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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 170 KB, 1080x716, shitlentbill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10410659 No.10410659 [Reply] [Original]

I've played and beaten all 4 of these games and yet I can safely say I didn't enjoy a single one, the only one I had any fun with was 1 when I had the ammo multiplier maxed out where it still just felt like a shittier Resident Evil.
Where are these supposed to be good? 1 is stupid as fuck, 2 is le epic psychological horror sex trash, 3 is boring JP god killer shit, and 4 is a complete mess about foreskin or something idk it sucked ass.

Genuinely how does anyone enjoy these am I just missing something or is it just people who are easily impressed by basic stories and symbolism?

>> No.10410675

The validity of yur opinion will now hinge on your favorite games, OP. They better be good.

Go on, give us your tops 5 favorite games.

>> No.10410686

Bubsy 1, Bubsy 2, Bubsy 3d, Plok, Oscar

>> No.10410703

>I've played and beaten all 4 of these games and yet I can safely say I didn't enjoy a single one
Then why did you keep playing them?..

>> No.10410738

Deus Ex, System Shock, SimCity 2000, Jagged Alliance 2, and Command and Conquer are probably my top 5 but there's a little wiggle room for the other CnC games since they are all pretty great.
I was told by various people that each of them is the best of the 4 and figured at least one of them would be good, 1 was definitely the most enjoyable for me but I would still rather play Resident Evil, although at least it was more enjoyable than something like Deep Fear.

>> No.10410768

>pc slop
Yea,you got shit taste.
You dont even need the ammo multiplier to kill more enemy than in RE since melee is op.

>> No.10410779

You're supposed to play them in a dark room all alone with the volume really loud.

>> No.10410790

Stay mad shitter, I'm well aware of the power of melee however it's not fun to use at all you just sit and wait until you can swing and every single enemy except the monkeys are piss easy to time.

>> No.10410817

Maybe you are looking for the wrong thing in these games,if you wanna play for the action maybe dont play silent hill (or even RE for that matter),if you want kino atmosphere with better puzzles than re then yes play silent hill.

>> No.10410889
File: 144 KB, 1048x786, sh1_piano_puzzle_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better puzzles
Most of silent hills puzzles are literally walk to one area for the item/solution then walk to another to use the item or code. 4 was the only one that had some more interesting puzzles due to the limited inventory and actually using the appartment as more than just a save room. But still if I want real puzzles I will play a point and click, Silent Hill just lacks the story to justify it's pretty bad gameplay, RE lacks a good story but makes up for it with pretty stellar gameplay.

This is where most RE clones fail unfortunately they seem to forget that the fun of RE was blasting evil creatures and running around cool environments. SH had some ok environments, 3 in particular had some pretty cool areas but for the marjority of the playtime you just walk around bizzaro town with spoopy fog. Except 4 where the only interesting level was the panopticon which also happened to be a nightmare to actually play.

>> No.10410941

If the gameplay is stellar in RE then silent hill isnt that bad,it offers better movement and more interesting shooting,RE is Re is R1 + X and you barely move if at all,and dont act like the puzzles arent miles better than anything in RE,in RE they only serve to waste time since you dont think more than one second.
In silent hill they make you work for it a bit more sometimes especially in SH3 if you play on hard puzzles difficulty,if you were smart enough to play point and click you would never say RE got "stellar" action gameplay.

>> No.10410947 [DELETED] 

>it's a redditent evil vs soilent hill thread

>> No.10410949

Series ended with 2 far as I'm concerned

>> No.10410960

i will respond to you because your top list is actually good (hello ja2). thinking of silent hill as something in resident evil lineage is misconstruing the design entirely. im not sure why youre so focused on the action instead of the symbolic labyrinthlike structures, dichotomy shift between normal/other world and granular atmosphere.

>> No.10410992

>plays horror game
>expects fun
And Soilent hill isn't even a good horror game, just your usual journoslop movie games

>> No.10411030
File: 976 KB, 1000x1260, 99226394_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play through entire game series
>doesn't understand why it could appeal to anyone
Is OP actually retarded or do people just seriously lack the mental ability to process the idea that something they don't care for personally could be enjoyed by other people?

>> No.10411080

It's an autism thing, you wouldn't understand
Silent Hill 3 is the best game in the series though

>> No.10411123

Silent Hill and Silent Hill: The Arcade are the only two good games in the series, objectively.

