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10409304 No.10409304 [Reply] [Original]

What mods does it need

>> No.10409309

It needs the uninstall mod.

>> No.10409310


>> No.10409376
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Codepatch or running it with OpenMW, then the old Better Bodies and Better Heads mod. That's like the main ones, fix the game so it doesn't fucking crash or break all the time, and make the characters look not-hideous.

Optionally some decent, but not too opulent house mod, and maybe that mod which tones down the strength of the magical sheen on enchanted items, as it's a bit intense by default.
If you can't be fucked with them, a mod which makes non-diseased/blighted Clifferacers not molest you when you travel is good for peace of mind, but if you're playing any kind of archer sort of build then they're quick and free target practice.

Otherwise, there's not that much which you'd REALLY need to address or add to the game, it's pretty solid as is, barring the combat. The combat is straightforward IMO, but a lot of people complain that it's clunky and unfun, and I guess it's not great, but I wouldn't know any mod which would make it feel more lively without turning it into a radically different kind of game.

Tamriel Rebuilt is still in development apparently, so maybe check that out some day, but it's giganormous, and if you didn't like the game much, it's not worth getting because it's just a whole lot more of it.

>> No.10409404

- Morrowind Code Patch
- Delayed Dark Brotherhood
That's it.

>> No.10409409

I really enjoy food mods. My character is training to become a master chef to bring exquisite culinary arts to the sad cuisine of vvardenfall. I might make a mod with cooking competitions, finding rare ingredients for an ancient high elf master chef, building and running restaurants.

>> No.10409479

OpenMW obviously, official ones and on top of that I'd recommend "animal realism". Makes it so that animals like rats, guard, cliffracers etc. won't attack unless they're sick or have blight. Maybe retrievable arrows if you like playing as an archer. This game really doesn't need to be modded much, it just werks.

>> No.10409490

Guars. Autocorrect. But it's all good because I forgot the mention the unofficial Morrowind patch, fixes some bugs and typos.

>> No.10409621
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Anyone know how to progress the main story in terms of the main story mod where you work for the telvanni instead of cacius? Cause I followed what the journal said and the wise woman won't talk to me about the neravarine prophecy.

>> No.10409636

You have to prove yourself worthy first. Which is something cactus wouldve told you. Iirc you have to go to an ancestral tomb directly south of the urshilaku camp, but one of the elders of the urshilaku tribe gives you that quest before you can speak to the wise women

>> No.10409797

As others have said, Code Patch or OpenMW (my preference) to play the game, but this anon is correct that the only "necessary" patch is the one to delay Dark Brotherhood attacks. The most glaringly bad game design decision they made, hands down.

>> No.10409839

Alternatively, just kill dark brotherhood members with console commands and don't let yourself loot them

>> No.10409859

It's not really a bad design decision, more like an outdated mindset to expect people not to get the expansion before getting familiar with the vanilla game first. 20 years after the release it makes no sense as people want the "complete" experience.

>> No.10409910

But people will have the expansion installed when they start their next playthrough, putting them in exactly that situation. Nobody uninstalls expansion packs to games until the "appropriate point". If anything that's heavily advised against in most cases, because it can lead to corrupted saved games. On the contrary, they are supposed to be designed to merge with the content of the original game, and that's exactly what they fouled up here.

>> No.10410207

One that uninstalls the game and installs Gothic instead.

>> No.10410215

why the fuck would you want to delay the best money maker in the early game, the assassins are pussies I beat 2 of them down right in front of cossades while he stood there stoned on skooma

>> No.10410378


>> No.10410396

All you NEED is to disable the two expansion packs until you're ready to do them. All Bethesda games do this thing, where the DLC kicks off the content as soon as you start the game, and of course the DLC is always for higher level players whom presumably beat the main game already.

just turn the expansions off and get some exploring and level ups in for a while, before you even CONSIDER toggling them on.

>> No.10410749

Question, any recommendations for anyone wanting to do a summoner/necromancer build?

>> No.10410875

1. Don't, primary spellcasters are garbage unless you abuse a number of systems.

>> No.10411908

thankfully they sorta stopped doing that with skyrim & fallout 4 by delaying it until a certain level (dawnguard) or point in the story (far harbor) but you can still kick most of FO4's DLC off by simply going to where the first quest of the DLC will take you but most of FO4's DLC is workshop expansions anyway.

it's going to be interesting to see how they're going to do story DLC with starfield since every iteration of new game+ is a randomized experience with random mutations.

>> No.10411912

This is the true

>> No.10412193
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>why the fuck would you want to delay the best money maker in the early game,
I never found it hard to make money in Morrowind, I built up a strong habit for juggling goods and money back and forth with merchants to maximize the fuck out of my profits. You can easily make a few thousand septims alone from doing that trading the 'permissible' loot in Seyda Neen back and forth with Arille.

>> No.10412640


dumb take. the systems are there to be used. you ARE going to be a scrub as a spellcaster / conjurer for a while. that is part of the fun. you will need to take advantage of your summons. they will absolutely take the heat off of you from the fighters that run up to bash your dome in. i recommend using reflect, shield, and absorb magicka in abundence with this type of build.

>> No.10412774

this. also you might end up breaking mods that require those expansions.

>> No.10412785

>unless you abuse a number of systems.
i hate this line of thinking in RPGs because at the end of the day it's just "cheating" with extra steps.

like yeah it's cool and impressive when you pull some crazy shit off but why not just use the dev console at that point.

