find the same boss mechanics in Goemon and other Konami games. I don't get the appeal. At least Metal Slug has charm

>> No.10428925
File: 196 KB, 550x385, perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contra has a lot of charm, especially Hard Corps - there's a lot of wacky perspective chaning segments where you stand on a flying plane defending yourself from attackers, or chase a robot through a highway(pic related), one of the characters icon looks like Roy Batty.
I also like the wolf character and that matrix boss encounter, but my fav character has to be that little robot and the scene where the train emerges from the tunnel to a beautiful mountain scene and this starts playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYaqeRYk4dg is just fucking GOAT. Then the big robot starts chasing the train it is so well animated when he levels to the front of it.
This theme plays on first level when you ram a crowd of baddies with your giant truck and exit it with an explosion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWo7miKSpDg
The game really has a lot of charm

>> No.10428930

Every inch of this game is so action packed I don't think any other 2d game comes close to the level of testosterone overdose it provides

>> No.10428937
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multiplayer fun, they are hard at first but easy to master, and you never know what kind of crazy boss will pop up next. Also the gameplay switches up on you a lot, the top down sections in Super C and Contra 3 were so fun.
Also they are NOT ugly
That part was awesome, my only problem with the game is getting my movement stuck because I accidentally switched to shot II

>> No.10428948

I like the hidden fight club ending. I miss when it was possible for games to hide secrets like that. The MegaMan fireball blew my mind when someone taught it to me. Now you can just Google everything, not sure if there is a fix for that.

>> No.10428953
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fight club ending? I wonder if I can get it without googling. I havent beat the game yet, I'm stuck on the scientist dude who keeps making bug monkeys

>> No.10428960

I just wish there wasn't so much waiting. Watching the bosses animations for so long without being able to shoot them suck.

>> No.10429058
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>> No.10429183

Hard Corps is one of the best games ever made. The cutscene skipping patch makes it even better.

>> No.10429189
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Picrel is the best contra just by dint of having pretty colors and awesome effects and good designs

>> No.10429194

>You can be a dog in it
So you prefer HC over 3 because you are a furry

>> No.10429227

>>10428953 don't shoot the flower

>> No.10429438

Not a real contra. Geneshart continues to have zero games. Cope

>> No.10429498

If you didn't get every ending with every character you didn't beat the game

>> No.10429560

I never could get into it. Contra III is far superior.

>ugly no colors
>music sucks
>everytime you die you have to go through slow unskippable menus that slow down the action
>when even the most lowly basic enemy dies they explode into a dozen explosions cluttering the screen and obscuring the action causing you to die

>> No.10429967

tell me you're a zoomer without telling me you're a zoomer

not retro also, faggot

>> No.10430113

>>ugly no colors
As opposed to Contra 3, besides brown and red

>> No.10430130

He prefers HC over 3 because 3 is for homosexuals

>> No.10430149
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>ugly no colors
Where do these myths keep coming from? The Mega Drive was better at vivid and saturated colours than the SNES.

>> No.10430164

I am a huge Treasure faggot yet for me this trumps both 3 and Gunstar Heroes, the action is superb and even most of the tiny story bits are entertaining.

>> No.10430225

More like since the Genesis can't display play as many colors as the SNES you get more contrast while when developers developed for the SNES they use more inbetween colors. In turn SNES games frequently don't pop out as hard as Genesis ones.

>> No.10430232

I like how you literally explode into the first level.

>> No.10430410

Even if that's the only reason for it, the result is the same, Mega Drive games pop in a way that SNES games never did, so the Mega Drive was better at vivid and saturated colours.

>> No.10430493

Yeah, contrast is very important hence why I enjoy the look of many Genesis games. Even NES games look great since they really didn't have many options but still had good contrast.

>> No.10430498

contra 3 was a launch title, same with super iv
both are good games but the genesis ones are better cuz they have the benefit of being later gen developed

>> No.10430858
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>best castlevania
>best contra
bow down ninfriendo

>> No.10430862

>ugly no colors
you are probably playing on rf

>> No.10430878

You’re only saying that cause there’s no other games your console. Shartcore and Bloodsharts would be 4/10 games on SNEZZ or TG 16

>> No.10431142

Arc Systems is garbage.

