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10406136 No.10406136 [Reply] [Original]

Its often said that this was a bad game. So what makes X3 a bad Megaman X game?

>> No.10406146

It's just extremely forgettable. And by that point it was probably the 25th Mega Man game released, and the franchise was as ubiquitous as Call of Duty is today.

>> No.10406148

>the franchise was as ubiquitous as Call of Duty is today.
Did megaman have that reputation back in the 90s?

>> No.10406153

>It's just extremely forgettable.

Completely disagree I thought it was good and very memorable. Captain America Sigma was better than Sith Sigma and Wolverine Sigma. Also no X game can be forgettable with ending songs this good.


>> No.10406159

>It's just extremely forgettable
That's X2.

>> No.10406189

Based. X2 is a miserable playthrough, although not X6 donut tier.

>> No.10406190
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Judging by my observations (and my friend who's a fan of CoD confirms this) Call of Duty is being constantly shat on because the actual games have been trash for almost 15 years, not because they are samey and come out on a yearly basis. The vast majority of Mega Man games are good, even X3. I honestly don't understand why people shit on it, it's a solid entry in the X series, especially compared to everything after X4. Hell It's arguably better than X's campaign in X4 which some people consider to be 'the greatest MM game'

>> No.10406193

outsourced to some shovelware developer

>> No.10406196

It's my favourite of the trilogy because of its pacing and the way every single enemy is actually a threat. Biggest flaw is a lot of boss fights are samey "go to one side of the screen, shoot, go to the other side, repeat"

Outsourced to a team which had been doing tons of MM games for Capcom forever, including one which influenced the main series in several ways, and that one time they didn't go with them they regretted.

>> No.10406289

X3 on PS1? maybe, it looked like a SNES game and sounded worse. but on SNES? fuck no.
I just replayed it. it's a very solid game. your standard deal—the weapons, the bosses, the levels—are all good. and the way you open abilities is actually interesting, like you need charged gravity beetle attack to open the armor upgrade.
the music has always been hit or miss with people. I agree the loops are a tad short, but… it's one of the most rocking SNES soundtracks, period. you can only hate it if you hate metal.
the bad part about the game is that they tried many new ideas, but they all flop. you can switch to Zero, but only at certain areas, and he's just a buffed up X. getting chips is pointless when ultimate armor exists. ride armors all need to be unlocked through Blast Hornet stage, and even then all the extra ones are near useless. the new buster upgrade is both clunky and OP at the same time.
I must mention there's a hack called Zero project that tries to "fix" all these, but it doesn't fix the root issues. yeah, you can play as Zero all the time… but he's still just buffed up X. they gave him a double jump though, wtf? it's still not proper balance, you'd need something like MMX4 for that. same with other things, it "fixes" stuff without accounting for the concept / balance.
to me though, the actual worst parts were in the details. the buster upgrade is terrible. and if you want the "optimal" level order with the least backtracking, it's actually quite strict: Rhino > Hornet / Buffalo > Tiger > Beetle > Catfish > Crawfish / Seahorse / revisit Rhino. anything else, while possible, adds a lot of backtracking, and the stages aren't exactly as fast as X1 to make it quick. this is unlike other MM games where you could keep things fresh with new level order.
all in all, I still have a soft spot for this game, despite its flaws. sure, it's not a masterpiece, but it's not "bad" by any margin. only dumb youtubers parrot this nonsense.

>> No.10406305

A lot of the bosses seem to have poor or lazy AI. They often choose to charge right into the wall for example to crush the player. This isn't too bad to program bosses to want to ram the player but it could be done way better.

>> No.10406312

the enemy design. the level design. the pacing of the stages. the bosses are ass.

it's not unplayable or anything and still better than half of the X titles but it's not something i can recommend unless you're hard up for more megaman

>> No.10406346

Abysmal enemy variety
Bland level design
Ugly stages with generic themes
Mediocre bosses, most of them just try to ram into you over and over again and little else
Inflated contact damage to make up for the aforementioned lackluster boss design
Half of the weapons suck ass
Mindbogglingly terrible buster upgrade
Largely useless ride armours
Fucking dumb pink capsules system that only allows you to use one and then encourages you to ignore it altogether if you don't want to lose the gold armour
Zero could have at least worked as an early game crutch... except you can't use him when you need him, against bosses
Ear grating music due to the short loops and terrible samples

It feels like a chinese bootleg rather than a real MMX game.

