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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.89 MB, 640x480, Perfect Dark rooftops.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10345921 No.10345921 [Reply] [Original]

Be it Perfect Dark, Majoras Mask, F-Zero X with 30 cars at 60 frames, Mario 64 or Conker which is basically an early PS2 game. Weren't the PS1 and Saturn equally as strong? They don't have anything like this, though

>> No.10345927
File: 191 KB, 500x232, 80b748dff6354e08ec62b0a2695744f2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or vast convincing 3D worlds like this with different biomes and shit

>> No.10345929
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, perfect dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10345935
File: 2.98 MB, 640x480, Perfect Dark 02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10345936
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, perfect dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10345938
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x720, racing game.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10345941
File: 2.17 MB, 3840x2160, mm-n64hd-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10345942
File: 251 KB, 800x600, Glide64-CONKER-BFD-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10345980

Because PS1 and Saturn were made 2 years earlier and were built to do different things. It's honestly kind of a self explanatory question if you just look at it for a second. Some people have the tendency to assume that consoles from the same "generation" have the same capabilities. This isn't necessarily true. This is also true in the fact that while the N64 has stronger CPU/memory, Saturn and PS1 had the advantage of CD's, which can hold hundreds of times of more data.

>> No.10345984

Why are people only posting emulator screenshots in wrong resolutions and aspect ratios?

>> No.10345995

the n64 is better when you:
>emulate on a platform over 1000 times more powerful
>don't use the original controller
>inject new textures
>override the awful filters
>do a full source decompilation 30 years after the fact
>refuse to play any other console as it might challenge your perspective
>swap the models with higher fidelity ones
>inject shaders
>spend all your time posting on 4chan about how much better it is
>are a 44 year old unemployed man

>> No.10345996

The N64 supported perspective-correct texture mapping, so you didn't need as many polygons to render a convincing scene. A game like Perfect Dark would probably run on a PSX but would suffer from warbling

>> No.10345997
File: 3.93 MB, 800x450, ezgif.com-gif-maker (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't have anything like this, though
Give me Sega Rally graphics and gameplay any day of the week.

>> No.10345998

The framerate in Perfect Dark and the two Zeldas is was way too low. In F-Zero both the cars and the racing circuits have very little detail.
Some of the screens you're sharing also come from emulator or directly from ports for more powerful consoles.

>> No.10346003

The N64 was technically speaking the most powerful of the bunch and had the least games.
The real issue with it is that no one knew how to make games for it and those who did didn't see it worthwhile to take the time to make games for something so late in the gen, dreamcast was already around the corner and PC gaymin was already doing most of what the N64 could do.

Not to mention by the time most of the games you listed came out Dreamcast and PS2 were already out specifically in conkers case even the Xbox was already out when that game was finished. This is much like how later PS2 games released in 2005+ come close to early 360 titles and in some cases even early PS3 titles.

>> No.10346008
File: 555 KB, 405x416, R (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 had graphics on par with dreamcast.

>> No.10346009

The Zelda games on N64 were the peak of video games and it was all downhill after that

>> No.10346016

god i wish there were more n64 zelda games. mm and oot were kino.

>> No.10346018
File: 1.36 MB, 640x480, funny.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10346019

I know it's a rather simple game but I wish there was a translated rom

>> No.10346023


>> No.10346024

This is pretty crazy desu. Should have become standard afterwards.

>> No.10346030

medal of honor did it better, turns out having enemies that fight you is more fun than enemies that dance for you

>> No.10346057

Got a clip of MoH doing it better?

>> No.10346058

there's nothing that really fills the void for me, Windwaker is too easy and Twilight Princess is boring and soulless, after that it only got worse. There are great 2D Zelda games but they feel like a completely different animal to me, do not give me the same satisfaction

>> No.10346070
File: 3.30 MB, 320x240, Side by Side Special.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing can beat the aesthetic look of PS1 racers.

>> No.10346158

>Windwaker is too easy and Twilight Princess is boring and soulless
TP's soul just goes over your head

>> No.10346167
File: 1.56 MB, 1180x960, Need for Speed - High Stakes (USA).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, that specific game looks more like a Saturn title, even though it's on PS1. Picrel is more of a PS1 style. N64 can't have these lens effects.

>> No.10346170
File: 1.74 MB, 1175x960, Rage Racer (Japan)-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this crispness

>> No.10346223

On what basis did you form this belief?

>> No.10346231

>all screenshots posted ITT are upscaled in emulators

>> No.10346268

>windows becoming more see-through when closer
This is neat

>> No.10346280

squaresoft games were the most impressive of the whole gen
ff8, ff9, vagrant story, tobal 2

>> No.10346314

The dude falling off the roof must be scripted. The death animations were all motion capture, not physics based. Still impressive and the game itself is still better and more fun to play than most modern FPS games.

Also someone should point out that there are what looks like emulation and/or remaster videos and screenshots being posted. If you want to show off the capabilities of any console, you should be posting captures from actual hardware, or at least emulators using settings that closely replicate output from original hardware. Otherwise, you are simply showing off the abilities of modern emulators and hardware.

Lastly, no discussion of the visuals of games like Conker and Perfect Dark is complete without mentioning the trash framerates and blurry textures due to the N64 cartridge storage capacity.

>> No.10346327

It's Ocarina of Time remade by an AI

>> No.10346352

The N64 had a strong CPU with an FPU and a C/C++ compiler as standard. Sure, the performance you get doing raw C++ to the nintendo GL API was going to be dogshit, but the simplicity meant developers could piss around with demo code super easy and try out all sorts of crazy shit. Then optimise the crap out of it once they knew what they were making.
The Saturn and the PS1 had the problem that even just doing basic 3D meant you needed optimised fixed point and vector code that could operate on the DSP and VU respectively and doing this sort of work from C was a total pig and it would always get in your way. And where floating point based polygon rendering tends to fail gracefully when you hit the limits, fixed point pixel grid texture warping fails disgracefully with any remotely degenerate polygon so you waste a whole lot of time fighting the damn thing just to get anything done. This greatly limits the time and the will you have to experiment.

>> No.10346372

true and agree. Have you played Missing Link? It's the only decent oot hack

>> No.10346408

>Why was the best 3D on the vastly most powerful 3D console?
Dunno. Witches?

>> No.10346429

>He thinks rasterisation was done on the CPU
That's a lot of words to say that you have no idea what you're talking about, anon

>> No.10346432

it has been said that several Rare interns died during the motion capture of that scene where the man falls off the roof

>> No.10346453

The Saturn and PlayStation were designed by people who had literally never worked with 3D before... And it REALLY shows.

The N64's ORIGINAL design (before Nintendo fucked with it to make it cheaper), was from Silicon Graphics who'd been the unquestioned Masters of 3D hardware for more than a decade.

If Nintendo weren't fucking idiots who decided to gimp the rendering microcode, then cut back on memory so they could retail their console for a launch price a hundred dollars under their competition, the N64 would have looked a generation beyond the competition, rather than just vastly superior.

>> No.10346458

Do you even go that mountain? I can't recall at all

>> No.10346460

>C/C++ compiler as standard
The SDK didn't come with a C++ compiler. A few adventurous devs might have set one up on their own, but Nintendo never provided anything of the sort. On the N64, C was king.
>the performance you get doing raw C++ to the nintendo GL API was going to be dogshit
"nintendo GL API"? You mean the standard microcodes? In that case, it's honestly not that bad (at least, once they had time to optimize it a bit more).

>> No.10346470

>Trash framerates
Cartridge storage enormously helped the framerates.
ROMs are extremely fast to access.
The problem was the complex geometry and texture cache limits.

>> No.10346481

No, that would be Master of Time, and it's crazy that there's any controversy about this at all.

>> No.10346495

>Weren't the PS1 and Saturn equally as strong?
I don't think that's the case at all, no matter what people people might say

PS1 was definitely pushed to its limits more, though, just like the PS2

>> No.10346496

>Also someone should point out that there are what looks like emulation and/or remaster videos and screenshots being posted. If you want to show off the capabilities of any console, you should be posting captures from actual hardware, or at least emulators using settings that closely replicate output from original hardware. Otherwise, you are simply showing off the abilities of modern emulators and hardware.
it's a bait thread, wdye?

>> No.10346504

>N64 can't have these lens effects. Every N64 game has lens effects. Not sure what makes you think those are special. The PS1 NFS games look great, though
Now this looks like shit. RR games are puke

>> No.10346508

still important to continuously point these things out for the clueless zoomers who are funneled into here through retro vidya Youtoobers and have never touched real hardware in their lives. Hopefully the more we help educate those retarded broccoli hair fucks, the less their stupidity is a cancer on this board.

>> No.10346509

>best 3D
>less polygons per second than on PS1
>worse framerates than on PS1
>worse texture resolution than on PS1

>> No.10346510

>Weren't the PS1 and Saturn just as powerful?
You need to stop listening to seething fanboys on /vr/, anon

>> No.10346513

>Every N64 game has lens effects.
Examples that look as good?

>> No.10346517

Your rectum is a bad source

>> No.10346521

>Less polygons per second than the PS1
Try to find a source for this claim. I need a good laugh.

>> No.10346523
File: 2.51 MB, 1440x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (USA)-221018-022823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soulemon thread

>> No.10346524

>can't refute
I accept your concession

>> No.10346525
File: 894 KB, 1280x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only n64 could handle effects like 20 polygons on screen (max), 15 fps (max), two textures repeated endlessly, fog after 30 feet.

>> No.10346526

but why "educate them" that way? why not something less inflammatory?

>> No.10346532

>N64 couldn't do lens effects
>N64 can't do lens effects that my retarded ass thinks looks as nice as this
Don't strain your back shifting those goalposts

>> No.10346538


>> No.10346540

my original post about scripted animations, using actual hardware, and framerates wasn't inflammatory

That said, zoomies need to learn their place. They weren't even born when these systems were out. When someone who was there at the time is speaking, they need to learn to listen, nod, ask questions they might have, and then shut the fuck up.

>> No.10346541

>no examples
I accept your concession

>> No.10346543
File: 3.81 MB, 1920x1080, paper comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10346546

Nta, but most of the time they have shitty attitudes, so they get met with shitty attitudes. You can't just come in here like you know everything, lose the argument, double down on being wrong and insist t it's not your fault for arguing from a place of ignorance, continue to be rude AF while demanding to be spoon fed while also still claiming to be right, without being called out for your mental retardation. It happens every day

>> No.10346547

Filter/shader name? Death to pixels?

>> No.10346548
File: 3.92 MB, 1920x1080, comfy (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10346549

If you mean the lens flare, I seem to recall Turok, Start Wars Racer, and Perfect Dark all having very nice lens flare effects

>> No.10346550

N64 is bad at colored transparencies. They are clamped in white and look like shit.

>> No.10346551


>> No.10346556

Lol mogged the tendie

>> No.10346557

This, zoomers act like extremely smug faggots because as time goes on the concept of being wrong is increasingly diluted in society. Everyone is valid, every faggot opinion deserves to be heard, every shit taste is acceptable because it’s Not Hurting Anyone(tm), etc.

If everything matters nothing matters, if everything’s valid nothings valid etc

>> No.10346562

>They weren't even born when these systems were out.
does this also apply to those who were less than 10 when these systems were out as well?

>> No.10346567

>N64 is bad at colored transparencies.
You mean light "transparencies" since it can't do additive blending. N64 can overall do more complex layers and is the only console of its gen with proper alpha blending, though. There is a reason the water in Crash 3 looks like goo

>> No.10346570

there is a big difference between a 2 year old and an 8 or 9 year old, so at that point it depends on what they're speaking on

>> No.10346571
File: 31 KB, 310x310, IMG_8016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the additive blending schizo is here
>why can the n64 not do it if the snes can, here’s some screenshots

>> No.10346572

Road Rash 64 is better than Road Rash 3D or Jailbreak.

