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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 111 KB, 943x665, ryu ken smash 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10370498 No.10370498 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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Want something here? Post it for the next thread.

Pictured hack: https://twitter.com/joao_shino/status/1717481331066544315

>> No.10370602

Was missing this thread.
Does someone know what tools can help me get started on PS1 decomp? I don't want someone to do my job, btw. I'm just wondering if people know any good tools I can use to help me so I don't need to write all the tools I'll need.

>> No.10370734
File: 27 KB, 480x320, english_guten_tag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.
Progress: https://files.catbox.moe/whn1kt.webm

>> No.10370992

Pog OP
Hope the modder does Akuma, Terry, and Guile next

>> No.10371063
File: 607 KB, 792x524, warcraft_II_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your dream game /vr/ ?
and why is it Golden Sun for the Atari 7800?

also, what are you working on?

>> No.10371191

Fourth magical quest game featuring Goofy for SNES.

I've started a decompilation of Digimon World and doing disassembly of Nuts & Milk for Famicom.

>> No.10371593


>> No.10371602
File: 2.25 MB, 1024x1024, 80s OVA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys getting really tired of this is everything locked behind a paywall/discord can't seem to find any actual working emulators for switch?

I just wanted to play some movies & PS1 games/N64 kino.......

>> No.10371657

I hate discord so much. I miss forum.

>> No.10371671

Its all part of nu-internet, centralize everything.

>> No.10371981

Are there any Master System romhacks worth checking out?

>> No.10372226
File: 4 KB, 128x128, Eno's Dark World.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to restart from scratch because the SMB Title Editor (ENG) fucked the UI and was retarded to not make a back-up. Besides, I really disliked using other game's tilesets, so I'm making my own.

>> No.10372480


Also found this interesting page

>> No.10372809


>> No.10372883

Anyone tried the Definitive Mode version of Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow Definitive Edition+ rom hack?

>> No.10373191

Thoughts on this?

>> No.10373283

Yeah they're the way to go
Stop being a pussy

>> No.10374043


>> No.10374307

>emulating the PPU on the RSP
Fucking cool as hell

>> No.10375147

>"quality of life"

>> No.10375405

whatre some good coomer romhacks for any gen up to 6?
need some more pixeltitties on my crts.

>> No.10375540

Check the Castlevania SOTN project for tooling help.

>> No.10375936

uhuhuh huh huh heh that's pretty cool

>> No.10376181

no$psx and PCSX-Redux are fucking terrible as emulators with PS1 debuggers, but this is the best what's currently available. Not much of help with reverse engineering, but at least it's something.
You'll also need PSX plugins for Ghidra and/or IDA.

>> No.10376194


>> No.10376198

Dis nigga really love his smart phone gimmicks

>> No.10376229 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 794x556, sega r type.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mega r-type for sega genesis, pretty early but compares will to pc engine


good stuff coming to saturn, there is that 3d platformer too

a new sonic hack

>> No.10376243
File: 82 KB, 794x556, sega r type.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mega r-type for sega genesis, pretty early but compares well to pc engine


good stuff coming to saturn, there is that 3d platformer too that he put the mario 64 castle into

a new sonic hack

>> No.10377112

more progress from the crash team racing decomp team

>> No.10377152

This could be cool if they port over a bunch of good mario stuff.

>> No.10377953


>> No.10378348

How do I summon MisterShu?

>> No.10379973

>half a pixel of titty
This is a Christian board, sir.

>> No.10380839


>> No.10381121
File: 22 KB, 480x320, guiri_bar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread more christian than the rest of 4chan?
Pics like the deleted one are no problem in /vrpg/, for example: >>>/vrpg/3248517

>> No.10381180
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For what purpose?

>> No.10381232


>> No.10381339

Last time I talked with him, he wanted to learn ASM for the NES. He was confused about the process of doing hijacks and I didn't get to explain to him everything I wanted to. He even wanted to open the possibility of using a high-level language compiler rather than solely using an assembler, when the latter is all that you need. I don't blame him for being confused, since all NES assemblers that I'm aware of aren't patch-friendly with ROMs like asar is (from the assembled code, you have to manually insert it into the ROM).

Kind of want to help him out because if he isn't a monkey and he grasps more concepts as I explain them to him, I could write a guide based on his learning experiences and hopefully help others out too with it. There's no real way he wants to be contacted, though.

>> No.10381376


>> No.10381415

IDK, but he almost always appears in Mario /v/orld threads, usually without his tripcode though. They're uncommon, but there's been a few decently active ones on /v/ lately.

>> No.10381816

1. How hard is it to add support for a bunch of expansion chips to a SNES rom, and expand it as much as possible?

2. Same as above, but specifically Final Fantasy 6?

3. Some dude is offering RAM upgrade services for the PS1, up to 8 MB. Link below. Given that a ton of Nintendo hardware specs and actual manufacturing FPGA software was leaked, does anyone offer replacement or better yet upgrade parts for retro console RAM, VRAM, CPUs, GPUs, and other chips? What about motherboard upgrades with bus upgrades and more peripherals and ports?