>> No.10411131

I agree with you for the most part. Extremely overrated and from my experience mostly by Reddit-type people with feminine brains. Tried replaying 2 recently and dropped it early on: boring archaic puzzles back to back, no buildup, goofy cutscenes, boring key chase and uninspired environments

However, 1 is still phenomenal for what it did on PS1, it's buildup and suspense (especially that first encounter) in the first hour in combination with the open town is unparalleled. Shame about the school dragging on like that

>> No.10411273

>4 is a complete mess about foreskin or something
you didn't play any of them you tranny poser
go back to watching that e-celeb trash videos

>> No.10411287

>most generic PC slop

>> No.10411312

People pretend to like these games because of e-celebs on youtube

>> No.10411314 [DELETED] 

that's only true for Reddit Hill 2

>> No.10411319

>game predates e shills
the village of retards.

>> No.10411321

Do you think people would really do that? Just go on the internet and lie about popular things for (you)'s?

>> No.10411327

you're like the retard who steps on a rake, gets hit in the face, sees another rake, walks towards it, steps on it, gets hit in the face, sees another rake, walks towards it, steps on it, gets hit in the face...XD you fucking dumbass AHAHAAHAAHA you wasted your fucking time 4 times AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH get rekt fucking nerd and you're back again for a 5th time AHA AHAAH AH AHAHA HAHAH AHAH Ah

>> No.10411347

anyone who menions foreskin when talking about 4 is 100% poser
faggots like OP watched that sodomite youtuber video on Muh Silent Hill Wikia meltdown and that's why they these posers actually think the game plot is about circumcision

>> No.10411392

Please understand, Zoomers are barely above NPCs. Which is why the NPC TikTok trend was so effective at milking money from them.
They're not playing horror games, for the horror, but "me want shoot scary looking enemy".
You honestly think that they're going to replay each of the SH games, and get the different endings? Or even know that there are multiple endings?

>> No.10411396

Silent hill movie was more scary than any of the games. Legit disturbing

>> No.10411407

yeah it was a disturbingly bad movie that's why it's scary

>> No.10411409

>Legit disturbing
Yeah, it's disturbing how many people are trying to retcon the past, and make people think it's a good movie.

>> No.10411410


If you don't like these games, you probably don't like horror games in general.

>> No.10411412

The only retcon here is that Reddit Hill was ever good in the first place

>> No.10411419
File: 44 KB, 736x736, b707177a71c7c56680421703df7074c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neee look at my hilarious marvel quip!
Dorks lmao

>> No.10411428

Retard, these are basic bitch entry level horror with no substance

>> No.10411431

>Genuinely how does anyone enjoy these am I just missing something
Know how I know you're autistic?

>> No.10411438

Selfies go on >>>/soc/

>> No.10411439

Name your favorite horror game.

>> No.10411442

>I can safely say I didn't enjoy a single one

I have to agree. Silent Hill 1 I was able to beat, but only because I loaded a DexDrive save that unlocked the infinite ammo laser guided bonus gun from the get go. Any other way the experience would've been unbearable because of how clunky the combat felt. Some interesting locations and moments, but that's it.

I tried to get into SH3, but just couldn't. I gave up before I reached the halfway point.

By comparison, Forbidden Siren and Siren 2 were a lot more interesting thanks to the strong, well made stealth gameplay aspect.

>> No.10411451

>cheating to beat a horror game
what a fuck faggot
>Forbidden Siren 1
>well made stealth gameplay
KEK we all know you used a guide while playing that turd you zoom zoom

>> No.10411458

>what a fuck faggot

My time happens to be precious to me. If a game is shit I cheat.

>zoom zoom

I'm old enough to remember when the 8-bit NES and the Commodore 64 first launched. I'm old enough that around that time your dad was probably still a teenager who was furiously masturbating to expel your siblings from his balls.

>> No.10411461

SH1 would have been a lot better if it was mostly set out on the open streets and alleys with only very brief interior segments like the little Kaufman sidequest or the other places like the convenience store and police station you can visit. It grinds to a fucking halt in the school and the hospital is even worse.

>> No.10411463

>If a game is shit I cheat.
thne i guess all the games you played in your miserable life are ''shit''

>> No.10411464

The 8-bit NES. As opposed to what?

>> No.10411468

I also learned to spell correctly.

I'm sorry, what is this question?