>> No.10346576
File: 53 KB, 720x480, 11602851-g-police-playstation-the-venom-also-has-lasers-deadly-against-bu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. They either white like in Perfect Dark or too dull. PS1 was the king of 5th gen transparencies.

>> No.10346578
File: 3.46 MB, 1920x1080, retroarch_2022.10.15-13.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10346584
File: 2.19 MB, 640x480, 1698038452462881.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the L

>> No.10346585

generational overlap is a factor as well, and those who were between 2-5 when it came out have more in common with the zoomies than those who were 8-13 around that same timeframe.

>> No.10346586

Less than 5-6, sure. I remember fondly playing nes and genesis at those ages and while they weren't the newest consoles, most people still had at least a Nintendo. I used to make fun of old computer games like c64 and dos, but as I got older I started to appreciate them for their strengths instead of just being obsolete tech that should be thrown in the trash. Especially dos, there's so many great dos game I remember playing skyroads and getting addicted to it when I first started to get into PC gaming. I was completely wrong about older games, many of them are better in their tailored simplicity than most even 5th/6th gen counterparts. Game and watch is a great example.

>> No.10346592

>Less than 5-6
nah, less than 8-10 is a better springboard

>> No.10346595
File: 3.98 MB, 1920x1080, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10346596
File: 47 KB, 640x640, IMG_8014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10346603

Why there are so many console warring tendies on /vr/ all of sudden? It was chill just a week ago.

>> No.10346604

just save the screenshot, add brightness 20% and contrast 5%, roll back 2 feet and it looks great

>> No.10346607

that's not really any better than what they'd do, tho...

>> No.10346610

>a week ago
There were N64 shitposting threads the janny refused to delete a week ago and it's impossible to make a Zelda thread here without janny immediately making his first shitpost. Maybe your definition of chill is retarded

>> No.10346617

They don't listen otherwise, you just get cast adidevas a boomer retard. At least this way plants a seed.

>> No.10346618

then they won't listen even more, especially if you're gonna act the same way

>> No.10346628

It's because of you give them an inch they take a mile. When oot cultists get out of control they make a thread based off of a post in an oot thread, this starts to become exponential as more and more oot threads are up, then you get oot threads based on oot threads based on oot threads. They just can't help themselves, so they need to be contained. It's become reactionary to lambast oot threads so they stay in one or two threads, instead of five or six with two or three on the front page at all times, because that shit has happened on more than a few occasions

>> No.10346629
File: 1.88 MB, 1407x1074, 18d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or this crispness
The only thing crisp in this screenshot ist he HUD

>> No.10346631

Nah, shitposting begets shitposting. Let people have their boring thread and they're satisfied. Yous hitposting in every single Zelda thread like a maniac is why there are more and more. You also still don't have an issue with 10+ Sonic threads, so kys

>> No.10346632

This isnt daycare, junior. They want to spit off like an idiot and play boi who cried wolf, they're gonna get attitude back. You go tell them to stand in a corner and get laughed at, many of zoomer have been swayed by argumentation, it just takes a whole lot before they start connecting the dots.

>> No.10346634

Well done - you've found someone as uninformed as you.
You may notice that:
- This is an old source
- They don't give actual numbers
- This person has no idea what they're talking about (the N64 is optimised for fillrate? wut?)

This is based on Sony marketing and fanboy cope.

Flatshaded polygons: 360,000
Polygons with textures: 180,000
Polygons with textures and lighting: 90,000
...In reality, it would never get close to these numbers. The PS1 was bottlenecked by its lack of frustum clipping and depth sorting, among other things.

The N64:
Flatshaded polygons: 500,000-1,000,000
Polygons with lighting, gourad shading, perspective-correct texturing, and texture filtering: ~160,000
...It would also struggle to reach these numbers in actuality, but was far less bottlenecked due to not having been designed by monkeys.

Sony loudly claimed that the N64 could only manage 160,000 polygons per second compared to the PS1's 360,000.
i.e. comparing the N64s high-performance mode to the PS1's low-performance mode.
Things are actually even worse than this, though - because the PS1 tried to compensate for its lack of perspective correct textures by subdividing geometry - so the PS1 will always need more polygons to draw the same scene.

The N64 is absurdly more powerful when it comes to drawing polygons - something that should be obvious just by looking at examples.

So tl;dr - you're wrong and should feel bad

>> No.10346640

>If real people don't spend time debunking everything that I can pull out of my ass, then THAT MAKES THEM TROOOOO!
You really believe this, don't you?

>> No.10346642

In general it’s because n64 fans, mostly millennial faggots, are extremely obnoxious and over represented online in general, which makes people overreact when they see the n64 discussed. It’s not unique to this board or a product of this board, but this board suffers for it, if that makes sense.

>> No.10346643
File: 3.79 MB, 1920x1080, retroarch_2022.10.14-07.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low effort port desu

>> No.10346645

No, they will inevitably make more threads based on posts in oot threads. Why? Idk, they could just discuss that on the first oot thread, but they seem to think it's important enough to start a thread about it, this is becoming a thing not just in oot threads, but that's where it's the worst.

>> No.10346647

>literally admitting you're a zoomer and this is why you get triggered by Nintendo
When was the last time you tried just not shitposting in their threads?

>> No.10346651

Wrong direction age wise, no one likes millennials it’s as simple as that

>> No.10346653

Are you the 50 year old JRPG seether from the other thread?

>> No.10346654

...And samefag no more.

>> No.10346657

Do you realize that this fire looks like orange smoke? Ever wondered why?

>> No.10346659

>This isnt daycare, junior.
then why act like you're in it?

>> No.10346661

The what? I enjoy some JRPGs, not my favorite genre though

>> No.10346662

And kys

>> No.10346663

Nobody even remembers gen x exists, that's how little yours is liked.

>> No.10346667

>Flatshaded polygons: 500,000-1,000,000
Source on this? Also how many N64 games realy use flat shaded polygons?

>> No.10346670

starting to notice n64 fans never own the actual console lol

>> No.10346674

>wobblestation 1

>> No.10346682

6th gen was when 3D started to looked good. 5th gen looked like shit in general, apart from the 2D stuff.

>> No.10346689

Literally any analysis of N64 hardware.
Different numbers from 500,000 to 1,000,000 are arrived at based on your testing methods.
>How many games use flatshaded polygons?
Almost all of them. Look closer.

Fully rendered polygons were used very sparingly because of how intensive they were to render.
Most shading and some textures are faked using vertex colours.

>> No.10346691

>The N64 is absurdly more powerful when it comes to drawing polygons - something that should be obvious just by looking at examples.
Post examples then. From what I've seen, N64 games are predominantly low poly, low res and low framerate.
>"b.. but it can draw a milly polygons"
No N64 game did that. They all settled for low poly mode for some reason.

>> No.10346694

>Source: "trust me, bro!"

>> No.10346714

>disregards the source as "old" and "uninformed"
>doesn't provide his own source
>1...2...3 till another excuse

>> No.10346718

It was the most powerful system followed by the saturn followed by the ps1.

>> No.10346721

Why the fuck is everyone allergic to Google?

Former N64 developer (I believe for RARE)

>Using the original Fast3D graphics code you' be lucky to hit 100K polygons on an N64.
>Using the Turbo3D code you'd get about 500-600K PS1 quality polygons (Nintendo never allowed this uCode in a shipping game).
>If you are looking at pure transform rate it was possible to do sugnificantly more than that. However the uCode was also responsible for triangle setup, and that always dwarfed the transform time.
>The last couple of N64 games I worked on used custom uCode, which distributed the work between the processor and the RSP somewhat differently than any of the SGI uCode, and would pretty easilly push >100K on screen polygons.
>If we're talking about graphics and PS1 quality polygons, there really is no comparisson, with the exception of the 4K texture cash an N64 is better in every measurable way. And a damn site harder to get the performance out of.

>> No.10346734

The PS1 has 3000 games versus N64's 300. At this point it's fair to say that it simply isn't as strong when it comes to real 3D and big rooms. Otherwise there would be many, many counter examples that wipe the floor with those games

>> No.10346743
File: 3.38 MB, 640x480, PS1 Einhander.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 can't do additive blending hence no glows or fire, flares, etc. N64 does alpha blending, which is why everything looks dull.

>> No.10346754

It's a moot point, because it ended up doing large areas in many games. More games than the N64 did.

>> No.10346759
File: 15 KB, 524x307, WnCai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit about hardware lol?

>> No.10346768

>Has only read 30 year old game journalist rambling
>Is unable to use Google
>Can't even read fucking Wikipedia
>Is still somehow this smug (I guess true retards always are)

...Or just read a fucking book.
EVERYONE admitted that the PS1 was underpowered in 3D processing compared to the N64 years ago.

>> No.10346769

So he says that N64 could outperform PS1 IN THEORY but they choose not to because Nintendo policy? Totally not sus.

>> No.10346772
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault - 2023-10-23T201138.830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

007 The World Is Not Enough is the best game visually that I've seen the N64, just graphically speaking.

>> No.10346778

If you think N64 games look "lower poly, poly res, and lower framerate" than PS1 games then get some fucking glasses

>> No.10346784

I'll check these out, thanks

>> No.10346792

Enough about the past, which console looks the best TODAY, WITH emulation tricks, upscaling, texture packs, hacks, etc.

What’s the best post emulation riced out 5th gen console?

>> No.10346793
File: 44 KB, 800x675, lynx-spot3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Lynxbros at?

>> No.10346795

Yeah but they look like shit

>> No.10346803


>> No.10346809


>> No.10346812

...I guess the
"N64 is better in every measurable way" was too subtle for you?

>> No.10346816

So, which N64 games pushed 500k polys per second? Even that Rare dev from the quote above claimed that they went >100k which implies they didn't reach 200k.

>> No.10346819

Your kind was a mistake

>> No.10346826
File: 2.96 MB, 586x448, omegaboostspider.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impossible on 64

>> No.10346841

I think the highest reached was ~200,000
The highest PS1 game was ~100,000

>> No.10346843
File: 466 KB, 809x564, gunpei-yokoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether they realized it themselves or not, Sony (kinda) essentially used Yokoi's own philosophy against Nintendo when you think about it, at least from a graphical standpoint.

>> No.10346847

...Snappy comeback?

Impossible? Because of the blending?
Hardware blending aside, those effects could still still be done by the CPU, anon.
It wasn't a modern graphics pipeline yet, it still fed into a framebuffer

>> No.10346850

>Impossible on PS1
[Screenshot of any N64 game]

>> No.10346853
File: 2.91 MB, 640x480, high speed n64 exclusive action.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the limit of the n64

>> No.10346854

>Impossible on PS1
Textures that don't crawl away

>> No.10346857
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10346869

Panzer dragoon watch out.

>> No.10346873

Play literally any other 3d Zelda. OOT and MM are mid. Right where the series should be.

>> No.10346881

The processor in the ps1 wouldn't be able to do PD.
Oh... you are retarded. Carry on.

>> No.10346884

The DC was ahead of the ps2 in a few ways. The 64 was not even close to what the DC did.

>> No.10346886

I can't believe when I was a kid I ever liked ps1 racing games. These look like ass. Play like cum.

>> No.10346889

Yes, but the lack of DVD functionality along with bad blood from the Saturn/32X killed it

>> No.10346895

>These look like ass.
SMB1 looked like ass in comparison to Alex Kidd in Miracle World. Still liked the former a lot more anyways.

>> No.10346903
File: 2.05 MB, 1440x1080, fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SiP has countless different fire effects, all of which are more complex than those 2 fps bitmaps in the webm

>> No.10346908

5th gen 3D was shit anyway. 3D gaming should've stated with the 6th gen and get refined by the 8th.