Wild stuff.

>> No.10381992

Update on SNES:

Xeno Crisis
Magician Lords
Konami’s Asterix & Simpson
Original games from kulor research labs

>> No.10382271

Thank you, mates.

>> No.10382331

There's also been some nice progress on the Metal Gear Solid demo:


Guy also did a Metal Gear Solid 2 demo for Dreamcast:

>> No.10382443

Super Spyro/Ember, the Dragon duo and Coco Bandicoot FX for the Super Nintendo

>> No.10382471

But why even bother? If you want better specifications then get the next gen system, there are games for each generation, not some garage baked hack. If that still isn't enough get a powerhouse PC.

Usually these silly things like putting an RPi in an NES cart and using it as a mapper for Doom, is neat, a really cool proof of concept, but it is ultimately pointless, outside of the exercise of learning and showing how the hack can be done. Plugging the RPi into a cheap USB controller and an HDMI screen will provide a better gaming experience.

>> No.10382710

Triple N64 based on anime:
Devil Lady - hack n slash added with beat em up element

Jungle De Ikou - platform adventure

Shaman Princess - dark action adventure

>> No.10383116

I'm talking about roms, software not hardware. If you alter the code to use a bigger memory map scheme or expansion chips, you get more room for code and data, potentially a higher clock rate, and other unique effects depending on the chip.

>> No.10383579

Did tiagoSC finished the demo boss and stage 2?


>> No.10383898
File: 501 KB, 942x562, too_old_for_daily_dose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, you need to talk to me?
R9K spoiler: Coping with life and depression with games like F-Zero 99 and drawing, & daydreaming
>Kind of want to help him out because if he isn't a monkey and he grasps more concepts as I explain them to him, I could write a guide based on his learning experiences and hopefully help others out too with it.
Of course I understand the concept when explained like "childhood enjoyment" instead of usual college bullshit. They made learning more boring and dull in universities or teachers around me are bigger shit. [Although my fault for "undiagnosed ADHD" and ESL reason.]

>usually without his tripcode though.
Unless I brought in OCs with art, they hate tripfaggings for pride-attention reasons like Boco/Marielx. And we gotta follow the social respect of anonymity.

>> No.10383907 [DELETED] 

>Of course I understand the concept when explained like "childhood enjoyment" instead of usual college bullshit.
Deleting this comment to avoid offtopic: sorry if that sounds fucking rude. I just hate prideful professors. Children would love to learn more than university adults.

>> No.10383960

>Coping with life and depression with games like F-Zero 99
That why I play fast rmx

>> No.10384071

>cold case
Spin off of deep fear?

Also TR64: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUox242g59c&si=dlYVkS_4WhZJvZIy

>> No.10384243
File: 201 KB, 1563x1520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the pic I drew, so I had to look up archive.
>using a high-level language compiler
It's not using high-level language compiler. It's assembler-translator/converter using high-level language.
It's fucking difficult to explain so I'll use greentext example along with references from Pikuma NES tutorial:

>Select "NEW" button after enjoying seeing small sprites walking from left to right.
When you press the "NEW" button, an Assembly code gets written down like===

.segment "HEADER"
.org $7FF0
.byte $4E, $45, $53, $1A ; Nigga, dis means 'N', 'E', 'S', '\n'!

>iNES Header options.
>Writing "2" on Size of PRG-ROM
>Writing "1" on Size of CHR-ROM
What happen here is===

.segment "HEADER"
.org $7FF0
.byte $4E, $45, $53, $1A ; Nigga, dis means 'N', 'E', 'S', '\n'!
.byte $02 ; How many 16KB of we'll use. Don't be a nigger about it.
.byte $01 ; How many 8KB of CHR-ROM we'll use. CHaRizard is fucking overrated as fuck.
>Selecting "Horizonal" and press [NEXT]:

the code will get written down as:

.segment "HEADER"
.org $7FF0
.byte $4E, $45, $53, $1A ; Nigga, dis means 'N', 'E', 'S', '\n'!
.byte $02 ; How many 16KB of we'll use. Don't be a nigger about it.
.byte $01 ; How many 8KB of CHR-ROM we'll use. CHaRizard is fucking overrated as fuck.
.byte %00000000 ;Horizonal mirroring. [No whores sadly.] No battery, nigga. Mapper 0.

Whatever you selected or place an input in the options, ASM codes gets written down in new files that is easily accessable. Not sure how cooperation works, but imo [s4s] would able to test making games with memes/waifus and see/find many bugs/errors, /vr/ would able to catch bugs and errors, and /g/ would be able to write C languages and User Interfaces with "funness" like some pic related.

The random shit putted in Command Lines should be 4channy traditional as it should be fun. Nothing that signals "cuckchan" like Pepe.

>> No.10384806
File: 14 KB, 192x192, 1024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for hacks of Shinobi III that increases number of enemies. I remember there was one around. Can't find it anymore.

