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10387557 No.10387557 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming the Dreamcast survived, could it have competed with the PS2/GCN/Xbox or was it too outclassed? How powerful was it in reality?

>> No.10387562

Yes it could have, so long as the games were up to snuff. And it may very well could have been, who knows.

>> No.10387624

Early impressions say no, 60fps games say itd sit easy with a ps2 in the final years though.

>> No.10387659

At one point Halo and GTA III were going to be released for the Dreamcast, it damn well had a chance but SEGA finally ran out of gas before it could've gone the distance.

>> No.10388392

Just the idea of playing fps game with Dreamcast controller is already horrifying

I thought N64 was bad enough

>> No.10388409

dreamcast had mouse+keyboard

>> No.10388421

>Just the idea of playing fps game with Dreamcast controller is already horrifying
>I thought N64 was bad enough
It's not a big deal. Just use the Dreamcast Keyboard and Mouse.

Or Sega could have released a revised controlle. They've done it before with the Genesis and Saturn.

>> No.10388426

It seems likely they'd have needed to release a dual stick pad if the system continued. The DC controller was inadequate for the direction games went as that generation progressed.

>> No.10388427

Dreamcast would do fine. There's no huge difference between Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube or Xbox. They are all the same generation of graphics. Xbox might look *slightly* better than the others, but it's not a big difference.

>> No.10388494

Of course it could successfully compete with other 6th gen consoles. When you look at the specs, Dreamcast's CPU is clocked at ~200MHz while PS2's CPU is clocked at ~300MHz. PS2 vastly outsold the Xbox, which had a CPU running at ~700MHz, and Gamecube, which had a CPU running at ~400MHz, so why couldn't Dreamcast do the same?

Comparing GPUs of those devices is less straightforward, but Dreamcast's GPU was much easier to program for. PS2 used bespoken hardware vastly different to modern systems (that's why it's still quite hard to emulate) with little mixed results to show for it. Lower percentage of PS2 games can output at 480p through component than the percantage of Dreamcast games that can output at 480p through VGA. PS2 games mostly use 480i, which only requires filling half the pixels on the screen in a frame and reduces computational requirements.

Rayman 2 on Dreamcast runs at locked 60 FPS (except at the level selection screen, but how much time do you spend there anyway?), Rayman Revolution on PS2 only runs at 30 FPS with some drops. Admittedly the PS2 version has the open-world hub to explore so that makes it slightly more impressive from the technical standpoint, but was the frame rate sacrifice worth it?

When it comes to emulating those two systems, the PS2 is vastly more difficult to emulate mostly because a) PS2's hardware is very much "it's own thing", which Dreamcast used off-the-shelf parts; b) Dreamcast emulators see more active development while PS2 emulator devs are just lazy and incompetent (they only ported their program to 64-bit x86 in 2022 FFS).

>> No.10388497

They probably would've had to pull a Sony and release an updated controller with dual analogue and extra shoulder buttons

>> No.10388512

I don't think so. It was weaker than the PS2 and its discs had less storage size than the GC's mini DVD's.

>> No.10388513

I really like the architecture of the Dreamcast’s motherboard. It’s simple compared to the Saturn and reminds me of the Genesis.

>> No.10388538

>Just the idea of playing fps game with Dreamcast controller is already horrifying
>I thought N64 was bad enough

I honestly had little problem playing FPS games on the DC using the stock pad. But the lack up buttons has always been an issue. The system does have a mouse and keyboard.

>> No.10388547

>>>10387557 (OP)
>Of course it could successfully compete with other 6th gen consoles. When you look at the specs, Dreamcast's CPU is clocked at ~200MHz while PS2's CPU is clocked at ~300MHz. PS2 vastly outsold the Xbox, which had a CPU running at ~700MHz, and Gamecube, which had a CPU running at ~400MHz, so why couldn't Dreamcast do the same?

The DC needed more memory. But maybe that was hard to do in 1998? The CPU does have 16MB's of SDRAM. while the GPU seems to have four 2MB modules. Which is 16MB main and 8MB Vram, a total of 24MB's of SDRAM with two additional MB for the audio chip. Early reports for this system was that it would have 32MB's of RAM total. The extra 8MB's could have also helped Windows CE games run better overall.

>> No.10388560

Absolutely not. GameCube launch titles like Luigi’s Mansion or Rogue Leader were well beyond what the Dreamcast hardware was capable of.

>> No.10388563

gamecube was the most powerful 6th gen console

>> No.10388565

Not a chance in hell the Dreamcast hardware could handle MGS2, let alone Snake Eater. The 'main' sixth gen consoles were far more powerful.

>> No.10388571

Ps2 had a year over dc to release quake arena and it still looks worse.

>> No.10388574

The Dreamcast hardware couldn’t keep up with any of the big three sixth gen consoles. Thinking otherwise is delusional.

>> No.10388576

>has no idea face buttons can be used for movement
So sick of hearing dreamcast needed a 2nd analog stick. What it needed was to feel comfortable to hold.

>> No.10388579

PS2 could not run Shenmue.

>> No.10388582

I’ve never believed this. The PS2 had the Yakuza series and several other games that looked better than Shenmue.

>> No.10388583

They all the look the same.

>> No.10388586


>> No.10388587

This is the case. Just like the Saturn was too weak compared to PS1 and N64, with the DC the gap would've widened. It had a few impressive games for its time but you realize how basic they were, carried by strong art direction more than pure power.
Signing an exclusivity deal with Microsoft doesn't mean PS2 couldn't run Shenmue. Otherwise it also means that GC couldn't run it either. Shenmue is extremely basic visually, like it doesn't use any DC-exclusive quirk that couldn't be replicated elsewhere.

You think DC could run stuff like Black, Burnout 3, Resident Evil 4, Ninja Gaiden without the ports being heavily compromised?

Hell, it wouldn't even run OutRun2.

>> No.10388590

gamecube brutally mogs the rest

>> No.10388593
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Only if they also released the 128x at the same time so it could run Crysis

>> No.10388604

>but you realize how basic they were, carried by strong art direction more than pure power.

Nailed it. Dreamcast games tended to be bright and colorful looking with great art direction, but character models and environments were pretty simplistic and blocky looking upon closer inspection.

>> No.10388609

Dreamcast and Gamecube look the same to me. Provide proof to make think otherwise.

>> No.10388612

AI made image detected.

>> No.10388615
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, riddick xbox.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading tendie cope is always funny. It couldn't even run Burnout 3 as admitted by the devs.

>> No.10388616

See >>10388587

>You think DC could run stuff like Black, Burnout 3, Resident Evil 4, Ninja Gaiden without the ports being heavily compromised?

>> No.10388625

DC struggled to run Model 3 ports even. Sega Rally 2 running at inconsistent framerate mostly targeting 30 instead of 60fps. Virtua Fighter 3 TB being a downgrade of the arcade. Meanwhile the "weak" PS2 was running Virtua Fighter 4 in all its glory.

>> No.10388636


no. It was not powerful enough even with the BEST 3rd party software support possible in the world. It would've floundered and died due to Sega being in the hole, Playstation 2 coming out and being completely obsolete roughly a few years after its release.

>> No.10388642

Third party developers didn't like making games for GC because GC discs held 1.5 GB of data. Dreamcast discs held only 1 GB of data. It was never going to be real competition for the PS2.

>> No.10388654

I think a lot of people don’t know that the Dreamcast launched in Japan basically a full year earlier than in North America. It was three years into its life cycle by the time the GameCube and Xbox launched in late 2001.

>> No.10388658

You say that like it's a big deal. Just have multiple discs for the Dreamcast if your game is big. It's not a big deal.

>> No.10388668

They didn't really do that for the Gamecube, why would they bother with the dreamcast?

>> No.10388672


>> No.10388679

>They didn't really do that for the Gamecube, why would they bother with the dreamcast?
They literally did you dum dum. How can you call yourself a Gamecube fanboy, and not even know Gamecube had games with several discs?

>> No.10388683

If by ‘several' you mean two discs, sure.

>> No.10388685
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>They didn't really do that for the Gamecube, why would they bother with the dreamcast?

>> No.10388686

>DC struggled to run Model 3 ports even. Sega Rally 2 running at inconsistent framerate mostly targeting 30 instead of 60fps. Virtua Fighter 3 TB being a downgrade of the arcade. Meanwhile the "weak" PS2 was running Virtua Fighter 4 in all its glory.

The devs said somewhere on Twitter that the PC version of Sega Rally was made first, and then they they made the Windows port of Sega Rally 2, and then ported the windows version to DC using the WindowsCE wrapper. The DC version is a carbon copy of the PC game with a worse draw distance and uncapped 60fps framerate that jumps all over the place.


Sega Rally 2 was the first DC game to use WindowsCE. I think Sega was using the port as a test of the performance they would get from a WindowsCE port.

>> No.10388693

Wouldn’t really work with the GTA games. Not that the Dreamcast could’ve handled them regardless.

>> No.10388694

>They didn't really do that for the Gamecube, why would they bother with the dreamcast?
What kind of comment is this? Have you never played a Gamecube game with more than 1 disc?

>> No.10388701

>Meanwhile the "weak" PS2 was running Virtua Fighter 4 in all its glory.

It's a great port, but even the PS2 version of Virtua Fighter 4 doesn't look as good as the NAOMI2 original arcade game But close.

>> No.10388702

>didn't really bother
Around 20 games on gamecube had two discs, my point was that most developers just released compromised ports to the gamecube. It would have been eber worse on the Dreamcast.

>> No.10388710

This, plus the GC games that came on two discs were all exclusives, not multiplats.

>> No.10388721

>Wouldn’t really work with the GTA games. Not that the Dreamcast could’ve handled them regardless.
GTA 3 was originally designed on the Dreamcast, and was going to be released on it. Learn your history.

>> No.10388726

>just released compromised ports to the gamecube.
That's not what you said >>10388668
>They didn't really do that for the Gamecube, why would they bother with the dreamcast?

You are a liar.

>> No.10388725

Sure but it wouldn’t have been the same game as what it ended up being on the PS2’s more powerful hardware.

>> No.10388731

Yu Suzuki himself said the ps2 was incapable of running Shenmue. But if you two know more i guess i stand corrected. Xbox version of Shenmue 2 also looked worse than dreamcast.

>> No.10388732


>> No.10388736

"didn't really bother" means there was not a serious effort by third parties, not that there were no two disc gamecube games. It isn't my fault that you are ESL.

>> No.10388738

Yu Suzuki does not go around lying.

>> No.10388741

>Dreamcast discs held only 1 GB of data.
>Ok just have multiple discs.
>They never did it for Gamecube
>They did for many games.
>Well Uhhh...GTA would never run on Draamcast. It can't handle it.
>Rockstar developed GTA 3 on the Dreamcast first.
Everyone laugh at this anon moving his goalposts so much.

>> No.10388746

You are the only person who said never, learn to read.

>> No.10388751
File: 55 KB, 739x415, images - 2023-11-08T025113.298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we compare dreamcast and ps2 multiplats the dreamcast gta3 would have looked better.

>> No.10388752

What the fuck are you babbling about?

>> No.10388754

Actually, Halo is basically the reason why we're using twin sticks for shooters today. A few games used it on PSX but it wasn't great and it wasn't the standard control style. Time Splitters was the first to truly use the two-stick style but the first Time Splitters wasn't very popular (2 was huge though). Halo came out and used it and basically popularized the control style.

So in another reality, we could have been playing Halo with a single stick on Dreamcast and it wouldn't have been any different than other shooters of the era.

>> No.10388759

Not a chance.

>> No.10388770

WASD + mouse wasn’t even the standard on PC until the late 90s.

>> No.10388772

>"didn't really bother" means
No it doesn't. You are just back pedaling.

>> No.10388773

>looks better
>comes on two discs
>still no radio

>> No.10388775
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>> No.10388782

>Wouldn’t really work with the GTA games.
The roms of GTA 3 are less than 1 GB for the original releases. It would fit just fine on Dreamcast discs.

>Not that the Dreamcast could’ve handled them regardless.
GTA 3 was originally made for the Dreamcast. They had a working prototype game. But then Sega went bankrupt and shut down Dreamcast. So they switched releases to PS2 last minute

>> No.10388786

Yes, anon, I am aware that some early PS2 ports looked worse than the Dreamcast versions. There isn’t a single chance in hell the Dreamcast hardware could have run GTAIII/Vice City/SA without being extremely downgraded.

>> No.10388790

Different anon here but I want to say its surprising how there's little difference between the two versions. Maybe some minor lighting tweaks but that's it. I expected more from the PS2.

>> No.10388795

Some? Try all if them. And Gta3 was originally designed for dreamcast.

>> No.10388796

They switched to PS2 and then completely overhauled the game to utilize the more powerful hardware and DVD storage capability. I don’t know if there’s any footage of the Dreamcast prototype out there, but I seriously doubt it really resembles the final product.

>> No.10388797
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>There isn’t a single chance in hell the Dreamcast hardware could have run GTAIII/Vice City/SA without being extremely downgraded.

They literally released GTA3 for PC on CD-ROM.



Of course Dreamcast could run GTA3. Stop arguing. You won't win his argument. This is embarrassing for you.

>> No.10388801


>> No.10388803

Hmm it’s almost as if PCs have this thing called a hard drive.

>> No.10388808

I've posted side by side examples that prove my point. PS2 ports of deamcast games also run worse.

>> No.10388812
File: 9 KB, 251x201, gta3early.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered if some of these earlier builds were from the dc

>> No.10388817

If Dreamcast can run Omikron the Nomad Soul and Shenmue, then it can run GTA 3. If fact, GTA 3 probably would have looked very similar to Omikron the Nomad Soul since both are sandbox style games.

>> No.10388826

It's almost like they can fit the entire game on CD-ROM. Oh wait they did.

>> No.10388830

Look anon, I love the Dreamcast, but there was just no way the aging hardware could have kept up past 2002.

>> No.10388838

Prove it.

>> No.10388840

IIRC it came on at least two CDs that obviously installed to the hard drive.

>> No.10388848

Definitely not. Neither of those games had as much going on at the same time as the PS2 era GTA games.

>> No.10388849

Yakuza PS2 series had cheap fixed camera visuals and overall doesn't look better than Shenmue in the slightest

>> No.10388864
File: 350 KB, 1600x1600, gta 3 pc cd rom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes on two CD ROM and requires extracting to a hard drive. Who the fuck are you trying to fool.

>> No.10388871

Dreamcast games, in reality, are hyper detailed N64 and PS1 games.
The level geometry, the textures on everything but the main characters, the polygon count, the lighting, all of it is clearly subpar when compared to anything on the PS2, Xbox, or GC.
Compare Grandia 2 or Skies of Arcadia to FFX. DMC to Blue Stinger or Code Veronica. GT3 or Ridge Racer 5 to Tokyo Extreme Racing or Daytona.
And that's simply comparing very early in production games on the weakest console. The Dreamcast couldn't do much more than SoulCalibur at its best. Even Shenmue runs terribly, has an extremely low draw distance, has almost no NPCS on screen, and has to section entire areas behind loading screens. Basically any type of large open environment in DC games crawls by despite having really nothing in it
A game like FF12, or SA would simply cripple the Dreamcast.

>> No.10388876


>> No.10388894

Facts. I think anons like >>10388838 just want to argue.

>> No.10388902

>misses the entire point about CD-ROM

This PROVES other anon's point that the GTA III game could fit on Dreamcast's larger Gd-Rom discs.

We aren't discussing installing them to hard drives because that's completely irrelevant. Developers could optimize a game to run purely from the disc without needing installation. So it's meaningless in this debate.

>> No.10388907

The downfall of the dreamcast was that the games became very easy to pirate.
Once disc burners became affordable it was all downhill from there.

>> No.10388908

That'd be hard to do for something like GTA3.

>> No.10388910

>Yu Suzuki himself said the ps2 was incapable of running Shenmue
Skill issue.

>> No.10388912

The two discs are 752MB each. You can't even fit that on a single Gamecube disc (1.4GB).

>> No.10388914

In theory the Dreamcast could have a version of GTAIII, but it would be far inferior to the PS2 or Xbox versions.

>> No.10388915

Hey retards. The PS2 version is under 1 GB minus dummy files and runs straight off the disc. The game would be even lighter with the textures downgraded to levels that the Dreamcast could feasibly stream.

>> No.10388917

The guy employed by Sega says a competitor's system can't run a Sega game. I'm sure that's a totally unbiased, thoroughly researched position, right?

>> No.10388919

Not really. In markets that actually matter like Japan and North America, piracy was definitely not the main reason the Dreamcast ultimately failed.