>> No.10431150

one of the best games ever made

>> No.10431161

I'll give you Hard Corps, but III is the best Castlevania game.

>> No.10431170

Austa, calm down. The meds.
The reality is, both III and HC are good and console warriors have to cope

>> No.10431224

>no other games your console.
Whatta bout:
>Shining Force 1&2
>Shinobi(shadow dancer, RoS, and 3)
>Ranger X
>Lightening Force IV
>Beyond Oasis
>SoR series
>Sonic series
>Dynamite Headdy
>Monster World 3&4
>Comix Zone
>Gunstar Heroes
Probably forgetting a couple but this is off the top of my head.
>give you Hard Corps, but III is the best Castlevania game.
Agreed and I'll even go as far as saying Castlevania IV is better than bloodlines(still great) but no way contra 3 is over hardcorps.

>> No.10431294

More like Cum on my Hard Cock, cuz that's your mum said in my bed.

>> No.10431707


>> No.10431709

4 is the only good CV. 3 is a prototype, 1 and 2 are shit, everything else is weird soulless offshoots

>> No.10431958
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>4 is the only good CV

>> No.10431989

killed the genre

>> No.10432330

>than SNES
You must be color blind?

>> No.10432440

You don't like castlevania.

>> No.10432664

No, the only ugly repetitive garbage thing here is your abhorrent post.

>> No.10432675

It's a top-tier contra for sure

>> No.10432694
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I played the Japanese version recently so I could beat it legit. You have infinite continues in the Japanese version.

>> No.10432695

>Contra (arcade)
>Super Contra (arcade)
>Contra: Hard Corps
Miss me with the tendo shit, these are the real classic Contras.

>> No.10432706

Now we got to the bottom of why you always claim the arcade versions of Contra and Super C are better than the NES. Stupid console warrior.

Congrats you've beaten easy mode. Now go for normal mode.

>> No.10432714

It's still so crazy to me how in the era of "American version is harder cause of bullshit", this is the only one that made sense.

>> No.10432716

>Stupid console warrior
"Console warrior" because an arcade version of a game is completely better than the watered down 8-bit console ports? It's usually not so hard to admit that the arcade version is better, but because the NES is "special" to you guys we have to say it to be better than arcade games, and if you don't say that it is, then you're a "console warrior" now.
No, thank you, I will gladly stick with my far more playable, far snappier, and far BETTER arcade and Mega Drive games, and you can play you're Nintendo.

>> No.10432791

American version is harder because it's what American players wanted. Japanese version is easier because it's what Japanese players wanted.

>> No.10432828

I dont know if that's what americans wanted, but the result is the same. We got a Contra that was consistent with older Contras difficulty. Meanwhile every other game that got harder in America was bullshit

>> No.10432939

Contra Rebirth is bedder.

>> No.10432998

Auster invasion is here.

>> No.10433043

lol yeah, I noticed too. His classic "lets make a tier list of a konami series and leave all the nintendo ones out" number.

>> No.10433143

As a kid, I always thought it would have been cool if you could switch between the characters like Bucky O'Hare or TMNT and just switch to the next one if you got killed.

>> No.10433331

nice scale lmao

>> No.10433336

stop replying to consolewar fanboy faggotry

>> No.10433369

I can only beat the jap version since you have a lifebar and unlimited continues.
Great game and I like it more than gunstar heroes

>> No.10433462

That actually would be pretty fucking kino.

>> No.10433519

Not sure about best, I think OP is right about it being Hardcorps, but you’re right that this one kicks serious ass. Everyone else hasn’t played it and has their head up their ass.

>> No.10433751

>Bucky O'Hare
Funny how both have a cute little cyclops robot with a jetpack ability.

>> No.10433771

I've played it. It's overly long and tuned towards the gay roguelite mode.

>> No.10435336


>> No.10435868

Shining Force
Gay homo website
>Shinobi(shadow dancer, RoS, and 3)
Literal kusoge
>Ranger X
1/10 game if on TG16
>Lightening Force IV
1/10 game if on TG16
>Beyond Oasis
Who gives a fuck
>SoR series
Literal dogshit
>Sonic series
Gay furry homoshit
Gay starry homoshit
>Dynamite Headdy
Gay trashure homoshit
Gay furry homoshit
>Monster World 3&4
>Comix Zone
Westoid trash
>Gunstar Heroes
Trashure jank

>> No.10435950
File: 635 KB, 798x492, Contra_Hard_Corps_Huge_Robot_Steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is the giant autistic robot that reeeeees when you smash his Legos.

