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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 121 KB, 256x374, Ffxboxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10387350 No.10387350 [Reply] [Original]

>looks like something you'd enjoy
>everyone says it's good
>but it just isn't fun or appealing beyond a winsome facade
What do you do in this situation?

>> No.10387353

Play Lost Odyssey for the 360 instead. It's what I wish FFX was rather than the slop that was released.

>> No.10387403

I wish there was an acceptable way to play it on PC

>> No.10387420

1 hour definitely is not enough, especially for a TBJRPGMBSE

give it 70 hours, then post again for advice

>> No.10387427

It almost never looks or feels like that boxart at all. A case of boxart being better than the game

>> No.10387432

It's a story focused game and doesn't really get challenging until the mid-point and even then it's brief encounters until you hit end/post game. If you aren't liking the story/characters it's not going to do anything for you.

>> No.10387493

FFX doesn't get good until you finally get 4 party members and get to use the swap button like 5 hours in

>> No.10387503

This game is... not good. I played the whole thing when it was new thinking "it has to get better now" but nope. It's shit right up to the retarded ending. Even the ball game is shit.

>> No.10387509

Pretty much this. The story can get convoluted at times, but the characters are the fun part of the ride. If you can't enjoy them, don't bother playing it because it's your standard JRPG otherwise. Only difference is the ATB system but if you're not a heavy JRPG combat enthusiast, it literally means nothing to you.

>> No.10387524
File: 18 KB, 220x287, nani.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone talking about FFX
What about the question?

>> No.10387530

I put maybe 30 hours in before dropping and I was bored to death the whole time.

>> No.10387539
File: 1.19 MB, 480x848, 1698981823158485.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, an hour should be plenty of time to capture your attention.

>> No.10387552

Im 2hrs in and I keep thinking "its just sins toxin, the game will get good soon" so far its false nostalgia for a game I never played when it was biiig. I do like the ongoing everyone prays to Football angle, kinda cute. I dont know I guess I got some toxins from sin.

>> No.10387572

Sin's toxins are just superstition in the game's world. Even Tidus starts feeling stupid for using it as an excuse all the time. It's just used to make it so Tidus doesn't look completely out of place while still giving the characters a reason to explain the world to the player. Not the best way to do it, but better than straight up amnesia.

>> No.10387860

>when the game has no hard mode

>> No.10387871
File: 26 KB, 534x403, IMG_2856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that blitzball intro doesn’t captivate you then your a brain dead retard.

>> No.10387873

>but muh cringy cutscenes I am so captivated
Average FF tard

>> No.10387879

>dumb fashion
>tropical setting
>odd ruins
Nah, the boxart is pretty much spot-on

>> No.10388016

I love /vr/ because I don't see so many Final Fag threads here. This series is the best example of emperor without clothes. So annoying

>> No.10388019

>>tropical setting
Cover makes it look like that's 80% the game but it's more like 20% if even

>> No.10388032

>zoomer who can't focus on turn based combat
>or coping millennial who missed the boat the first time

>> No.10388180

They're nothing alike and you unironically got filtered. FFX is a masterpiece that only brainlets and literal underages complain about.

>> No.10388183

Welcome to /vr/ where nobody plays games and everyone is a retarded contrarian that pretends to hate anything and everything mentioned.

>> No.10388186

Zoom zoom!

>> No.10388218

Okay dude...

>> No.10388223

>Self-imposed challenge chad

>> No.10388224

Just hide the fuking thread

>> No.10388225

>all games need to take place exclusively in the location on the cover

>> No.10388275
File: 2.11 MB, 318x238, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10388308

yes, very slow to take off

>> No.10388330

Go on then, hit me with the arbitrary reason you've come up with for why 4K/60fps on Xenia is unacceptable.

>> No.10388340

They were both turn-based JRPGs made by Sakaguchi. FFX is a turd, and LO is superior.

>> No.10388372

Game wasn't made for those settings so enjoy looking at DOGSHIT

>> No.10388385

It's finally perfectly playable from start to finish? What about other 360 games? And is it easy to set up and come by? Is there a compability list?

