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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10419904 No.10419904 [Reply] [Original]

>sells literally billions
>game has zero cultural impact WHATSOEVER

What went wrong with Lemmings?

>> No.10419914

Kibe of GCCX seems to appreciate it and is responsible for it being challenged for 24 hours, so it has my seal of approval.

>> No.10419916

The people who played it weren't fags who had to obsessively make the game they played part of their identity.

>> No.10419923
File: 608 KB, 220x208, jags-fan-wth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural impact

>> No.10419954

Kibe is a good writer, and he seems to have good taste in games, but man is he an intolerable soiboi in front of the camera.

>> No.10419965

You already tried this one, get some new material or alternatively get a real hobby.

>> No.10419967

Hmm, why didn't people not care about an Amiga game, a platform famously known for being shit?

>> No.10419973

Sometimes lemmings can be found as easter eggs in older freeware games, so it looks that they at least had some underground impact.

>> No.10419987

It made DMA design very successful, and enabled them to go onto make Grand Theft Auto. Lemmings was popular in Europe. Not everyone sees the world through the eyes of burgers.

>> No.10419995

It's too bad. They're great games. I still play them. Most people don't really play older games unless it's advertised to them though.

>> No.10420002

this is sad.

>> No.10420014

>retarded bait thread about a game that was popular at the time and ported to everything
What is genuinely wrong with the posters this past year? Why are they acting extra retarded?

>> No.10420063

rule change + /v/ tourists settling in. trust me, it's going to get way worse than this

>> No.10420070

>zero cultural impact
I'm not sure what this means.

>> No.10420102

soiboi youtubers aren't obsessing about it

>> No.10420106

every successive generation is more retarded than the last. opening up the board was a mistake.

>> No.10420115

It's a common OP shitposting tactic on /tv/. A variation on the now worn out
>*insert current year* I am forgotten
I believe the implication is that if no one is constantly talking or making references to *old thing* that it had no cultural impact, and that it is worthless in the mind of the original poster. An excuse to shit on *old thing* that that person apparently does not like and an invitation for other people to do so.
So in other words, Lemmings is shit, come in here and argue about it.

>> No.10420117

Lemmings 2: The Tribes is easily top 3 puzzle games.

>> No.10420127

Negative animal stereotyping.

>> No.10420131

>Has zero cultural impact WHATSOEVER
Basically invented a genre of game
Every game like it is called a "Lemmings clone"
Just because you don't know shit about it doesn't mean it's not relevant

>> No.10420149

>no marketing
>no shills
the tourist sees no reason to play it. it can only consume what it is told to consume.

>> No.10420158

Might as well just make this board Nintendo only at this point.

>> No.10420197


>> No.10420203

It's not endlessly wanked over like Nintendo games because non-Nintendo kids had more games to play growing up, thus they didn't brainwash themselves after decades of only playing Nintendo games.

>> No.10420205

The trendy retro gamer only cares about a couple of genres, like character based action games that they all call "platformers" regardless of whether there is platforming involved

>> No.10420212
File: 434 KB, 1707x2560, park-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this Lemmings statue in Dundee, I remember reading about it last year when the main programmer (I think) died, both my boomer teacher used to love the games.

But there's two pretty decent Lemming ports on the SNES, that would still allow discussion of the game.

>> No.10420232

>But there's two pretty decent Lemming ports on the SNES
Hell, Arino played it on stage.

>> No.10420245

Does it support the Mario Paint mouse?
If not, it's garbage.

>> No.10420256

It supports Lemmings 2. Still, SNES had the best console control scheme due to the shoulder buttons.

>> No.10420257

The Tribes did! I loved that one. The first one I never played but I think it's from before the thing existed.

>> No.10420283

It had plenty of impact in the few years when it was popular and relevant. Progressively forgettable sequels failed to maintain interest so the franchise faded into obscurity.
You may not have noticed, but most 30-40 year games that continue to be relevant are only so because they spawned franchises that have had successful installments in recent years and are being shilled decade after decade by large corporations like Nintendo so even zoomers have been exposed through marketing and re-releases.
Very very few games are like Pacman and Space Invaders where they continue to be famous by sheer virtue of being legendary classic games.

>> No.10420285

Yep. I always kept hoping Rockstar would do another one, if only out of vanity since they're so rich now. Puzzle games in general have become pretty niche though it's nice to see stuff like Baba Is You have some success.

