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/vr/ - Retro Games

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No.10422873 [Reply] [Original]

To celebrate Gordon Freemans birthday VALVe is giving away the original game for free on steam until 20 Novermber!


I wonder what else VALVe is planning...

>> No.10422874 [DELETED] 

Half-Life sucks. Goldeneye-Perfect Dark-Timesplitters spiritual series for life.

>> No.10422875


>> No.10422878

Reminder to buy all games on GoG and that Valve permanently destroyed PC gaming as its own platform and simply turned it into high spec consoles

>> No.10422882
File: 146 KB, 770x262, Update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears it will also be getting a remaster.

>> No.10422883

Wait a sec...

>> No.10422887


>> No.10422890

Console nigger cope

>> No.10422896
File: 3.30 MB, 640x480, 1693885634491078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HL1 was probably the first game I ever registered. My steam account is old as fuck.
Pic related.

>> No.10422910

No, it's just a big update restoring stuff from retail

There's also a documentary

>> No.10422917
File: 204 KB, 725x725, ATLP8K09AkE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brought back the original Valve Intro video. Can be skipped with the "-novid" launch command.
>Updated main menu to a design inspired by the game's original 1998 main menu.
>Changed the default models to the original (non "HD") models.

>> No.10422965

>the good water is still exclusive to software rendering
i just don't understand

>> No.10422968

>Log in on steam to get it
>As of January 1 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems. After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. In order to continue running Steam and any games or other products purchased through Steam, users will need to update to a more recent version of Windows.
>This change is required as core features in Steam rely on an embedded version of Google Chrome, which no longer functions on older versions of Windows. In addition, future versions of Steam will require Windows feature and security updates only present in Windows 10 and above.
>Although support won't end until 2024, we strongly encourage all Windows 7/8/8.1 users to update sooner rather than later. Microsoft ended security updates and technical support for Windows 7 in January 2020 and for Windows 8.1 in January 2023. Computers running these operating systems, when connected to the internet, are susceptible to new malware and other exploits which will not be patched. That malware can cause your PC, Steam and games to perform poorly or crash. That malware can also be used to steal the credentials for your Steam account or other services.

>tl;dr literally getting locked out of my games in 44 days because I don't want a worse OS
God bless piracy.

>> No.10422969

it's a glquake thing

>> No.10422970

>I don't want a worse OS
>uses binbos
based retard

>> No.10422971

this is why I've been rebuying several games on GOG despite sometimes being the inferior version. I sent an email to Gaben asking if the WON version of Half-Life can come to GOG. No reply.

>> No.10422972

hl1 kinda sucks ass but atleast deathmatch will have some new players for a while

>> No.10422980

Enjoy having broken games or none at all on your trannux.

>> No.10423034

>not registering steam for CS before HL was on it.
Ngmi lads.

>> No.10423039

>broken games or none at all
Where have you been since 2018 when Valve stepped in to unfuck all of that

>> No.10423046
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

them new maps sure are purdy, this one's my favorite

>> No.10423056

linux will never have the soul that windows 98/XP/7 had

>> No.10423071

First I think steam still mostly works on xp and second just install gentoo.

>> No.10423117

just theme it like them then cuck

>> No.10423119

friendly reminder that win8.1 is less than 2 years older than win10
are you ready for win10 to be dropped in another year?

>> No.10423124

8.1 is being dropped because no one fucking uses 8.1

>> No.10423131
File: 719 KB, 1920x2160, gl_overbright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the overbright? The changelog mentions it, but it doesn't look like it's there, even if it's still a bit better.

>> No.10423173

>Valve fixed the multiplayer crashing glitch because I didn't shut up about it
>Can't ruin the experience of newcomers now
Fuck. Why did I do it.

>> No.10423194

>Open console
>map valve
>"Not found"

>> No.10423768

Win7 fags get the rope

>> No.10423779

This was never a good comparison because the results are simulated in an image editor.

>> No.10424031

func_vehicle func_vehicle func_vehicle valve cares about car map people again

>> No.10424040

Fuck off, retarded golem. If you like having games you bought stolen from you, it's your problem.

>> No.10424075 [DELETED] 

I've played more PC shooters than anything else. It doesn't change the fact that the Rare/FRD games are some of the best shooters ever. Half-Life aged like fucking cum.
>inb4 >aged

>> No.10424076

exactly this, fuck steam. fuck gayben, fuck google, and fuck microsoft.

