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10347472 No.10347472 [Reply] [Original]

Is the retro collector market crashing?

>> No.10347479

It's only going to get bigger from here out due to the overall popularity of video games increasing.
But what is considered collectible will change.

Also: if you are into buying collectibles as investments you should probably be trying to find NIB smart phones from the 2000s.

>> No.10347516

this. it will only collapse when society collapses.

it's not just games. it's everything. food, gas, cars, housing, everything. who cares about games?

>> No.10347529

Any minute now! The bubbles gonna pop!

>> No.10347567

Coomlectors are the reason why I moved to roms because everything they touch will now cost above fifty dollars.

>> No.10347595

I REALLY doubt its gonna collapse in any meaningful way. By that I mean, it’s definitely gonna pop if you’re one of those guys that’s buying a mid condition copy of Bubble Bobble for a billion trillion dollars as an investment, but prices will probably stay pretty high for sane people standards. There’s a steady flow of demand for this stuff and always at least someone who won’t mind spending a bit extra for a game they want.

>> No.10347602
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>CRT shaders you're happy with
>Emulators with the settings you need
>Frontend that gives you a collection feel
>ROM sets for the consoles you enjoy the most
>A bunch of USB/2.4GHz/Bluetooth controllers for them
Solved it.

>> No.10347610

Sorry nerd, but I haven't seen an actual physical copy of a video game since 2001.

>> No.10347614

It would be nice if it would. I was buying this stuff when it was trash no one wanted and im not going to be pushed out by eCeleb fags and investor fags. I was here when it was garbage and I will be here when it goes the way of Elvis collectibles.

>> No.10347647

Dumb anime poster

>> No.10347651

God I wish. Then I can buy games for cheap.
It’s so funny when you watch something on eBay and you get an offer from a seller like 5 mins later. That’s how you know it’s been sitting in his dogshit page for months and months.

>> No.10347762

Reminder: THIS is the person calling you a poorfag for using roms instead of buying their listings

>> No.10347779

Most of my purchases were cheap but the expensive shit has onnly gone up in value.

>Armored Core Silent line for $60 in 2021
>now $120
>Armored Core 3 for $30 in 2021
>now $60
>Blasphemous switch for $10
>now $100

Very VERY few games I've bought has actually lost value.

>> No.10347786

Depends on how you define "crashing." Are games going to drop back to 2002 pricing? Probably not. Will rare games which inflated to ludicrous prices due to speculators "crash?" Probably. Will they become dirt cheap? No, but I do think you'll see instances like what is shown in OP's post. As in, games which reached price ranges where ONLY speculators and investors were buying them will see prices reduce to levels which, while still high, will be in the range that genuine dedicated collectors will find them to be worth buying again. Like I could see that MM NFR cart eventually dropping down into the mid $1k range or something as all the speculators flee the market and all that's left are genuine Zelda fans who get mommy and daddy to buy it for them with their good boy points.

>> No.10347837

It's too late. Games have gone the way of comic books and toys already.

>> No.10347871

Stop pointing to super rare shit normies aren't buying when making a point in either side of this debate

>> No.10347874

Just buy a PS3 PS4 Wii or Wii U and use them as Emulator Machines

>> No.10347875

Just wondering, what are some games you've seen drop in value? Was there a box found in a warehouse or did people just lose interest in those particular titles?

>> No.10347913
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1697493499244206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that a Mini PC for the living room works perfect as both a multimedia center and an emulation station, keep some controllers around for the consoles you emulate the most, some CRT shaders if you're into them, frontends to keep it all in a single place, for convenience's sake, I like those wireless keyboards with touchpads on them too, to control it all from the couch with comfort, the wife loves it for watching her shows, and you can play some stuff.

>> No.10347924

For whatever reason legions of people seem to have a mental block or grudge against using a PC with a television.

>> No.10347938

I sort of get it, people often associate consoles with the living room and the TV, and the PC with a desk and an actual monitor instead... and a huge PC can look off in the living room if you care about that sort of thing, for me that's where these Mini PCs come in quite well, due to being a genuine PC, with a sleek console look to it.

>> No.10348056

>a huge PC can look off in the living room if you care about that sort of thing
I never really understood that complaint. It's not like you need the computer to be sitting right next to the TV, or even be visible. Both USB and HDMI can go 25ft-50ft without issue. You don't really need a beefy video card to emulate, so leaving it running 24/7 isn't exactly a big deal. Tweak it's power settings to go into sleep/hibernation when it's unused for a little while, and it will use very little power period. Just hook up wireless mouse and keyboard through a USB dongle(if you aren't using a pre-configured front-end setup), hook a USB hub to it for your controllers, and shove it all out of sight except the USB hub. Anyone asks, it's a USB charging station for multiple devices. Get some silent fans for it, and no one will never know a computer is hooked to your TV unless you change the HDMI input to the one connected to your PC.

>> No.10348171

With like collectible toys or cards I can see their value. But video games are not a physical thing. It's all digital data and can just be emulated or ran on a flash cart. I sold my entire collection back in 2020.

>> No.10348459

You could just scan cards and play a simulator. It's not any different. They're game pieces, the only value they have is perceived.

>> No.10348619
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I absolutely love this little fella. 7X7 inches square with an i5 and 16 gbs of ram, launchbox set up to play the vast majority of consoles up to PS1 with shaders. Only downside is the 512 storage and CD game collections stack up.

>> No.10348636
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CD and DVD based consoles can have some ridiculous file sizes for their ROMs and their full ROM sets... but thankfully an external HDD can do the trick, or even a flashdrive if you want something more subtle, maybe a SD card too, storage has never been so compact and easy to get thankfully, so we're good to go on this one.

>> No.10348638

It's a magical time for those with a love for the craft who aren't psycho purists

>> No.10348670

It's what he fucking deserves for being a bandwagon jumper who's only interested in video games as "investments" and not actually buying games to play.