>> No.10388546
File: 2.74 MB, 2560x1440, LO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. It's been playable for a good while now. Use the Canary build.
Put this config file for the game in a folder called patches in the Xenia directory.
Edit it as you see fit. Resolution is changed via draw_resolution_scale_x and draw_resolution_scale_y in the main Xenia config file, which is in your Documents folder by default, or you can create an empty file called portable.txt in the Xenia folder to have it keep everything there. You can also set render_target_path_d3d12 = "rov" there, which was necessary to fix some graphical glitches last I checked.

As for other games, there are compatibility reports on Github, but interest in 360 emulation is low and the information is usually outdated. Xenia's a small and unloved project, but it plays Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, which covers the 360's entire library of worthwhile exclusives.

>> No.10388553

I wish the game was like the opening cut, I've tried to play X twice, the first time I got as far as them seeing Sin in the ocean, the second time I didn't get out of the starting city.
still, it's a great opening, but not the game you're playing.

>> No.10388724

An hour is certainly enough for an arcade game but it isn't really enough for a long RPG.
Games like Metal Slug and games like Final Fantasy require a different set of expectations. If I called Metal Slug a bad game because it lacked an emotionally moving narrative I would be rightly derided as an idiot for expecting the game to be something that it clearly isn't. The same is true of FFX; if you're surprised when it isn't fun yet at the one or even ten hour mark then you've expected it to be something it is not.
I probably started enjoying FFX about twenty hours into it. For many people that alone is enough for them to consider it a bad game, and those people should not play it. But FFX makes up for that by being very good in its later segments, and good in ways that a shorter, more immediately gratifying game can't really hope to be.
It's only really fair to judge something like a Final Fantasy game by the way it has made you feel when you've gotten all the way to the end. Anything before that is premature.
Starting an RPG often means committing to investing dozens or even hundreds of hours into a game that you may not end up enjoying. For a lot of people this will never make sense. That's okay. Not everyone has that much free time.
For the type of person who is willing to commit to that investment though, Final Fantasy X is a good RPG. The gameplay is challenging enough to be interesting while still offering the freedom to try lots of different strategies. Developing your characters feels like a fun puzzle that you solve through the whole course of the game. The story has weak and strong moments, but the strong moments are very strong. I'm not too proud to admit I teared up several times.
It's a good game, but you have to meet it on its level. If you already want to give up on it after the first hour it probably isn't for you.

>> No.10388729

no. play games you enjoy and see them through. dont bullshit yourself with semantics.

>> No.10390170

99% of games you can tell after 2 minutes if it's shit

>> No.10390192

I played Skyrim (first time a year or so ago) and only managed thru the first hour tutorial and never continued past that. Granted, another game I was waiting was just arriving and it was more interesting. I wonder when I'll finish Skyrim, it's one of the only physical games I have (on console) which I just gave up. Another one on PS2 is something like True Crime Streets of LA, it felt like GTA but considerably worse. Both of those games have been said to be excellent I guess.

>> No.10390195

Was the cat named Chad by any chance.

>> No.10390226

The age old mistake of posting an image more interesting than your post

>> No.10390324

She's 13

>> No.10391312


>> No.10391365

Of all FF I would say this is probably one of the quickest to get you interested in the world because it just throws you into Spira and you're as clueless as Tidus is

>> No.10391368

I keep going because I just paid 40-50 bucks for this PS2 game in the early to mid 2000s so damnit I'm going to get my money's worth.

>> No.10391391

ffx's box art isn't THAT interesting...

>> No.10391397

I remember getting this on release date, I think it was like a weekend or something, getting off school, then playing it all weekend and beating it that same weekend.

>> No.10391401

To me it is. I had a poster made to put it on my wall

>> No.10391631

I dont get how I ever had the literal time to do this stuff. I think iphones literally distract me from higher level distractions that require more focus. I used to be able to play minecraft, ff8, pokemon, gran turismo, mass effect for hours and hours in a matter of days.

>> No.10391874

>What do you do in this situation?
Make a thread of /vr/ obviously!

>> No.10391912
File: 392 KB, 642x505, frankensteinnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you do in this situation?
Quit the game literally forever because life is short, so I'm just playing good games or at least games so shitty that they're great for it, like Frankenstein The Monster Returns on the NES.

>> No.10391943

i only ever give up on a game if after 20 hours is still boring and or annoying, like when i gave up on ff6 and hollow knight

>> No.10391950

Yes, it's pretty well known that smart phones have shortened the average attention span.