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File: 127 KB, 1200x813, jaguar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10404840 No.10404840 [Reply] [Original]

>tries to compete in console space
>literally no Japanese developers signed on

How did they expect they were going to win? Literally no devs signed on and the only ones making games were small american or european indie houses.

>> No.10404854

>I HATE this piece of hardware I read about on Wikipedia twenty years after it was discontinued

>> No.10404874


>> No.10404876

Xbox is still around so clearly it's not impossible.

>> No.10405090

Sony also put more focus on western games.

>> No.10405104

You are a know-nothing if you think original Xbox didn’t have Jap support. I can’t even begin to list the jap devolved Xbox only games. Off the top of my head:
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Dino Crisis 3
Dead or Alive 3
Phantom Crash

There are also a ton of Jap made, Jap only Xbox games. The big ones that come to mind are metal wolf chaos and the dinosaur hunting game.

>> No.10405121

They thought they'd get SEGA ports b/c of some lawsuit.

>> No.10405269

if it's a legit question, here's the thing:
atari was already developing a 32-bit system called "panther" but they thought that, by the time it was released, it would already be obsolete.
therefore, they scrapped that (which was a mistake) and decided to for broke and release the jaguar. the big selling point was that it was "64-bit" at a time when that was a milestone and before anyone argues whether it was 64-bit or not, that doesn't matter.
to be perfectly fair, jaguar was impressive for it's time but it was poorly supported and made some questionable design choices (cartridges instead of cds).

>> No.10405276

The 360 even got good Jap support early on. Ace Combat 6, Ninja Gaiden II and Blue Dragon are all great games.
Plus it has some killer Cave ports.

>> No.10405291

Microshit has a lot of money to burn on it.

>> No.10405312

It had Tempest. The Lynx had a few japanese developed games though, so they probably assumed jap development would be coming.

>> No.10405337

They were still in the pre-1983 arcade mindset of thinking that they could compete directly with Japan purely with domestic talent. It was a jingoism war that Atari had lost years before the Jaguar ever made it to the market. They didn't need specifically Japanese devs, but they DID need good third party support. Maybe if they had enticed Rare or some other big US/UK studio from that era into making an exclusive for them, they might have had a chance to carve a niche as the western competitor to Nintendo and SEGA.

>> No.10405341

>It had Tempest
Even hardcore fanbois don't shill that garbage anymore. Only youtublelings who don't actually play games.

>> No.10405516

That's not what he said

>> No.10405545

>How did they expect they were going to win?
64 bits bruh

>> No.10405554


>> No.10405598

OP unequivocally BTFO

>> No.10405614

end this shitty thread.

>> No.10405717
File: 727 KB, 1912x2560, IMG_9670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah first half of 360 era had tons of good jap games.
Picrel is probably the last big budget traditional turn based jarpig ever. I preferred this over FF12+13.

>> No.10405727

the xbox was literally bundled with SEGA made exclusives. it wasn't an all western console.

>> No.10405743

Is Blue Dragon great or are you just saying this? Never could get into it on release and then the entire franchise seems to have been a huge disaster and died

>> No.10405750
File: 8 KB, 304x286, 1697191226936991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10405751

Persona was the last major holdout and now it’s on Xbox as well. PlayStation doesn’t really have Japanese exclusives anymore.

>> No.10405853

Fuck off, fetus. Tempest 2000 is still great regardless of platform.

>> No.10405941

They designed the system to not power on if the games weren't seated correctly in the cartridge port. It also doesn't have a dust cover to further protect the connectors. Because of this amazing design feature, I imagine there were way more Jaguars thrown in the landfill by users back in the day who thought their systems were broken. Add the fact that the motherboards are exposed in the back.

The number pad thing was such a mistake. They were annoying back in the 70s, and overlays went missing all the time. Nobody liked them on the Intellivision or Atari 5200, why did they think to try it again over a decade later? Especially when fighting games needed more face buttons, Atari stuck with three.

>jaguar was impressive for it's time but it was poorly supported and made some questionable design choices (cartridges instead of cds).
The cartridges couldn't be more than 4mb in size, plus they chopped the CD addon off to save cost and keep the price of the system under $200.

>> No.10407169

would have been better with a dial controller.

>> No.10407195

The Jaguar is the best non-major console ever, prove me wrong

>> No.10407380

I never expected anyone to come up with a something more retarded than the post I replied to. But damn, you really knocked it out of the ballpark champ. I almost feel sorry for you not being able to have played it on any of those platforms youtube told you it was great on.

>> No.10407581

More bits.

>> No.10407595

Neo Geo is better. No??

>> No.10407608
File: 3.55 MB, 349x263, SPHERICAL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, definitely that goes to the gamesphere

>> No.10407609

Shit, you got me.
Real shit, that's the coolest fictional design I've ever seen and I would buy one if anyone ever made one, even a nonfuctional replica.

>> No.10407641

dreamcast and tg16 were better

>> No.10407694

Those were both major

>> No.10407728


>> No.10407731


>> No.10408271


>> No.10408275

>It was a jingoism war that Atari had lost years before the Jaguar ever made it to the market.
They lost that war back in the mid-80s, when they refused to partner with Nintendo as Famicom distributors.

>> No.10409082