>> No.10420297

They've become The GTA Company. Just not going to happen.

>> No.10420338

what the fuck would be the "cultural impact" of lemmings? you want people to start dying their hair green and dig holes in the ground?

>> No.10420351

Despite sharing a certain venerable status, even Ultima and Wizardry have succumbed to time and are met with blank stares.
Unless you have some modern marketing presence (be it current titles or iconography) it's difficult to maintain mindshare.

>> No.10420382

>Despite sharing a certain venerable status, even Ultima and Wizardry have succumbed to time and are met with blank stares.
Yes, because the vast majority of normalfags don't even know what an RPG is. At best you'll get "oh yeah, that Dungeons and Dragons shit, right?"

>> No.10420494

Used to play it as a kid but wasn't autistic enough to win a single level, weird game overall, i guess the gameplay is too niche

>> No.10420554
File: 73 KB, 1007x347, SmartSelect_20231116_152956_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll have to get it off Sony since they own it now.

>> No.10420567

I played this so many fucking times on the SMS as a kid. The "Woah-ho!" when you start a level and the chiptune jingle when you complete a level are burned into my brain

>> No.10420569 [DELETED] 

Blowing yourself up took hold in the middle east I suppose

>> No.10420580 [DELETED] 

It didn't involve niggers shooting each other up and stealing cars like Grand Theft Auto.

>> No.10420595 [DELETED] 

Is this the greatest degeneration of all time? From high IQ European puzzles to nigger car stealing?

>> No.10420621 [DELETED] 

They're not even American, so you can't blame them for that. What happened to these retarded Brits to make them slaves for jewish funny vidya?

>> No.10420697
File: 25 KB, 220x220, The_Adventures_of_Lomax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Lemmings platformer. As far as PS1 games go, it's pretty alright. The graphics are probably the best thing about it though.

>> No.10420702 [DELETED] 

>The graphics are probably the best thing about it though.
Yeah, that's all you can say about it. But Lemmings are goyim, and these British retrads also became goyim.

>> No.10420750 [DELETED] 

Is there a reason you retarded Brits made a game about a (((perverted))) culture that isn't yours? Are you that deranged? Kill yourselves.

>> No.10420756

>>sells literally billions
why you always lyin cuh

>> No.10420768

No video game ever has had "cultural impact".

>> No.10420769 [DELETED] 

>actually we think we're smarter than you
Jimmy Saville and Churchill are demonic faggots

>> No.10420779 [DELETED] 

>a (((perverted))) culture that isn't yours
lemming culture?

>> No.10420812 [DELETED] 

No, just retarded Anglos who should be genocided. They just can't stop sucking jew dick.

>> No.10421317 [DELETED] 

i mean they likely are it's not exactly harder to be smarter than your typical thirdie channer especially when you're of the finest stock this world has ever seen.

>> No.10421407

>cultural impact
idk I'd say modern culture is heavily inspired by lemmings

>> No.10421412

Krustys Fun House = best version

>> No.10421414

Mortal Kombat had more than any jap game

>> No.10421415

Street Fighter had more than any (((western))) garbage.

>> No.10421417

Why the hell is this thing so expensive.

>> No.10421419

All retro games are, you stupid faggot.

>> No.10421427

No they aren't. At least.
They shouldn't be.

>> No.10421429

The soundtrack of Lemmings was one of my all time favourite soundtracks on the snes. I could listen to that shit all day. I still have every single track burned into my memory. The snes port was always my favourite and I played lemmings on fucking everything.

>> No.10421443

Both the NES and SNES library are huge and diverse

>> No.10421446

Alex Kidd in miracle world had an impact on the culture.

>> No.10421513

>Lemmings literally on the SNES and Gameboy
Why can't you people do five seconds of research to not make yourselves look like spastics?

>> No.10421514
File: 901 KB, 1190x669, OneLinerArmory - You get what you fuckin deserve! -- Joker [aZscBf10Y5A - 1190x669 - 0m02s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where are the current Lemmings games? Last one was a dogshit mobile play-to-win slopfest.

Where are the Lemmings clones? Only one I can think of is that one on the Amiga with fish instead.

Where is the pre-school Lemmings Tribes cartoon made by Sony?

