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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.10399542

It's one of those "people like it because they're told to" kinda classics. There's better games in its own series and far superior games in its genre.

>> No.10399568

I loved this game, mostly because people in my area only had TM2. We, however, loved Vigilant 8 2nd offense far more.

>> No.10399572

Very popular

>> No.10399697

Because it's better than Twisted Metal 1, Black is also considered the best but is a reboot and far enough away that some OG fans stopped caring and never played it, and 3, 4, and Small Brawl "jump the shark" by going into a more cartoony Goosebumps feeling direction. It's more a MK II situation, its appeal is being a better version of the original but still being closer to the original spirit of the series that people were fans of to begin with

>> No.10399852

>play game
>get frozen
>jump over freeze
>get frozen again
>try to freeze CPU in return
>CPU uses force field
>die from assrape
Nice game, boomers.

>> No.10399857

If you like this series and haven't seen the first games video out takes, you gotta.

>> No.10399868

>another case of a zoomer poser playing multi player games alone

>> No.10399875

>heh the game that has a full single player campaign was supposed to be dogshit
Wow, great argument. Your brain has rotted from a lifetime of hot cheetos and hot pockets

>> No.10400436

I mostly eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast

>> No.10400447
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>> No.10400647

Never thought about it that way but you're right. For both TM and MK the first two games are gritty but in their own unique ways while the 3rd (and 4th in the case of TM) games feel goofy. And yeah I never played anything past the 4th games for either.

>> No.10400707

You eat pieces of shit?

>> No.10400730

TM2 has the most unintuitive default controls for a driving game I've ever played. I never feel like I'm actually doing what I intend to. It also doesn't help that the physics are a bit jank and the game has a hard time reading your energy weapon combos. The later games that allow you to use the analog sticks control much better.

>> No.10401648

I preferred TM3 precisely because of the more irreverant comic book tone. Blowing up the white house and fighting aliens in Area 51 was hilarious, and I hate that there aren't any 'fire an RPG at Santa Claus'-style games anymore.

>> No.10401714
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>It's one of those "people like it because they're told to" kinda classics.
That's not a real fucking thing, you goddamn retard.

>> No.10401717

>peer pressure not real
You did it just then.

>> No.10403471

The idea that "things are only ever popular because people want to fit in" is a psychotic theory. There is truth in the idea that people feel more comfortable showing support for things other people like to be part of a group, but the idea that things only ever become popular because of groupthink is insanity.

If the game you like suddenly became more popular than the one that is most popular, would you have to change your opinion? The game you thought you liked actually is garbage now, because other people like it more. That's the "logic" and it's nonsense.

>> No.10403492

>things are only ever popular because people want to fit in" is a psychotic theory
It's the most basic thing to understand about human groups, you autistic retard. This board is the epitome of this behavior pattern.
Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.10403525 [DELETED] 

No, people who think that way are autistic narcissists who think only they are smart enough to be objective or like anything good, but they're total hypocrites because they fold every single time

If the zeitgeist changes, which it currently does, and what they liked becomes the new favorite they ALWAYS turn on that thing and decide it was never good

>> No.10403531

No, people who think that way are autistic narcissists who think only they are smart enough to be objective or like anything good, but they're total hypocrites because they fold every single time....that's because their opinions aren't based in a legitimate preference, they're based in a special snowflake syndrome of wanting to be "le different"

If the zeitgeist changes, which it constantly does, and what they liked becomes the new favorite they ALWAYS turn on that thing and decide it was never good

>> No.10403537

>far superior games in its genre.
Vigilante 8, ...? I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.10403545

>4chan is a hive mind

>> No.10404587
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>> No.10404889
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>all axl clips

t shadow chad