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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10404910 No.10404910 [Reply] [Original]

This game isn't fun and there's nothing impressive to save it from the shitty gameplay. You fuckers lied to me. I hate you all.

>> No.10404915

>he fell for the contrarian bullshit of /vr/

>> No.10404920

Looks like you own it, though.

>> No.10404925

Yeah I spent money on it, that makes it sting even worse. I TRUSTED YOU GUYS.

>> No.10404928

You can always emulate titles before you buy them? Confirm they're worth it? Rather than simply taking another's word for it?

>> No.10404943

Oh look you're trying to show off that you're good at burning money, you're also probably good at eating food, and shitting. YAY congratulations!!!

>> No.10404945

srsly everything /vr/ can be emulated easily by now, there is no excuse

>> No.10404950

Exactly. I don't see how this happens in 2023, with the prices the way they are.

>> No.10404952

You can literally see my slender-ass thumb in the frame, dumbass.

>> No.10404954

Because some people aren't poor and they have faith in their /vr/ bros.

>> No.10404956

I don't think he's calling you fat. I think he's saying you're good at doing normal everyday things that everyday people do.

>> No.10404970

Posting about games on /vr/?

>> No.10404974

Lol that's not a real game boy, what kind of bootleg shit is that

>> No.10404975

Analogue Pocket

>> No.10404979

>Because some people who browse this board are comically stupid.

>> No.10404985

Bruh I was emulating shantae in 2004 you have no excuse.

>> No.10405000

People talk about it a lot and say it's really good and I found a deal so I figured why not. It's not my bad everyone has bad taste.

>> No.10405002

/vr/ is the most worthless shithole in terms of game recommendations

>> No.10405004

Yeah mostly because the only games the nu-posterbase likes are Zelda cause ZOMG, Castlevania because of the gay anime and Mega Man because tism

>> No.10405023

Remember seeing awesome threads:
On fm7 pc88 pc88 sharpx fmtownes even laser disc

The thread had a pic of deep forest. Intro
No question. Really good thread.

It's gone

>> No.10405032

I've never seen anyway say anything about the Castlevania "anime" here except that it's gay.
The games get brought up because they filter people and because the series is ripe for contrarianism (such as saying rondo sucks and dracula x chronicles is the best game ever made)

>> No.10405036

I have faith in my /vr/ bros but require verification, especially when dropping good cash.

>> No.10405063

>he bought a video game

How much did you get jewed on this lol tell us
I hope you learned your lesson forever

>> No.10405067

That's WayForward. It's a team of visual artists and no one else. Their games always look nice, but play like total shit.

>> No.10405070

You could say the same about any Metroid game. In fact they are worse.

>> No.10405081

Like $50
Wasn't Shovel Knight made by a bunch of former WayForward devs? I liked that. Also your statement doesn't hold up because Shantae looks bad. Or at least the first level does. Does it pick up later on?
Metroid is amazing.

>> No.10405082

the sequels are way better

>> No.10405091

Don’t ever spend money on video games. Especially not on a video game that’s like 32 kilobytes.
Why would you do this?

>> No.10405094


That sounds reasonable but I'm surprised you felt that /vr/ was recommending this game, since I seem to usually see people here dismissing it as a boring series that's only popular because it has waifus in it. I'm sure some people here like it though. (I am not taking any position myself, since I haven't played any Shantae game.)

>> No.10405096

Does this one pick up later? I only played the first level and it was like a walking simulator

>> No.10405127

Far enough into the game it becomes a sorta level by level “metroidvania” idk what else to call it. Puzzle platformer with exploration elements.

It’s alright.
It’s not the greatest game ever made and it’s not a heaping pile of stank. Like most things in this world the true answer is the boring one. It’s just aight

>> No.10405174
File: 879 KB, 1539x1050, zeromission6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metroid is amazing.
Not at stealth game play or platforming or shooting or exploring or much of anything.

>> No.10405189

>stealth game play
It's not a game about stealth. There isn't a single Instance of stealth in the entire series. You've clearly never even played the games so your opinion is worthless.
It's fine.
It's fine.
It's the best exploration-based game ever.
>much of anything
Filter yourself.

>> No.10405202

Cheer up, you can always go play fingerbox to heal those wounds.

>> No.10405230

>everything is fine
>game is amazing
nta but let's be honest the original Metroid is not amazing. In fact I'd rather play Zelda 2

>> No.10405236
File: 208 KB, 1200x1200, b3a2b3e086a64dce06875ce3c6c9a6cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've clearly never even played the games so your opinion is worthless.
>It's the best exploration-based game ever.
It doesn't even come close to Morrowind. I feel bad admitting this but I've beat almost all retro Metroids.

>> No.10405252

You weren't gonna play it anyway.

>> No.10405286

If you don't like shantae then you don't like nes metroid. GB Shantae might be primitive but it is huge and varied. Make sure you spend money and buy and use lots of items.

>> No.10405289

Metroid zero mission and fusion have some "stealth" where you need to avoid and run away.

>> No.10405295

Pay close attention to the cart, it's the Limited Run reprint, not the original GBC cartridge (which btw, had different character art style)

>> No.10405298

So you spent $50 on a repro cart because you thought it'd look good on the shelf? That wasn't very smart.

>> No.10405315

Lol no NES games are "amazing". Least of all Zelda which didn't get decent until the SNES, and Super Metroid was better than that entry. Zelda is so overhyped. It's impossible to get immersed in the world because it's so bare bones and cartoony graphically, story wise, and character wise so it kind of fails at its main intention.