>> No.10424093

You must run the newest hardware and newest OS. Gayben has promised google and microsoft 1 dedicated cpu core and 2 gb of ram each so they may spy on you super efficiently and show you irrelevant ads for laser eye surgery when you don't even wear glasses, thus in turn raising the price of products as corporations have to pass the costs of their marketing geniuses onto the consumer. >>10423768

>> No.10424116 [DELETED] 

GoG is awesome man. it's exactly what you would want from a digital distribution service: DRM-free games with patches applied on a simple download page. my only complaint would be that some of their shit is way overpriced (Warcraft 1+2 for $15? come on dude), but they do have a lot of deals and discounts. that said, i think having Steam around is good, if only because it keeps GoG in check.

>> No.10424158

I wish gog had downloads for the original ISO versions cause some of their fixes break compatibility with original hardware. Also I wish they stuck the roms in their own section, I get so tired of looking through the store and seeing all the roms for sale.

>> No.10424179

Why is windows such goyslop now, the ironic and unironic defenders are awful too, it’s bad enough you have fags on /v/ defending microtransactions but the windows defense is just mind boggling, why is EVERYONE on this site such a corporate cocksucker now? It didn’t used to be this bad. Inb4 someone calls me a commie or something because I want decent software

>> No.10424242


>> No.10424264
File: 338 KB, 1132x220, 1641988922861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The op of that thread doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about, and neither do you since that pic >>10423131 is a screen shot with the effect re-enabled, not an edit.

you need the brightness of a light source in game to be a lot brighter for the difference to exist, not that 30 brightness shit the vogon op used

pic related is the difference but using anons re-enabling dll not the new valve update, i don't know what they've done, i don't have steam

>> No.10424284

its this new era of pc gaymers, they think new = good and old = bad and actually believe the microsoft marketing department lines about windows 7 being "unsecure" (or insecure as I saw one retard on reddit put). yeah the only thing unsecure about windows 7 is I dont have a secured direct connection to microsoft ya retard fucks.

>> No.10424308

>windows 7 being "unsecure"
literal "peek-a-boo" for adults who don't know how to browse the web responsibly

>> No.10424360

>noo you need to run your windows xp steam games on windows 11 systems so we can properly track and monetize your usage habits

>> No.10424872

Pretty gay thread if you use 4chanx

>> No.10425530
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, light_shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we established that the screenshots weren't manipulated.

To be fair, you seem to be talking about the post on that forum, but what makes you think those aren't legit as well? It seems to exhibit a similar behavior (spray paint losing its orange hue as it saturates to white).

>> No.10425543

>I wonder what else VALVe is planning...
Half-life extraction shooter.

>> No.10425756
File: 960 KB, 1920x1080, windows-7-official-madobe-nanami-wallpaper-1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I had upgraded from XP not too long ago, took me ages to get convinced to upgrade, and many games and programs dropping support for it. Now that I finally had Win7 it's obsolete again.
Funny that back then, when I was forced to upgrade from XP, Win10 was being heralded as the last and best Windows that would get updates forever. And now here we are with another Windows after 10.
Considering my track record (I waited for Service Pack 3 on XP to update from 98) I bet when I get Win10 it will be obsolete again

>> No.10425758

Nanami will never die. XP-tan entrusted the future to her.

>> No.10425769

>I bet when I get Win10 it will be obsolete again
some programs already deny features to ""LTS"" builds, and there already are laptops without any drivers for 10

>> No.10425808
File: 264 KB, 1024x892, FrameBreaking-1812-1024x892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this industry

>> No.10425836 [DELETED] 

Win10 isn't going anywhere anytime soon. it's still, by far, the most popular OS and will be receiving updates for the forseeable future. shit, i was still using windows XP into 2021, and aside from a few broken websites, it was completely functional. i have no doubt that Win10 will be a serviceable OS for the next 10+ years, possibly indefinitely. you just have to learn how to uncuck it, as you do with all corporate products.

>> No.10425851

>you just have to learn how to uncuck it
There's no guarantee that you can uncuck it for good, but at least previous OSs had less to deal with.

>> No.10425859

not the same, golem

>> No.10425970

This, 10 is 7 all over again. 11 already started losing traction just like 8 did back in the day.

