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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10384253 No.10384253 [Reply] [Original]

Which N64 games did you grow up with?

>> No.10384259

The same dozen or so as everyone else is the actual answer.

>> No.10384261

MK64, Bomberman 64, GoldenEye, later Goemon, Mario 64, Mischief Makers, Perfect Dark and Banjo

Good times

>> No.10384264

mario 64
mario kart
blast corps
star fox
pilot wings

>> No.10384267

This. N64 didn't have molasses of shovelware garbage like PS1. All the masterpieces were out there

>> No.10384268

>All of them suffer from greasy grips and broken control sticks within days because of stupid kids
Boy, was this a mistake.

>> No.10384269

My favourite N64 game was Yoshi's Story, but I lie and tell everyone it was Zelda.

>> No.10384270
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only this

>> No.10384278

Nah you didn't play International Track & Field 2000, Goemon's Great Adventure, Dezaemon, Rocket, South Park Chef's Luv Shack and Custom Robo

>> No.10384282
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fixed your image you're welcome phoneposter

>> No.10384283


>> No.10384286

Thankfully not for most of those.

>> No.10384292

Nword and semihumanoids from the islamic gypsy world people ruined it

>> No.10384297

Mario kart
Super mario 64
Golden Eye
Perfect Dark
Ocarina of Time
Majoras Mask
Wave Race
Lylat Wars
Banjo Kazooie
Rush 2 Extreme Racing USA
Mario Tennis
Mario Party

>> No.10384328

All of those are great if you have a friend

>> No.10384338

besides the bog standard Nintendo stuff it was
>Lego Racers
>Star Wars episode 1 podracing
>Pokemon Stadium
>borrowing a copy of Goldeneye and Banjo Kazooie from a neighbor for the weekend
>briefly playing the intro to Conker's bad fur day at a birthday party

>> No.10384418

Nothing to be ashamed of. Yoshi’s Story had really neat art style and the soundtrack was great too.


>> No.10384424

None. I was older than you are now when it was released. My kids, grew up with all the games.

>> No.10384445

Based literal boomer.

>> No.10384838

Black kids would destroy these.

>> No.10384851
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Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
Star Fox 64
Rayman 2
Yoshi's Story
Mischief Makers
Top Gear Rally
Goemon's Great Adventure
Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2
Pokemon Puzzle League
Conker's BFD
Fifa 98
Smash 64
Wrestlemania 2000
Rainbow Six

>> No.10384852

Why does OP think that everyone is the same age as him?

>> No.10384867

>My Faves/Most Hours
Mario 64
Mario Kart
Diddy Kong Racing
Star Fox
Pokemon Stadium 1-2
Yoshi's Story
Super Smash Bros.
WCW vs. NWO World Tour/Revenge
Rampage World Tour/Universal Tour
Command and Conquer
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Star Wars Pod Racer

>My Frequently Played
Mario Tennis
Mario Golf
Mario Party 1-3
Pokemon Snap
Paper Mario
Kirby and the Crystal Shards
Perfect Dark
Army Men Sarge's Heroes
Bomberman 64
Blast Corps
Star Wars Battle for Naboo

>Got stuck on early on and just quit
Donkey Kong 64
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Turok Dinosaur Hunter
Jetforce Gemini

>Rented and liked but never got around to getting
Pilotwings 64
1080 Snowboarding
Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Buck Bumble
Army Men Air Combat
Space Station Silicon Valley
Mystical Ninja Goemon
Harvest Moon 64
Mischief Makers
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Duke Nukem 64
Worms Armageddon
Dr. Mario 64
Clay Fighters
Earthworm Jim 3D
Batman Beyond Return of the Joker

>Played once then dropped
Waverider 64
South Park
Tonic Trouble
Quest 64

still my favorite and probably most-played console. Don't get why normies seethe over it.

>> No.10384932

What was the quality of those analogue sticks after a while?

>> No.10384936
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>> No.10384949

Outside of the first party/rareware stuff:
SBK 1+2
Namco Collection
Megaman 64
South Park
all the Star Wars and wrestling games
Fighter's Destiny
Hoverbike games
Vigilante 8
The RC car game

I didn't think a single one of these were anything other than a great time. The only games that disappointed me were Chameleon Twist and Rugrats

>> No.10384979

man get this:
- smash bros
- jet force gemini
- pokemon stadium
thats it! isn't that wild? no mario, no mario kart, no zelda, no mario party, no donkey kong, no banjo. Didn't have internet or friends. I thought n64 just kinda sucked. Played smash bros single player campaign like a million times.

>> No.10384982

Imagine the disgusting sticky, greasy, snot and faeces encrusted controllers.