>> No.10346921

That's kinda what happened anyways. Nearly all the jank of 5th gen 3D by at least the middle point of the 6th.

>> No.10346926

got ironed out by*

>> No.10346929

No really why don't any of the n64 fans have the real hardware?

>> No.10346930

yeah but now all the 3D 5th gen games aged like shit. would've been better if the 5th gen was pure 2D kino like SotN and Alundra. 6th still had some jank and 7th gen had the piss filter and ran at 10fps 640p.

>> No.10346935

>would've been better if the 5th gen was pure 2D kino like SotN and Alundra.
Not like I disagree. Sort of like how most animation slowly added in 3D/CG effects here and there during the 80's up until around Toy Story, games around that gen should've done the same.

>> No.10346949

agreed. 5th gen should've been 2D with some 3D effects like SotN did, and full 3D should've started with the 6th gen, 7th gen should've remained SD, and HD should've started with the 8th gen

>> No.10346960

are you for real this is the N64? Crazy.

>> No.10346968
File: 58 KB, 640x480, adventure-of-little-ralph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All agreed.

>> No.10346987

>5th gen should've been 2D
that's what they originally intended with the Saturn

>with some 3D effects like SotN
supposedly they added those effects in due to pressure from Sony to be a "3D game"

That said, I disagree. There are many examples of 3D games on Saturn/PSX/N64 that looked amazing at the time. If they're that bad for you to go back to, you can always play using emulation to upscale.

Also, the 5th gen was a necessary "learning" phase. No just in terms of graphics but 3D game mechanics as well. There was a lot of experimentation going on during that era while people were figuring out what 3D games could be. So we couldn't expect 6th gen 3D games to look or play nearly as good as they were jumping straight into 3D.

>> No.10346996
File: 549 KB, 1056x486, raytracing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it didn't , less animations and only 3 enemies at screen , not a bad game at all, the soundtrack is amazing and the guns are nice.

Rare was really good with reflections, they actually mentioned it as Real Time Ray Tracing back at the day,


I think the SG workstations actually featured hardware ray tracing since the N64 was the only hardware capable of enviromental mapping at that time, but they tried to replicate the effect by creating another copy of the scene so it would like reflections in real time.

>> No.10347001

You guys realize these decisions about 3d weren’t made with the same hindsight right? Most gamers were kids who wanted cutting edge they weren’t jaded 4chan posters mad about slop and battle passes. Gaming media at the time was eviscerating games for not being 3d, these thought processes were pervasive at the time, we only think these console gens “should have” done things a certain way because we’ve had 20 years to step back and examine everything with excruciating detail

>> No.10347009

>There are many examples of 3D games on Saturn/PSX/N64 that looked amazing at the time.
I guess, though even those paled in comparison to whatever 2D offerings any of those systems had.

>Also, the 5th gen was a necessary "learning" phase.
They would've learned nearly just as much through said added 3D effects.

>> No.10347013
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>> No.10347054


Also worth mentioning Turok 2 features polygonal fire, a graphical achievement at the time of the game's release


>> No.10347067

Would've been better if N64 devs focused more on framerate rather than impressive screenshots
PS1 has a fuckton of 3D games running at 60fps. Meanwhile most of the N64 library barely reaches 20fps on average.

>> No.10347072
File: 161 KB, 1024x576, 20191008153520_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe with some of the lower budgeted games but anything big budgeted on the dreamcast blew N64 out of the water.

>> No.10347076

It's where Woodfall is located

>> No.10347081
File: 1.28 MB, 1669x454, lake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like all the consoles but just out of curiosity, what is a PS1 game that has a semi-serialistic fantasy world of the same vastness and quality?

>> No.10347086


>> No.10347091

any kf

>> No.10347097

What makes Hyrule such an achievement more than just the asset quality is the depth of drawing on such a huge map and the lighting engine. See those pillars? They're lit in real time with the shadows constantly moving

>> No.10347104
File: 270 KB, 1024x768, 14005152821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking a bit more realistic but eh, I suppose it's kinda close

>> No.10347108

>They would've learned nearly just as much through said added 3D effects.

No, not at all. There was a ton of mechanical issues that they needed to figure out. From cameras, to movement, etc., how these things affect gameplay. All the amazing 6th gen 3D games have their roots in the 5th gen. Frankly, this is pretty obvious to anyone who was around at the time, zoomie.

>> No.10347137

>Frankly, this is pretty obvious to anyone who was around at the time
Well I know that, I was around during those gens myself after all.

>> No.10347143

I still hope for a Dreamcast models mod for Classic redux

>> No.10347178



>> No.10347192

its part of the goldeneye engine from' 96, where you can enjoy it with a better framerate

>> No.10347215

Custom microcode, huh? Most devs during the N64 era didn't even have that luxury! That was what made guys like Rare and Factor 5 so standout from the other.

>> No.10347368

And out in a CD-ROM that was faster than the competition. There would have been no contest. The trajectory of Nintendo would have gone from a three way race to a Nintendo monopoly. Something we really haven’t seen since the NES until now.

>> No.10347383

The cuts Nintendo made wasn't even that big in terms of price, they basically gimped the system tremendously to save some pennies.

>> No.10347397

it's insane how powerful the n64 was yet it struggles to maintain stable framerates because nintendo thought it was a good idea to have a 4kb texture cache, no dedicated sound chip (unlike the snes and psx) and forbid devs from using custom microcode until the generation was almost over

>> No.10347448

I still have my Pikachu N64 and I will keep it forever even though I don't even like Pokemon

>> No.10347450

Good luck dealing with the RAM limitations. Perfect Dark needed the expansion pack just for singleplayer. Why didn't Sony ever make a RAM expansion for the PS1 anyway?

>> No.10347465

Didn't Spyro's devs attempt to recreate the N64's rendering features?

>> No.10347467

Is nintendo's choice to go with cart media over cd's in 1996 the worst gaming blunder of all time?

>> No.10347480

>>They would've learned nearly just as much through said added 3D effects.
They wouldn't have. Making a 2D game with some 3D effects isn't as easy as making a game that's fully 3D.

>> No.10347481

Never played PD on real hardware? It's impressive when the framerate isn't shitting itself.

>> No.10347489

Looks better than most N64 games, but I bet the N64 could still manage with a competent programmer working on it.

>> No.10347494

Not even with custom microcode? Nintendo fucked up by not allowing more developers to use it.

>> No.10347495

most devs sucked

>> No.10347498

The N64 had a lot of power locked behind a stupidly complex architecture. PS1 was easier to get good results with even if it was less powerful.

>> No.10347531
File: 1.68 MB, 1317x1080, brave fencer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only comparable one I played is Brave Fencer Musashi, even has a village with a mill. But how it works is every area is basically a floating island with an empty skybox, trees are one 2D texture and the camera is top-down

>> No.10347535

yeah, it filtered most devs, we agree

>> No.10347540
File: 751 KB, 1600x1200, Mario Tennis (USA)-211008-131042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can but it's clamped with white, see F-Zero X, Mario Tennis and a few others. Mario Tennis came really late so I imagine they only figured out at the end of N64 life. A port of Killer Instinct arcade would have been much better with all the visual effects that the N64 version lacked.

>> No.10347562

Man I want to love Perfect Dark and levels like this are so cool but there are so many sloggish shit levels you have to do to get to the good ones

>> No.10347631

>Oh... you are retarded. Carry on.

>> No.10347895

>You can but it's clamped with white
Can you elaborate on that? What part gets clamped to white?

>> No.10347904

*clamped with
I don't have a good understanding of this stuff

>> No.10347907

What game? Looks like a Dreamcast game.

>> No.10347912

>N64 had graphics on par with dreamcast
Nigger what are you smoking? Nothing on the N64 looks as good as SoulCalibur plus N64 games run at 240p and sometimes even lower like Conker which runs at 292x214

>> No.10347915

>RR games are puke
This is bait. R4 is one of the best looking games on the PS1

>> No.10347950

>I think the highest reached was ~200,000
Which game it was?
>The highest PS1 game was ~100,000
Tekken 3 has ~1500 polygons per character. Two characters at 60 fps is 180,000 already and that is without the floor.

>> No.10347962

>N64 had graphics on par with dreamcast.
No, the dreamcast was definitely more powerful.

>> No.10347974

Bulk Slash??

>> No.10347981

It's amazing how much of a difference just a few megabytes of VRAM made back then.

>> No.10347983

why do I run out of time every time I play Side by Side Special? even in time trial on a map that's a literal circle gunning the throttle the entire time I still just barely finish with like less than 4 seconds left on the clock.

is it supposed to be so hard a single turn that isn't perfect will make you game over after time running out?
is it a bug with the emulator?
why the hell is there no time??

>> No.10347994

It's a barebones port of an arcade game. It wants your quarters.

>> No.10348004

World Driver Championship, I think

>> No.10348034
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 1696164263254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how it acrually looks. That footage is emulated at high resolution.

>> No.10348038
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, mm (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM looks awesome in HD (most N64 games don't really need the CRT shader treatment) but fuck those mods

>> No.10348059

Not a single answer, sad. OG Xbox at 10x upscaling.

>> No.10348071

>See those pillars? You can walk there.

>> No.10348165
File: 2 KB, 32x82, Ness Thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played Perfect Dark before. Should I play with an N64 controller and 4:3, try to get close to the original experience, or should I just go for the PC port with mouse support and modern features? I worry the game maybe accounted for the clunky n64 controller and would be to easy on a mouse+KB

>> No.10348225

>Should I play with an N64 controller and 4:3, try to get close to the original experience,
>should I just go for the PC port with mouse support and modern features?
No, you shouldn't. Thanks for asking.

>> No.10348235

but they actually lowered the time ever further in side by side special 2000. in fact that's like the only chance between 2000 and the other version.
thats why I think it may be my emulator? why would they make it harder from a point that already makes you run out without flawless gameplay?

>> No.10348243

what kind of knot twisted post is this? you admit that it's just a simple trick of rendering a flipped version of a column under the floor, but then try to defend call it real time raytracing which has absolutely no presence in pd

>> No.10348256

>nintenredditors STILL butthurped about 5th gen

guys you lost and got eternally btfo to making only meme consoles. get over it anytime now lmao

>> No.10348257

For real? I only played the 2000 version. But I really doubt it's emulation.

>> No.10348316

Why does the Dreamcast version look better than the Gamecube one?

>> No.10348537

if youve played and enjoy goldeneye and want to experience the game as it was released, try it with the n64 controller. if not, definitely k+m. it feels like a decent mid to late 90s pc shooter that way.

>> No.10348576

SNES is more comparable to the PS1 than N64.

>> No.10348615

why this butthurped over some randy dunking on the ps1?

>> No.10348639
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>> No.10348776

pretty sure I already explained that other 3D Zeldas suck ass and that's why I don't play them

>> No.10349018
File: 958 KB, 1024x1024, ps1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take harmonious N64 puke textures over PS1's pixel Tetris textures and soulless fan textures any day of the week.

>> No.10349021

I understand not loving TP but Wind Waker is pure soul and the closest thing we have to a full fledged AAA 3D Monkey Island. Just feels good to play it and the sound design is amazing.

>> No.10349023

wow, crazy how the res makes the difference

>> No.10349262


>> No.10349316

Okami is so god.

>> No.10349360

Is this a Shiren game on the N64?

Fucking ludo. This aesthetic is so good. Only other games that really hit it are the Goemon ones.

>> No.10349390

The on-foot sections of WW are the best parts, and it had pretty good ideas here and there. It's a shame I got bogged by the slow sailing and that fucking triforce shard quest

>> No.10349649

i've always said the same thing. the best games on N64 are just so much better than pretty much any other system's best exclusive games.

>> No.10349679

Agreed. Quality quantity and all that.

