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10394453 No.10394453 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best N64 Rareware? I am considering playing it. I just went through both Banjo-Kazooie games and Donkey Kong 64, I figure this is the next one?

>> No.10394454

Both of the games you played are better. It's still fun.

>> No.10394457

It's not. One could even argue Conker isn't a good game and not even trying to. It's kind of an anti-game

Definitely charm, technically impressive and probably even thoroughly enjoyable if drunk, though

>> No.10394463

it's at least a collectathon right? I want to obtain a bunch of macguffins and unlock new levels?

>> No.10394464

It's my favorite game but I've seen more people disliking it these years because of the gimmicks, the comedy and controls (which i never had an issue with).
It's not like Banjo or Donkey where there's a focus on exploration and collecting things, it's more of a linear platformer with tons of gimmicks and playstyles depending on what place you reach, the 2nd half of the game is like a pseudo TPS.
If you like the humor you might enjoy it more.

>> No.10394470

It's a fucking moviegame dude.

>> No.10394474

It's really good (better than DK64) and the versatility of the worlds helps to avoid monotony. There are some parts that can be a nuisance (the vampire stage for example), but overall it's fun. The humor may or may not be of your liking. Also play the multiplayer, it's one of the best in the N64 library.

Nonsensical post, not worthy a (You)

>> No.10394478

It has critiques of the kind of dumb boring shit you do in games but its lack of a solution to the problem reeks of a cynical belittling of the player when they're the ones in control of the situation.
"this shit is awful, that's why we made more of it. It's what you want, isn't it?"
How about you shove a knife up your urethra, Chris.

>> No.10394485

>it's at least a collectathon right?
Sort of but not really. You do collect wads of money but they're usually just in your way at the end of a section. It's more of a variety platformer where each section of the game has a different gimmick. It's fully voice acted with properly 3D animated lip syncing which is very impressive for an N64 game (graphics are generally impressive too)
It's a good game but my favorite N64 Rareware game will always be Perfect Dark though

>> No.10394501
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It’s not only the best game in terms of pure gameplay, multiplayer and variety, it is also quite literally the most technically impressive game on the entire N64, using a 64mb cart and every coding trick in the book. It probably has an hours worth of fully voiced in-engine animated cutscenes (WITH lip syncing). It also has dynamic lighting, real time shadows, real time reflections and more.
You are so full of shit. Conker LITERALLY invented Resident Evil 4. ‘Spooky’ chapter is literally an over the shoulder third person shooter with a laser sight as your only reticle to shoot zombies. Capcom (potentially) copied this 1:1 for RE4, one of the best selling games of all time. That’s how good Conker is.
It isn’t a collectathon at all. It makes fun of them. There is literally one thing you collect in the game which is money. It’s practically not missable.

Conker is my favorite game ever, of all time. I had it when it was brand new and it still impresses me to this day. I sincerely believe it is one of the greatest video games ever made.

Play the fucking game, you’ll love it.

>> No.10394534
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Too many garbage moments to consider it truly good. Like wen you have to fetch cheese for this rat not once...not twice...but three times in a row without any variation or difficulty to it. The intentionally bad gameplay with the context sensitivity feels crude and clunky. Weird cutscenes and enemy voice acting and too much lowbrow peepeepoopoo humor without any catchphrase

>> No.10394535

Fuck off, reddit spaces

>> No.10394538

I just finished playing it on rare replay the other day. Is not as good as I remembered from my childhoold. It feels like a bunch of minigames connected by cutscenes. The humor is great though, and the multiplayer is still the best part of it, but the single player is not better than banjo in any way

>> No.10394539
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I will never in a million years understand the people who say "it aged, just watch it on youtube", etc. The game is insanely good. I replayed it a few months ago. I replayed it last year. I replayed it the year before. Every single time has been a blast. Conker is a great game in basically every sense. The technology and presentation is just wonderful. The gameplay is varied and fun. Don't go into this game expecting the successor to Banjo-Kazooie. In reality, it's the successor to Battletoad: difficult, fun gameplay, with lots of variety. It's not really a "collectathon" in a mundane sense, but a series of skill-based obstacles that can be done in a semi-non-linear way. The game is a gem, and it's great every time. If you dislike this game, perhaps you should just consider that you don't like games very much.