>> No.10411474

It's like a silent hill thread made by people who critique anime and manga by saying "I don't like the fights"
Man. I'm probably half your age and I know nobody gives a fuck about my opinion on games but you're throwing you r shot everywhere and crying because you didn't like a 20 year old video game

>> No.10411480

ops generation never grew up and think music taste and video game taste are how you form an identity

>> No.10411483

i don't like the fights in tranime and tranga because i do not consume shonen garbage like you exclusively do

>> No.10411486

>you're throwing you r shot everywhere and crying because you didn't like a 20 year old video game

That's how the First Amendment works, boy. I have the freedom to bitch and whine like this.

>> No.10411493

Well you're definitely the main audience for shonen that's for sure

>> No.10411496

The creator literally made a better game like 5 years later on the PS2, it's called Siren

>> No.10411497

says the weeb triggered by the word ''tranime''

>> No.10411506
File: 26 KB, 618x594, 3541427499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siren 1 is garbage unplayable without a guide, a game made for retards like you unable to enjoy and finish a game without any external help or cheating
the sequel was much better but it's still not up the level of any of the Silent Hill games on the OP except for Reddit Hill 2 that game sucks

>> No.10411513

>the 8-bit NES
Bro, is there a non-8-bit NES?

>> No.10411520

Imagine making posts like this in your 40s

>> No.10411521

The 8-bit NES is the 8-bit NES.

>> No.10411561

Considering you had to unlock ammomultiplier in SH to have fun i highly doubt you could enjoy Siren.

>> No.10411571

>I'm old enough to remember when the 8-bit NES
Damn, he's not old enough to remember the 7-bit NES

>> No.10411836

The only good horror games are games that have a horror setting but the main focus is on something else, for instance RE had action, Alone in the Dark has cool cthulu shit going on, Slaughterhouse has fun arcade gameplay, house of the dead and crypt killer has you blowing shit away non stop and so on. Shit like SH is just epic creepy buildings and sex demons.

>> No.10411838

I legitmately like Siren because i'm a masochist

>> No.10411894

Because the only actual story I could decipher was some faggot thought a room was his mom and did some witchcraft bullshit to become a god, looking up stuff on the internet after the fact only lead me to the foreskin shit that I found more entertaining than whatever the fuck the game was trying to convey. At the end of the day all the games just boil down to "wah wah i hate my parents/wife"

>> No.10411932

>At the end of the day all the games just boil down to "wah wah i hate my parents/wife"
lmao,are you implying james hated his wife ? he loved her,he just didnt know how to cope with the fact she was sick and dying and killed her out of love,the best ending is "in water" and in that one he kills himself over the guilt.

>> No.10411960

>dislike game
>play the least liked entry even though you didn't like the last 3
You're retarded. Move on.
This would be like me listening to every fucking rap song ever written even i hate the genre.

>> No.10411965
File: 730 KB, 1920x2787, Resident Evil vs Silent Hill 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident evil doesn't have puzzles it has key fetching

>> No.10411973

Textbook Contrarianism
Don't let fan bases ruin things for you
The creators famously don't even like the fans

>> No.10411990

Its ok, 1 and 2 are better and 4 has more interesting ideas just bad execution.
These games were popular before YouTube existed
More boring contrarianism. It's a greatest hits game before plebbit ever existed.
More substance than 90% of the genre.
>running past enemies was too hard
These are filthy casuals accusing other people of being from plebbit

>> No.10412003

Nah. The school and hospital are two of the most memorable settings. You're just an autistic faggot.

I literally played this game with my uncle and my grandma (she's a big horror movie fan) when I was in middle school. I promise you neither of them have even heard of plebbit. In fact my uncle passed away before plebbit was founded.

>> No.10412068

The mostly seamless outdoor environments were what made it unique. Once you go indoors it turns into a shitty Resident Evil knockoff.

>> No.10412179

Lmao shut the fuck up all of you retards. Piece of shit zoomer board. Literally /v/ 2.0, obnoxious shit. Thread hidden

>> No.10412219

1 > shit > rest
Though Shattered Memories was lowkey awesome on Wii. Fun interactivity took precedence over dumb puzzles

>> No.10412258

No it doesn't.
Different controls
Different tone
Better story
Real puzzles instead of mindless key fetching

>> No.10412479

Holy based. The perfect take.

>> No.10412502


>> No.10412503


>> No.10412506

Holy based the perfect clapback
Op on suicide watch
You tell em fellow poster!