>> No.10349804
File: 1.02 MB, 900x860, 1633687101576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's Shiren 2. Heavily recommend it to anyone if they like roguelikes, mystery dungeons, or turn based strategy games in general

>> No.10349878

Can you give some tips what to do? I find it very confusing so far. What should be my loop?

>> No.10349883

That's dope

>> No.10349903

you can hear this screenshot

>> No.10349967

Ridge Racer Type 4 and Need for Speed HIgh Stakes do look better

>> No.10350062

They're all about the items instead of the build. Your build in Shiren is your inventory instead of your class and skills. You improve your weapons, shields, and tools.

>> No.10350259

>007 The World Is Not Enough
Holy shit this game looks like it could be on the dreamcast

>> No.10350436


The extension port was too slow and was eventually removed

>> No.10350535

RR looks like shit outside of the meme city sector. No colors, blurry and look at that car. People must stop memeing it

Not even worth playing with 7 existing

>> No.10350551
File: 615 KB, 667x793, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt the comparison is even fair since WDC is probably just some low budget game while Ridge Racer is Namco. But something I immediately notice is how WDC has the smoother asphalt textures. Where it's very polygonal in Ridge Racer, in WDC it's very smooth, something that wasn't even the norm in following generations

>> No.10350558

For a "low-budget game", the guys at boss game studios really put their all into making it look good.

>> No.10350631
File: 50 KB, 945x531, R.03e8f5f7c96e2e58e02445991faa8377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are all the most impressive 3D games on N64
Because the hardware came from the same company that provided the tech for CGI effects in Terminator 2, Silicon Graphics.
The thing is, the N64's internal documentation that they provided was difficult to understand and only available in English. This made it very hard for Nintendo and other Japanese companies to figure out how to get shit working on the console, to the point that Super Mario 64 only used 10% of its full power.
It's why that game is graphically super basic and uses small levels compared to all the shit that came from Rareware, who had a leg up from having used Silicon Graphics tech for years by this point while working on DKC and Killer Instinct.

>> No.10350645

>At this point it's fair to say that it simply isn't as strong when it comes to real 3D and big rooms
The PS1 or N64?

>> No.10350650

Because that video is using emulators for all the consoles.

>> No.10350734

>Super Mario 64 only used 10% of its full power

>> No.10350752

>Heh, impressive, but didn't you know, I've actually only been using 10% of my full power for years, now you'll see what I can really do

>> No.10350770

>It's why that game is graphically super basic and uses small levels
Rare would have been smart had they stuck with this formula and focused more on platforming.

>> No.10350774

>See those pillars? They're lit in real time
That's not what real-time lighting means.

>> No.10350775

>and 4:3
The original supported 16:9 (or, at least, I know for sure that Goldeneye did).

>> No.10350807

This is news to me

>> No.10350808

bullshit. pd is a flawless game

>> No.10350850

Nah, I prefer the approach they used during that time. I recently came to view their take on "collectathons" as a (sort of) action-adventure-platformer hybrid.

>> No.10350881

>something that wasn't even the norm in following generations
It was norm in every Need for Speed game since the very first one.

>> No.10350882
File: 86 KB, 448x264, PerfectDark-HiResEU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it did. It was the "Ratio" option. It was "anamorphic" 16:9, which means it still output the same resolution, but the visuals were squashed so that if you stretched it on a 16:9 display it would look correct. "High Resolution" shown in the screenshot, was available if you had the memory expansion and it doubled the vertical resolution (changed it from 240p to 480i).

>> No.10350883

Goldeneye was more fun single player. More fun level designs.

>> No.10350892
File: 20 KB, 358x268, 1686317994153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Tendies alwaya try to proclaim that N64 was ahead of its time at something, be it controller rumble, complex level designs or smooth road in racing games while in reality they are just not familiar with the games that existed outside of N64.

>> No.10351162
File: 67 KB, 800x649, pepe-the-frog-holding-a-cigarette-meme-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never met anyone IRL who felt this way unlike Goldeneye.

>> No.10351171

Let's put it this way: Goldeneye 007 was a 97/100 game in the pre Half-Life world while PD is a 97/100 game in the post Half-Life world.

>> No.10351172

I'd rank Half Life lower than both those games

>> No.10351178

That's why I said "world" as in general consensus. You are entitled to your own opinion but it doesn't affect how a game is received in general and what place it takes in the history of gaming.

>> No.10351179

No. Mario 64, OoT, Banjo-Kazooie, etc. wouldn't have worked on CD. You'd jump in a painting in Mario and wait a minute for it to load like Spyro.

>> No.10351182

Also to add, most PSX games would fit on an N64 cartridge if you remove all the FMV bloat.

>> No.10351189

Do you have a source to back up the "most" claim?

>> No.10351193

If you want to talk about consensus, Goldeneye 64 is the most memorable and played of that bunch

>> No.10351203

What makes you think that?

>> No.10351219
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_416435985_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while PD is a 97/100 game in the post Half-Life world.
In your mind maybe. Perfect Dark was garbage compared to the competition on its release and without James Bond and the fact it required an expansion pack made it far worse. There was no chance in hell I was going to pick Perfect Dark Multiplayer when I had Quake on dreamcast.

>> No.10351220
File: 207 KB, 1080x1034, 1694842808062590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at RE2. It would fit but it would be a complete mess.

>> No.10351227

They are not the same genre - SP focused and MP focused. And I don't think Dreamcast was the best way to play Q3A. On the other hand, PD was a N64 only title for a long time.
I don't even like PD that much, I was into CS, Kingpin, RTCW and MoHAA instead but any singleplayer fps game released after Half-Life and getting similar scores is an achievement by itself. PD and Halo scored higher than RCTW and MoHAA and I accept that.

>> No.10351231
File: 172 KB, 497x502, 1694105100230577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I don't think Dreamcast was the best way to play Q3A
At the time I don't think it was possible to play PC Quake Arena 4 player split screen. Dreamcast was also better than PS2s port that came out the following year.
>getting similar scores
Why are you so hung up on scores? These same reviewers would dismiss games for being 2d.

>> No.10351334

> getting similar scores
what a ridiculous focus. the fake and deluded game mag shill scores of the 90s. the rare bonus was real, the truth is perfect dark got 9.5 from those 19 year old retarded mag editors before they even played it. It's the sequel to goldeneye for fucks sake. It has more goldeneye's engine but with even more shit you can do of course it gets goldeneye's score plus even closer to perfect. It's only after actually playing it through, reflecting and growing up that you can even discern the reason you aren't having fun isn't some thing that's gone wrong with you. It's like trying to come down to reality from the hype of phantom menace on opening night to get your head around a star wars movie sucking. you can't at first. Oops you already wrote a blown away review. PD on real n64 is a 8/10 game goldeneye is 9.5 - even if they were released on the same day not over 3 years apart

>> No.10351340
File: 2.37 MB, 1067x600, 1669425299866639.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coukd the N64 have handled the outdoor maps of Silent Hill?

>> No.10351342

This doesn't make sense. Goldeneye blew you away with what felt like a new level of virtual reality realism. Then about two years later half life blew you away with what felt like another new level of virtual reality realism, albeit with some forgivable sacrifices made of things GE had achieved. Then two full years after that, PD came out and... was slightly slicker looking than goldeneye and had blood splats now and bots. It wasn't a revolution like those two. It left plenty of people who'd played the shit out of goldeneye and now basically had 3? two? new levels that were cool and a bunch of tedious turok maze alien crap, thinking that for the time that had passed there probably should have been something better

>> No.10351348

(since any actual gripes you could have with goldeneye - eg weird slow motion explosions that make the area into a hurt box for 6 seconds, stuff like that, were not improved or changed at all)

>> No.10351351

this thread man

>> No.10351352

>two characters and an octagonal tube
Yeah, sure.

>> No.10351357
File: 23 KB, 480x360, d0c46a79f24829015a0b48c9ab6ae534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that but the reality is if Omega Boost was on N64 it would look more like >>10346853

>> No.10351397
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No StarFox 64 exists, you are just a ridiculously cherry picking autismo.
And it has what Omega Boost doesn't, actual environments instead of a flat plane, a jpg background or a simple tube.

>> No.10351402
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lylat Wars was never mainstream unlike Omega Boost which was over with normies and gamers.

>> No.10351417
File: 470 KB, 1613x1210, Tezro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because SGI
The PC revolution started with 3dfx cards. Guess who founded 3dfx? Former SGI employees.

>> No.10351434

N64 has Beetle Adventure Racing\!

>> No.10351439

Omega Boost didn't even sell 1 million copies. It didn't even review that well because it's so simplistic.

>> No.10351686

Body Harvest was literally proto GTA, featuring even enterable buildings:


Also Turok 1 had huge open areas with seamless gameplay


N64 had a lot of Rally racing games:


snoys are really retarded, defending the medicore PSX hardware with its crippled feature sets, its funny peoples bashing at the 4kb texture cache of the N64 since the PSX had only 2kb, a shitty nearest neighbour filter only, no floating point unit , no z buffer, the CD rom reading speeds was 100 times slower and had a huge latency, hence most games use midi format .

Compare Rayman 2, Shadow Man, Space Station Silicon Valley that got ported to the PS1 with lots of cuts and downgrades.

we cant have a nice N64 discussion thread without people shiting post about the console.

>> No.10351709

All he said was that Rare was good at reflections and they called it ray tracing

>> No.10351717

Back in that era I remember Goldeneye 64 talked about much more than Half Life 1, most people were not pc gamers

>> No.10351734

>snoys are really retarded, defending the medicore PSX hardware with its crippled feature sets, its funny peoples bashing at the 4kb texture cache of the N64 since the PSX had only 2kb, a shitty nearest neighbour filter only, no floating point unit , no z buffer, the CD rom reading speeds was 100 times slower and had a huge latency, hence most games use midi format .
Anon you forgot the details. First of all, N64 cache is halved with filtering forced by Nintendo, leaving only 2kb of actually usable space. Second, it is explicitly loaded vs true associative cache of PS1, meaning that N64 has to fetch textures all the time and waste GPU cycles while PS1 textures are only limited by VRAM size.
Second, look at top PS1 games. Which of them were crippled by nearest neighbour filter, no z buffer or CD rom reading speeds? Nobody cared about any of that. The worst example is maybe Tomb Raider games being full of warping textures. Most popular games like Gran Turismo, Crash games, Tekken games, Ridge Racer Type 4, Resident Evil games - all of them look great, run great and have barely noteciable loading times. And these are the games that 90% of PS1 owners played. Of course you can find ugly jaggy and slow loading games on the system just like you can find blurry N64 games with low fps and bad sound.

>> No.10351737

What the fuck is that button spacing on the right, that looks so uncomfortable to use

>> No.10351739

>Nobody cared about any of that.
I cared. Z-buffering, anti-aliasing, tri-linear mipmap interpolation, these were all of deep importance to me.

>> No.10351806

>PD on real n64 is a 8/10 game goldeneye is 9.5 - even if they were released on the same day not over 3 years apart
I'm with you on this and I'm surprised that it isn't more common. If PD had actually retained Goldeneye's strengths, while enhancing everything and adding more possibilities, it would absolutely be a 9.5/10 game in its own right. But somehow, Goldeneye just happened to be one of those games that just did everything it could right on the first try and then was never replicated.

PD was really overambitious in ways that it did not live up to, it absolutely needed to run better, either from better optimization or straight up launching on a more powerful system. It's level design is worse, its missions more tedious, weapons more gimicky and less satisfying to use (people went nuts over the laptop gun but it's a weapon that shoots for you instead of something you aim remotely and there's something just so lame about that even no matter how cool the idea is).