>> No.10384946

>It's not using high-level language compiler. It's assembler-translator/converter using high-level language.
Was taking about doing romhacks and using C-compiled code to insert in existing games, not about homebrew development, since I thought you wanted to do that as well. If you're making your own homebrew developer, that's something different. Now I'm a little confused about what project you're trying to tackle first.

How versed are you with 6502 instructions? If you're going to take on something as vast as this, you should have much knowledge under your belt first, or you'll burn out easily. I could advise you on how to do your first romhack (just as a start) and using asm6 as an assembler, but if you feel confident with your skills, go ahead. If not, tell me, and I can give you some example code to use (and perhaps illustrations to go with it if you don't like reading much text).

What's your first language, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.10384989

This is the scatological game right?

>> No.10385026
File: 13 KB, 240x160, english_first_summons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about?

>> No.10385290

Fixing snes Final Fight and Capitan Commando to look and feel like arcade

>> No.10385889

>project you're trying to tackle first.
When it comes to personal, master the basics of making NES/SNES games and make my first NES game without feeling "cheating" like using NESMaker but:

I am still struggling on finding compiler/assembler. (ASM6, ASM6F, etc.)
on finding the right "basic construction sheet to draw" using best templates for me (https://forums.nesdev.org/viewtopic.php?p=58138#p58138))
On understanding better tools of artistry designs (YY-CHR in advance mode, NESTICLES[?], NES_Screen_Tools, and other important tools Shiru made.)
And so on and so forth, but for now, I want to put any sprite on it that says "Hello World!" while character is waving at you.


>> No.10385895

How's this?

>> No.10385941
File: 714 KB, 585x7354, Progress so far on learning assembly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to outside personal, maybe make a collaborations with friends/fags on /v/ or /vr/ like Megaman sprites. I got in mind of designing Yotsuba in Reploid suit.

>How versed are you with 6502 instructions?
This one is very hard to explain as well, so I'll either say it in greentext, or submit images at catbox or here.

Pic related, I been "decompiling" information from Pikuma into the most easiest to understand, but I'm struggling with that as well. Faggot-elitists at NESDev keeps referring to read guides from Bunnyboy and other tutorials, where they used words I nearly never used or confused with one word with another meaning.

Another information from my head about versed:
>In each CPU (like NES, Atari, etc), there's an Address that contains important informations.

>For example: Address $3F00-$3F1F
>It's main job is to provide/demonstrate palette colors. $3F00 is the universal color, or "alpha color" in some ways. Most games uses black as it's universal color. Special games, like Kirby's Adventure, uses white.

>$3F11-$3F13 is palette color for sprite zero. It assigns these color to specific sprites.
>In pseudocode, for Mario in SMB3, $3F11 would be black; $3F12 would be red, $3F13 would be "peachy-tan" for the skin.

There's a lot more information that made me struggles on finding the correct road to learn more.

I speak English in my entire life, but MX-Spanish is my native language, but I suck hard at it. I understand English very very well, but I cannot respond correctly with horrible grammars as well. When I explain simple, they get confused or not understand or think I'm being an asshole. When I explain too much to try get my point across, they get confused or think I'm being better than them.


>> No.10385969
File: 225 KB, 567x985, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to mention that Assembly information pic I uploaded was made for me to find ways to make tutorials on NES Assembly programming starting Ayamari as a teacher.

This pic related was made in response from anon from /v/ who wanted to make sprites for SMW, so I made a demo guide of this.
This is why I said "like what's the hardest about SMW romhacks and such." on past threads (in poor effort of explaining) because I want to research about difficulties like ASM so I can make a guide to make ROMhacking or coding much easier so no one would struggle with bullshit errors like Eric's Triangle Block from Yellow Switch Palace. There was no constructive criticism about this pic related because it's NSFW (For the same of 4chan OC) and it was made too quickly, so I rather not post the full picture of these.

<<<3-End of this reply>>>

>> No.10386267

Sounds like you're learning too much about the technicalities of the processor first rather than learning how to do basic things with practical code like loading and storing, and then branching out from there. I didn't even know what the ALU was until you mentioned it, and I have been doing ASM for years.

I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but doing homebrew is the hard way of learning ASM, since you have to learn concepts like hardware registers (which you're already frustrated with from above), and such all at once. Like I said, if you start out small and do a small ASM romhack, learn basic opcodes (LDA,STA) first, you'll be able to pick them up much easier. I can already see you're making mistakes with your current knowledge just because you have to know things like what the Program Counter (PC) does or how A interacts with X and Y (TYA and TXA works, TYX/TXY only exists for the SNES), when it's not important at your level. All you have to do is learn how to use opcodes right now.

Don't listen to Pikuma. I feel sorry for you if you had to buy that, because I think he stunted your learning, and much information can be accessed just by lurking around for guides through forums. Did you look at the rentry document that I linked before? I know it's a WIP, but look at the tutorial about doing your first ASM patch (Schwa). That's what you should be doing at your level. The only thing that's missing is how that code gets inserted into the ROM. You would use asar for this, but this is still for the SNES, so I won't explain how to set this up unless you ask.