>> No.10394547

>peepeepoopoo humor

>> No.10394548

Perfect dark > goldeneye > banjo kazooie > conker > diddy kong racing > jet force gemini > DK64 > banjo tooie > KI gold > blast corps > mickey speedway

>> No.10394556

It's still a great game and there is nothing quite like it even till this day. But some of the things the game asks you to do are just tedious and not fun. Also, there's a huge spike in dificulty in some areas like the War section.
I'd give it a 8/10 for the single player and a 9/10 for the multiplayer.

>> No.10394557

That’s such small part of the game and it can be hard to deliver the cheese before it jumps out of your hand. You have to deliver it perfectly three times in a row. The low brow humor is part of the charm, and works effectively with the super cute rare style. If Duke Nukem can get praise for it, why can’t Conker?
Calling out reddit spacing is indicative of the user being a newfag tourist themselves. You can look at 4chan archives since this place went live and see plenty of people using line breaks. Nobody started calling it “Reddit spacing” until around 2016 go figure. I have been here since 2006.
Based. There isn’t a game with more variety than Conker. It really captures everything a video game should be,

>> No.10394568

It contains dated references, which may be a turn-off if you're a zoomer.

>> No.10394579
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It's a game that's style over substance, but I don't mean that in the really negative way it sounds. A game like Mario 64, for example, is about tight gameplay. You move Mario and use him to overcome obstacles and that's the point of the game. What little writing there is in it is just to contextualise the obstacles, to contrive a reason for Mario to be doing what he's doing. That's substance over style.
Conker is about the writing, and the point of the game is to get to the next cutscene, and that's what Chris Seavor himself has said. That doesn't mean there's no gameplay, there's actually a lot. But not focussing on exploring just one type (like Mario's platforming) allows them to keep the experience fresh. One way is not better than the other, and it doesn't mean writing and gameplay are mutually exclusive, it just depends on what you want in your game. I love Conker, but I understand why people don't.

>> No.10394586

I never once thought this. In my opinion Conker is a marriage of style and substance. It’s extremely mechanically sound with tight controls for just about everything you do with him.

Everything you do to get to the best cutscene is FUN. Whether you’re hopping on a pitchfork, flying as a bat, hover boarding on lava or in a WW2 third person shooter, everything is perfect and seamless.

Poor Conker is legitimately the most underrated game ever. Chris Seavor is a genius.

>> No.10394590

I liked banjo more, but yeah definitely play conker. It’s a truly unique experience. Also it gave me a boner as a kid.

>> No.10394593

>Based. There isn’t a game with more variety than Conker. It really captures everything a video game should be,
Variety for the sake of it isn't that great. Every licensed platformer throws minigames and gimmick segments at you

>> No.10394603

This but move Tooie between Diddy Kong Racing and Jet Force Gemini

>> No.10394621

But it isn’t variety for the sake of it, everything is very well polished to the point where everything you do in the main game is turned into a multiplayer mode.

Conker isn’t some cheap humdrum bullshit, it’s the pinnacle of Rare at the end of N64’s life using all their knowledge and resources to create a dirty love letter to a genre they basically defined.

>> No.10394627

Conker is not a good game, and its humor is even worse.

>> No.10394657 [DELETED] 

Remember, it's okay say that Conker has fetch quests and minigames if you get filtered by the bees, but don't EVER say that about Ocarina of Time.

>> No.10394665 [DELETED] 

OoT is soul incarnate, Conker is utter britbong trash

>> No.10394684 [DELETED] 

Too obivous, falseflagging anti-OOT autist

>> No.10394690 [DELETED] 

>you love Zelda games so you must also love rare slop
Why are raretards like this?