>> No.10405338

Imagine being such a shameless desperate attention whore that you buy a game to impress strangers on the internet and this shitpost shit on it to try to impress the strangers on the internet who weren't impressed by you buying it. I'm shocked you posted that pic instead of you crying in front of a fence with no games locked behind it. lmfao what a faggot.

>> No.10405375

I keep all of my games in a bin. The only thing on my shelf is books, CDs and cassettes.

>> No.10405380

It's funny how you guys always come out of the woodwork and cry about people owning things.

>> No.10405425

You bought a knock-off Game Boy, calm down.

>> No.10405470

it's the LRG bootleg anyway, who fucking cares
OP is double the fag for falling for not only internet cunts but then FOMO too

>> No.10405485

I remember that it was a funny moment in Morrowind

>> No.10405565

Projecting pretty hard there kiddo. You're attention whoring with a repro. Aside from yours, any tears in this thread are from laughter at how pathetic you are.

>> No.10405581

>more money than sense
next time buy a brain

>> No.10405586

How is it a bootleg if it's officially licensed or endorsed by WayForward?
And LRG repros have all Game Boy or Nintendo related trademarks scrubbed, for reasons.

Wonder if GBA collectors would mind about the Limited Run references once Shantae Advance releases for the first time? And I wonder how's the quality of LRG's repros?

>> No.10405587

came here to laugh at you

also, git gud zoom zoom

>> No.10405593

not even worth emulating
now you know why barely anyone talks about the gameplay and the threads are just /d/ tier shitfests

>> No.10405601 [DELETED] 

You mean to tell me Nintendo fans were over valuing the quality of their games? Again? No way.

>> No.10405605 [DELETED] 

Holy shit you’re retarded

>> No.10405606

Where’s the autismo who always bring up tg-16 in relation to this shit game? I hope he’s okay…

>> No.10405610 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, you're a fanboy.

>> No.10405617 [DELETED] 

Shantae isn’t a Nintendo game, ya stupid faggot. Cry about it elsewhere little bitch.

>> No.10405625 [DELETED] 

Neither is pokemon dumb reddit retard.

>> No.10405629

I've played it for around an hour, I'm impressed by how it looks but I don't see myself playing for much longer.

>> No.10405657 [DELETED] 

What the fuck does that have to do with anything, schizo faggot? I told your bitch ass to go cry elsewhere.

>> No.10405672 [DELETED] 

Piss your pants all you want, I'm not going anywhere. Nintendo fans overrated Shanty because it's on the gay boy.

>> No.10405678 [DELETED] 

Cry here then, faggot boy. Your mental illness amuses me.

>> No.10406026

You came here to complain that you made a poor decision in buying a game you now discover you don't like. People are ribbing you because at this point there's no reason at all not to try something yourself before spending money on a physical copy.

To save you the time, none of the other Shantae games are any good either. Cool graphics and good animation, but they're all as boring as fuck.

>> No.10406039

Shantae is overrated because it looks good and no one here plays games.

>> No.10406867

>He opened it
Based, that's one less out there. Now my sealed copy is worth even more.

>> No.10406872
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You didn't even consider emulating it first just to see if you like it before buying?

>> No.10406878

I liked the game enough. Also Shantae is sexy and I want to fuck her.

>> No.10406976

>How is it a bootleg
>have all Game Boy or Nintendo related trademarks scrubbed
why fucking ask me when you answer your own question you dumb faggot

>> No.10406983

It's a very dull game. You're not the only person people have conned into playing it.

>> No.10407332

Good. That's the retro experience.

>> No.10407356
File: 148 KB, 307x331, 12008975432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10407387

I don't care what an anal logue faggot has to say, you're a retard who enjoys pissing away money on shit he doesn't need, want, or really use.

>> No.10407431

Shantae came out in 2002. People were already emulating not only the Game Boy but also the GBA at that point. There's no way you don't know this if you're not a zoomie

>> No.10407446

I'm not poor, and that's because I don't waste money on children's playthings for clout on a Vietnamese comicstrip board

>> No.10407451

Your mind is fucked beyond recovery, just leave this board. There are over 100 amazing NES games, you just don't want to play them because you've experienced other generations of gaming first like the zoomer you are.

>> No.10407459

Holy shit, finally someone who agrees with me. 99% of all NES titles are shit, and Zelda is so overhyped it's incomprehensible, for the exact reasons you mentioned, brother.

>> No.10407472

>Because some people aren't poor and they have faith in their /vr/ bros.
Then he doesn't have to complain. A drop in the bucket for such a wealthy individual.

>> No.10408073

Shantae is one of those series that has good ideas, but right as it starts to get fun the game ends. Pretty much every Wayforward game feels like that.

>> No.10408095

Oh yeah? How'd they emulate warioware twisted then you so called non zoomer?

>> No.10408181

>I don't waste money on children's playthings
I mean, I see what you're doing, and agree that you're doing it right. Although, for the topic at hand,
>children's playthings
is a hysterical way of putting it, but subjective. anyone that still plays, likely appreciates nostalgia sure, but actually likes the games, I'd imagine. Not all of us are man children. Some of us actually revisit the games we played because of our kids.
>clout on a Vietnamese comicstrip board
Again, hysterical. I'm sure this is applicable to someone, maybe, Watafegs perhaps..

>> No.10408189

Just shut up and play through it you retard

>> No.10410404

>listening to troons who only play games to pretend they're female
you brought it on yourself anon. there are no good games where you play as girls