>> No.10388921

Can we actually see this Dreamcast GTA3? Something tells me it didn't get that far and looked nothing like the final game.

>> No.10388925

Yes and that was made possible by the PS2’s DVD technology. A hypothetical Dreamcast version would be a major downgrade in every conceivable way.

>> No.10388927


Yet we have original Xbox roms of GTA3 that are 734MB in total.

It can be done.

Before you reply again you need to apologize to everyone in this thread when you started this whole nonsense debate about Dreamcast discs not being good enough storage for GTA.

>> No.10388928

The game would have run at 15 FPS max anyway so I don't know why this dude is so obsessed about it.

>> No.10388929

I didn't start shit and I apologize for nothing.

>> No.10388931

One thing to note about emulation. How difficult a system is to emulate does not necessarily correspond to its complexity or difficultly to develop for. You could easily make a system near impossible to emulate whist having very little effect on developing for that system. One particularly notable thing with the ps2 is its non-standard floating point, there is no way to make this fast on normal cpus, that's why ps2 emulators need game specific hacks.

>> No.10388932

Ganecube didn't get GTA because Nintendo didn't want the game on their system. Not because it couldn't be technically done.

>> No.10388936
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Here's a later gen multiplat that also includes PSP. I feel like the Dreamcast would have at least kept some pace here. Remember the Switch is still holding up mostly okay with the PS5 and Series X outside of a few standouts like the recent MK1 insanity.

>> No.10388937

I think anon’s argument was that the Dreamcast would have been capable of running GTAIII 1:1 with the PS2 version. Definitely not, a ton of content would have to be cut.

>> No.10388946

>Remember the Switch is still holding up mostly okay
lol. lmao

>> No.10388949

these threads should be a fucking bannable offense. i wonder how many "what if?" SEGA posts there have been over the years between Saturn and Dreamcast alone. postulating about what could've happened is not retro games. it's gay and retarded. you want to know what would've happened had Dreamcast survived? it wouldn't have, because if it did, it wouldn't have been the Dreamcast. the Dreamcast was a shitty inbetweener that straddled the line between 5th gen and 6th gen technology. it was basically two N64s taped together with a terrible optical drive that sounded like a wood chipper and took 5 minutes to load games. it had a retarded controller with only one joystick and less buttons than its predecessor. it had no games other than sonic, soul calibur and arcade ports. it was a failed abortion that's been propped up by metal jesus tier boomers for 20 years because of slick marketing and aesthetic. it's the definition of style over substance, and the market responded accordingly. fuck dreamcast and fuck your gay thread.

>> No.10388952

I’d say it is in handheld mode at least, especially given the age of the Tegra-based hardware. Switch games generally look pretty good on the OLED model.

>> No.10388958
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GTA3 is only the start. As the generation carried forward the issues would just compound. The Dreamcast would utterly shit itself trying to run Final Fantasy XII. Not that FFXII was multiplatform anyway but it would be one example of something the DC would not be able to keep up with. And that would be the problem. Imagine something like the Wii, where direct ports from other consoles aren't possible, but without the massive install base to justify dedicated versions. Publishers would steadily abandon the platform because it wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.10388961

This isn't a "what if" though. It's a hardware capability analysis.

>> No.10388963

the switch can't run games from 2015 at more than 640p, on extra low settings, and at 30fps. it's a joke

>> No.10388968

>This isn't a "what if" though
>"Assuming the Dreamcast survived..."

>> No.10388969

It’s definitely a mixed bag. That said, I put a lot of time into the Switch ports of Dark Souls and Witcher III despite the visual downgrades.

>> No.10388970

Dreamcast load times were extremely fast and it had a ton of exclusives in its time. You're probably not even 20 years old and I have no idea why you're even on this board

>> No.10388971




In stark contrast to later versions of Legends, this build was near-identical to Burnout 3's console versions graphics-wise. It used console-quality car and track models as well as textures, and the environment lighting was also far higher-quality than the final builds of Legends. Some bits and pieces were below console-quality, but for the most part, this build was very much on-par with its PlayStation 2 counterpart.

Also Burnout Dominator


Is the PSP more powefurll than the game cube?

All the games used the Renderware

>> No.10388973

This thread is mostly filled with rational people but you always get a few weirdos that vastly overestimate the Dreamcast’s capabilities.

>> No.10388978

>Dreamcast load times were extremely fast
get a load of this retard
>it had a ton of exclusives in its time
it has just over 600 games, only 200 more than the fucking N64. it couldn't even have a "ton" of exclusives if every game was an exclusive because the library is limited as fuck and the majority of its games are bottom of the barrel licensed shit and trash like BMX racing or ports of old fighting games. you are fucking kidding yourself.
>You're probably not even 20 years old and I have no idea why you're even on this board
i have 3 kids and i bought a Dreamcast in march of 2000. i played the shit out of Sonic Adventure, Rayman 2 and Jet Grind Radio and then it collected dust.

>> No.10389003

Load times were easily double the speed of the PS1.
Sonic Adventure, Dynamite Cop, Blue Stinger, Skies of Arcadia, SoulCalibur, Grandia 2, Jet Grind Radio, Code Veronica, Sword of Berserk, NFL2K, Crazy Taxi, MvC2, DoA2, Shenmue, Powerstone, Chu Chu Rocket, PSO. All DC exclusives during it's time. Had the best multiplats version of any games released between 98-01
Seems you're simply a moron with no taste

>> No.10389017

>Dynamite Cop
>Blue Stinger
>Code Veronica
>fucking NFL2K
you know you're reaching when you have to include a burgerball game in the list.
>Seems you're simply a moron with no taste
bro, your favorite console's most iconic game is literally called Semen. you have no right to call anyone else retarded.

>> No.10389023

Some of you are REALLY misremembering what Shenmue was actually like on Dreamcast. Lots of running through narrow streets and alleys, limited draw distance, frame rate stutters, load times, etc. It was absolutely nothing like GTA 3’s continuous open world.

>> No.10389027

Why would you even buy a Sega console if you don't like sports and arcade games? Seaman is a pseudo joke game that no one even remembers, or cares about besides novelty.
You are clearly underage

>> No.10389029


Don't be that guy, the 2K franchise was excellent and generally better than EA’s offerings.

>> No.10389034

>You are clearly underage
my kids are probably older than you. stop defaulting to easy insults and try to form a logical argument, you're acting like a woman. Dreamcast was a failure, such a failure that it sold fewer units than the Saturn, a console whose mascot was a transexual purple jester. think about that.

>> No.10389038

He’s right though. Why would you buy a Dreamcast if you weren’t into the types of games that Sega excels at? I’m assuming you’re in your early 40s, so you would’ve been old enough in 2000 to be knowledgeable about the Dreamcast’s library.

>> No.10389041

Logical arguments like Seaman being an iconic game and the load times being excruciatingly long? I'm calling you underage because you clearly weren't even born when the Dreamcast was on store shelves, much less played one or know the audience for it

>> No.10389046

DC had a few good games (key word: few). when you got one in 99/00 and had SA or soul calibur, the future looked bright. then they gave up and the console was dead a year later. maybe if the DC had survived till 2005 and had hundreds of great games in spite of its shit hardware, i might be speaking differently of it. except that isn't what happened. it had a handful of decent games like all consoles do, and then it died a cuckold death. i'm not going to sit here and pretend it was some 10/10 console because it objectively wasn't.

>> No.10389054

>you're underage because you don't agree with me about my semen console
okay, you can go back to dilating your anus now you strange little man

>> No.10389059

you're really bad at keeping up the facade

>> No.10389061

You’re too old to still post like this, anon.

>> No.10389083

sega cultists are deranged

>> No.10389097

I want to express strong dismay at your immature posting style for a guy in his 40s with kids. What country are you from?

>> No.10389115

let's be honest: you're mad because i rightfully called the dreamcast a piece of shit. you can't actually prove otherwise (because deep down, even you know it's a piece of shit), so your de facto reaction is to dive into a bucket of armchair intellectualism and pull out whatever you think will make you sound more "muhture". i don't need to be mature. i'm on fucking /vr/ and i'm going to make fun of your Semencast as much as i want to, and there's nothing you can do about it. you'll just have to live with the knowledge that a retired man with children can make fun of you on the internet and still be more successful than you in every conceivable way. tough nuts.

>> No.10389124

Kek, game over

>> No.10389125

Yes, if we ignore the second half of the fucking sentence then you're right.

You're the load your mom should have swallowed.

>> No.10389128

Mmhmm, and what country are you from?

>> No.10389135

>You're the load your mom should have swallowed.
>he says while being accused of liking the semen console
this probably wasn't the best retort.

>> No.10389138

>y-you're underage
>y-you're third world
live in colorado
own my own house
3 kids
semencast a shit.
are you gonna cry about it?

>> No.10389143
File: 3.74 MB, 498x280, typing-gerald-broflovski.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon are you...?

>> No.10389146

jewish? no.

>> No.10389159

If the retardation can cease, I'm legit curious as to the specific aspects where the Dreamcast's hardware can't hold up. Storage space, sure. What about the CPU and GPU?

>> No.10389160

>live in colorado
>own my own house
>3 kids
Pathetic fanfiction.

>> No.10389163

>nobody can have what i don't have
the fact you think this is even some kind of outlandish pipe dream is telling. maybe if you didn't spend your youth masturbating to weird porn and play Semencast, you would've been able to achieve what i did with middling effort.

>> No.10389184

I don't believe you have 3 kids. And I don't believe you are 6'2" and in shape.

>> No.10389201

>Is the PSP more powefurll than the game cube?

>> No.10389204


More like 5'5

>own my own house

No you don't.

>3 kids

Lmao. Make up a better story.

>> No.10389221

This post >>10388871 pretty much covers it. The Dreamcast launched in Japan in 1998. The hardware was simply too dated to keep up with the main three sixth gen consoles.

>> No.10389224

>lives in Colorado
>refers to the NFL as "burgerball"

Completely insufferable.

>> No.10389256

The Gamecube couldn't handle Naomi 2 or Hikaru games. It took the AM2 team two goes to get Virtua Fighter 4 looking like the arcade on the PS2. XBOX was the only one out of the three that was on a different level.

>> No.10389260

Nah. Not a chance in hell the Dreamcast hardware could come even close to matching the best looking games on PS2 and GameCube. PS2, GC and Xbox were all on another level compared to the Dreamcast.

>> No.10389264

get a load of this bozo

>> No.10389287


>> No.10389301

>muh hardware/graphics
dc was already fairly excessive for jp devs, that's why they essentially disappeared in large numbers after the ps1 gen and why sega wanted out
too much need for budget and staff, and it's all for dumbed down gameplay that came with that gen onwards
adding anything past dc to this board was truly cancer, dc got a slight pass since it was more attached to arcade than the others, aka actual gameplay

>> No.10389303

Okay? That has nothing to do with the Dreamcast compared to the PS2.

>> No.10389307

This post isn’t even remotely close to being true.

>> No.10389316

might as well try to tell me smash is a fighting game
btw tell me when it's back at evo

>> No.10389319

The sixth gen was very Japanese oriented. I have no idea what you’re babbling about.

>> No.10389325

Alright, you won. I apologize, I was wrong.

>> No.10389328

The Dreamcast's Holly GPU did have some strengths over the PS2. Anti-aliasing, for example. I think it also did have better texturing capabilities. But the direction games went ended up playing right into the strengths of the PS2. Chiefly raw polygons, particle effects, etc. There's probably a little bit of a chicken and egg going on, where since the PS2 was so dominant game design tended to gravitate toward it's strengths. But that would have happened anyway since the topic is asking whether the Dreamcast could keep up, not what a fantasy land would look like if Dreamcast "won." A Dreamcast that survived would have to adapt to the games that were being made, not vice versa.

>> No.10389331

The original Naomi was mostly equivalent to a Dreamcast. The Naomi 2, on the other hand, was way beyond it.

>> No.10389335

Don’t apologize to that moron, you weren’t wrong. He’s inferring that the Dreamcast hardware would’ve been capable of running GTAIII exactly the same as the PS2, which is blatantly wrong.

>> No.10389338

We know PS2 couldn't perfectly handle Dreamcast x2. I'm not even sure Dreamcast 1.5 is a good comparison because the PS2 simply lacked hardware features that the original Dreamcast had.

>> No.10389346

Rayman 2 on ps2 is also the best looking version with massively improved visuals across the board. 480p too

>> No.10389348

What are you even trying to say here? The PS2 hardware was overall more capable, end of story.

>> No.10389350

I didn't! That fucker is probably samefagging.

>> No.10389351

>no idea
yea i can see that
arcade was already in my post
try to tell me arcade's sixth had as much dev presence as fifth and i'll just laugh at you

>> No.10389361

This thread is about consoles, not the arcade.

>> No.10389367

it's an example of dev
your first reply already reeked of desperation for bumps, continue on with graphics nonsense on your own

>> No.10389370

Dreamcast had more VRAM than the PS2. Games would look better or worse depending on your preference. Dreamcast games would generally be way lower poly but have crisper, higher res textures.

>> No.10389503

It could if the devs spent a bunch of time reworking alpha textures and transparencies, which most devs couldn't be fucked to do.
Virtua Fighter 4 is a weird case. PS2 is less powerful than Naomi 2 in every way, so what we got was a high-effort port with different effects and assets, a sort of Director's Cut with downgraded textures but everything else intact. Or at least too different to directly compare. That said there's no way Dreamcast could run VF4 without huge cutbacks, couldn't even run full-fat Sega Model 3 titles which is a bit of a letdown.

>> No.10389513

> Comparing low-effort PS2 port to an excellent Dreamcast port
No, GTA3 would definitely not run as-is on Dreamcast without an extreme reduction in draw distance or poly count.

>> No.10389603

>SEGA fats are so delusional that they think the DC could actually run shit like RE4 or Halo

>> No.10389637

To be fair to the Dreamcast, the Model 3 was some NASA tier shit when it came out in 1996. The Dreamcast was a consumer grade home console that came out only two years later. It's no surprise it couldn't handle an arcade perfect port.

>> No.10389674

Did any game actually end up using anti-aliasing? That feature sounds nice but may have been too expensive to render. Another strength of the Dreamcast is that it gets perfect transparencies basically for free, something that no other hardware to this day can do without very performance-intensive operations.

But that's not enough to make the Dreamcast win. In order to win the console wars, the Dreamcast would've needed to have specs on par with the Naomi 2, easily doubling the price of the Dreamcast and possibly even wouldn't be possible until 1999 or 2000.

>> No.10389746

Yeah, my understanding has always been that the Dreamcast was essentially the NAOMI chipset with less RAM. Also consider that it launched at only $200 in the U.S.

>> No.10389752

Wasn't the Xbox the Dreamcast's unofficial successor?

>> No.10389760

It’s astounding to me that there are anons on this board that truly seem to believe the Dreamcast could’ve easily handled Vice City or San Andreas and that the experience would have been exactly the same as on PS2.

>> No.10389765

Correct, it’s the closest thing to a Dreamcast 2 except it used an Nvidia GPU.

>> No.10389781

The CPU was a pair of Hitachi SH-4s clocked at 200MHz each. Assuming devs got over their reluctance to properly learn multi-processing, there were other problems compared to the PS2's 300MHz MIPS. SH-4 compilers weren't as mature as MIPS, unless you were willing to use assembly, power would get left on the table. Sad reality. I bet today with clang and llvm you could achieve great things, but in '00 you were stuck with the GCC you were given.
The PS2 had a pair of outrageously fast vector stream processors, the DC had to make do with proto-SIMD on-CPU matrix instructions for crunching geometry data. Not every PS2 game made full use of the vector units, many devs were lazy and avoided it outside of sony provided libraries and so the DC beats low grade PS2 games but falls short of the highest tier.
Graphics is complicated. The PS2 had an unusual graphics chip that was so outrageously fast at rendering textured+lit triangles that it turned common thought on its head. Devs at the time were used to spending CPU resources to pre-sort and discard non-visible polygons to save rendering time. But the PS2 was so fast it was considered a waste of the CPU to do so. The DC used deferred tile rendering which was amazing at the time and prevented overdraw slowdown and avoided transparency sorting but it wasn't enough compared to the PS2's raw brute force.
Where the DC had an advantage though was in VRAM where it was capable of using system RAM as a texture source. This was HUGELY beneficial in games where they needed large quantities of textures but not necessarily high performance. The PS2 required you shuffle data into and out of VRAM frequently and this is why lots of early PS2 games have crap textures compared to DC. However this wasn't to last because people realised that you could DMA data into VRAM in a Just-in-Time fashion which negated the DC's advantage.

