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File: 239 KB, 1200x1800, MV5BNTJjNTY3MjctNjQ0YS00Y2I0LTk0Y2ItMzA1NmM3NGVmODUzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10422674 No.10422674 [Reply] [Original]

This is one of the greatest Nintendo games ever and I'm tired to pretend otherwise.

>> No.10422686

I remember spending an entire night playing the multiplayer with friends

>> No.10422696

It has the blue slut. Not worth playing.

>> No.10422703

The Howard the Duck redesign alone makes it shit

Literally WHY would they do this? Fox's design was perfect and iconic

>> No.10422720

Completely forgettable outside of the soundtrack and fur physics

>> No.10422801

Imagine how great this game would be with none of the on-foot sections. Shame..

>> No.10422915
File: 126 KB, 450x600, wawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is okey

>> No.10423040

Imagine being a faggot like you.

>> No.10423152

It's a complete package, friend. The music complements the story and gives the gameplay more meaning than just "OMG GIANT MONKE HEAD ATTACKS!". It's a shame this game didn't sell very well and a proper sequel was never commissioned. You could do a lot with online multiplayer especially.

>> No.10424426

Shiggy wanted puppet aesthetic for Starfox.

>> No.10424625

this, bitch ruined starfox. Women should not be allowed, especially that furry bitch, you see what they did to her in the smash mods. It's all coomer shit, boys club only

>> No.10424705
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That's cool. Doesn't explain the Howard the Duck head, though. Why are you people so obsessed with hating on Shigeru?

>> No.10424857

Rogue Squadron III also got ruined by on-foot sections.

How did two GameCube exclusive flight games get sucked in to on-foot nonsense

>> No.10424930

If you’re a purist, I understand not wanting them in the game but I thought they played pretty well. It was especially fun in multiplayer

>> No.10424957

The on-foot sections were the only interesting thing about Rogue Squadron 3 and probably what drove most of its sales.

>> No.10425089

Peak braindamage opinion, Go see a doctor

>> No.10426783

This, the multiplayer was the best part of this game.

>> No.10426870

Is this bait?

>> No.10426871

Miyamoto also wanted Samus to have a bug head in Metroid Prime. Following Miyamoto's suggestions and doing the right thing is something all Nintendo and Nintendo-affiliated employees have to deal with.

>> No.10426878

>you see what they did to her in the smash mods.
>he thinks anyone visits BrawlVault

>> No.10426916

So it still wasn't good?

>> No.10426926

The worst part is how extremely short it is. Multiplayer was fun though.

>> No.10426940

You seem like you enjoy pretending since you made this post

>> No.10426941

The Multiplayer was fun.

>> No.10426965
File: 552 KB, 1079x857, Screenshot_20231118_181847_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star Fox Assault remake with 15 new levels/maps and online
Praying the Switch 2 gonna have it
Would be so cash.

>> No.10427026

64 has a very narrow design philosophy where you tend only to be confronted with 1-5 targets at once in most levels, and they generally have set patterns. it does sound boring when i put it that way but enemies are at least active enough that you have to keep moving even after you have the game memorized, and there tend to be a lot of physical obstacles as well. it just feels good to play. in short, everything is orchestrated well and keeps you engaged. on top of that, the game is translated and voice acted/directed very well even though certain lines sound awkward with repetition or if you hear them out of context. everything about the music and sound is distinctive and perfectly accents the situation at hand

assault sets out to be flashy and it suffers as a result. the combat just makes you feel like you're a hot knife cutting through butter. enemies are lazy, so it doesn't matter that you have the most unsatisfyingly slow laser ever. the arwing levels are mostly in open space (i.e. few obstacles or terrain) with large-scale nonsense happening in the background to orchestral music so the player can pretend they're in furry star wars. the music otherwise often feels more just like smash bros. sound effects ripped straight from 64 or remixes of star fox-esque music occasionally pop up to remind you that you're in a star fox game because i certainly don't half the time, especially not with the lifeless voice acting even from the few returning cast members

worst of all, the story is sonic extended universe-tier and far too prominent, it makes the later mega man x games seem tasteful. they even preserved in translation that thing that makes me cringe where like, you know in sonic games how almost everyone is just mononymous except for "amy rose" and it sticks out like a sore thumb? why do they suddenly all call andrew "oikonny?"

