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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10400904 No.10400904 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread;

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r

>> No.10400914
File: 510 KB, 640x480, 397940597_6929575543790768_3978380184628495492_n.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This baby is being hand delivered to my house tomorrow, and I'm gonna get to work to making it into the ultimate GBA player. All I really gotta do after removing the top half is solder one of the speakers to the main board and solder a chip to cancel out the circuit going to the top screen. I'm so excited... it's going to have the PERFECT horizontal form factor, the BEST d-pad ANY device has ever had in the history of video games, and both be able to play physical GBA cartridges and roms via my EZFlash IV I already have. Any GB or GBC titles I wanna play can be converted to .gba files.

>> No.10400921

RGB30 or wait for the Miyoo Flip?

>> No.10400932
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And, if I'm feeling REALLY ambitious, I may even do a custom shell to fit a larger, better screen. But the plan at the moment is to just get the NDS, remove its top, and solder one of its speakers to main board along with the necessary chip to kill the one circuit.

>> No.10400937


>> No.10400942
File: 212 KB, 640x1016, GKD Pixel Fix'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, nobody cares about the GDK Pixel anymore, Game Kiddy is just too fucking slow and overpriced with their shit for anybody to care even that they basically made the RG Nano but actually good.

>> No.10400953

It's honestly as simple as just ordering the raw parts you want, knowing if they're compatible and how, then ordering a custom circuitboard to be made. The hardest part of the entire process is properly designing the shell for it, as most places will just give you a shitty 3D print that isn't cleaned up when commissioned. A lot of these chinkhelds even come from pcbway.com/ itself.

>> No.10400965

It's no more complicated than building your own computer outside of you having to solder the parts together and designing your own case/shell, unless you really want to use a pre-existing one like I'm doing with the og phat NDS. Who knows how it might evolve with time, might even try to put in a whole new circuit board with an RK3326 due to how available they are, turn it into the ultimate GBA device with incredible fast forwarding capabilities and different filters.

>> No.10400972
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It's extremely silly have super-secretive they've been trying to be about it too in an attempt to build up hype, but all it's done is made everybody get bored and forget about it, especially considering it's meant to be a "better RG Nano" and the RG Nano was so catastrophically bad that Anbernic doesn't even display user reviews for the device on their website anymore. A shame because this device looks pretty fucking solid, but it's going to be so fucking out-dated by the time it releases and incredibly overpriced.

>> No.10400987
File: 501 KB, 1480x750, phat Game Boy Macro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimately this is the plan, though the exact screen isn't cemented in brick, it all depends on what screen would best fit in that raised bezzle on the og DS's bottom half and will scale GBA games specifically, and how easy it is to add it to the original DS's circuitboard without too many modifications to make it work outside of cutting the shell to make room.

>> No.10401050

there is no way you unironically think this hunk of junk looks good right? this is satire of how a reddittard would act right?

>> No.10401065

Who cares if it looks good? This is purely about functionality and ergonomics,

>> No.10401084

that’s a good mentality but i need looks. call me shallow

>> No.10401114

Focusing purely on whether something is aesthetically pleasing to look at is the entire reason why the DS family went from having the single best d-pad ever fucking made to that shitty + pad trying to copy Apple appearances. I don't care what the device looks like as long as it functions well and just feels comfortable to hold and use.

>> No.10401136

there is no way the d pad on the ds was that good. i remember having one and didn’t think it was that crazy. but then again i just game i don’t autistically focus on the feel of my controls.

>> No.10401146

Want a handheld where I can play PSP and PS1 in bed, and want it to have bluetooth audio support. Cheaper is better, any suggestions?

>> No.10401151
File: 19 KB, 400x356, nintendo-ds-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all comes down to preference, but when it comes to those who prefer a d-pad that just reliably clicks into all EIGHT directions, chef's fucking kiss and a rimjob to his hairy asshole as well. The og phat NDS d-pad is the single best clicky direction input of all fucking time, and it was designed that way intentionally knowing it would have to function for 3D inputs as well (despite their shortly lived lame attempt at launch to encourage people to use the thumb-strap and touch screen for analog control, the d-pad was just so fucking fantastic and hasn't been met since). Literally the only issue anyone ever had anywhere with it was the fact that Nintendo retardedly placed the power button above the d-pad, so some players would either accidentally hit it muscle-memory believing it was the Start/Select button, or just hit it by accident while pressing up on the d-pad due to how close to it the Power button is. But that d-pad, holy fucking shit is it just the best.

>> No.10401160

Just get a PSP, unironically, and plug headphones into it. You will be able to do any physical or emulated PSP title as well as any digital/rom of a PS1 game. Don't let something as stupid as wanting bluetooth wireless earbuds from stopping you from the otherwise ideal system for your needs.

>> No.10401175

Unless of course you have no plans on playing physical UMD PSP games, and can afford a Vita. In that case, fucking get a Vita and enjoy PSP, PS1, Vita, and PSN titles all running as they should.

>> No.10401182
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My vita broke but my PSP is still going strong. What are the best games to play in bed. That being said, the vita does not handle PSP or PSX games as well as the PSP did. Resolution is all fucked.

>> No.10401192 [DELETED] 

don’t listen to these anons. native hardware is NOT the way to go for ps1 emulation. you don’t get fast forwarding or good save states like load undo and save undo. it lacks the modern quality of life upgrades to capture a “pure” experience when it’s substandard this day and age.

>> No.10401225 [DELETED] 

...The PSP and Vita are not native PS1 hardware, you retarded donut. They both emulate the PS1.

>> No.10401232 [DELETED] 
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>You can't get the pure, organic original experience unless you have the very modern fast forwarding, load undo, and save undo features
You need to hand your mother's iPad back to her right now, I don't care who's fucking her at the moment.

>> No.10401240 [DELETED] 
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>the modern quality of life upgrades to capture a “pure” experience
> the modern quality of life upgrades to capture a “pure” experience

>> No.10401243 [DELETED] 

esl dumbass that is exactly the opposite of what i said. vita gives you an experience akin to the original experience without any of the quality of life improvements. do you understand now retard?

>> No.10401247 [DELETED] 

You need to hand your mother's iPad back to her, right now. I do not care who is fucking her in the moment.

>> No.10401248 [DELETED] 

it lacks a to do b. get it now single digit iq tard.

>> No.10401250 [DELETED] 

Your keyboard has two shift keys, kiddo.

>> No.10401252 [DELETED] 

look i’ll give your mom back after im done with her but shut the fuck up before i send her back with a black eye.

>> No.10401253 [DELETED] 
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>When an actual ESL is hypocritically calling native English speakers, "esl single digit tard"

>> No.10401292

Don't listen to him anon. I ain't even into DS mods, but fact of the matter is this is ten times cooler than any of the $3 999-in-one bricks most people here talk about

Wishin ya luck

>> No.10401314

$3 999 in 1 bricks mog this nintendoslop.

>> No.10401327

>Don't listen to him anon. I ain't even into DS mods, but fact of the matter is this is ten times cooler than any of the $3 999-in-one bricks most people here talk about
Frankly the fact he had to butcher a DS Fat invalidates any good thing about the "mod". He literally broke a console. That's just dumb.

>> No.10401332

>No sauce. Just fantasizing.
I know. I'm just fucking with you.
Designing a shell is trivial for anyone with even rudimentary design skills. It's true that few, if any, kiddos connecting memeberries to display modules and shouting "Look mah! I built a handheld!" have even those. But that's only a problem for them. The only real problem is producing the housings. 3D printing can work for prototyping, but isn't viable for even a small run of any sort of quality. Other methods are beyond the means of said kiddos in terms of skill and cost. So you just end up with someone with garbage skills printing a garbage design on a garbage printer that results in a garbage^3 housing .There are other methods that give good results and are viable for small runs. I do a lot of milled aluminum and thermoforming. But no one is going to pay those prices for a fucking pi in a box.

>> No.10401339

>He literally broke a console. That's just dumb.
The console has been broken for twenty years. You're just dumb, and illiterate. I mean look at the fucking photo and read the fucking posts, it's not that fucking difficult.

>> No.10401405

One, it wasn't butchered, it was already dead.

Two, let's be honest. These aren't exactly rare systems that people are clamoring for, in fact they're literally Nintendo's highest selling console.

DMG gameboys are some of the most hardmodded handhelds in existence, but despite them being over 30 years old you can still find untouched ones on ebay and in shops for cheap. The Nintendo DS isn't gonna be hard to find any time soon, and we're more likely to see them start dying from hardware failure long before console modders render them extinct

>> No.10401408

>arguing with coomlectors
forget it bro, it's like talking to a wall

>> No.10401413

If you can salvage a console through mods, then you aren't breaking it. Plus its just one DS model out of plenty, and even then it's not like DS emulation is impossible either.

>> No.10401436

>Two, let's be honest. These aren't exactly rare systems that people are clamoring for, in fact they're literally Nintendo's highest selling console.
The Fat would be considered rare. It's my autism overall though. You can do whatever you want because you don't know me. I'm an Anon bitching impotently at you on a Norwegian Fish Smoking BBS.

>> No.10401459

The ds bottom screen is pretty rough. Also ive heard people complain about the power button placement.

>> No.10401467

Aliexpress has $20 Retro Mini, $20 X6, $15 SF2000
which of these is the best and why?

>> No.10401472

Why do people do this... the top screen is better. Just use a normal DS

>> No.10401476 [DELETED] 

Youre a shallow faggot. Grow up.

>> No.10401502

Retromini is ALMOST decent but still sub dingoo a320 tier with opendingux beta.

>> No.10401506

yeah I'm thinking I might just go for r36s instead
$30 more for something I actually might use seems fair

>> No.10401513

Question first, do you need the sticks? Becasue the r33s wont have em.

>> No.10401532
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look how they massacred my boy
>my vita broke
im scared now anon

>> No.10401545

will the r33s have wifi?

>> No.10401557
File: 174 KB, 960x1280, IMG_0591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puyo @ wonderswan

>> No.10401574

I don't, but it gets my order over $100 which activates the $15 off coupon for today

>> No.10401580

Who will win the chinkshell wars?
>Miyoo flip
Maybe transparent options
No sticks
Differnet abxy layout
Most likely wont have wifi knowing zhou
Chip unknown, but expect the arc's chip

Like the other models, you'll need a dongle

>> No.10401601

mind sharing a good combo? only thing i seen is a usb wifi + usbc adapter and ends up looking dumb.

>> No.10401613

>people post pics of all sorts of gens and chinkshit
>seemingly no Game and Watch
Why must you bully?

>> No.10401616

I heard the tp link one's work, but they dont look any less goofy. You'll only need wifi for firmware stuff anyway and maybe retroachivements.
>POST your BEST lcd game.

>> No.10401621

it's just too antiquated/rudimentary
I'd rather see wonderswan pics like >>10401557

>> No.10401639

yeah i wanted it for retro achievements. or was thinking should i just get a retroid or 405m so i can also play through moonlight with my laptop.

>> No.10401658

>Who will win the chinkshell wars?

>> No.10401669
File: 21 KB, 505x406, 1698828666875608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the AliExpress sale

>> No.10401676

>$3 999-in-one bricks most people here talk about
Schizophrenia or illiteracy?

>> No.10401682

started an hour ago, at least for me
main thing is $4 off per $20 spent, and a coupon AEUS15 (or a different code for your region or if you spend above $200) that gets you a further $15 off. note that they can stack
some prices are also a bit lower but it's usually only like 50 cents to a dollar off the normal price
I ended up saving about $30 on my order

>> No.10401710

Do you any idea how much people like clamshells? (Sp sized) the v90 is a true piece of shit only above those psp looking x6/7's and the sf2000, but powkiddy doesnt need to order a new one. It does THAT well.

>> No.10401740

Thinking of picking up an ambernig rg35xx during the sale
Is it completely obsolete by now?

>> No.10401774

I'm gonna get one too, 80 aussie dollarydoos seems fair

>> No.10401778

although the r36s is cheaper and better, maybe I'll get that. don't know what os support is like on it though

>> No.10401797

it's pretty good if you're primarily aiming at 32 bit(minus Saturn) and lower gaming, especially considering it's off the top of my head the cheapest of these devices to have reliable HDMI capability which is an added bonus

>> No.10401801

Whatever the rg351mp uses, that uses. Speaking of which, does anyone else think metal is retarded for handhelds?

>> No.10401802
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>> No.10401841

what's some other cool shit I can get of aliexpress at the same time? might get some 1 dollar sunglasses and some freemcboot memory cards as backup for my ps2

>> No.10401845 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone poat in your thread when we all know you'll just throw a tantrum and delete half of the fucking thread?

Go to /vg/ faggot

>> No.10401875

I've bought quite a few bootleg tshirts from there, type in your fave band/musician and check out all the dumb merch they have

>> No.10401898
File: 250 KB, 960x1280, IMG_0601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go bb

>> No.10401917


MinUI dev on the trimui smart pro:
>I like it. It has the trademark Trimui design, build quality, and button feel, just a larger screen and more powerful processor. I have yet to throw anything especially challenging at it though (since I'm mostly only interested in up to the PSX Final Fantasies). I wish we could get the RGB30 with this level of build quality because the wide screen is kind of wasted on the systems I play (though Game Boy Advance, Virtual Boy, and Pokémon mini really take advantage of the extra real estate).