Just the way Goldeneye opens is so beautiful. I mean that literally, the dam is a fantastic looking level that really sells you on it because it gives a solid impression of a space wide open in the maintains with nice backdrop. Not a single level of PD looks as good or clean, it has inferior art direction and layout. But its the way that it introduces and utilities its mechanics from the get go, giving a pistol you can use stealthily, from which you can take rifles from the guards, first with automatic fire, then a sniper with scope from the tower, which you can immediately employ over the long distances the level provides. Nowhere in PD is this done, its sniper is made obsolete but the auto aim of you fucking machine pistol, so the intent of the Villa just fails. Goldeneye is primitive in plenty of ways, you can't walk past edges, guards won't shoot you, even if they have a shot, unless there's continuous solid ground with no obstacles between them and you. But it just got so much spot on.

>> No.10351819

It's ambidextrous.

>> No.10351829

there is nothing special in that game

>> No.10351842

I don't think you understand what that word means.

>> No.10351860

>let's limit and torture all game developers by forcing them to use a tiny proprietary cartridge so Nintendo can increase their profits and the end consumer gets a smaller product
castrate yourself, nintendo bootlicker

>> No.10351864

Good for Need for Speed

>> No.10351939

At the same time, SotN and Alundra are also games that can have respectable ports on the 16bit hardware, without losing out on gameplay and just some degredation to graphics.

Was probably because of the psx that forced the rest to move to 3d. Snes/genesis could've gone on for a bit longer and then release the 3d systems later with dreamcast like performance instead.

>> No.10352136
File: 5 KB, 259x194, 124487553253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just can't let it go. Even 25 years later. A thread about the N64 being more "relevant" than the PS1 and now this!
The mere fact that the N64 needs an Expasion Pak for the dozen or so of decent games this console has, so it doesn't look too blurry or unappealing, just shows how mediocre this console is in terms of design and engineering.
The only reason the N64 has better capabilties than the PS1 and Saturn is just because it came out 2 years later. Taking advantage of all the progress within the computer industry. That's it! tendie... no merit at all. Your beloved company did nothing special at their own.

>> No.10352147

Nah. Alot of games on the cast had some ugly blocky models tho I will give you that

>> No.10352359

>A thread about the N64 being more "relevant" than the PS1

>> No.10352364

>N64 cache is halved with filtering forced by Nintendo, leaving only 2kb of actually usable space
Factually incorrect. Texture filtering was not required by Nintendo, nor does it use any extra TMEM. It's a simple option in the render settings that can be turned on and off on a whim.
>N64 has to fetch textures all the time and waste GPU cycles while PS1 textures are only limited by VRAM size
Your comparison makes no sense. The texture data has to be loaded one way or another, not to mention optimized for efficient cache usage in either case. The N64's texture cache isn't the Achilles heel it's memed up to be.

>> No.10352413

Self-affirmation or delusion is a good therapy for the people or a group with low self-esteem.
I guess this explain these threads.

>> No.10352428

>Self-affirmation or delusion is a good therapy for the people or a group with low self-esteem.
I guess that's why we argue about which electronic toy is better than the other.

>> No.10352485

>no z buffer
The z-buffer is an anti-feature and is the point at which 3d graphics started to go wrong.

>> No.10352530

>PSX more revelant

Show me PSX games that had revolutionary 3D mechanics , anything like Zelda OOT, Mario 64 or Goldeneye did.



Even the Dual Shock 2 has less degrees per angle, witch is baffling, so much dead zones , it's terrible to play games like monkey ball without the analog precision

>> No.10352568

there wouldn't have been any point making the sticks precise internally when they are placed in a position at which the thumb has poor articulation

>> No.10352578
File: 358 KB, 2119x462, Anti-n64 schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they just can't let it go. Even 25 years later
Sir, this is /vr/
Also, aren't you that one anti-N64 schizo?

>> No.10352585

the original Armored core trilogy on PS1 is an absolute blast

>> No.10353253

its something to wonder, whether the guy who conceived goldeneye from the start, implemented its code that makes it so particularly fun, conceived perfect dark, then immediately left the game industry to be a monk (or something like that), leaving pd in the hands of some interns, could have implemented pd as he envisioned it. or whether even he just would have hit the systems limits

>> No.10353292

>why does a 1997 console have better graphics than a 1995 console
gee I wonder

>> No.10353336

A better question is: why it doesn't?

>> No.10353450
File: 162 KB, 400x300, YOSHI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racing in that abomination beetle
No thanks. The tracks are kart racer tier.
Same reviewers would downvote 2D games and heres another N64 so called killer game which sold millions.

>> No.10353457

this is the mhz schizo

>> No.10353460

>N64 had a lot of Rally racing games:
Thats like saying N64 had run and gun and fighters even though none of them were any good.
What does the word mean?

>> No.10353461

>No thanks. The tracks are kart racer tier.
The fuck are you talking about? Beetle Adventure Racing runs on NFS3/NFSHS engine, has similar tracks to those games (means that they're good) and has legit car handling. It's the only worthy racing game on the platform and the only one that comes close to PS1 racers.

>> No.10353480
File: 1.94 MB, 417x413, tumblr_nqgvl9LpBv1r7sijxo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck are you talking about?
Nu Beetle car will never be cool no matter how you try to spin it. Getting air time is fine with Sega Rally but when you're doing back flips, flying like its ET and smashing into obstacles your so called racer loses me.

>> No.10353485

And yet you post Daytona which has even less realistic physics

>> No.10353502
File: 29 KB, 479x320, NMGhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad. I forgot the parts of Daytona where you take flight.

>> No.10353509

>hating jumps in a racing game because it's on N64
That's a new one.

>> No.10353528
File: 1.52 MB, 400x294, IMG_9146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had true hardware accelerated 3D processing, it was a big selling point back then. It was like Nintendo directx. The way polygons are drawn also allowed it to have much larger 3D environments than PlayStation or Saturn which allowed for the collectathons and FPS people loved. I think only Spyro got close to doing what the N64 could do.

When pushed to the limit, the N64 was a stunner. I don’t think PlayStation was any slouch, but N64 was clearly more impressive when utilized correctly.

Conker’s Bad Fur Day held it’s own against Dreamcast and launch PS2 and is undoubtedly the most graphically impressive game on the console.
Full facial animation
Lip synced dialogue
Real time lighting
Shadow casting
Real time reflections
Huge open environments

It’s a based system. I had both PS1 and N64 back in the day and loved them both for their own strengths.

>> No.10353540
File: 21 KB, 161x188, mips the rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MIPS strong and the developers were both passionate, talented, and creative.

>> No.10353548

PS1 was also hardware accelerated though. One of the first of its kind. Maybe you mean texture filtering?

>> No.10353549

IIRC it wasn’t, which is why most games had texture warping.

>> No.10353552
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>> No.10353569

You mention specific hardware features. I meant graphics acceleration in general which was done with GTE.

>> No.10353570
File: 60 KB, 800x369, 1698019660207648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full facial animation
Lip synced dialogue
Real time lighting
Shadow casting
Real time reflections
Mario 64 with its simplistic and cartoony style is better looking.
>Conker’s Bad Fur Day held it’s own against Dreamcast and launch PS2 and is undoubtedly the most graphically impressive game on the console.
Comparing Conker to Sonic Adventure proves you're wrong. >>10346008 Looks better than anything in Conker.

>> No.10353574

I heard about teenagers doing this but I didn't think i'd see it on this site let alone /vr/ - screencapping the first google snippet as if it has some authority to it instead of being algo mongled shit most of the time. You didn't even read it either, because it says no special hardware for z-buffer or floating point
>which are important for 3D
It doesn't say that there's no hardware for other things that are important for 3D.
If you were doing 'research' beyond copying words that have no meaning to you into google and pasting a featured snippet from quora screenshot (holy fucking retard, find death asap), even just on wikipedia, you'd find out about for example the ps1 having a 'Geometry Transformation Engine' a dedicated chip for matrix/vector (ie 3D graphics) operations, ie hardware acceleration. There was also a video decoding chip, which also counts as hardware acceleration.

So yes, hardware acceleration of 3D, but not of the specific method of operations that relieves geometry jitter, or of perspective scaling of textures

>> No.10353587

I said it held its own, I didn’t say it was truly higher fidelity than Sonic Adventure (which didn’t have shadows, real time lighting or reflections, but did have a higher polygon count). Sonic Adventure also had basic mouth movements and limited skeletal animation in comparison.

Conker is undeniably higher fidelity than Mario 64. That is ridiculous. Conker is literally a coding marvel that used every trick in the book.
N64 did accurate 3D, PSX didn’t. That’s the point I was trying to make, and I did say “if I recall correctly”. There isn’t a single wobble in an N64 title, they render exactly as 3D accelerated PC games did, therefore being truly 3D accelerated, not an approximation.

>> No.10353593

>Sonic Adventure also had basic mouth movements
In a 3d platformer I have never once given a damn about this. I will give Rare props for how they handled Banjo Kazooie voices as its simple and effective.

>> No.10353596

Most of the programmers for 5th gen games really were really something else in general, I gotta say. We'd be lucky to have those of their caliber today.

>> No.10353601

Conker’s bad fur day probably has an hour of real time fully voiced cutscenes were full facial animation and Lip syncing absolutely matters, and it was impressive even through 6th gen. All of that on a 64mb cart I might add. Wizardry.
Sonic Adventure literally has unsynced blob mouths and half the body animation.

>> No.10353604

3D acceleration is not "wobble remover". 3D acceleration is using special dedicated chips for fast graphics rendering which would be otherwise too slow to do on general purpose CPU.

>> No.10353607

And yet most PSX games don’t look or run better than software rendered 3D PC games.
N64 3D acceleration is demonstrably more accurate. That being said, I really enjoy how the PSX looks and don’t think it’s a matter of fidelity what makes games look better.

OP asked why N64 had more impressive 3D games, and it’s because it had a more capable 3D accelerator.

>> No.10353608

Yet again this board ceases amazing me which how much it care more about hardware talk than games. This board is just /o/ in disguise.

>> No.10353628

>therefore being truly 3D accelerated, not an approximation.
This is your very personal imaginary definition of something that is defined differently in common use. You could argue that making the granularity of vertex positions finer than a screen pixel is a threshold in capability, and you could give it a name. But that name is not 'truly 3D accelerated'. I get what you mean but now we can settle on n64 having
>a more capable 3D accelerator.
which we all understood in the first place except you

>> No.10353641

I said “iirc” PSX didn’t have a 3D accelerator. What I meant to say was that it had a shitty 3D accelerator. Is that better mr sperg?

>> No.10353650

you're arguing with me about some shit that happened before the post i replied to which was one with a screen shot of quora. i don't give a fuck what you said to someone elsewhere

>> No.10353663
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>> No.10353671
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 1678999050046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet most PSX games don’t look or run better than software rendered 3D PC games.
This is incorrect. I will generalize a bit, but a typical mid-90s 3D PC game required a 66-100 Mhz Pentium CPU to run at acceptable framerate at 240p. And yet it had no colored lighting, 16-bit color and transparency effects of PS1 games from the same period. No unaccelerated 1995 PC game looked as good as Wipeout or Motor Toon GP both of which ran on a console with 33 Mhz CPU. But 240p while fine on a TV was too low for a PC monitor. And once you bump resolution to 480p you get unplayable slide show on PC unless you upgrade to a 166-200 Mgz CPU, preferrably P2, OR buy an accelerator (assuming the game supports it). And post-Quake PC games were more complex in general so the comparison becomes moot.
With 3Dfx Voodoo accelerator you could play Quake at 480p and 30 fps. These were main points - play at good resolution and fast speed. Quake 2 popularized colored lighting in 1997 too. In the end, 1997 PC hardware left both consoles way behind. N64 usually run at 240p and many games were sub-30 fps so this is why I don't get your acceleration point unless you mean specific things like texture filtering.