>> No.10348709

It's a hassle unless the PC is dedicated for it. Sure, when I lived in a single bedroom I could have my main PC connected to my TV, but nowadays it'd be a massive hassle. I'm not a fan of having or using a keyboard and mouse on the living room sofa either, but a dedicated PC is easy to setup to be completely usable with just a controller.

With my current setup, I think most people would consider my living room PC a console because it's always in a full-screen game menu and completely usable with a controller.

>> No.10348742

No ps1/ps2 and 360 prices are just rising. Last vidya media ever and it is going fast. If you did not buy when it was cheap because muh shitty emulator you screwed yourself and should kys OP

>> No.10348747

emulators are for ghay poorfag hiv zeldatrannie loosers though chats who played the games own them.

>> No.10348748

CHDs help a lot.
I have a fairly complete PS1 collection and it's only half a terabyte

>> No.10348749

Look at you being proud of missing out like the retard you are

>> No.10348752

I stopped caring about physical media decades ago. The only thing I miss are the manuals that came with games.

>> No.10348756
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I'm not poor, I'd just rather not waste money on rotting plastic that I won't use enough to justify their ludicrous prices, when there are options that are both cheaper & more convenient, like ROMs & emulation w/ a frontend.

>> No.10348759

Yea, sure missing out on buying overpriced hunks of plastic and cds that fall over on me and kill me when I'm an 80 year old hoarder of it.

>> No.10348864

Only gamaes that dropped were those getting a better release.

So I bought Paper Mario for $110 and now its like $75 CIB black label.

>> No.10348870

The popularity of retro gaming is heavily diminishing, though. Younger people are okay with paying for online passes and 30-40 year old ROMs instead of setting up an emulator or buying into the massively inflated secondhand retro gaming market.
Also, zoomers find pixel art cheesy and low-poly environments and characters absolutely uncanny and terrifying

>> No.10348883

I'll just stick with my CRT, my original hardware with flash carts and ODEs. Those games you're spending thousands on just to put on a shelf had their ROMs and disc images dumped over a decade ago

>> No.10348889

There's a some chance that physical games might disappear in a decade or so and despite it maybe waning a little, it's gonna explode the fuck out probably

>> No.10348917

What does this post even mean?

>> No.10348919

But chinese rotting plastic? I'm all over that!

>> No.10348925

Can you fit in more buzzwords in your next post?

>> No.10348928

Apparently digital games are now accounting for 70% of the sales now, possibly up to 90% on Playstation. Latest PS model doesn't even come with a disc reader (it's an optional add-on). Best Buy and Wal-Mart may remove their physical games soon too
Yes, this is about modern games, but the minute physical games disappear from the current consoles, the used games market, and all of it, will blow the fuck up and it will never go down from there. So even if the market goes down now, it's going to be quite temporary
Only thing I can see happening to make them go down after that is if companies starts constantly including a bunch of retro games away with every release and considering how stingy they've been with them after the 6th gen, that's probably not happening

>> No.10348935
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Who said anything about Chinese plastic? I store all of my ROMs in the cloud, on my PC and an external HDD, none of which are Chinese, unless you want to imply or downright state that having any Chinese parts on any products, or that the Chinese own and/or spy on each and every thing I own, makes the products low quality, and even if you're arguing for that, they'll still likely be more durable in the long run than any older machine that's likely in need of repair, and it still manages to really cost way less than coomlecting somehow, anon.

>> No.10348936

Physical copies of anything right now are worthless and always will be. 20 years from now when the PS4 servers download servers shut down nobody is going to go around tracking down disk copies of spiderman to play an unplayable 1.0 version of the game.

>> No.10348941

>It's all digital data
Hard to belive there are still children parroting this canard
>I sold my entire collection back in 2020
But of course you did sweaty

>> No.10348946

>obtain ROM
>obtain PDF of instruction booklet
>obtain high resolution scans of box art
I now have everything a physical collector has without taking up any physical space

>> No.10348948
File: 892 KB, 5616x3744, 1678933590627793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who said anything about Chinese plastic
I did, hence the but.
>I store all of my ROMs in the cloud
I store them all in the ground.
>on my PC and an external HDD
In a NAS or eat my ass
>none of which are Chinese
Of which some componentry be from the Chine
>unless you want to imply or downright state that having any Chinese parts on any products
I want to implicate those who discriminate those who enjoy that which exists from a time gone by
>or that the Chinese own and/or spy on each and every thing I own
Do they? They must, unless it's google or amazon in which case it's a bust.
>makes the products low quality
The quality is indeterminate
>they'll still likely be more durable in the long run than any older machine that's likely in need of repair
And replaceable within months no less! The next mini garbini 880 with the dual screen and broken hinges awaits.

>> No.10348954

Not quite true. People say this as if it's 100% and I heavily dislike that
I'm not following what playstation or xbox are doing, however last I remember from the 360 and PS3 era, most of the big downloads were the online component... usually
Things did change recently however, but the biggest offenders are always AAA games that releases completely broken or incomplete, which seriously, you should not be playing these anyways (And they're all available on Steam and PC in superior form usually anyways so who cares)
However, things are different for smaller games and indie games. A lot of them should be released complete, at the very least. Including limited release games of games already fully released. I know that's the case on Switch, and Nintendo also usually release their stuff fully functional (Wonder is at 1.0 with no updates currently, known to be 100%-able). The sad thing however, is content updates. On the upside, Nintendo does re-release carts with updates on the cart, so does some other companies
There's actually a project making a big spreadsheet of that
But they're quite autistic and will mark a previously complete marked game incomplete if we don't know the update's content

>> No.10349172

>I now have everything a physical collector has
No. You can't even play or see any of that in your imaginary everything is all digital data world.
>without taking up any physical space
You still take up a yuge amount of physical space

>> No.10349234


>> No.10349254

There are a finite number of games no longer in production. The prices will only continue to increase.

>> No.10349292

What will people collect in 20 years? I mean, retro video game collecting was always about physical copies and people being nostalgic for their childhood. But what modern kids will be nostalgic about? Their PlayStation/Xbox subscription/Steam library?