>> No.10401924
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the bands i listen to dont have merch kek
ironic answer that still is bretty good?
silk underwear
they dont always look like the photo but they are cute as fuck 60-80% of the time
also memewar patches
i was addicted to temu for a bit & dhgate

>> No.10401928

keyring IS in there
but i opened it in an autistic way so its hard to tell its not sealed still
i had the same one as a kid but green
still a reasonable alternative to real game & watch hardware and basically 1:1 versions of the games
i wish they made more of them honestly

>> No.10401969
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I fucking did it. Now I wait.
I should be able to resell the one I don't want easily I think. Right??

>> No.10401975

just hoard them both like the rest of us
one of us

>> No.10401996
File: 140 KB, 373x549, Screenshot 2023-11-12 003358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bands i listen to dont have merch kek
maybe the games you play then?

>> No.10402000

I think the r36s can do psp. The more recently released trimui smart pro can as well, although apparently it struggles with the upper end of graphically intensive psp games. But it has the form factor of a ps vita

>> No.10402005

>we're getting minui
Hell yeah. I hope someone properly ports pico-8 onto it this time.

>> No.10402006

im scared to buy shirts overseas
i want them to fight correctly
i wear fitted shirts/athletic
i do have some redbubble vidya shirts on american apparel but i try not to show my true power level in public

>> No.10402008

>$4 off per $20 spent
Does that mean you get a $4 coupon if you spend $20, or does it make a $20 order a $16 one, a $40 order a $32 one, etc?

>> No.10402019

>destroying consoles

Holy cringe

>> No.10402042
File: 7 KB, 422x119, 1699711166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coupon code md12 gets you a discount from mechdiy

>> No.10402132

Thanks. Somehow the extra 10 was enough to make me take the gamble.

>> No.10402164

A PSP Go or vita

>> No.10402171

I'm just replaying cave story in my PSP fat , really looks good on the psp screen

>> No.10402256

Should I get an RG353V? I want to play retro stuff but want sticks for N64 and PS1

>> No.10402298

If you need the form factor yes. Otherwise go for Rp2s, more powerful for same price

>> No.10402367

Nice, hope you post your impressions. Won't pull the trigger until I have read more impressions.

>> No.10402374

Also, again from the minui dev:
>shauninman: The sticks are fine. L2/R2 definitely require too much pressure to push. But their impact has been overstated given the systems this thing emulates.

>> No.10402391
File: 395 KB, 679x988, IMG_2419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my RGB30, finally. Really love the screen, sticks are kinda meh compared to the RP2S, but I only plan on using this for Gameboy anyways.

But the load times are… jesus. It takes 15 seconds to turn on the device, which sucks for a device with no sleep mode, and 5 seconds just to load a GBC game. I’m running the stock JELOS, but I heard that the stock firmware was actually good this time around. Would updating JELOS or switching to ArkOS help at all with the load times?

>> No.10402395

>Retroid Pocket 3+ 135 bucks
wtf should I get 10 of them or what. I was gonna wait until february (chinese new year) to get it for cheap.
o-or should I wait for the Pocket 4..?

>I want to play retro stuff but want sticks for N64 and PS1
then if you want vertical yes ofc. I got the RG35XX because I don't care that much about N64 games and PS1 are just fine without sticks. also I wanted a more compact device.

>> No.10402410

Don't fall for the "wait" meme, just grab and enjoy what you have available now. Because with the RP4 you'll probably be waiting for the RP4+ later on

>> No.10402424

353V sucks for N64, seconding the RP2S.

Yeah, stock JELOS is ass, update. Used to have really long loading times for games when I tried it on the 353 months ago, but it works fine now.

>> No.10402429

Good lucky, anon.
Also for people who wants something like the anon is trying to do you can buy from aliexpress the finished device
This one uses the fat ndslite
This ones they 3D printed the shells
This one is 3D printed, but the shape is close to a normal GBA shell.

>> No.10402485

Based DIY anon giving new life to broken hardware.

>> No.10402524
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I have decided to not consoom ambernig and wait for the miyoo flip.

>> No.10402527
File: 2.62 MB, 3196x3576, PXL_20220523_133228585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get the point of ds macros original gba is much better with a screen mod, original frontlit sp screen is better too

>> No.10402536

>These aren't exactly rare systems that people are clamoring for,
no but the hinges on fats are extemely weak because the palstic turns brittle with age and it was already weak at launch you shouldn't be cutting up one with an okay hinge, the chinks dont make good replacement shells either so good condition fat ds's are gonna dry up

>> No.10402553

i hate to bump my own question, but i'd like to ask those out there who have an RGB30, would you also buy a Miyoo Flip when it's available or is that redundant?

>> No.10402554

>the vita does not handle PSP or PSX
it can be made to look at lot better with sharpscale https://www.gamebrew.org/wiki/Sharpscale_Vita

>> No.10402563
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>I should be able to resell the one I don't want easily I think. Right??
no you will keep it and use it once then order another device

>> No.10402567

gba games were not made for IPS

>> No.10402572
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i dont have an ips screen i have ita which uses the panel from a dsi, it has pixel gaps and everything, it looks great

>> No.10402582
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Just saw this on aliexpress some dslite case kit, think its made of acrylic though not sure how nice that'd be ergonomically https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005969458974.html

>> No.10402585

The original DSI one wasn't that bad despite how it looks, it's pretty clicky and responsive. Better than the GBA dpads imo.

>> No.10402610
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>> No.10402619

they finally made one that uses mx4sio instead of usb sticks

>> No.10402623

I can't play anything newer than the PS1 portably. FFX on the go was a weird experience, I guess I don't like having to 'focus' on story and cutscenes on the train. DMC3 was hard to hone in on too while trying to execute some of the higher effort strings. Made my fingers cramp up as well. I think I'm gonna stick to the PS1/Saturn/N64 era and older as far as home console portable game play goes. New portable stuff like the GBA is still great. I wonder if this is just a 'me thing' or if other people feel similarly.

>> No.10402649

This picture is going to be a hilarious when it’s shown in a court room.

>> No.10402650
File: 2.44 MB, 2955x1800, 1692246943126672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure a Retroid Pocket 2S's HDMI-out is supposed to do this!

Android seems to be working properly underneath the surface, it reports itself to Windows as a Retroid Pocket 2S when plugged into USB-C (connection is noticeably finicky, stops responding/disconnects itself constantly, not sure if this is just Android), so I don't know if this is just that smashed screen doing something stinky. Maybe something else got busted up along with the screen?

I'll probably just beg customer support for a refund and buy another off of Amazon at this rate.

>> No.10402652

Still smaller than the steam deck

>> No.10402672

Do any of those ~10USD clones of Famicom etc support savestates? Not interested in getting one, just curious if some of the cheaper devices have somewhat unexpected functionalities.

>> No.10402738

What is the average battery life of the Powkiddy RK2023 Wi-Fi? Also, what is the Maximum type of Micro SD card that it can take?

>> No.10402751
File: 296 KB, 1075x725, rumble-racing-playstation-2-nascar-rumble-ps2-D_NQ_NP_603818-MLB40484247577_012020-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try something more casual or arcade style. You can't focus 100% outside so voiced RPGs or hard action games are a bad choice. If you really want to play a RPG go for something turn based or grindy you can put down easy like a book

>> No.10402759

I'd buy a clamshell if it had a good chip, I'm sick of the RK3566. No point even pondering an unreleased chinkheld, wait for reviews.

>> No.10402794
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https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005635047657.html this is currently going for 15 dollars

>> No.10402806

the thing is I already got the RG35XX 1 week ago. its really nice for 15min breaks on the job + pocketable.
I want a RP3+ in the future to use it as a home retroconsole / long trips, but I can wait a few months for that desu. short term I'm already set with the RG35XX and I guess I can wait 3-4 months for the RP3+ or next horizontal KING.

>> No.10402824

I can only guess the analog will just have minor use for MAME.

>> No.10402836

Plenty of home releases got portable ones. Maybe your specific handheld is heavier/too wide compared to a controller making various things feel off.

>> No.10402837

Same here. I only play on plan rides and in bed though so my hangup is even less reasonable than yours. For myself, I think it’s somewhat influenced by my never imagining anything from ps2 forward as something i wished to play that way. Like as a kid I always wanted my snes and then ps games to be playable on the go. A bit later that ceased to be as appealing so my imagination never engaged with it.

>> No.10402882

The dreamcast had a single analog stick didn't it? I doubt this could run it though.

>> No.10402893

It's listing fourth gen and GBA, I'd guess the MAME stuff is attached to that gen too.

>> No.10402967
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Should I just get a vita instead of a chinkheld?

>> No.10402995

What do you want to play

>> No.10403004


>> No.10403018

Not for emulation, no. For the OLED and PSP and Vita games (lol), maybe.

>> No.10403026
File: 73 KB, 1125x745, F8c7DnMbgAAUhGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to play MGS1-3, Peace Walker, and be able to run the N64 library.

>> No.10403031

It's hard to find an OLED one for a reasonable price

>> No.10403036

The Vita is an amazing device for anything PS1, PSP, PSV, some of the best PS2-3 games run on it (MGS2&3), Ninja Gaiden, etc.

Also amazing for 8bits, 16bits... tons of ports (quake 1,2 - Doom, Diablo... a shit ton of indies...)

The device itself is probably the best built device you can get, it feels so damn premium...
That's actually why I can't play with these chinkhelds.

But N64 specifically will not run great except for a few games like Mario64 and Mario Kart, don't expect to play anything made by RARE on it. You'd better get a modded New 3DS if you want to play Ocarina Of Time on the go...

>> No.10403068
File: 2.27 MB, 496x960, 1697318055746863.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, is there anything thatll run everything i want thats not a steam deck or steam deck clone?

>> No.10403109

Get something in the 200-300 dollar range.

>> No.10403121

The Odin 2 is $299 and runs everything up to ps2/gamecube including ds and psp games.
The Odin Pro is $199 and can run some ps2/gamecube games, but will not struggle with psp/ds.

>> No.10403174

Anything good on Ali's 11/11 sale?

>> No.10403372

The v3 x18s has a t618 and someone got it for 95 for the sale. Problem is,
>Better than previous models, but still horrible android build
>No devs even know there's a v3, so no custom rom to fix it

>> No.10403457

Sucks how? Performance?

Also can anyone confirm if the thing is comfortable? I know vertical can be kind of a crapshoot

>> No.10403465

Playstation button icons are trademarked
If they don't change the icons this can be seized by customs as a counterfeit Sony product

>> No.10403503

Its worth stressing too that Odin 2 can run PS2/GC games at higher resolution. I dont think that the Odin Pro can run PS2 games any higher than 1.5x at best IIRC.

>> No.10403515
File: 137 KB, 1067x1285, 395637650_849983850256094_2983897902374424976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chinese singles day sales?

>> No.10403536

How do countries known for piracy etc in brick and mortar stores just sell such hardware including fake controllers etc publicly? Laws and enforcement are lax I guess?

>> No.10403560

Lax import rules, corrupt customs officials, no major presence from the affected corporations, protectionist favoritism, limited trademark laws compared to the West, or any combination thereof
Or, the easiest way, they manufacture and sell in the same country without importing/exporting shit

>> No.10403569

353V runs N64 fine in my experience but it works best through Android and not the CFW/Linux. Bad performance on DK64 in ArkOS, just fine through Android

>> No.10403572

Vita is 11 years old man, just get something new. if you really like the looks and premium quality, Trimui Smart Pro just came out (I got my shipment notice this morning)

>> No.10403575
File: 148 KB, 640x640, H05f52073969a4b7ca23129bfa20907b2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are real PS2s modded and reshelled in a portable. The buttons are likely fake though, doubt they would chop up real PS2 controllers

>> No.10403627


>> No.10403649


>> No.10403657

Where did you order from? Never know how much to trust estimated ship dates.

>> No.10403671

I can't decide between the pocket 2s or the flip. On one hand, the 2s is cheaper and smaller, but the screen isn't wide enough for steam link or for psp games. On the other, the flip is clamshell and has a wider screen, but has those terrible slider joysticks and awful speakers.

>> No.10403672

They're (hopefully) using a broken DS. Broken top screens are super common problems for phats and lites because of the shitty hinges, and this is a good way to reuse them.
You can broken ones for like $5.

>> No.10403683

>They're (hopefully) using a broken DS. Broken top screens are super common problems for phats and lites because of the shitty hinges, and this is a good way to reuse them.
Hinge problems are over exaggerated by people who were careless with their consoles and kids.

>> No.10403718

Brick ds hinges literally degraRetroid flop had shitty plastic before they fixed it,de over time thanks to the plastic. The first batch of ds lites had shit hinges too.

>> No.10403748
File: 90 KB, 833x900, 1697775455553493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best vertislop I can get today during the AliExpress sales?

>> No.10403765

R36s. Is the rgb30 vertislop? I cant tell.