>> No.10389797

I thought the Dreamcast only used a single SH-4

>> No.10389821

I'm not sure how well multi-platform games could work the Dreamcast considering how few buttons it had in comparison. Even Twin Snakes had to do button combos to recreate start/select since the GameCube had 4 fewer buttons than the DualShock. The Dreamcast has 1 less than that. DualShock: 12 buttons. GameCube: 8. Dreamcast: 7. Sega and anyone developing for the Dreamcast would likely have to come up with a lot more original titles for it.

>> No.10389841

according to wikipedia, you're right. I was certain it had a pair. Oh well, take what I said about it being underpowered and double it then.

>> No.10389846

The PS2's VRAM is retardedly fast. Its bandwidth is 48GB/s. For reference, Nvidia's top tier card in 2005, the 7800 GTX, had a VRAM bandwidth of 38GB/s. The OG Xbox is 6.4GB/s. Because it's retardedly fast, it can do some retarded shit that it shouldn't have been able to do. Like multitexturing, it can't do multitexturing (as in a single pass). But it's so fast you can just swap out a texture for another one and draw again. And three more times if you want without incurring any performance hit.
The Dreamcast can't do multitexturing for real, and it's not fast enough for fake multitexturing.

>> No.10389853

I will never understand why they took C/Z off the controller. It's obvious it's a Saturn 3D pad redesigned, the arcade stick mapping the extra buttons to C/Z and not the analog suggests these were supported from the word go and not some extra functionality added in a later library. I can understand not having a second analog stick, even in '98 people weren't convinced it served any real purpose and the Japanese were the last to adopt twin-stick gameplay after the west decided it was the final solution to camera problems.

>> No.10389863

Truly baffling given how arcade-heavy the Dreamcast library is. Not only that, but they replaced the world renowned Sega d-pad.

>> No.10389870

I think it's safe to say that it doesn't matter what you bring up as a benefit on the DC, the PS2 had an answer for it, even if it required a bit more out-of-the-box thinking.
Could the DC have held on? Yes. Because not all PS2 devs were geniuses pushing the hardware to its limits. Would it have had MGS3, FFXII, Vice City? No. The PS2 was always going to win in outliers.

>> No.10389880

Apocryphal, but I remember someone saying that Sega dropped C/Z to force games to be more simple. I guess the same rationale behind the Game Boy Advance. Though in hindsight 6 buttons are clearly not enough.

>> No.10389884

Dreamcast games do look like they have less aliasing than PS2 games in general, so there's that.

>> No.10389885

Nobody is suggesting the Dreamcast would "win." The question is whether or not it could have survived the whole generation without getting absolutely blown out.

>> No.10389886

>>Not that the Dreamcast could’ve handled them regardless.
>GTA 3 was originally made for the Dreamcast. They had a working prototype game. But then Sega went bankrupt and shut down Dreamcast. So they switched releases to PS2 last minute

I would assume that GTAIII was planned to be a multi-platform release. I don;t see what benifit Rockstar would have had by making it a DC exclusive, especially considering that the series gained popularity on the PS1 hardware... and PC. Rockstar were committed to making DC games, as they ported GTA2, and had Wild Metal running on WindowsCE, and they had an Austin Powers kart racer planned. GTAIII was developed on Renderware, and there are a few early Renderware games on the Dreamcast, with Trickstyle being the first one. Stunt GP is also running on Criterion's old Renderware engine:


I have a feeling that they could have ported GTAIII to renderware using a DC compatible game engine. But I also think that they would have had to make some compromises to the game itself to get it to run. I don;t think it would be a 100% impossible port. Just one crushed down to run on DC hardware. San Andrea's on the other hand, probably could have not been possible.. as San Andrea's was a later PS2 release that really pushed the renderware engine much hardwaer than any GTA game that came before it.

>> No.10389890

The answer is a definite 'no'. History has shown that the console market can’t support three 'main' consoles, especially once a mega corporation like MS entered the ring. As we all know, Nintendo was forced to pivot off and do their own separate thing that doesn’t directly compete against PlayStation and Xbox.

>> No.10389901

>No, GTA3 would definitely not run as-is on Dreamcast without an extreme reduction in draw distance or poly count.
The poly count for sure but I don't see why draw distance would be an issue. The real hit to poly count would be for character models and objects. Things like buildings and terrain are comparatively cheap. And things in the distance may actually look better on Dreamcast because of the higher quality textures thanks to the higher VRAM.

>> No.10389913

This is because Nintendo's patent on the cross shaped d-pad had either already expired or was just about to, freeing Sega up to ape the design they had wanted from the start.

>> No.10389919

Bizarre choice.

>> No.10389956

Dude, it's Sega.

>> No.10389970

>there are a few early Renderware games on the Dreamcast, with Trickstyle being the first one. Stunt GP is also running on Criterion's old Renderware engine:

> Trickstyle
> Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
> Deep Fighter
> Stunt GP
> Conflict Zone

These are all of the games that I could find that use different builds of Renderware for the DC. Rayman 2 apparently uses Renderware for some versions of the game too, but I am not sure if the DC port uses the Renderware engine.

>> No.10389984

I mean the answer to that depends on your definition of hanging around, and also when the generation ended to see how long it would need to.
The GameCube came out in 2001, and was effectively dead by the end of 2004.
Xbox was also 2001 and the 360 came out in 2005.
At best the Dreamcast would have been in the weird zombified state the Genesis was in America around 96 and 97 where it was still getting games that sold surprisingly well, but everyone knew it wasn't actually contending with the PS1 or N64

>> No.10390007

>weird zombified state the Genesis was in America around 96 and 97
Probably best the DC was killed at its peak rather than suffer the indignity of "Virtua Fighter 2" style demakes. Kind of like how the Wii got "ports" of 360 games like Dead Rising and CoD that just made the Wii look shittier than it was.

>> No.10390079

I played Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament just fine using the face buttons for movement and the joystick for aiming. It's basically the same control scheme that Turok used on N64.

>> No.10390109

Who cares? The PS2 version of Unreal Tournament is way better than the Dreamcast version, which is missing a bunch of lighting effects, reflections and water physics, whilst also running like complete dog shit with frequent dips under 20fps. That's despite the fact that the PS2 port came out six months earlier too.

>> No.10390196

This might be down to mipmapping, which iirc the Dreamcast was better at when the PS2 was still in early adoption.

>> No.10390205

NAOMI 2 has the dual-CPU setup you're thinking of.

>> No.10390229


Name of game?

>> No.10390234

Chronicles of Riddick. It's in the filename.

>> No.10390254

I can imagine that, with enough effort, a Spyro-like LoD system could be implemented for terrain to keep a high viewing distance. There's nothing to be done about pedestrians and vehicles though. They'd have to be cut back no matter what, and that's just to get the game running at a flat 20 FPS. GTA3 already chugged on PS2, capping at 30 but often dropping to 20 with lows around 15.

A lot of work would need to be done for Dreamcast and most studios didn't budget for great porting jobs. Multiplats/ports have always been tricky to develop, and this results in missing effects and graphical glitches for many titles. The Xbox and Gamecube have the power and feature set to run every Dreamcast port flawlessly, but developers weren't given the time or budget to make it happen in most cases. As a result, games tend to look best on the platforms they were developed for first.

>> No.10390294

>Rayman 2 on ps2 is also the best looking version with massively improved visuals across the board.
Not really. They're slightly improved at best, and some even say it's a downgrade. It's no Rayman 3.
>480p too
No, it's actually 480i. Dreamcast version runs in 480p when connected through VGA on the other hand.

>> No.10390404

One thing worth considering is that there was a fuckton of PS2 games that really didn't push the hardware like AT ALL. They weren't AAA by any stretch of the imagination but the Dreamcast could have gotten all of those compilations like Mega Man Anniversary, all those Capcom and SNK collections, and the constant stream of weebshit RPGs from NIS and Vanillaware, all without any downgrades whatsoever. Add in all the yearly sports titles and other games that would have only incidental differences like Tony Hawk and Timesplitters, and you'd have a decent amount of games in between any exclusives. And of course under these circumstances all Sega games would be Dreamcast exclusives, too. Panzer Dragoon Orta would be a Dreamcast game. It'd look real fucking different from the Xbox but it would definitely exist.

>> No.10390438

>Before you reply again you need to apologize to everyone in this thread when you started this whole nonsense debate about Dreamcast discs not being good enough storage for GTA.
Fair point. I apologize of behalf of all the anons who doubted the Dreamcast GD-ROM. It definitely can hold the games. You were right.

>> No.10390596
File: 48 KB, 739x415, images - 2023-11-08T031545.749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which most devs couldn't be fucked to do.
Couldn't be bothered doing or couldn't do? You 100% believe dreamcast couldn't run gta3 despite the game being designed for that system yet you 100% know ps2 could flawlessly play shenmue despite its creator stating otherwise.
>w-who cares
>The PS2 version of Unreal Tournament is way better than the Dreamcast version, which is missing a bunch of lighting effects, reflections and water physics, whilst also running like complete dog shit with frequent dips under 20fps. That's despite the fact that the PS2 port came out six months earlier too.
I doubt you've even played dc quake 3. Dc ut once again looks better overall, has better stock pad controls, online play, more levels and the reason dc frame rate dips is because it has more shit going on as the ps2 limited the amount of bots you can fight.

>> No.10390704

You can tell it's just one anon who is samefagging and pretending to hate the the Dreamcast. Whenever he's not online it gets quiet because he can't pretend to be multiple people. This anon only logs on later in the evening and early mornings. The rest of the time the thread is quiet.

>> No.10390775

The Dreamcast hardware seems to have been weirdly adept at handling PC FPS ports. Would’ve been cool if the planned Half-Life port had actually come out.

>> No.10390796

>You 100% believe dreamcast couldn't run gta3 despite the game being designed for that system yet you 100% know ps2 could flawlessly play shenmue despite its creator stating otherwise.

NTA but a Dreamcast version of GTAIII would absolutely not be the same as the finished PS2 product. After transitioning development over to PS2, Rockstar took advantage of the extra hardware power and benefits of DVD. If I’m remembering correctly, the radio stations in the game used DVD streaming capabilities. A Dreamcast GD-ROM wouldn’t have been able to do that. In theory the Dreamcast could have run a version of the game, but it definitely wouldn’t have been 1:1 with the PS2/Xbox releases.

>> No.10390825

You ARE the same anon. You even use the same writing style. Just admit it. Stop with this cringe act. The IP counter didn't even go up. So you aren't new.

>> No.10390831

Yeah no duh, I’ve been posting in this thread multiple times, dummy. But I’m not the one you just replied to. Either way, I’m right. You’re acting like GTAIII for Dreamcast was like 90% finished or something. Obviously that’s not the case and the game was reworked when they moved over to PS2. Use some common sense here.

>> No.10390832


It would be close enough. Just like Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube VS the PS2 version.

>> No.10390837

Point is it would be a pretty significant downgrade, especially in the poly count department which is what the PS2 really excelled at.

>> No.10390840

when are you retards going to realize that every console has slight differences and advantages? "DUDE THIS GAME COULDN'T RUN ON PS2 BRO, THERE WOULD BE A MISSING SHADER ON THE PROTAG'S EXPOSED ANUS". that's how you sound. could the DC run GTA as it was on PS2? absolutely not. then again, PS2 couldn't run Shenmue "as it was" on DC, because both games were designed for different architecture, utilizing each consoles' strengths and various on-board effects. this is why comparing ports, theoretical or otherwise, is retarded. the fucking Neo Geo AES could arguably perform some 2D operations better than 5th gen consoles like the PS1, and it was a generation older -- but you wouldn't say it was more powerful than the PS1, that would be stupid as fuck. likewise, it's pretty clear that the PS2 is more powerful than the DC. does it support every effect that the DC does? no. is it powerful enough to brute force all of the effects that the DC can display? probably not. that doesn't matter though. the reality is that the PS2 is 2 years newer and can simply push more polys and perform faster operations. there's no getting around this. you can cherrypick some game and say "DC has the better looking version", but it has no game that stands on its own against the best looking PS2 games that were tailored to PS2 hardware. DC could never run something like SotC or GoW2; shit, i don't think it could even run some of the better looking early multiplats like Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance or TimeSplitters 2. the PS2 is the more powerful console, end of story.

>> No.10390856

> If I’m remembering correctly, the radio stations in the game used DVD streaming capabilities.
You aren't "remembering" correctly. You are secretly trying to look up info on GTA III on Google, and copy pasting factoids from Wikipedia and other game sites. Earlier in the thread, you even shamelessly used the same exact sentences and pictures found on one of the top results when Googling info on GTA III. At least have the decency to stop pretending.

The fact of the matter is that the Dreamcast is a perfectly respectable machine for that Generation of consoles and it that could run GTAIII. There are many ways to optimize and code a game to get it to run on specific hardware. There isn't some massive technology gap between Dreamcast VS Gamecube VS PS2. They are all roughly in the same ballpark.

Hell, the PC PORT beats the shit out of all of them in terms of graphics, and that version used 2 cd-roms. No DVD needed. So I have no idea why you obsess over the PS2 version like it's some gold standard. It got shat on by the PC version if you really want to discuss which version "looked the best". Pretty disappointing for a console supposedly using ground breaking 'DVD technology' or whatever other buzz words you want to copy from Google.

>> No.10390860

Anon, the Dreamcast was not capable of running the same version of the game, end of story. I’m sure Sega appreciates your undying loyalty.

>> No.10390862

>There isn't some massive technology gap between Dreamcast VS Gamecube VS PS2. They are all roughly in the same ballpark.

Yes there is and no they weren’t. The PS2 was able to handle a port of RE4 because it was in the same ballpark. The aging Dreamcast hardware was not.

>> No.10390865

I love how this loser post starts out pretending to be unbiased and saying all hardware has strengths and weaknesses. Then goes off on a rant saying PS2 is the best.

Bravo anon. You really had us going there. Then you messed up the ending

>> No.10390892

>running the same version of the game
>same version

What at you even rambling about? No version of a game across consoles is the "same version" of the game. Every version is tailored to the hardware and strengths of the console. A hypothetical GTA 3 on Dreamcast would look different than a hypothetical GTA 3 for Gamecube than the official GTA 3 version PS2. And ALL of them would suck compared to the PC version could be pushed to run higher graphics and use mods and updates. Your post is meaningless.

>> No.10390894

I just wanted to reinforce to you that a hypothetical Dreamcast version would be a downgrade in every possible way. The main three sixth gen consoles had significantly more graphical and processing muscle because it was newer hardware by a good two years.

>> No.10390898

Gamecube RE4 owns ps2 version dude

>> No.10390902

I agree, but the PS2 was still able to handle a port, albeit with some technical downgrades. The Dreamcast hardware wouldn’t have even come close.

>> No.10390905

>goes off on a rant saying PS2 is the best
learn to read.

>> No.10390914

dead or alive 2 looks a lot better on PS2, joe redifer made these comparisons 20 years ago and they were bad then, as they are bad now.

>> No.10390925
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, raymanps2480p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it's 480p and it's vastly improved. Captured off real hardware.

>> No.10390934
File: 79 KB, 547x557, dcbsgcsdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ALL of them would suck compared to the PC version could be pushed to run higher graphics and use mods and updates.
Thats not always the case.
>The main three sixth gen consoles had significantly more graphical and processing muscle because it was newer hardware by a good two years.
All naomi board games I can think of look and play worse on PS2, GC and Xbox. Often the extra abilities PS2 and Xbox brought to the table were a hinderance.

>> No.10390941

>All naomi board games I can think of look and play worse on PS2, GC and Xbox. Often the extra abilities PS2 and Xbox brought to the table were a hinderance.

Right, but those are first party Sega games designed from the ground up for their hardware. GTAIII for Dreamcast never got past the prototype phase before being reworked for the PS2 hardware.

>> No.10390948
File: 434 KB, 2513x1109, dvvsps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead or alive 2 looks a lot better on PS2

>> No.10390951

>Anonymous 11/07/23(Tue)23:28:43 No.10390948dvvsps2.jpg (435 KB, 2513x1109)File: dvvsps2.jpg (435 KB, 2513x1109) imgur google yandex iqdb wait435 KB JPG>>10390914(You)
>>dead or alive 2 looks a lot better on PS2

>> No.10390968
File: 67 KB, 800x649, pepe-the-frog-holding-a-cigarette-meme-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what about the PS2 image >>10390948

>> No.10390969

Not all were sega games like Dead or Alive 2.

>> No.10390974

Wasn't DOA2 redone for PS2? Like not ported but actually got new textures and shit? It's not just PS2 doing a DC game better than the DC did.

>> No.10390976

In DoA 2’s case, I’d chalk it up more to it being a lazy port. Obviously the Dreamcast hardware excelled at arcade games as well.