>> No.10412843

that saves you all that tedium making money isnt hard its just labor intensive the dark brotherhood armor gives you some quick cash without having to loot and sell every piece of shit you come across

>> No.10412918

Of course they're there to be used, moron. But it's a fact that they're poorly balanced. While you're busy summoning shitty fucking ghosts and monsters, casting a bunch of spells and chugging mana potions like crazy, all of this after tons of time grinding up your casting skills, I will have already poked everyone in the room twice with a spear and killed them, looted the place, and left. Hell, virtually every spell is made totally redundant by the enchanting system, which grants you infinite spellcasts that can't fail, are cast instantly, and share the same underlying skill. Spellcasting as your primary combat method is weaker than physical weapons, and that's just a fact in this game.
Morrowind is strange because that line is blurred. Once you have high-level skills and equipment, you're basically playing via the dev console anyway. Jumping across the continent is only marginally slower than teleporting via the console, for example.

>> No.10412974


already poked everyone in the room twice with a spear and killed them, looted the place, and left

sure. I played like that on my first playthrough as well. you filthy casual.

>> No.10413328

>Once you have high-level skills and equipment, you're basically playing via the dev console anyway.
most bethesda RPGs since morrowind get like that because it's pretty easy to max a character out except for maybe vanilla new vegas AFAIK.

76's bloodied build for example is effectively playing with god mode 80-90% of the time.

>> No.10414993

>Delayed Dark Brotherhood
Why? The assassins are super easy and a good source of loot and gear.

>> No.10415003

I'll admit it's a matter of taste. My argument: for a first playthrough it kinda fucks up the economy of the early game to have access to multiple full sets of DB armor, plus if you're spec'd for light armor it's some of the best armor in the game. The timing of the DB attacks only make sense if you have played through at least some of the game first and then you installed the expansions, but nobody does that nowadays for obvious reasons.

>> No.10415040
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Morrowind doesn't need mods.

>> No.10415137

>it kinda fucks up the economy of the early game to have access to multiple full sets of DB armor
Well, maybe. But it's a very short trek to powerful areas anywhere you go, and you can always run inside a shrine and grab loot and then flee as fast as possible.

I agree the timing is messed up because of course you'd have bought the expansion to play it once you finished the game or were far enough in, back when it was released.

Either way I think the game's not "balanced" according to any modern sense, it's one of the things that's nice about it actually. Want some fancy shit? Well you can just go grab it and probably get killed in the process. Even at higher levels you can get killed in the blink of an eye sometimes. It's a weird game.

>> No.10416241

A starting character with any amount of role-playing or intended immersion, especially for a player new to the game, won't blitz off to secretly cached end-game gear, or attempt to loot dive in a dungeon occupied by the equivalent of demons.
Realistically, 99% of the time it's going to be some player getting their heads around the system, just having spent a couple days exploring Balmora and doing some early quests there, when they are suddenly attacked every couple hours by guys kitted in end-game gear.
Anecdotally, I don't know a single person IRL that has beaten Morrowind apart from myself. All of them play a character until at most halfway through the game, get bored, and restart. So I'd imagine that even people with games in-progress when they installed the expansion were mostly comprised of individuals with only middling understanding of the mechanics.

>> No.10416819

>A starting character with any amount of role-playing or intended immersion, especially for a player new to the game, won't blitz off to secretly cached end-game gear, or attempt to loot dive in a dungeon occupied by the equivalent of demons.
What? Why not? You're saying that you have to pretend to be as limited as the NPCs in a village and never wander more than 50 yards from the village boundary (as delineated by the inability to rest)? As a newcomer to the land it'd be natural to just explore for a while. It's not like the game lets you know you're entering a high level area in any way except through death and pain...

>> No.10416821

Always Hit.

>> No.10416867

Because your character is going to fight a rat or a crab and half get his ass handed to him unless he stacked weapons skills. That character would never think "I bet I can run past some ghosts and demons to steal the precious artifacts they're guarding". Only a player would think like that, and only after they've learned how the game mechanics work.
You can tell high level areas because there are elementals and strong monsters wandering around them, visible from a distance. At least, I think they spawn in these areas at low levels, but they might not due to level scaling, I'm not certain how things look at level 1.

>> No.10416887

If you setup your character right, you won’t die to crabs and rars like >>10416867 says. But also remember, you’re a prisoner who just got off of a ship. Doubtful you’d be in any shape to take on much.

>> No.10416931

>Because your character is going to fight a rat or a crab and half get his ass handed to him unless he stacked weapons skills.
You can just run into some place, grab the loot, and run away again. Shrines for instance are usually just a long tunnel which is unguarded leading to the shrine itself, which is sometimes unguarded (at least until you take the treasure). Why not just run in and take some loot?

Same deal with stealing, you can clean out a lot of loot and move it pretty easily by the time you're bunked up with Caius in Balmora.

Some stuff scales apparently, other stuff doesn't. Certain areas always have the highest level baddies.

Take on what? The game is built to encourage exploration. On one of my first quests, the first time I played the game, I set off looking for the tax collector and ended up wandering all the way up the coast to Gnaar Mok and back.

>> No.10416968

How badly does that fuck the game balance

>> No.10416983
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> by the time you're bunked up with Caius in Balmora.
>hey anonevarine, pass the skooma
Do people really?

>> No.10416996

I usually make his flophouse into a skooma den, I also brought some khajit slave I was supposed to escort a long ways away to his house and just left her waiting inside so he'd have some skooma-friendly company.

>> No.10417013

Frankly, very little. It just makes non-magic builds not feel like shit.
Elder Scrolls aren't particularly balanced games.

>> No.10419130

For a first time player, is either Tamriel Rebuilt or Morrowind Rebirth recommended? I don't want to make the game easier or fuck the balance