Your situation reminds me of a book I'm reading right now:
>it isn't so much knowing a whole lot, as knowing a little and how to use it that counts.

Give me a second, and I'll set a patch file up for you that you can play with (for SMB3). That way it will be easier to help you learn.

>> No.10386284

>it isn't so much knowing a whole lot, as knowing a little and how to use it that counts.
I want to make the best of best qualities that can be remembered for generations so I can help anons, even literal children, to not suffer coding the way I have. I don't want to take the "cheap shortcut" and end up as inferiorly infamous as YandereDev where inferior habits will stick to me. To me, I feel every tiny bit and byte matters in context of NES/SNES.
Like Terry Davis saided in fragmented memory, "A retard admires complexity, while a genius admires simplicities, because people would masterbate about 'Ooh, look how complex it is!' and retards won't even know what it does."
Also, Rest in Peace, Terry.

>> No.10386483
File: 93 KB, 1109x915, smb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we are (in a guide format, it might take a bit to get your first patch going):

rentrydotcoslash smb3basic

Tell me if you were struggling at any points.

>> No.10386624

Mines said a25d2dcbf6ec3634a84318bfe2cfe28d5331d815 first time. I went other site and got 6bd518e85eb46a4252af07910f61036e84b020d1. Not mentioning the site name sorry, because fuck you Nintendo jewlawyers

>> No.10386681
File: 28 KB, 989x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this, and not others with ASM6f nor NESASM or others? Idk which is the *BEST* of the best compiler atm. Since time has changed, shouldn't there be ASM8 or such?

I have zero percent knowledge on how HEX-Editor/HxD/HxDenu works. I looked at it through FCEUX (Not Mesen sadly since I couldn't find debugger when I was editing sprite for Moot SMB3 years ago.) and it moves too fast for me to concentrate.

>Open them both in Notepad or your favourite text editor.
I hope I can help out in other information if I talk. Just know I have zero ill and prideful attitude if I sound rude: You forgot to mention NotePad++. I got that but I forgot on how to use it correctly like "word-filter" which highlights Opcodes like JMP and BNE and such.

Pic related, I'm strongly guessing the [ ; ] is a comment in this situations? Or it won't work and I have to remove the comments?

>> No.10386693

When they are doing fan translation for ps1 games, for example, they need to extract the files from .cue/.bin files. After translating everything, how do they compress the files back to .cue/.bin files?

I believe the same can be asked for decompilations.

>> No.10386763

>Why this, and not others with ASM6f nor NESASM or others?
ASM6F adds junk that is distracting for beginners. .cdl symbol exporting (which is part of it) can be useful, but not entirely necessary.
Don't use a compiler. I can't be more clear than that. A compiler (cc65) is different from an assembler (asm6, NESASM). Unfortunately, asm6 is the best NES assembler you're going to get, and it's trumped by the SNES's assembler asar, which automatically inserts the code into the ROM without the need for a hex editor. You'll have to trust me when I say use asm6 over NESASM, since there are syntax differences that you won't get if I try to explain them now, short answer being it loosely matches asar's syntax more.

>I have zero percent knowledge on how HEX-Editor/HxD/HxDenu works. I looked at it through FCEUX and it moves too fast for me to concentrate.
You needn't know everything there is to hex editing, just enough that you can follow along with it in the guide. The Hex Editor in emulators like FCEUX is temporary (useful for testing). A proper hex editor like HxD applies permanent changes to the ROM.

Also, don't get too excited about what the first two patches too. It's complicated to explain. Like I mentioned in the guide, you shouldn't worry about what they do. Read through the guide once slowly first, so that way you don't skip important points. If you want to try to comment out code, do the last block of code in the guide ("MAIN PATCH FILE"), and see if you can figure out what it does.

Yes, the "+" is a label. It's useful if you don't want to have to write alphabetical labels all the time, which is effective for simple branches and jumps.

";" is a comment. You can leave them in without affecting the code.

I believe that Notepad++ applies the syntax highlighting once you save it as an .asm file, but you've probably figured it out already by the time I finish typing this.

>> No.10386807
File: 58 KB, 1081x611, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't use a compiler. I can't be more clear than that.
>Unfortunately, asm6 is the best NES assembler you're going to get.
>You'll have to trust me when I say use asm6 over NESASM
That is going to be very hard to trust solely on ASM6 if there's a limit about ASM6.

Oooh, so HxD is used for permanent editing like what SMW romhacker used?

>Read through the guide once slowly first, so that way you don't skip important points.
I have to write them down on the Comment part so you know what am I thinking in context with what Opcodes mean to me.

>> No.10386896

You're trying to search for the value "3CE89" with Ctrl+F rather than jump to that address in the ROM. Look at the offset on the left (Offset (h)). The goal here is to match the numbers up like you would with a phone book or something. Obviously the hard way is scrolling down until you find it. Note that it groups the bytes as 16 per row, so the correct row would be 0003CE80, and the column to write to would be 09. Make the cursor appear at the start of the number. Better yet, use Ctrl+G and type the offset so it automatically places the cursor at that position.