>> No.10425979
File: 19 KB, 412x210, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the latest Steam hardware survey shows this trend. Literally the same thing happened to 8/8.1, they got to ~30% then started dropping.

>> No.10426097

Just you wait until they reveal the Windows 10 kill switch.

>> No.10426162

Just finished up my last playthrough. The new update is great, things actually look correct and you don't need to use autoexec to fix all the little things that were messed up since the Vista era.
I'd even go so far as to say that the XASH source port is no longer necessary to play HL1.
Only problem now is that the updates are not available for Blue Shift and Opposing Forces, at least not the separate ones on Steam right now.

>> No.10426169

It gets ported to consoles with homebrew capabilities so it would benefit from the controller support the new HL1 update added.

>> No.10426189

It has supposedly been dropping for ages now.
The trend is still climbing, though.

>> No.10426347
File: 23 KB, 409x321, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with Intel saying you should use Windows 11 with their new CPUs, I still believe it will be secondary to 10.

>> No.10426530
File: 3.35 MB, 3840x2160, HLwallpaper04_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the separate website they put up too. Some cool wallpapers made from the original PR artwork, though it's only widescreen and phone resolutions.
Use the crowbar

>> No.10426552

Nothing of value was lost. Literally the only reason why fags latch on to trash operating systems like XP and 7 is solely because for their user interface themes.

>> No.10426558


>> No.10426560

Yeah lick that boot, boy.
Next up: W10 becomes too old to be able to run DOS games.

>> No.10426569

>implying I use shitdows
lol you faggots talk so much about how Windows XP and 7 don't spy on you yet when somebody convinces you to switch to a privacy-respecting os that's supported like linux, you break down crying.

>> No.10426575

Literally no one said older windows versions don't spy on people. We know about PRISM but at least it didn't come prepackaged with ads and garbage back then.

>> No.10426589

What is there to translate? How does what he said mean "I love eating insects and owning nothing!"? Either way, there are other computer OSes in use anyway, like Mac OSX, AmigaOS, and the many Linux flavors.
Bootlicker yes, but I don't think that Windows 10 necessarily removes emulation of older computers per se. I'd tell >>10426552
to at least get a Macintosh with the latest metal support, or if not, switch to Debian, Gentoo, Linux Mint, Open SUSE or even Kali

>> No.10426621

Actually it's because they're paranoid schizophrenics who thinks that windows 10 is going to email their mom and tell her they spent 14 hours jerking off to underage chink cartoon girls this week.
They're also technologically incompetent, and overall of below average intelligence so they don't realize Windows has spied on you constantly since always online Internet connections became commonplace since no one made an infographic about how XP and 7 did it.

>> No.10426674
File: 133 KB, 1080x674, frutiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solely because for their user interface themes.
Literally the only reason you need.

>> No.10426683
File: 223 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231118_132820_Outlook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally in the feature list of windows 10.

We're you trying to be ironic on purpose? I getting email every week or anytime my son goes to a new website.

>> No.10426691

Did you guys seriously fall for this obvious shill thread? Come on...

>> No.10426701 [DELETED] 

>linux nigger at it again
Daily reminder: there is nothing Linux does that you can't do on Windows. Nothing. Anything you dislike about Windows can be fixed with an .exe download. If you aren't willing to spend 30 minutes setting up your machine so it runs well and keeps your data safe, then you don't deserve a computer. Moreover, if you're doing something nefarious enough to worry that Microsoft or the government is spying on you, then you should be using an offline device to begin with. Linux is a shitty, unoptimized operating system with no games and no compatibility. It's for hipsters and queers. Kill yourself.

>> No.10426710

What's with the hands is that what happens at max FOV or something

>> No.10426728

Sure, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are great games. But Timesplitters!? That game stinks!

>> No.10426765

Have you tried it? No? Well then shut up.

>> No.10426787 [DELETED] 

I have, it's trash. Now try having sex (you won't)

>> No.10426927

>there is nothing Linux does that you can't do on Windows
Windows spies on me better than Linux, yeah.

>> No.10427069
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>> No.10427301
File: 27 KB, 413x276, 1700356371509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody in this thread even noticed that the update broke cs 1.6

>> No.10427304

And Year of the Dragon!