>> No.10390991


Going through all the Gamecube ports of Dreamcast games they're generally pretty good. I can't imagine the the Dreamcast would fare nearly as well in the reverse.

>> No.10390996

This is what it boils down to. Obviously the original hardware that the games were developed for is going to be best, but the newer consoles were able to mostly brute force it.

>> No.10391005

You might be thinking of Dead or Alive Ultimate for Xbox.

>> No.10391009

Looks like that one anon finally woke up now. He's samefagging and replying to himself about how Dreamcast sucks. Thread was so much better without this anon's hate boner for Dreamcast.

>> No.10391010

Sega was gonna have to release their successor by '02 if they wanted to stay relevant. The PS2 barely cut it compared to the cube and box.

>> No.10391016

No one has said it sucks. What are you talking about?

>> No.10391024

He seems to be a ps2 fanboy for sure.

>> No.10391039

This. They put themselves in a situation similar to the Wii U where it quickly fell behind once the newer, more powerful consoles came out.

>> No.10391045

Dreamcast would probably do okay with something like Jak II, which was a pretty big PS2 release. The areas are judiciously segmented to aid in loading anyway. You might have to reduce the number of people and vehicles in the city but considering the PSP did an adequate job with Daxter I don't think it'd be an absurd ask for the Dreamcast to pull it off. I'm just having a hard time imagining how the Dreamcast would even manage to get such a game. Those spectacle games were rarely multiplatform. And no third party is going to pick Dreamcast of all systems to be exclusive to. I suppose if Sega made Yakuza for it, that'd be the DC's big game.

>> No.10391065

Shenmue II and F355 Challenge were most likely the upper limits of what the hardware was capable of. There was no hidden untapped power that would magically make the Dreamcast competitive with the newer consoles.

>> No.10391082
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1699303713126730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if Sega blah blah blah thread #9,861
This should be a bannable offense. Sega is kill just move on and accept it

>> No.10391121

No, anon. The Dreamcast is actually the most powerful console ever made and could’ve run Crysis no problem. Clearly those big meanies at Sony conspired against us.

>> No.10391356
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>> No.10391369

the price advantage would have played in favour of the dreamcast. most ps2/gcn games can probably run on dc with little tweaking after all. it's the lack of killer app to make me doubt a successful long run but you shouldnt understimate poorfags' sales. remember the genesis, psx and later ps2 too.

>> No.10391472

Gamecube opened $100 lower than the PS2 and Xbox, and it had the Nintendo brand name as well.

>> No.10391474

And it was more powerful

>> No.10391510

No one cares about your hypothetical goal posts. The PC version is the best looking version. Does that make me not want to play the PS2 version? No not really.

Stop talking nonsense.

>> No.10391515

but a very limited library in the beginning. meanwhile the dreamcast could have offered multi-platforms games (tweaked) plus a decent amount of vidya for a budget price.

>> No.10391517

PS2 SA is still the best version.

>> No.10391563

I think most of you are forgetting that Dreamcast only died because Sega was in a very bad financial position after the abyssmal failures of 32x and Saturn. The company was drained financially.

Dreamcast actually sold moderately well. I believe 9 million units after 15 months. If sales continued to hold its possible it could have ended up around 30 million total consoles sold after 4 years. A very good sales number all things considered.

Those Dreamcast sales would have been great only a generation beforehand. 30 million would be a solid customer base. But Sega literally just ran out of money. They didn't even have enough money to cover daily operations anymore. Dream didn't fail Sega. Sega failed the Dreamcast.

>> No.10391586

>the radio stations in the game used DVD streaming capabilities
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.10391592

PC version is always the best anon. It can get higher graphics settings than what PS2 can do.

>> No.10391613

Good luck getting back into the console market after four years of nothing besides Sega Saturn in Japan

>> No.10391623

They def picked too many wrong paths to survive. A lot of abusing the consumer base and playing hardball about compromising on that. Xbox one style, the whole we need it to phone home because fuck you buy a 360, but more in terms of playstation not having games. I dont have the full history of 32x but it really seems like it was an add-on more than a legit new console, a ps4pro upgrade, and it just so happened that there were only 20 32x games or 20 slightly interesting games.

>> No.10391625

So whats in the safe to complete this meme? I guess tony hawk or some multiplat?

>> No.10391681

>Good luck getting back into the console market after four years of nothing besides Sega Saturn in Japan
>Sega was gonna have to release their successor by '02 if they wanted to stay relevant. The PS2 barely cut it compared to the cube and box.

Sega didn't have to release an entirely new console. Sega could have just done a revision of the hardware. Like in modern times with Xbox One VS "Xbox One X" (upgraded Xbox that can play 4K games).

Since Dreamcast is closely related to Naomi in terms of hardware. Sega could just have scales down the Naomi 2 arcade hardware, and release a new Dreamcast console revision. Have called "Dreamcast HD" or 'Dreamcast 2' or something like that. Release it in 2005 after a solid 5 years of original Dreamcast. Maybe Sega could have partnered with Toshiba to use HD-DVD discs and offset costs. Toshiba could pay for some of the cost of the Dreamcast.

Have Dreamcast HD be able to play all old Dreamcast games, but also have enough horsepower to play newer titles. Naomi 2 hardware was already pretty affordable for arcade hardware, so making a console version wouldn't break Sega Financially. Toshiba backing them up saves even more money....and probably piss off Sony who is trying to use PS3 to push Blu ray discs.

And to be quite frank, that's what Sega should have been doing. Making affordable console versions of Arcade hardware. That's what they did with Sega Genesis (which was a downscaled Arcade System 16). Sega 32x and Saturn were huge miss-steps. The Saturn SHOULD have been a downscaled Arcade Model 2 board. But Sega had this weird "business relationship" with Hitachi at that time, and made some odd choices to push Hitachi chips.
Thankfully Sega went back to Naomi for the Dreamcast.

A Sega Dreamcast HD using Toshiba HD-DVD discs VS Sony PS3 using Blu Ray...would have been a very interesting console war. 2 companies working together to fight the Mega giant Sony.

Nintendo would...be doing its own thing w/ Wii

>> No.10391697

>Halo is basically the reason why we're using twin sticks for shooters today
LMAO It was nothing to do with Halo especially, it was simply the direction that the industry naturally went.
As you say a few games on PSX and Timesplitters, plus Red Faction, Oni, Half Life, Unreal Tournament, Quake III Revolution, Soldier of Fortune, X-Squad, and probably more I either haven't played or I'm forgetting.

>> No.10391740

Are there even animus hd-dvd out there wtf duyu want to sell me?

>> No.10391963

I’m 40 lol. I was just vaguely recalling how it worked. Explain it to me then.

>> No.10391967

Okay, well a Dreamcast port of GTA3 would be far and away the worst version of the game, so why would you even want it in the first place?

>> No.10391980

Kek Sega was in absolutely no position to pull any of this off and Dreamcast games would’ve looked downright terrible in comparison to later gen PS2/GC/Xbox titles from 2004/2005.

>> No.10391992

The problem was the Dreamcast was propped up almost entirely by the North American market. It flopped in every other major territory.

>> No.10392003


GameCube often received gimped multiplats because of the mini DVD format. Dreamcast versions would be even worse, both graphically and content-wise. I’m not sure you’d want that unless it’s all you could afford.

>> No.10392037 [DELETED] 

>Explain it to me then
It's pretty simple:
>child says stupid thing
>child gets called a zoomie
>child larps as grownup
>child is mocked more
--->You are here

>> No.10392051

Again, I’m 40 and I’m not sure how the radio stations in the game worked exactly and clearly you don’t either. Regardless, GTA3 on Dreamcast would barely even have radio stations and that’s in addition to and overall downgrade in environmental detail and low poly character models because in reality the Dreamcast was more of a 5.5 gen console rather than truly sixth gen.

>> No.10392060

Thps looks better on dreamcast than any other system.

>> No.10392062

first look at the specs,they are better then what the ps2 offered.
second it survived with official games being released until 2009.

>> No.10392063

In comparison to the fifth gen consoles, yes. But we’re talking sixth gen.

>> No.10392064

Definitely not. The PS2 was significantly more powerful because it was newer hardware. The Dreamcast wasn’t made of magic, it was basically a NAOMI arcade board in a console. It was rapidly outpaced by the newer sixth gen consoles.

>> No.10392068

Anon...GTA 3 wasn't exactly a graphical masterpiece. The polygon count wasn't high. What made it interesting was that it was a sandbox simulator, and it was rated R. That's why everyone loved it. Hijack cars, shoot people, run from the police, etc. It was fun just to mess around in the game. The graphics weren't that great. Dreamcast can play the game. The developers even made the game originally for the Dreamcast.

>> No.10392073

The polygon count was a lot higher than the Dreamcast would’ve been capable of. You are vastly overestimating its power.

>> No.10392075

>polygon count was too high for dc
>game was originally made FOR dreamcast

>> No.10392083

It never got past the prototype phase on Dreamcast before development was moved to PS2 which allowed Rockstar to take advantage of the more powerful hardware. The game would’ve been a lot more simplistic on the inferior Dreamcast hardware.

>> No.10392090

>they made a proof of concept build on the dreamcast therefore it could run the full final game ok?
Sure, and the PS1 could run Metal Gear Solid 2.

>> No.10392094

>Playing a 2000's game with office equipment

>> No.10392096

So am I. It looks better than Xbox thps2.

>> No.10392098

Maybe, but later entries like THPS3 and beyond definitely would’ve been worst on Dreamcast.

>> No.10392109

>inferior Dreamcast hardware.
There's a bunch of examples in this thread of dreamcast out performing gc, Xbox and ps2. Why you all look the other way is beyond me.
Half life was a more demanding game and that was almost released on dreamcast.

>> No.10392115

>Half Life
>more demanding than GTA3 or MGS2
Maybe in the same dreamland where the Dreamcast is more powerful.

>> No.10392121
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No, xbox looks much better

>> No.10392124

No, there are maybe five examples, all of which are from very early on. After 2002 or so, the sixth gen consoles completely smoked the Dreamcast.

>> No.10392142

That's not fair. The Dreamcast development stopped in 2001. Devs only got 18 months to work with the Dreamcast. They didn't have the time to create all the little tricks and optimization techniques like they did for the other Gen 6 consoles which were out for 4 to 5 years.

>> No.10392157

That’s true, but the Dreamcast hardware was still older and less powerful because Sega rushed it out in Japan in fall of 1998.

>> No.10392164

Half life blue shift has more demanding system requirements than gta3 3 for pc.

>> No.10392172

There is no universe where the Dreamcast could have run a version of GTA3 without making a ton of concessions. I love the Dreamcast but I’m also being realistic.

>> No.10392190

Did you have issues playing ps2 gta when Xbox and pc versions existed? I didn't.

>> No.10392208

You seem to be thinking that it would’ve been like RE4 on PS2 compared to GameCube. In reality it would’ve been more like playing Call of Duty on Wii compared to PS3/360.

>> No.10392223 [DELETED] 

>Again, I'm larping and don't know anything, least of all how ridiculous my grade school antics make me look
>Regardless, I'm going to continue to bullshit and cope
>The power of autism compels me

>> No.10392227

If you get that conclusion from system requirements sheets, you are beyond retarded. A GeForce 256 can pull Half Life at 1024x768 60FPS. It won't even hit 30 for GTA 3 at that resolution.

>> No.10392235

Sure GTA3’s character models are a little crude looking, but the complexity of the open world would have to be scaled way back for the Dreamcast to run it at a playable framerate. Fewer cars on the roads, fewer NPCs on the streets, less detailed environments, etc.

>> No.10392259
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>Wasn't the Xbox the Dreamcast's unofficial successor?

Conceptually, yes, as Microsoft studied the Dreamcast when developing their own console. But the hardware is not related. The Xbox was a beast though, when it came out in 2001. Especially with that custom GeForce 3 that veered closer to being a GeForce 4, the CPU was closer to being like a mobile Intel CPU. Having 64MB of unified RAM also helped a lot. The Dreamcast uses a Videologic GPU that is comparable to the Videologic Neon 250 in many ways, which was a desktop GPU that bombed when it was released. It had issues with DirectX performance. I also think that Windows CE compatibility is kinda like the Xbox's runtime environment, which is built around DirectX components. I felt that Windows CE was a great idea on the DC as it offered a secondary development environment built around Windows, which lead to a lot of Windows to Windows CE ports and was used by some 'indy' devs back then. But performance was worse than running on the Sega libraries, maybe due to the lack of system RAM. Microsoft also expanded on the SegaNet ideas with online, including an 8GB hardware was also a bit deal for the Xbox. Sega did support the Xbox, but they also gave pretty equal support to the GameCube, and released the most games on the PS2 overall.

>> No.10392269

Whatever happened to that Planet Harriers port that was supposed to go to the Gamescube? It should have been fairly trivial to do.

>> No.10392278

The game ran at like 15fps max on the PS2, lmao.

>> No.10392379

>Sure GTA3’s character models are a little crude looking, but the complexity of the open world would have to be scaled way back for the Dreamcast to run it at a playable framerate. Fewer cars on the roads, fewer NPCs on the streets, less detailed environments, etc.

Anon look at Crazy Taxi 2 gameplay. Dreamcast can handle open world environments, cars, and people on the road. Gta 3 could run on Dreamcast with some tweaks and optimization.

>> No.10392396

Crazy Taxi 2 isn’t even remotely comparable to GTA’s sandbox world.

>> No.10392404

>There's a bunch of examples in this thread of dreamcast out performing gc, Xbox and ps2. Why you all look the other way is beyond me.
Not for the types of games that became most popular though. The Dreamcast was in a sense the technological peak of the 90s era of game design. 3D fighting games arguably peaked at Soul Calibur. And while it'd have been worse than the arcade the Dreamcast could have done a respectable Virtua Fighter 4. But the PS2 era brought on an entirely different type of game. The Dreamcast was built in the style of a sooper dooper N64 and PS1. It wasn't equipped for something like God of War or GTA San Andreas. Or even something like Elder Scrolls III Morrowind.

Asking the Dreamcast to hold it's own in that environment is asking it to punch way above it's weight class. It could probably do it to some degree but the sacrifices would be noticeable and significant. It's like the SNES port of Doom. Yes, it exists. Yes, it's impressive considering the console that it's running on. But nobody would choose to play that version if given an option.

>> No.10392406

Honestly a Dreamcast GTA3 that looked like Crazy Taxi is something I could get behind.

>> No.10392423

Since it exists on gba and psx Doom is just a pimped 16 bit Doom and not werking on ps2 it's clear winner on nintondo

>> No.10392424
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some games may have looked a bit worse because it was weaker but i think it could have competed fine if it had a dual analog controller, the use of cds for games might have been a problem though

>> No.10392454

The Wii port of Dead Rising is probably a pretty close analog to what GTA3 would be like on Dreamcast.

>> No.10392497

>Crazy Taxi 2 isn’t even remotely comparable to GTA’s sandbox world
Crazy Taxi 2 looks very similar to early Alpha and Beta builds of GTA 3. Which means Dreamcast could run GTA 3 with some tweaks and optimization.

>> No.10392507

>The Dreamcast was built in the style of a sooper dooper N64 and PS1. It wasn't equipped for something like God of War or GTA San Andreas. Or even something like Elder Scrolls III Morrowind.
You keep saying this but don't even realize the PS2 was gimped compared to the Xbox or PC. Heck even some. Gamecube games look better than PS2.

The reason why PS2 had so many games was because of huge install base of 150 million+ users. Developers didn't care if you made your game for stronger hardware on Xbox or PC. You were GOING to make a PS2 version whether your liked it or not. Executives wanted money. PS2 was a money printer.

>> No.10392519

It doesn’t mean that at all.

>> No.10392520

I'm using the PS2 as a baseline specifically because it was weaker than the Gamecube and Xbox in many or most ways so it defines the floor of the generation.

>> No.10392521

The PS2 had a weird architecture but the emotion engine GPU was still well beyond what the Dreamcast was capable of.

>> No.10392524

Well, if it could run gta3 there should not be a problem

>> No.10392616

literally fucking irrelevant, none of the 6th gen consoles used the same architecture. DC was some literally-who Hitachislop ISA designed for industrial control systems, PS2 was more MIPS, GC was based PowerPC, and Xbox was x86 (variant of the Pentium III's microarchitecture).

The DC was considerably less powerful than the other 6th gen consoles. Hell, the Xbox was still slightly more powerful than the Wii if you look at the FLOPs it could push.