>> No.10403768


I bought an odroid go ultra on sale and the buttons and speaker suck, the 400 in 1 chink brick I bought for 8 bucks works much better. Also ali is having their 11.11 sale right now and you get 5 leafbucks bucks off every 20 bucks spent. I just picked up a miyoo mini plus and an sf2000 for 80 leafbux.

>> No.10403797

I get that you weren't alive in 2004, but don't just lie.

>> No.10403803

How do you remap ares' controls on Steam Deck? It doesn't recognize any input.

>> No.10403815

It is extraordinary and an eternal shame on the pirating community that in late 2023, there is STILL no way to easily buy a handheld device that plays everything pre-5th gen perfectly. Everything has some problem to it. I mean this should have been possible in 2013. By now we should be having fifth and sixth gen emulated and an out to a HDTV and an in for a dual shock controller, so we can easily switch to tv like the Nintendo Switch.

>> No.10403818

Update JELOS or switch to ArkOS; personally I find ArkOS snappier to boot/use so I stick with it. Don't like how JELOS has emulation settings outside the emulators themselves, makes it annoying to configure them myself.

don't expect to play anything made by RARE on it

I was able to beat Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64 on the Vita, Ocarina also performs well enough.

>> No.10403823

steam deck

>> No.10403845

I imagine I've got a few decades on you, Anon. Even if we were the same age, I experienced these handhelds in person and do not take my information from NeoGAF, Reddit and Youtube videos.

>> No.10403875


>> No.10403905

in 2013 Dolphin was still seen as a premier extremely demanding emulator

>> No.10403910
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I never tried one of these chinkhelds, so I don't know where to start and start cheaply. I wanna focus on anything that can play PS1, arcade (like, say, Punisher and Aliens vs Predator), GBA, so it's either the Miyoo Mini+ or the Anbernic RG35XX. The Miyoo Mini+ looks to be a decent choice, but none of them have Bluetooth. Should I just invest in a cheap wired buds?

t. tourist

>> No.10403930

why do you want bluetooth? to connect your earbuds or something like that?

>> No.10403932

The one's with t618 have bluetooth and depending on what you're playing, might runarcade better.

>> No.10403937

Yeah. I have a wireless set of buds and I want to use to to connect to the chinkheld and play with audio on the go.

>> No.10403949

Will there be CFW for the new trimui horislop?

>> No.10403980

Minui alpha.

>> No.10403995

Get the Miyoo Mini+ and get some 1MORE Pistons, best wired earbuds you can buy for $12.

>> No.10404043

>Should I just invest in a cheap wired buds?
Might as well.

>> No.10404050

give up on bluetooth audio unless you're willing to go over $100

>> No.10404061

is there any reason to buy a rg35xx when I have a v90 and old 3ds? yeah PS1 would be cool but I don't need it.

>> No.10404068

Sounds like you already know that there isn't.

>> No.10404081

hmm v90 definitely leaves something to be desired but I'm guessing rg35xx does too, being vertislop/uncomfy. but it does look cool

>> No.10404089

>I experienced these handhelds in person
As did I and about 10% of the global population of the time, which is why I know the hinges could snap through normal use. Reggie even commented on the problem himself, confirming it was a design flaw. There's no need to defend the multi-billion dollar company anymore.
And while lites were far worse, metallic plastic becomes brittle so much faster than other plastics, so phats were at risk as well if you used yours into the lite's reign. God help you if you got a silver lite to replace it like I did.

>> No.10404092
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>> No.10404096

>There's no need to defend the multi-billion dollar company anymore.
Why would I defend Ninetndo, let alone for free? I'm no Janny or fool. I mentioned on here before that I worked at Gamestops for years and saw plenty of Phats, lites and XLs and the only noticeable hinge destruction were consoles that obviously belonged to kids. You are right about the metallic shells being brittle though, but that's the entire shell usually. GPS is a well known problem with certain colors of plastic.

>> No.10404103

>obviously belonged to kids
If it was designed properly that wouldn't matter.

>> No.10404127

I really want to do a DS video-out mod, but only if i can find one with a completely fucked or missing upper screen.

>> No.10404135

And yet the GBA SP didn't have this reputation. Curious, that.

>> No.10404139

People who rip apart a DS are subhuman.

>> No.10404162

>DS slot exists but can't use it

>> No.10404175

try out the FAAEL Iris 2.0's, they're 10usd and have really good quality sound for earbuds. I use the no-mic version with all my retro handhelds. They have a 90 degree jack too which is nice for handhelds that have the headphone port on the bottom

>> No.10404184
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_0407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this Wine Red DSi XL.
Pretty much zero yellowing of the screens.
Ordered a 32GB SD and going to have tonnes of fun.

>> No.10404192
File: 74 KB, 492x726, 1671472166793489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I hit buy on the Miyoo Mini+, is there anything I should be wary of, like fragile build, some quirk in the buttons, etc.? I'm not giving this to a child, but in the event the console gets bumped into something, it might break.

>> No.10404194

It'll have a screen protector in the box, make sure you put that on. That's the only big point of vulnerability on the device is the screen

>> No.10404198

Gotcha. Cheers, Anon.

>> No.10404205

I recommend highly the game and watch games

>> No.10404209

You can use the DS slot just fine, and several emulators and homebrew have options for "macro mode" to just use the bottom screen.
Hell, you can even set up a switch to toggle between screens.

>> No.10404267

Anyone have that list of chinkhelds that compares them really well?

>> No.10404275

Anything better than the R36S for the price? Willing to pay a little more if it gets me something better, but it really does seem like it's the best thing even above it's own price range.

>> No.10404306

imo next highest leg up would be a retroid pocket 2S at ~$100

>> No.10404313

>You can use the DS slot just fine
Not to play ds games.

>> No.10404334

Depends on the game. There are quite a few that only use the second screen to display a map or HUD. If you setup screen swapping, you don't lose anything with those.

>> No.10404340
File: 1 KB, 269x83, 1699422074850886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best vertislop if I don't care about analog sticks?

>> No.10404348


>> No.10404350

Odin 2 looks really god damn good desu if you need that kind of power. The size isn't insane or anything. I find myself wishing the RP3+ was a little bigger sometimes but not enough to buy a new device

>> No.10404392

Roight, somebody list in order of strength all the significant chips and their devices and I'll endeavor to make a chart with the data. Include pictures, chronology when they came out and importantly what consoles they play and to what extent. For example, Dreamcast- fully playable. That data will be alongside the pictures in the range. 4Chan clearly needs another chart.

>> No.10404393

isn't t610 (the chip in the pocket 2S) stronger than the rk3566

>> No.10404418

Yes, and the "next highest leg up" AFTER the rk3566.

>> No.10404420

What's an REES? I couldn't find anything on it

>> No.10404427

Fuken normies...
(R33s) Not out yet but soon.

>> No.10404440
File: 56 KB, 540x960, 1697636832207765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm a normie.

>> No.10404462
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>> No.10404479

(You)s, and likes, and upvotes, and validation from the internet.
I have a mod that adds bluetooth audio to old devices. It should work just as well on any of these new chinkshit emulation devices. It's about 1/2 the size of an SD card so can fit in just about anything. Never installed it in one though. I don't know any poorfags.

>> No.10404526
File: 97 KB, 640x852, Sad frog for Gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better Pepe handheld..

>> No.10404583

Odin 2 basically seems to be the current end game for chinkheld devices yeah. Nothing wrong with wanting a bigger sized device either, but if you can still play tons of games then there's no real point in spending money than you should. It's not like that's a bad device either.

>> No.10404592

>It's not like that's a bad device either.
Oh yeah I'm totally satisfied with what it can play. I just find the buttons on the small size since it uses vita size buttons.

>> No.10404684
File: 3.75 MB, 1639x1229, ulxoem3hbszb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just build your own

>> No.10404693

er mah gerd so pocketable!!!

>> No.10404745
File: 1.40 MB, 1440x1080, Powkiddy Operation Dogfucking Transformer edit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but can you build one of these?..

>> No.10404761

Fucking based

>> No.10404919

kek still better than half the knockoff devices in the thread

>> No.10405017

I'm proud of you anon even if that thing has the ergonomics and aesthetics of a 3d printed cinder block

>> No.10405035

Nice fight stick lacking buttons you have there, nerd.

>> No.10405039

>no but the hinges on fats are extemely weak because the palstic turns brittle with age and it was already weak at launch

So basically it's already doomed to fail so preserving the hinge is a pointless effort?

>> No.10405050
File: 93 KB, 781x528, im_a_compoota_stop_all_the_downloadin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setting an anbernic up for a friend who doesn't really have handheld experience, asked if there's anything specific he wanted and he said he's fine just dropping the full rom libraries in so he doesn't have to worry about installing new ones if he wants to play something he doesn't have

I already have pretty much all these libraries on a hard drive already so I was happy to do it, but goddamn, Skraper is absolutely fighting for it's life right now

>> No.10405052
File: 192 KB, 953x833, 1677443760426215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon. I bought the Miyoo Mini+ transparent black and ordered a Samsung EVO 128 GB micro SD card. Wish me luck, anons.

>> No.10405074
File: 83 KB, 960x432, IMG_20231106_150604667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say go with the Anbernic RG35XX. People will say the dpad sucks, but unless you're doing pro-level gameplay that requires extreme precision it's more than good enough for anything you wanna throw at it, and the buttons/triggers on the RG35XX feel a lot better imo

Also RGC is doing a promo thing so you can get one with a free hardshell case for less than $70 on amazon, I got one for a friend and it's a pretty good deal. His promo code's 20RGCPROMO


Pic related, it's how mine came

>> No.10405085

Well, I've already done the deed, Anon. >>10405052 But if the MM+ failed my expectations, I'll look at the RG35XX.

>> No.10405098

Oh fuck, my dumb ass read "Same anon" like you were agreeing with them, like, "Same, anon".

What seller you get it from?

>> No.10405106

Local seller in Lazada Philippines. They're having a 11-11-2023 sale and the MM+ cost me around (Google conversion) 47.74 USD, free shipping and a 64 GB card included.

>> No.10405108

Oh, that's actually an even better sale than what I was sharing. Nah you made the right call there.

>> No.10405172
File: 224 KB, 1179x1247, IMG_0617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are BACK mfers!!!!!
first order of business is blip my gba flashcart in

>> No.10405217

Get onion on it and you'll love it. I really love mine. DS is running great on it too for games that don't use touch much like Lego star wars.

>> No.10405226

>magically uncracked display

>> No.10405229

Minui release a new version with smart pro support (alpha state). https://github.com/shauninman/MinUI/releases/tag/v20231111b-2

>> No.10405232

How did you notice that but not the fact that it's literally a different color DS

>> No.10405239

Fuck, meant to reply to you. I need to sleep

>> No.10405271
File: 65 KB, 800x533, 76546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XL chads playing DS (and GBA) games as god intented is always good to see
Love my Dark (Choco) Brown to a sexual degree

>> No.10405318
File: 2.36 MB, 932x1280, tansincossin - 1721562516780880122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont bother with hiya/twilight menu just grab an ace3ds clone they work far better and are a lot more convenient than cfw on the dsi, hiya also makes the dsi boot times rreally long its annoying kek

>> No.10405324 [DELETED] 

not necessarily ive had gba sps where the plastic is so brittle you can squeeze it a bit and it falls apart and others that are fine. old plastics are retarded. if chinks were making good ds fat replacement shells i wouldn't mind them being cut up to make gba macros. you should repalce the top lcd on that one and keep it as a ds and order another with a fucked hinge they aren't hide to find

>> No.10405325

not necessarily ive had gba sps where the plastic is so brittle you can squeeze it a bit and it falls apart and others that are fine. old plastics are retarded. if chinks were making good ds fat replacement shells i wouldn't mind them being cut up to make gba macros. you should replace the top lcd on that one and keep it as a ds and order another with a fucked hinge they aren't hard to find

>> No.10405356

What other hardware besides the SP/Phat has a tactile/clicky DPad? Doesn't have to be Nintendo.

>> No.10405418


>> No.10405431

robert's too much of a mentally ill basement dweller to ever produce more than 2 per year though

>> No.10405462

3DS line and the xbone controller

Retroid/Ayn did it best though

>> No.10405497

Is this retard-proof? I wanna gift it to kids

>> No.10405521

Just stick to candy to get them in the van

>> No.10405524

I don't need any to gift them anything for that, thank you very much

>> No.10405571

All the illiterates itt willed it to uncrack.

>> No.10405584

gogamegeek. their preorder shipment date estimate was 11/1-11/10, so it was almost within that.

>> No.10405641

Would you trust this store aliexpress.com/store/1103055159 ? I'm new to aliexpress

>> No.10405647

nope, never trust shops with TONS of numbers in their name

>> No.10405712

retroid pocket 2s but is vertical

>> No.10405742

Apparently they updated x28's firmware one month ago. Have any owner noticed anything new?

>> No.10405747

Boot times are only a problem if you get a shit SD card.
Mine boots pretty close to stock like 1-2 seconds.

>> No.10405771


>> No.10405841

Does it have shoulder buttons?

>> No.10405984

What's the current go to horizontal handheld? Most demanding stuff I'll be playing is PS but usually I'll stick to 2D stuff.

