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10422392 No.10422392 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your top 3 JRPGs

>> No.10422395

No i paid for them with my allowance

>> No.10422405

Not in order: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XII and Dragon Quest VIII

>> No.10422407
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1) Dragon Quest III
2) Devil Summoner Soul Hackers
3) SMTIII Nocturne

>> No.10422408

Septerra Core
Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

>> No.10422409

the only JRPG i cansay i've ever legitimately liked was the FF Origins version of FF1 on PS1. it's the only game that's actually brisk and snappy enough to be enjoyable and isn't filled with retarded anime tropes and an exhausting plot with Kids WB tier writing. i've given plenty of games a chance, but that's the only one i've ever been able to invest any significant time in before getting bored and moving on. i have no fucking clue how shitty number crunchers with Dragon Ball Z character personalities can entrance so many people.

>> No.10422415

Grandia 2
Growlanser 4
Rance 6
extremely based

>> No.10422416
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Not FF7
>awful Square writing, awful graphics, awful gameplay, gay, disturbing nonsense like this

>> No.10422419

>Dragon Quest VIII
>VIII was my first DQ: The Post

>> No.10422420

>Digital Devil Saga 1
>Raidou 2
>Final Fantasy Tactics

>> No.10422427
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>> No.10422431

Are you a 40-year-old woman?

>> No.10422439

i'm convinced that nobody knew this existed until i started posting "lol cloud gets raped in the hot tub" for several years straight.

>> No.10422447
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>> No.10422452

I don't even remember which 3 JRPGs I've played
Breath of Fire 3
Star Ocean 2
Not saying they're good they are just 3 I remembered I played though to completion

>> No.10422456
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tales of symphonia
>refreshingly normal protagonist, action combat, perfect solution for encounters, amazing world and characters
dragon quest 5
>checking all the DQ boxes but more unique than 3, a bit depressing and marvelous at the same time
too hard to pick between suikoden 2, CT, star ocean 2, paper mario, valkyrie profile and whatever else i can't think of rn

>> No.10422459
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Romancing SaGa 2
Super Robot Wars Dai 4

No specific order.
Take my taste with a grain of salt, I actually got into RPGs as an adult, didn't like turn based stuff as a kid.

>> No.10422464

>Super Robot Wars Dai 4
any reason why you chose this SRW in particular?

>> No.10422467
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Lunar Eternal Blue
Phantasy Star 4
Tales of Destiny

>> No.10422471

1 Chrono Trigger
2 Final Fantasy VII
3 Pokémon Yellow

>> No.10422490

I am a fan of L-Gaim and I liked these older SRW games.
Still need to play F

>> No.10422497

Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Paper Mario (N64)

>> No.10422498

Mario RPG
Kingdom Hearts
SaGa Frontier 2

>> No.10422510

Suikoden II
Final Fantasy I
Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen

>> No.10422513

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VI

Legend of dragoon is good too. (also FFV and FFIV). Jade Cocoon is interesting but piracy copies were corrupted.

>> No.10422516

>Not FF7
>>awful Square writing, awful graphics, awful gameplay, gay, disturbing nonsense like this
El Final Fantasy VII de los videojuegos de Rol

>> No.10422520
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I have no standards and just say the ones my mom bought me:
I am special:
Should be put on a list:
Somewhat respectable opinion:

>> No.10422527

If you can’t slam with the best, then go jam with the rest.

>> No.10422530

Paper Mario
Live a Live
Radiant Historia.

FF5, SMT Strange Journey and Valkyrie Profile 2 are up there. too

>> No.10422534
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>the best

>> No.10422539

i hate it when games put every dialogue in quotes

>> No.10422557
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Reminder that Cloud was supposed to look like Angeal but then SE decided they need to pander to gay weebs and wannabe hosts

>> No.10422570

>I have no standards and just say the ones my mom bought me
Mate, I was 13-15 years old at that moment I was young and I have no money and I didn't know how real life worked in 1999-2001

>> No.10422627

FF 5 or 7
DQ 4 or 5

>> No.10422634

>I have no standards and just say the ones my mom bought me:
Lolwut? I didn't get into jrpgs until i was 27 years old

>> No.10422669

How could people hate the blocky chibi models of FFVII? It gave the game such an identity of its own that no other game has. The minute you see one of the designs you can't help but to think of FFVII. They didn't age poorly at all. They have become synonymous with FFVII and because of that will forever stand the test of time since again, no other games from the era mimicked the style.