>> No.10392629

Dreamcast is actually a good design better than most, but being released earlier was hueg back then, tech was exploding on a yearly basis

>> No.10392634


top kek

>> No.10392649


>> No.10392697
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RAM was very expensive in 1998. Just looking around, this 32 MB stick of SDRAM (4Mx64) would have retailed for about $33. Which doesn't seem like a lot but then you have to consider that the Dreamcast retailed at $199.

The RAM budget for the console was almost certainly under $20 altogether to meet their margins.

>> No.10392754

That stick also included a (small) circuit board, the cost of soldering the RAM chips onto the board, and profit margin for the manufacturer after that.

>> No.10392823

We're talking about blue shift here try to keep up.
>But nobody would choose to play that version if given an option.
If it was released before the competition I certainly would.

>> No.10392829

>If it was released before the competition I certainly would.
It wouldn't be. Look at what happened to the Wii. It kept getting shittier versions of games after the "real" version on PS3 and Xbox 360.

>> No.10392851

>I’m 40
lol you're 39 at most. Maybe 39 and a few months, but not 40. Stop larping.

>> No.10392887

Blue Shift is Literally The Same Game.

>> No.10392919

It had similar limitations to the gamecube but even moreso. games limited to barely over 1gb with proprietary disc. you can make good games with that but some games just needed more, especially if there were lots of fmvs. controller with less analog sticks would give it control problems in any port that played fine on ps2 and xbox. even if it continued to sell well with first party games, i think it would've been the fourth choice even behind the gamecube for any multiplat games. and why would a third party ever make an exclusive for it? I like a lot of these dreamcast games and I appreciate the VGA output, but overall it wasn't that great of a machine. For being a bit older than the ps2, it was pretty good. i wouldn't expect it to compete with gc or xbox. there's really no way it could have.

>> No.10392979

The Wii was a full generation behind the PS360 tho, the Dreamcast was half a generation at worst and titles would still look good even if the graphical fidelity was reduced. The only real question mark is the size of the GD-ROMs, seeing as how devs were disgruntled by even the GCN

>> No.10393035

Half a generation behind was a pretty big gap back then. The PS2 had a lot of cutting edge tech under the hood for its day. Then the GameCube and Xbox came along a year later with even better specs.

>> No.10393045

The Wii at least was a few years later when games had steadily increasing budgets and longer development cycles. Plus it sold a billion units so dedicated versions for it was a no-brainer. The Dreamcast would be in a weird space where it's ports would need some massaging but it'd be one of four consoles and not doing a version for it might be more economically sensible given budgets and release schedules. When you can put out a game on PS2/GCN/Xbox that are all largely consistent with each other, doing a unique Dreamcast port would hinge on the sales outweighing the investment. And nobody arguing in good faith would suggest the Dreamcast sells Wii numbers. At best you'd be talking Gamecube numbers.

>> No.10393083

DC games were MILES easier to develop for compared to the PS2 and as a result, most titles ran and looked better, if anything, the Xbox was the much bigger threat hardware wise, it having the same design philosphy (ease of development, PC-like architecture, online play) but better in every single regard. Looking at raw figures is kind of stupid in that regard, devs mostly care about ease of development and platform install base, everything else can be worked around

For multiplatform games, it would be a nobrainer to gain another revenue stream. Problem is that the biggest publisher for the popular games at the time (Burnout, NFS, Fifa and countless others) was never going to make games for Sega so it's kind of a pointless conversation to have. And no dev would want to make games that can be easily pirated and played unmodded, that is what truly killed the DC

>> No.10393103
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>and as a result, most titles ran and looked better

That would’ve lasted for all of a year at best until developers got a firmer grasp on the PS2 hardware, which is exactly what happened. The PS2 came into its own in fall 2001.

>> No.10393108

Piracy only "killed" the Dreamcast in shithole markets that barely even count. It was far from the main reason the Dreamcast failed in real places, eg Japan and North America.

>> No.10393109

Jesus, I forgot those all came out around the same time. For a system that had such a shitty launch line up, they sure as hell made up for it a year later.

>> No.10393113

not sure this is the big win people think it is, most of these "exclusives" were multiplat less than a year after release

>> No.10393128

Not really the point. The Dreamcast hardware quickly got outpaced by the "weak" PS2 hardware, which was still significantly more advanced.

>> No.10393148

Also: The sixth gen consoles all had wildly different architectures, unlike today where the PS5 and Series X are mostly built with the same parts. They each had their own unique sets of strengths and weaknesses which made things a lot more interesting than the modern console market.

>> No.10393169

>That would’ve lasted for all of a year at best until developers got a firmer grasp on the PS2 hardware
Try 2 and a half, the emotion engine was a clusterfuck of a processor and limitations like resolution, antialising and texture rendering just meant the same version of a game would always look better on a DC, maybe with less detail but visually

>The PS2 came into its own in fall 2001.
Those aren't multiplatform games that can illustrate differences between the platforms, nobody here is arguing about game library but the actual hardware. Le Mans 24H came out Summer 2001 on the PS2 >>10390596 and DC version is just better, same goes for games like Looney Tunes: Space Race which came out in 2002, F355 challenge, the Tokyo Xtreme Racer games and many others. There were games like Ecco which could take advantage of better hardware on the PS2 when it came to stuff like transparancies, but for the most part, the PS2 was in many ways like the Saturn, really powerful but also a pile of shit to develop on, so games barely took advantage of its capabilities.

>shitholes have better internet access than non shitholes
Nice logic.

>> No.10393262

Shitholes always have better internet access. Americans whined when Google told them 10Mbps download wasn't enough to play Stadia and I was like, hot damn americans put up with this shit?

>> No.10393268

Games developed for PS2 almost overwhelmingly took advantage of the unique features of the console. Basically every game with any particle effect looks better on it. It's actually crazy seeing how bad particles are on PS2 and how good ones tank the Xbox while the PS2 trucks along.

>> No.10393281

>The extra 8MB's could have also helped Windows CE games run better overall.
So basically useless?

>> No.10393428
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Dreamcast could never run that, DC had such terrible flat light, I don't know why, even the PS1 had better light.

>> No.10393497

The only correct answer in this thread.

Sega was already in too weak of a position to compete effectively with everyone else. Better specs or a DVD drive wasn't going to save them.

>> No.10393757

That post isn’t right anyway. Yeah the Dreamcast had a decent first year, but really only in North America. It tanked in every other major market. And that’s primarily because it ran unopposed as the most powerful console available for that year.

>> No.10393767

Non-shithole countries don’t pirate as much as the third world, simple as that. Piracy definitively was not the primary reason for the Dreamcast’s failure in the first world.

>> No.10393792

Dreamcast died because it was already an outdated hardware by 2001 standards.
Imagine a NFSU or Metal Gear Solid 2 port for the dreamcast. Imagine how embarrassing that would be for Sega ?! Better to just concede with honor than to commit seppuku later.

>> No.10393806

Correct. Sega fans can make excuses all they want, but the hardware simply couldn’t keep up with the newer competition.

>> No.10393865

Stop comparing early PS2 games to the Dreamcast versions as a way to make the Dreamcast an equivalent console in terms of technology and capabilities.
We all know that the early PS2 games didn't take advantage of the console's full potential because developers hadn't yet had the time to fully explore and master the PS2's capabilities.
Just compare Midnight Club 1 and Midnight Club 3. or TimeSplitters and Black, or Summoner and FFXII, or Dynasty Warrios 2 and Dynasty Warriors 5. And we don't need to go that far into the future to point this out. Just check out how ahead of its time Gran Turismo 3 and ICO already was.

>> No.10393895

Gta games took up to two years to go from ps2 to Xbox. Nobody thought, oh I'll wait for the better version which could take god knows how long.
>Blue Shift is Literally The Same Game
No it isn't. Please stop posting in this thread.

>> No.10393913

What? The point is that those multiplats would have ended up on dreamcast pretty quickly if it hadn't been, ya know, discontinued.

>> No.10393935

And they would’ve looked like shit by comparison because they were made for actual next gen hardware, not the Dreamcast’s 5.5 gen specs.

>> No.10393940

I think he genuinely believes that there was some magical untapped power that could have made the Dreamcast run games like REmake or MGS2 lmao. Pure delusion.

>> No.10393957

>playing dark souls at 30fps
Ouch. I opted to play modded PTDE on steam deck and that was at least a tolerable way to play it on mobile.

>> No.10393972

>actual next gen hardware
pick 1
Even if what you're saying was true, it's irrelevant since most of those multiplats were also able to run on PCs with low specs. You're crazy if you don't think rockstar wouldn't have ported GTA3 to the 'cast after the exclusivity window was over. They ported the GTA games to the gameboy color, for crying out loud

>> No.10393975

>That post isn’t right anyway. Yeah the Dreamcast had a decent first year, but really only in North America. It tanked in every other major market.
Wrong. Dreamcast sold moderately well in Europe. It sold about 1 million units.

Japan sold well as well. Selling about 1 million units.

The major problem was that Sega ran into production problems. The factories ran into issues and couldn't produce enough Dreamcasts for launch and the first year. The frustrated Sega Executives.

>> No.10393976


>> No.10394026

>We all know that the early PS2 games didn't take advantage of the console's full potential because developers hadn't yet had the time to fully explore and master the PS2's capabilities.
This same logic applies to Dreamcast.

>> No.10394028

it's clear that you have no valid arguments and are a salty console warring pissbaby, begone anon

>> No.10394032

Rockstar doesn't care about any of that. They would have ported their games to as many popular platforms as possible.

>> No.10394042

You’re the one being insane and claiming the Dreamcast was capable of things that it simply wasn’t. I’m just trying to bring you back to reality, friend.

>> No.10394060

Key word being "popular". Porting to Dreamcast would essentially be a demake.

>> No.10394081

>Key word being "popular".
This whole thread is a what if scenario about Dreamcast being popular enough for Sega to survive.

>Porting to Dreamcast would essentially be a demake.
You are just making words up now because you hate the Dreamcast and obviously love the PS2. You aren't even keeping up the facade of debating in good faith or presenting interesting facts.

>> No.10394083

I love the Dreamcast but I’m a realist. There was no magical, untapped power that was going to make the Dreamcast run a version of GTA3, MGS2, RE4 or any other major sixth gen game anywhere close to the other consoles.

>> No.10394086

>it tanked in every other major market
Dreamcast wasn't even sold in kmarts or big w here in Australia meaning they were fucked from the get go.

>> No.10394102

>here in Australia
the big market of dingusland, how could they forget about it? truly sega's biggest mistake.

>> No.10394126
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Dreamcast came out in 1998.
Here is you Doom 3 for dreamcast, bro

>> No.10394130

>Dreamcast wasn't even sold in kmarts or big w here in Australia meaning they were fucked from the get go.
The Australian government (for some strange reason) literally held Dreamcast console and Dreamcast games confiscated shipments at the border. Australian border customs seized them. Something about Sega's shipments being mislabeled and posing a potential risk to Australia.

By the Sega cleared It up with the government, the Australian government ruined Sega's launch plans. It was a total mess. I have no idea why Australia's government would do that. Surely they couldn't have been that stupid to realize that the Dreamcast was a legitimate piece of hardware.

My best guess is Sony called in a few favors. They made the government give Sega a hard time.

>> No.10394136

That's not right. Medal of Honor: Rising Sun came on two discs on Gamecube

>> No.10394143

Now show the later DC games from 2001.

>> No.10394156

Every single one of them is more blocky looking and has more simplistic geometry because bottom line the Dreamcast could not push as many polygons as the more advanced sixth gen consoles. Sega’s NAOMI era games hold up pretty well because of the bright and colorful arcade art design and nice looking textures, but they were definitely more simplistic looking.

>> No.10394171

>That's not right. Medal of Honor: Rising Sun came on two discs on Gamecube
He's not going to admit he's wrong. He just going to say something like "Well that's just 1 game. I'm still right. Dreamcast sucks. PS2 best"

>You are just making words up now because you hate the Dreamcast and obviously love the PS2. You aren't even keeping up the facade of debating in good faith or presenting interesting facts.

It's what he's been doing the entire thread. When confronted with facts and logic, he defaults back to insulting the Dreamcast and saying PS2 is better. He can't offer any technical discussions about why it couldn't be done.

I actually do game development for a hobby and had discussions about with other game dev enthusiasts about porting GTA 3 to the Dreamcast. We all agree it could be done with some modifications, using the latest modern SDKs, and some serious tweaks. It's a lot of work, but it could be feasibly done.

The biggest issue most of us face in the modding community is that we won't try it because Rockstar and large game companies always shut down fan projects like these. Rockstar is notorious for it. None of us want to get into the project only to be shut down half way through by a legal cease and desist.

>> No.10394173

See >>10394083. I’ll admit I’m wrong. Guess there were some third party GC games that came on two discs.

>> No.10394180

>We all agree it could be done with some modifications, using the latest modern SDKs, and some serious tweaks. It's a lot of work, but it could be feasibly done.

So you agree it could be feasibly done with 2023 technology. Wow, you really rocked my world, anon.

>> No.10394240

>2023 technology
I would argue that's a fair handicap for me since I'm just one person that would do it for free in my spare time. The most I could do is maybe get a few other people helping out on the fan project (assuming Rockstar doesn't shut us down). We would be using the technical expertise and lessons people have learned about the Dreamcast in the last 22 years to get GTA III ported to Dreamcast. Just like how fans and indie companies are still making games for old systems. Probably just to prove we cohld do it. To prove a point.

But if this were the early 2000s? Then I think any large game corporation throwing a Dev team of 200 people and $50 million dollars behind the project could probably make GTA 3 happen on Dreamcast. Their tools wouldn't be as advanced as we have today, but with that many people being paid to make it happen...they have enough raw resources to just brute force it and use methods that would be ridiculous for 1 person like me to try. It's really just a matter of how much time and effort they want to put into the project. Will their team go through every. single. polygon. and texture. in the game to optimize it for Dreamcast? Then rewrite the source code? It's a ton of work, but they could do it in months with that many people and resources. Meanwhile it would probably take me years to use that same method. So using modern technology is a fair handicap.

>> No.10394248

I just want to say that my argument this entire thread has been that GTA3 would be a very significant downgrade on the Dreamcast. Other anons here have been acting like the DC hardware was capable of running basically a 1:1 port with the PS2 version, which is a ridiculous claim.

>> No.10394290
File: 1.04 MB, 797x588, qvayt3g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamcast is barely a 6th gen console. It's just a N64 with better textures and resolution, with internet and disc.

>> No.10394308

People forget the Dreamcast's rendering techniques, specifically "Deferred Rendering" which caches textures not visible to the camera to free up resources, would've helped greatly. Also Dreamcast with it's extra 8MB VRAM over the PS2's 4MB (which also handles GTA 3 fine) would play a role in Dreamcast's favor.

>> No.10394314

Wasn’t one of the PS2’s main strengths the ability to push a beastly amount of polygons at once?

>> No.10394390
File: 56 KB, 500x373, ecco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think ps2 would have as good textures, gta 3 has pretty terrible textures in areas. It must be something to do with compression because textures in ps2 games look all smeary and dirty as if they are full of jpg artifacts.

I always thought it was n64 and the yellow buttons with the stick

Apart from better textures, more polygons and more processing power its basically like the n64.

I remember the first set of games they raved on how stuff like smugglers run had an awesome amount of polys. Play the game now and it looks like absolute garbage, sure technically the terrain does have a smooth curvature but most of the polys just have the same few textures so actually the game look worse than older games for example like Insane on windows 98.

Thing is number of polys at the was equated with how good a game looks and texture filtering was used as an excuse to use terrible textures.

Yes, the graphics were good enough to succeed. The average normie didn't know good graphics if it slapped them in the face which is why a huge number of big sellers on the ps2 have awful graphics. I double most people would notice the lower number of polys on dreamcast if games like fifa were made for it.

>> No.10394429

That's not what deferred rendering does.

>> No.10394432

I think the main issue is that the Dreamcast probably would have hit the upper limits of what was graphically possible on it by 2002 or maybe 2003 if you really want to stretch it. The other sixth gen consoles were really hitting their stride at that time producing some fantastic looking games. Sega probably would have had to market the Dreamcast as a budget friendly offering at a greatly reduced price.

>> No.10394465

One of the biggest losses with the Dreamcast was the death of Sega Sports games. This allowed EA Sports to have a monopoly with no real competition whatsoever.

>> No.10394505

Only delusional dreamcucks believe that it could

>> No.10394705

>Assuming the Dreamcast survived, could it have competed with the PS2/GCN/Xbox or was it too outclassed? How powerful was it in reality?
Probably. DC was only out for what? A year? A year and some change? The developers did not have enough time to really learn how to push the system with such little time. Other systems had 5 years.