>> No.10349331

>It's too late. Games have gone the way of comic books and toys already.
Yep, the idea of games as collectible investments has become real in the minds of a big subsection of normies. But it’s also true that the end of the free money pump has started bringing down collectible prices. I’ve seen a lot of comic book auctions that were hot a few years ago really wilt bad in the last six months, like -25% in final bids.

>> No.10349354

>real in the minds of a big subsection of normies.

>> No.10349362
File: 349 KB, 1080x2520, Screenshot_20231001-164006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was from the beginning of the month. Since then I have lost over $110. The trajectory is downwards with little to stop the momentum. How am I going to retire?

>> No.10349432

lol only the clowns who spent thousands on common Nintendo games are losing money; my collection is still close to its peak value

>> No.10349453

>get a used AMD APU HP Mini PC, think it cost me $150
>Can emulate up to Wii U, upscaled 6th gen, even a little but not much PS3
>Can run heavy ass CRT shaders on 5th gen and below

Look im not going to pretend it beats the mister in input lag or hardware accuracy, but damn if it isn't good enough for me, and super portable. I have a couple set up like this with batocera and I do retro game nights at our house. Have one TV dedicated to arcade games, other one is usually N64 (normalfags have to have it), third one is usually PS1, Gamecube, Wii, Genesis, whatever people want. Everyone brings a USB controller over. Used Mini PCs are the emulation kings right now on a dollar basis with how good APUs have gotten.

>> No.10349589

Only Rich People can enjoy and buy Retro Games and Consoles buying Retro Games and Consoles is pain in the ass since you not only have to find the Games or Consoles but find out if they work and have to take care of them properly Emulation is better

>> No.10349618

>the overall popularity of video games increasing.
That's not necessarily related to the popularity of collecting old game cartridges. People playing all the latest FPS games is a whole different group from people spending $8000 on a rare grey Majora's Mask

>> No.10349619
File: 287 KB, 585x1040, 0119211402a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really the Retro Collector market crashing. It's just a symptom of the US Economy over all crashing.
You really don't comprehend how bad things really are. 2019 was very very good for the USA. Things have gotten much much worse year after year ever since. The US Economy is in really bad shape.
Thus everything else follows suit.

>> No.10349624

>gray cart
I don't care if it's "not for sale" bullshit, if it's not the holographic sticker with gold cart I don't want it.

>> No.10349634

Don't people in other countries collect this stuff?

>> No.10349636

The guy got Scammed for paying 8000 dollars

>> No.10349646

The lack of GPU doesnt hurt it?

>> No.10349647

Agreed. Prices will dip as millennials gradually age out, exactly what happened to Atari and Gen Xers. But now that the market is worldwide and no longer regional like it used to be, it'll never drop to what it had been.

This is part of why prices are staying so high. It's not that these things are selling like crazy. It's that Ebay is no longer an auction site. The days of "$1, no reserve!" auctions are over and everyone just treats it as a platform for their online store. So stuff sits. Without auctions nobody really can gauge what anything is worth and the second someone hits one of those Buy-It-Nows it ends up in the completed listings and then every other seller refuses to go below that.

TL;DR: It's not that the value has gone up, it's that the tools people once used to measure value changed dramatically.

>> No.10349651

If you have the money it's a buyers market right now. Might even get better for buyers for a while. Just keep in mind that's a double edged sword you're wishing for.

>> No.10349663

A discreet mini-ITX case paired with an office PC is good enough for /vr/ and doesn't stand out in the living room. I use it myself. Although I prefer wired controllers, I use a cheap wireless mouse/keyboard combo, just to operate stuff. Everything works fine, to the point I use my "main" PC mostly for work.

>> No.10349664

I don't believe the two markets are that interchangeable. Comic Books and Video Games are Apples and Oranges. Comic Books have a lot more in common with Sports Cards.

The worst thing to happen to Video Games Collecting is China manufacturing Repro DS games.

>> No.10349678

Atari Games were generally never worth anything. Your comparison isn't valid. The is a chance that Atari games will become sought after in the future, but it's not likely to ever be a market comparable to 8 and 16 bit platforms.

>> No.10349681

People who pay 1000 dollars or more for old Comic Books and Sport Cards are dumb idiots who love being Scammed and are more Cucked than Retro Gamers

>> No.10349682

Most Retro Gamers aren't buying $8,000 not for resale carts either.

>> No.10349701

I don't think the comparison is fair. No, Atari games weren't worth anything if you're using modern game prices as the barometer. But when Atari hit it's ceiling it was kind of big given what the prices were at the time. Not every game, obviously. Many were still dollars. But some, like Spider-Man, went bananas even though they weren't especially rare.

>> No.10349749

And still there are Atari 2600 games that are worth an absolute fortune. It's just that generally the games have never had any collectors value.

>> No.10349761

The expensive games get all the press but the real story is where the floor is at. Cheap Atari games are easy to find, which is awesome. Cheap NES and SNES games used to be easy to find but no so much anymore. Yes, $8 is technically "cheap" but not for SMB/Duck Hunt, which you couldn't give away a decade ago. Genesis used to be the inexpensive alternative to the SNES but now that shit is like $15 minimum for the cheapest games. The issue isn't whether or not Chrono Trigger whatever is going to come back down the Earth. That's small potatoes. What's really killing the hobby is that you can't just casually collect cheap stuff anymore. What made the hobby work was that the cheap stuff would cycle through.

>> No.10349782

I collect Japanese Megadrive games and unfortunetly cheap games for that are $25 a piece boxed. It took me months to get a CIB copy of Sonic 1 for Jap MegaDrive for under $50 or 60. Finally because I spent a fortune on Thunder Force IV I was able to get Sonic 1 for 25.

>> No.10349784


>> No.10349786

I have a SNES controller box stuffed to the brim of nice SNES and N64 manuals. Somewhere I have a really nice TMNT Turtles in Time Manual.

>> No.10350028

That's right. If people want to collect, it is still cheap if they want sports games or 2600.

