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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 246x350, Night_Trap_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1035895 No.1035895 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1035896
File: 140 KB, 256x359, Sewer_Shark_Coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1035898

We couldn't afford one so me and my brother just rented one on the weekends sometimes and went through the gamut of CD games they had (the advent of CD games which were a new thing at the time)
Night Trap I think I got addicted to and then someone gave me a cheat guide from some game magazine one day and that was that for the crawler dudes
Interactive games/FMV's were such a gimmick when you think about it

>> No.1035903
File: 63 KB, 320x224, the-mansion-of-hidden-souls-screenshot-004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mansion Of Hidden Souls is my favourite.

If you check reviews on the internet, everybody says that this game is absolutely shit.

Yet, I love it. It's a good early FMV adventure game, with voice acting. It's quite short as well.

But I think it has a fantastic eerie and creepy atmosphere.

The Saturn version is a different game (kind of a sequel/remake at the same time) and I don't like that one.

>> No.1035912


>Mansion Of Hidden Souls

I've literally never heard of that one. But they said Night Trap was horrible too

>> No.1035915


I remember playing this only because I was watching NYPD Blue first season and the dude from the show was in it, so I was like hey I'll check it out.
Oh god was I wrong. Some FMV's were never meant to be played

>> No.1035917


did they program it in a weekend while drunk on Jagermeister

>> No.1035926
File: 6 KB, 280x180, images[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>16 colors

>> No.1035929

is there emulator for sega cd

>> No.1035935

Kega Fusion. Though I would recommend getting PC ports of Sega CD when you can for better resolutions

>> No.1035936

a lot of the digital leisure stuff hit Sega CD and I loved almost all of it

>> No.1035939


thank u

>> No.1035942
File: 27 KB, 609x480, 64548338-martin-lel[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>his image is not a thumbnail
>it is literally the resolution of the game itself

>> No.1035952

...what are you guys even doing on a retro game board?!

>> No.1035956


Most games were made with higher resolutions even back then
it's pretty funny

>> No.1035953
File: 185 KB, 640x1081, panic!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panic is my favorite Sega CD game.

Sure, it's mostly about pressing buttons and watching little cutscenes, but they're pretty amusing. Plus they're all hand drawn and not in crappy FMV video format.

>> No.1035958

>Most games were made with higher resolutions even back then

Certainly not on consoles.

>> No.1035962


Your millenial is showing.

I had the original system bro and I don't remember anything with that shoddy a res. did you have the original system or just play it after the fact?

>> No.1035970

Um, everything on the Genesis was either 256x240 or 320x240, dude. PCs could do 640x480, but we're talking about the Sega CD here.

>> No.1035965


>Everything was made with an incredibly dogshit res for Sega CD

I don't think so...


>> No.1035971

In about 2005 I bought a Sega with 32X and CD (gen 1) and about 25 games for $50 at a thrift store. I didn't think much of it and just kind of placed it away in a closet at the time. I was in the army and didn't have a lot of spare time to mess with that stuff.
Later I saw the AVGN showing some Sega games, and I remembered thinking that Slam City with Scottie Pippen looked hilarious. The 90s style of the game was just too much, I really wanted to play it but I figured it would never happen.
About 2009 or 2010, I was out of the army and I remembered my old Sega stuff. I decided to get out the box of Sega games and bring it to a friend's house to play around with it and mock the games. Turns out, I had Slam City in the box! It played it, and I thought it was pretty funny. I actually thought it was a decent game for what it is (FMV game. Even thought the subject matter is basketball, I wouldn't really call it a sports game). In between pretty much every action in the game, there is a few seconds shown of the reactions made by the spectators. It's really funny, the clothes they wear and the stuff they say (hip 90s urban lingo I guess).
It's much better than some other shitty FMV game I have called Ultimate Warrior or something. It's like Slam City essentially, I mean the gameplay is. Except instead of basketball it's supposed to be kung-fu. The costumes look shitty like in Mortal Kombat, the acting is unbelievably bad, and it's just not fun to play. In Slam City, I felt like I could actually get good at it if I practiced enough. In Ultimate Warrior, no matter what I tried I would eventually lose. Almost all of the time the controls seemed very unresponsive. That game might as well be a coaster.

>> No.1035975

Please take your head out of your ass

>> No.1035980


Go through every one and see if you're right. I'll wait.

>> No.1035978

So...a list of games somehow proves that the Genesis could go higher than 240p, despite the fact that this was physically impossible on that system?

>> No.1035979


I've been wanting to get one but I think they'd be impossible to find here and I'd have to eBay which means the shipping would probably be even more than the machine since I live in rural Canada.