>> No.10394707

It launched in Japan a full year earlier in fall 1998.

>> No.10394869

>competed with the PS2/GCN/Xbox
Xbox was only made because Dreamcast dropped out of the console war. Microsoft had no intention of making Xbox if Sega was still around with Dreamcast. The market was too crowded.

If Dreamcast was still around then it would only be Dreamcast/Gamecube/PS2 for the three consoles fighting it out. Xbox would Not Exist.

>> No.10394871

The controller wasn't built for 6th gen..or 7th gen I can't remember what the fucking number is. You get my point. It didn't have enough buttons or sticks

>> No.10394881

It worked fine. Nobody ever complained about wsad needing to be replaced with analog movement.

>> No.10395265

Topic is multiplatforms tho and 95% of the time those ran worst on PS2.

You're a definitive asshat

>> No.10395283

Anon, the Xbox was already announced and in production well before Sega discontinued the Dreamcast and announced it would be their last console. You don’t just whip up a console.

>> No.10395285

Piracy was not the main factor that 'killed' the Dreamcast in first world markets. Thinking otherwise is idiotic.

>> No.10395313

It wasn't the main factor, that was the PS2, but it's the ultimate factor, the last stab to have killed any hope for the system, effectively killing off third party support. Claiming that Americans had no internet access in the 2000s and that piracy didn't play part in it it just a really sad cope, but I guess you can always leave it to the Amerisharts to blame the Chinese, Indians and Europoors.

>> No.10395321

That’s not what I’m claiming. What I’m claiming is that piracy for the Dreamcast in the first world wasn’t truly a widespread thing until after it was already discontinued.

>> No.10395331

>Chinese, Indians and Europoors.

Actually when I think of game piracy, South America is what comes to mind first and foremost. Then maybe Eastern Europe.

>> No.10395396

And it was widespread in the third world before it was discontinued? Again, what kind of world do you live in where third world countries are the main market for cutting edge game consoles and had better internet access than US/EU? And of course Sega will discontinue the system prior to piracy becoming truly commonspread, not after they've lost hundreds of millions pushing out games for a dead system, the date of the discontinuation is completely irrelevant here.

>> No.10395426

I’d say in the third world it was much more common to find burned games being sold on the streets. The ability to go to a ROM site, quickly download a Dreamcast game and burn it to a CD-R was more common starting around say 2003-2004, not 2001.

>> No.10395436

I mean Nintendo gets by on decades-old hardware, as long as Sega kept making DC-level games I don't see why not.

The DC's failure was not a fault of the hardware or the software, it was momentum from the avalanche of bad decisions from years before. There was nothing that could have saved Sega in the console business.

>> No.10395439

Nintendo was forced to exit the traditional home console market. They no longer directly compete with the 'main' home consoles. Sega also had nowhere near the level of success Nintendo had in the handheld market.

>> No.10395464

No one made good handhelds but Nintendo.

>> No.10395478

Pretty much what I’m saying, yeah. Nintendo had their profitable handheld division to keep them going when their consoles were underperforming.

>> No.10395545

Well I don't live in the third world but you're free to share your experiences.

>> No.10395563

I don’t either but it’s my basic understanding that in Latin America for example, everyone buys pirated games from street markets and such. Official releases might as well not even exist there.

>> No.10395585

>You don’t just whip up a console.
Yeah no shit. Your understanding of the history of Xbox is still wrong though.

>> No.10395597

>Xbox was only made because Dreamcast dropped out of the console war. Microsoft had no intention of making Xbox if Sega was still around with Dreamcast.

I was responding to that statement because it’s not true. Microsoft was going to enter the console market regardless.

>> No.10395620

One of the plans Microsoft had with xbox was to work with SEGA to create a joint console, that's why there's passing similarities to the dreamcast and why SEGA was a major 3rd party contributor in the first year. Depending on who you ask SEGA being a major early adopter of Xbox was either a bone they got thrown after BillyG screwed them out of a joint deal, or preferential treatment for assisting them on the project.

>> No.10395626

>I was responding to that statement because it’s not true. Microsoft was going to enter the console market regardless.
Again. You are still WRONG. Back then Microsoft was running around trying to buy game companies. They tried to buy Nintendo, Sega, Electronic Arts, Midway, and a few others. They all said no.

If any of them had said yes, then Xbox wouldn't exist today. Instead, we would have Nintendo Box powered by Microsoft Windows with Nintendo Live for online service. Or Sega Dreamcast 2 with Microsoft software and Sega Live for online play.

>> No.10395657

Maybe your understanding is too basic and you should do more research then. Game piracy is prevalent all over the world

>> No.10395659

I just wish PS2 actually supported 480p on more than a handful of games.

>> No.10395706

>Maybe your understanding is too basic and you should do more research then. Game piracy is prevalent all over the world
Yeah, but it's not what killed the Dreamcast.

>> No.10395742

Again, I might be a chain smoker with third stage lung cancer, if I get stabbed, my cause of death won't be lung cancer. No clue why you're being so insistent on such a well documented issue.

>> No.10395808

>Topic is multiplatforms tho and 95% of the time those ran worst on PS2.
They didn't, this is an often repeated rumor based on no evidence. Very few ran worse.

>> No.10395816
File: 1.20 MB, 2728x960, Viewtiful Joe texture comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very few ran worse
The majority ran worse.

>> No.10395831

That's 1 game
Spyhunter ran better on PS2 than xbox and GC
Gauntlet Dark Legacy ran best on PS2
Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance ran best on PS2
Viewtiful Joe also runs the same on PS2 as it does gamecube.

So you have zero examples so far. Provide one.

>> No.10395839

That as well as particle effects and lighting. What would happen is Dreamcast games would have fewer polygons and special effects like the above but crisper textures. What benefits the Dreamcast in this context though is that how good something looks isn't linear to the poly count. Nobody would argue that Soul Calibur doesn't look good. Most would say it still holds up. Dreamcast games would look "simpler" compared to the PS2 but given how /vr/ hates muddy graphics, hypothetical Dreamcast ports may be preferred today on this board had they existed. GTA3 is a unique example because part of the game's fun is the sheer volume of pedestrians and vehicles, which the Dreamcast would have trouble with. But obviously not every game is GTA3.

>> No.10395843
File: 938 KB, 1206x818, RE4 graphics comp 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Viewtiful Joe also runs the same on PS2 as it does gamecube
Looking and sounding worse is not running the same.

>> No.10395859

Every medal of honor also looks and runs better on ps2, re4 has the same performance so far you've listed zero games that are running significantly worse on ps2.

>> No.10395862

Every console system had piracy. Dreamcast didn't die because of it. It was a minor issue.

Dreamcast died because Sega was broke financially as a company. 32x and Sega Saturn drained Sega of all their money.

They honestly didnt have enough money to even make the Dreamcast. Sega should have just transitioned into being a 3rd Party developer like Capcom. But Sega was stubborn and took out huge loans, and went into deep debt to pay for the Dreamcast.

The money ran out and Sega went into bankruptcy and shut down Dreamcast.

>> No.10395868

>That's 1 game
>So you have zero examples so far.
You need to understand English.

>> No.10395875

>It was a minor issue.
Thanks for your concession, dumbass.

>> No.10395878

If you want authentic comparisons, focus on multiplatform games that were designed to be multiplatform. Once you get into exclusives that were ported later you run into problems because 99% of the time that results in sacrifices regardless of the target platform.


>"The PlayStation 2, as usual, received the brunt of the graphics sacrifices. The few that are visible, really don't make a difference, though. In fact, the biggest thing we noticed is the particle effects. Things such as smoke, snow, rain, and blood are slightly less impressive on Sony's console. The snow, for instance, is less thick and far more transparent. It just doesn't look as slick as it does on GameCube or Xbox. There is also a certain harshness to it that you don't see in the others, a trait the PS2 is well-known for. It's very minor, though, and definitely not something that will distract."

>> No.10395883
File: 2.41 MB, 888x500, Loadstation 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>re4 has the same performance
With less enemies, significantly reduced colors to the point where some textures are greyscale, low polycount on everything, sound effects compressed to hell, cutscenes made into FMVs from the GCN's real time renders and longer loading times.

>> No.10395892
File: 2.69 MB, 640x480, Super Monkey Ball 2 GCN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10395897

>Thanks for your concession,
What concession? Read the argument below.

>What I’m claiming is that piracy for the Dreamcast in the first world wasn’t truly a widespread thing until after it was already discontinued.

This is still true.

>> No.10395901

>No clue why you're being so insistent on such a well documented issue
Maybe because piracy was proven to be inconsequential to media sales long ago.


>> No.10395904
File: 380 KB, 2472x1742, sega annual net income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcades fucking dying was a bigger issue than piracy. It exposed the fact that their console business was never profitable, even before piracy was available circa June 2000.

>> No.10395905

Post is full of lies like the time this shithead lied about time splitters 2. Don't trust this emulating retard who only ever played 3 games in his life.

>> No.10395910
File: 2.95 MB, 908x500, RE4 GCN enemy count.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to point out the lies.
>this shithead lied about time splitters 2
You're still crying about shit from over a year ago. You got tricked, get over it.

>> No.10395914
File: 2.92 MB, 882x500, RE4 PS2 enemy count.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10395923

You have a pattern of lying, so you're being treated as dishonest. Don't like it so get caught lying.

>> No.10395924

>pick game with dynamic difficulty that includes reducing number of enemies to demonstrate

>> No.10395925

You have a pattern of lying, so you're being treated as dishonest. Don't like it so get caught lying. Should have thought that through instead of trying to pretend you're a clever troll.

>> No.10395926
File: 3.85 MB, 568x338, RE4 PS2 water room pro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional has a fixed difficulty setting. The RPD outfit and professional difficulty are unlocked after beating the game.

>> No.10395928

the walls are closing in Sonykun...

>> No.10395929
File: 3.88 MB, 566x340, RE4 water room GCN pro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10395934

This. Sega's success in the console market was always a mirage. The reason people remember them as ever winning is because if you were a kid in 90s America you happened to be there for the one flash-in-the-pan moment the Genesis had and the fuckton of marketing Sega of America did. All the Sonic media, for example, from comics to several cartoons, and the general affordability of Genesis consoles. Then these people look over at Japan and see Virtua Fighter moving Saturns and assume they were massive successes over there when, again, it was largely an illusion that trickled down from their arcade division's success.

Put it on a timeline, and Sega was in the console business from 1983-2001. That's only 18 years. Microsoft has now been in the console business longer than that. And during those 18 years, most of their time was spent barely holding on. The combined "success" of the Genesis in America and the Saturn in Japan spans from maybe 1991-1996. They rode a wave for five whole years. Good for them. But clearly it wasn't going to last. The second arcades died so did Sega's entire hardware division because it was never self-sustaining.

>> No.10395936
File: 51 KB, 454x170, TS2 texture comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than a year ago I posted this image but with the texture positions switched and you proudly told me the PS2 version has "additional color detail". When I told you it was in fact backwards suddenly it became compression artifacts. I knew you would fall for it but I didn't expect the cope to last years.

>> No.10395940

Needs additional scrutiny, post your save.

>> No.10395956

>Sega was in the console business from 1983-2001. That's only 18 years.
Thinking about this all happening while you're an adult really puts it into perspective. If we imagine Sega shitcanning the Dreamcast today, right now, that would mean they first entered the console market in 2005, did fuck all with the SG-1000 and Master System through 2011, had a couple of years of general stability from 2012-2017, and then promptly abandoned ship. We'd be talking about Sega the same way we talk about Ouya.

>> No.10395963

This is the exact save I used for the webm. Just walk into the water room.

>> No.10395964

You were talking to two people in that thread, I was the one who proceeded to show you documentation about the s3tc the gc does which you still deny it does for some reason. You don't like having your dishonesty brought up do you? You should probably stop lying before you make a fool of yourself again.

>> No.10395970
File: 2.14 MB, 2184x900, RE4 family texture comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been trying to convince people the Gamecube version of RE4 is more green since you found that documentation. Clearly ignoring the fact that anything is more green than sepia and greyscale.

>> No.10395972

The Arcade market shrinking was a problem. But that's not what killed the Sega console.

Sega was a BIG spender. They were notorious back in the day for recklessly throwing around huge amounts of cash on everything. This was Sega's reputation in the industry during the 80s to mid 90s. This was OK during their peak, but not when they were underdogs against Sony later on.

There are interviews with former Namco staff that discussed how Namco used to try to fight Sega head to head when it came to making games, marketing, and arcades. Matching all of Sega's spending. Namco even seriously considered making a console to counter the Sega Genesis. But Namco stopped when they saw that Sega had no intention of slowing down their spending and kept spending more and more money. Namco staff said this was reckless and wasn't going to end well for either of them if this continued. Namco decided the best course of action was to pull back, and be more financially conservative with money. Instead of making their own console, they would support Playstation instead. Meanwhile Sega spent money like a drunken Sailor at a bar. They didn't care.

Sega was also incapable of designing a financially efficient console. Sega lost huge amounts of money on the 32x and Saturn. Not just in poor sales, but the fact that they sold every single one at a loss. Sega always chose to use the expensive and top end hardware (for the time). Especially the Sega Saturn which was not an efficiently designed system. Either from a performance standpoint or a financial standpoint.

Meanwhile Nintendo designs their consoles to be affordable to make, and affordable to sell. Everything is efficient in their design. Nintendo does not sell their consoles at a loss. Every console sold generates a small profit for the company.

Dreamcast was a return to form. It was affordable and efficient. Sega had sobered up. They weren't drunk anymore. But by then it was too late.

>> No.10395979

Thanks for telling us what deferred rendering really does. If you're going to say jackshit, not even linking an article, then why even post? Just lurk.

>> No.10395980

How can we tell this is an honest comparison if you admit to lying about texture rips in the past? People have also told you the gamecube ones are more green in the past, which you deny for some reason? It's all archived.

why are you always lying? Were you abused as a kid and blamed for stealing the cookie in the cookie jar or something? You're the most active console warrior on this site.

>> No.10395987

About Latin America, internet speed and access to computers were not so good during the 6th-gen, so people needed to rely on the gray market for that, which, on the other hand, mostly pirates what's popular, so it was hard to find anything besides bootleg PS2 games.

>> No.10395989
File: 779 KB, 2042x320, RE4 texture downgrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump the textures yourself and see. It takes five seconds.

>> No.10395995

gamecube one is literally more green. So far a lot more games have been listed that are better on PS2 than anything else.

>> No.10396002
File: 1.31 MB, 2239x1150, MDK 2 texture comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see would I rather play Viewtiful Joe, RE4, Super Monkey Ball or that shitty Spy Hunter reboot. That's a tough one.

>> No.10396004

Deferred rendering defers all lighting shading to the final phase, combining all the lighting calculation in a single pass. This makes multiple light sources far cheaper than forward rendering (which essentially had to calculate shaders for the entire screen for each light source).
What it doesn't do: Free non-visible texture from VRAM. Because it still needs to texture map everything.

>> No.10396008

Spy Hunter is a fantastic game and if you enjoy arcade games you'd have a great time with it, you just don't like that it's a good game on PS2 because playstation lives rent free in your head like the sega saturn. It's weird what you've chosen to hate but you're a nintendo fanboy, nothing about you is normal or sane. Hence why you're a chronically lying mid 40 year old dude.

>> No.10396014
File: 409 KB, 1243x608, SoF texture comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spy Hunter is a fantastic game
You are literally only saying this because it's one of the few multiplats that runs mildly better on PS2.

>> No.10396015

Now, that's a post! Thank you! From the looks of it, deferred rendering is better than the forward one? Normally, there's a trade-off between those approaches.

>> No.10396017

I'd prefer it if it ran better on the Xbox, but it sadly does not. I have all consoles from the generation, I am just not a chronic liar like yourself.

>> No.10396020

That's not what deferred rendering does. Why are you posting random lies?

>> No.10396025

He's lying to you.

>> No.10396040

Deferred rendering has performance problems with 2 areas: transparency effects and antialiasing. Both stemming from the fact that it calculates geometry before trying to see which objects will be on-screen. And therefore doesn't know which object would be behind a transparent object (transparency) or which edge would be visible or not visible (antialiasing). There are ways around this, and modern hardware has enough horsepower to brute force through, but if your game design revolves around a singular light source and a lot of glass or transparent objects, forward rendering might be the way.

>> No.10396042


>> No.10396046
File: 2.66 MB, 2616x784, Heroes comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have all consoles from the generation
It's not like they're expensive.

>> No.10396130

From what I remember, DOA2 got a rushed PS2 port and then was later fixed in a rerelease.

We only ever got the rerelease in the US.