Forgot to mention that "#" does not stand for "decimal" values. The following lines all have the same meaning here:
LDA #$0E
LDA #14
LDA #%00001110
These instructions also have the same meaning with each other, but they differ from above on how they are loaded.
LDA 14
LDA %00001110
More often than not, you'll be using the hex notation when writing things. Only when it's appropriate will you be using decimal or binary formatting for instructions.

>> No.10386990
File: 96 KB, 774x679, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make the cursor appear at the start of the number. Better yet, use Ctrl+G and type the offset so it automatically places the cursor at that position.
I'm very lost about it..I hovered the cursor over Offset (H) and pressed Ctrl+G and it frozed the screen for some reasons.
But here's pic related on where I am now.

>> No.10387001

....... Those digits... So those are actually "the modified bytes" or "256 switches in one of the offset" or something...?

So I gotta put these code:

>AD 76 03 D0 15 AD 20 07 85 0F A9 1C 8D 20
>07 20 C2 FF 20 17 BE 4C AD 8E EA EA

Into the Offset/"Address Number" 0003CE80
>76 03 D0 02 A2 02 8E F7 04 AD 76 03 F0 2F EA EA
>C2 FF 20 17 BE 4C AD 8E EA EA
Like those into the Address 0003CE80? Although leave the rest of "EA" SPORTS ITS IN THE GAME alone?

>> No.10387016
File: 42 KB, 1514x924, tut1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a small analogy. Imagine a winery with barrels full of wine. The barrels stored there may be plentiful. If you were curious, there were around two-thousand stored in a single room. Each barrel's capacity is identical to each other, that is, one barrel can store only 255 litres at a time. This goes for all barrels in the room. If the winery were to expand and have another room added to it, the barrels stored in there would also be 255 litres in capacity.

An employee may enter the room and record how many litres are inside a barrel that is sitting inside the room. He does this by taking his own 255 litre barrel and filling it up with wine from the wine of a barrel in the room. Now, these barrels have strange properties to them. When interacting with the employee's special barrel, they "copy and replace" the liquid already inside the receiving barrel, and the existing liquid remains. For instance, pouring barrel 1's contents (having 7 litres) in the special barrel will give the special barrel 7 litres as well. Whatever wine used to be in the special barrel is replaced with 7 litres. Barrel 1 is not emptied either, as it still contains 7 litres. From now on, we'll call this special barrel "Accumulator", or Barrel-A. (In the image, counting barrels starts from 0, not 1)


>> No.10387035

How do I use Cartographer or abcde to insert previously dumped text into a rom? Can you give me examples of how I call these programs?

>> No.10387036

Put it at the ninth column of the 3CE80 row. Look at the numbers at the top to guide you which column to put it at, and make sure the cursor starts at the AD byte as stated in the guide (offset 3CE89). You want to replace all the EA's as well as the bytes mentioned with everything that was in prepare.bin. Don't be afraid about replacing everything with what was generated in the .bin's.

>> No.10387037

Oh I understand this picture a lot better.
Analogy is purest God-Tier lecturology [whatever it's called about learning or teaching.]

>Now, these barrels have strange properties to them. When interacting with the employee's special barrel, they "copy and replace" the liquid already inside the receiving barrel
Yea, LDA would be "create numbers and put it into Register/Barrel A" and STA would be "create another numbers from Register/Barrel A and store it into specific Register/Address."
And there's no way to make it "one time" storage; you have to make it "LDA #00" after stored it into the Address to make it only one time, correct?

>> No.10387052
File: 60 KB, 646x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By "cursor", you mean "selected input/HEX number" right? Or hover over to that because of program's unique abilities like Ctrl+G? which I'm not sure how it still works yet.
Like this, pic related?

>> No.10387060

Shit'nenslop will be better than Fzero

>> No.10387087
File: 61 KB, 1514x1144, tut2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Continued from previous)
The employee can also choose for Barrel-A to fill itself, without using the other barrels' wine. This is useful for the employee, since he can only use his special barrels like Barrel-A to fill the barrels within the room with wine, and the room barrels' wine cannot be directly transferred between each other, since they are not portable and the barrels themselves are sitting in stationary racks. If he wants Barrel-A to be filled with 1 litre of wine, he will receive it. The old wine will be discharged permanently from the barrel (note the colour in the image). Of course, to get his own wine for Barrel-A, he has to scream "#" at the top of his lungs.

>And there's no way to make it "one time" storage; you have to make it "LDA #00" after stored it into the Address to make it only one time, correct?
Not sure what you mean by that, but A will change all the time. If you want to save A, you'll have to store it in a temporary address (SMB3 has reserved $00-$0F for this), an empty/unused address if you're working with romhacks, or PHA/PLA, which preserves the value into a special space called the stack.