>> No.10394695

Nah man, you missed my point. Maybe style over substance wasn't the right way to put it. The focus is on the presentation moreso than exploring every facet of a single gameplay style. That's why there are so many different gameplay styles in the game, as a vehicle for the story they want to tell in that moment. You turn into a bat and you kill zombies because they wanted you to have fun doing those things in the haunted level they wrote a bunch of jokes for. Mario 64 wrote in a haunted level because it would present interesting obstacles for Mario to jump through. It's not one or the other, they just focus on opposite ends of the spectrum.

>> No.10395193

It's my favorite Raareware game by far. It's fucking hilarious and fun to play. Of course, I was playing it at a time where I had friends constantly over, and we all watch the single player game together while getting high. Then we would play hours of the multiplayer, which is fucking stupendous. Especially the Beach Siege game. Some games are meant to be played with friends while partying. This is one of them.

>> No.10395631

God no it's the worst.

>> No.10396057

>Nobody started calling it “Reddit spacing” until around 2016 go figure. I have been here since 2006.
Can confirm – been here since late 2009.

>> No.10396313

I've just finished it. Conker is almost nothing like Banjo or Donkey Kong. It's actually a linear set of chapters accessed from a hub world.

I'll be honest here: the back end of the game really sucks. It's not rushed, it's like they forgot what a game actually is, and made a bunch of disjointed situations - and you jump from one to the other, with almost no reasoning besides it's cool. The first time I became stuck was in the Rock Solid club, when you need to aim your jet at the rock dudes. You already did this way before (against the flame demons), but the game never bothered to tell you that you needed to hold Z for the jet to go farther. From those last stages, Uga Buga and Spooky really overstay their welcome - Uga Buga is probably the longest stage in the game, and it's one crap situation after the other. I actually enjoyed the tonal shift during It's War!. Before this stage, Conker was always annoying or having fun at the expense of the natives, but this time he feels really desperate, he needs to get out of this situation and he won't even spare a joke. Probably the whole thing traumatized him.

Well, that's it for me. Took me 11 hours. The times I was stuck:
- Rock Solid
- when you get the shotgun (the game doesn't bother telling you how to aim the thing)
- Three keys. It's a really long stretch of gameplay, boring to the end. But I guess that was the idea - to be annoying

Lastly, I disagree about the controls being tight. You'll see how bad they are in It's War!, specially when you need to use the bazooka or the turret, and the whole game starts to render at 3fps (not a joke). Do you aim, do you fire, or do you stop and wait for the game to stop crapping itself? Who knows!

I ended up enjoying the experience though, but it's one of those "That part" kind of games, except Conker has a lot of "That part".

>> No.10396320

banjo kazooie, not even close
conker is more fun for the multiplayer

also if your controller stick is worn, the bee chase segment is impossible

>> No.10396408

Care to expand on this? It’s a great game.

>> No.10396437

I don't like the repetitive fetch quests, or situations where the game expects you to find "the right way" to do something, even if it already told you what were you supposed to do. The biggest example is the fight against the bull. The guy at the counter told you to get a cow to shit down the drain, but you actually have to get THREE. And not all together, you have to kill one, then another, and then the third. I'm pretty sure most people got the first cow over the drain and left the arena - just to see nothing had changed.
Another one is when you're getting the tickly bees to pollinate the flower. Most people would get stuck because they remember that you access the bucket up there through the barn, but in actuality, if you enter any other area, all the bees you already got are void, and worse - no other bees will follow you, unless you go back and get the first bunch of bees again.

About the humor, I think it started pretty fresh, but the jokes get really stale after halfway through (most people I know said the game gets worse after the first half), and by the end there are just movie parodies, no jokes at all. One example of humor I liked was near the beginning, when the british bugs looked at Conker and said "I reckon we should get down there and kick the shit out of him." I like that kind of mean-spirited humor. It's just that it dwindles down as you progress, in exchange for referential humor.
(Spooky fucking sucks)

>> No.10396527

>It feels like a bunch of minigames connected by cutscenes.
The mini-games are good though right? DK64 hit me with two beaver bothers in Creepy Castle, and my jaw was agape at how awful a design decision that was on the developer's part.

