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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10405560 No.10405560 [Reply] [Original]

Castlevania thread

>> No.10405637

My new favourite Castlevania is ActRaiser 2

>> No.10405661

> The castelvania packs not being sold for $5 each.

Greedy publishers.

>> No.10405663

Haven't played it, but it looks like you have a ton of control after jumping.
That doesn't sound like CV unless you're talking about Maria mode from Rondo.

>> No.10405671

That's true. I'm exagerrating but the game takes a lot of cues from the CV series, it has medusa heads, axe knights (and sometimes combination of the two), bonehead pillars, some ghosts enemies which behaviour is a lot like bats, and the final level before the bosses is a tower with gears

>> No.10405714

I am interested in playing it.
It is interesting, though, how there aren't many pure CV clones, though.
Another fun game that is vaguely CV-like is The Legendary Axe, but it also gives you a lot of midair control.

>> No.10405715

Love the pre-SOTN games. Wish they'd go back to making them like that again.

>> No.10405724
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Hope you like having to do frame-perfect jumps as a requirement bro

>> No.10405776

You say this like the series isn't dead in general and they are still making Metroidvanias
Yeah fuck this game, can't imagine doing Loop 2 and beyond. Hard as balls. Probably the hardest Castlevania after 3, X68k and Dracula X

>> No.10406152

Played SotN, AoS, DoS and PoR. CotM, HoD or OoE next?

>> No.10406307

>Wish they'd go back to making them like that again.
More like making any at all.

>> No.10406313

>CotM, HoD or OoE next?
yes, in that order.

>> No.10406489

on the other hand
Battle of the Holy

>> No.10406824

There are plenty classicvanias with varying degrees of air control
Rondo (Richter mode) and Dracula X are my favorites because the air control is limited, giving you a single change of direction and that's it, but you also get a lot of choice with how you want to do it
>move + tap jump = jump with no air control
>move + hold jump = jump with air control while holding jump
>move + tap jump + hold jump (mid-air) = jump with no air control initially, then you get air control as you press and hold jump mid-air
>stand still + tap jump = jump with air control without needing to hold jump
>stand still + tap jump + tap jump (mid-air) = jump with air control, then backflip
It always felt strangely intuitive when playing them but it gets weirder the more you think about it, I don't know a single other game that controls like this
Also whipping during a backflip cancels it, oddly enough

>> No.10406826

Why is Bloodlines the best game?

>> No.10406887

Is II any good? Played I and III but skipped that one

>> No.10406904

I've only completed SotN and the GBA titles, I'm too much of a scrub to beat the NES or Genesis titles

>> No.10406946

Super Castlevania 4 is relatively easy, try that one

>> No.10406948

It's okay, not great but it's kinda interesting to see where the more exploration style basically started at. Keep a guide handy for the more obtuse bullshit.

>> No.10406951

Rondo of Blood isn't too bad either, ESPECIALLY as Maria.

>> No.10407123

Rondo is the easiest classicvania all things considered. I'd say this is true even as Richter, but it's especially true as Maria.
SCIV is designed like shit and easily broken, which gave it a reputation of being too easy, but that game gets legitimately hard in the later stages. I wouldn't recommend it if you're trying to finish a game all the way through.
Japanese version of Castlevania 3 is also much easier than the US version, and is also the better version of the game in my opinion. That one can be very much manageable if you have the right companion.
And lastly, you might as well try Bloodlines as Eric if you haven't already. He's to John what Maria is to Richter.

>> No.10407134

It's weird that in the JP version of CV3 you can crouch and you're completely immune to the second form of Dracula, you know the one where he becomes a mass of faces that spit acid blood down on you? You can just crouch and you're completely invincible.
I have no idea why.

>> No.10407165

I didn't know that, but I'm not surprised since the JP version is notoriously buggy. To the US localization's credit, it was actually really competently done. It fixed a lot of bugs and added extra features, but on the other hand, it also censored some stuff and basically vandalized the core game design for the sake of boosting rentals.

>> No.10407171

I actually think they made the right call with taking away Grant's infinite throwing knives though. He's insanely strong in the JP version for that reason.

>> No.10407178

cv thread. Bloodlines had unispired environment design and was just pretty generic. I'm fighting in Atlantis but I would hardly even know it

>> No.10407181

Man. Bloodlines had the most standout environments to me. Maybe I'm just thinking of the later stages though and it's burned into my mind above all else.

>> No.10407182

Couldn't agree more.

>> No.10407281

I remember renting castleVania 3 and still got the end before the 3rd day. Even with Grant I believe. Might be wrong. Just saying it's possible.

Don't know if I beat it but distinctly remember Draculas final form. There was no problem with Grant.

>> No.10407282


>> No.10407424

Which Castlevanias are easiest to nodeath?

>> No.10407461
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Alright fags

Classicvanias or Metroidvanias

>> No.10407468

They can exist side by side.

But it matters who develops them and who develops the music.

To think that a Castlevania game such as blood stain circle of the I don't know what it's called
Can't commission somebody like Yuzo Koshiro that's just ridiculous.

But then they have to consider the cost of his fee

Both games can absolutely exist side by side

I like to see one story told in Castlevania style
And the other told in metroidvania style

And you never know maybe Konami is searching the board maybe they'll read this

>> No.10407713

Please don't ask this question, /vr/ is usually too autistic to just admit they're both fine.