>> No.10435973

Contra as a series just got better and better every game. Check out the later entries. Neo, Shattered Soldie4, Uprising. Takes the fun and over the top aestetic of gard corps and adds solid mechanics

>> No.10436029

The SNES tendie is still false flagging, I see. Some day you'll learn that PC Engine and Mega Drive fans have no animosity for each other, there's only one fan base that talks the way you do.

>> No.10436105

>auster-kun calling out others for falseflagging
amazing irony kek
>but nintendo
that Kyoto company will forever reside inside of you.

>> No.10436118

contra games are fucking hard, barely beat this one

>> No.10437581

>wants games to be "pwetty"
In the 90s video games were for boyish men, not your kind. that's what mommy's makeup was for.

>> No.10437693

so sick of hearing about this kiddy trash as the second coming of god just because it's slightly more obscure than epic jump mario and johnny the parrot, kwiky kid, jackass gerbil etc.

>> No.10437849

Success breeds arrogance, a tale old as time.
We had a decade of snoys and now it's all about kids that started with a switch.
This is obviously wishful thinking by me, we all know there are psychos fighting 30 y.o. console wars here.

>> No.10438251
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I'm so close to beating it, its the hardest one for me so far, but I haven't beat Contra 3 on hard mode yet.
for me to rank the difficulty of the contra games I've played, from hardest to least hardest, it would be
>Contra Hard Corp
>Contra Rebirth
>Contra 3
>Super C
But they're all pretty damn hard, Super C's final level would probably push it to the top of the list.

>> No.10438269

i wish this board had ids just so that one autistic creep that makes all the pro sega/ anti nintendo console war shit would fuck off

>> No.10438286

For me, I feel like they're trial and error to learn (fyi i dont consider this a bad thing).
Contra Hard Corp specifically feels the easiest to beat once you learn all the levels and boss patterns.

I agree with your list outside of Rebirth. Rebirth had infinite continues didnt it? I'd definitely say Rebirth is easier than 3

>> No.10438305

why are there even retro console wars? Its easier than ever to play all the games
Oh yeah, I forgot about the infinite continues, but that game has so much explosions all over the screen that cover stray bullets and it keeps killing me and making me drop the game.
Contra 3 looked cleaner and less busy on my snes than rebirth looks on my wii, so I had an easier time with it.

>> No.10438319

>why are there even retro console wars?
You underestimate how powerful mental illness can be.

>> No.10438325

I'll definitely agree with Rebirth being harder to see/read. If we go by time spent to beat the game, Rebirth and Contra 1 took the same amount of time to beat, and that's despite Contra 1 putting me in the beginning of the game when I game over. So an argument could be made Rebirth is harder, just in a different way.

>> No.10438334

Do you play solo or multiplayer? I've been playing two player with my bro, I don't think I could beat it myself

>> No.10438342

Solo. That's interesting though, I always assumed co-op is harder cause it adds even more chaos to the screen.

>> No.10438346

if you both get shotguns or homing missiles, it makes it a lot easier

>> No.10438423

careful guys, we've got a Mature Gamer who plays no Nintendo games here.

>> No.10439246

Yeah, all the shit on screen was my biggest problem with ReBirth. It might have been really hard if I didn't have infinite continues, but I did so it wasn't. Even the first NES Contra was harder for me than ReBirth, but I got rapidly better at the series during that game so it's hard to gauge.

I'm more surprised about people saying Super C was hard. After struggling so much with its predecessor, I flattened the sequel. The randomly opening mouths were a bitch move but once you have the lives to tank it, it's the easiest Contra outside of maybe Operation C

>> No.10440668

>kiddy trash
Maybe looks wise but it the NES games, 1 and 4 on SNES and the second N64 game will bust your balls

>> No.10442525

Shining force isnt a website

>> No.10442692

>durr I beat this game no deaths
literally have to be a speedrunner who gets that lucky 1 in a 1000 runs deathless

Not worth hundreds of lotto runs for that shit