>> No.10421539

I fucking forgot about that you just warped me out of this bullet train to an office chair in California 30 years ago. Wild

>> No.10421560
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, DJ1DYI4U8AIfRvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about?! Everyone loves Lemmings.

Do you think games like Angry Birds and shit like that didn't take any inspiration? Also pic related:

>> No.10421605

I could listen to it on a loop all day. In fact I essentially do, rent free just in my imagination

>> No.10421646
File: 159 KB, 240x240, idle_var_1_final-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero cultural impact
Pic related is one of my characters and every week someone asks me if she is a lemming. Lemmings is that kind of game that nobody talks about, but remains in everyone's mind like a happy memory.

>> No.10421650

Lemmings' humour informed what would become Rockstar's brand of humour.

>> No.10421670


>> No.10421698


>> No.10421715

There are multiple video game characters that have entered the public conscience through cartoons, movies, toys and various mediums outside of vidya and are recognisable to most people, even those who have never played a video game in their life; Pac Man, Mario, Sonic etcetera.
Using "cultural impact" as some kind of metric to judge a video game's worth is pretty fuckin retarded though.

>> No.10421730

Smile If You Love Lemmings is my favourite.
I wish there was a modern engine frontend for Lemmings and Lemmings 2, like a ScummVM for Lemmings so they're not lost.

>> No.10421735

super cute

>> No.10421743

I guess people know about the game but there's a limit to how far you can clone it, and usually that would entail a small game, aka. flash game or p2w.

That said, Pikmin?

>> No.10421757
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 1657972571112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means when people asked a game director what influenced or inspired him, it gets named. Ask Gabe Newell about Half Life and you get Doom, Quake, GoldenEye (and Mario 64 of all things). For example of games with little sales and big influence, ask older JRPG directors and get hit with the Wizardry, or VN writers and Portopia Serial Killer. Not everything is about console warring.

>> No.10421786

It means influence OUTSIDE of the industry, ya dumb fuck.

>> No.10421789

>games with little sales

>> No.10421804

Fogs and Wojacks do not belong on /vr/ you tourist.

>> No.10421860

Why do zoomers post things that are retarded and false?

>it had no cultural impact.... because i'm 20 years old!!!

>> No.10421948

The one on top is caked up ngl

>> No.10421951


>> No.10421986

The OP may be a shitty bait post but there is a decent point to be made in there. Despite having an absurd amount of success and being ported to everything under the sun back in the day, Lemmings is basically forgotten and not much at all has really tried to take up the mantle so to say, despite being a clear and proven concept. The sequels are almost completely forgotten, so whenever someone's played Lemmings, it's almost always some old port of the first game.

It's very odd, as it's the perfect kind of game to take off on a mobile platform of some kind if executed correctly. I just now learned thanks to this thread that there's apparently some shitty P2W ad-ridden version of it and it's no wonder I've never heard of it until now if they did that to it.

>> No.10422008

I blame Sony for Lemmings fading into obscurity, they own it, but they haven't done anything with it in years.

>> No.10422018

A completely fair point honestly, they're sitting on a goldmine they're far too incompetent nowadays to take advantage of.

The PSP version was fucking fantastic and then nothing.

>> No.10422056

Mario vs Donkey Kong March of the Minis felt very Lemmings inspired.

>> No.10422095

Which was…?

>> No.10422096

Shame you ignored 95% of it to play bing bing wahoo exclusively

>> No.10422117

Not really.
People were probably ignoring Lemmings to play Super Metroid and Final Fantasy(among others), sure.

>> No.10422118


Nothing - it was just made by people who were interested in making software rather than building a franchise.

It was probably a missed opportunity.

>> No.10422121

it was a european game that was more popular in europe. I dont know why gamepro and CGM didnt lose their shit over it, but the company basically became rockstar later on and has way more success than anyone could have ever imagined. they dont think it be like that sometimes, but it do.

>> No.10422150

can... can I have sex with your OC?

>> No.10422183

I’m going to rape

>> No.10422196

says who

>> No.10422209

I think it also doesn't hold up that well. It's basically a real time with pause game with a lot of sluggish trial and error, all of which leads to lots of waiting. Rtwp makes games much more immediately accessible and portable across control schemes but caps skill hard. Imagine if Tetris had pausing

>> No.10422308
File: 763 KB, 600x900, robocod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ported to every console, system and handheld known to man
>sells literally billions
>game has zero cultural impact WHATSOEVER

>> No.10422314

Cute Lemming. I'll buy your game now.