>> No.10427305
File: 1.30 MB, 1284x1522, IMG_7095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Alf hate half life so much?

>> No.10427308

And? They probably already know by now.

>> No.10427356

>nobody likes 2
>removed Go entirely
>killed 1.6 out of pure spite
So that's Gabe's plan. If he can't make a good game he will just have to destroy all other games until you have no choice

>> No.10427363

>nobody likes CS2
Thats where you are wrong, Dr. smart-alec.
Also, CS: Source.

>> No.10427375

Not enough cats

>> No.10427395

when they dropped XP support that was the first fatal strike. 1.6, dod, and TFC were all heavily affected their server lists all became 1/10 the original size when they banned xp shitboxes from steam. fuck gay ben for doing that too.
you dont accept spyware eating your system resources why do you enjoy it when microsoft does it faggot?

>> No.10427747

I did, but all you have to do is opt-in for the beta or downgrade Half Life. They'll probably fix it properly eventually

>> No.10427761

I can't ever understand what you are talking about, sorry.

>> No.10427784

quake ports resolved this years ago

>> No.10427793

Valve is also putting their biggest community (TF2) in jeopardy with the W7 ban.

>> No.10427813
File: 1.79 MB, 4000x3000, 1000083760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded steam just to play Endedal Skyrim mod, it won't install because I don't have steam version of Skyrim... into the trash it goes...

>> No.10427820
File: 175 KB, 479x425, 1000083697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there is an endless list of things you can do on Windows and can't do on Linux. Basically Linux is absolutely worthless for any semi serious audio/music work. In fact Linux distros are absolute shit especially in this regard, but in general it's good only for programming trannies.

>> No.10427839

>get SSD big enough for all your Steam games
>install a variant of Linux you like that you can install Steam on
>don't let it fuck with your boot order, just choose a boot menu from your bios when you want to play Steam games
>install your games on that drive, never deal with Steam bitching about your current version of Windows again
I still have Win7 for stuff I need Windows for, but I mostly stay in my Linux install these days.

>> No.10427841

But now that I have some more time - OK you said
>I thought we established that the screenshots weren't manipulated.
Yes, look at the post you are replying to, see how it says
>that pic [...] is [...] not an edit.
So there was no need to quibble about that with me. Regarding the vogons thread, I wasn't suggesting that the screens "aren't legitimate" I was griping that they used screens where you could not even notice the effect - to be fair I can see it now that I'm in a darker room with a better setup. Also he says something about it being a 'feature of GPUs' which I don't think is a good characterization

>> No.10427843

>Only for programming trannies
Ai t it the truth, I just load up Kali or some VMware shit if I need Linux for anything.

>> No.10427852

this seems compiled with ericw tools
did they increase map limits?

>> No.10427870

I love goldsrc so much bros.

Yea this is bullshit. How did Valve not see this coming? I hope the engine improvements translate over to CS once they fix this. I want true widescreen finally.

>did they increase map limits?

>> No.10427910

If you have parental controls on your PC you're not old enough to post here.
I have Win10 LTSC IoT and know how to use a computer beyond looking at porn and playing video games. I guarantee you have more programs, background processes, worthless services and needless bloat on your computer than me.

>> No.10427928

shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.10427993

>try to install it
>steam says "no licenses"

I thought it was free? Any help?

>> No.10428479

is this on goldsrc or source?

>> No.10428489

>when they dropped XP support that was the first fatal strike. 1.6, dod, and TFC were all heavily affected their server lists all became 1/10 the original size when they banned xp shitboxes from steam. fuck gay ben for doing that too.
as shit as it is theres not much valve can do without forking libraries that that would eat up a bunch of their dev resources, all these older os deprecations are because a library of a library of a library they are using decides to stop supporting that os so millions of pieces of software will now stop working on it

>> No.10428497

It IS possible to use ultra old OS still today, the important part is how much do you lose by doing so. In this case, I would absolutely not move on to Win10, I can do anything I want in Win7, it accepts HDDs up to huge sizes, whatever SATA number that is good enough, decent video cards (I dont know about those raytracing ones but I don't care about those) I can even play some XP content here which I heard Win10 can't.
Yet I have to do it because I'm going to lose my Steam library, granted it's pretty much all retro stuff, I'm no longer interested in modern games, but still it's a lot of games.
So who knows if in the near future Win10 is still serviceable and stuff but some critical thing I use stops being supported.