>> No.10396186

Thanks. But I thought one of Dreamcast's strengths was the transparency effects. How could it be a strength, if deferred rendering has trouble with it?

>> No.10396209

Remember the part about workarounds to the transparency problem? Dreamcast has a workaround built into the hardware.

>> No.10396239

Stop replying to yourself. The IP counter hasn't gone up. We know it's you.

>> No.10396246

Dreamcast doesn't do deferred rendering. It's a technique which was first used in that shrek game for the xbox, which is way past the DC's launch date.

>> No.10396274

shut your mouth filthy pleb

>> No.10396276

Most games that generation do not do it, really you just had to handle renderware well to get by that generation, dreamcast sadly did not.

>> No.10396319

>Sega was a BIG spender. They were notorious back in the day for recklessly throwing around huge amounts of cash on everything. This was Sega's reputation in the industry during the 80s to mid 90s. This was OK during their peak, but not when they were underdogs against Sony later on.
That's exactly my point though. They were able to throw money around because they dominated the arcade industry and were also willing to overspend to force themselves into the market. Like anything else, if you pay enough money then you'll gain traction for at least a little bit. But that's part of the illusion. Sega never had it together. They made big investments and got lucky one or two times but they couldn't ride that forever. They were basically running an 18 year long side hustle while things were going well for them at their real job but never really making real money at that side hustle. People point at the 32X as where it all went wrong but the truth is that it never had a chance to go wrong because it never really went right. There was never a point where the console division wasn't on borrowed time.

>> No.10396324

too outclassed
great textures but dreamcast games are too low poly

>> No.10396325

Do you have a link to that Namco interview? I'm interested in reading more.

>> No.10396334

>Dreamcast doesn't do deferred rendering.
Yes it does. It's literally part of the design.

Why do you make up lies that are easily defeated with a simple Google search.

>> No.10396350

Why do people do this? A thread with 460 posts and they're looking at IP count as if that proves anything. As if it's 400+ unique individuals in here, posting once and only once. And, no, I'm not him. Just someone who also doesn't have his posts increase the IP count because like everyone else I've been frequenting the thread.

>> No.10396365

>Thread about Dreamcast
>dominated by a dozen of obsessed cunts trying to prove that Xbox, GC and even the Dreamcast are better than the PS2.
Rent free forever is your heads.

>> No.10396376

where the fuck is this "IP counter" you speak of?

>> No.10396406
File: 276 KB, 1154x780, 1674619551429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sega arcades and main consoles made money for Sega. But it has nothing to do arcades or consoles. The problem with Sega is they were spending way TOO MUCH money overall. Everywhere. Across the board. They were blowing money on projects that didn't turn a real profit.

Sega did NOT need to make the Sega CD, the Sega 32x, the Sega Nomad, or the Sega Mega Jet.
And the Sega Saturn was not financially efficient. Too costly to make and questionable design. It needed to be sent back to the drawing board. I mean come on...TWO Hitachi chips per console? That couldn't have been cheap.

(I still secretly think Saturn was a money making scheme for Hitachi. It would surprise me if there was some shady business going on there between Sega and Hitachi)

Sega as a company was spending way more than they were taking in. And that includes all branches. America, Japan, Europe, other small offices, etc. If Sega was just a little more wiser with their money, then they would have survived and lasted as a console manufacturer.

Sorry I don't have it in front of me. But I can talk about a several key points. It was about former Namco staff talking about their rivalry with Sega. And how in the 1980s and early 90s it was very bitter. One of the points mentioned was the arcade battle. Namco would make an arcade machine. Then Sega would copy Namco design and make it better or bigger. Then Namco would respond and outdo Sega. Several arcade machines got mentioned like Ridge Racer Full Scale (pic related) and Galaxian 3.

Other stuff included theme parks. Namco would open their own theme parks. Then Sega would spend millions and do the same. Namco would open a chain of Arcades. Then Sega would do the same. Namco almost made their own console too.

The cycle would continue back and forth each spending more money trying to outshine eachother.

Namco Executives realized after 15 years that it was a no win situation and scaled back their spending. Sega did not.

>> No.10396420

>I still secretly think Saturn was a money making scheme for Hitachi.
The American-designed 32X also independently came up with 2 SH-2, so maybe it's just Sega being retarded and Hitachi happily supplying a customer with the gun to shoot themselves in the foot financially.

>> No.10396429

>Too costly to make and questionable design.

The Saturn is interesting because it's really emblematic of how uncoordinated Sega was in the 90s.

It was meant to be a 2D machine at first, with 3D tacked on later in it's development. This made a really awkward machine to work with for developers and from a production perspective, something that was not as streamlined as the playstation.

>> No.10396442

Concessions like what. If you can run Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Crazy Taxi like dreamcast did you can run GTA3 to a pretty high standard even if some concessions are made.

>> No.10396450

Don't forget the giant cartridge slot in the back.

At first, many people thought it was a Genesis cartridge slot.

>> No.10396550

At best i feel like it could "keep up" with the others for like 1-2 years tops.

>> No.10396687

The Hitachi CPUs were fast and cheap, that's why Sega both Japan chose them for the Saturn/DC and the Americans for the 32X, no clue why everyone is so obsessed with them as a whole when all developers were satisfied with their performance across the board.

>> No.10396710

it DID complete against them and Sega got their shit pushed in so hard that they're still spreading their cheeks for Nintendo and Sony to this very day

>> No.10396963

Those games aren’t at all comparable to GTA3’s sandbox open world. Everything would have to be scaled back and simplified in order to run on Dreamcast. It would be like the Wii versions of Call of Duty or Dead Rising compared to PS3/360. Barely the same game.

>> No.10396998
File: 37 KB, 600x423, boat_hueg_11_11_1_1111_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't remember

>> No.10397054

The Dreamcast was a nice system technically, but Sega couldn't afford to go up against Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo at the same time in the 6th generation. Remember, Microsoft was selling Xboxes at a loss.

>> No.10397103

>It would be like the Wii versions of Call of Duty or Dead Rising compared to PS3/360. Barely the same game.
Stop lying. There's been several examples of dreamcast running more technical advanced games than gta3 in this thread. If graphics not being the very best is such an issue for you you wouldn't even bother with most console games and just play pc.

>> No.10397112

>Stop lying. There's been several examples of dreamcast running more technical advanced games than gta3 in this thread.

No there hasn’t.

>> No.10397127

I don't know why this topic seems to hinge on GTA3. Since when is that one game a requirement? The Gamecube never had GTA3 and that survived just fine. Let's stipulate that the Dreamcast couldn't do it...and?

>> No.10397131

Dreamcast diehards like >>10397103 appear to actually believe that the Dreamcast hardware was easily capable of handling essentially a 1:1 port of the PS2 version of the game, which is a completely ridiculous notion. That’s why this thread-long debate happened.

>> No.10397234

Dreamcast was a 90s machine that was built to handle games that had similar graphics to the original Half Life.
The Xbox was released half a generation later, was more powerful than the Nintendo Wii and could run Half Life 2. These consoles are nowhere near the same capability.
also lol at the Megahertz comparisons.

>> No.10397237

The pure amount of delusion that Dreamcast fans operate under is pretty astounding.

>> No.10397242

>inb4 someone makes a GTA3 homebrew that is almost 1:1 of the original and this debate rises again

>> No.10397247

It’s impossible to do on the actual Dreamcast hardware so we can rest easy.

>> No.10397250

>Let's stipulate that the Dreamcast couldn't do it...and?
It could do it with some changes and tweaks. It's not impossible.

>> No.10397253

People made Tomb Raider on the GBA work, i don't doubt nothing at this point.

>> No.10397254

Changes and tweaks that would make it a significant downgrade in every way. Like I said, Wii Dead Rising is about what you could expect.

>> No.10397258

Right, it’s a completely different game though. The TR GBA game is presented from an isometric perspective which is nothing like the console versions.

>> No.10397267

>It’s impossible to do on the actual Dreamcast hardware so we can rest easy.
You don't know anything about the homebrew scene. You don't even know anything about technical game development.

Whenever someone has asked you a specific technical question about Dreamcast that would prevent it from from running GTA3, you don't respond. Or you ignore the post and say something like:

"Lol Dreamcast is Gen 5.5"
"Ps2 is best"
"Xbox crushes Sega"
"you all deluded"

If you have no actual technical opinion to offer, then stop posting. The rest of us would like to have an adult conversation.

>> No.10397276

Oh sorry, you meant the homebrew port of Tomb Raider. I agree it’s impressive, but still a Dreamcast version of GTA3 would looks way more simplistic with a lot less going on at the same time.

>> No.10397281

I’ve never said it couldn’t run some version GTA3, I’ve just said that it would be a big downgrade graphically and in world complexity. You’d have to cut most of the radio stations too.

>> No.10397313

But could the DC handle max payne though?

>> No.10397330

A downgraded version probably. That’s what this whole argument has been about. Developers would have had to put in a lot of work in order to to get sixth gen games running at an acceptable level on Dreamcast. The Xbox received ports of stuff like MGS2 and Silent Hill 2 because the hardware was powerful enough to brute force it.

>> No.10397348

Dreamcast IS 6th Gen you dum dum. Stop.

>> No.10397351

>>I still secretly think Saturn was a money making scheme for Hitachi.

I remember reading a forum thread about this. There were some Hitachi and Sega execs who were buddy-buddy with each other which eventually lead to the use of the SH series in a lot of sega consoles.

But they weren't bad chips by any stretch. They were a standard RISC design at a time when there were a bunch of companies trying to compete with their own architecture. Sega just happened to choose Hitachi's.

>> No.10397357

It launched in 1998 and even if Sega had continued supporting it, it would’ve reached the limits of what was graphically possible when the real sixth gen systems were hitting their stride.

>> No.10397363

>You’d have to cut most of the radio stations too.
What a bizzarre claim. Prove it.

>I’ve just said that it would be a big downgrade graphically
The issue isn't graphics quality. GTA3 was never impressive in that regard. The issue was the open world, and the amount of things happening on screen. That can be adjusted to fit Dreamcast hardware. Either reducing the draw distance or several other changes. Moderate changes at best.

Besides on paper, PS2 at best was only around 25% better than Dreamcast in terms of polygon count anyway. And not all games even pushed the PS2 to the limit of polygons anyway. Most games were well below that. And the PC releases were far superior.

>> No.10397370

>That can be adjusted to fit Dreamcast hardware. Either reducing the draw distance or several other changes. Moderate changes at best.

Like I said, a significant downgrade in every way. Fewer on screen cars, NPCs, more simplistic environments, everything would have to be scaled back.

>> No.10397384

>Like I said, a significant downgrade in every way.
Not every way.

>everything would have to be scaled back.
Not everything. And this your problem. You don't know specifics and just make general far reaching statements.

Your posts sound like this:
"yeah dreamcast would totally be worse and stuff. Everything would like suck."

Give us something more Mr. Obvious. Do you have anything *specific* you want to say about the hardware? You sound like an audio file on loop.

>> No.10397392

At least we’re finally in agreement that a Dreamcast version would be overall worse. A port like that would only be worth playing if that was your only option.

>> No.10397406

>At least we’re finally in agreement that a Dreamcast version would be overall worse.
Not really. They could probably make the Dreamcast version without a significant noticeable drop in quality. There are clever ways of doing it. The average gamer back then probably wouldn't notice the differences.

>> No.10397420

The conclusion to this thread is that the Gamecube was the superior 6th gen console. Thank you.

>> No.10397421

Well let me put it this way: Even if Sega had continued supporting the Dreamcast and if they could have convinced third party devs to port games to it, the Dreamcast would get the worst version of any multiplat release. If that’s your only option fine, but you’d be better off saving up for one of the newer consoles.

>> No.10397468

GTA 3 fits on one single CD-ROM when you delete all the redundant and fluff files. So yes Dreamcast could run it without problems with the GD-ROM.

Dreamcast version would have less polygons on screen. But on the flip side, Dreamcast would have better higher quality textures because it has much more V-Ram than PS2. And Dreamcast has much better Anti-Aliasing options via super sampling compared to PS2. So Dreamcast would have less jaggies on their models than PS2. T

To make GTA 3 work, Dreamcast might have less draw distance due to less polygons, BUT their textures and visuals would look better than PS2. Probably closer to the PC version. So Dreamcast does have some advantages.

>> No.10397474

I’ll grant you GTA3 just for the sake of this thread ending, but the GTA games got progressively more advanced on PS2. San Andreas would cripple the poor Dreamcast.

>> No.10397492

Awesome, completely miss the point of the post you just replied to.

>> No.10397517

San Andreas came out in 2004. Dreamcast would be six years old at that point. The Xbox 360 came out the following year and the Wii the year after. If we grant that 2004 games are where the Dreamcast would absolutely shit the bed, I'd say that still counts as "competing" for the purpose of the topic since by then you'd expect a new console.

>> No.10397524

One other major issue with porting GTA3 to Dreamcast isn’t the GD-ROM space but rather the speed of the drive, right? The PS2’s DVD drive was quite a bit faster than what the Dreamcast had. I suspect loading times would be a big obstacle to overcome.

>> No.10397548
File: 224 KB, 720x1429, 20231110_154528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just play the best version bro
I said it eadlier but in case you missed it Gta3 took 2+ years to be released on Xbox.

>> No.10397556

Yeah, I know. That means it’s extremely unlikely that GTA3 would’ve ended up on the beleaguered Dreamcast in any form. We’re just spitballing here.

>> No.10397582

Anyone with technical knowledge have an answer to this?

>> No.10397610

The speed of the drive isn't an issue. The Dreamcast just had a rather "loud" drive. So it would be on the louder side when loading GTA 3. Some people might dislike that. If you remember playing games like Crazy Taxi, then it would be about the same when loading GTA 3 city data.

>> No.10397615

San Andreas just added more stuff happening on screen at the same time. It wasn't a huge leap in graphics. Just more stuff happening at once.

>> No.10397620

Yeah, but weren’t the radio stations loaded on the fly for example? I’d imagine on Dreamcast you’d get a much longer loading pause each time you changed the station.

>> No.10397631

Well, yeah. That’s what I’m saying. The Dreamcast’s upper limits would’ve been reached by 2002 or 2003 if we’re being generous. Developers were just starting to really cook with the newer consoles around that time and began producing really graphically impressive games that the Dreamcast hardware couldn’t keep up with.

>> No.10397647

Considering Sega's history with making new hardware, I could see Sega releasing a "Dreamcast Slim" a few years after the original Dreamcast. Something to counter the PS2 slim.

Maybe even with some performance updates to handle any concerns of the older Dreamcast. Perhaps a quieter and faster disc drive. Maybe even adding the option to add a Sega hard drive attachment. SNK did the same with the Neo Geo CD.

>> No.10397649

You are retarded, the reason they wanted to buy game companies is so they could have games for the Xbox without them making them

>> No.10397661

>That means it’s extremely unlikely that GTA3 would’ve ended up on the beleaguered Dreamcast in any form
Because it was released late on Xbox? No clue how you've come to that conclusion. It more than likely would have released around the same time as ps2.

>> No.10397665

No, that’s not the case. You’re entirely changing the argument here. This whole thread we’ve been talking about a port from PS2(the lead platform) to Dreamcast. Why in the world would Rockstar choose to port it over to Dreamcast first?

>> No.10397668

>So basically useless?

Having additional internal storage with Windows CE pre-installed would have also helped a lot. But Windows CE does have store itself in the system memory, and that does eat up resources, so additional memory for Windows CE could have been a plus for performance. Even 8MB. Windows CE was great for old embedded and mid-late 90's era pocket PC devices. It ran as the backend for many DC games , and gave out some questionable performance. But was functional. Super Runabout is running on Windows CE:


Not bad for a large open world-ish type game.
Wild Metal:

Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6:
Basically a port of the PC game using WinCE

Armada uses WinCE:

Both Tomb Raider games are Wiindows ports:

Railroad Tycoon 2:

4x4 Evo, which has an ass framerate, but is running on WinCE:

The awful Spirit of Speed, which had its source code leaked last year. It's a Windows CE game.


There's a lot of DC games that use Windows CE. It was a quick and dirty way to get Windows ports on the console, and I think there are examples when it does work pretty well. The Windows development environment also made it ideal for smaller devs, but the trade off probably was the additional memory the the API's used which did hinder performance. Truly a fascinating idea to team up with Microsoft. The Xbox has all of its DirtectX libraries in the kernel, or stored on the system. While the DC had to stream it from the GDROM.

>> No.10397669

>You are retarded, the reason they wanted to buy game companies is so they could have games for the Xbox

1. Buys Nintendo for billions
2. Spending hundreds of millions making Xbox anyway

Yeah no. Your logic is awful anon.

