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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 181 KB, 256x358, Kid_Chameleon_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10378845 No.10378845 [Reply] [Original]

Damn, this sucks. Why are westoids so bad at making platfomers?

>> No.10378858

arguably in the top 3 platformers of all time

>> No.10378865

busy making good genres of games instead of the video game equilivent of saturday morning cartoons

>> No.10378918
File: 1016 KB, 1600x900, jaklaunch-1512147488098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, I could have sworn the west was the undisputed leader of cereal mascot shovelware genre.

>> No.10378951

Have you played literally 3 platfomers in your life?

>> No.10378952

Did Japan even had boxed breakfast cereal back then?

>> No.10379000

Anything can be argued.

>> No.10379008
File: 33 KB, 366x720, 3mlh96jchp3a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid was too cool for me and i never finished the game

>> No.10379069

Get better taste. The game has a ton of levels filled with secrets and branching paths, a lot of transformation helmets, an excellent difficulty curve (starts simple and gets ball-bustingly hard at the end), and a gritty theme that's uncommon in platformers.
It's a must play for anyone who thinks they're hot shit at Mario-like games.

>> No.10379220

when did this stupidity start?

They eat corn flakes, oat cereal and all sorts of things, though they usually have them in bags. Japan isn't on another planet. They have mascots for everything in Japan.

>> No.10379224 [DELETED] 

Dilate please

>> No.10379251

It's an almost textbook example of westoid jank platformer: mazelike levels without any discernible flow, floaty jumps like you're on the moon, slippery physics for no reason, bloat of features that add little to nothing to the core gameplay... the only thing missing are the style over substance assets for platforms and backgrounds that make it difficult to understand where you're supposed to stand on, and since the game is pretty fucking ugly they probably just didn't have time to implement that. Oh and the music sucks ass too.

>> No.10379252
File: 36 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for an answer. My perception of breakfast cereal is heavily distorted because they appeared in Russia only around year 2000. I have no idea how widespread they were globally.

>> No.10379261
File: 36 KB, 630x630, 14160039_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its amazing how much the jason hockey mask trope has been used in 80s/90s vidya

>> No.10379284

>when did this stupidity start?
I think it was circa 2019 when women were called "femoids" and some woman started calling men "moids"

>> No.10379539

genesis was known for being more difficult compared to other consoles at the time

Edgier games too, in my opinion. Kinda nerdy but it was fun times as a kid because we weren't supposed to being seeing a lot of that stuff

>> No.10379924

>Why are westoids so bad at making platfomers?
Or any other genre?

>> No.10379959

Where exactly are yous from that you whine so much about the west? South America? Africa? Or are you just self hating rootless cucks?

>> No.10380041
File: 4 KB, 298x290, 1448111550624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it can't.

>> No.10380058

Hey they can at least make the great strategy games, that's about it.

>> No.10380063

The "west" is everything that isn't Japan, Korea and China don't matter btw.

>> No.10380072

well valve did some good shit for a long while at least, plus deus ex
also got a lot better later on with indie games

>> No.10380173

Not every Japanese platforming game is gold. There's Mario, and Kirby, and... what else? No one shuts up about how much Sonic sucks.

>> No.10380174
File: 55 KB, 270x369, Splatterhouse3-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing about these characters is how Jak clearly has idiotic spiked dreadlock/big palm leaf hair and giant rip off but failing at it Disney eyes/greylien eyes popularized by trash artists like Toriyama, god I hate the 00s.

The rat looks good, not a great leading mascot design looking like Sonic or Spyro but a decent rat for a sidekick level char.

Jason was majorly iconic.

>> No.10380176
File: 16 KB, 480x360, cleese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it can.

>> No.10380180

because there are a lot of Japanese with nothing better to do but post about "westoid"

>> No.10380184
File: 514 KB, 400x308, 1452744610328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kirby games gold
>sonic games bad

>> No.10380192

They live in the west, they're just weaboos.

>> No.10380198

The best platformer (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater) was made in the US.

>> No.10380207

I don't think you have to be a weeb to admit that japs are better at making videogames.

>> No.10380231

only weebs care about the east vs west crap.

>> No.10380242
File: 450 KB, 400x310, hethinksthathewon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10380252
File: 19 KB, 320x224, Image18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than any Mario by objective metrics.
>more levels
>more powerups, better powerups that are more interesting
>better enemy AI
>actually challenging
Those who are whinging about controls or "jank" never cleared Bloody Swamp, and it shows.

>> No.10380281

>Jason was
He still is. Everyone always knew what to expect with a Friday the 13th movie after the 3rd one. Honestly I think they should've kept making one every 2 years. Jason/Friday the 13th is like Classic Mega Man, you can't really do anything new with it, but people still love it and want more. If you do try something new, you get Jason X, which I think of as a horror comedy. Sure, MM11 had its gimmick, but I wouldn't want to see it return. Same with something like Jason X. Only brought up the Mega Man comparison to keep it /vr/ related btw.

