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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, Soul Console.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10399475 No.10399475 [Reply] [Original]

Objectively the greatest console of all time.

>> No.10399482

for sure bro

>> No.10399485
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, zror8eun2nrb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexiest console of all time, would finger again

>> No.10399505

It is my personal favorite console, mostly because of OoT and MM. But greatest imo would be the Sega Genesis (with Sega CD add-on)

>> No.10399510

Objectively the games were meh aside from Mario 64

>> No.10399512
File: 617 KB, 1280x1644, N64god2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is but this place is gonna get their panties twisted for saying something positive about it.

>> No.10399518

Strongly Disagree

>> No.10399529

It has some real god tier games but I don't think it has enough to be called the greatest of all time. The only games I really like on the system are
Diddy Kong Racing
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark

Never played Paper Mario but apparently it's also good

>> No.10399565

Blurry ass video, no thank you.

>> No.10399574

All you need is the S-video cable and it's not blurry anymore. Problem solved

>> No.10399587
File: 1.37 MB, 1568x1080, 1699515264103937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be the SNES, champ.

>> No.10399596

...said no one.

>> No.10399609

greatest secondary console? maybe, but thats still pretty debatable.

>> No.10399620

It's one of the weaker Nintendo consoles. Not saying it doesn't have some revolutionary/great games but the library as a whole is pretty dreadful and lacks variety.

>> No.10399623

Outside of the Nintendo and Rare titles, there isn't much else to play. I feel like it's ok, but not great.

>> No.10399626

What I like about it is the games library, not the console itself. Same goes for the PS1.
The games for these two systems are best when emulated just to cleanup a lot of issues they have on original hardware (too blurry, too wobbly, muh framerates, muh texture warping, etc)
I don't mind the N64 controller itself though.

>> No.10399629

>I don't mind the N64 controller itself though.
Yea I don't know why it gets so much hate. Like it's unconventional compared to todays standards, but I never found it bad to use.

>> No.10399631


>> No.10399635

That's it? That's how many good games the SNES has? There's so few good games you had to fill a spot with fucking Kirby's Dream Course in the 9 greatest SNES games of all time?

>> No.10399645

no you're the liar
>muh vaseline smeared blurry graphics
Absolute horseshit spread by console warring retards

>> No.10399649

The SNES has plenty of great A-tier games but it's also VERY strong with B-tier titles. Games that you might not have spent 70 bucks on but made a killer weekend rental. The N64 game quality drops off HARD after once you get past first party and Rare stuff. There's a handful of great "B" titles like the Goemon games and Ogre Battle 64 but those are absolutely the exception to the rule.

>> No.10399656

If you're 4 years old, sure.

>> No.10399664

I added Kirby's Dream Course for variety sake. Didn't need another side-scroller or RPG.

>> No.10399687
File: 1.08 MB, 1411x860, chart (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hella based anon, the snes is home to some of the best games ive ever had the pleasure of experiencing. shit like ff6 and super metroid is what got me into retro gaming in the first place.

>> No.10399718

mario, zelda... the list goes on

>> No.10399723

I hate language like this because goemon is the best game on the n64.

>> No.10399729

>rated E for everyone
Here's your (You), shit for brains. Get the fuck outta here with your Fisher-Price bullshit.

>> No.10399735

Games library? There are more letters in this post than there are games for N64.

>> No.10399748

don't cut yourself on that edge

>> No.10399767

The greatest would be the NES, Genesis, and PS1.

>> No.10399771

Absolutely. It has almost 5 good games on it and everything.

>> No.10399772

Too old
Too shitty
Too transitional

>> No.10399773

moviestation has no gaems

>> No.10399775
File: 586 KB, 695x641, FraBMjeaIAA0X1r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, with Mario the list does go on:
>Super Mario 64
>Dr. Mario 64
>Mario Golf
>Mario Kart 64
>Mario Party
>Mario Party 2
>Mario Party 3
>Mario Tennis
>Paper Mario

>> No.10399779

What the fuck are you doing on this board if literally the only /vr/ console you think is good is the SNES?