>> No.10350059

>google archive dot org CHD


>> No.10350141

>I have issues
I hope you get the help you need
In your "memory palace" where your imaginary bullshit exists

>> No.10350359

Enjoy your doctors waiting room home, i guess. Except they still have magazines.

>> No.10350363

>unplayable 1.0 version of the game.
This is a fucking meme cope. Only games from absolutely garbage tier publishers are unplayable, literally because they didn't put the full game on the disc.

>> No.10350372

You fucks are the reason companies keep seeing how much they can screw consumers over with.

>> No.10350379

>Best Buy and Wal-Mart may remove their physical games soon too
No, that rumor was only about movies for Best Buy and Xbox games for walmart.

>> No.10350387

>they'll still likely be more durable in the long run than any older machine that's likely in need of repair, and it still manages to really cost way less than coomlecting somehow, anon.
90% if not more of tech built in the previous century, if maintained, is going to vastly outlive the overwhelming majority of modern tech, especially those that lack serviceable components, of which the number is only increasing. I would bet significant money on my "rotting plastic" snes carts outliving any harddrive or modern pc component you own.

>> No.10350395

As time goes on, supply of retro games will only dwingle even further. They'll keep getting more and more expensive.

>> No.10350415
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>I would bet significant money on my "rotting plastic" snes carts outliving any harddrive or modern pc component you own.
Oh, I'd bet too, afterall things that sit in shelves for 99% of the time, going unused, tend to not break, or at least take longer compared to things that are used every day.

>> No.10350505

It's rumours so far, yes, but it will happen one day. I sure hope it won't, but trash ps and xbox are pushing for it and zoomers don't care man

>> No.10350597
File: 67 KB, 1600x1440, 20231019_175437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a matter of it sitting on a shelf vs not sitting on a shelf. Those ROM chips will retain their data until long after we're departed from this earth, and the PCB won't break down until long after we've departed too. The plastic housing will remain strong enough to keep using the cartridge for playing, and the only thing with real risk of damage is the label which - as time has shown - will probably be fine.

Flash memory like what's used in an SSD has a short life span. It will die in a few years. Hard drives are reliant on moving parts which are susceptible to breakage.

His SNES carts will outlive your hard drives due to the nature of their design. For you to properly archive the data on hard drives for the same amount of time would require an array of hard drives with old drives being periodically swapped out.

>> No.10350656

Assuming a 2TB SSD is enough to satisfy one's ROM needs, and that they last about 5 years, if they keep their hobby up for 50 years that's 10 SSDs, if each is about $120 then that's $24 per year on average, so I think it's still worth it considering current retro prices which are just ridiculous at this point, let's be honest.

>> No.10350679

It is falling-off somewhat but I wouldn't expect a big, sudden crash anytime soon if-ever. Some games might get cheaper with time but for the most part they're gonna stay the same as they are now. Many hardcore retro enthusiasts have caught-on to piracy/flashcart/ODE supremacy and are no-longer taking collecting too seriously, while the proliferation of easily-accessible reproduction carts have diluted the value of real carts and the younger generation of zoomers don't develop much of an interest in collecting largely because we're reaching the point now where most of them didn't even have CRT TV's growing-up, and for the most part their interest in retro vidya is relegated to the emulation scene.

>> No.10350692

I have working SSDs older than you

>> No.10350697

Just download them again.
Do not @ me with any FUD about rom sites disappearing.

>> No.10350719

Even popular artists are just using flashcarts lol. Coomlecting is for only the biggest fucking retards

>> No.10350754

You have to store them in a array or you're going to lose data. That means you need multiple drives at a time.
>current retro prices
Imagine not having games already
Neat. I have working cartridges that are older than you.
The places where you download roms today are completely different than 10 years ago. And today it's all central around a single website that is in danger of being shut down. If you don't have them downloaded already you better get to it.

>> No.10350786

from what i read, flash memories wear out by its write cycles, and not by age. Some expect flash device to last more than 10 years when used sparingly. For ROM backup purposes, a flash drive would be written very seldomly and oftentimes just being read from, and i assume this means flash drives containing roms/images would last quite beyond typical flash drives

>> No.10350845

10 years isn't a very long time

>> No.10350851

Sparingly used flash media stored properly (like in a house) will likely last far longer than whatever is the estimated lifespan. Plenty of shitty Chinese GB flashcarts from the 90s are still running fine.

>> No.10350943

All fair points, but I don't think they're enough to justify owning real hardware and cartridges for a majority of people, even if a cartridge lasts until we're all dead, and a HDD or SSD lasts from 5 to 10 years, the latter costs around US$30 to US$60 for 1TB respectively, which is enough for plenty of full ROMs sets, while a single cartridge, with a single ROM, can cost around that or even more, I suppose it depends on what you're getting, but I doubt that, if you're into collecting, even if you'll only own a dozen cartridges per console you own in your collection, that you won't have at least a single title you care about be more expensive on today's market. Of course emulation and ROMs, as good as they are, will never be better than if we play on the real thing, and it'll outlast it too, but ROMs are easily downloaded, transferred, or kept in the cloud for backups, even simple things like flash drives or micro SD cards... if you already have a collection then that's good, if not, then I don't think it's worth it nowadays, at all.

Even if you need multiple drives, which I prefer to have anyways since I like to backup everything, it's still cheaper than trying to collect nowadays due to how cheap storage is compared to how it was many years ago, also not everyone got into collecting when it was cheap, it's just the way it is. I won't lie that I worry about these places being shut down, but I have full ROMs sets for my favorite consoles on my HDD, an external HDD and in the cloud, also it seems unlikely that out of the thousands of people that download these ROMs, not a single one would try to share them online in the future, even with major sites being taken down, more would just spawn.

>> No.10351042

>Also, zoomers find pixel art cheesy and low-poly environments and characters absolutely uncanny and terrifying
Not only are you wrong but you're completely retarded and your handler shouldn't let you use the internet

>> No.10351056

>I have working cartridges that are older than you.
Pics of your 55yo carts kiddo.