>> No.10396540

This game came out in 2000's, there's no way the references are THAT dated.

>> No.10396541

>movie game with varied gameplay
Why wont modern devs learn from Conker?

>> No.10396545

Nothing could be worse than DK64's mini-games. A bunch of Conker's mini-games are just annoying, meaning you'll die a few times before getting the hang of them. People didn't comment on this already, but the N64 didn't have a reticle for aiming (except with the shotgun and submachineguns), and that made a few sections pretty bad. What happens is this: in some parts, you'll have to dodge an enemy, run towards a big button on the ground, activate it, and then you need to aim and fire on the enemy before it attacks you again (if you activated the button with your back turned, tough luck). Still, they're not completely crap. Just annoying.

>> No.10396549

>doesn't tell you controls
I hate games that do this so much, bros

>> No.10396557

I recall references to Terminator, Wizard of Oz, that Dracula movie with Keanu Reeves, Jaws, A Clockwork Orange, The Matrix, Saving Private Ryan, The Exorcist, Alien and Pulp Fiction.

One funny reference is that, during the final battle, when Conker punches the final boss, it makes the same sound Fulgore (from Killer Instinct) does when he's hit.

>> No.10396560

I didn't have problems with this particular section, but people told me they've died more than once during the Bat section of Spooky.

>> No.10396568

I'm pretty sure almost everyone will die at least 5 times during that part where you need to navigate through the propeller blades.

>> No.10396579

Nice, if anyone can't get a single one of these references then they probably should just do themselves in, lol.

>> No.10396667

It's a nice little game people probably should have played but not really for me

That was when I dropped it. Stupid gameplay and just felt like offensive, vile humor for the sake of it

I honestly feel like something happened after Banjo 1 and Rare just stopped giving a shit or even wanted to commit suicide. Banjo 2 is more depressing and shittier than 1 too

>> No.10397009

>Banjo 2 is more depressing and shittier than 1 too
no it isn't, we all hate Kazooie but she's in-character the same as she was in the first game

>> No.10397429
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It isn’t a movie game and people calling it that are trolling. It does have a lot of cutscenes, and they are significant, but hardly distracting an only a fraction of the game. They are all in engine and flow perfectly (I remind you all, all of this is done on a 64mb cart, let that sink in).

Normalfags today want actual moviegames. Conker is just the most narratively driven platformer ever made and devs could learn how to marry those concepts instead of doing one or the other, I agree.

Picrel shows real time reflections. When the cutscene is over, you literally take control of the cutscene seamlessly. Genius and perfectly executed, especially in 2001, especially on a cart game, especially on fifth gen. What a game.

>> No.10397445

Edgelord porn, great production, uneven difficulty, great sound design, stupid mechanics. I'd take "12 tales" any day of the week.

>> No.10397542
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OP here I played the game for over an hour, it's very impressive. However I am stuck on the part under the barn where the room fills with water and there's electrical wires. I swim forward and climb a ladder and use the context button to throw knives and cut down the wires but the water is still electrical, and I'm obviously meant to swim over to another ladder when the water raises. I'm gonna have to google what to do here, I need to just know what to do to move on from this part.

>> No.10397569

yeah, but DK64 sucks, while conker is a great game just with some nuisances

>> No.10397840

>romanticising a shit game this much
If you find this impressive I feel bad for you. And lol @ bringing up re4 as if being similar to that is a good thing. What next it also inspired shitty god of war?

>> No.10397892

It's been twenty or so years, but my memories of it was that it was really hard and time consuming, and any time I got through a roadblock, I either lucked out, found a cheese strategy, or had to memorize exactly what was coming. The war section was really brutal. When I finally beat it, I didn't feel like I did well, I feel like I just brute force endured it.
And the spooky part felt like it took forever. I don't know if there were puzzles or the area was too big and samey.
I didn't feel like I was "playing" I felt like I was stumbling through a chore.
And as for the humor, Great Mighty Poo is indicative, but I also didn't like Conker's voice, or most of the voice acting. There's people in this world who have a feel for what's funny, and can make something funny, and then there's people who don't know what's funny, and become less funny the harder they try. You're either Dave Attell or you're Robin Williams. The people who made Conker are Robin Williams

>> No.10397921

This game runs like shit. Needs a PC port.