Same thing happened to me, I clicked on the big banner thing and told me I had no license. I had to go to the Store, and search for Half Life, then there look for the one that says 100% off or free, and then click that one. THEN it gets added to your account.
It's like the guy that programmed that thought everyone had HalfLife and the button just launched the game, but you actually need to have it in your account.

>> No.10428509

Use your eyes and read

>> No.10428964
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x2160, half lambert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, I was confused by the "brightness 30" thing, thinking it was the console variable.
It's not the lighting itself that is the issue, but the textures. The effect is always there, it's just not obvious unless the textures are bright too, which is why the sand in the other screenshots sticks out so much.

So, now that the Half-Life 1 lighting is fixed, I can finally shift my autism to Half-Life 2.

>> No.10428981

>eat up a bunch of their dev resources
What does Valve even do all day? Alyx was the first actual game they made in God knows how many years.

>> No.10428989

Or they could just, ya know, let you download things you payed for without installing their shitty client.

>> No.10429029

Working hard on Deckard and its launch title Half-Life 3 of course

>> No.10429076

Is it really THAT fucking cumbersome to support legacy systems, even at the bare minimum level? Like, how hard would it be for Valve to just offer a version of steam that's literally just a watered down launcher that you use to connect to their servers and download the games? You don't need the store browser, you don't need the friends list, you don't need the community center. I just want to play CS-Source in Windows XP like god intended

>> No.10429243

They should just release a lite client without the Chrome libraries for browser gimmicks eating up RAM. It would solve two birds with one stone.

>> No.10429283

>I just want to play CS-Source in Windows XP like god intended
The 11th Commandment:
Thou shalt play Counter-Strike Source on Windows XP, and have no other games or operating systems before them

>> No.10429289

At this point just install Arch ffs.
Linux is basically Valve's target platform these days anyway, proton runs anything that doesn't use some shitty rootkit drm, and linux emulators perform way better than they ever did on binos

>> No.10429329

I once tried playing CSS and Half-Life 2 on a Windows XP virtual machine using a cracked Steam and the original 2004 data. Not the best experience, but it worked.

>> No.10429334

>Sure, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are great games. But Timesplitters!? That game stinks!
What is wrong with Timesplitter's gameplay? The goofiness is very off-putting, but if you made a graphics/story hack with identical level design and enemy placement, etc, and made it super serious or atleast as serious as Perfect Dark, what would be your complaint?

>> No.10429406

Anybody having issues with multiplayer? I join servers with around 30 latency only to spike up to the 1000's and above.

>> No.10429465

Valve finally addressed this today. Still no true fix, but an officially recommended workaround:

>November 19, 2023 Update
>Fixed the inability to launch Half-Life: Blue Shift and Day of Defeat, as well as many other mods.
>NOTE: Many GoldSrc mods, Counter-Strike included, may still have compatibility issues with the updated version of the Half-Life engine. While we work on improving mod support it is advisable to install the beta "steam_legacy" build of Half-Life (which can be selected in the game's properties page) when playing mods.


>> No.10429638

If they did that they couldn't spy on and analyze your behavior and then sell it to advertisers to know how to better market themselves on steam

>> No.10429916

As a casual viewer, I kind of like the bottom one better, so what am I doing wrong?

>> No.10429930

Half Life chads own this board.

>> No.10429987

It's not physically correct.

>> No.10430651

have you considered GANU/Lanoox?

>> No.10430760

The word linux scares them

>> No.10430962

I know this is bait but I never used a Windows after 7 either. I switched to Linux instead of just running 7 without security updates like a moron.
That soul went to heaven buddy.

>> No.10431024

moron here, you're a pussy bitch.

>> No.10431248
File: 797 KB, 303x303, Master_hand_(you).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wish they could flip the finger to Microsoft and say 'we and our userbase are fucking off your platform, Bye!'. I wish. Microsoft is the epitome of evil. I use windows. You use windows, we'll use windows till people stop developing software for it.

>> No.10431257

I like half-life

>> No.10431261

>this is bait
It's 100% genuine, you stupid nigger.
>security updates
Nothing will ever happen. All the gullible targets are using 10 and 11.

>> No.10431420

wait am I supposed to look at the bricks or the crab?