>> No.10351062

All of that
>for free

>> No.10351119

both playstation games and xbox games run fine off a hard drive in the console. my xbox has a 500gb drive with every xbox game i'll ever want to play.
emulators for these systems are always getting better.
why are you so defensive about game prices going down? lower game prices are good for literally everyone except shitty resellers.

>> No.10351120

Lmao you're not 55, this board skews young.

>> No.10351295

But yes, you're young and skewered
Also bad at math. 55!>55

>> No.10352180

Wow, projection much?

>> No.10352184

This entire board is worse than reddit now. I hope the majority of you realize that.

>> No.10352193

meant for >>10350141
You do realize you can play all the games you want for free right? This Envy of yours isn't healthy.

>> No.10352432
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You fuckers have been asking this here since 2013. It's not going to happen.

>> No.10352498

It will happen just not in a time frame anyone here would consider acceptable. We're talking about 10 years when the eldest millennials cross the 50+ threshold.

>> No.10352517

no one cares you can leave

>> No.10352694

why are so many of you niggas so mad about video games

>> No.10352782

>Japanese Megadrive Sonic & Thunder Force IV
I'm glad i did that 10 years ago. My Sonic was $10. My thunderforce 4 was $40. I never got Snow Bros which was like $500 ten years ago. Its probably 1000 now =( For me collecting is over. Even if i had the money i wouldnt be willing to throw it out of the window for games that i know were ¥6000 new.

>> No.10352962

Their favorite blacked scenes

>> No.10353389

I remember going in to second hand stores as a kid and buying NES and SNES games for $2 each, the consoles themselves were $5-$10. My friends and I would buy NES consoles just to destroy.

>> No.10353701

The buble has to pop and is already doing so.
Heritage auction related to wata.
The other auction and grading is same owner

>> No.10353734

internet srz bznz

>> No.10354420

>there's plague everywhere
>let's not bother finding a cure

>> No.10354903

You don't care about retro. You can leave.

>> No.10354928

>the wife loves it
heck, why not get a retron 5 while you're at it?

>> No.10355951
File: 2.38 MB, 720x404, 1674618393163176.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes cartridges, which defeats the whole purpose of saving money with an emulation focused machine, nowadays having consoles, despite some being expensive, isn't the part which will cost the most from us at all, some cartridges are more expensive than consoles themselves nowadays. I'm sticking with some good old emulation for the time being, love it.

As love as you use controllers that are at least somewhat authentic to the consoles you'll be emulating, and avoid using things like saving, especially rewind, much, then you'll be fine.

>> No.10355978

Without emulation you'd be sucking more dicks off than you already do just to buy a retro game, tranny.

>> No.10357090

Selling copy of Goldeneye you can buy for 1 million dollars. Will not reply to "is this avaliable" No time wasters or low ballers. I know what I got.

>> No.10357096

how much of a newfag do you have to be not to get the retron 5 wife meme? nice writeup.

>> No.10357404
File: 44 KB, 165x180, dk_for_shame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$8000 dollars for Majora's Mask is the dumbest fucking shit i have ever heard in my life.
> buh it's gray
bruh you could buy every console and every flashcart that ever existed for less than that. fuck these clowns.

>> No.10357503

Lol Snow Bros. is the only game I need as well. Love the game too.

>> No.10357623

I wonder how many times this guy sniffled as he wrote that miserable statement.

>> No.10357645

> buh it's gray
So don't buy it? Go play your games for free. Nobody needs to listen to your little salty grapes. Not giving a shit about collecting Not For Resale carts is normal. So go be normal instead of soiling your panties over something you can't afford.
Besides that guy's learned his lesson. That cart's already lost a good percentage of its value due to lack of demand. I certainly don't want it for any where near that kind of money.

>> No.10357657
File: 384 KB, 773x985, 1696870862033756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand anon *chugs glass of oot-aid*... I have to buy "insert Nintendo product" so i can post how much i boot lick nintendos shit stained penis erinkles on reddit and twitter. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND I NEED THE UPGOTES IM TRYING TO START A RETRO VIDEOGAME REVIEW CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE AND I STREAM ON TWITCH SOMETIMES, PLEASE JOIN MY PATREON!?!

>> No.10357703

>crt shaders you're happy with
No such thing
>front-end that gives you a collection feel
So much work
>emulators with the settings you need
Also work but not nearly as much as the front end

>> No.10357730

No, you're wrong. Unlike books or posters or playing cards, video games inherent value is in their ability to be played, and people who buy them for this expensive of a price severely limits the market for who is interested or not, on top of the fact that the components in the original carts are dying left and right, making them increasingly worthless.

Coomlecter shitter days are nearing their end.

>> No.10357735

Lmao, bro, you live with your fucking parents and you're calling other people poor? Get fucking real you fucking faggot-ass loser, lmao.

>> No.10357973

>on top of the fact that the components in the original carts are dying left and right, making them increasingly worthless.
This is the line that exposes a butthurt poorfag every single time.

>> No.10358117

Crashing is too rough a word. It is going down heavily. It will even out, then never go back up. Emulation is too good now and most people that didn't use a real SNES will never care to use an actual one.

>> No.10358118

>Automated offers are now not automated
lol you idiot

>> No.10358121

100% does. A tiny bit better of a device and it could do so much more. PSP, ps2, WiiU, etc.

>> No.10358123

A slightly bigger HDD and you can have the exact replica of the game, no fake bullshit. TBs of storage are cheap as fuck now.

>> No.10359273

I got a 5 TB (de facto 4.5 TB) external HDD for just 110€, for example.

>> No.10361139

replica of the games AND manuals.
can also have the soundtrack and artwork book if theres any.

>> No.10361145

I hope that the growing rise of ODEs and the popularity of chinkhelds on Android/Linux speed up the process.