>> No.10412545 [DELETED] 


>> No.10412550 [DELETED] 

Tranny op assblasted

>> No.10412561 [DELETED] 

Assblasted soilent shill troon
Keep glazing over your hallowee party circlejerk

>> No.10412563

You lost cope

>> No.10412573 [DELETED] 

You also are a janny

>> No.10412578

Silent Hill was always sort of the Blumhouse/A24 horror series in comparison to the much larger budget Resident Evil coming from a mainstream movie studio.

>> No.10412593

Tormented Souls has the most esoteric puzzles I've seen in a horror game

>> No.10412750

this the truth right here.

>> No.10412754

Horror games are slop

>> No.10412769

The enemies in SH games have some of the most braindead AI I've ever seen and are so nonthreatening they might as well not even exist. The boss fights especially are so embarrassingly bad I question if they were even playtested.

>> No.10412834

People like the visuals and the music, that's it really. It plays like shit but as long as it looks and sounds good nobody cares. Now Fatal Frame, that's a full package, that actually plays well too.

>> No.10412867

>slop slop slop
we get it, you use 4chan

>> No.10413061


>> No.10413563

>a complete mess about foreskin or something idk

>> No.10414045 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 814x775, Screenshots_2023-11-14-19-50-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.10414050

In a good way or a bad way?
Are they creative, or obtuse like an old point and click game?

>> No.10414057 [DELETED] 

Ladies first

>> No.10414063

Combat isn't the point you dumb fuck zoomie
Besides, the flyers in 1 are plenty of a pain in the ass, and dogs in 3.
2 is an easy game, which let's be real, is the only one you even tried because you're a plebbit fag.
They also like the story, mystery, and puzzles.

So basically everything. Go play cawadoodie you dumb nigger

>> No.10414151

If you want a horror game where you feel truly threatened, this isn't one of them, and honestly most of the horror genre cannot into good enemy design. however, the first game has some tough moments actually, hitting things with a pipe feels best on SH1. The third game TRIES to be harder but its just gives you great weapons about half way through (the katana and the other guns like the smg) and it just makes the combat a joke. 4 at least has some enemies you cant really kill.

Honestly, Forbidden Siren (by the guy who directed the first SH game) is way more up your alley.

>> No.10414165

>Siren 1 is garbage unplayable without a guide, a game made for retards like you unable to enjoy and finish a game without any external help or cheating

nah, they actually expected people to keep doing trial and error, the issue is that there is too much of that and it causes the spooks to die down and just turn into frustration, and also because it causes people to look towards a guide which is definitely a failure on the design part. But, this is about what OP would enjoy, not what is objectively superior or inferior in the horror game format.

>> No.10414176
File: 591 KB, 600x906, ikneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bubsy 1, Bubsy 2, Bubsy 3d, Plok, Oscar

>> No.10414179

The combat in 1 is just as good if not better than the classic style PS1 games. Yeah, the dungeons have slow zombie enemies (except they look like monster children with knifes or nurses instead of being boring zombies yet again), RE also has slow zombie enemies. The dogs basically behave the same in both franchises, and there are human-sized monsters who leap at you just like the Hunters in RE. The reason I say SH1 might have better combat is 'cuz you have to give your character time to steady his gun between shots which you can visually see happening, otherwise the shots are inaccurate. This works because it gives you reason to walk forward or backward while aiming, which is something you can't do in RE. The melee weapons are actually good if you have proper timing as well, the knife in classic RE is only good if you invest time into learning how to cheese hitboxes with it.

SH2 has bad combat because the lazy devs only made zombie-type enemies and spammed those on the streets where you effortless just walk around them lol. It's like they finished the dungeons and its monsters but were't quite done with the streets and never got around to making unique enemies for it, so you just get boring zombies that are harmless outside of close quarters.

>> No.10414539

They're more adventure games than anything. You might as well be bitching about combat in myst.

Though the sniffer things is SH3 were a bitch, I'd always run instead of fighting them.

>> No.10414971

>Go play cawadoodie
funny that your response to the games having dogshit combat is to just play a entirely different game. SH combat is some of the worst in the survival horror genre, it's about as bad as Alone in the Dark while not having any of the soul that game has.

>> No.10415047

Its resident evil, except with more movement and melee.

>> No.10415426 [DELETED] 

>Western pc dead franchise crap and Deus Ex

Keep your opinions to yourself, you tasteless tranny.

>> No.10415712

My gripe with Fatal Frame is that it never seems to evolve beyond its J-horror ghost woman scares. Silent Hill was more appealing to me because it borrows from Hollywood movies viewed through the lens of Japanese game devs.