>> No.10406353

>Captain America Sigma
Ruined by the retarded hitboxes.

>> No.10406363

it's worse than X2 in every way
the few new ideas it had were all annoying, including the pink capsules, the mech system, and "what if a stage was only ice"
on top of everything, it had the beerbelly sub-boss and cemented the trend of ligma coming back at the end every single time

>> No.10406370

X hunter wasn’t forgettable.

>> No.10406386

>X Hunters
>morph moth
>dem crystals
>weather stage
>giant robot in the intro stage
>big mesh head sigma with no health bar
>giant alligator tank

>> No.10406394

There has never been a good Mega Man, face it.

>> No.10406396


>> No.10406398
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Agreed. Fuck Mega Man.

>> No.10406423

>X3 on PS1?
Either version. I just posted a pic of the PS1 version for no particular reason actually.

>> No.10406436

I've beaten the SNES version a few times now.
I absolutely hated it the first playthrough, but decided to give it a second chance. I didn't hate it as much then.

The whole game feels like it was developed by different team. The enemy placement combined with the increased contact damage makes it the hardest of the original 3.

The music is ass. It's droning and boring 3 note riffs with no depth. It sounds like they used the wrong instruments. By all means, compare any of the tracks from x3 to ANY of the tracks from x1 or x2. Tunnel Rhino, for example, sounds like someone who is just learning to play guitar and wants show you a couple of chords he learned. And what the fuck is that Dr. Light theme? What, did I just get a game over in Big Bird's Sesame Street Adventure?

Totally my fault, since I didn't have the instructions book, but I had no idea you could play as Zero... Not that you would want to. Can't use him to fight mid bosses (...except Doppler stage 1) z saber takes way too goddamn long to charge.

Worst upgraded arm cannon, by far. Even with the perfectly timed super shot, shit seems to spread out to far and miss whatever I'm aiming for.

And seriously, what the fuck was that Sigma fight? The Gundam Sigma has a hitbox 2 pixels tall, and for a final FUCK YOU you get surprise lava. Turns out, you just ride the lava up. I died a few times there because I tried to climb the wall and air dash up, but Sigma decided to attack me mid air and push me under the ledge and kill me.

Overall, it stinks. But, if you're a fan of X, it's worth a try. Nowhere near as bad as x6.

>> No.10406443

Three Stooges with one sentence of lore. Don't even remember their names.
>Boring hallway stages
>Faggot maverick boss designs
>A lot of fucking waiting around during bossfight due to boss attack patterns that either make them impervious to damage for 50 eons or just make them leave the room altogether
>Unexciting music
>Slowdowns everywhere
>Other stages don't change when you defeat a boss (something that was in X1, and was brought back in X3)
>Lames X armor design out of them all
>So lazily made that there's no Sigma stage, instead reusing the magna centipede stage
>Shitty sigma wireframe final boss with no actual thought behind it
>Does nothing new for the formula whatsoever, is simply X1 again but worse

>> No.10406451

>you can only hate it if you hate metal.
Stealing music from GunsNRoses then making it sound like ass doesn't make you rockin
Even with CD quality music they couldn't make those loops sound less annoyingly repetitive

>> No.10406482

Even if any of that bullshit was good criticism besides the boss waiting and slowdowns, it was still memorable and unique. X3 was a long boring slush with no identity of its own.

>> No.10406508

>memorable and unique
If you played no other games in the series, maybe. X3 had the best Vile appearance in any of the games, actually challenging stages, actually challenging bosses, secret bosses and midbosses, Zero being playable, a more interesting plot where the Maverick Hunters are the ones being attacked, stages that change around when you beat bosses, the best X armor design in the series, Mavericks that actually redeem themselves like Dr. Doppler, catchier music, and the series' first foray into anime style video as well as showing X's origins in a cutscene with the PSX version. Even its faults are memorable, like the upgraded buster or Kaiser sigma hitbox - all things that make the game more challenging rather than easier.
Having beat all X games with the X-Buster only, X2 left no impression whatsoever. It might as well not have been there at all, like it was made by AI or some shit lmao.

>> No.10406516

Brits only hate Megaman because they're autistic about Turrican.