>> No.10361157

I've bought enough of it and starting to not care

It was only fun as a cheap hobby. Now it just feels stupid

>> No.10361308
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>>Frontend that gives you a collection feel
Name one, because the only way I'd have the collection feel is to be able to see the box and cart in 3d and be able to flip through the manual, all while having my games on a shelf. The closest thing I've seen like that was the 3D room that the Sega Genesis Classics collection had.

>> No.10361319

It's not the same as having a book to flip through, but it's good enough if you're just emulating anyways. I've also used pdf manuals for games I've played on console, so whatever it's not even a big deal.

>> No.10361321

Are prices in thrift and retro game stores now the same as they are on the internet? If so, that really sucks. Guess I should just stick to roms and never look back. Guess it's still a convenient option.

>> No.10361324

its been that way for years, they use ebay as their pricing mechanism

>> No.10361325

ITT: zoomers who grew up in a bull market think that line only ever goes up

>> No.10361326

And what happens when the millennials who played the game as kids get too old to collect video games? Parents dead, no free time...

>> No.10361328

A significant percentage of games released after 2013 are exactly like that. The disc is basically a launcher used to verify you purchased the game, after which the actual game is downloaded from the internet.

>> No.10361330

There are exceptions, but they are becoming less and less as retro games become a common commodity on top of being a collectable. A few years ago I had a nice deal with a thrift store in my town, got many a console for cheap(I lost my other first collection in a fire). They were nice people, went in there looking for religious texts and videogames, walked out with a nice leather bound personal book of Mormon(for free) and a Sega Genesis with a bunch of games for like 10-15 or something. They ended up holding on to games for me until I came in. I would always tell them they would make more money selling it on eBay, but I guess they liked the hinesty. I should go visit them someday, if I find myself on that part of the country anytime soon.

>> No.10361334

The US is the single largest market for non-chinkware video games, larger than all of Europe combined.

>> No.10361417

>It's not the same as having a book to flip through
sure,but when i got a kindle i realized physical books might actually be overrated and the same applies to physical vidya vs emulation.
sure the authentic experience is often the best but especially now the cost just isnt worth it,i can have a good enough experience for basically free and sure i liked having my games but when i sold them i made tons of cash and after a while i realized i was better off without all that plastic.

>> No.10361436

thats just plain wrong,my PS4 wasnt connected to the internet for years when i was without internet and i never encountered a single game that couldnt be played of the disc.

>> No.10361549

You don't need free time to collect things, millennials aren't getting too old to buy shit for decades yet. You can look at cars, the audience for 50s classic cars has just barely aged out to where the market is starting to tank while the cars from the years of the 3rd to 5th gen consoles have been skyrocketing at about the same time as games from adults buying the shit they're nostalgic for from their childhood (in some cases literally because they were in Gran Turismo lmao). If you put that aside though, gaymen across all generations was one of those hobbies with a massive Covid bubble that has to come down at some point.

>> No.10361571

it just depends on where you are. op shops around here usually price games either like the rest of their dvds/cds (1$ each) or at 5$. they take a while to sell, too. i guess there aren't many scalpers in suburban queensland. though retro stuff doesn't come super often (usually 360 games) and when it does its always playstation. i'm annoyed i passed up on so many dirt cheap ps1 games before i became interested in the console.

pawn shops here vary a bit, they seem to check ebay but prices get slashed if they've been sitting a while. there isn't much demand for retro games in my area so i can find good deals fairly often.
the retro store in my city usually is about ebay prices but a lot of obscure uncommon stuff shows up there. those are usually priced pretty cheap comparatively.

tldr move to bogan country if you want decent prices

>> No.10361579

I think retro gaming is different. Zoomers are buying NES and SNES stuff just as much as boomers and millennials. There's no die off from 3rd gen onward, just more consoles became collectable in this criteria. 2rd gen to 6th and a bit into 7th(DS psp). Nothing else is going to be collectable like these generations. I don't see many zoomers buying muscle cars or baseball cards, but they'll buy an Atari 2600 at a goodwill.

>> No.10361582

2nd gen*

>> No.10361617

i've already seen zoomers say that NES is too primitive. the main demographic of atari game collectors are starting to die of old age. there are zoomers interested in old games, but there aren't enough to replace the demand of people who grew up with them.
why do you think that games'll be any different once posting n64 collections stops being trendy?

>> No.10361621

The vast majority of people won't play anything that is older than stuff they played when they were a kid just like the vast majority of people won't watch a movie older than stuff they watched as a kid. That is because most people aren't actually interested in video games, movies, etc beyond the fad aspect of other people being interested in it and not wanting to be left out.

>> No.10361795

lmao just buy the games you really care about. I sold off most of the stuff I didn't truly love in 2021 and it gave me cash to pick up a few more grails. Yes I'll probably never own Valkyrie Profile but I'd need a bigger house if I really wanted to own every game I cared about. At some point it's not worth it.

>> No.10361879

They're even higher because stores have significant overheads.

>> No.10362078

> be me
> buy up megadrive games 10-15 years ago from second hand game stores
> $2 - $10 a cart w/box+manuals or loose
> shall buy. bargain.
> go on internet in 2023 looking to see what they are worth
> some carts i have are now worth $80, $150 etc.etc.
> some loose carts are worth $20, $30 etc.etc
at the time i didn't think of anything along the lines of value increasing, i just bought up what i liked because it was dirt cheap.

>> No.10362081

heh, I got splatterhouse 2 jp in pristine condition, boxed with manual for like $15 in 2013

apparently that game is $200+ or some shit now, i will never understand this market

>> No.10362084

also meant to say i just buy games i intend to play, i dont collect, so i never grabbed shit just cus it was cheap or for the sake of it, but a lot of the stuff i do have is worth money now, nuts

>> No.10362090

>Is the retro collector market crashing?
It's just that the generation that grew up with Zelda MM now have families to take care of and moved on.

>> No.10362093

>Are prices in thrift and retro game stores now the same as they are on the internet?
over the last decade (in my city at least) they've all clued on to looking up prices online and using shit like ebay as a price guide for items. some pawn stores used to be good sources for stuff but what i've seen is some store owners taking stuff they find rare and hawking it on ebay and all they have is trash. people in general are more aware of the prices of this stuff these days because the value has got silly. long gone are the days of finding ancient computers dumped on the side of the road for rubbish pickup or skipbin finds.