>> No.10408023

great atmosphere and soundtrack, some fun exploration, some tedious grinding probably, some tedious backtracking possibly, so-so action, absurdly uninteresting boss fights, a few stupidly obtuse puzzles
it's worth trying and may or may not be worth finishing (and finishing it may or may not require a guide)

>> No.10408030


I rented it as a kid and got to the mimic fight or whatever near the end. Later as an adult I came back and did a 1CC without too much effort (still NA version, still original hardware, no practicing with passwords even). Yeah it's really not THAT hard a game. It's harder than a lot of games, I wouldn't call it easy, but... well if the Japanese version is any easier, then I'd say it's surely too easy, is what I'm saying. (Also cheap FM synth sounds ugly to me and I'm pleased to have been spared that.)

>> No.10408058

Its not ok. It's pure fucking trash.
I beat it and regretted playing it. Basically the whole fucking game is walking back and forth trough very boring areas, fighting the same couple non-threat enemies, using the guide to do the arbitrary and unintuitive bullshit like "crouch on this exact pixel and use the thing", and then there's only 3 bosses and they're all retarded. Also i think you can skip the first 2 by just walking past them.

>> No.10408061

Every indie dev makes metroudvanias now, so I'd prefer the more arcadey style games. They could try making classicvanias with some of the moves from the newer games though.

>> No.10408079

I have done it and I am shit at games

>> No.10408140

Both :^)

>> No.10408402

What do people like about Order of Ecclesia other than difficulty and Shanoa's back?

>> No.10408465
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>great art
>some new fucking enemy sprites for once
>fantastic OST
>small collection of areas eventually leading to Dracula's Castle was a neat way to change up progression from the other IGAvanias
>two handed combat system was fun as fuck
>great bosses
>decent story
>and the two things you mentioned
It's my personal favorite out of the IGAvanias, but I love them all.

>> No.10408585

why do Castlevania games have a time limit

the hidden timer in 2 is fine because it goes by essentially ingame days so of course Dracula is gonna get up to no good if you spend all day in the tavern

but why is every other game like, "you better walk through this garden in 2 minutes or YOU DIE"
shit sucks, lemme just enjoy the vibe man

>> No.10408586

>when a court orders you're not allowed to go near your own waifu anymore
igabros... not like this

>> No.10408589

Who the fuck ever ran out of time in a Castlevania game? What are you standing in place for minutes on end for?

>> No.10408593

>Who the fuck ever ran out of time in a Castlevania game?

The dungeon stage with Frankenstein's monster has a really strict timer in the Chronicles version; because the timer goes down faster in that shitty port than it does in the original game. Probably why they let you disable the timer in arrange mode instead of fixing their blunders for real.

>> No.10408603

um, sweetie, can you even read?
did I say I died?
no pretty sure i didn't
I said the game rushes you along making sure you CAN'T just stand around

>> No.10408620
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>Shanoa's back
You, uh..
need more?

>> No.10408629

It's great. Unironically one of my favorite NES titles. It plays different from the others and there is a bit of jank to the enemies/bosses, but it's fantastic if you like roaming and exploring.

>> No.10408656

>did I say I died?
uuuuuueeeermmmmm so why are you whining for, sweaty?
>making sure you CAN'T just stand around
Why would you want to to begin with?

>> No.10408739

I prefer Charlotte and RoB Maria

>> No.10408872

How hard is it to draw magic seals in DoS on Steam Deck with the trackpad? I've already played it with the Definitive Edition+ rom hack in the past, but I don't like rom hacks anymore so I want to play it vanilla.

>> No.10410031

Best girl?

>> No.10410051

maria of course
new maria thread when

>> No.10411774

There's a patch that removes the touch screen gimmick without adding anything else.

>> No.10412042


>> No.10412062
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Right now, this thread

>> No.10413741

She was so cute, why did they ruin her in SotN?

>> No.10415086
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flat chest? no thanks.

Laura is by far the best, she has big breasts.

>> No.10415104

i'll make a new thread when i have further ''progress'' to show on the hack. no telling when that'll be, though

>> No.10415108 [DELETED] 

From what I recall the GBC version makes those jumps easier with its curtailment of the slowdown, but I'd have to play the two versions and compare them to be sure.

>> No.10415184

>further ''progress''
remind us, what's the current status

>> No.10415272

>Rondo Maria
>flat chest
she's an oppai loli, anon, get it right

>> No.10415527

Best body type.

>> No.10415543

>mad forest.mp3

>> No.10415586

Saturn Maria > PSP Maria

>> No.10416220

Rondo Maria > SOTN Maria

>> No.10416246

I think the only bullshit change made for the US version is making all enemies kill you in four hits instead of keeping the different base-damage values and adding an extra point to them based on your character and how far in the game you are.

In regards to Grant's knife, I would have compromised by letting him start every life with a throwing knife that still costs hearts, but he uses a stabbing knife for his basic attack.

>> No.10416271

Oh yeah, that happened:


>> No.10416356

I'm a big fan of the N64 CV games but this genuinely looks worse than the 64 games in every single way. Of course this was still in dev so who knows how it would have evolved but it doesn't look very promising.

>> No.10416630

>They could try making classicvanias with some of the moves from the newer games though.

I just want Rondo Richter to have the slide honestly.

>> No.10416727

JP or US/EU version of CotM? The US/EU version has increased the EXP requirement to level up by 20%, but it fixed an invisible Wind Armor.

>> No.10417037

Charlotte is hotter than Shanoa. Maria mogs both though.

>> No.10417570

seems like the jap game was too easy

>> No.10418418

>Miraim (not /vr/, I know)
guys I think IGA might have a thing for magic brunettes with sexy backs

>> No.10419827

Shanoa is based on his wife, alledgedly

>> No.10420098

>bases the protagonists of multiple games off his wife
that's cute as hell

>> No.10420103

figuring out how cutscene graphics get uncompressed