>> No.10399785

Because it is, and has the most longevity/replayability despite being an older system.

>> No.10399787

Yeah I get it. I feel the same as you honestly. If the N64 had more games like GGA I would probably feel much differently about it. But the fact is, it’s absolutely a B title in terms of notoriety and prestige. I feel the same about the SNES games in the series and at least 2 of those games would make my personal top 20.

>> No.10399805

SNES is one of the best and arguments for it being the best are fair depending on your genre preference, but if it's the only one you like you're certainly a pleb. It's like we all know Metallica was good back in the day, but if they're the only band you like from the scene you're not someone who's opinion is worth something really. What I'm saying is, you sound like a tourist/fanboy, and those are never to be taken seriously when it comes to critiques.

>> No.10399819

Subjective. NES has the most objectively good games.

>> No.10399823

Yeah, so, I never said it's the only system I like, but that it's the best. The rest of your post is pure speculation and most likely projection. KYS

>> No.10399829

Too bad they all look and play like shit.

>> No.10399835
File: 9 KB, 256x192, 1547046923329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally just said you hate NES, Genesis, and PS1. Too late to move the goalpost. If the only other system you like is N64, the fanboy assumption is proven true.

>> No.10399839

I didn't say I hate those systems, I gave my critique on why they aren't on par with the SNES. You can't kys fast enough lol.

>> No.10399840
File: 2.06 MB, 4000x2252, 20231110_153453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hooks up N64 with s-videos.
Looks blurry as hell.

>Anon is a liar.

>> No.10399850

>Too bad they all look and play like shit.
How does SMB3 play like shit? It plays better than most SNES games

>> No.10399854
File: 331 KB, 1920x1440, gz-oot-1.0-u-231103-122114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Absolute horseshit
Try playing either on original hardware or on paraLLEl-RDP at native res

>> No.10399879
File: 3.42 MB, 4000x3000, OoT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10399881

LMAO I literally have an OEM N64 with a CRT and just finished playing OoT, and it looks way better than whatever that trash is. Pure fakery or just an awful television, also stop using composite and buy an S-video cable.

>> No.10399883
File: 958 KB, 1024x1024, 1662998637860142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still blurry, it must look like a chess board to be concidered sharp

>> No.10399917

extreme zoomer-shit opinion detected

>> No.10399925

Tendies really can't accept that the N64 isn't a perfect console with absolutely no flaws. The vaseline meme doesn't come out of literally nowhere, just like how people make fun of the PS1 wobble

>> No.10399935
File: 1.71 MB, 1440x1080, n64 soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda. A console is defined by its games and it literallly got a bunch of GOAT contenders in several genres
>OoT and MM (AA/action RPG)
>Mario 64 (3D platforming)
>Goemon's Great Adventure (2.5 platforming)
>Wave Race, F-Zero X and MK64 (kart racing)
>Perfect Dark (FPS)
>Golden Eye (licensed game)
>Rocket, Banjo Kazooie and Conker (collectathon)
>SMRPG and Paper Mario (RPG)
>Sin and Punishment and Star Fox 64 (rail shmup)
>Wonder Project J2 (point and click)
>Mischief Makers and Custom Robo (action)

This isn't subjective

>> No.10399973

OK, grandpa, thanks for chiming in. Now get back to playing Pong.

>> No.10399976

>most of these are bright primary color puke kiddy cartoon games
Offered nothing for the older generation who had SNES, you had to be a small kid when it came out to get the best out of it.

>> No.10400016

Ohh I'm sorry, I forgot you need bumper corners so you don't hit your head. I also brought you some safety scissors for arts and crafts, but be careful... you could still get a paper cut.

>> No.10400026

some real stinkers there, but if it's all you had it's all you know

>> No.10400034

it's kind of funny in hindsight how the ninty mags at the time clearly knew it was a lemon and had no respect for the thing. then when zelda 3d was coming out they went into full shill mode again, even 8-year-old me could smell the bullshit.