>> No.10362105

>apparently that game is $200+ or some shit now
what. lol.
> i will never understand this market
nah i don't get it either. i must have been sleeping because i don't really pay that much attention to these things. only really took notice of what some things i had were worth after reading stories online about various games selling for stupid prices, and those wata(?)games grfiters and their trillion dollar super mario kart or whatever it was worth.

>> No.10362107
File: 304 KB, 991x827, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what. lol.
yea it's fucking insane

>> No.10362109

there's no fucking way these games are worth that much. this is some weird ass shit. you'd have to be dumb to pay that much.

>> No.10362110
File: 453 KB, 1209x1278, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you were right, lol

>> No.10362121

is crazy that the jap version or usa version isn't really much different in price. i would have assumed the jap versions would be more expensive.

>> No.10362124

They generally are when boxed and complete.

>> No.10362190

>bro the thing i bought that sells only once a year changed value
Literally worse than "i know what i got" car boomers

>> No.10362401

those arent the japanese version tho.

>> No.10362405

I'm glad I collected in the early 2000's and cashed out by selling my dusty collection a few years back. Made a ton of money and I feel like I dodged a bullet because I sold before the grading shit became a real thing. Plus I don't have a bunch of plastic just taking up space in my house any more.

>> No.10362463


>> No.10362758

I would only sell mine if it's life-changing money. I know I would never be able to get this stuff back, and I don't want to be one of those bitter ex-collectors desperately trying to buy back what they sold.

>> No.10364219
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I think LaunchBox does a good job with all of the box art while you're choosing what to play, I also adore RetroArch's XMB, but that's only because PS3 was one of my favorite consoles, so I'm fond of it by default. I don't think there needs to be a literal virtual shelf to give me that same feeling.

>> No.10365626
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>> No.10366203
File: 117 KB, 240x240, Twenty-Five Icons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to make my own icons for the games I emulate (or just PC games in general).
It doesn't take long to do and it's a lot of fun seeing all your little games lined up on your desktop.

Here are 25 of my favorite icons I've made for retro games.
If you like, see how many you can guess! Some of them are quite obscure. (Answers are in the next post.)

>> No.10366204 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 1280x1280, Twenty-Five Icons (Answers).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10366210

You've got it exactly backwards.
Collecting games has nothing to do with playing them.
If collectors just wanted to play their games they would use a reproduction, flash cart, or emulation.
But they don't because owning the original physical version is what is important to them.

It won't even matter if the components fail.
A dead high-value cart will still retain most of its value just because it's still the original cart.
The same will go for scratched discs, or those that the bit-rot bogeyman actually got to (extremely rare).

>> No.10366268

If you don't want to pay just get a flashcart. I still like buying my games but there's an extent wasting 5000 on a not-for-resale demo cart sounds like a waste to me I rather just buy the full game.

>> No.10366280

Society isn't collapsing because you're a developmentally stunted mangirl.

>> No.10366303

The Reton 5 meme's prime usage was nearly a decade ago.

>> No.10366309

To be fair, if you're going to chunk down 3+ figures for a game, at least have it be for something actually rare and with a bit of unique history like an NFR Majora's Mask which was only meant to be used in demo kiosks. I personally wouldn't spend that much for it, but I will admit that it's at least more interesting and more of a meaningful show-off/museum piece than some boring retail shit like a CIB EarthBound.

>> No.10366937

>society isnt collapsing
but it will and so will retro vidya market when we are stuck owning nothing and eating bugs.

>> No.10367238

I say that, but I don't look like that

>> No.10367265

Did you just have a stroke?

>> No.10367272

>but it will when the dumb boogeyman meme that I'm retarded enough to believe is real happens

>> No.10367708

>NFR Majora's Mask
He paid 80 times more than it cost a few years ago.

>> No.10368310

Every fucking VHS Tape, Game Cartridge, and CD I own is a legal binding licence for personally watching or playing that media in anyway I see fit.

>> No.10368318

>falling for bait

>> No.10368324

The oldest Millennials are just turning 40. As soon as the US Economy opens back up so are the prices.
I'm buying the dip. Not for investments mind you. I'm just buying what I want now while the prices are back to being low. I doubt what I want is going to remain affordable for very long.

>> No.10368336

>Valkyrie Profile
Oh shit... that did go up. Glad I already have that.

>> No.10368398

I remember seeing it for $50 in 2012 but it was so far down my backlog I didn't spend the money.

>> No.10368579
File: 128 KB, 590x607, 1695704371331487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the retro collector market crashing?
not my problem

>> No.10369209

paypigs BTFO

>> No.10369262

how is the retro market declining bad for anyone except for resale fags trying to make money?
>those who want the physical copy for a 1:1 authentic experience can get it for more affordable prices
>those who want to play it for free via emulation can do so now as well
Seems like a win-win to me. So what are you faggots sperging about.

>> No.10369276

>Agreed. Prices will dip as millennials gradually age out, exactly what happened to Atari and Gen Xers.
I don't agree that Atari games are comparable in quality to later generations as a matter of taste. Many NES and SNES games are perfectly functional as platformers or RPGs even today and not that different from Indie games on Steam, games on the 2600 were either bad arcade ports or still figuring things out.
And millennials aren't really going to stop liking retrogames until they die in 40-60 years imo. They literally poll as playing vidya more often than zoomers, they're not just going to start playing cards and the older they get the less they'll keep up with gaming trends

>> No.10369283

>And what happens when the millennials who played the game as kids get too old to collect video games?
Why would that happen?
If you played videogames as a kid you're probably going to play them until you're 80

>> No.10369327

Sure, and apparently paid more than what it even goes for now. Just saying that things like this, the NFR promo cartridges, prize giveaway items, mail order only limited games/gear, development equipment, internal company memorabilia, rental only, all that esoteric stuff just seems so much more interesting than your run of the mill "uncommon to rare-ish game disc or cartridge which was mass produced and sold directly to consumers at your average retail store" stuff that most collector communities seem to salivate over. It just boggles my mind to see people paying $2k monies for shit as dull as CIB copies of EarthBound when there's shit far rarer and more unique to be had for that price (and even much much less).