>> No.10380307

Kid Chameleon is really good
>mazelike levels
op didn't play the game

>> No.10380321

Least delusional Segatard.

>> No.10380340
File: 4 KB, 320x224, Image1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never beat it, and quite frankly, you aren't even capable of beating it.

>> No.10380342
File: 21 KB, 320x180, tinytoonschainsaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course Jason will always be iconic on a level, as one of the big four classic slashers (Michael, Jason, Freddy, Chucky.....some people will say Leatherface instead of Chucky but I disagree, Texas Chainsaw just has a different vibe and unlike the others the original is by far the most famous while the others are better known as franchises)

Sadly though Jason has been in a bit of a rut, I'm pretty sure because of the movie rights being tied up in some mess. Though the semi-recent video games definitely helped keep his spirit alive in modern era. Either way there was certainly just a thing back in the day, the hockey mask was everywhere in homages and parodies. Also just to note, Jason went pretty off the rails even before Jason X, with becoming a demonic parasite worm, having a NYC adventure, etc

I'll never really understand the fanatic obsession with Mario to be honest, the games are obviously competently made and have an easy level of entry, but totally boring IMO. I've tried to go back to any 8 or 16 bit Mario just for nostalgia's sake but I never feel compelled to finish the games.

>> No.10380348
File: 171 KB, 960x672, hills of the warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image really scared me as a kid.
A lot of this game scared me as a kid. Maybe it wasn't the best game for a 6 year old.

>> No.10380476

Plays better than Mario world and has more interesting level design and power ups

>> No.10380667

You shouldn't eat too much of that stuff. Especially the sugar cereals. I only ever had the sugar cereals when visiting friends, as a child. It seems everyone but my family ate that stuff. Also it seems everyone is fat except my family. The odd proclivity of people eating sugar with every meal is probably part of why people are so fat and complacent.

>t. american

>> No.10380683

Still better than any jrpg.

>> No.10380685

>actually challenging
This kills the tendie.

>> No.10380691

You can eat whatever. I notice fatties are that way not because of their diets but because they drive everywhere and sit down endlessly.

>> No.10380725

Move over Mario

>> No.10380729

Police probably struggle stuffing your fat ass in the back seat

>> No.10380736

>*tips n64*

>> No.10380786

rent free

>> No.10380861

Some people have no concept of the word "moderation", this includes fatties and neurotic health nuts.

When I was a kid Flashback on Genesis scared me, I have no idea why really just that "uncanny valley" feeling

>> No.10381070

Even without the super 90s vector animation Flashback is a pretty damned spooky game, it's moody as fuck from start to finish

>> No.10381485

There is no western fighting game worth playing. Have the japs ever made a good FPS or RTS?

>> No.10381508

Compared to western games every japanese platformer is gold to be quite honest, you could say the same for action games of any kind, shmups, puzzle games, fighting games, even simulators since they often "spiced them up" to not make them boring as fuck, basically anything that is not an FPS or a strategy game. And even for strategy games i'd specify that the japanese rarely ever made RTS but they did have SRPGs and they were of comparable quality to western TRPGs, i still think the peak of that genre was the original XCOM but still.

>> No.10381535
File: 320 KB, 498x498, b799310d6744998173baf72235a3b9ec (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puzzle games
Tetris is the GOAT
Battletoads and DKC are better than all NES and SNES platformers. Western games are also superior when it comes to animation.

>> No.10381547

It's funny, people always complain about MK not being "le deep" enough but you know most people spouting this shit don't play fighting games beyond a very casual level anyway, it literally doesn't matter for the level most people play at but everyone LARPs as a "pro"

>> No.10381552

The vast majority of Tetris games were made by japanese companies

>Western games are also superior when it comes to animation

Wut? During the times when 2D was all the rage western titles were usually ugly looking shovelware, some exceptions don't change the rule, especially when they were made with the help of Disney or under the supervision of japanese devs

MK only got popular because it was violent, not because it played well, looked good or sounded nice

>> No.10381564


>> No.10381587

>larps as a pro
I love mortal kombats aesthetic but cannot stand fighting games that use a block button. Not sure what being a pro has to do with it.
If you think tetris is only popular thanks to the japs presentation and not the core gameplay you are wrong.
>Made with the help of Disney
Getting talented artists is why I rate them so highly. Even without them games like Comix Zone look better than anything the japs were able to come up with.
>not because it played well, looked good
MK looks and sounds amazing. Ryu and Ken couldn't even hold Sub Zero and Scorpions jockstrap.