>> No.10406021

>making our own
You didn't do shit.

>> No.10406036

I've found one of those on Facebook for £40, think I may give them a buzz.

>> No.10406060
File: 67 KB, 1100x1100, logo_f6f91a2c-6013-4025-9365-40c47373331c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, what about litnxt tho?

>> No.10406068

You have a lot of headroom then. RP3+/RP2S are the go to for many people, but they are also overpriced for your usecase. Do you mind ergonomics and screen real state? Do you want quality or cheapness?

>> No.10406078

Nothing wrong with that as long as they got plenty of feedback.

That'd be nice. A 1:1 with Retroid's build quality too.

Same firmware as last time. They took it down from onedrive and put it back on.

Pocket 2S 3G/32GB is the value king of all chinkhelds right now with a chip being able to squeeze lightweight GC and PS2, premium-ish build quality with hall sticks and analog triggers, best Android build short of Ayn (you don't value this until you try others), good d-pad, face buttons have a weird travel at first but you get used to it.

RGB30 is weak and cheaply built, but has a really good looking 4 inch 1:1 ratio 720p screen for GB, NGP, TATE (it struggles on 2000s content hence the RK3566 needs to die already) and your general integer scale needs. Not the best buttons but expected a lot worse, liked the d-pad better than the 353's which everyone circlejerks.

TrimUI Smart Pro (I'd stay clear until people beta test it proper and a CFW is established for sure) is even weaker but has a premium look and 16:9. More ergonomic?

Pocket 3+ is the stronger sibling of the 2S, 16:9 screen, a little better at 6th gen but still comes short. Supposedly same button quality as the 2S.

Out of those, I own the 2S and the RGB30. RGB30 has been hoarding my time but if I had to pick between the two, I'd go with the 2S hands down.

>> No.10406095

>Pocket 2S
Oh yeah, and something you might miss out on: You'll see reviewers unbox theirs with screen protectors but that was for pre-orders only. I happened to luck out buying from Aliexpress as the seller sent me a spare.

>> No.10406098

>Same firmware as last time. They took it down from onedrive and put it back on.
This one https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AM7iFrL4NcSl8aE&id=4E7109C38BB7E2E4!6729&cid=4E7109C38BB7E2E4 ?

>> No.10406103

Yes, just downloaded it yet again to check.

>> No.10406105

>Do you mind ergonomics and screen real state?
>Do you want quality or cheapness?

I'm enjoying my RG35XX but it's uncomfortable for anything that uses trigger buttons and even GBC games aren't that comfortable to play.
The thing is it seems that build quality comes with increased power and price. I don't really need more power.

To be honest the RG35XX was my "testing the waters" chink handheld.
The Pocket 2S seems to offer everything I wanted, and with the 11/11 sale and a discount coupon it's 100 bucks on Aliexpress right now so I might pull the trigger.

>> No.10406116

The RP2S is a literal brick with a small screen though.

>> No.10406121

Are you implying that it's not comfortable or that it's ugly? Because if it is the later I don't give a fuck.

>> No.10406124

It looks good, but there is a reason why people buy external grips.

>> No.10406129
File: 43 KB, 1140x458, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 128GB model is $99 on goretroid, the discount was supposed to end yesterday but it's still up, go figure.

I don't need it, but I don't mind bricks at all so YMMV.

>> No.10406165

despite being a dpad-centric experience i find that it's not quite hadoukenable or shoryukenable and it fails the contra test

>> No.10406185

i hate him saying that so much but i also perfectly understand what he actually means by that
should've been born an SNK fanboy so he could say not power waveable or not power dunkable and it fails the metal slug test

>> No.10406204

This has been my first weekend with the R36S. So far, it has been kino. I expected the build quality to be worse, but besides some plastic parts that are a bit jagged on the edges, like the trigger buttons, the rest is very decent. The screen quality is surprisingly good as well, probably its best feature. The first time I held it in my hands though, it did not feel right, it was not very comfortable. The face buttons and the D-PAD didn't convince me either. The D-PAD feels a bit mushy and took me a while to learn to press it correctly without unwanted inputs, and the XYBA buttons aren't the best either, although they feel better than the D-pad. The triggers and start-select buttons are extremely clicky and loud, which is not ideal either, but I'm rarely using them so I don't mind that much. However, after hours playing i got used to all these quirks and I barely notice them now, and I found a way to hold it comfortably as well. The biggest suprise has been loading The legacy of Kain for Dreamcast. I was expecting unplayable levels of frame drops and choppy audio, but the thing just runs at constant silky smooth 60 FPS!!! My jaw almost dropped. Kino is back on the menu.

>> No.10406232

I guess you get what you pay for.

>> No.10406241


>> No.10406245

Retro Goy core is a mixed bag at best.

>> No.10406298

>reviews the trimui smart pro
>doesn't realize he has battery saving mode turned on for the entire review
>doesn't reupload a video where his entire performance section is basically worthless

>> No.10406554

It really doesn't need a grip, I've been using mine for a couple weeks and forgot they even sold grips for it

>> No.10406560

Seems like you've lost your grip to me.

>> No.10406565

I think I'd use the grip if I were mainly playing 3D games but yeah I haven't felt any explicit need to use one while playing most things. It aids in comfort but, again, mostly if I'm using the sticks a lot. 2S is a nice system if it doesn't arrive BROKEN like MINE DID

>> No.10406581
File: 102 KB, 497x372, 1699819289299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play mostly 3D racing games and I still keep forgetting the grip exists. If someone tried to hold it like an xbox controller, with both their middle fingers on the triggers and index fingers on the shoulder buttons it could definitely be uncomfortable, but it's designed to only use your index fingers for both, like the switch or switch lite, with your middle fingers underneath the bump supporting it.
sorry yours arrived broken though anon I hope that replacement works out :(

>> No.10406586

>power button placement
How does this affect gameplay in the least?

>> No.10406591

I hope you don't play [retro] video games and reply to (You)s while driving.

>> No.10406651

Oh, then how do Retro Goy Core compare to TechTwit, Taki "mindbroken fuckwit" Udon, and RetroDodo, and vice versa?

>> No.10406674

I just need a clamshell that plays everything below the PS1 and i'll be happy. Hope a good one comes out next year.

>> No.10406691

really i have 2 dsis one with samsung another with sandisk theyre both slow, im using 128gb though maybe thats the issue

>> No.10406697

no idea i didn't buy one kek i got way too many emu devices i never use, probs doesn't have much options so probs simpler than higher priced devices

>> No.10406749
File: 140 KB, 1280x619, stillmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most kino handheld, /vr/?

Also, let me guess: you still need more.

>> No.10406756
File: 293 KB, 1200x1600, dsill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good choice, got same model and color
any DS niggas up for WFC multiplayer? I already downloaded Mario Kart, bomberman blitz, tetris party live, N+ and some others - you can still play WFC with wiimmfi
I wanted Tetris DS but for some reason WFC crashed on new NDS-bootstrap

>> No.10406757

Why didn't you give RetroDodo a dumb name when he's the same guy who spent his entire RG35XX review slamming it for being a bad micro-console, even though it was never sold as one?

For library and modding capability it has to be 3DS. It basically runs every nintendo handheld ever made flawlessley, most of which with native hardware.

Switch and Steam Deck would be higher if they were actually pocketable

>> No.10406761

Go back.

>> No.10406767

>any DS niggas up for WFC multiplayer? I already downloaded Mario Kart, bomberman blitz, tetris party live, N+ and some others - you can still play WFC with wiimmfi
>I wanted Tetris DS but for some reason WFC crashed on new NDS-bootstrap
kek i would be up for it but currently setting up mariokart wii, played mariokart ds a few days ago altwfc ip works okay, would recommend adding people you wanna paly with via friend codes then doing a friends game its a much smoother experience

>> No.10406776

>altwfc ip
is that more populated than wiimmfi? Because Wiimmfi seems like a ghost town so far, and people ony play mkds and pokemon

>> No.10406781

dont think so i played with a couple of friends we didn't find anyone else when searching kek

>> No.10406793

only reason i recommend altwfc is because wiimfi devs are fags and wont release source code its super retarded
>were making a wfc prepayment because nintendo shut theirs down and when we get bored ours will be dead too because we wont share the source code

>> No.10406813


Anbernik rg arc d

>> No.10406828 [DELETED] 

He's not mindbroken like Taki Timebomb Udon, nor is he as much of a tool as Retro Goy Core.

>> No.10406835

>wiimfi devs are fags and wont release source code its super retarded
damn, that is faggy. AltWFC unfortunately doesn't have a sensible website showing online players like Wiimmfi does (well it does, but it's always offline for some reason)

>> No.10406837

AltWFC ought to at least have a server or channel on Discord, Mumble or Telegram.

>> No.10406884
File: 22 KB, 750x418, 1699644025960116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does, it's dead unfortunately
Too bad it's so hard to find randoms online to match with
I'll be checking this thread once in a while to see if anyone is up for playing

>> No.10406894

Another coward who won't try out Android games, I bet this still has broken L2 and R2.

>> No.10406928 [DELETED] 

He's just as much a tool as eta "Replaced by ai" prime. Might as well watch wicked znd soniclove at that point.

>> No.10406930

once you watch joeys retro handhelds you realize how good you have it with rgc, techdweeb, or just any other channel

>> No.10406934

The handheld history pdf... Where is it?

>> No.10406969

https://docs.google(remove spaces). (remove spaces) com/spreadsheets/d/1irg60f9qsZOkhp0cwOU7Cy4rJQeyusEUzTNQzhoTYTU/edit?pli=1#gid=0

>> No.10406973 [DELETED] 

How do you know that ETA Prime is using AI voices and took a backseat or something like that, anyway?

>> No.10406978

is it just me or is this sale not that impressive

>> No.10406985
File: 334 KB, 956x580, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt realise how small 35xx and mm+ are, was gonna get one but have v90 and feel that is too small already

>> No.10406990

The 353V is a nice size.

>> No.10406998
File: 405 KB, 951x762, comparisons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are already pretty cheap all things considered. I can't imagine a sale going any cheaper without outright losing them money

The 35XX isn't too bad when you consider it's basically just a GBC with less of an ass. That said, if you want a more comfy vert, the rg353vs is a pretty good option. The 353v technically has better specs but realistically you're not gonna wanna use it for higher than PS1 anyways since vertical isn't really great for heavy stick and shoulder usage

>> No.10407001 [DELETED] 

Retro Chaddo-sama... The pdf... Npt the spreadsheet.
I have an rg300, but the v90 feels smaller thanks to weight distribution. That's just how sp sized clamshells are.

>> No.10407004

RP2S's deal is (was?) pretty good. I'm itching to get a yellow RGB30 for $60, but I already have one. Looks so good though, stupid sexy square.

>> No.10407035

is the knockoff r36s the same size as rgb20s? might get that if it restocks, i think it's broke right now

>> No.10407074 [DELETED] 

Stop spouting schizo buzzwords you don't understand and stop seething at every youtuber that becomes slightly popular. You sound like a retard.

>> No.10407078 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 609x406, (you) now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo buzzwords.
OK Mr. Asshurt Pinhead.

>> No.10407085 [DELETED] 

>Pinhead instead of goyhead eatin lead pickin his nose to feel the feds
Im thinkin asshurt, soijoy, with a sneedlekek as his side dish

>> No.10407091 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 340x444, 4c33abf06f9941853a0598ca11f4aaee198431125083c42e508e2225e939a4e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im thinkin asshurt, soijoy, with a sneedlekek as his side dish
What the fuck are you even talking about, Mister Dickwad cantankerous sack of hot sharts? "Feel the feds", is that all you got ya nignog?

>> No.10407125 [DELETED] 

>Glowstick huntin for tak and the power of you jew's to shutdown the gloryhole board that is /vr/
On to your tricks seth mckekgreen. Think I didnt notice the antiwhite stance you push in your works? "Take your meds" "Dont make threads" he sings. Jizzing on the backs of the elephants cuckantspants tou call girlfriends shouldve woke thr white race the FUCKED up, but here we are. Shilling for big sky of all show's on an doll loving big mac attacking burger shack jackin white castle inhaling mcdicks aauce dipping image board.

>> No.10407127

M17 now has minui. Good? Or shit?

>> No.10407150

Might still be worthwhile for people who think the Arc is too big, but the bigger screen and ergonomics are more than worth it for me personally.

>> No.10407170

Are there human beings in these threads or are they just marketers and bots forever? The chicken nugget guy doesn't count, he might as well be a bot.

>> No.10407210

where can I get a dsi xl for a good price that also doesn't have yellowed screens?

>> No.10407216

that would be the t310 (RP2+, RP3) THO actually it would be the rk3399 in the rg552 technically, but no one cares about that shit

>> No.10407232

I got it on my country's version of ebay, for a very good price - probably because it was a japanese model(doesn't matter that much if you install custom firmware) and it had a non original stylus and charger cable
I recommend trying to look for jap models, they seem to go for cheaper

>> No.10407256

how the FUCK did valve get the refreshed deck to weigh 25g less when it has a bigger battery and a bigger screen

>> No.10407264

Simpler internal components.