>> No.10354224

It certainly accelerated better than the N64 3D accelerator, considering their games having the same level of detail despite PSX hardware being much weaker.

>> No.10354268

>considering their games having the same level of detail despite PSX hardware being much weaker.
Indeed, subpixel accuracy for geometry, perspective correct filtered textures, anti aliasing and a z-buffer require zero additional transistors.

>> No.10354356

I'm not going to Google it for you. It's irrelevant anyways, the Lynx's design is shit regardless.

>> No.10354445

I accept your concession.

>> No.10354457
File: 563 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tekken 3 still mogs any other 3d game of the era

>> No.10354471

Actual 3D hardware that operates like a fetal version of what we use now, more or less. Correct perspective, filtering, no penalty/overdraw for large flat surfaces. It was really anemic texture memory and poly budget-wise though. There are probably some PS1 games with more polies on screen at a higher framerate, but they were all unfiltered, jagged, and wobbly.
basically doesn't even enter the conversation. That developers got that sprite machine to do what it did, and things like Hellslave exist, are sheer autistic wizardly. PS1s and N64 highs/max potential are so much higher.

They're all good game platforms so please don't fag out anyone.

>> No.10354483
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 253576-super-smash-bros-nintendo-64-screenshot-pikachu-and-fox-fighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even 3D background
Smash mogs kekken hard

>> No.10354491

Saturn actually mogs N64 in 3D fighting games as well:
>high resolution
>great looking models
>fast framerate

>> No.10354501

What are you retarded, Tekken 3 has 3d backgrounds compared to the mostly barren 2d atmosphere of smash. But you're literally a kid playing with toys in smash it's supposed to look like that. Completely different things, smash isn't a fighting game, it's its own things.

>> No.10354505

This is a stupid argument, and I said no fagging out. All 3 machines were so differently abled anyway. There are games on each that couldn't be done on the others without huge compromises, and you know what they are, and you know why. That said, you know Saturn's 3D blows. Even the goddamn developers have mentioned this several times over. It was a strain to make games like these.

>> No.10354521 [DELETED] 

Tekken 3 is a faggot game for insecure faggots.
>"oh no, Smash looks like it's for kids"
Lmao it's almost as if it threatens your masculinity and you try to overcompensate by limiting yourself to "adult games". You're worse than Mortal Kombat fags why cry about other games being too weeb and not violent enough.

>> No.10354528 [DELETED] 

tendie forgot his meds again

>> No.10354537

You forgot that Smash has 4 on screen characters and real 3D environments. Kekken is two dudes, endless flat ground and jpg wallpapers.

>> No.10354704

>Why are all the most impressive 3D games on N64
Because Nintendodrones are the furries of /vr/ and they won't stop masturbating to their product of choice, creating an echo-chamber effect.
In other words: they aren't

>> No.10355310

Mace The Dark Age has bigger arenas, with destructible objects , technically speaking even the chacarters had twice the poly count of a sintle Tekken 3 character.

Tekken 3 is the better game though, I will give you that,Too bad most of the N64 fighting games exclusives had shitty low budget efforts .

>> No.10355314
File: 58 KB, 1023x602, Bks30Sg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic and video


>> No.10355503

So the answer is to instead look like an insecure millenial faggot trying to imitate a cartoon stereotype of old men yelling at kids outside like when you had autists here violently denying the GBA was retro even though it was 20 years old and vastly obsolete?

>> No.10356036

>two niggas in front of a wallpaper
This has potential to become the new 3 niggas in a row if Snoys keep pushing it

>> No.10356106

Games that are too dark and muddy like that would benefit from additive transparencies since the glows would be very vibrant and lit the dark characters, except it doesn't and the game looks like a blurry mess with ugly colors and even uglier alpha blending effects. The fire in that game looks like they're spreading spices in the air.

>> No.10356118

Not visually, it's just two characters in front of a jpeg.

>> No.10356359

Could you stop saying "mogs"? It's one of my trigger words.

>> No.10356363

Sorry anon...

>> No.10356403
File: 1.70 MB, 318x225, 1670325966202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but I thought that main point about Tekken 3 was not character models/polycount but mocap animation quality and how fast and responsive the controls were compared to other 3D fighting games of that period. Namco made custom compression routine for animation data because it didn't fit PS1 RAM at first. Even industry graphics leader Sega had less impressive animation in VF3.
Tobal 2 and DoA1 are smoother in static than Tekken 3.

>> No.10356640

>the good ones
can you name them? because if there's even one level that's fun I would be happy to replay it a thousand times like i have Facility. I don't want to have to grind through the campaign again to find it though. I have gritted teeth memories of all this game's levels i can remember

>> No.10356841

>can you name them?
Not him but Goldeneye had many fun levels to run through, like the Silo, the Train, the Frigate, the Runway and quite a few others. In Perfect Dark, I remember trying to find run levels to run through but there aren't too many. One might be Carrington Institute: Defense, I remember that was relatively short and action packed. It's been ages since I've played PD, actually. Another one that I remember coming back to was Crash Site: Confrontation. The first level of the game is also sort of fun to replay. Pelagic II: Exploration is fun but too long.

>> No.10356858

>The first level of the game is also sort of fun to replay
I dunno...it gives me the shits. The first part of the level is defined by these cramped confrontations - come around a corner or open a door and you're jammed up against a guy and the challenge is just to spin fast enough to aim at him if he walks a small distance. Then you go into the offices and you're supposed to open a door, use your cmp150 to paint three guys then watch the gun whip around automatically killing them. That's cool a few times but I don't find repeating this process to be satisfying. There's no loud gun option here so you don't have the tactical question of whether shooting a guy will call more guys that is supposed to define these spy games. The guys in the offices just don't come so you open door, shoot unwitting guy, repeat or annoyingly chase him around with your lumbering aim if he happened to get up. Tedious elevator interactions, etc.
But you know what I need to reserve judgement. Because to make goldeneye fun these days i set it to damage =300% or whatever in 007 mode so guards can one shot me. I need to do this to PD and replay it but I remember the 007 mode in PD was kind of differently implemented.
Eh anyone got an eep for the pc port that has that '007 mode' available, or know how else to get it going?

>> No.10356864

>Sega had less impressive animation in VF3.
LMAO reminder that Tekken hides it's animations behind 2d sprites so you can't see how badly they connect in non-throw situations in fact a VF3 character has more blocking animations for different types of attacks than Tekken for the entire character roster.

>> No.10356881

Just a shame nobody can see any of these amazing features under the thick layer of Vaseline.

>> No.10356937

>VF3 character has more blocking animations for different types of attacks than Tekken for the entire character roster.
Tekken 3 has more animations in general for numerous different states like bouncing from the floor, or tripping over after a shin kick, or grabbing the nose after being punched etc which all add to overall look and characters expression. Most of those are mocapped as well. VF3 went for a more simple and serious look but they also reused a lot of hand animated moves from VF2 which looked unnatural. So no, VF3 is not better animated. Wolf has 28 throws and grabs in VF3. King has around 50 in Tekken 3.

>> No.10356961

nta but I used to download tons of PS1 "rip" games a long time ago, which had their music and FMVs removed, since I had slow internet and a small hard drive. Most of these games were less than 64MB, which is the maximum capacity of an N64 cartridge. Granted, this was with compression, since the ISOs for these games usually contained easily compressible garbage data, and would balloon to "original" size when uncompressed. To compress and play these games, I used a special plugin for ePSXe. I also threw tons of these games onto my PSP, since the PBP converter I used could compress games.

>> No.10357136

Yes, you are losing FMVs but also high quality music and speech. Furthermore 64mb cartridges became affordable to the developers only in very late 1999. In 1998 there were only three 32mb games, OoT, Turok 2 and NJPW Toukon Road 2. The absolute majority N64 games in 1998 were 16Mb or less. So let's say you are going against 1998 PS1 lineup like RE2, MGS, Gran Turismo, Tekken 3, NFS 3, Crash 3, Tomb Raider 3 and others. You are stuck with 32Mb cart if you are VERY lucky. More likely you will have to squeeze into 16Mb. Resident Evil 2 was ported to N64 almost two years after the PS1 release. It wouldn't be possible with 1998 ROM sizes.

>> No.10357146

>it gives me the shits.
Yeah, it kind of feels like it should be more fun because it is facility-esque but it's disappointing for the reasons you said, the layout is too conventional, the AI is too boring and the guns aren't interesting enough.

>> No.10358529

This is insane

>> No.10358532

We've already been over this.

>> No.10358548

are you really this stupid? i can't believe it. explain why you typed that. Do not fucking tell me you thought these are n64 screens

>> No.10358569

The Perfect Dark webm looks legit.

>> No.10358584

it is. why did you tag the other shit?

>> No.10358617

And talk like a stupid bimbo in the comment sections here

>> No.10358963

The racing game is obviously just upscaled in emulator. Most games of that generation still look like shit even upscaled

>> No.10358964

Go back

>> No.10358987
File: 895 KB, 1440x1080, fzx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F-Zero X with 30 cars at 60 frames
Easy to do when your "cars" look like flat shaded pieces of blobs and the track is a rollercoaster through dense fog

>> No.10359017

You definitely sound like someone who played with someone's cum as a child

>> No.10359023

How did they get away with marketing this thing as ray tracing?

>> No.10359032

>Weren't the PS1 and Saturn equally as strong?
Literally noone has ever said this.

I smell a troll.

>> No.10359052

Yes, PS1 is stronger in pure polygon count and texture quality. N64 masks its shortcomings with vaseline smear

>> No.10359091
File: 470 KB, 641x478, 1676045200616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vaseline smear
I hate how there is no way to make it look good, even on a crt. PSX games aged much better.

>> No.10359108

False, looks great on a CRT with composite if your TV is sharp enough

>> No.10359110
File: 33 KB, 153x111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10359112

Try deblur mods

>> No.10359123
File: 14 KB, 654x308, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS1 had no advantages but textures and texture detail really doesn't do a lot for old games, that's why the initial excitement about adding texture packs to old games died off. It just looks weird and unnatural having HD texture packs in a game like Quake.

There's some meme theory that PS1 can do 2D better as the N64 sprites are actually just flattened 3D objects, which sounds plausible but is suspicious.

>> No.10359167

>it's the guy who flexes by posting screencaps with 90s text rendering as if he browses on a win95 machine

>> No.10359234

>jagged edges and wobbly minecraft textures = good
>soft anti-aliasing and blurry textures = bad
Let's face it. Both are "shit" by modern standards, so why all the fuss? Take a step back and you'll see that each one has its own unique charm.

>> No.10359323
File: 301 KB, 1367x1573, 1684758857351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one million
You have too many zeroes there buddy

>> No.10359373
File: 165 KB, 1285x480, 1690721269610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It just looks weird and unnatural having HD texture packs in a game like Quake.
Vanilla Quake 1 has decent textures. Unless it's the N64 version.

>> No.10359374

And yet the 29 AI cars behave like real players, and not just mindless drones that plagued most games including GT2.
But I guess that requires no additional system resources either in your world.
Keep coping

>> No.10359381

Except that nintendos numbers are more representative of realworld performance, while sony just pulled bullshit straight out of their ass.
Name one game that does >10k polygons per frame @ 30fps.
Even Crash barely reaches 60k per second and thats from one of the best developers they had.

Reminds me of segas claim where the Saturn could do 500k polys per second, because the vdp2 layer needs x amount of polygons to emulate on a playstation.

>> No.10359397

With that render distance, the low screen resolution, the vaseline smear anti-aliasing and low fps, there's no way anyone could claim the N64 was on par with the Dreamcast. Look at any multiplatform game at the time and the DC shits all over the N64.