>> No.10397980

You can emulate it at a perfect 30 if you don’t want to play it on original hardware.

It needs a PC port anyways with online multiplayer. I was actually pissed that Conker on Xbox didn’t also include the original multiplayer, which is better in every conceivable way.
>I romanticize my favorite game
I’m sorry you never liked anything that much. You probably love your mom that much, you can tell her when she brings your next plate of chicken nuggets to your goon dungeon you miserable faggot.

>> No.10398006


I think it's better than DK64 at least.

>> No.10398139

is it getting decompiled?

>> No.10398149
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No idea. People are more autistic than ever so probably. If any game needs it, it’s Conker. Literally the best multiplayer on the entire system, had so much endless fun with friends as a kid. War/Deathmatch is something you can play for hours, it’s unreal how fun it is.

I’ve been keeping an eye on Picrel for a while, someone trying to recreate Conker multiplayer for PC, but I don’t think it’s gotten anywhere.


If fightcade worked for N64 I’d play Conker online every day.

>> No.10398157

Are you hitting the right wires? The timing is the difficult part, the water should be unelectrified if you’re actually slicing all the wires.

>> No.10398161

No, it's edgelordcore (except for one or two small parts which are genuinely good). Their best N64 games are Blast Corps, Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie and Diddy Kong Racing. Perfect Dark and Jet Force Gemini are also decent.

>> No.10398181

From the vantage point I had there was one behind me that seems close to the water, and there's all kinds of other ones up to the rafters. I'm probably going to feel stupid if there was one in the water I just barely didn't notice.

>> No.10398186

You’re probably missing one. Watch a YouTube video if you feel like cheating.

>> No.10398204

Yeah, I had the same exact experience as you. There was one right behind me at the start. You don't need to actually hit the one furthest to the right (near the top) from your starting point; you'll have another chance. I don't know if it was too much work, but the water having sparks doesn't actually mean the wires are touching it - once you complete the puzzle, the water will still have sparks on it, and you can even swim down there without any repercussions.
Try to see if there's one way down there - I think that's it. Of course, there's no hidden wires or anything. You can see them all from the context sensitive pads.

One thing that helps in the XBOX version (Live & Reloaded) is that those sections now have aiming crosshairs, but don't be discouraged - keep playing the original. IIRC, at least one section is way harder in the XBOX version, the tank part near the end of It's War! They've fucked up the gameplay there.

>> No.10398249

It's easily the weakest. It's kind of a bad platformer, in ways that none of others are. Conker feels sluggish, and never particularly good to control.
What's good about it is the sense of variety, and the fact that you're always doing some new activity, but only about half of those are ever fun. It's very all over the place as a game.

>> No.10400281

I figured it out, there was one in the water, somehow I kept missing it. Is the water really looking electrified on the Xbox version? there's no electric wafting around on it in the N64 version I played when I cut the wires.

>> No.10400326

It is different to them but if you liked them you will probably like it. A lot of the game is you *having* to watch, sometimes quite long, cut scenes, which gets quite boring. The game play can be good in some sections and utterly awful in others. There are a few points in the game you'll die a lot.

I'd say if you can get it free like on xbox game pass probably go for it, but just bear in mind it's more of a movie game than a strict platformer or Shooter

>> No.10400437
File: 29 KB, 600x338, IMG_9613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not the only killer instinct reference either. That’s the game he plays on his gameboy when you idle.

Also, someone here once posted a gif of the other idle animation where Conker kicks a soda can. If you do it near water, he kicks the can at a wall, it will bounce off the wall, and plop into the water causing a ripple as it slowly sinks to the bottom. The attention to detail in this game is unbelievable, this is way before persistent worlds and physics engines.

Someone should post it again.