>> No.10406532

ayo megamaniggas be like
>>X43 is better than X571
>nuh uh Mga Man WXYZ347832 is better than them both
like nigga they all look the fuckin same lmao smdh

>> No.10406537

I thought so too until I played 30+ of them

>> No.10406541

by that point it was the 9th game

>> No.10406543

>best Vile appearance in any of the games
>shitty hidden miniboss fight in a small room with no explanation is somehow better than a main antagonist in X
>Zero being playable
for two single-minute segments
>anime style
only on PS1, X4 was the one doing the hard work for that in the actual game instead of just inserting Bilzard fanime segments
>stages change
I doubt it would be an exaggeration to say most people don't notice or quickly forget about this since nothing is as dramatic or interesting as the the lava or the lights in X, and the levels weren't good enough to pay attention to in the first place
Calling X2 an AI game compared to X3 is insane

>> No.10406557

>Uuuh single-minute segments
And X2 has none.
>Uuuh nobody remembers
It's just you, dumb faggot.

>> No.10406562
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The sentiments being expressed in this thread is how I feel towards picrel

>> No.10406570

I gave good reasons why the stages changes was so easily forgettable, sorry I was one of the many people that forgot there were extra flies on the shit stages just like I forgot how small manlet sigma's head hitbox was.
Zero was barely in X2 and was still a major part of the story. Playing as Zero in X3 the first time is mandatory yet people still rarely took advantage of the free conditional temporary power-up that he is. Calling that memorable compared to the later X games when you can just play as him normally is dumb

>> No.10406571

Level design. The GB team just made another classic game, one that wasn't very good.

>> No.10406593

...the only stage change I remember was in Gravity Beetle's stage. No boxes in the warehouse, and the drop ship doesn't show up if you beat Volt Catfish.

>> No.10406605

Weird you say that I thought Tunnel Rhino's song was cool. Its plain yeah but I always figured they were going for a sort of strong but slow style to his song to emphasize what his design is.

>> No.10406607

Finally somebody fucking gets it.

>> No.10406628 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 210x230, someone dropped the ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x3 is the weakest only if you play it 1-2 times. it really shines through multi plays. eventually your start noticing boss replacements, alt destroyed doppler stage, enhanced enemies for said stage etc.
>i dont want to slog through it 3-4 times to start enjoying it
the game is good enough close the trilogy in consequent replays throughout the years. you dont replay it over and over back to back
mega man x trilogy draws parallels to the resident evil set. 1st game is good, 2nd game known as best and 3rd is odd one, excelling in the EXACT same way

>getting chips is pointless when ultimate armor exists
i wonder if that could be fixed by only being able to obtain the gold chip if you get to that point with no upgrades AT ALL. that way the player is faced with the dilemma of choosing between all 4 armor pieces OR all 4 chips. perhaps let the player get the gold in doppler 1? or put vile 1 factory after all 8 robot masters but before doppler 1 and get it there so you can do the entire final set with gold

>> No.10406640
File: 15 KB, 630x690, someone dropped the ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x3 is the weakest only if you play it 1-2 times. it really shines through multi plays. eventually your start noticing boss replacements, alt destroyed doppler stage, enhanced enemies for said stage etc.
>i dont want to slog through it 3-4 times to start enjoying it
the game is good enough close the trilogy in consequent replays throughout the years. you dont replay it over and over back to back
mega man x trilogy draws parallels to the resident evil set. 1st game is good, 2nd game known as best and 3rd is odd one, excelling in the EXACT same way

>getting chips is pointless when ultimate armor exists
i wonder if that could be fixed by only being able to obtain the gold chip if you get to that point with no upgrades AT ALL. that way the player is faced with the dilemma of choosing between all 4 armor pieces OR all 4 chips. perhaps let the player get the gold in doppler 1? or put vile 1 factory after all 8 robot masters but before doppler 1 and get it there so you can do the entire final set with gold

>> No.10406659

>the fact that this *secret* super upgradre that you can only get in the final levels exist invalidates all the other upgrades

What a stupid argument. For one thing it's a secret, you wouldn't even know about it if you hadn't read a guide like the baby that you are. Probably the same people who look up bosses weaknesses before playing and follow them thoroughly.

Secondly even if when you know about it, the other upgrades are required much earlier on so it still represents a dilemma whether you want to go for it or not.

>> No.10406680

Lol I love anti-weakness MM fags

>> No.10406692

>bad stage design
>bad boss design
>awful sounding 2 second songs, not hyperbole. TUN-NEL RHY-NO. TUN-NEL RHY-NO. *widdlywiddly* TUN-NEL RHY-NO.
>bad sound font
>bad weapons
>bad secrets
>bad Sigma fights (Sigma's head hitbox is about 10 pixels above his head)

If you actually pay attention while playing games, or at least have eyes and ears, all of X3's issues are beyond obvious. Literally every aspect of it is done so poorly that it feels like it had to be intentional. It doesn't seem like you could design something so stupid accidentally given you have 2 games before it to copy.