>> No.10382185

Bro there's no need to make it about console war shit by bringing up Mario, this turd is a million times worse than every Sonic game on the system.

>> No.10382197

Imagine growing up as a segatard and having to pretend these dogshit games were ever good KEKK

>> No.10382290

>Western games are also superior when it comes to animation.
in what universe? there's certainly exceptions when it comes to animation, but as time goes on, western devs manage to get fucking worse with it as opposed to better (hence critically acclaimed side scrollers like Braid, Spelunky, Meat Boy, Celeste, Super Time Force, etc. looking EVEN WORSE than most 90s side scrollers).

>> No.10382361

The kid on the cover kinda looks like the chud meme

>> No.10382539
File: 13 KB, 320x224, Sonic3D-SS-SONKNUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Aladdin or Vectorman instead

>> No.10382549

Nah this game is actually really sick when you start carrying powerups through stages and get to use busted stuff where you can't normally find it and just skip through levels. And it's really difficult and mean to the player. The game is cool.

>> No.10382557

Sega Technical Institute was a mistake.

>> No.10382673

Donkey Kong Country exists.

>> No.10382691

>trash artists like Toriyama
I bet he calls people who like what he doesn't like contrarians on this board.

>> No.10382702

It clearly sounds like you haven't played an MK title since 1992.

>> No.10382743

>MK only got popular because it was violent, not because it played well, looked good or sounded nice
MK plays well enough for your level of skill. You can kick, punch, and do special moves with ease. I won't get into throws cause you can't figure those out.

As for looks, MK looked great, you can tell you're a 00s child because everyone thought MK looked amazing back in the day. The digitized look might not be "en vogue" now as shitty anime has become trendy, but it was in the 90s.

>> No.10382748

Don't reply with sweeping general statements with nothing to back it up

>> No.10382785

I was just saying that Tetris is basically a japanese series
I dread to think what games you play if you think that looks nice, the digitized look was already bad looking back then and now its just vomit inducing, it worked well for people that really wanted to see "realistic" violence, in Europe for example no one liked that style

>> No.10382810
File: 38 KB, 400x254, mkportal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in Europe for example no one liked that style
Yeah gonna need a source on that, don't really care cause I'm American, but I find it hard to believe the edgelord nation of the 90s who hated Mega Man for being too kiddy and made Sonic even more of an edgy douche unanimously hated Mortal Kombat.

If you think MK games had bad art direction, you probably are one of those "I only like wholesome media" people who always complains about "grimdark" things (which everyone liked in the 90s), in which....yeah, have fun playing Kirby and Nintendogs I guess friendo.

>> No.10382813

>literally caused half the video games for the next 2-3 years to integrate digitized models
>um alshully no one liked the look and thought it looked awful
Board desperately needs a system to make sure no one born after 1990 can post on it

>> No.10382974

>i think X looked like shit
>oh but the normalfags didn't and that matters because something something nostalgiafaggotry
mass literacy was a mistake

>> No.10382979

>claim nobody liked something that everyone liked
>ackshully, i was saying contrarians didn't like it only normals!
Lol, you lost.

>> No.10383080
File: 2.06 MB, 640x480, kc shortcut.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10383090

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.10383109

Mario could never.

>> No.10383534

i wonder what the headbutting demon was based on

>> No.10383947

Lol then you'd have 5 posters.
I get you don't like digitised sprites but what about the character designs are bad? Its better than almost every other fighter.
I have never played this but it looks tough to control.

>> No.10384129
File: 3.17 MB, 480x336, kc shortcut 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10384204
File: 3.15 MB, 480x336, kc shortcut 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skycutter is broken. They occasionally have to force another power on you so you can't use it the entire game.

>> No.10384214

That's Cyclone. Skycutter is the annoying hoverboard helmet that you can only barely control.

>> No.10384223

Damn it. I googled Skycutter to make sure it was actually one of the powers' names but I didn't click the wiki page.

>> No.10384232

Guaranteed OP is from America or Europe
Kid Chameleon is great and this is from an American who generally prefers Japanese games.

>> No.10385239

It's a good video game, though I never got fully into it because I find it too long, don't like when limited lives and continues are a thing, and find the jumping somewhat janky... but it's still good.

>> No.10385261

I tried really hard not to respond to that, maybe OP truly believes he is Japanese

>> No.10386027

>shittalking 00's edge

this isn't the 2010s anymore, anon.

>> No.10386447

I know, it's the 2020s and Gen Z kids who were barely alive in the 00s just started acting like everything from it was really awesome when it wasn't. You know, as long as it isn't problematic, like Eminem.

>> No.10386454

It's the new trendy word for impressionnable kids who get their opinion from others, like "jank" and "slop".

At least whenever you see those words, you know the poster's opinion is worthless.