>> No.10431729

I used to have several HDDs with multiple partitions and play around with Windows98SE, Windows 2000, Knopix (could just start from CD/USB), Debian, Ubuntu, a bunch of other distros the names I forgot, you name it, I even had a wierd Intel CPU that could run windows and a version of MacOS.
Nowadays I'm completely spent, I no longer want to deal with installing any operating systems, if I'm going to go through the annoyance of partioning drives and installing yet another OS I rather just be done with it with Win10, but I'm fearing that it won't last long again and will have to move to yet another Windows.
I guess nowadays you don't have to hunt for every single driver (or even have to write your own) but still I wish that Chromium crap never had to happen, but since we are like 2% of the users we can eat shit.

>> No.10431736

Windows 11 is already here, support for win8 is gone. Welcome to hell, figgit. It’s only going to get worse. I’d imagine on 5 years or so the first neuralink will have a Microsoft operating system installed into peoples frontal cortex.

>> No.10432042

true true

>> No.10432501

>Nothing will ever happen. All the gullible targets are using 10 and 11.
Keep telling yourself that while the zero days that will never be patched pile up for your 14 year old OS.

>> No.10432525

>muh patches
Nothing will ever happen, golem.

>> No.10432724

does the texture pack works with it again?

>> No.10432946

>Rare/FRD games
What is FRD? Google just redirects me to "Ford."

>> No.10432949

>Pretty gay thread if you use 4chanx
Why is that?

>> No.10432973
File: 36 KB, 450x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have wanted to play this game when I was much younger, and didn't have a job or money to buy my own games.
Now that I do, I have to say, I don't enjoy this game as much as Red Faction. I think a big part of that, is that I think zombies are boring as fuck, and it's not satisfying to shoot the enemies, like it is in Goldeneye or Perfect Dark.
The environments are easier to get lost in.
I thought I would enjoy watching Freeman's Mind, but it gets boring at about Episode 5.
I tried watching "The Best of Freeman's Mind" and most of it was dull. I can't believe I watched so much of it when I was younger, but in 2008, options for free online entertainment were obviously a lot more limited.

>> No.10432984

I got to the point where I'm jumping on crates suspended from the ceiling. I'm still bored, but I've purchased the whole franchise (for less than $7), should I use cheats to skip to a later part of the game?
Should I skip to one of the sequels?

>> No.10433002

Just keep going. You'll get to the marines soon and they're a pretty reasonable challenge if you're not a speed runner and don't know how to exploit their AI

>> No.10433012

>You'll get to the marines soon
About how many hours of gameplay will that take?

>> No.10433076

I kind of want to use this technique once I make my own engine with gouraud shading
Does it make things soulless or something

>> No.10433081

>Daily reminder: there is nothing Linux does that you can't do on Windows

no games

>> No.10433087

I'm gonna enjoy actually playing games while you whine about Gabe dropping support for 15 year old operating systems.

>> No.10433092

For a first time through? After the first hour.

>> No.10433096

>For a first time through? Yeah.

>> No.10433356
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As the article says, it applies to objects, so not the ground.
It's fine for simulating bounce lighting, but it destroys the SOVL of hard lights. You could always use both, but instead of applying it on a per model basis, apply it on a per light basis.

Half-Life 1 has very few lights that DON'T use half lambert, such as this one illuminating the grenade. Would be cool if there were more of them.

>> No.10434259

I always thought the light on the grenade looked especially good now you're telling me the whole game could look like that?

>> No.10434752

That Spyro Half-Life mod makes liberal usage of these lights. Check it out.

>> No.10434760

>research and try to find out why the OP pic celebrating the 25th anniversary of HL was deleted
>no results

What was it?

>> No.10434902

Haha yes it is silly that anon is using 15 year old software, my fellow /vr/ poster. Let's continue discussing this 25 year old game.

>> No.10435607

>get Blue Shift and Opposing Force since they are cheap
>remember beating OF, but not BS
>can't remember why I stopped playing BS
>decide to take another swing at it
>this doesn't seem that bad
>side-step into a pit I didn't see, fall to death
>make it to the part where you escort a scientist to a lab
>slowly make him stand around while I clear the area then slowly drag him through
>get to the blocked off elevator
>smash it open
>scientist runs into the next room for no reason
>go fetch him
>he no longer responds at all, complete AI death
>decide I'd rather play something else instead of playing through the same shit again and hoping the AI won't glitch out again
I think something similar happened the last time I took a swing at Blue Shift as well. 20+ years later, and still a glitchy unplayable mess.