>> No.10422318

small sample size and country specific (australia), but every normie who was conscious during the late 80's who i've mentioned Alex Kidd to recognised him.
it was bundled with every master system for a good few years in places where it was leading the console market.
passing familiarity is a lot more than what many better and more influential games got.

>> No.10422329

>That wide-eyed glance at the end followed by a wing flutter
cute AND kino

>> No.10422353

turns out the real lemmings were us all along.

>> No.10422365
File: 42 KB, 570x601, 1680822299424726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This begs the question, what the actual fuck IS cultural impact; just being able to recall the thing in question?
Impacting popular culture by having a song, tv series, comic book or movie about it?
Is the fact that Lemmings did indeed sell billions an impact in itself?
Bubsy 3D is a notoriously bad game, most people have not played it but its reputation precedes it, is THAT a cultural impact?

>> No.10422370
File: 119 KB, 640x437, snes_simpsons_krustys_super_funhouse_p_c42yb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10422386

Just played the genesis version of this after finding it in a thrift store, was a decent challenge.

>> No.10422590

>clones/inspired by
The humans (migger and 5 billion other systems)
Troddlers (migger, DOS and snes)
Creepers (DOS)
Diggers (migger)
Sink Or Swim (DOS/Migger, SNES, Genesis and GG)
Aardvark (love me migger)
Mario vs Donkey Kong series excluding the first entry (various Nintendo systems)

It goes on for a bit for Migger and other computers, but that type of game was a bit over done in the late 90s already. There's a few on the various 00s console/handheld hardwares too but that is also the era people who played lemmings grew into society's lemmings so it was a doomed genre. Mostly a computer thing, MvsDK simplifies it a bit.

>> No.10422640

There is also flockers by team17, but that is a lot more modern.

>> No.10422658
File: 128 KB, 1282x759, Lix-Puzzle-Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lix is a really good free/open source lemmings clone.


>> No.10422660

If a video game character is known even by people who have never touched vidya I’d call that cultural impact

>> No.10422730
File: 2.19 MB, 498x348, wtf-christian-bale.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who played lemmings grew into society's lemmings so it was a doomed genre

>> No.10422743

I will now draw her.

>> No.10422794

We're rebels now, you wouldn't get it.

>> No.10423062
File: 7 KB, 250x238, 1624044355104s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero cultural impact
someone look around and see if a parent is missing their child.

>> No.10423220

The implication is that you'd be all dead

>> No.10423243
File: 228 KB, 728x742, IMG_3999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemming butt

>> No.10423247

Yeah, this should have been the OP image, I haven't heard anything of note about James Pond 2 besides the fact that it's ported to everything and conspiracy theories

>> No.10423249

That's Lamers, a lemmings clone where you kill them. I'm not lame though, so I can't be dead.

>> No.10423268

>Alex Kidd
Do you think there was a single cunt down here that actually properly finished that game back then?

>> No.10423514

This time OP actually rises a question.

>> No.10423520

Why is Lemmings not marketed and not shilled?

>> No.10423549

Because Sony knows nobody's going to spend any money on 40 year old Amiga games.

>> No.10423897
File: 50 KB, 400x300, images - 2023-11-18T113724.529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my friends older brothers did. Up until I watched him do it I didn't think it was possible.

>> No.10423908
File: 188 KB, 378x415, IMG_1616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone sees the world through the eyes of burgers.

Feel sorry for you desu

>> No.10423927
File: 23 KB, 220x251, Donkey_Kong_Jr._(arcade_game).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice that those early high paced puzzle action games have in general went into obscurity as a genre. Name modern follow ups to these games
>Solomon's Key
>DK Jr.
>Bubble Bobble
>Wrecking Crew
>Lode Runner
>Balloon Fight
>The Incredible Machine (that's hardly an action puzzle but still)
Hell even Tetris, Bomberman and Puyo Puyo 2, probably the biggest "action puzzle" games from that era, were never really improved upon. They just keep rereleasing them as is, and all changes to the formula seem superficial.

>> No.10423928

OK fuckwad troll wasteoid.

>> No.10424021

Idk man. Lemmings 3D on the PSX was my first taste of Lemmings and I thoroughly enjoyed it. They were big enough to collab with JellyBelly in the 90’s, soooo idk OP

>> No.10424050

>no Mole Mania
Blasphemy. Ironically, that was probably the last hurrah for the genre.