>> No.10406701

The pink capsules system would already be dumb even without the ultimate armor.

>> No.10406738

You're the same kind of bitch who complains about the cape in SMW. Just don't press the button you dumbass nigger. Bosses in Megaman games are pathetically easy when you use weaknesses because it's easymode for babies.

>> No.10406857

>X3-hurrica-GOLD ARMOR!

>> No.10406902

No, it's the default mode. The entire gimmick of Mega Man is his copy ability. You're saying the equivalent of saying Sonic isn't actually meant to use spindash, or that nuzlockes are how Pokemon was MEANT to be played.

It's not. Here's an idea though to make any game really hard, play it with a blindfold.

>> No.10406940

It IS easymode, you dumb negroid. Weaknesses often stunlock and in some cases even OHKO bosses.
Next you'll say stunlocking everything to death with holy water including Dracula in Castlevania isn't easymode either.

>> No.10406992

>Weaknesses often stunlock and in some cases even OHKO bosses
And that is how the game is meant to be played. You choosing to make the game harder by ignoring mechanics the game is based around doesn't make it the "official way to play"

>> No.10407002

>official way to play
I never said it was official. I said it was easy and that you're a bitch for complaining about it.

>> No.10407040

Western MM fans honestly all seem like punishers. I don't know why none of you seem to enjoy this series you play.

>> No.10407048

You've probably never been to Sonic threads where the fans straight up admit that 95% of the games are shit

>> No.10407052

I don't go near Sonic anything, I've been on the Internet long enough.

>> No.10407079

That's half of Sonic fans, the other half will defend literally anything with "it wasn't that bad" or "actually, it's a misundertood masterpiece".

>> No.10407105

You're just too dumb to realize Sonic threads are all full of/usually made by, and allowed on this board, by butthurt Mario babies.

Of course it's easy, it doesn't change the fact that it's how the game was designed and that you were in fact meant to use boss weaknesses. You sound like someone who would complain when somebody used projectile moves in Street Fighter cause it's "cheating"

>> No.10407118

>You sound like someone who would complain when somebody used projectile moves in Street Fighter cause it's "cheating"
No, I don't. That's what you sound like here >>10406680.

>> No.10407121

What are the mario babies butthurt about?

>> No.10407137

I'm looking at x2 boss designs and wondering what were they thinking? Wire Sponge? Bubble crab? Overdrive ostrich? Reject department, is that you?

>> No.10407272

Nah, you're literally saying you should handicap yourself in a game to make it harder. You're free to do that, but enough of this fandumb bullshit that it's how the games are meant to be played.

Boss weaknesses are not some secret thing, it's the key gimmick of Mega Man. If they made it too easy that's on them.

>> No.10407309

There's a reason why none of the games tell you the correct boss weakness order, faggot.
Besides, things like Hadouken and Shoryuken capsules exist, and are as secret as any other secret item in the games. They instantly kill anything in sight, doesn't mean they're not easy tools.

>> No.10407371

It isn't bad.
Just kinda redundant with the previous titles and most of its new features are either poorly implemented or just shallow gimmicks.
Not a bad game by any means though, the core gameplay is still head and shoulders above most 2d action games of the time.
Some people hate the OST of the SNES version but I love it.

>> No.10407401

>There's a reason why none of the games tell you the correct boss weakness order, faggot.
To pad out the game? Too lazy to program extra boss info?

That changes literally nothing in my point anyway. Oh wow, you have to die a few extra times while you fuck around testing the weaknesses. This invalidates boss weaknesses how?? The point I'm making is that you are, in fact, SUPPOSED to use them.

>> No.10407651
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>hacks your game into the best classic entry before the graphics fuckup
nothing personell, kidcom

>> No.10408101
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The PlayStation version is a bad game, yes (especially the non-JP one). It cheeses up the kino metal aesthetic of the original SNES version hard.


They also made the sound effects effeminate in the CD versions. No wonder ESL Playstation fanboys hate this game: they first played a 4/10 version of a 10/10 game.

>> No.10408107

>Stealing music from GunsNRoses
There's no evidence of that, you desperate faggot.

>> No.10408114

>The music is ass
Ok, retard.