>> No.10385059
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Super Mario 64
Wave Race 64
Mario Party
Super Smash Bros.
Donkey Kong 64
Tom and Jerry Fists of Fury

My cousin also had F-Zero X, Mischief Makers, Pokemon Stadium, and Pokemon Snap, which were pheonomenal. I really liked Pokemon Stadium's party mode.

>> No.10385061

brown people took this from us

>> No.10385067
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Somehow I forgot California Speed, been listening to the OST lately and it's still great. I also remember going to McDonald's and playing Mario Party 3 there, it was fun

>> No.10385114


Ahhh, McD N64 kiosks aka the fitlhiest thing in the universe. Germsharing hubs.
Which was good, built kids' immune system.

>> No.10385118

Super Smash Bros
Diddy Kong Racing
Mario Kart 64
Kirby 64
Mario Party 2
Star Fox 64

>> No.10385136

Just not on their own

>> No.10385160

Not him but Dezaemon looks pretty cool actually. Arguably better than Radiant Silvergun

>> No.10385241

Fairy Racing 64 was such a great hidden gem, I sunk hundreds of hours into it with my autistic friend in high school.

>> No.10385296
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This was the first game system I ever played! Mario Kart 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time, GoldenEye, and Paper Mario were the ones I spent the most time playing. I also had Castlevania and Goemon's Great Adventure, however I couldn't get very far because I didn't have a memory card at the time. I recently learned that the Japanese versions of those games featured on cartridge saving like any other N64 game. So, 8 year old me would like to say "fuck you" to Konami.

>> No.10385297

I have no idea what OP thinks. I figured he was too young to have had an N64 and was asking what people played.
But yeah, I do notice a strange trend with today's youngins of being shockingly ignorant of the fact that the world existed before they graced it with their presence.

>> No.10385330

>peak of humanity
Looks a lot more like child cruelty to me. Socrates was killed for much less. N64 sucks.

>> No.10385339

>your favorite console
Well, I guess you must like sucking cocks too.

>> No.10385354

Funnily enough despite being an N64 kid, I never owned SM64 and only really played it much later in my life.
I own:
>Zelda: OoT
>Zelda: MM
>Banjo Kazooie
>Banjo Tooie
>Episode I: Racer
>Shadows of the Empire
>Wave Race
>1080 Snowboarding
>FIFA 99
Didnt own, but also played a lot with my friends
>Mario Tennis
>Jet Force Gemini
>Turok 2
Games I owned, but I hated:
>Indiana Jones and The Infernal Machine
Jank ass piece of shit game.
>Pokémon Stadium
Only ever played the minigames with my little brother.

>> No.10385402


>> No.10385424

Didn’t have one growing up (born in late 90’s), but some neighbors and some family members had one.
Remember playing Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart 64, Namco Museum 64, Donkey Kong 64, and Midway’s Greatest Hits.
I did have some N64 games on Wii as well, so played Kirby 64 and Paper Mario that way. Also have Super Mario 64 via the Super Mario 3D All Stars collection.
Tempted to get the Extension for Nintendo Switch to play games like Banjo Kazooie.

>> No.10385434

It’s a pretty safe assumption that there are very few 60+ year old anons on this board. Most of the oldest posters on /vr/ were born in the early to mid-80s.

>> No.10385436

Then why do you punctuate like a zoomtard

>> No.10385648

Harvest Moon 64 and Ogre Battle 64 were landmark N64 games from when I was a kid.

>> No.10385654

But the N64 has about a dozen games worth playing, the rest ARE shovelware or just copycats of the more popular ones.

>> No.10385656

This. What a terrible piece of shit the N64 was. Games have never been more of a child's toy then when played with Fisher-Price My First Gamepad.

>> No.10385657

Klonoa. Door to Phantomile

Spyro 1 & 2.

>> No.10385668

I had a nice little set. Smash, oot, 007, tetrisphere, sm64, hybrid heaven, snap. I bought a lot of them myself from a pawn shop down the street. I remember I was 15 or so and we were having a yardsale. I decided to sell my 64 because I didn't really play it and some Mexican kid begged his dad to get it for him but he didn't have enough money, so I made him a deal and im sure that kid had a shit ton of fun. I dont regret selling it at all, even if he ended up destroying it. He probably got some great memories from it and now I have an everdrive, so it's all good. Btw I sold it all to him for 15 dollars.

>> No.10385673

Hi zoomer. Just so you know, the PlayStation controller was mocked when it first came out because the buttons used childish shapes instead of letters.

>> No.10385687

Star wars shadow of the empire
Goldeneye 007
Zelda ocarina of time

>> No.10385791

mario, zelda, the list goes on

>> No.10385795

Yeah, ultra quest 64: the final countdown

>> No.10385830

The Rapierotonn NE version really was best

>> No.10385854

I'm still growing with the console, I didn't play every game but now I can. I still have the same feeling when I turn it on, it gets me so comfy on the inside. Recently I've been playing Castlevania 64 with my cousin, it's great.
It feels like some old school anime that was great but forgotten. 10/10 atmosphere, they don't make great games like C64 no more.

