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File: 283 KB, 957x717, knuckles chaotix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10397239 No.10397239 [Reply] [Original]

decades later, I go back to this and... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS THING??? this damm sure is the most surreal, inexplicably nostalgic, off-putting sonic game ever
everything in this game, the visuals the music, is so.. so... ahhh

as a sonic fan I ask: what the fuck

>> No.10397248

It was a Sonic game for the 32x that Sega didn't have much faith in and was arguably released before it was ready.
There's a bunch of weird things about Chaotix.

>> No.10397272

and while I admit I kinda grew up with old sonic fangames (aside from the genesis games and sonic x), where they used lot of sprites, levels and music from this game, so this game is special to me in a very weird way, and the music haunts me even to this day, I insist there has to be something else too
I can't be the only one
>There's a bunch of weird things about Chaotix.
yeah, that

I don't know if sega 32x games were like this, but then again 32 bits games aren't this bizarre at all

>> No.10397286
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Welcome to the Next Level

>> No.10397391
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>> No.10397452

peak comfy

>> No.10397457

This OP reads like a twitter post

>> No.10397479

how does sega do it

>> No.10397490
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Not as weird as Tempo or Kolibri imo, to say nothing of oddities like Virtua Hamster. If you're curious though 32X does have some other solid titles, like Virtua Racing Deluxe, After Burner, Shadow Squadron, Darxide etc. Just never got as many games as SEGA CD


>> No.10397805

It's a mess of a marketing gimmick of a game. You don't have to like it.

>> No.10397821
File: 23 KB, 320x240, metalchaotix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk but Metal Sonic looks hardcore as hell in this game

>> No.10398038

they should have waited for at least the 33X

>> No.10398246

This is straight up one of the worst non-shovelware games I've ever played but it has some of the nicest tracks in the entire series. Hate the visuals also

>> No.10398287

It's basically an unfinished alpha thrown onto the 32X while it still had a pulse. There are no death animations, no ending cutscenes, no loops or spikes, repetitive boring levels etc. Basically, the 3D special stages are the only thing this game has that feel finished, everything else feels half-baked and rushed.

>> No.10398321

The 32x's absolutely awful sounding dac samples completely ruin the soundtrack.

>> No.10398327

I genuinely think this is very close to being a really good game.

Firstly, this is a co-op game. Don't play it single player, you miss most of the appeal of the game. Play it with a friend. If you do you'll realize there's actually quite a lot of depth to the physics and while you'll spend the first hour or so being out of control and flinging each other around, you'll eventually get it and it's a very satisfying game when both players can communicate and flow through the stage.

The big problem the game has is that the stage design and character balance is just shit. Charmy is just completely ridiciulous and has more or less unlimited damaging airdashes in all directions, makes Tails look like a chump. All the stages are quite vertical/enclosed making mastery of the physics not very rewarding and almost never necessary, especially when you can just play Charmy or to a lesser degree Vector and achieve the same thing with no effort.

But, if the game had good/normalish stages and forced you to play the more 'normal' characters like Knuckles only, this would have been a prime co-op game and a completely unique one. I'm quite sad it never got a sequel or even added to Mania or similar as a bonus mode. In a good game I think people would realize the elastic band ring shit is really fun.

>> No.10398394
File: 2.47 MB, 360x202, 37y2xl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this
>repetitive boring levels
Possibly the worst stages of any Sonic game. GOAT Sonic music.


>> No.10398514
File: 225 KB, 320x240, 8DE62662-774F-4915-9D3D-14FACB4D3DAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hate the visuals also
Get some taste, peasant.

>> No.10398653

like so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di6lIturqKg

>> No.10398660

also bes-
ahh fuck you beat me to it. well glad I'm not the only one

for example this song
this song screams old fangames. actually the whole ost screams old fangames

>> No.10398690

something something neo sonic 3

>> No.10398693

>Welco metot hence tlevel
What did they mean by this

>> No.10398753

Dude the game looks like shit for the most part. I find it interesting how Mania aped the 32x style though, Taxman made it look good. Overall I think that CD and 2 are the best looking retro Sonic games

>> No.10398793
File: 1.26 MB, 1543x1080, Chaotix ~ Knuckles' Chaotix (Japan, USA)-230225-170752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's got such resplendent visuals, rich with color and then you realize everything comes in multiple color schemes with the time of day mechanic and the vibrancy is endless

>> No.10398857

Unfinished though it may be, Chaotix is still great. It's the Majora's Mask of Sonic games (tradition-breaking that filters the plebs, "moody", beautiful in its aesthetics). The more I play it the more I appreciate all the wacky tricks you can do with the physics.