>> No.10400464

It's really more of an "experience" kinda thing than a game. People don't get that

>> No.10400484

I'm surprised at how modern it feels, no wonder it got remade on 6th gen consoles immediately afterwards. Nuts they didn't include the remake on that Rare Replay collection.

>> No.10400492

Conker was too forward thinking for the plebs. It got remade fast because micropenis just bought Rare and Conker didn’t sell well because it was an M game on Nintendo. Made perfect sense to basically do an enhanced port to Xbox.

I had both when they were brand new and while the remake is definitely cool and impressive, it’s also censored and has worse multiplayer. The original is better in every way.

>> No.10400548

People don't like to say it, because it wasn't a mainline Rare game in a sense, but it's the best Rare game on the N64. It's not even close.

The multiplayer even reeks of good British development. If it had gotten any attention, it's literally the sort of thing people would love now. The multiplayer? Common you all know it.

Teddys vs. Squirrels is something anybody who played that game wishes was a thing now.

>> No.10400615

What do you mean censored? Conker bleeps all the bad words on the N64

>> No.10400658

I recall coming back later and there were a few sparks.

>> No.10400672

They only censored stuff like Fucker, Motherfucker, Asshole and stuff like that in the original.
In the remake, they've censored "shit", which makes The Great Mighty Poo song really an underwhelming experience. Also the Multiplayer starts censored for some reason (you can uncensor it after completing the game).

>> No.10400674

The Xbox version is way more censored. Look it up.

>> No.10400689

IIRC, they've censored "shit", "felatio", "cunting" and "twat". Sloprano suffers the most from this, since well... it's a stage made of shit.

>> No.10400703

Odd stuff, I figured they would censor prick on N64 but they did other odd words instead.

>> No.10400718

It feels really like a very late (in development) attempt at censorship for some reason. People already said all about the swear words, but there are other things:
- removed the blood splatters, but kept the gore (dismemberment, etc)
- but now the bull's horns have blood on them (????)
- Marvin's stitches in the ending cutscene have a more "realistic" feel to them
- Berri's buttflaps are more visible

>> No.10400763

I dunno, I think it's aged badly to be honest. Games now have long cut scenes cos they're developing plot or showing off graphics: conker is more like a semi-interactive movie, it's... I honestly don't know how to describe it. It is bssicslly unique.

This post sums it up well.

Agreed. I played it when it came out and I recently re played on game pass. I have to say I utterly hated the laser grid bit in war. The final boss also had me seriously pissed off.

This. People keep saying the references are dated. I'm like, "huh?" The movie references are mostly classics. Terminator was already 15 years ago when it came out. Jaws and Clockwork Orange were like 25 years. These are just classic cinema references, not zeitgeisty ones. The only one like that is kind of Saving Private Ryan and Matrix, but they're both basically in the classic cinema tier now anyway

>> No.10400775

Every modern game I've played extensively uses context buttons, and plays out animations and scenes, that's what Conker does!

>> No.10400906


>> No.10400925

Post your favorite game.

>> No.10400951

>It probably has an hours worth of fully voiced in-engine animated cutscenes (WITH lip syncing)
that's a big point against it, fucking hate booting up one of these old games and being made to sit through them showing off their "new audio compression tech means our voice actors stunted performances can be almost endless!"
Shut the FUCK up Adon
Shut the FUCK up Carrington

>> No.10400960

> re played on game pass
isn't that a remake though which was made by people who don't get the original jokes and don't know to recreate them? I booted up a comparison and within 5 seconds closed the tab because in the original game's first cutscene conker is doing the kubrick stare in close up the same as alex in clockwork orange's opening, with similar voice over, and in the remake he's just sitting in a chair. Like they didn't even recognize that it was a very pointed reference to a movie, they just never saw clockwork orange i guess. Fucking was released with nobody caring though

>> No.10400978

Lol @ stfu Adon but Conker’s in-engine cutscenes blow Turok 2 out of the water.

I believe that overcoming limitation, as in maximizing the confines of your medium, is the true catalyst for worthwhile art, so I never mind, especially back then.