>> No.10427032


>> No.10427273

>Bug head
Do you mean he wanted her to be asian or he wanted her to have a literal insect head?

>> No.10427448

well in universe she's a shitty pilot. She took Slippy's place as a character to be mocked, and Slippy is at least skilled with a tank. They went all the way with it on Star Fox Command and everyone wanted her to fuck off.

>> No.10427468

From what I found Miyamoto was asking what if she had a bug's vision, which led to the different types of vision on the visor. Though it just reminded me of Predator desu

>> No.10427616

Good points

>> No.10427625

Was assault the game that caused the series to decline a first time?

>> No.10427754

>standing on the wing of your friends arwing ready to fire bazooka at opponent
Can it get any comfier than this?

>> No.10427893

Pretty much every game out there will do the trick unless you find comfort with mediocrity

>> No.10428189

>it makes the later mega man x games seem tasteful
There's nothing distasteful about how those handle story in the first place. The first few games barely had any story, so aside from the few times story is outright forced on the player (X5, X7) or when there's too much focus on Zero (X4, X5), those plots do their job at just being a reason to fight new bosses and visit unique locales, with some additional stuff sometimes.
You make good points about Assault, however.

>> No.10428609

I think he meant like several sonic games assault got too ambitious with its plot and increase the cool factor but ended up fumbling, making the story stupid and even even cringy at points.

>> No.10428687

just confirming that yeah, this is basically what i meant

>> No.10429897

Why would studio 2 and studio s ever work on star fox? Looking at the games they've worked on recently it seems even less likely Namco will do an assault remaster, let alone revisit star fox, before that announcement.

>> No.10430243

Because they're grunts and Nintendo is 100% not going to let Platinum touch Star Fox again.
also they worked on ARMS, which should be the last thing you expect them to work on.

>> No.10430250

>and Nintendo is 100% not going to let Platinum touch Star Fox again.
What made you come up with that inclusion

>> No.10430263


>> No.10430265

The only comparable Sonic game i could think of is every Sonic game after Unleashed

>> No.10430317

Sonic boom?

>> No.10430324

They've closely worked on the game's direction and dogfights and grunted with the assets for it.
Game ended up as dry cow shit and Nintendo hasn't face any rush to salvage the game, instead have them fund for a new IP and more Bayonetta.

Plus there's talks that they hired the Panzer Dragoon remake people to work on yet ANOTHER Star Fox remake.
I'm hoping it flops so they can get Studio 2/S to do a remaster or remake of Assault down the line or just a new (and actually new) Star Fox again.

>> No.10430329

I said every. Even Sonic Mania, the game existed just to be a prequel story to Forces. Without it is just nonsense.

>> No.10430340

Do you have proof a new star fox is being worked on?

>> No.10430348

Why would Nintendo work on remaking Assault if it was also a flop on gamecube?

>> No.10430441

Because GCN nostalgia is at an all time high
Also Namco/Nintendo recently ported over the Baiten Kaitos games recently

>> No.10430448
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>> No.10430494


>> No.10430501 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 640x418, Xenosaga Re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just so funny of them to use the Xenoblade font for their Nintendo studios stuff, what could all this mean?

>> No.10430513
File: 65 KB, 477x524, IMG_1185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s so bad that it’s technically not even considered a shmup.

>> No.10430521

All-Range mode is the future of Star Fox

>> No.10430609


>> No.10430725

How much longer until the nostalgia period dies down?

>> No.10430739

The font is called Helvetica Neue that's Bold and Italic. It is something you can find on your Microsoft word

>> No.10430759

>another game developed externally
>is another game that cannot be replicated

Damn, Sega and Namco really are the best at what they do.