Yeah, it really is a shame that SEGA has never given the concept a proper execution. The Sonic Classic Heroes mod has a combi-mode option though. It lacks the holding/throwing mechanic but it does let you do a three-way combi, which is it's own kind of stupid fun.

>> No.10399164

"Taxman made it look good." Are you always this much of a retard or is it something you only do on Fridays?

>> No.10399168

You have never played on real hardware. 32X dac emulation still isn't 100% correct.

>> No.10399191

I suppose its possible. But I don't think the issue I have with the samples would be resolved by real hardware, that being they sound low quality and muffled. Emulators tend to make dac samples sound more crisp, not less.

>> No.10399198
File: 1.54 MB, 1440x1080, Chaotix ~ Knuckles' Chaotix (Japan, USA)-230829-095853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10399324
File: 70 KB, 714x536, 1698961991576289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when even Sega refuses to add it to any Sonic collection

>> No.10399354

This game was supposed to be Espio's own game, but shifted it to Knuckles for whatever reason.

>> No.10399357

You wanna heard something sadder? Apparently Evening Star tried to pitch to do something with Knuckles' Chaotic but SEGA shot it down.

>> No.10399358

This game is a disgrace to the 'hog community.

>> No.10399371

Test markets related more to a Chaotix if it was stated to be of or belonging to an established character like Knuckles.

>> No.10399810

charmy is game-breaking

>> No.10399817
File: 40 KB, 347x267, knuxchoked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supposed to be Espio's own game

>> No.10399867 [DELETED] 

Always knew Espio hated nig-coded islanders

>> No.10399916

>The chad Vector the Crocodile vs the virgin Espio the Chameleon

>> No.10399923

Because 32x emulation is in such a sad taste there is no emulator they can steal to make money of

And that's not a joke

>> No.10399930

That's the advertisement for the Sega CD though, not the 32X.

>> No.10399937



>> No.10400004

They should get stealth and the taxman to recreate it in their iconic retro engine

>> No.10400038

didnt they literally said they wanted to add it to (idk which one) mega collection or gens collection but couldn't due to emulation problems? something like that?

>> No.10400087

It's a really strange game that only gets stranger the more you look into it. The game was almost certainly hacked together into just a playable form to meet release, due to what looks to be a rushed development and also the dev team struggling to figure out how to make the game's core mechanic even work. There's a number of prototypes for the game online, many from later in development, that show a lot of different mechanics and elements throughout levels coming and going from build to build, some due to the hardware making them impractical (like actual loops which the final game lacks) and some just not working out with the combi-ring system (usually various enemies that were modified/scrapped, but some level gimmicks too), and all of this was going on within the last couple months of development. It's a very half-baked game that could have real potential for a remake, but by remake I mean rework everything (music and art aside)

>> No.10400205
File: 264 KB, 671x206, Welcome to the Next Level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank, friend :3

Was referring to the title screen

They mean it's basedin' time

>> No.10400541

>music and art
music is literally art, retard

>> No.10400543

art is literally music, retard

>> No.10400571

>music AND art
you literally announced two different things, apeshit retard. it's:
music = art
apeshit retard

>> No.10400663

Is there any high quality remake like Triple Trouble 16bit that turns Chaotix into a finished game yet?

>> No.10400665

Can you repeat the last two words for me

>> No.10400708

Just play sonic advance 3

>> No.10400714

He has a point

>> No.10400748
File: 331 KB, 353x500, toki-going-ape-spit-usa-europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10400837

No? Sonic Clackers, Sonic Crackers? It was always a Sonic+Tails game experiment that shifted to Knux after 3 came out.

>> No.10401256
File: 199 KB, 1020x1320, F3wmky5WUAI_FDw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10401264
File: 169 KB, 387x374, 7k2ocy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, fresh take

>> No.10402418

I want to play this game again

>> No.10403407

Standard pleb take.

>> No.10404321

He's right, older versions of the game had "starring Espio" in the title screen. This was after Sonic Crackers obviously. There was also a point when it was moved onto Saturn to be a mainline Sonic game before it was moved onto the 32X.

>> No.10404398

if SEGA ever considers making a 32X Mini (they probably won't but you never know), they should consider taking a look at all the Chaotix prototypes and configuring them into a finished package; like a director's cut or something.
Put it into the Mini and let people buy it. I know I would.