>> No.10387093

Correct position, but wrong insertion method. Remember, you're replacing, not inserting. You'll stuff up the ROM if you save it like this. Do it with Ctrl+B, not Ctrl+V.

>> No.10387114
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>The old wine will be discharged permanently from the barrel (note the colour in the image).
Whooooa whoa whoa whoa, this might be confusing wording. Is it because LDA is "replacing" content inside Reg/Barrel A with $01? Or the "#" symbol gives you completely different abilities or...? What does "#" symbol do???

Pic related, but idk what Ctrl+B is, so this command is new to me.

>> No.10387128

I tried Ctrl+B with random stuff like Address Bar on web browser, but it didn't do anything, so I'm guessing it's unique to the program like Ctrl+G.

Is "#$" symbol a HEX number? and just "$" symbol is the Address location?

>> No.10387138

>What does "#" symbol do???
LDA can either replace the contents of A with the litres of wine from another barrel, or can fill A with any chosen amount of litres the employee (i.e. coder) chooses, without using any of the barrels in the room. Adding the # to the LDA does the latter. Any new operation (either LDA $XX or LDA #$XX) will replace the old contents with the new.

To sum up, LDA $01 puts the contents from Barrel $01 into A, and Barrel $01 has $07 litres. So A = $07 litres. LDA #$01 puts $01 litres into A, so A = $01 litre (obviously).

>Pic related, but idk what Ctrl+B is, so this command is new to me.
It's new to HxD, so don't expect it to be in many programs. You can also click "Edit" on the toolbar above and click "Paste write" from the menu, and it functions the same way.

>> No.10387151

Ooooh, so #$ would be an ADDITION to the selected Address? Like INC/INX/INY which only ADDS 1 to the selected Registers/Barrels?

>> No.10387154

>Is "#$" symbol a HEX number? and just "$" symbol is the Address location?
Most of the time, yes. It's confusing because a number can mean many things. Sometimes it's a whole number, sometimes it's an address/offset. In assembly language, the # differentiates between the two, although differentiating these numbers elsewhere (like a debugger or hex editor) won't be as helpful. You'll eventually build muscle memory for what each hex number pertains to.

>> No.10387163


>LDA $01
Put number from Address $01 into Register A

>LDA #01
Put decimal [aka regular number] 1 into Register A

>LDA #$01

ADDS number 1 into Register A

>LDA [???]01
REPLACES number 1 into Register A?
I forgot what symbol does this, if "#$" is for addition numbers.

>> No.10387173

LDA doesn't add, it sets, and only sets to A, hence "LoaD Accumulator (with memory)". That's probably where the analogy with pouring wine into new barrels stops, because you're always setting a new value for A with each LDA, not incrementing it. If you want to add values, you would use INC or CLC & ADC (increasing A by one with INC is only available for SNES).

>> No.10387179
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So, LDA #$01 is just HEX number 1 replacing previous numbers inside Register/Barrel A?

Pic related, do I continue the guide?

>> No.10387187
File: 31 KB, 746x606, 0d4cd0d3-de1d-4830-aa6d-4b85b1e7a0de-1689175182368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about wii u dev

>> No.10387196


>> No.10387205


>Put number from Address $01 into Register A
>Put decimal [aka regular number] 1 into Register A
>ADDS number 1 into Register A
No, it's similar to the previous instruction, only this time it's in hexadecimal. They both mean the same thing anyway, since $01 in hex also equals 1 in decimal. It's not until it reaches 10 when the values make a change ($0A)

As you code more, you will hardly be using decimal notation anyway, and people will be calling you confusing if you overuse it.

>Pic related, do I continue the guide?
Yes, continue until the end, then read this:
It should already be in the rentry document that I linked last month to you, but I'll post it here again. It's a SMW guide, but most of this stuff should still apply here (expect STZ, and obviously the address locations.)

>> No.10387208

what about developing wii u homebrew

>> No.10387226
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Making sure if I'm doing right every time. I don't want to get pissed off getting one error that ruins everything like every time.
That would be so kino. Hit me up in the future if you need 3D modeller or art-stuff like icons like hand for selections or such.

>> No.10387240

Should have clarified that you're repeating Steps 8-11 for prepare2.asm, so the correct file to insert would be prepare2.bin generated from asm6, not the source file (prepare2.asm). The address is correct, but make sure it's prepare2.bin.

>> No.10387247
File: 57 KB, 1096x376, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related:...Huh???
Also, I made that patch.asm. Considering I often get pissed off in stuff like this around "this is the fun part", I need to pay attention even harder on this.
Did you made this guide? Or only the Barrel analogy?
The prepare2.asm is according to placing that file into HxD. https://files.catbox.moe/969jxi.png this file related

>> No.10387267

I did both just today.
>The prepare2.asm is according to placing that file into HxD
Drag the prepare2.asm file on asm6 and use prepare2.bin instead. Undo the changes that you made when you placed prepare2.asm in the ROM, because that's wrong.

