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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10425371 No.10425371 [Reply] [Original]

It’s Y2K, 3 of your friends are coming over for 8 hours, they brought weed, snacks, soda, beer, & pizza. What 4 player titles are you bringing to the table?

>> No.10425387
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>> No.10425390

I report them to the police

>> No.10425405

Don't worry anon you'll never have to experience this scary scenario since you need to have friends first.

>> No.10425407

Mario kart 64, Goldeneye, wcw/nwo revenge, NBA showtime

>> No.10425423

Ah, a fellow team buddies king.

>> No.10425425
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>> No.10425432

>It’s Y2K
No one spoke like this.

>> No.10425436

Super Smash Bros.

>> No.10425450

They literally did.

>> No.10425458

You weren't at 10 years old.

>> No.10425469

Why would I be in a 10 year old?

>> No.10425484

Bot, or can't read.

>> No.10425487

I wasn't what at 10 years old?

>> No.10425578
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>> No.10425605
File: 240 KB, 1080x636, Screenshot_20231118-134252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the year 2000
Fell at the first hurdle.

>> No.10425610
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>> No.10425708

Tell them to fuck off.

>> No.10425718

You weren't saying "it's Y2K".

>> No.10425780


>> No.10425782


>> No.10425791

Who the fuck cares? Everyone including you knew exactly what OP meant

>> No.10425793

why even bother with this fake scenario? why not just say "what are some good 4 player games"? i get that you're trying to make it fun but unless you have some kind of limitation or ultimatum (e.g. what 5 games do you bring to a desert island), then there's no point.

>> No.10425865


The 3 Mario Partys

The N64 really was the multiplayer machine.

>> No.10425893
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>why even bother with this fake scenario?
I recently was added to a high school reunion page on Facebook which reunited me with 3 good friends of mine from back in the day. They all turned out to be way more successful than me, so for old time sake, my boy brought his old modded PS1 and 4 controllers to my house while the other brought weed. I feel like it was a great opportunity for us to nostalgically entertain ourselves while at the same time discuss more adult conversations since we’re all about to turn 30. Twisted Metal 3 & Team Buddies is what zoned out on. kek really does suck to be you, faggot, if you really believe a scenario like that can’t be real.


>> No.10425898

Gauntlet 64 and Mario kart

>> No.10425929

>kek really does suck to be you, faggot, if you really believe a scenario like that can’t be real.
i don't recall saying that. i just think your thread needed a gimmick instead of "bro what if we had games and weed lmao".

>> No.10425937

>I don’t like fun

>> No.10426109

Team Buddies being released in limited copies and basically being impossible to find since it's release is a crime to humanity.

>> No.10426126
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Just emulate bro

>> No.10426190
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>> No.10426212

i don't like shitty threads, that's for true

>> No.10426218

Sorry I don't play homosexual consoles like N64, Dreamcast or XBOX

>> No.10426283

kek, same triggered fag

>> No.10426397

>make gay thread
>n-no ur gay
just go watch rick and morty like you were planning

>> No.10426546
File: 136 KB, 256x255, CrashTeamRacingNACover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite how much zoomers obsession with "Y2K" and douchey "bro culture" makes me cringe I'll answer.

Crash Team Racing was the only 4 player game my group played really, usually would do a few races and/or battles before getting to something else, which was mostly a lot of Tekken Tag Tournament but also still cycling through Marvel vs. Capcom, Street Fighter Alpha 3, or Mortal Kombat Trilogy (and a little bit of MK4, we weren't as big on that one)