>> No.10435624

goldeneye is fucking awful to play, even back then i hated it

>> No.10435652

i remember the firs time i played it the scientists in the eleveator from the beginning of the game would get "crushed" by the elevator (it was a glitch the same would happen you with every elevator if you stand on a certain spot) and the game would count it as me killing him and it would game over me. the game was literally unplayable beyond that point.

i've since beaten the game, its fun but not as good as opposing force or the original half life

>> No.10435931

Too bad they broke it.

>> No.10435934

At least the story is less of a non-canon mess compared to Opposing Force.

>> No.10436171

Maybe your FPS was too high?

>> No.10436678

>take another swing at it
>get to alien world
>die in ambush where they drop one of those big guys on a platform near you and he just unloads with all barrels
>press onwards
>get back to lab
>go through some bullshit and finally use no-clip to skip some shit I didn't feel like figuring out
>gotta fire up the machine again
>fix the coolant valve like asked then head back to control room
>scientist screams WHY DIDN'T YOU FIX IT?!, game over
Blue Shift sure as shit doesn't endear itself to the player, that's for sure.

>> No.10437368

>try to do the event again
>last save is prior to getting the battery charged
>put battery in charger
>go to move it to the lift
>it's managed to get stuck in the charger and won't move
I've played mods created by teens that were less buggy and glitchy than fucking Blue Shift at this point. I've played all the way through STALKER:Clear Sky, but I can't tolerate this level of broken.

>> No.10437376

you honestly must be retarded like pushing the battery in and trying to pull it out or clipping it through something so it gets stuck just so you can complain on the internet.

>> No.10437740

They hated him because he told them the truth.

>> No.10439443

Stop being a retard, W7 is still getting security updates. They're easy to install if you don't have brain rot

>> No.10439512

A very roundabout way of declaring his homosexuality, but if it is the truth who am I to judge.

>> No.10439517
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>> No.10439520
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Looks like you can modify the strength of the overbright by modifying the easily accessible shader.

>> No.10439532

Lot of natively running games these days, plus Proton's been a thing since 2018. No excuses left at this point.

>> No.10439829

NTA and thats all fine and dandy if I ever get another computer it will be running linux my problem is the revocation of our right to access our games. My PC is coming up on 12 years old here in January its got an i7 2600 its more than enough to handle anything I want to play I dont give a shit if my OS is "not secure" there is nothing important on my pc and my steam account is protected by 2fa anyway. I should be able to run a version of steam on my old core2duo XP machine I still have. Why should I not be able to run a small LAN for me and my friends using PCs that all worked with steam at one point. I just wanna play half life with my sons one day damn it.

>> No.10439952
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>> No.10441070

Does anyone know if afraid of monsters still works?

>> No.10441158

You can always go back to the legacy version.

>> No.10442219


>> No.10442246

I've been playing multiplayer and while its fun to stomp noobs with no experience with FPS games that are COD derived. It gets boring playing endless FFA servers where 16+ people are crammed into maps that are designed for 2-6 players.
It would be fun to play CTF, TDM etc. I found one Gun Game server but again that's just 16 or more player FFA.

>> No.10442261

Condition Zero is still broken.

>> No.10442345

i feel the exact same way buddy. I even had the same thought cross my mind. TDM and CTF are infinitely more fun than pubstomping scrubs

>> No.10442371
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Sorry I meant to say "games that are *not COD derived".

Yeah I am not even any good at HL nor have I really played it before I just have experience with arena fps.
I am not even sure what modes shipped with HL. I know there is quite a lot of mp mods for HL1 but I don't see them in the browser so I assume most are standalone, which tends to be the case with goldsrc and source mods.
Also does anyone know why the rocket launcher feels so ass even at low ping? It's super delayed to fire and sometimes the guidance doesn't work. Not sure if that's just how it works in vanilla since i've only played AG a few times prior. I noticed some servers let you spin up the coil gun and some don't so it fires as soon as it's charged.

>> No.10442424

normally the gauss kills you when holding it too long. i dont know if base half life has CTF but i know opposing force does

>> No.10442473

I never even considered that the expansions had MP