The code in step 14 will not do anything on its own, it should just be used as a template. Skip step 15 and refer to step 18 if you don't want to write something yourself at the moment.

>> No.10387276
File: 27 KB, 667x231, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll respond this with image later.
>Drag the prepare2.asm file on asm6 and use prepare2.bin instead.
There's that possible error I'd always forget or overlooked. Pic related for this response, and it's completely different and short.

>> No.10387290

That's it. Do the same with patch.asm to however many times you need. Remember that it needs to go in exactly the same location every time. I'm going to take a break now, so during that time you can read the rest of the guide and look at the other tutorials.

>> No.10387314
File: 38 KB, 684x275, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very well, I'll try.
>You can put whatever you want between the org and the RTS, just as long as the code always ends with the RTS, and also if it doesn't exceed past in $1D4 bytes in length (you can see the size at the bottom of HxD as "Length" once you select everything).

What code is this for SMB3 or NES in general though?

Anyway I'll continue the steps to the end, despite feeling fatigue about it.
>The patch.bin only change Offset-39E3C into 60

>> No.10387338

I tested the game, but nothing changed it seems.
Is that how I should say?

>> No.10387394

Skullgirls and vampire masquerade: bloodlines on sixth gen system.

>> No.10387685

>How do I use Cartographer or abcde to insert previously dumped text into a rom? Can you give me examples of how I call these programs?

>> No.10388119

Hate to ask this again...after months and stuff, but do you have a zip of the character sprites you made for /v/orld 3? My hard drive crashed and I lost the zip I had.

>> No.10388189
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x1024, 51158cb80b552a12e27be5f3a026d8f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Xeno Crisis
>ROM currently available on Genesis, NeoGeo, Dreamcast, and N64
>SNES around the corner
>GBA and PS1 still in the oven

I'm surprised that after the success on Genesis, a Dreamcast port came sooner than a Saturn port. Also, the NeoGeo version sucks cause you can't turn off the button combo to turn. At this point, a port to DOS, Amiga, or even the NES wouldn't surprise me one bit.

>> No.10388453

I don’t know, Neo Geo apparently amazing over original genesis

>> No.10388954

I believe the only thing the NeoGeo version has over Genesis is the sound, music, and voices.

>> No.10389240

Plus x68000 and tg-16

>> No.10389729
File: 16 KB, 320x256, OH NO ME CORE STOPPED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I be able to make any homebrew game or hack if I just learn assembly or C++?

>> No.10390448


>> No.10390473

Does anyone got a rom collection of WWF No Mercy mods? Such as "WCW Feel The Bang", "WWF Invasion" or "Warzone: WWF Attitude"? I wanna play it on my Everdrive 64.

>> No.10390962
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>> No.10391085


>> No.10391096

Maybe the sprites, pallet and resolution. CPU frequency, completely different video chip, totally different setup for the sound system, wider bandwidth for the roms. Otherwise it is the same as a Mega Drive.

>> No.10391281


>> No.10391387

Rom hacking is a great way to learn programming. Starting from scratch, the gap between "hello world" and a polished game is insanely vast. But you can take an already good game and change a few bytes to make it feel radically different.

You can do what I did and go to known addresses in a hex editor and just fucking break shit until you figure it out, but nowadays some assemblers will directly patch roms for you. Instead of hard to remember locations you have a bunch of clean little patches and if one fucks up the rom, just throw it out and apply all the working ones to a clean rom

>> No.10391415

Castlevania SOTN on 3DO. I don't think there'd be any improvements compared to PS1 or Saturn, but would be interesting to see

>> No.10391649
File: 2.56 MB, 480x320, balconing_no_sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balconing summon.
With audio: https://files.catbox.moe/gi0g6u.webm

>> No.10392204

Amazing summon, mate.

>> No.10392310

>Castlevania SOTN on 3DO, like Metal Gear Solid 2D
A lot sense than 32x and Jaguar

>> No.10392476


>> No.10392748
File: 75 KB, 850x400, michelangelo:_rom_hacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michelangelo approves.

>> No.10392775


>> No.10393937

Looks pretty cool, but he needs to change MARIO START ! to MELODY START!

>> No.10395363

That does it for me, I can't play that kind of trash!

>> No.10396280


PS1 discs have some non-standard copy protection (subchannel data IIRC) embedded into otherwise normal CD image. So you'd rebuild the disc image as normal .bin/.cue in, say, IsoBuster and then fix the subchannel data in CDmage if Apache3 (linked above) is insufficient.

>> No.10397043
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Don't like the launch star graphic but havin fun with this

>> No.10397223

It's cute, but I'm having trouble telling what's a wall and what's a background. I know you're trying to generally limit yourself to 3 colors but wish you used a different 3 for the BG tiles

>> No.10397256

Just like fighting hack and fastrom

>> No.10397356

>wish you used a different 3 for the BG tiles
I probably should at least make them darker, my artificial limit of c64 pal hurts sometimes but thats part of the fun,
the 1 wide pillars definitely need work I can see the confusion with those regardless of colour.