>> No.10370842
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Pirating current games is cool and thrifty. I get it. I don't get what's so hot about pirating older games. Like unless it's a super rare game that goes for hundreds of dollars. Who gives a shit. Ofcoarse you can pirate it.

>> No.10370989

This is a market for antiques. You need to start thinking of it that.

Anything else is like being surprised that old issues of comics have 3 digit price tags. They are antiques meant for display. If you want to read the comic or play the game you get the reproduction.

>> No.10371041
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Except everyone can still enjoy the real thing. There's no need for reproductions to enjoy the game with out hurting it.
That's what's so great about this art market. It's tangible and completely interactable. Just got Jap Sonic 3 and Thunder Force IV. I have no fears about playing these games in a real system.
I don't even worry about using real vintage computer hardware. I have sound cards that are worth hundreds. I still take them in and out of storage to use them.

>> No.10371876

>shaders youre happy with
lol, lmao even

>> No.10372310
File: 31 KB, 255x256, 1693060164849104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you laugh at me for using and enjoying shaders
>I laugh at you for spending $200 on a cartridge whose ROM I'm playing for free
I win.

>> No.10372952

People have said the same thing for the collectors car market and that bubble been inflating for 4 decades

>> No.10372985

Even post a pic of your 35 year old cart if you won't post pics for him.

>> No.10372995

Look at the classic car market, or what Winchester, Colt, and Marlin rifles go for now for your answer. Just because the generation that grew up with them is gone doesn't mean the prices went down to affordable. Maybe NES, but SNES is never coming back down.

>> No.10373003

It's just stuff anon, the memories are what's important. At the end of the day it's just an object, one that some people would buy just because other people want it. I remind myself of this every time a Single Action Army or other pre-1900 firearm comes into my hands, with video games it's even harder to justify because they are worthless and have no purpose compared to a historical relic from a war.

>> No.10373034

Videogames are possibly better than an old gun, it's subjective. I like collecting videogames and playing them as a pastime. Guns are vital, you need to know how to use a gun, you don't need to know how to play videogames, you also don't need to watch movies, but we do as a way to offset the balance of mandatory v leisure. Videogames are important to history now and will fire Dr be part of the zietgeist, their is nothing wrong with enjoying and collecting videogames. Remember there are lots of people who own guns but don't know how to take them apart or clean them properly, they are objectively worse in my eyes than videogame hoarders.

>> No.10373120

You forget
>Emulation getting better and better every day

>> No.10373550
File: 74 KB, 678x562, boomers-inline-2-2-photo-573918-s-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

au contraire anon
>And so it went until the early 1970s, when the collector-car auction business began. Prices for prewar cars rose steadily until the late 1990s when they hit the wall, in part because of oversupply. As the Greatest Generation aged, they scaled back by selling off collections. And as more collectors began to die, the market for prewar cars dried up. The stagnant prices of ’50s American cars hint that history may be repeating itself.
This is in 2014, by the 2020s 50s prices are outright falling. Now the actually rare shit will always be rare and always be valuable, but the regular stuff absolutely takes a hit once nostalgia goes away.

>> No.10373597

the market is fucked. people manipulate eBay.

I see Panzer Dragoon Saga (PAL, Saturn) on eBay, dozens of guys are bidding up to €900.
I put mine right after, there are two to finish "only" at 500€.

I see the PS4 MGS V Edition which is going for €500.
I'm putting mine on sale...only one guy buys it for €250.

no matter what I sell on eBay, it goes for half the estimated price....

>> No.10373626

The stuff I played as a kid is definitely my favorite, but I like lots of older stuff too, just not as much.

>> No.10373646

It's just what happens when there are only two people willing to pay that much. It can be frustrating but I've been in the same situation as a buyer.

>want rare niche thing
>they don't come up for sale often
>check ebay one week
>one is up for grabs
>auction ends wednesday afternoon
>a few token bids from multiple people already
>scroll down a bit
>another auction ends wednesday night
>two came along at once
>decide I would pay $200 max
>bid on the first one right as it ends
>some other guy bid $198
>got what I wanted
>watch the second auction end
>the same guy bids on it
>he got it for $25

>> No.10373654

don't forget
>new controllers that actually work
i'll never understand why somebody would pay thousands of dollars to play a game on an old console with a 30 year old worn out controller. n64 sticks lasted like 18 months tops before they were shit. there's no way anybody has an original controller that still works well

>> No.10373702

I have NES, SNES and Genesis original pads that all work great. Hell I have an original NES Advantage that's in perfect condition. The Zapper works too.

>> No.10373706

>there's no way anybody has an original controller that still works well
I probably do because I barely played that crap console

>> No.10373714

Buy one NOS
Stop being poor.

>> No.10373886

Comparing Video Game collectors to Car collectors is beyond retarded.

>> No.10373890

You don't understand because nobody pays thousands to do that. You're hyperbolic.
I have original controllers that are still as good as new. DO YOU KNOW WHY? Because they've never been used to play Mario Party. I refused to have anybody use my controllers to play that game. No nobody ever brought that game over to my house. That game kills controllers.

>> No.10373894

You can look at GI Joes if you want.

>> No.10373904

Most people who play n64 these days notice the control stick is a contained unit, easily and cheaply replaced. Even the the ones autistic about "muh original experience" often realize it's not the stick itself that wears down, and look into replacing the encoders and bowl.

>> No.10373908

There are a lot of GI Joes that still go for big money. How many zoomers and gen alpha do you see buying those?
Retro Games have become an interactive licence collecting art market. And unlike something else that sounds a lot like that. These are tangible objects backed up by billion dollar brands that are still going strong.