>> No.10397681

Why would Microsoft spend billions buying Sega or Nintendo but NOT rely on their consoles? Microsoft was a software company first. Not a hardware company.

>> No.10397690

Because that's the original system it was designed for before dreamcast was scrapped.

>> No.10397693

>This whole thread we’ve been talking about a port from PS2(the lead platform) to Dreamcast
PS2 was the most popular platform but it was not the lead powerful platform. That goes to PCs. And if that doesn't count then Xbox.

>> No.10397708

Different anon here. I think the console wars got ruined once giant hardware manufacturers got involved. Before hardware manufacturers got involved, it was a careful balance of hardware and good games. All while trying to sell it at a reasonable price.

Once Sony joined, things got boring. Sony just threw money at the Playstation and sold it for a huge loss as long as it meant it beat Sega and Nintendo. Oh were losing $50 dollars per console sold? Who gives a shit? I just made $5 billion selling Sony Trinitron TVs and another $3 billion selling Sony stereo equipment. I can't afford $100 million in losses to Nintendo and Sega.

>> No.10397716

You’re getting into alternate reality territory here. Rockstar moved development over to PS2 well before Sega announced the Dreamcast’s discontinuation.

>> No.10397717

I meant that PS2 was the lead development platform for GTA3.

>> No.10397727

No they didn't.

>> No.10397736

Gonna need a sauce on that. I have a very hard time believing that they scrapped the original build, moved over to a completely different console with wildly different architecture and had the game completed in time for the fall 2001 release date.

>> No.10397740

>Gonna need a sauce on that.
You are the one who needs provide a source. You made the claim. So show us.

>> No.10397748

I guess I don’t have one other than what the Wikipedia entry states, but neither do you so guess we’re at a stalemate. The development timeline seems pretty murky.

>> No.10397750

>It was a quick and dirty way to get Windows ports on the console
This wasn't nearly as quick and easy as youtube told you. The results were slow boated garbage.

>> No.10397780

Or maybe they could release it in such a fast timeline because the Dreamcast was closer in performance to PS2 than you want to admit. And porting it over to PS2 was easier and faster than expected.

>> No.10397787

Everything I’ve read seems to indicate that the Dreamcast prototype was just that, a prototype. There’s no proof out there that development on Dreamcast got any further along than that before they moved over to PS2.

>> No.10397795


Yeah. The 3rd party Dreamcast devs developers back then didn't really know how optimize for Dreamcast in the early days. They tried to brute force their games to work using performance alone. Today we know. Dreamcast inside and out and can do things those devs never even bothered trying.

>> No.10397819

Then don't make any claims you can't prove.

>> No.10397823

Likewise to you. There is zero evidence to indicate the game was still in development for Dreamcast when it was discontinued at the beginning of 2001.

>> No.10397838

>This wasn't nearly as quick and easy as youtube told you. The results were slow boated garbage.

Dev time would be no different from any other Windows (CE) game. The developers who use it, are existentially just making Windows CE games targeted at DC hardware and specs. You could make an argument that Windows has always been bloated, any version. Windows performance always hinders on available memory. WindowsCE was borderline ideal for PC ports, as devs didn't have to rebuild their games from scratch for Sega's libraries. They could use the same tools as the PC game, but would have to make some modifications.

Nightmare Creatures II uses WinCE:

Hidden and Dangerous:

Worms Armageddon:

Virtua Cop 2 was basically a port of the PC game with updated textures and models, plus this version runs at 60fps:

>> No.10397879

>Likewise to you.
That's not how logic works. It's not my job to prove a negative. The person who makes the claim has to provide the evidence. You made the claim.

>> No.10397886

Actually you’re the one that first claimed GTA3 was "designed for Dreamcast" way back at the beginning of this thread. There is absolutely no evidence to support that it ever got past the prototype phase.

>> No.10397945

>Actually you’re the one that first claimed GTA3 was "designed for Dreamcast" way back at the beginning of this thread.
I didn't make the claim, but this fact true.

>There is absolutely no evidence to support that it ever got past the prototype phase.
All we know was that it was in development. That's it. This "prototype phase" crap is something you added.

>> No.10397961

I didn’t add that. The one and only known fact about GTA3 for Dreamcast is that Rockstar created a proof of concept prototype using DC hardware. There is literally zero evidence showing that there was ever any sort of alpha build made for the Dreamcast at all.

There most certainly isn’t any evidence that the game was in active development for Dreamcast all the way up until Sega announced they were leaving the console business in early 2001.

>> No.10397982

>There is literally zero evidence showing that there was ever any sort of alpha build made for the Dreamcast at all.
Here you go adding in your own opinions again. The truth is we don't know specifics. No information is available. It was in development for Dreamcast. That's all we know.
Stop trying to twist that into something in your favor.

>> No.10397991

If development for Dreamcast had gone any further than the earliest of stages, we’d know. There would be images and video floating around out there, especially if it was in development all the way up to the Dreamcast’s discontinuation like that other anon claimed.

All indicators point toward this prototype that’s never seen the light of day being the only GTA3 related thing that was made on Dreamcast hardware.

>> No.10398049

>If development for Dreamcast had gone any further than the earliest of stages, we’d know.
And what is the basis for this assumption?

>> No.10398054

>especially if it was in development all the way up to the Dreamcast’s discontinuation like that other anon claimed.

If this supposed Dreamcast version was so far along in development, why isn’t there a single shred of evidence out there to show for it?

>> No.10398110

>Dev time would be no different from any other Windows (CE) game.
That's one of the silliest claims I've seen here in quite a while. Do you imagine that every CE game takes the same amount of time to make or something?
>The developers who use it, are existentially just making Windows CE games targeted at DC hardware and specs.
You're existentially just making a fool of yourself Vizzini. And making a game "targeted at DC hardware" required a lot of extra work, largely negating any advantage of using CE. Failure to do that resulted in the slow bloated CE games on the platform are famous for.

>> No.10398172

You aren't answering my question. What is the evidence for your statement?

>> No.10398384

Tile-Based Deferred Rendering is not what is commonly known Deferred Rendering. It has more in common with the tile based rendering of mobile gpus.

>> No.10398465

Dreamcast could probably do it. It was affordable and Sega made really good games. Xbox only had Halo

>> No.10398632

The Dreamcast version of the game never existed, anon. No quick and easy port was ever forthcoming.

>> No.10398672

This thread is sort of interesting because looks like most stuff on this board will lead to marketing tier tech babble and shekels rather than gameplay/skill. When it comes to decent FGC players/Evo, essentially DC was the only one in use. Then you look at Nintendo hardware from that gen onwards and they're mostly absent from use regarding actual fighting games. Out of that span of over two decades only game that comes to mind is TvC, then the non fighting games that appeared were Mario Kart and Smash.

>> No.10398683

Okay, and? I don’t think anyone would argue that Dreamcast was a good console for fighting games, considering it was a NAOMI chipset in a small box. This thread is about whether the hardware could’ve kept up with the more powerful PS2/GC/Xbox if Sega had continued to support it past 2001.

>> No.10398685

I don’t think anyone would argue that Dreamcast wasn’t* a good console for fighting games.

>> No.10398696

It's a show of the markets as well. DC was the least attached to mindless button mashing, FMVs, dev budget out the ass, etc. Fighting games aren't the only sort of release that go absent from Nintendo also. At that point Nintendo isn't going to compare in any way, and what sells for whatever hardware matters less for "players" who buy FMVs.

>> No.10398701

FMVs etc*

>> No.10398712

Sure, but by the same token, the Dreamcast hardware wasn’t very well equipped to handle the types of larger scale action/adventure games that got popular in the early 00s, or large sandbox open worlds. No one will deny that the Dreamcast wasn’t a great choice for arcade fans. That’s was always Sega’s main strength.

>> No.10398713

>This thread is about whether the hardware could’ve kept up with the more powerful PS2/GC/Xbox if Sega had continued to support it past 2001.
What nonsense is this? The PS2 couldn't even keep up with Xbox in raw performance. It's a foolish question. The winner of a generation isn't the one the best hardware. It's the one who has the best Games and imagination. Sega is top tier when it comes to that.

It's why Nintendo Wii beat the Xbox 360 and PS3. It's why the Nintendo Switch is winning now having quadruple the number of sales compared to the other systems.

If Sega and Dreamcast had survived, then they would have had some amazing games. Power Stone 3, Crazy Taxi 4, maybe another Marvel VS Capcom, GTA 3 for Dreamcast, More Sonic. Ready to Rumble boxing 3, more Sports Games, etc.

>> No.10398720

The PS2 couldn’t keep up with the Xbox, but it was still a good deal more powerful than the Dreamcast. Past 2002 or so, developers would’ve either started to not even bother porting multiplats or the Dreamcast would’ve ended up in a position like the Wii getting heavily downgraded ports compared to the three main consoles.

>> No.10398747

>Past 2002 or so, developers would’ve either started to not even bother porting multiplats or the Dreamcast would’ve ended up in a position like the Wii getting heavily downgraded ports compared to the three main consoles.

Have you learned nothing from my post? It's not always graphics anymore. The Witcher 3 is running on the Nintendo Switch for crying out. It's about who has the best and most fun Games.

The PS2 was still getting downgraded ports when the PS3 was already out too.

>> No.10398749

Hell, the GameCube ended up getting a lot of gimped multiplats because devs couldn’t be bothered reworking games for the lower capacity discs so they just cut content and graphical effects.

>> No.10398751

Yes, but this thread is specifically about the Dreamcast trying to keep up with more powerful hardware if Sega hadn’t discontinued it. Best case scenario, they could have marketed it as a budget friendly console and reduced the price to match.

>> No.10398763

Why do you keep talking about The PS2 like it's hardware was impressive? It was one of the lowest powered hardware of the generation. Barely above Dreamcast in raw performance. Only the DVD drive was impressive. Gamecube and Xbox have far greater graphics hardware than the PS2.

>> No.10398767

You can look at raw performance all you want, but once devs got a firm grasp on the PS2 hardware, it could do things well beyond what the Dreamcast was feasibly capable of. It was newer, more powerful hardware, plain and simple.

>> No.10398783

>It was newer, more powerful hardware, plain and simple
Stop exaggerating. PS2 was about 20% more powerful than Dreamcast in raw performance. But Dreamcast still had other advantages like more VRAM and better Anti-Aliasing than PS2.

>> No.10398784

Also, I’m not sure there was really that much untapped potential left in the Dreamcast hardware anyway. Shenmue and Shenmue II were some of the most graphically advanced games on the system and the frame rate tended to take a major dive in more heavily populated areas, all of which were way less complex than something like GTA.

>> No.10398786

My point is it would be ludicrous to believe that the Dreamcast hardware was even remotely capable of running later generation games like Snake Eater, Silent Hill 3 or San Andreas. Like I said, it maybe could’ve kept up till around 2003 at the latest.

>> No.10398798

>My point is it would be ludicrous to believe that the Dreamcast hardware was even remotely capable of running...
Stop with these generalities and overly broad statements. Can you actually present some actual evidence or even a theory based on the DC hardware? What is it about those games that make it impossible to run on Dreamcast? If you want to have a technical discussion, then BE technical.

>> No.10398805

Oh and don't come at me with more dumb statementa like answering a my question with another question.

I swear you better not say anything like, "YoU doNt expect DreaMcasT to ruN <insert game here> do YoUuuuuU?"

>> No.10398817
File: 808 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, for starters, the PlayStation 2’s Emotion Engine was a newer and significantly more powerful GPU than what the Dreamcast was equipped with. It was capable of producing more detailed character models and environments. Show me literally any Dreamcast game with in-game character models that look even close to this.

>> No.10398837

Why are you using a screencap from a PS2 emulator? PS2 can't do HD 1080p. Hell it can't even do 480p. It does 480i

>> No.10398846


There you go. Even at 480i on an 00s era CRT, SH3 has way more detailed character models than the Dreamcast’s aging NEC GPU was capable of producing.

>> No.10398874
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d like to add that one of the Dreamcast’s biggest strengths was covering up the relatively low poly characters with sharp, pleasant looking textures, so it’s easier to overlook the lack of detail. Others itt have compared the DC hardware to a super powerful N64 and I would agree.

>> No.10398886
File: 321 KB, 1869x1080, 1690685108524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. DC had some better looking visuals.

>> No.10398894
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>> No.10398895

The Dreamcast port of Quake III is awesome for sure, but nowhere near the same level as a Silent Hill 3 or Snake Eater.

>> No.10398907
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>> No.10398908

None of this refutes my assertion that the Dreamcast would’ve been left in the dust by 2002. These are all lazy early ports.

>> No.10398914
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>> No.10398915
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They would have kept going with outrun 2, house of the dead 3, panzer dragoon orta and so on. They had a lot of steam and you've never provided a single dreamcast multiplat that was a radically different game from the other 6th gen consoles.

>> No.10398920
File: 265 KB, 1858x1080, 1674453831374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10398921

>you've never provided a single dreamcast multiplat that was a radically different game from the other 6th gen consoles.

That’s because Dreamcast multiplat releases were primarily fifth gen, not sixth. The Dreamcast smoked the fifth gen consoles, but quickly would’ve fallen behind when trying to approximate big name sixth gen multiplats.

>> No.10398925

>That's one of the silliest claims I've seen here in quite a while. Do you imagine that every CE game takes the same amount of time to make or something?

Well, OK, there is no time table on how long it would take to make a Windows game. What I mean is, devs who are already familiar with the Windows environment and using software like Visual Studio, could probably make a game faster than having to learn how to use Sega's libraries and tools, and having to re-write/ compile things to run on the DC hardware. The MS Direct libraries allows WindowsCE to connect directly to the DC hardware. But the developers do have to go through the game and still make modifications in textures/ polycounts, the lack of a dedicated harddrive for caching, etc.


>required a lot of extra work, largely negating any advantage of using CE. Failure to do that resulted in the slow bloated CE games on the platform are famous for.

Less work than having to rebuild the entire game from scratch. Or re-writing/ compiling the source code to run directly on the DC hardware. The downside to WindowsCE is that the extraction layers use more RAM and can hinder performance.

>> No.10398935
File: 369 KB, 1906x1080, 1681981229315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love the sharp look of the Dreamcast.

>> No.10398938

The textures and vibrant colors were most definitely one of its biggest strengths. There’s a reason Sega blue skies became a thing.

>> No.10398941

Maybe, but those games all would’ve looked like crap on the aging Dreamcast hardware compared to Orta’s graphical showcase on the Xbox.

>> No.10398985
File: 187 KB, 1896x1080, 1669114434512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just so much crisper on Dreamcast. Even if PS2 can supposedly push more polygons on the screen, the Dreamcast makes the polygons it does have...better looking.

>> No.10399039

I think if Sega had continued to support the Dreamcast, it would’ve been a similar situation as Nintendo with the N64. Third party devs would steadily drop out to work on the newest consoles leaving Sega to have to keep it going with first party stuff.

>> No.10399046

I don't really see a massive difference during the 6th generation. DC/PS2/GC all look about the same to me. If DC stuck around longer then I could imagine devs making DC's later games look better too. Maybe not quite as a good as GC but I can't imagine it would be more than like a 15% difference in my eyes if I cared enough to compare side by side. Not enough to wow me. Power Stone is just as fun to me as Smash Brothers. The fun factor is just as important too.

Only the Xbox and PC are the ones that stand out to in terms of graphics. But those have always been better IIRC.

>> No.10399052

I mostly agree, but PS2 and GameCube got some really impressive looking games a little later on. I can’t imagine the Dreamcast being able to match the graphics in something like Metroid Prime or Snake Eater.

>> No.10399338

>another batch of direct ports comparisons
Dreamcast defenders can't thinking outside their fanboy state.

These images only proves one thing: since the Dreamcast was a sinking ship and no one would buy games for this console, most developers decided to port their games as quickly as possible to the PS2 to avoid further financial losses.
All of these games are pitiful looking compared to real 6th gen games releases when the Dreamcast wasn't involved. RE Remake, Halo, Gran Turismo 3 and Silent Hill 2 are some examples.

>> No.10399365

It depends on what you ask it to do. In terms of pure "graphics" the Dreamcast can hang simply thanks to the comparatively high VRAM and high res textures. High poly count isn't strictly required for good visuals. Its games where high poly count is absolutely required, such as sandbox games where a shit ton of pedestrians and vehicles need to be on screen at once where the Dreamcast would suffer. But that's only one genre.

>> No.10399521

That’s not the whole story. The limited GD-ROM capacity and late 90s era disc drive speed would’ve rapidly become a hindrance for the Dreamcast. There’s no getting around the fact that it was a console that launched in 1998, only two years after the N64.