>> No.10422681

I don't hate it I just got annoyed with the constant interruptions to the gameplay with text-based cutscenes and stupid minigames
Got fed up with FF7 right about the time you have to pose as a guard or some shit, just bored to tears

>> No.10422705
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Don't get me wrong, but just because it's different doesn't mean it's good, or at least that it's everyone's cup of tea. Working Designs' translations were also distinctive and one of a kind.
I just feel it's a very weird clashing mix of realistic impressive 3D and epic plot with lego characters. It only makes sense if you think they tried to copy the look of old FF but in 3D. I mean, FF had these chibi characters on the covers, I guess they considered those the identity / schtick of the series, like chocobos. That's the only logic I found, it's not even consistent with the battle and cutscene models.

>> No.10422713
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>Trapped in a bubble
>No Food
>No Water
>No entertainment
>Nowhere for the shit to go
>Until long after all the stars in all the galaxies burn out
>Played to cheerful music
I don't know about other games but Mother 3 was pretty based

>> No.10422715
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1) Dragon Quest 2
2) Metal Max 2
3) Final Fantasy 8
4) Final Fantasy 2
5) Pokémon B/R

>> No.10422739

>it's not even consistent with the battle and cutscene models.
It was never meant to be. This is why FFVII has stuck so much in the minds of people all these years. Its subtle and I don't think most seem to picked up on this considering how many people wanted the remake but its there and very apparent. A lot of things went right to make FFVII the iconic game that it became. The lack of detail chibi models played a huge part in this as well as the fact they clash with the in battle models and certain FMV's. The lack of voice acting is another aspect that played a role in shaping FFVII.

Its no accident many are very critical of all the compilation stuff with FFVII. In many ways for better or worse, intended or otherwise, FFVII left a lot for the player to interpret. For the player to fill in blanks. Though translation errors also play a part of course. I like the chibi models. I never found anything wrong with them. They were made to be very expressive and even cartoon-like despite their limited polygon count. Yeah they clash with the other themes of FFVII including the battle models but this was all intentional to make something that is still such a unique gaming experience to this day. Even within the same genre it is.

>> No.10422740

kek, underrated comment

>> No.10422847

>This is why FFVII has stuck so much in the minds of people all these years.
you're just reading your own opinions into it.

>> No.10422931

Romancing Saga 2
Romancing Saga 3
Metal Max 2

>> No.10422941
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Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song
Romancing SaGa 2
SaGa Frontier

>> No.10422967

>Romancing Saga 2
how did you play it? you mean the remasters?

>> No.10422974

Chrono trigger

Super mario Rpg

Final fantasy 7

>> No.10422989

Kingdom Hearts 1
Chrono Cross

I cant narrow it down to 3

>> No.10422993


>> No.10423050


>> No.10423087


>> No.10423163

Phantasy Star IV
Super Mario RPG
Chrono Trigger

>> No.10423196

Kingdom hearts

>> No.10423229

I get the feeling most of the people ITT are just listing the top 3 of the only 5 JRPGs they've ever played, which for most casuals is going to include FF7 and some other basic slop.

>> No.10423242
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Like going to a party where everybody is asking for soda and you instead ask for a beer

>> No.10423245
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DQ3, DQ5 and DQM1.

>> No.10423343

Usually their games are really good graphically...except ironically their most popular one.

>> No.10423394

My nigga.
But also FF7 and Chronotrigger
Xenogears maybe.
Fuck top 3 lists, I also like Suikoden 2

>> No.10424476

It's babby's first JRPG

>> No.10424496

Saga Frontier
Dragon Quest IV
Final Fantasy VII

>> No.10424521

deus ex
system shock 2

>> No.10424528

i don't usually go for girls like seraphita, but i feel like there's something about her that would make her a real demon in the sack.

>> No.10424558

1. FFX
3. Lost Odyssey (not retro)

>> No.10424559

This is so stupid. What’s mechanically different in FF7 from previous entires to make it “babby”? FF7 is a classic for a reason you fat elitist prick.

>> No.10424663


>> No.10424671

You're pretty much right.

>> No.10424810

Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy 16

>> No.10424841

Hearty kek

>> No.10424890
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Symphonia is excellent but I wish Baten Kaitos had gotten some of its attention. Easily one of the most special and fun JRPGs with the card spin on combat, maybe the best Sakuraba OST and Honne backgrounds

>> No.10424961

>Final Fantasy 13
Nobody unironically likes 13.

>> No.10424964
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The Legend of Dragoon
Tales of Phantasia
Kingdom Hearts 1

>> No.10425175


>> No.10425186

Dragon Quest 7, Final Fantasy 6, Lunar Eternal Blue.

>> No.10425197

Unironically my 5th favorite FF game

>> No.10425198

You should try therapy.

>> No.10425203

If this "distubs" you you're too fragile for 4chan.

>> No.10425207

>only 3 active party members
>all party members are essentially identical so team building is a joke
>animations are so slow that making the ATB faster doesn't effect the difficulty in the slightest
>showers you with healing items after every single encounter even more than half way through the game
and somehow its still not quite as easy as FF6

>> No.10425209

Hey now, I love my babby's first FF. (Was actually my first then 4)

>> No.10425216

No JRPG on earth is difficult, manbaby.