>> No.10415719

Yeah, I always treated the foggy streets of Silent Hill kind of like Ocarina of Time’s overworld. Mostly you can just run past everything on your way to your next destination or 'dungeon'.

>> No.10415792

>symbolic labyrinthlike structures
Nta, but jesus fuck, this is a videogame. If the symbolism went beyond «I got raped!!» I would escuse this, but it’s fairly simple subtext, and the gameplay is definitely ass. Which is not to say that the visual and sound design isn’t top tier, but these games have to be seen for what they are. Everytime you tell somebody this game is a «masterpiece», they go and play it and notice just how shitty it is to play. I agree with the OP even, they’re compelling visually, but I struggle to have fun playing them. You mongoloids really have to drop the whole “i-it’s not supposed to be fun”, it is absolutely supposed to be fun, it just isn’t, being “compelling” isn’t good enough.

>> No.10415815

I never understood it when people say that SH's combat is bad. If you mean Silent Hill 4 then maybe, because they did some weird stuff in that game. But SH's combat was always better than RE's, partly because you can strafe, and you can move while using a melee weapon. And you get tons of melee weapons too, which helps conserve ammo for some of the hairier moments. It's better than RE where all you get is a dainty knife that you'll almost never use past the intro. And you'll never see any of these highly trained police officers move while aiming or using knifes.

>> No.10415816

3 is awesome. I was blown away by the graphics and atmosphere at the time. Even today the character models still hold up pretty well. I must have finished it atleast 10 times when I was 15. I'll admit 2 is overrated however i do still enjoy the music and the way the story is told but he rest of the series seems to lack polish.

>> No.10415818

It suuuuucked
And then the sequels sucked even more
Heather actress was cute tho pretty decent casting for her

>> No.10415854

I have similar feelings toward MGS2. I appreciate the story and the themes Kojima was going for, but it has sort of bland environments and some sections like swimming with Emma or sniping are just not well done.

>> No.10416004

Dvach tourist

>> No.10416352

Nah shooting is slow and shitty, melee weapons are meant as a back up not a primary. Also the movement while aiming is such a minor thing that I literally never used because it's never useful. SH combat is too slow, too stinky, and definitely too shit.

>> No.10416391

Resident evil combat is slow stinky shit
You literally just fucking stand and shoot

>> No.10416682

Mostly good. Some pretty good puzzles in there.
Others I had to lookup, I had entire alternate solutions thought up that I was confident in, but it wanted something else.

>> No.10416708

That's like saying RE needs to evolve beyond bioterror. That's the theme of the series, ghosts spooking cute girls in Japan. I like ghosts, cute girls and Japan so sound perfect to me

>> No.10417424

>Stammers off a pedestrian list of mediocre pc games

Opinion disregarded

>> No.10417625
File: 83 KB, 924x520, Mf-2_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be cool if Fatal Frame or a similar game went all in on camera autism and emulated a real film camera with the in-game one.
>Camera bodies that use different film formats with their own strengths and weaknesses and have features like automatic settings vs. manually setting shutter and aperture.
>Lenses that actually changed the view through the camera and had different use cases.
>Wide lenses that can capture more than one ghost but do less damage, high magnification lenses that do more but are hard to keep steady for example.
>Old shitty lenses do less damage and are actually foggy and full of trash when you look through them.
>Lenses with autofocus vs. manual lenses that emulate the optical focusing screens in real ones.
Not to mention all the other cool gadgets like big film magazines, high powered flash units, automatic film advancing, etc. you could have as optional parts.

>> No.10417812

This is the kind of autism I wish Dead Rising went into

>> No.10417826

Your taste is fucking shit, silent hill games are great.

>> No.10417952

I think you have to be depressive to really like Silent Hill. It's a game for depressives.

>> No.10419810

>jagged alliance 2
>deus ex
>system shock
keep playing your consoleshit though. im sure you will fit right in with the trannies that comprise the majority of resident evil's fanbase

>> No.10419819

Cry more auster troon

>> No.10419847

you will never even remotely resemble a woman. people all around you will always clock you as the gooning failmale you are

>> No.10419852

take your meds already

>> No.10419856

i'm not on hrt anon, there is nothing for me to take. but i do think that people who call jagged alliance 2 "mediocre" have an entire host of mental illnesses including gender dysphoria

>> No.10420289

I feel like op is autistic and wasn't playing a horror game for horror and was playing just for the game mechanics in a vacuum