>> No.10430916

SEGA mogged Nintendo do hard they could only do [game] 99 psuedo-romhacks and remasters for F-Zero

>> No.10430938

Agreed. Just as Mario evolved into Mario 64, or Legend of Zelda titles, or the odd transition of Metorid into the Prime series, the natural progression of Starfox was All Range Mode, free-flying.

Of course, just like the 2D mario/LoZ titles, and Metroid Dread, there would still be room for the classic on-rails shooter.

>> No.10430972

Is that true or cope? Where's rhe evidence?

>> No.10431052

They refuse to make another F-Zero and they have never tried to replicate or polish Assault's formula.

>> No.10431089

>They refuse to make another F-Zero
They made 2 more GBA games after GX
>and they have never tried to replicate or polish Assault's formula.
Because Assault was fundamentally flawed and not a very good title.

>> No.10431153

> Assault was fundamentally flawed
But one of it's bosses is in Zero, so it must be kino, huh?

>> No.10431159

GX's release stunlocked Nintendo's interest for years and some investor had to annoy them about it to put out some eshop title.

>> No.10431189

>They made 2 more GBA games after GX
Son, those are by external devs as well. Not Sega, but yeh. Also, GP Legend straight up takes after Sega's F-Zero GX/AX.

>Because Assault was fundamentally flawed and not a very good title.
I strongly disagree because I value a game when it has the foundation for an even better game over a game that plays it completely safe.

>> No.10431195

I want to make clear that the team behind F-Zero GX/AX were behind one of the later Outrun games and the Sonic & Sega All-Stars racing games.

>> No.10431209
File: 231 KB, 1080x815, Ex-platinum employee btw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo is 100% not going to let Platinum touch Star Fox again.
>if they did, and had pic related didn't move back to Capcom, Krystal would 100% return
RIP Krystal

>> No.10431210

I need a source for that claim
Both f zero and star fox were reported to be financial disappointments and assault especially was met with mixed to negative reviews, with nearly all considering it worse than Star fox 64. It doesn't matter what you personally feel on the matter but rather how well the game ends up performing.

>> No.10431213

>the Sonic & Sega All-Stars racing games
No wonder why it's so good (aside the roster picks)

>> No.10431219

>I need a source for that claim
Are you showcasing some history denial, dude?
or do you believe Shitendo had any interest to bring it back, especially when F-Zero's own daddy left the company.

>> No.10431227

>Jordan Sweeto
How the fuck the character that appeals to straight males and 00s furries wounded up to the interests of some scenic fuckboy?

>> No.10431245

Then show me the history you're referring to. Not just typing what you believe but back it with evidence via a web link or some article from an interview.

>> No.10431370

This was common knowledge, either you do research yourself or stay a retarded tendie.

>> No.10431717

My only theory is because they're trans and Miyamoto reminds them of the stern but understanding and loving father figure they didn't have

>> No.10431718

Compounded by the fact that they grew up with Nintendo

>> No.10432109

>This was common knowledge, either you do research yourself or stay a retarded tendie.
If it is common knowledge then post a link to an article. For someone so confident in their belief this is true you sure are extremely reluctant posting anything supporting your supposed easy claim.

>> No.10432683

Assault redeemed the series.

>> No.10432731

>it is common knowledge then *i would do what every simpleton did and google it
but if you seriously want to display your profound retardation, be our guest.

>> No.10432738

>last minute seller title ever
lol no

>> No.10433791

>Assault redeemed the series.
Tell me how assault, a game with a significant decrease in sales and critical reception from not only 64 but adventures, redeem the franchise?

>> No.10434868

I tried googling it and found no results. You claim is bullshit

>> No.10434869

>especially when F-Zero's own daddy left the company.
F zero 99 just released earlier this year

>> No.10434873

>But one of it's bosses is in Zero, so it must be kino, huh?
Which one is that?