>> No.10407284

So now its 975g instead of 1kg

>> No.10407292
File: 134 KB, 800x450, ben shapiro epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10407302

I don’t have a wep/open internet connection.

>> No.10407338

Based Dankpods watcher

>> No.10407437

didn't even end up getting it, it's now closer to 100 dollarydoos. the mm+ is around 75 so maybe get that

>> No.10407439

(including taxes)

>> No.10407635

I prefer Joerg Sparve.

>> No.10407667

>RGB30 for $60

>> No.10407685
File: 3.48 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one off of Ali a few weeks ago, but it’s only the three default colors

>> No.10407692
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, 1692164910792401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denied a refund due to them already sending out a replacement screen, they claim replacing it will fix the issue. My second 2S is already on the way from Amazon and arrives tomorrow and the screen is being sent through 4PX so it'll arrive at the beginning of the next ice age.

>> No.10407715

Someone needs to make a timeline style chart with handheld pictures as examples of chipset. Add a line with every console in order of emulation difficulty alongside the list.

>> No.10407718
File: 71 KB, 750x430, anbernic-rg-nano-00-157196196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does pico-8 run on a nano? Can you install the official version like on other anbernic handhelds?

>> No.10407850

those of you with mini+, do you actually play much ps1 on it?

>> No.10407864

Not really, playing 3d games without a joystick feels weird to me but anything 2d is fine, just like megaman 8

>> No.10407878

It's most of what I've played so far. Crash 1. Mgs. Silent hill.

>> No.10407887

Powkiddy official store with one of the 11.11 coupons, as they're region locked I can't spoonfeed you, sorry anon.

>> No.10407890

Not a Miyoo, but had a vertical anbie, and the lack of joystick doesn't make it as hard for me as when a game depends on both sets of triggers.

>> No.10407913

>Powkiddy official store
On Ali, that is. Gotta stop with the drive-by posting.


And the code I had isn't working anymore so I dunno, it's $64 now.

>> No.10407924

Chopping off top of your DS and calling ot a game console is the same as chopping off your dick and calling yourself a woman.

>> No.10407964

a broken ds you salvaged? ok based
breaking it on purpose for no reason?
eh cringe

>> No.10407971

>Are there human beings in these threads
A few. Most are zoompersons.

>> No.10407976

I play mostly play gb/gba and snes games. Never cared about the ps1 besides spyro.

>> No.10408131
File: 33 KB, 618x460, 1697776629938383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purchased an R36S today for 37 dollars shipped (no taxes in my state). How'd I do, bros?

>> No.10408165


>> No.10408170
File: 46 KB, 233x242, 013327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get excited thinking there's a huge discount
I hate being a leaf, i dont wanna pay 100-120 for the square

>> No.10408242
File: 572 KB, 1080x2179, IMG_20231112_231209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go leafbro.

t. burger

>> No.10408284

only on my lunch anon

>> No.10408313

>Purchased an R36S today for 37 dollars shipped (no taxes in my state). How'd I do, bros?
You did good. Enjoy your chinkheld friend.

>> No.10408315

Now I just need to get a vita

>> No.10408373
File: 25 KB, 1125x693, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find new x40pro 7 inch hd large screen handheld game console nostalgic dual handheld dual rocker game console[...]

>> No.10408406

Where did you find this?

>> No.10408416

did he just slide that thing across the table by pushing it? my handhelds are all sorts of banged up but i don't think i've ever done that, maybe not even to a keyboard

>> No.10408426


>> No.10408439

Also some literal who will review it in 3 hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEF6BkpCqbA

>> No.10408506

>trimui smart pro ($55)

>> No.10408563

Kokori released for RG35XX.
It’s over for Miyootroons

>> No.10408626

who are the nintendo, sega, and sony of chinkshit?

>> No.10408643

Nintendo -> Retroid
Sega -> Anbernic
Sony -> Powkiddy
Microsoft -> Datafrog

>> No.10408645

What are trimui?

>> No.10408723


>> No.10408769

Miyoo plus has better buttons

>> No.10408905

Is out.

>> No.10408914

Looks more like you broke yours to me.

>> No.10408919

>ultimate gba
>its a half broken ds and you gotta deal with borders around the screen and 2 useless buttons
Trust me bro, the ultimate gba is either a backlight(oem) gba sp or just emulate on a nice handheld.
But a ds bottom screen from a broken unit? Im telling you right now the yellow tint and vignetting will make you regret wasting your time on this. Thats if the screen isn't filled with circle scratches.

>> No.10408927

RG35XX now has its GPU support. Which means it’ll fuck the Miyoo into next year.

>> No.10408931

Why remove the top screen? It protects the bottom screen, and will allow you to play DS games too

>> No.10408939

>couldn't play any games
Disappointing. Nice to hear there are people dedicated to developing software for it though

>> No.10409018

Based. You have KEEP your dick AND call yourself a woman

>> No.10409203
File: 1.40 MB, 4032x3024, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already solved the issues with minui.

>> No.10409206
File: 1.62 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also tomato will get ported to smart pro https://github.com/jutleys/Trimui-Smart-Tomato

>> No.10409217

That's nice, but I was mainly interested in the video for potential performance testing.
Glad trimui seemingly has an enthusiast community around their stuff

>> No.10409290


>> No.10409337

>not a single n64 game shown

>> No.10409345

>expecting n64 games on a fucking NDS emulation setup guide video
are you stupid?

>> No.10409348

Whats the title of the video?

>> No.10409357

did you thought the "+ 64 Game Showcase" was somehow related to the n64?

>> No.10409358

It was a joke.

>> No.10409362

Berry fun, I laughed

>> No.10409502
File: 910 KB, 2576x1920, 1370190596552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16:9 display

>> No.10409586
File: 75 KB, 500x681, 1693003640884552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I be paying for a PS Vita or a 3ds nowadays? I don't wanna get jewed.

>> No.10409590

bout tree fiddy

>> No.10409827

https://youtu.be/d5CUKjijXDw what do you think of gogamegeek? any experience with them?

>> No.10409840
File: 638 KB, 3206x1986, AGC_20231113_125023944~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New one works, at least. Nearly threw it against the wall when R2 didn't register on the built in gamepad test app but apparently it's a common bug or even one that effects all systems. Sticks are perfect, no wonkiness. This also confirms Android is running just fine on the other 2S that's broken, so maybe it really is just a broken screen.

>> No.10409870

Good for you anon, hope you enjoy it.
How many RP2Sisters are here (or plan get it)?

>> No.10409882

PSP for me

>> No.10409903

I thought about getting one but I'm well aware I'll just keep playing Pokemon and my RG35XX is more than enough for that.

>> No.10409906

How's nokia n-gage emulation? I wanna play the obscure elder scrolls games.

>> No.10410012

Wouldn't know, but I've owned the N-Gage and TES sucks on it. Coming from Morrowind I was extremely disappointed.

>> No.10410037

Well I'm not expecting morrowind, I mostly want to play them for the sake of it. Same with redguard and battlespire.

>> No.10410043

Fuck me, i loved and owned both the DS and PSP. Best Handheld for games: The DS.
Best Handheld for everything else: PSP.

>> No.10410057

Nta, but shadow key is lackluster, but still enjoyable, in the sense that it still feels like an elder scrolls world. Very Morrowind lite vibe. I assume you also want to play tes travels dawnstar and tes travels stormhold? They are dungeon crawlers, not open world exploration, think wizardry but not as hard. You can play them on anything that supports the j2me Java emulator.

>> No.10410065
File: 674 KB, 765x1107, 1000033947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to put a cfw like miyoocfw, adam or miniui on a shit device like the retromini rs90? I love this little fucker but I would love to have a better cfw than just opendingux.

>> No.10410070

Didn't even know stormhold was a thing, but yes dawnstar and mainly shadowkey were the ones I was interested in. I'll look into it.

>> No.10410079

Ohh sorry shadow key cannot be ran on a Java emulator, but you probably already knew that. There's a symbian emulator that should be able to run shadow key

>> No.10410090
File: 394 KB, 720x480, IMG_3031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How important is “screen accuracy” to you in emulation? I’m a GBA kid, but every “accurate” GBA shader set seems to just wash the fuck out of the colors, so I tend to just leave the visuals untouched when I’m playing GBA. I can believe that this is what the GBA looked like back then, but it just seems like wasted potential when you consider what the game itself is capable of.

>> No.10410104

I have a GBA with an AGS-101 screen so I just always try to compare and get them looking as close to that as possible.

>> No.10410106
File: 1.67 MB, 3323x2760, IMG_1395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took this for comparison

>> No.10410127
File: 26 KB, 512x384, 1504972385476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can believe that this is what the GBA looked like back then
Well, no. The OG GBA screen was it's own breed of bad. Taking an emulator screenshot and muting the colors won't give you the "true experience".
I subscribe to the philosophy of Do Whatever The Fuck You Want. If a game looks good without filters then leave it alone.

>> No.10410129

>Can you install the official version like on other anbernic handhelds?
Afaik you can only use the fake08 libretto core.

>> No.10410139

...and STILLLLLL the UNDISPUTEEEEED horizontal champion of the wooooorld... RETROID POCKET 3+

>> No.10410147

I just go for whatever looks best, I don't care about accuracy

>> No.10410151
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>> No.10410187
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>> No.10410221

I said horizontal, not brick category

>> No.10410302

Grid filters are a must for me when playing Game Boy games, but fuck colour "correction". When I got my DS Lite back in the day my eyes just about popped out, I couldn't wait to replay all my GBA/DS games with vivid, unmuted colours. Same goes now playing GBC stuff on my Mini+.
>b- but the developers-
just do what looks best to you, always

>> No.10410328
File: 3.44 MB, 4000x3000, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are we playing today fellas
I got into the mood of some FG so I clear the arcade route of red arcuied on MBAC
Later i'll try to finish Metroid Fusion, seems like i'm near the end of it

>> No.10410335

I want to get it but the chip is outdated as fuck.
Why do they keep recycling these

>> No.10410352

Are you confused? The RP3+ has a T618 which is pretty good for everything below PS2/Gamecube. It's still perfectly relevant for its price range.

>> No.10410368

>theres a spreadsheet.
Fucking finally.
add how well each hand-held emus psvita pls.

>> No.10410428

I will love a Retroid Pocket 4+ for 185 bucks, capable of ps2/gamecube and below with the RP2+ sticks and no bigger than the RP3+.
a man can dream

>> No.10410439

Open dingux beta is the only cfw for that thing sadly. I tried it on my rg300 and thought it sucked too.

>> No.10410440

It WILL be bigger and it WILL still be too underpowered to fully run Gamecube and PS2 and you WILL buy it.

>> No.10410448

*buys the RP3+ then*
hail to the king

>> No.10410467

i just got a power bank for my phone and i'm having a better time with it :-)

>> No.10410487

>fighting game players, fps players, speedrunners
they stick with timing and low input lag, the former two often sticking to tn displays(aka having the worst colors etc), obviously not emulation wise
somewhat in the same sense, speedrunners can ignore stuff like vc due to different timing, and official hardware like the super game boy can get ignored because it's slightly inaccurate except for a specific revision
some emulators(being said as "good") i've come across can give no shits about timing too, like 59.xx vs lazily using 60, audio being affected as well
people can also dislike the ds lite due to blur, but you posted an rpg/pokemon anyway, no idea what applies to you

>> No.10410490

That's a shame. I haven't had good luck with the 3rd party emulators/simulators.

>> No.10410496

steamdeck and odin are both horizontal devices lol

>> No.10410515

and both are +300 bucks, not portable and fucking bricks. there is only 3 categories: vertislop, horizontal, brick.

>> No.10410519

yeah sounds like some rules you made up for yourself and thats okay

>> No.10410573

The RG Nano also doesn't have wifi so you wouldn't be able to use Splore even if it could run the native Pico-8.
For a lot of people that probably isn't an issue but I find browsing through Splore very comfy.

>> No.10410583

Brick is a modifier not a category. Odin and steam deck are horizontal bricks.

>> No.10410616

what are some vertical bricks? I can only think of the rg405v offhand

>> No.10410617


>> No.10410618
File: 510 KB, 474x1841, handheld sizes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price Ranges
Size Modifiers
>Semi-Pocketable/Maybe consider bagging instead
>Brick/Definitely Bag
>Cheap plastic
>4 Button/6 Button
>Sticks/No Sticks
>Stacked Shoulders/Inline Shoulders

>> No.10410632

Don't forget single stick/double stick

>> No.10410654

Is there really no way to use pico8 splore on android devices?

>> No.10410665

I forgot about that since it's been a long time since I've seen a new device come out with only one stick. I also forgot D-Pad on top/Stick on top, that's an important one.

>> No.10410669

Touchscreen? Vibration? I'm just listing that for the hell of it.

>> No.10410681

What is objectively the correct position for the d-pad

>> No.10410685

want to consoom a mini plus but holding out on it, i dont need it

>> No.10410696

>i dont need it
It's not about needing for any of these chinkhelds
Consoom and collect

>> No.10410736

What's wrong with opendingux?

>> No.10410753

it should always be top left.
Its easier to cope with bottom thumbsticks than it is bottom d-pad.