>> No.10425224

That's why I used gameshark to make mine harder. Only one exp point and one monetary item per fight, no matter how hard or what level. Of course it was false difficulty, but it was still there.

>> No.10425231

Yeah, there are, you just haven't played. Try Shisenden or STED on Famicom, even after hours of grinding the games remain challenging, a single wrong move can mean game over and healing is limited and/or extremely expansive.
You'd probably even get filtered by the average DQ clone.

>> No.10425238

lol nothing that makes the enemy wait for your turn is hard little baby man.

>> No.10425241

Oh boy, you'd get filtered so hard you'd come running on /vr/ to make a thread and cry how the game has aged and is stupid and "does not respect my time" etc

>> No.10425242

Objective Best: FFVII, Xenoblade, Chrono Trigger

Personal: Chrono Cross, Symphonia, Xenogears

>> No.10425249

Play Star Ocean the Second Story

>> No.10425250

Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario
Paper Mario:TTYD

>> No.10425315

Pokémon Silver
Pokémon yellow
Final Fantasy

>> No.10425332

Front Mission
Monster Rancher Battle Card GB
Riviera - Promised Land

>> No.10425335

Shining force 1-3
Chrono trigger

>> No.10425391

SMT Nocturne
MS Saga A New Dawn
Legend of Legaia

>> No.10425392

Shining Force 2
Chrono Trigger

>> No.10425694

As expected, retards came to a thread about subjects they didn't like just to complain

>The Legend of Dragoon
>Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei 1+2 duology
>Pokemon Emerald
There's more I would've put on here

>> No.10425704

I would have really liked little action figures like this in 1998. Make like a little diorama of a battle.

>> No.10425803

i unironically enjoyed Final Fantasy 13 you little pissbaby

>> No.10425807

Final Fantasy Legend
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy V

>> No.10426080

SO2 is a fine game, fun to play, but it's a guilty pleasure and not a serious contender for top anything. Its weak character development and lack of any significant plot moments keep it from being anything more than an 8/10.

>> No.10426090

she could do thousands of inverted pull-ups onto your dick.

>> No.10426167
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>> No.10426354

>Final Fantasy VIII
>Parasite Eve
>Chrono Trigger
Looking forward to playing Super Mario RPG soon. I played it briefly in the 90s when I was around 8 or 9 but never finished it. I need to get on it.

>> No.10426364 [SPOILER] 
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Arena is like asking for some moonshine and Morrowind is like asking for moon sugar

>> No.10426614

Suikoden 2

>> No.10426756

FF9, FF8, and Chrono Cross

All because they're just so comfy.

>> No.10426942
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>> No.10426948


>> No.10426969

Pokemon Colosseum

>> No.10427010
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you dropped this, bro. here you go.

>> No.10427051

Quit samefaging austin

>> No.10427083

Metal Max
Metal Max 2
Metal Saga

>> No.10427876
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Sudeki clears

>> No.10428524

lufia 2

>> No.10430412

Chrono Trigger

>> No.10430416

Anyone putting Final Fartasy or Dairy Queen in their lists needs euthanasia for being an NPC.

>> No.10430436

Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Destiny and Tales of Destiny 2 (US)

>> No.10430584

Try Terranigma if you feel snes jrpgs tend to be tedious

>> No.10430697

I'm not autisin. also, austin is a faggy name and your friend should neck himself for it.

>> No.10430987

Yeah I'm not going to pretend I'll just say what everyone thinks

>> No.10432021


>> No.10432025

...That's how talking works when read in text. Are...are you tarded?

>> No.10432307

More like going to a party where everybody is asking for soda and you instead ask for toilet water

>> No.10432315

"Where are your quotes then?"

>> No.10432373
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Dragon Quest XI
Persona 3
SMT: Digital Devil Saga

>> No.10432378

Final fantasy 5
Tales of destiny 2
Valkyrie profile

>> No.10432381

No that'd be if anon had asked for Pokemon instead of a real RPG

>> No.10432405
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so few people appreciate valkyrie profile..
are vagrant story and langrisser 2 considered jrpg?

>> No.10432414

>assumes that everyone is gay or trans
you are projecting.

>> No.10432430


>> No.10433689
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Link to the Past

>> No.10433734

Pokemon Platinum
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Crystal

>> No.10433803


Persona 3 FES
Paper Mario 64
Crisis Core

>> No.10433810

Mother 1
Dragon Quest 2

>> No.10433824

What a faggot

>> No.10433910

Sorry I'm late to the party.
>Chrono trigger

>> No.10434264
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Legends of Mana
Vagrant Story
Baten Kaitos

>> No.10434293

Skies of Arcadia
Phantasy Star 4
Lufia 2