>> No.10401184

I only liked the multiplayer in this one. The abhorrent white trash humor ruined everything. Diddy Kong Racing is Rare's best N64 title.

>> No.10401187

Define “White trash humor”.

>> No.10401221

In terms of gameplay, Conker isn't all that good. It was a meme game made mostly for the shock humour of a funny cartoon mascot from the THE 'mascot platformer' dev running around cursing and getting drunk. The actual good Rareware N64 gameplay is Banjo, it's a refined version of DK64.

>> No.10401289

Irreverent cynical satire is the pinnacle of 90s comedy. It's cut from the same cloth as Beavis & Butthead, Ren & Stimpy, Simpsons, South Park, and Family Guy.

>> No.10401297
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Some the humor is actually clever too.
For example, in the “War” chapter, the squirrel army is American with American accents, therefore they are grey squirrels as opposed to British Conker, who is red.

>> No.10401474

That might be more of a reference to the controversy of the invasive american grey squirrel in the UK, which was a big talking point in the late 90s because they're displacing native red squirrels.

>> No.10401486
File: 68 KB, 320x322, Tetris_Boxshot (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You probably love your mom that much
I do love my Mother more than a video game.

>> No.10401528

it's great. top 10 N64 game. have fun!

>> No.10401529

A bit too clever sometimes!
Conker is a red squirrel, the bull attacks him because he sees red.

>> No.10401575
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, poopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably means 'Jewish humor'. See South Park as well

>> No.10401581

N64 is a multiplayer console. The singleplayer campaigns of any game are just setpiece movie practice montages to distract from the meat of the game. Multiplayer is where you could instantly tell if you got your money's worth, and rare always delivered. There's even fucking racing

>> No.10401695

Yeah this is a LARP.

>> No.10401709

So you don't know what white trash means, got it.

>> No.10401834

are you all furries? LOL

>> No.10401867
File: 3.36 MB, 4173x1740, 20231111_230653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That I love my Mother or Tetris is my favourite game?

>> No.10401879
File: 78 KB, 996x1140, 1692217310576273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it was Rare sticking the middle finger game to Nintendo. Like the two where always at odds with each other but Conker's was the massive "fuck you." Anyway, I liked Reloaded. I felt like it fixed a lot of faults in the first one, plus I loved the multiplayer. Would play hours of that then when there was no one left I would play hours with bots. Like holy shit if Rare made a furry Battlefield and I am honestly saddened that it didn't get more love.

Pic unrrelated.

>> No.10402457

There is nothing wrong with the story or humor of Conker. Parodying or lampooning popular things of the time is not something newly invented in the 90's. It's something that's always been around, in every single era, in every single medium. I hate to sound cliche like that, but all the people who are dismissive are a thousand times worse. But away the boring "it's dated" comments, they add nothing.

>> No.10402463

more fun than donkey kong 64 dont listen to the angry boomers of here

>> No.10402469

I found it unfunny, retarded garbage back then when I was a kid. Still found it unfunny, retarded garbage to this day. Nothing about it being dated, it's just shit. Conker is worth nothing besides its multiplayer.

>> No.10402470

dk64 is one of the peaks in n64 gaming

>> No.10402478

You certainly are one for liking Conker

>> No.10402497

Dude that game is one of the worst trash titles on the system.

>> No.10402505

If I wanted to cut my balls off and collect random crap off the ground for hours upon hours, sure.

>> No.10402593

My thoughts exactly.
My favorite mission was flying the lawnmowers over the dome.
Conker would free Palestine.

>> No.10402596

You would define what it meant to me. Define the White trash humor in Conker.

>> No.10403139
File: 65 KB, 800x582, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uuhhhhhh how dare you like such low-brow entertainment uhhhh I bet you're working class and white and male and blah blah this isn't as sophisticated as the comedy that I like

When did /vr/ become full of "those" types?

>> No.10403146

Opening up to consoles after Dreamcast was a mistake

>> No.10403468

>Crude humor is le bad

>> No.10403641

They should bring that back, since live services is pretty big right now

>> No.10403650

lame kid

>> No.10403662

nah mald bro