>> No.10410754


>> No.10410794

Could anyone tell md where the best collection of GBA and DS roms is? There is so many compilations on the Internet Archive it's hard to choose

>> No.10410797

playstation style imo, top left with sticks on bottom. people that prefer the xbox/switch layout are mutants

>> No.10410803

There is no "best collection". It's all preference, just make your own

>> No.10410804

I recommend v-rally 3

>> No.10410826

hi nintendo

>> No.10410843

>Could anyone tell md where the best collection of GBA and DS roms is? There is so many compilations on the Internet Archive it's hard to choose
If you find any good collections post them here, so I can flag them as copyright content and hopefully help keep the Internet Archive from being bled out by companies suing them.

>> No.10410849

best size sd card for mini+?

>> No.10410896

Psportal reviews
>No bluetooth
>Cant connect to ps5 directly like other remote play devices. Need to connect to internet first.
>No browser or webview, so no starbucks or other open wifi
>Has a worse wifi chip than cheap phones you find on tracfone and the retroid pocket 3+, so worse input lag than both of those devices
+Wired earphones
>Worse experinece than using a phone/tablet/chinkheld running android
Kino? Or kino?

>> No.10410901

>Cant connect to ps5 directly like other remote play devices. Need to connect to internet first
Wait is that just to establish the initial connection (which would still be stupid) or does it do all the streaming over an internet connection? Because if it's the latter then what the absolute fuck were they thinking? That's stadia tier at that point.

>> No.10410938

Charged my Miyoo Mini + the other night and when I picked it up in the morning both halfs of the screen were white. Figured it was screen retention for the charging icon on onion OS so I didn't think much of it. Now the left side of the screen is dimmer than the other side. All I can say is what a piece of shit, things not even a month old. Going to return it now.

>> No.10410940

Internet from what I'm reading. It also only lasts up to four hours

>> No.10410943

its gutter trash tier
The only justification of this thing is if they developed a proprietary signal like wii U with no compression artifacts. But this is a very lazy product

>> No.10410964

It's going to flounder for a year with half ass support and Sony will it and kill it just like Stadia. With the Steam Deck, Switch, and devices like the Odin gaining popularity, you just have to wonder what the fuck Sony was thinking when they created this?

>> No.10410972

I was thinking about that too. A big part of pico-8 is digging through random games to play.
Maybe one day the perfect device will show up.

>> No.10410974

I'm guessing they wanted their version of the switch, but didn't want to design a device based around it so they tried to find some way to attach a horizontal handheld to the ps5.

>> No.10411034

128gb samsung or sandisk

>> No.10411156

>Any GB or GBC titles I wanna play can be converted to .gba files.

Can you elaborate on this Anon? Does that somehow make them magically work on DS? I have an EZFlash cart I was using with my SP, but the GB/GBC compatibility was super patchy.

I am having better results just using a softmodded DSi, which seems to have no issues just playing GBA/GBC/GB roms straight off the SD card.

>> No.10411172

Wii U was retarded in its own way, can't move far away from the console at which point might as well just play on the tv. Honestly the Switch is the only correct approach to this.

>> No.10411194

Wang VS

>> No.10411335

>Why would you bother with a DS when you can get a 3DS and install TwilightMenu++

Because playing DS on 3DS looks fucking dogshit and blurry as fuck. The "Widescreen" patches are just stretching 4:3 to match 3DS.
And no holding start + select isn't a good alternative it shrinks viewing area and introduces black bars.
I'll stick to my DSi XL with HiyaCFW and NDS forwarders.

>> No.10411368

dsi xl is too stretched imo, ruins the crunchiness of the pixels. I don't like the rgb30 for the same reason

>> No.10411383

That wasn't the only problem the Wii U had. The other problem was that the included battery for the Gamepad was attrocious, even buying a new chinese-made battery off of Amazon would be a better investment.

>> No.10411385

It's pretty fine if you have one. I have both the DSi and DSi XL and both look the same to me desu.

>> No.10411408

I just much prefer the original DS screen size compared to the newer remodels

>> No.10411415

Thats fine too anon. I have a DS Lite also.
Got a nice white one I restored with pretty much no yellowing of the sort.

>> No.10411421

My guess is he wants to stick to Goomba since he has a EZ Flash even though Gameyob on a R4 is better. Probably doesn't want to be reminded that it's a DS after chopping it off

>> No.10411437

why you always lyin cuh

>> No.10411516

the rbg30 doesn't stretch pixels, it has a really high pixel density and uses integer scaling

>> No.10411583

This nigga living in a timeline where sega didn't get bodied in the console war.

>> No.10411595

But it makes the pixels too big imo

>> No.10411665

Handhelds are popular in the kfc-american community.

>> No.10411721

I did it, Anons. Bought a Pi Zero 2W to upgrade the GPi Case I was gifted a while back. It's not as shiny, powerful or fancy as newer devices, but I enjoy it. Thinking of busting out non-JRPGs for PS1 to test it out.

>> No.10411793

why are there no good deals on the 35XX? don't wanna get the miyoo shitty plus

>> No.10411862

so where's the flip+?

>> No.10411926

What's the cheapest device that can run Yoshi's Island at full speed? Anything even close to the SF2000's price?

>> No.10411935

a DS or PSP will play the GBA ver

>> No.10411949

If any of the next gen clamshells (including the flip 2) resemble anywhere close to this, That would be the ideal. They need a 6" screen and a chip more powerful, like rk3588 or better. Hell, the current dream endgame arm device is a clamshell Odin 2. Though I do wonder when they will merge arm and x86 devices. Power levels are getting near the dividing point betwixt them.

>> No.10412015

Shut the fuck up

>> No.10412021

Psp has way more good games than ds
I've beaten a shit ton of ps2 games on my rp2+, more good games work than not. Instead of autistically waiting for 100% compatibility that won't happen this decade, check and see if any of the games you're ACTUALLY going to play already work, and don't worry about the rest. I doubt you play games anyway.

>> No.10412028 [DELETED] 

>shit out goo to form a vomit inducing hobby box and stuff a modules inside
lol. Even reddit is cringing at that steaming turd.

>> No.10412038

It's actually easier to just repair the hinge rather than butchering it into retarded macro.

>> No.10412094

For a phat? Fuck no it isn't. New shells are terrible quality, even compared to the Lite's options. And once the plastic's brittle enough for the hinge to snap, the whole thing is gonna crumble with any reasonable force so spot repair isn't going to help.
And this is assuming it's just the hinge, and the fragile ribbon cables didn't sustain any damage, which isn't likely.
Face it, without quality replacement parts, the phat is fucked.

>> No.10412145

NTA, but your cope is embarrassing and wrong on nearly all counts. I have many phats with great replacement shells. The ML is God tier. I have several phats with a broken hinge. None have "crumbled" In fact, all but one still work fine on one hinge. That's how much of a fucking tank these things are.

>> No.10412152 [DELETED] 

This has been around since 2016. Really could use a redesign around a 4" screen for blind ppl like me.
The "custom" boards are available for the d-pads for ~$3, but you could make those DIY with FR4 board and some soldering.

>> No.10412175
File: 802 KB, 1259x773, tempGBDIY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been around since 2016. Really could use a redesign around a 4" screen for blind ppl like me.
The "custom" boards are available for the d-pads for ~$3, but you could make those DIY with FR4 board and some soldering.

>> No.10412228
File: 676 KB, 1080x1462, 1000004588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there handheld that can emulate ps2 and gc perfectly? I really don't want to get a steamdeck when I know that shit is just going to sit plugged into the wall all the time anyways.

>> No.10412248


>> No.10412292

>doesn't consider the (really minor) practical implications of this to realize it still doesn't outweigh better inputs
no you won't be playing FFX on your rg35xx soon

>> No.10412307

>It was a joke.
kek sure it was, nice cover-up attempt

>> No.10412310

Yeah. A bunch.
Only 1 ps1 games needs 2 sticks, that's ape Escape. Most just use the left stick and don't use the right stick at all, and 99% of those are just fine with the dpad.

Gamera 2000, Vanark, Bloody Roar 2, Ehrgeiz, Tekken 3, Rival Schools, Bushido Blade 2, Crash 2&3, Dr Slump, Policenauts, Alundra [Un-Worked Patch], Brave Fencer Musashi, Brave Prove, Community Pom, Dragon Valor, Legend of Mana, MGS 1+VR, Castlevania Chronicles/Symphony, Goemon Akogingu, Mega Man 8, X4, X5 [Improvement Project], X6 [Tweaks Project], Oddworld Oddysee/Exodus, Strider 2, Lomax, Azure Dreams, Baroque, Breath of Fire 3&4, Chrono Cross, FF 7, 8, 9, Koudelka, Lunar 1&2 [UnWorked], Legend of Dragoon, Parasite Eve 1, Planet Laika, PoPoLoCrois 1&2, Rhapsody, Saga Frontier 2, Shin Megami Tensei, Star Ocean 2, persona 2, Tales of Phantasia, Suikoden 1&2, Thousand Arms, Valkyrie Profile, Wild Arms 1, Xenogears [2.0 patch], Brigandine Grand, Bomberman Wars, Ecsaform, FF Tactics Lion War, Front Mission 3, Galaxy Girl Yuna 3, Kartia, Langrisser 4, Saiyuki, Master of Monsters, Nectaris, Tearring Saga, Vandal Hearts, Vanguard Bandits, CTR, Racing Lagoon, Rollcage 1&2, Res Evil 2&3, Silent Hill, Chaos Break, TRAG, Deception 2&3, Devil Dice, Frogger Swampy, Mr Domino, Incredible Crisis, Kyuutenkai, Kurushi Final.

>> No.10412330

>shit Xbox layout with shit psp dpad
Cd romance
Castlevania Aria [Alter hack]/Circle of the moon [Card Up hack], Mario Land 1 DX & 2 DX, Mario vs Donkey Kong, Mega Man Zero 1-4, Metroid Zero, Metroid Fusion [Special hack], Samurai Kid, Sonic Advance 1-3, Wario Land 1 DX/2/3, Wendy, Donkey Kong GB, Frogger Adventure 2, Game Watch Gallery 1-4, Kirby's Pinball Land & Star Stacker, Mr Driller 2, Pac Attack, Pac In Time, Tetris DX, Bomberman Pocket/Quest/Tournament, DQ Rocket Slime, For Whom The Frog Tolls, Legend River King 1&2, Metal Gear Ghost Babel, Mole Mania, Scurge Hive, Sword of Mana [Quick Menu hack], Zelda Awakening [Redux hack]/Ages/Seasons/Minish,
Mega Man Battle Network 2/3/5/6, Dokapon Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist Rondo & Sonata, Golden Sun 1&2, Lufia Returns, Mario Luigi Superstar, Pokemon Gaia/Sienna/Unbound, Advance Wars 1&2, Fire Emblem 6+/7+/8+/Bloodlines, Shining Force 1,

>> No.10412357

Raspberry pi is fucking gay. Chunkhelds are like 50 times more powerful for the same price.

>> No.10412380

>Raspberry pi is fucking gay
No argument there, and I wouldn't design a system around one now given how expensive they are relative to capabilities. I'd probably use a Orange Pi, version depending on capabilities and space available.
And you can always buy a complete device cheaper than design yourself. The only reason to do latter is if what you want literally isn't available.
The point is it's completely possible to DIY these things.

>> No.10412382

I had a launch white ds lite and the hing eventually formed a hairline crack on one sides, and I babied that thing. It never broke off, but the crack wasn't nice to look at and I imagine if it cracked like that and was subject to kids fucking with it, it'd break.

I traded that in for a silver ds lite when pokemon platinum released, and I've had that ds lite ever sense with no issues at all and heavy use(going on 14 years now)

So I think it was just first Gen consoles that had a design flaw

>> No.10412386
File: 142 KB, 990x990, 2_dc73b98d-2b7f-4e4f-85a5-0c7969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOW everybody is going to be singing the praises of FPGA with something affordable and in the range of a Chinese handheld.

>> No.10412391

I want to mod the r36s to give it a bigger battery. Should be easy, right?

>> No.10412403

Why not just get a steamdeck at that point?

>> No.10412405

>Is there handheld that can emulate ps2 and gc perfectly? I really don't want to get a steamdeck

>> No.10412412

significantly better battery life, significantly lighter and smaller device. its basically a handheld pc vs a high end android device with active cooling built in

>> No.10412418

>What is context
Odin 2 is nearly the same price and size as a refurbished deck while being stuck on Android.

>> No.10412419

Twilight menu and unlaunch are worth it just to turn off the ds warning and splash images. Now my console boots directly into the ds card slot game (which is a flash cart)

>> No.10412421


>> No.10412431

Nah. Software Emulation of 16 and 8 bit consoles is basically perfect. Fpga is plebbit autismo time waster.
Ps1, psp, dreamcast, and gamecube software Emulation is superior to real hardware.

The only place fpga has value is if they can perfect the systems where software emulation still sucks: saturn, n64, ps2 (which this gimmick device won't do)

>> No.10412436

op's main complaint was that the deck would be constantly plugged into the wall. that would not be the case for the odin 2 and it meets the requirements of playing gc and ps2.