>> No.10397743

this keeps looking better and better anon

>> No.10398450

Xtreme Sports Advance (GBA sequel to WayForward's GBC Classic Xtreme Sports)

>> No.10399058

Very excited to see how this one develops, it's already kind of mndblowing after all the years of people saying N64 couldn't do good 2D. Highly suggest checking out the NES and Game Boy emus on N64 too, they're surprisingly fantastic.

>> No.10399074

None of those are gonna play on your Everdrive bud as basically all No Mercy mods only work on Project 64, even the recently released WWF Legends Challenge, which was a real mindfuck going back to that unstable piece of shit of an emulator to check it out. One exception that will work is the recently released WCW Saturday Night, since it's all rom-level hacking. There's a couple more in development now too since actually hacking the rom directly instead of gameshark fuckery is something that's only just taken off.

>> No.10399127

Working on an editor for Ogre Battle 64.

>> No.10400825

Interesting. What kind of editor are you wanting it to be?

>> No.10400897

Some guy is paying me to make it. It's a spreadsheet and couple python scripts. The scripts rip the data to text, paste text into spreadsheet, spreadsheet translates data, paste data to an editor sheet to get editing.

Progress on a mod is saved in the sheet itself.

Then you go to another tab to grab the auto-generated hex, address, and file data. Save it as a CSV, then run a different python script to write data to rom. Then run a program to insert various decompressed files back into rom.

Edits all data currently known. Jobs, attacks attack sets, items, shops, enemy formations.

>> No.10400997
File: 6 KB, 480x432, Nebelstern_mock up_pixel art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference if wayforward has done the programming.

>> No.10401141

The doom next hit

>> No.10401662
File: 52 KB, 339x441, Magical Snap - 2023.11.11 02.59 - 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed the color palette, better audio, improved the letters and corrected errors, it was excellent.

>> No.10401736

>Some guy is paying me to make it.
How did the guy come across you to get you to do it? Would be interesting to find if there were a place where people can pay someone to RE/decompile a game.

>> No.10401742

I messaged him after watching his youtube video on a gameshark spreadsheet for ob 64 polc.

I agree desu. Not RHDN for sure. You could try fiverr and advertise it on discord.

>> No.10402226

NES edition was delivered today, anon

>> No.10402246

Do you have any idea how much work it is to decompile a game? You'd have to pay a year's salary for that. Even fully disassembling asm games for NES etc takes months.

>> No.10403357
File: 15 KB, 480x320, english_classroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are also some classroom scenes (when you get to go to class).

>> No.10403368

Yuki? That you?

>> No.10403782
File: 52 KB, 1110x381, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, i just saw this on the big pirate archive group "the eye" and thought some of you might be interested:

4chan's dumbass system thinks my post is spam so i can't post the full links. when this post goes through that's as much of the full links as i was able to get away with

>> No.10404432

Gigamaranbo and junglepilled

>> No.10405483

Alice spin off.


>> No.10406676

Joseph: Niceu!

>> No.10408160

>Dis nigga
Gay zoomerspeak.

>> No.10408169

Medium is a bit fruity, so here's an archived link if you don't want to give them clicks

So, will this version have any stereoscopic 3D effects (simulated, or with a red/blue filter? Anyone that plays VBWL without the 3D effect is missing out on a big part of the experience.

>> No.10410005


>> No.10410176

I don't have the space for that, make an account at baddesthacks and ask them to back it up.

>> No.10410189

Anybody got any advice/tips for finding hotboxes in game it games using bgb

>> No.10410329

Gameboy* using bgb

>> No.10411418

Not him, but got a link?

>> No.10412226


>> No.10412294

The homebrew scene in Brazil/Portuguese is pretty based. Follow Master Linkuei on twitter, I rely on this guy to share stuff from that scene.

>> No.10412423

Hope those fans dev port Darkstalkers: The Night Warrior into PVsneslib.

>> No.10412457


>> No.10412469

More power. Super excited power.

>> No.10412572
File: 21 KB, 800x600, cranky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New rom haxxor website just opened. Add it to the OP.

>> No.10412585

Is this website in response to romhacking.net removing homebrew soon? Also someone is scraping the shit out of romhacking.net and cucked everyone else out of downloads. Nobody is going to magically move to a new resource when it's already difficult to search for new hacks stored away in niche forums.

>> No.10412592

Must time of year.



>> No.10412868

>Is this website in response to romhacking.net removing homebrew soon?
I thought that was just a rumor. Either way, there's nothing wrong with having another site for this stuff.

>> No.10412908
File: 160 KB, 691x907, db34vgt-2efe6253-e1f2-4c6b-a2f2-c159d31a0ed0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A saturn port of Sonic Mania would be cool.

>> No.10412909

Just saw marvel vs Capcom ported to Sega Genesis early demo only

Amid others

>> No.10413525

Sounds neat, where?

>> No.10414049

V64 kit or software like 2D dragon something