>> No.10359398

I’d say soul reaver had the most polys on PS1
Not sure what it’s count is

>> No.10359413
File: 85 KB, 620x465, 1683551454483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS1 had no advantages
PS1 has:
>additive blending
Making the special effects like picrel possible, something not seen on N64.
>generally more polygons being used -
180k per second textured and shaded and 360k untextured. Some games used combinations of both making the total number something in between. N64 games with standard fast3D microcode had ~100k, Rare custom microcode used in their last N64 games allowed for slightly more than 100k but no exact value was given. Theoretical peak with turbo microcode was 500k which is higher than PS1 but ironic thing is that Nintendo didn't allow to use it and unless some homebrew developer proves this number it stays theoretical. In practice N64 was as fillrate starved as it was texture size starved.
>CD media
Allowed high quality music and speech and more asset variety.

>> No.10359440

why did n64 not implement this simple thing that's so crucial to 90s 3d aesthetics?

>> No.10359447

>generally more polygons being used
If this was the case, then why didn’t they do that?
Something like perfect dark should’ve been easy to run on it and yet even alien resurrection struggled

>> No.10359453
File: 1.83 MB, 372x286, giphy (10).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep coping
You're the only mindless drone here.
>Reminds me of segas claim
PSX couldn't run pic related.

>> No.10359468
File: 60 KB, 686x386, 1697966896140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except that nintendos numbers are more representative of realworld performance
Explain why no N64 racing game has car models on Gran Turismo level. Not even WDC where developers switched Z buffer off to gain more performance. Or why no N64 fighting game has characters models on Tekken 3 level. Or why Ridge Racer 64 car models are much more simple than RRT4 cars. Or why N64 port of Quake 2 used 2D sprites for player viewmodels instead of real 3D models.

>> No.10359480

>If this was the case, then why didn’t they do that?
They did use more polygons. N64 has higher theoretic number but it was never used.
>Something like perfect dark should’ve been easy to run on it and yet even alien resurrection struggled
I don't get your point. Perfect Dark framerate often tanks to under 20fps. Alien Resurrection is more fast and solid.

>> No.10359484

GT2 drops in framerate with multiple cars on screen. WDC doesn't.

>> No.10359487

It wasn't seen as crucial when N64 hardware was developed. Non-accelerated PCs didn't have it. Sega Model 2 arcade hardware didn't have it. Saturn didn't have it.

>> No.10359493

What are the actual triangle counts per frame for each of these games? You can use the debug features on emulators to look it up. Just pulling numbers out of your ass and vague statements isn't helpful.
None of those racing games go above 2k polys per frame. I have no numbers for tekken 3 so you can look it up and report here.

>> No.10359495
File: 508 KB, 1440x1217, 1675031616050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10359498

Gt2 drops harder with fewer cars on screen.
Also those track design tricks are nothing others arent doing either.

>> No.10359506

>We were trying to work out whether to do it with the Nintendo machine or not. … There was a while there where we were going back and forth between the N64 and PlayStation, seeing what we could do with 3D graphics on each system.
>I kind of had a suspicion that things weren’t going too well for the 64 at that point, because … one of my responsibilities … was to write performance applications that compared how well the 64 fared against the prototype [PlayStation]. And we’d be running parallel comparisons between the [PlayStation] where you’d have a bunch of 2D sprites bouncing off the screen and see how many polygons you could get within a 60th of a second. And even without any kind of texturing or any kind of lighting, it was less than 50% of what you would be able to get out of the [PlayStation]. Of course, the drawback of the [PlayStation] is it didn’t really have a z-buffer, so you’d have these overlapping polygons that you’d have to work around so that you wouldn’t get the shimmering [look]. But on the other hand, there was no way you’d be able to get anything close to what FF7 was doing [on PlayStation] on the 64 at that time.

>> No.10359512
File: 3.19 MB, 620x372, ezgif-4-db61e54b67.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many N64 games use transparency effects, from obvious cases such as water and glass (Waverace, Goldeneye, Turok, etc.) to less-obvious instances such as smoke, clouds, and the transportation portals in Turok

In SM64, Alpha effects are used for the ghosts and also in the crystal maze. Waverace is probably the largest user of transparency, due to its extensive water effects

Also it is possible to display translucency much alike Vagrant Story. We call the effect of seeing through to the rear of a scene, as through a jelly or cellophane, the mixing (blending or translucent) process.

There are many methods you can use to implement the mixing process. Here are two that are representative:

Use the alpha value of the texture.
When drawing the surface, draw by multiplying the mixed coefficient.
When you provide the blend, you need to be careful of the drawing order of the translucent surfaces. Be sure to draw the opaque surfaces first, and then draw the translucent surfaces from the rear forward.

Basically, the translucent surfaces are implemented by providing the translucent process to the picture that has already been drawn. Therefore, if you draw a translucent surfaces before drawing an opaque surfaces, the effect looks unnatural because there are no already drawn objects to be blended.

Also, if you start to draw the translucent surfaces from the front, the effect looks unnatural because the rear translucent surfaces are drawn on top of the front translucent surfaces

>> No.10359516

Indeed, many developers are not capable of adapting to different hardware, see this interview with factor 5


IGN64: So you'd say that the added hardware features definitely make up for the aforementioned problems?

Factor 5:
Nintendo and Rare prove that a really well-made N64 game always looks better than a similar PlayStation game. The problem is only that many people try to program for the N64 in the same straightforward way as for the PlayStation. And that's one thing the N64 is not. It's not straightforward.

>> No.10359519

N64 being "more powerful" is the same crap as Sega Genesis blast processing. Always used in marketing, may even be plausible on paper but not really seen in practice.

>> No.10359523

And yet the output from Nintendo and Rare looks better than the comparable stuff on the PSX.

>> No.10359526

ps1 mogs n64

>> No.10359529
File: 163 KB, 1439x720, Burning-Rangers-Fire-Destruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn had it on one of the VDP chips, forgot which, I think it was VDP1 that was capable of drawing transparent sprites but then you also had on the same game meshes for the shadows.

>> No.10359547

>And yet the output from Nintendo and Rare
They are comparable to the best looking PS1 stuff but they run at 20-25 fps.

>> No.10359553

It's <20 in Perfect Dark. Conker is around 20-25 yes.

>> No.10359573

I always wondered why the only fast arcade like game that Nintendo made for N64 was F-Zero X and they never bothered to make more 60 fps games or care about stable 30 fps either.

>> No.10359574

people back then was ok with low framerates

>> No.10359581

Can PSX do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plh9OGel-lM&t=3

>> No.10359585

Too bad the PSX can also drop frames hard.
MSG in 1st person mode has fps issues
Soul reaver in open spaces has fps issues
GT2 with multiple cars on screen has fps issues
Driver (2) struggles with performance
The later NfS games struggle with performance.
The batle mode in FF8 runs at 15fps

And these are just a few examples.
Indeed, everytime the PSX tried to open in scope it usually ended up with performance issues just like the rest of 5th gen. It's not the magic 30fps locked box some people claim it is.

>> No.10359586

>Can PSX do a tiny room with nothing in it

>> No.10359592

It's megatexture tech, quite impressive actually. But this is a 2023 tech demo, not something seen in any N64 game in 1996-2000.

>> No.10359629

>The batle mode in FF8 runs at 15fps
It's designed to do this.

>> No.10359648

CRT’s lack of motion blur makes low FPS less bothersome

>> No.10360440

>reason the N64 has better capabilties than the PS1
what did he mean by this

>> No.10360510

At 7 fps the PS1 can do anything too

>> No.10360657
File: 3.64 MB, 1024x768, F-18 Strike Hornet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I guess if you're only considering "consoles", then yea, the N64 is pretty impressive.

>> No.10360779
File: 36 KB, 500x300, Figure2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alpha is not additive blending. it doesn't make the appropriate look for glows

>> No.10360920

You can’t see that gif?

>> No.10360936
File: 232 KB, 648x486, IMG_9237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol stfu spergs

>> No.10360950
File: 93 KB, 453x451, niEGgRC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice textures.

>> No.10360971

Lol what looks better in practice?

The N64 with a proper 3D accelerator.
No contest.
Same game, same devs, same engine, better results on N64.

Console warring is fucking stupid, especially 25 years after the fact. Both are great but don’t kid yourself. What good are higher resolution textures if they are NEVER displayed properly? Especially stupid at 240p/480i.

>> No.10360975

PS1 of course

>> No.10360979

you lost tendie, go to bed

>> No.10360986

I didn’t ask a question where this could possibly be an answer.
Clean your wound. I’m not a tendie, I’m in my 30s posting on /vr/ because I’m at a low point.
Don’t you love how each screenshot isn’t labeled and you automatically know the one that looks better is N64?

>> No.10361010
File: 97 KB, 510x327, GXPfPGf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were thinking how the game would look like in an emulator decades later.

>> No.10361021

>Lol what looks better in practice?
it's the PS1

>> No.10361056

these PS1 texture were raw texture ripped directly from the disk, the PS1 cant keep the same quality , the N64 ones were divided in smaller ones but the filters makes them look better.

>> No.10361079

Troll or sad man.
There isn’t a human being alive who would say the 3D on RE2 PS1 is superior to N64. It has PS1 charm, but it’s a jaggy mess of shit in comparison.

>> No.10361086

>filters makes them look better
Texture filtering has never looked good.

>> No.10361120

Wildly untrue. It can look bad, but not always.

Zoomers think texture filtering looks bad now because they play vidya on emulators at quintuple the resolution on flat panels. No shit it’s going to look bad.

Furthermore, some games like Quake 2 allow you to turn texture filtering off, and the results may shock you.

>> No.10361443

>these PS1 texture were raw texture ripped directly from the disk, the PS1 cant keep the same quality
what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.10361456
File: 462 KB, 725x933, 1674837175668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE2 on N64 is just bad. Blurry backgrounds, resolution switching all over the place, bad transparencies, worse looking character models, overcompressed speech. And it was almost two years after the PS1 version.

>> No.10361462

I think he’s trying to say 240p can’t display the quality that the source is, in some weird way

>> No.10361467

no one cares about your fake 3d tank controls shit.

>> No.10361478

wasn't talking to you, chud

>> No.10361483

I think I dated the girl on the left.

>> No.10361508

SOVL vs souless

>> No.10361584

>Nintendo and Rare prove that a really well-made N64 game always looks better than a similar PlayStation game.
Sonysisters...our response?

>> No.10361609
File: 297 KB, 854x847, IMG_9247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This proves the opposite of your argument lol. Bold of you to make that statement with this image.

N64 even has more proper shadowing on the elbow pit. Because it has a proper 3D accelerator, there is no mismatched seam either.

It’s a matter of opinion which rendering method looks better.

It is not a question that N64 is doing higher fidelity 3D.

You do realize they were able to fit a two disc game on a 64mb cart? We also aren’t talking about anything other than what console could do 3D better, and it’s the N64. That doesn’t mean every single N64 game is going to be more impressive, but the console is simply more capable displaying 3D polygons and large 3D environments.

Picrel is your based larger textures going to fucking waste lol.

>> No.10361618

Also resolution switching is literally not noticeable and seamless on a CRT which it was designed for. In what world is this a negative outside of playing original hardware through a scaler on a flat panel? N64 is displaying the game at a higher resolution…and you’re saying that’s a negative LOL

>> No.10361634

Still waiting on that really well made game.

>> No.10361640
File: 489 KB, 1254x946, IMG_3996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CBFD literally invented resident evil 4 for a few levels of a single chapter of the game lol.

This is one of, if not the first, over the shoulder third person shooters with a laser sight as your reticle. It literally plays exactly like RE4, exactly.

If a technical marvel that invented resident evil 4 by accident isn’t good enough for you, what is?

>> No.10361652

Huh. The lower texture resolution (>>10361010) is barely even noticeable, surprisingly.