>> No.10412441

This is why I love slab designs, the original 2ds and rgb30 are very comfortable

>> No.10412445

i really hope they make one that is a the same gbc fpga that fits in the gameboy pocket shell it would be awesome

>> No.10412446
File: 59 KB, 600x600, bricks-red0126mco-64_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro, totally comfortable.

>> No.10412454

The standardized Bricks are literally designed based on the amount of rock a builder can comfortably hold on one hand.

>> No.10412467

damn my man just argued for the ergonomics of a brick

>> No.10412473
File: 2.24 MB, 1500x1101, stock-photo-street-dog-sleep-against-the-wall-on-the-brick-pillow-1048991861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep, just like my favorite handheld.

>> No.10412474

glorious pocketable bricks

>> No.10412480
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 1699978772951547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I only use proprietary non-regulated non-standard bricks

>> No.10412487
File: 48 KB, 600x398, 49628044087_afd0a1be3e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer a little bit of a rounded corner, but only on one corner

>> No.10412490

Odin 2 certainly has much better battery life on lower end systems, but for PS2 and shitcube it's no different from Deck.

>> No.10412501

That's your standard half brick.

>> No.10412534

would Gabe Newell really just go on 4chan and tell lies?

>> No.10412540

>No sauce. Just a gay kit that takes less skill to assemble than an ikea picture frame
Nailed it!
>And you can always buy a complete device cheaper than design yourself.
Only if you're a no-skill faggot who thinks overpaying for a kit is designing one. If you buy parts at reasonable prices and design your own shit you can make things for a fraction of the cost you'd pay even for stuffing some modules on a hobby box. Obviously, not (You), but a child with basic technical skills could.

>> No.10412567

Anon check out Retro Tech Dad™'s battery life test. While emulating one of the God of War games on PS2, he got 4 hours at 3x res and 7 hours at 1x res. Emulating Armored Core 2 and 3 on my deck at 2.25x or 2.5x res I got 5.5 hours with the chip capped at 5 watts iirc. Even if you cap the chip at 3 watts for 16 bit and below though, battery life still maxes out at about 8.25 hours, so Odin 2 takes the lead there.

>> No.10412581
File: 450 KB, 512x512, postContent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK bitch, step up. I want you to create BOM for your GBA clone that cost less than $25. That's the going rate for one on Aliexpress.
I'll wait, but you and I both know the worthless no-skill faggot is you.

>> No.10412591

>original 2ds
Bought one as a backup for my 3DS XL (I just know that hinge is going to die one day) and it's actually really good aside from the dpad which is too mushy for my liking.
Wish they'd put the headphone jack in the middle too like in the OG 3DS, it was just perfect there.

>> No.10412607

on Kei's Retro Gaming™©'s video he got 7 hours of Metroid Prime on gc at 1080p with 80% brightness. It would be cool to see some head to head videos with similar settings on both for each system though. Odin 2 got 25 hours of Fire Red on GB at 80% brightness which is fucking crazy though

>> No.10412614
File: 450 KB, 512x512, tmp3byqurgk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never saw a Sega Nomad in this thread. Does it even exist? Did someone here on /hhg/ actually use or own one? What's their opinion about it?

>> No.10412619

>noticed I ended two sentences with "though" seconds after posting
every time

>> No.10412637

I picked up the DS collection from blue hands anon, though I didn't d/l the Japanese section and am missing AA Investigations 2.
I assume it was a torrent but I have no idea where to find the link now.

>> No.10412656
File: 67 KB, 1100x1100, litnxt-trimuismartpro-1026-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to pull the trigger.

>> No.10412657

Koriki for the RG35xx has updated to version 1.0. Anyone try it out? Is it worth the effort of setting up a micro sd card for it? The idea of being able to play psp games on such a cheap rhh appeal to me, but the beta versions of koriki were so unpolished I reformatted the sd card.

>> No.10412665

>not a Retroid Pocket 3+TM

>> No.10412672

I have my reasons
>40% of the price
>Screen a little bigger
>More ergonomic
>Soon tm they will release the 4.

>> No.10412673

I always liked the look of the original fat DS over the DS Lite, personally.

>> No.10412681

Original GBA's design is so facking sexy goddamn

>> No.10412682

don't do it anon you have so much to live for :(

>> No.10412712

You can get it for $70 from mechdiy. The coupon code md12 worked for me, there might be a different one now

>> No.10412741

>would have gotten a free carrying bag if I bought it a day or two later

>> No.10412753

The fuck is wrong with you.
I think I'm going for gogamegeek because they have the taxes already included for europoors like me.
Ask them to include it through mail. I bet they bite the bullet.

>> No.10412791

>40% of the price
And 40% of the performance compared to the 2S.

>> No.10412802
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, inb4 not the 2S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But twice the screen.

>> No.10412827

>perfect for psp
>cant actually run psp

>> No.10412830

It can run psp, and that's before people tinker with the firmware.

>> No.10412835

Highly doubt youll be playing something like GoW on this at an acceptable fps

>> No.10412845

It's not great, but it seems to perform much better than any of the reviewers could get it to do, which makes me think they might have done some firmware optimization before release. Worst case scenario I can settle for the graphically less intensive games, GoW in particular is one I have basically zero interest in.

>> No.10412864

Yeah I'm a comedic genius.

>> No.10412931

You're on 4chan, do you say this 1000 times a day or does it only trigger you when it doesn't end in "er"?

>> No.10412936

Why are you posting screengrabs from reddit?

>> No.10412939

The GBA version sucks and for the price of a decent DS or PSP you might as well get an R36S.

>> No.10412942

35xx is a mini/+ clone in the first place

>> No.10412945

The Miyoo is better, sorry.

>> No.10412949 [DELETED] 

idk bruh why yo ass so triggered you gotta reply a day later skull emoji laughing tears emoji

>> No.10412950

>I have many phats with great replacement shells
Why you gotta lie?

>> No.10412953
File: 3.29 MB, 3600x2700, file2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, finished, man that was great, never really played a Metroid game before, I liked it a lot

>> No.10412967

>Miyoo shills are this retarded
Rg300/Rg99 upgrade BITCH. Same how the mini is a bittboi upgrade.

>The shityoo is [LIES]

>> No.10412976
File: 109 KB, 568x564, only the dead can know peace from this evil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I can't stand to wait more for my chinkheld to arrive. Normally the stuff I order arrives fast, but this one is taking its time for some damn reason.

>> No.10412987

You type like you're too young for this site.

>> No.10412992
File: 1.43 MB, 3024x4032, g81e700xpgca1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Miyoo is better, sor-ACK

>> No.10413010

another day, another win for the RG35XXchads

>> No.10413014

You type like you're too young for this site.

>> No.10413017

I guess some psp is better than none
Probably wouldnt struggle with something like patapon

>> No.10413019

>all that hand fat
Damn RG35XXchads look like THAT?

>> No.10413021

He fits right in since that describes 90% of this general.

>> No.10413046
File: 787 KB, 947x753, 150359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10413048

>redditor gets BTFO
based powchaddy.

>> No.10413067

I wonder how that happened? Was the micro SD card left in for too long while the RGB30 was on? was he playing for an excessive amount of time in one day, or was the RGB30 shit out of luck in regards to heating control?

>> No.10413069

It's also getting jelos, so I'm looking forward to playing some portmaster games.

>> No.10413082


>> No.10413087

Give zero mission a try. Honestly I liked it a bit better.

>> No.10413093
File: 537 KB, 1587x2064, 1459349387986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never really played a Metroid game before
Now play Super and get your mind blown.

>> No.10413101
File: 964 KB, 4032x3024, 20231114_151232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So R35S/R36S/SF-2000 bro here.
I haven't started any modifications to my busted NDS to make it into a Game Boy Macro yet, going to wait until I have the five cent resistor and a proper soldering iron to do the job. I own a CycloDS, but is it true that DS flashcarts can play GB and GBC roms without having to convert them to .gba files first?
My R36S's screen... the cover is coming loose and makes this little squeaky hinge sound whenever I touch the bottom half of it. It seems playing DreamCast games on it warmed it up just enough to weaken the adhesive. I'm going to wait for it to pop off on its own before applying a better adhesive myself, but be warned; Even though the device doesn't get that warm at all, the one boi praising it the most just had his screen cover start to weaken and peel off.
The Galaxy Z Flip5 continues to be a bigger and bigger annoyance than convenience the longer I own it. I regret getting the fucking thing and wish I got a normal smart phone instead, and had saved the hundreds of dollars.
I also found a French 9999-in-1 brick game today at Value Village. Despite the stupid thing only having one fucking button instead of two for rotating/actions, it's shape is surprisingly comfy to hold with the way your index fingers just rest inside that middle groove on the back. I enjoy holding it more than I like holding my Galaxy Z Flip5.
Other than that, I ordered a K10 slim Famiclone that should be arriving this week or next week. It's a base black and blue one that was on discount, not the modern one with the wireless charging on the back of it.

>> No.10413102

If he played fusion first he might think samus in super handles kind of slow.

>> No.10413112
File: 685 KB, 3000x4000, 20231106_144409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to note the only other devices I've had like the R35S and R36S are the RG35XX and the Miyoo Mini V4. I have had NO issues with the screens on the RG35XX, Miyoo Mini V4, or R35S, but my R36S's screen cover is coming loose from its own warmth weakening the glue it used. Could just be a flaw with my personal R36S unit not having enough adhesive applied, I just don't know as I've only heard of this being an issue with the Miyoo Mini +.

>> No.10413127

It's like going from Brawl to Melee. It feels less smooth and fluid but once you learn what you're doing the speed in Super is unmatched.
And depending on what you want out of Metroid games the less linear map in Super is a huge improvement. SA-X moments and atmosphere in Fusion are still kino, though.

>> No.10413136

china numbah one

>> No.10413162

Maybe he left a chinkheld charging overnight without supervision

>> No.10413165


>> No.10413169
File: 771 KB, 4000x3000, 20231114_153854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacers are illiterate AND blind
The top screen is broken.
And the shape of the phat DS already protects the bottom screen.
The bottom screen is going to be replaced eventually for a better one.
The point of this whole thing is to bring new life to a "for parts" NDS with a broken top screen, to play GBA games with the precision-perfect d-pad and face buttons which the Nintendo DS's original phat model has. You guys seriously do not appreciate just how fucking good its d-pad is, and playing GBA games with it is enough to cause a hands-free orgasm. You're fixating on the screen having borders like fucking cavemen/children and not on just how good and wonderful the inputs are all going to feel and register.
tldr; The top screen is fucking BROKEN and this thing can't play DS games because of it. It was being sold as parts. Fuck retards who think I'm destroying a perfectly functioning device.

>> No.10413186

dont care, ds sucks anyways.

>> No.10413189

>Was the micro SD card left in for too long while the RGB30 was on?
I'm sorry, do you think you're supposed to eject the SD card from the device that's reading it when using a device for long periods of time? How new are you? All of these handhelds which use SD cards come with no-name brand cheap cards which either fail or explode with use. The first fucking thing you're supposed to do, with ANY of these devices, no matter what brand, is back their SD cards up onto a proper branded SD card to prevent corruption/explosions. This idiot simply didn't do that and kept using the no name card his device came with. It has nothing to do with "leaving it in", what the fuck sort of zoomer logic is that retarded shit suggestion?

>> No.10413191
File: 21 KB, 763x199, 1699994649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taki Udon mentions that they gave the jelos team dev units, one of the devs also confirmed it in the comments

>> No.10413195

>still being illiterate
I'm turning this into a device to exclusively play GB, GBC, and GBA games on, you dingus. It's not going to be playing DS games.

>> No.10413220

Damn, they hate Anbernic and are hopping on the TrimUI train now.

>> No.10413238

Is that the Switch's overlay?

>> No.10413263

Thanks, i'll consider playing those but not at moment since I want to play something different now

yes, I grab it from some discord, here is the link to download them if you want

>> No.10413325

Thanks, bud. Definitely don't skip Super Metroid.

>> No.10413443

When are we going to get good after market screens for the original DS? I agree with the other anon sperging about the dpad and buttons, they feel great. Too bad the screens suck ass.

>> No.10413475

You're replying to the janny who makes these threads

>> No.10413484

They're not an upgrade. They're a downgrade since they miss the point

>> No.10413490
File: 181 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked around and they all seem to be scavenged oem screens or extras from warehouses. no ips or oled replacement screens

>> No.10413515

>implying screens don't break with literally every other device in existence
They don't make the screens
You heard the complaints about the more popular device. Same reason you'll find more complaints online about the switch than you will about the 3DO.

>> No.10413524

Not really. Super is honestly a slow and kind of boring game. Grossly over rated by speedtroons who only play the same 5 Nintendo games over and over. Bigger map just means more time wasted.

>> No.10413532

Plebbit spacing isn't real and existed on 4chan years prior.

>> No.10413587

cutesliving store mini plus went up in price. shan't be getting now

>> No.10413623
File: 97 KB, 435x333, 1576435557889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some chinks have started getting shipping notifications for their RG Arc even though the 20th was the officially stated start date. I got my order in about 2 hours after it went live so I'm hoping mine will ship a couple days early too.