>> No.10424089

Mario vs donkey Kong minis series is a lemmings style game, which sucks because OG Mario vs donkey Kong on GBA was the perfect mix of DK 94 and lemmings.

>> No.10424397

Most of those aren't really puzzles. If Pac-Man's a puzzle game, so is wolf 3d

>> No.10424519

>Game is about green haired freaks mindlessly following the herd, even into committing suicide
idk I think it had a lot of cultural impact on about 41% of the population

>> No.10424530

>tfw the myth about lemmings isn't the actual animal, but the humans who engender their behavior
Wow... Ratbros...

>> No.10424617

Pacman had cereal, bed sheets, record where he sang in multiple volumes, and Christmas specials. People dressed like him for Halloween. Your grandparents would recognize him from a description.

You must be young or retarded to not know this.

>> No.10424765

Yep, we just played it and loved it and moved on.

>> No.10424778

Funny how GTAfags are the complete opposite.

>> No.10424840

You are incorrect, and clearly from a country that doesn't matter.

>> No.10424854

What was the last Lemmings game, when was it released?

>> No.10425367
File: 3.86 MB, 640x360, poke_all_toads.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be difficult anon, she is very very tiny.

Thanks! My other characters aren't very lemming-y though.

If you did draw her, I would love to see it.

>> No.10425380

I'm not sure what I'm looking at but this game looks based as fuck.

>> No.10425385

She looks a bit mischievous....

>> No.10425393

What the hell happened with lemmings 3?

>> No.10425395

Who of what the fuck now? Can you zoomers go 2 minutes without talking about some e-celeb?

>> No.10425404

Why does everything in Scotland look so fucking bleak and soulless

>> No.10425408

Western society became a bunch of lemmings
I'd say that's a pretty big impact

>> No.10425413

We whupped Australia's ass in the war and we'll do it again.

>> No.10426654

But everyone loves lemmings.


>> No.10426951
File: 1.67 MB, 750x454, gccx dvds (not my photo).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10426973

>game has zero cultural impact WHATSOEVER
zoom zoom

>> No.10426978
File: 93 KB, 1583x412, Screenshot 2023-11-19 at 00-27-01 Category Lemmings series - The Cutting Room Floor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10426980

This looks nice. I think your game will do good Anon.

>> No.10426998

Isn't this one of the worst cities in Scotland or something? Basically the San Francisco equivalent

>> No.10427076

You're a fool OP.

>> No.10427464

I used to love this game when I was a kid. I will play it tonight to thwart the retarded zoomer desires of the OP.

>> No.10428074

Nothing went wrong, it sold billions (being released on every platform that ever existed helped) and had a big cultural impact.

>> No.10428401

No that'd be Glasgow or Edinburgh

>> No.10428440

The problem with Lemmings it it needs a mouse to be played properly, and everything now either must be console-first or for mobile.
The abysmal recent mobile game accepted this reality by basically splitting the play area into a grid as the player will never have the precision needed on a touch screen to play, and the game was pointless as a result.

>> No.10429331

We need a new Lemmings to save the Computer Gaming industry.

>> No.10429780

a Lemmings type game came on steam recently called Moons of Darsilon or something like that. cool graphically but idk, i prefer regular old lemmings. It has had more than zero cultural impact by that game alone. crazy that in 2023 we got a Lemmingslike

>> No.10429965
File: 17 KB, 768x600, Superlem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's SUPERLEM

>> No.10429973

Sony bought them and made shitty phone games but on the PSP and Vita.

>> No.10431483

It was too fucking hard. Fuck that dogfood factory level.

>> No.10431491

Lurk 15 more years before posting

>> No.10431508

I live in Dundee. It has a disproportionately large drug problem and at one time had the higest rate of drug-related deaths in Europe. As bad as that sounds, it's a pretty boring, dreary, and uneventful place for the most part. I don't feel unsafe walking the streets. The worst thing about Dundee is its provincial, backwards-looking mindset and its lack of any worthwhile culture. The fact that GTA started here is probably the only cool thing about the town. Well, Mary Shelley once live here, hundreds of years ago, so there's that too.

>> No.10431981

The real lemmings are the lemmings we made along the way.