>> No.10361670
File: 67 KB, 640x480, crashbandicot03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the textures are mostly smoothed gradients, the PSX has a higher resolution, but needs it to 'simulate' the texture filtering on the N64.
You can also see this e.g. in several textures of Crash or Sega Rally. A lot of the texture resolution is used to add gradients to make the pixels less obvious

>> No.10361684

Too much cope.
>n64 port being inferior visually is a well known fact confirmed by numerous comparisons
>"uh noo it's actually better because n64 is more powerful, just look at the elbow pit!"

>> No.10361689

N64 is a trash console that only Rare could get decent performance from. But if you're not a fan of collectathons then it's not worth having.

>> No.10361694

Yeah, the deformed face on the PSX is soo much better looking

>> No.10361715

I don’t know if you’re trolling or actually this embarrassing.

You would grade how good 3D is by how accurate the modeling is. OP is asking why Nintendo did 3D better. From your comparison image, it is clear to the naked eye that N64 is rendering the model plus textures properly, perspective correct, while the PSX is a jenga tower.

What good are higher res textures in this instance if you can’t render them properly?

I love how PS1 looks, but obviously N64 is better engineered to produce proper 3D. Even though I know N64 is higher fidelity, I honestly prefer the PSX look so don’t even call me a fanboy because this isn’t what this is.

You have to be trolling, there is no way you are looking at these two images and thinking PS1 is higher fidelity.

>> No.10361734

>Background resolution is reduced across the board with the system basically stretching and filtering assets to fill the screen. What's curious about this, however, is that framebuffer resolution varies based on whether you use the Expansion Pack or not. Without the expansion pack, the game's framebuffer seems to remain locked at 320x240 throughout the game. The artwork is generally of a lower resolution and the eight by eight compression artefacts visible as a result of its JPEG-like compression are super-obvious, but it works. However, with the Expansion Pack plugged in, the game varies its frame buffer resolution on a per-scene basis.
Looks like N64 port is the one with jpg wallpapers, lol

>> No.10361736
File: 23 KB, 776x524, Crash Bandicoot textures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty interesting. You can really see it in action on the sand texture there.

Out of curiosity, I went and found some textures* that were ripped straight from the game. Many of them, like pic related, have some seriously egregious blur going on.

* Textures sourced from https://www.textures-resource.com/playstation/ps1crash1/texture/9316/

>> No.10361737

Wait do people still debate N64 port of Resident Evil 2? It's called a "miracle" because it wasn't supposed to be possible on N64 at all, not because it's good. It's in the same vein as Doom on SNES is a "miracle".

>> No.10361742

N64 3D was pretty much shit. Blurry mess, nowhere near as good as PC in pure quality and features and aged much worse than PS1.

>> No.10361745

N64 port is the full fat game. It’s a miracle port for fitting a game that was on two discs into a 64mb cart without cutting anything out.

Doom snes is a miracle port for simply being doom on hardware that shouldn’t be able to run it, and it makes a lot of compromises to do so (though they could have shipped it on a cart with more memory).

You faggots are something else.

>> No.10361771

>without cutting anything out.
They cut asset quality across the board. The whole game was an equivalent of a dialup era heavily compressed music video from Kazaa.

>> No.10361785

>OOT and MM are mid.
Terrible opinion. Later 3D zeldas only have more spectacle, not more heart.

>> No.10361797

The FMVs took a hit, but not that bad. The music is literally higher quality than the original because of MusyX. Sound effects/VO took a hit.

Everything though, literally everything, is included. On 64mb. The compromises are minuscule.

See above images to see what it looks like in practice.

It’s unreal how autistic you fags are.

>> No.10361829

You forgot about the backgrounds which are jpg recompressed and blurry due to worse resolution. It's the biggest hit the game took.

>> No.10361839

They’re also dithered a lot by the PS1 hardware as it’s unable to produce all the necessary colours
So it has issues on both consoles

>> No.10361846

They are much better quality on PS1, stop being disingenuous faggot.

>> No.10361856

Why does the mask come off so quickly with you people
You stated a downside and so did I
Most likely you’ve not played either on the original consoles

>> No.10361873

It's just you being disingenuous and arguing in bad faith.
>"le both look bad"

>> No.10361876

I think both look great and unique
You think one looks bad because you’re a fanboy

>> No.10361882

If you could only play one which would it be?

>> No.10361887

>the port looks like an overcompressed jpg and sounds like an overcompressed mp3
>"proper shadowing on the elbow pit" somehow makes it a better version
I'm done arguing with these clowns

>> No.10361891

I always play the originals over ports, regardless if the port is better or not

>> No.10362148

>Tekken 3 has ~1500 polygons per character. Two characters at 60 fps is 180,000 already and that is without the floor.
False; when you check the debugging options in an emulator the total number of polygons per frame is between 1000 and 2000 for tekken 3.

Most games that gen (regardless of console) tried to stick below 2k (textured) triangles per frame, or when they go above that it no longer runs at 30fps.

Its amazing how easy it is to look up the actual numbers yet people still keep quoting random bullshit

>> No.10362165

I take it you bought a 3do to play need for speed then?

>> No.10362172

Didn’t need to buy it
Played it on 3DO at my dads game shop
Return fire, Gex and Road Rash were the best games on 3DO though

>> No.10362368

>high quality music
N64 sound hardware could support up to CD quality sound samples. Granted, that usually took up a little bit too much space, so they usually settled for radio/broadcast-quality 32Khz samples instead. The difference in sound quality wasn't that big, you just had to do it all with samples/midi instead of having massive pre-recorded CD audio files that ate up tons of space. As for voice acting, it just wasn't a priority for most games. Sure, something like MGS couldn't have worked in its current form on the N64, but the Final Fantasies absolutely could have (especially since they didn't use pre-recorded music or voice acting anyway). FF7 would have had to sacrifice its FMVs in favor of much better polygonal graphics and, likely, a full 3D environment rather than pre-rendered backgrounds (due to the N64's small texture cache). Would have been interesting to see.

>> No.10362397

This is literally not noticeable on a crt, and even on a flat panel it’s barely noticeable. I don’t think you have ever played the port. I think you watched YouTube autists. The game was made to be played at 240p/480i on a CRT. I am deadly serious, you would not be able to tell without analyzing the textures themselves or playing on emulator/playing on flat panel.
They are really weird. I even told them I prefer the PSX look and they still can’t live in a world where N64 version does the 3D part better.
It’s not just the shadowing, it’s literally that entire 3D models are cleaner and more accurate. Are you blind? Are you larping as a sperg for fun or are you sincerely this mentally ill?

You faggots have to be trolling, who go this hard dying on the cross for something so trivial?

The N64 version is a great way to play the game, whether it’s 1998 or 2023.

Thank god we are almost at post limit.

>> No.10362531
File: 462 KB, 2344x722, imagem_2023-10-29_135151894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 version has real analog controls
seamless backgrounds transitions and faster door loadings , iten randomizer , surround sound,
more accurate character models , higher resolution using upscale , (may well be the very first game to feature dynamic resolution )

>> No.10362540

blurry backgrounds, worse sfx quality and fmv are ass.

>> No.10362549

Do you realize they actually had to fit more than 4gb of uncompressed video frames in to a measly 24mb of cart space left? The N64 does not feature a motion decoder chip nor a audio chip , and I'm not even talking about the audio space.

The PSX bacgrounds are also baked , playing on a CRT they are not that much different.

Also are you the same fag that keeps spaming this threads ? You post things defending each console to generate flaming and console waring.

>> No.10362559

they are worse on n64

>> No.10362571


>> No.10362579

>It's honestly kind of a self explanatory question if you just look at it for a second.

It really isn’t, I think this is the first time I’ve seen a thread comparing a N64 to PS1 arguing it to have better 3D graphics, and have no one argue. And it’s a pretty apples to apples comparison, unlike the Saturn, the PS1 was also made for 3D, and had higher poly counts in many games. But, the the N64 does have texture filtering which makes everything look a million times better. I don’t think there’s anything on the PS1 remotely close to Rogue Squadron.

>> No.10362581

It's funnier still all the comparisons are in an emulator lol

>> No.10362643

That’s true, though I think a lot of us are old enough to remember how these looked om a CRT. Honestly, I always thought PS1 games looked like ass back in the fay, they were just impressive because of all the FMVs and pixel counts, but in the end only a few proper 3D games from then (like GT2 or MGS) actually look phenomenal, most others look pretty shitty.

>> No.10362846

Why do we even have to act like this shit game ported by random people represents the N64?

>> No.10362847

The character models just stick out too much from the prerendered backgrounds on PS1. Too much aliasing or texture warping and those aggressive blob shadows

>> No.10363383

Reminds me that in Goldeneye, I would bully the scientists until they pull out the silver pistol. Pretty sure that was the only way you could get that gun in Facility.

>> No.10363471

>Weren't the PS1 and Saturn equally as strong?
no lmao.

>> No.10363501

The Sealed Palace is also very polished. My favorite hack is a toss up between that or Master of Time.

>> No.10363979

I rented conker and while I thought it was super impressive for n64 many people had moved on by then so it seemed like a wasted effort. Back then I never thought n64 would be considered retro, the idea that people would ever go back to n64 seemed strange at the time but here we are.

I've actually had people back in the day say well apart from resolution being 4 times higher and framerate being double the graphics are almost the same as the n64.

>> No.10364015

>The PS1 has 3000 games versus N64's 300
Did you own all 3,000 at the time? Did anyone even own all 300 N64 games? What an odd thing to say. It's like my mate who owns 1,800 games on Steam. He's installed around 25 of them and played even fewer. Why? Because you naturally gravitate to the decent games and filter out the trash. If you find a decent game, you tend to commit more playtime to them and forsake everything else.

>> No.10364018

With that much fog? Of course. It's something N64 did exceptionally well. Look at Turok 1 and 2.

>> No.10364027

PS1 had better textures, more polygons and additive blending that brought unique look. N64 advantage was impressive big maps but overall it didn't age well.

>> No.10364028

I think he means in aesthetic fidelity, like style and design, rather than technical fidelity such as resolution, performance etc. Which is correct. Most playstation games were hideous, low effort or just bland shovelware by comparison.

>> No.10364053
File: 135 KB, 640x480, 1676074965589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate the ugly dull look of N64 games due to its inability to produce good looking light effects and blurry output of the console itself. PSX games looked so much nicer and plenty of them had fast arcade gameplay.

>> No.10364081
File: 937 KB, 540x404, 1682669924603.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. PS1 games definitely look cooler. 90% of N64 library is blurry mess.

>> No.10364084

I think they both have good looking games

>> No.10364334
File: 528 KB, 690x495, tenchu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always funny how people state the PS1 is superior by posting the same 3 games over and over again.
In reality most PS1 games looked like this

>But the PS1 can to textures up to 256x256!
But those were hardly ever used, general scenes consist of heavy polygon jitter combined with deformed lower resolution textures.

>> No.10364462

They're cherry-picking but so are you

>> No.10364480
File: 2.80 MB, 800x450, MN64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10365137

Broski that screenshot is pure emulation, no PS1 game looked even remotely close to that that back in the day, even on a CRY. In fact, the PS1 has an opposite problem in which the high pixel count in tandem with the lack of texture filtering makes most hakes look like a hot mess of pixels.

>> No.10365393
File: 108 KB, 1317x1080, ps1 pixel mess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS1 had better textures,
No, it did not. It had pixel shit because it couldn't filter for its life. Games need shit resolution, 10 layers of blur, zoomed out, very fast or otherwise obscured to look good and trick your brain

>> No.10365450

On a CRT I couldn't tell PS1 dithering at all but I could clearly and annoyingly see Saturn's pixel meshes. I didn't even know the PS1 had dithering until recently when we got better emulators.