>> No.10413628

ribbit spacing is real, but it isn't just putting a line between paragraphs or w/e like people often meme.

>> No.10413834
File: 959 KB, 4032x3024, 20231026_173456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here since 2007, you impotent child. Now stay on topic.

>> No.10413835
File: 44 KB, 600x552, pspgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've bought a few emulation handhelds but I keep going back to the PSP Go. It's the perfect size and my only wish is that it had slightly better N64.

>> No.10413837

he is absolutely lying and that is impossible

>> No.10413891
File: 1.06 MB, 760x1000, tall 9999-in-1 brick game with only one fucking button.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I know two regulars love these things, or at least own the shitty Nugget.
How the absolute fuck do I select Tetris on these devices when they only have the one button? Every other 9999-in-1 brick device I have ever used has either had four face buttons or two face buttons, and this is my first time using one of them when they only have the one button. I can't even get a game started let alone select what I want. I think I accidentally started the space invader game and then the two-lane car racing game, I just wanna play Tetris on this stupid thing due to how comfy its form-factor is despite only having one fucking button.

>> No.10413906

I think I had one of thse

>> No.10413916
File: 1.04 MB, 3000x4000, 20231114_190425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I found it myself
With these 9999-in-1 brick devices that only have one big face button, such as this tall boi I found and the infamous McDonald's Nuggie, you have to hold and scroll through the games and hope you release the one big button on the game you actually wanted to play, otherwise you gotta scroll through ALL of them again to return to the one you want, or turn the whole device off and restart from the beginning.

Like I have been saying for over twelve threads now; These 9999-in-1 devices, all of them, are retardedly useless without atleast two face buttons. People who bought the McDonald's nugget never actually fucking play it and if they like Tetris are likely playing Tetris on literally any other device than the Nuggie.
All McNugget owners are Reddit-tier fucking faggots of the "narwhal cooks bacon at midnight"-tier faggotry.

>> No.10413930
File: 1.00 MB, 4000x3000, 20231114_190754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are the only two 9999-in-1 brick game handhelds I have ever owned, to be honest and full disclosure, but oh my fucking god is just navigating the games with only one fucking face button, let alone trying to play Tetris with only one fucking face button, a detrimental nightmare and needlessly extra-work piece of shit than it needs to be. I realize my preferred one has four face buttons, but two would be perfect. Just back/accept and for Tetris rotate left/right. Nugget owners are the biggest fucking cucks in these threads no matter how chill they try to pass themselves off as being.

>> No.10414025

Skip super troontroid and play zero mission

>> No.10414029

can anyone else buy a rg35xx from the "data frog fcs store" or is it bugged like mine?

>> No.10414032

I hope they pull a retroid and announce the Arc+ a month later so i can get one that can fully handle saturn. If not, I'll need the price to drop down closer to miyoo mini levels to justify a system that will mainly be 16 bit.

>> No.10414034

when you go to checkout

>> No.10414097

Same. I feel like for as chunky as the Arc is, they should at least have something more powerful than a fucking RK3566 in there.

>> No.10414149

it's chunky because they went for 6 bigass face buttons with a symmetrical left side to match, 4" screen, and kickass ergonomics with pseudo handles. I agree the chip sucks ass and would've greatly preferred something good at Saturn and Dreamcast, just taking issue with the implication that any of this should've been cutdown simply because they're using a shit chip.

>> No.10414156

>sucks ass
sorry m8s I've got ass on the mind lately.

>> No.10414162

I just value pocketability a lot more than some other anons here. If it's not pocketable, it's basically a Steam Deck to me because I'm not taking it out of the house anyway.

>> No.10414164

None of it should have been cut down, the fucking better chip should have been added so it could do Saturn and Dreamcast. This is three times in a row Anbernic has fucking shit the bed hard, the RG Nano being the most hilariously retarded example from them.

>> No.10414172
File: 74 KB, 640x1136, 743_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always have ass on my mind desu

>> No.10414183
File: 3.45 MB, 1276x957, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least there's pic related now if you want something pocketable. Too bad you have to pay out the nose for one tho honestly I probably would've paid up for one if the Arc didn't get announced when it did, i was that desperate for a hori with disc dpad and 6 face buttons
I definitely agree with you on a better chip.
Based and same really.

>> No.10414186

That 3D printed atrocity looks terrible.

>> No.10414205
File: 719 KB, 1253x624, 4_weeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me rn

>> No.10414209
File: 3.93 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume it's just a preproduction example thing since the controls don't look that fucked on their other stuff.

>> No.10414227

Damn, I usually HATE circle d-pads but I wanna play every single one of these sick babies

>> No.10414239

One has the casing of a Sega Nomad, while another one right above it looks like a Copycat of the Powkiddy RGB20s

>> No.10414269

There's also that lg wing style handheld from the gamekiddy dude, but it'll probably be even more expensive

>> No.10414295
File: 479 KB, 1617x545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they're charging $470 for the next round of them kek. Cool as fuck handheld though, sucks that they put the d-pad in the wrong location.

>> No.10414314
File: 145 KB, 1080x1920, 1698638679327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems the gamekiddy one has the same placement on top of the stick being too close to the dpad.

>> No.10414325

Oh fuck, I would pay ,maybe $100 for this but $470? They can fuck right off, even if it's one dude manually manufacturing each one by hand himself.

>> No.10414327

Oh dang, they're making an LG Wing style handheld? I had no idea.

>> No.10414339

From the original post
>Rgb30 sized
>Circular dpad
>Ktr-1's g99 chip

>> No.10414343
File: 69 KB, 1200x537, gkd-pixel_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is with GameKiddy always being so super secretive about their new shit? All it ultimately does is make people lose interest and forget about their shit by the time it actually comes out, and by the time it comes out it's usually over-priced as fuck compared to comparative handheld models. They've especially been fixating on trying to hype up their answer to Anberic's hilarious failure that was the RG Nano with their GDK Pixel but honestly it's just going to be a more expensive Miyoo Mini V4 when it comes out. It's retarded how much they're fixating on trying to one-up the RG Nano when the RG Nano was a fucking piece of shit through and through. Fuck Gamekiddy.

>> No.10414354
File: 1.24 MB, 1109x1761, Game Kiddy being retardedly cryptic with their RG Nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, ooooo, wooo, so mysterious and exciting. Like it's not going to be the same fucking GDK layout on every Game Kiddy device again. Or are they scared that Pocket Boy is going to release an R##S clone of the GKD Pixel before they do if they can see what the full device is gonna look like lol?

>> No.10414360

>waaahhh! jump through my hoops to prove yourself to an angry little faggot
lol. No. How about this, chucklefuck. You give me your BOM and how much that costs you and then I'll laugh and make fun of you. This should be easy for you. After all, you're perfectly capable of designing a console. You just don't do it because it's cheaper to buy one. And because you can only design one that's a clone of one older than you are. And because your dog ate your design.

>> No.10414373
File: 526 KB, 1109x1761, GDK Pixel SPOILER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10414382
File: 197 KB, 1300x1065, elderly-woman-using-the-chip-at-the-checkout-for-her-first-time-for-the-hundredth-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting your money where your mouth is isn't, "jumping through hoops", kiddo. Keep flailing hilariously.

>> No.10414386
File: 830 KB, 1920x1080, blender dpadsdone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I started designed my own handheld in April.

>> No.10414389
File: 1.91 MB, 3024x4032, vctwda8h0n6b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what progress have you made outside of bitching in this thread impotently?

>> No.10414396

GKD has consistently been shit and they even got caught in a controversy with one of their handhelds. How are they still in business?

>> No.10414419
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, GKD Mini Plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GKD Mini Plus is a neat novelty that pseudo reminds me of the GameBoy Color and its various add-ons and accessories. It could also do N64 and DC in a mini form-factor over a year ago.

>> No.10414430

>GameKiddy trying to make an LG-Wing clone
Holy fuck shit can they just officially announce and release the Pixel before jumping on another project??

>> No.10414437
File: 135 KB, 796x597, wing-handheld_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought the LG Wing custom project was the coolest fucking thing ever and always wished it got mass-produced. Except for that d-pad... fuck does that d-pad ruin it for me entirely. I'd rather even have the Xbox One's + d-pad over that fucking chunky circle.

>> No.10414436

>look up this company
>extremely overpriced and underpowered devices
What are they even thinking

>> No.10414448

Up until this Pixel device they've been teasing for like six fucking months now, Game Kiddy was known for having some of the most higher-end, premium chinkheld devices on the market. You gotta keep in mind their devices mostly released back in 2020-2022. Still over-priced, but hardly underpowed.
The GDK Pixel is basically just a more ergonomic RG Nano for twice the price though, rotflmfao

>> No.10414481

I also thought the chunky d-pad looked really cool and the main thing I wanted to try but I'm a weird cunt.

>> No.10414490
File: 234 KB, 796x597, LG-Wing Fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, perfection at last

>> No.10414495

lol, Game Kiddy shamelessly copying the massive chonky dpad and everything

>> No.10414501
File: 176 KB, 1008x1009, 1686576988937271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You personally don't have to jump through self-imagined hoops just to prove yourself to be an angry little faggot, trust me.

>> No.10414526 [DELETED] 

Skip zero shittsion and play 2

>> No.10414602

Its bag packable. The 6 buttons are the whole fucking point. It wouldn't be better if it had smaller controls, it would be fucking pointless. Dumb ass.

With a slightly better chip it could be the ultimate sega system.

The rg nano is actually a really great gameboy color. You can play any Gameboy, game Gear, neo geo pocket, or wonderswan games on a screen that small and enjoy them. The only change I'd make is to make it 2 bigger buttons instead of 4 small ones.
Saturn dpad is the best.
I forgot about this. Did the price ever come down?

>> No.10414609

I know the 6 buttons is the point, I want the 6 buttons. That's why I would have preferred if they went with a 3.5 inch screen to give it a smaller footprint instead.
>bag pocketable
Who the fuck brings a bag with them fucking everywhere? I only have one when I go to class.

>> No.10414616

What's the screen ratio?
Definitely looks better. Though with that screen ratio, just remove the sticks. Add some function buttons instead.

>> No.10414617 [DELETED] 

I bring a back pack everywhere, and I'm a machinist. I have a big 1 gallon thermos that i carry in it.

>> No.10414658 [DELETED] 

1 gallon, wow that's a lot of cum..

>> No.10414670 [DELETED] 

Said the unemployed tranny

>> No.10414692 [DELETED] 

>This butthurt from a shitpost
I can SMELL the vertislop from my screen.

>> No.10414706 [DELETED] 

To be fair that's a weird flex man. especially in a handheld thread.

>> No.10414723 [DELETED] 

>its the janny who makes the thread
Btw I'm going to delete my cookies and reset my ip after this post, you're banning nothing.

>> No.10414727 [DELETED] 

Its not a flex at all, just a statement. Zoom zoom.

>> No.10414764 [DELETED] 

Should I fear the banter police too? 4Chan is less fun these days.

>> No.10414771 [DELETED] 

The troons infiltrate every community that requires volunteer moderators and then abuse their power. The one who makes these threads shitposts like the most obnoxious fucker on the whole board, then when he gets his ass handed to him he deletes half of the posrs in the entire thread and bans everyone.

Deleting cookies and resetting ip again.

>> No.10414782 [DELETED] 

>Thinks I made the thread
>Confusing me for a janny
>Thinking jan's can ban
Yup. Vertsloper
My posts get deleted the most and that's from shitposting. Not banter.
>Thinking this op and the last one made the r35skek are the same goy
>Acutally got his ass up to reset his fucking router instead of just ticking the data icon on his phone
White race truly is fucked... vertislop. Retardation. And maybe even retrogoyslopcorps

>> No.10414789 [DELETED] 

"Nooooooo 4chan bad bawwwwww"
*derails thread with offtopic tantrum*

>> No.10414792

QRD on the M17
worth it or no?

>> No.10414794 [DELETED] 

I clicked the data icon my phone, dumb nigger. And I'm going to do it again right now.

And we talking about the arc, which is horizontal. That's two ways now that you've shown everyone what a brainless nigger you are.

>> No.10414796 [DELETED] 
File: 769 KB, 4096x2504, InCollage_20231026_132830731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the electric purple miyoo mini plus instead. But beware, tranny drugs make it harder to differentiate color, which might cause you to think it's pink. But as you can see, the AI has declared its purple and therefore anyone who disagrees is a seething tranny retard.

>> No.10414832 [DELETED] 

When it's not atomic purple schizo posting, it's someone spouting retarded shit. Why the fuck is it always fucking purple?

>Talking about the [Lies]
>Brings up 6 button kino to hide his love of vertslop
PRETEND to act white. It's not as hard as it looks. Lay off the cuckporn, hotsauce and mtv and you'll whitness improvments in SECONDS.

>> No.10414836 [DELETED] 

Wait, a ton of shit got deleted. Mod-Sama! Have mercy! I'll give ya a free powkiddy!

>> No.10414840 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 769 KB, 4096x2504, InCollage_20231026_132830731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retro games b like