>> No.10432001
File: 400 KB, 475x347, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troddlers was here.

Lemmings is a loser.

>> No.10432043
File: 248 KB, 1100x1100, 12951Lemming_Pluesch_mit_Sound_09.220426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it just remained a game beloved by many and not turned into a cartoon, movie, or cross genre title? (Lemmings Racer, Lemmings Puzzle Blocks, Fist of the Lemming)

Good for it.

Though plushes are cute.

>> No.10432485

I wish I had a Lemmings Plushie.

>> No.10432508
File: 1.77 MB, 267x199, 1 in 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask Hentai Novel game director what inspired him
>Oh! Lemmings!

>> No.10432563

Good man.

>> No.10432569

>At start of level
It's a poor sound font of "Let's Go!"

>> No.10432574

I love Lemmings' BGM.

>> No.10432595

I'm glad you enjoyed the soundtrack; I did, too.
I want to be sure, though: you do know that most of the tracks are not "original" music pieces, right? Some are, but most are mostly chiptune/campy sampling of copyrighted massive historically famous compositions, like
>Offenbach's "Orpheus in the Underworld" (Can-Can)
> "Rondo alla Turca" from Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 11
>"Dance of the Reed Flutes" from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite
>"Dance of the Little Swans" from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake
>"Ten Green Bottles" folksongs
>Chopin's Piano Sonata No. 2 (funeral march)
>Wagner's "Bridal Chorus"
>"London Bridge is Falling Down"
>"Forest Green" (adapted into the hymn "All Beautiful the March of Days")
>"O Little Town of Bethlehem"
>the melody from the film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
>"She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain"
>"(How Much Is) That Doggie in the Window?"

>> No.10432673

any love for the genesis/mega drive version? It's what I grew up on, and I love it. But I love the snes one too.

>> No.10433329

The game's original soundtrack was covers of TV theme tunes, things like the Addam's Family and the A-Team. Psygnosis had to scrap most of it and get in Tim Wright at the last minute to add a load of new tunes as a result. The only ones left from the original soundtrack were the ones listed as they weren't copyrighted.

>> No.10433373

It's a television show, he's an actual celebrity

>> No.10433607

nah he's just another angry game nerd wannabe

>> No.10433714

Huh? Arino is a Japanese comedian and actor with a career before he began doing Game Center CX. Hell, GCCX began in like 2005 on TV if memory serves, there was still no AVGN template. The TV show was just a "can this grown man beat a game from 20 years ago in 24 hours" with Japanese tourism segments spliced in. He doesn't even review the games.

>> No.10434096

Going to fuck that Lemming whore

>> No.10434160
File: 384 KB, 640x637, dark-knight-joker-1597655811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he look familiar to you?

>> No.10434485

No... NO!
H-he can't be.
The Lemmings would never... Never...
But maybe, maybe thats what happened. His game glitched and it resulted in him going insane.

>> No.10434498

I wanna know why every damn thread is console war shit now. I know /vr/ was only ever free of console war faggotry for the first few months of its existence, but it's gotten so much worse in the past year. I thought the further away we got from the era of these games the less people would care about this pointless shit, but it just keeps getting worse.
Why do zoomers who weren't even alive at the time care so much about Nintendo vs Sega shitflinging now? Their first console was probably a PS2 or Xbox 360 for fucks sake.

>> No.10434690
File: 48 KB, 220x165, kirksmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bemoans the state of consolewarfaggotry in /vr/
>engages in in generationwarfaggotry

You're not helping homie

>> No.10434706

>a platform famously known for being shit
The Amiga failed and was inferior to PC but that absolutely wasn't the prevailing sentiment at the time. It was the more widespread platform for gaming for a while and a lot of titles were Amiga first then ported to DOS/consoles.

>> No.10437081

I wish the Amiga had kept going.

>> No.10437118

>cultural impact
>a video game
absolute loser

>> No.10437418

The whole, caring about "cultural impact" thing feels like such a new phenomena. I think it must come from the younger generation who grew up online. They must think: clicks/comments/likes/subscriptions = true value. As if something is only good if it is popular.

>> No.10437553

Imagine a dozen or so of those lemmings climbing on ya dick lol

>> No.10437559
File: 59 KB, 269x146, Lemmings_v1.5_Files_2089-231122-092509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn.. they got stuck on some anon's dick again...