>> No.10386508

Lol, remember when stores had real n64s out in the open and you could play games on them? guess which minority ruined those.

>> No.10386536

You know walking into a thread where the list has in fact gone on, and making that comment, makes you look like a mong?

>> No.10386559

>yeah bro I just grew up with the entire catalogue of the system

>> No.10386586

Why were there N64 kiosks in public places when the Saturn destroyed it in every conceivable way?

>> No.10386606

Nope. He didn't mention Shadowgate 64.

>> No.10386685

>It’s a pretty safe assumption that any time age comes up on the /v/ annex some kid who never learned math is gonna cope
Why do you seethe about typos? You know this isn't facebook, right?

>> No.10386694
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Played all the hard hitters.

>Jet force gemini is my favorite on the system.
Other games i loved

>Banjo tooie
>Rocket robot on wheels
>starfox 64
>perfect dark
>Majora's mask
>Megaman 64
>Turok 2
>Star wars episode 1 racer
>Star wars battle for naboo
>Mario party 3
>Diddy kong racing
>Mario kart 64
>Mario 64

>> No.10386695

Whatever was new at the video store each friday night but I guess Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Turok and Mortal Kombat Trilogy were some of the games I played most as a young teenager

>> No.10388313
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These are the games I grew up with on my Nintendo 64, OP.
I remember my brother and I would play Perfect Dark for hours on end in the 'Combat Simulator', good times.

> 007 - The World is Not Enough
> Command and Conquer
> GoldenEye 007
> Mario Tennis
> Perfect Dark
> Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
> Star Fox 64
> Star Wars Episode 1 - Racer
> Star Wars - Rogue Squadron
> Turok - Dinosaur Hunter
> Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil
> Turok 3 - Shadows of Oblivion
> Turok - Rage Wars
> Winback - Covert Operations

>> No.10388624
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>> No.10388632

>No South Park
It is not a great FPS, but I had more fun with it than Daikatana.

>> No.10389607

WWF Warzone, THPS1, Gex 3, Mario Party, Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Stadium, and Pokemon Snap were all the games I owned as a kid. The only games I distinctly remember renting were Fighting Force and Spiderman.
I never played any of the famous stuff like Zelda or Super Mario 64 until way, way later.

>> No.10389629

Until a few months ago, the only N64 games I had beaten were OoT and Maroja's Mask, and I absolutely hate and despite the later.

We bought an N64 as teens with a friend but quickly sold it. We played some Smash Bros emulated though but I don't think we ever "beat" it, just played multiplayer.

Anyway, recently I played all 3 Turok, all 2 Castlevania, the 2 Goemon and Duke Nukem Zero Hour and I had a blast. I have a better opinion of the console now, thank god for emulation so I can turn off bilinear filtering and use a pad that's not completely dog shit though.

>> No.10389635


Perfect dark
WCw revenge
Mario kart 64

N64 was my first console but I only played super Mario 64 and Zelda this year

>> No.10390442
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Ooooh, I'm telling John Romero, Anon, and he's going to make you his bitch!

>> No.10390670

Fuck you nigger!!!

>> No.10392765
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>> No.10392814

>all the sticks gone or broken.

>> No.10395371
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>> No.10395376

I've never been to a McDonalds, do they really have shit like this set up?

>> No.10395380

Not anymore, but they used to at larger locations that had big kids’ play areas. All that has largely been eliminated.

>> No.10395392

Weird. I always assumed it was a low-budget option. Didn't expect it to have anything fancy.

>> No.10395397

Strange as it sounds, McDonald’s used to be a popular place for kids birthday parties. Of course now we live in a dystopian future where it’s all touchscreen ordering and barely any seating at your average location in 2023.

>> No.10395404

I've never been to any fast food place anywhere with touch screen ordering. I imagine this happened a lot after COVID?

>> No.10395418

Only Goldeneye. We'd rent it as a group of kids quite a few times with a console. I was kind of shocked by how popular N64 with people because nobody I knew grew up owned one. I played both Mario 64 and OoT as an adult and agree that I missed out.

>> No.10395419

Yeah, it’s really McDonald’s in particular. Every newly built location I’ve seen is very sparse inside with no real cashier counter. Just touchscreens and pay by card or Apple Pay or whatever.

>> No.10395673

>knew the game was called Trouble Makers
>felt weeb rage whenever someone would call it by its burger title
It was a dark time

>> No.10395785

played mario kart 64 at a friend's house one time, thought it was worse than crash team racing but still kinda okay

>> No.10397215
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It was pretty cool being a young guy back when the entire video game industry catered to young guys, I miss it

>> No.10397224

Mario 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Paper Mario (I played this one on emulators in the 2000's. Very buggy experience)