>> No.1035985
File: 2.77 MB, 320x240, Lunar2.gif.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the burden of evidence is on you. Hell, Wikipedia articles of games on consoles don't even note the resolution they play at.

You're probably confusing output resolution with how good something looks. That's not how resolution works at all.

>> No.1035989


I own that mansion game but for pal it's titled Yumemi Mystery Mansion. It's decent and worth a playthrough but once you complete it there is no reason to play it ever again.

>> No.1035990


If you were sure or knew you wouldn't be arguing with me. You *believe*

>> No.1036006

What are you even talking about? The Genesis doesn't output at a higher resolution than 320x240. That's just a simple fact of the system.

>> No.1036013


why does your game look so horribly bad then? far worse than Mortal Kombat or any of the 200 other games ever?

>> No.1036017

what u mean pal? Mega CD?

>> No.1036026
File: 54 KB, 507x600, 507px-Joe_Lieberman_official_portrait_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hope you fellas aren't planning on letting kids play this

>> No.1036034

tfw Dragon's Lair

>> No.1036038

Because, like I said, resolution has jack-all to do with whether something looks good or bad. What "my" game are you even talking about? The Mansion of Hidden Souls? That game looks like shit because its videos are horribly compressed and probably upscaled from something much smaller to 320x240, but not because the actual game itself is in 320x240. Nothing but a PC could've gone higher than that in those days.

>> No.1036048


Your nostalgia goggles are pretty thick bro.

>> No.1036053

...okay? I don't see how that doesn't change the fact that the Sega Genesis doesn't support a resolution output higher than 320x240.

>> No.1036061

...yes, hence why I said nothing but a PC could've gone higher.

What are you even trying to argue about?

>> No.1036058

I've hardly checked the board in the last few days and I come back to see it filled with awful /v/-like quality posts everywhere (and apparently not just this thread)

What the fuck happened in just a few days? or is it because it's week end?

>> No.1036059


>PC couldn't have gone higher

PC ports of all FMVs were far better resolutions and quality. Always

>> No.1036063


>Saying this as a namefag

Opinions worthless.

>> No.1036071
File: 91 KB, 640x480, Mad-dog-mccree-gunslinger-pack-20090616022750553_640w[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1036079


I think there were like 5 diff versions of the Mega CD/Sega CD. The Japanese was pal.
Also one later came out in 1997, Sega CD III, as an almost-retro version for like 20 bucks. It was portable since it was ultra compact

>> No.1036090

This is the strangest, most wrong post I have ever heard on /vr/.

I'm starting to get a really bad feeling about this place.

>> No.1036089



>> No.1036095


Did you misquote?


Everything in his post is correct.

>> No.1036096


also it's called the Sega Genesis III, not the Mega Drive III, but I assume he meant that

>> No.1036106

>Sega CD
right in the feelio

>> No.1036107

>Everything in his post is correct.

Japanese systems are NTSC not PAL, there is no such thing as the "Sega CD III", unless he's referring to the CDX, which most certainly was not "like 20 bucks" and came out in 1994.

>> No.1036112


>Data East

OG dev. putting this on my list cheers

>> No.1036119


>weeb spotted

Ah, so you meant everything in his post was correct except for pal v. ntsc?
Right definitely an excuse to flip your aspie switch

>> No.1036126
File: 40 KB, 800x461, 800px-Sega-Genesis-Mod3-Set[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no such thing as the "Sega CD III", unless he's referring to the CDX, which most certainly was not "like 20 bucks" and came out in 1994.


Completely wrong. You should shut up.

>> No.1036127

Is /v/ down or something?

>> No.1036135

that's a genesis mark 3, not a "sega cd III"

>> No.1036132

Wow, I've had that system for over a decade and I never knew about the hidden Sega CD player!

>> No.1036145
File: 19 KB, 507x202, Hi idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1036147

The Genesis 3 is not a Sega CD -- it can't even be hooked up to one.

>> No.1036150

>moving the goal posts again
work on that autism

>> No.1036152
File: 1.13 MB, 1136x1592, scan0396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1036154
File: 59 KB, 500x450, tumblr_maqnyrswe61qf2gyao1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw sonic

>> No.1036153

>There is a Sega CD III, it came out in 1997
>No, you might be referring to the CDX, which came out in 1994
>No, the Genesis 3 came out in 1997, despite that we were talking about Sega CD variants in the first place

You do the same, friend.

>> No.1036158
File: 48 KB, 425x597, genesistower[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1036169

daily reminder this is one of /vr/'s most well known autistrips
catch up on the lels

>> No.1036172
File: 212 KB, 1024x685, sega4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did stacking have any benefit or does it just take a giant shit?

>> No.1036184


I think you're confused that was Genesis 3 just not CD goof, maybe you meant that?


He's right about III just not CD. PAL is for niggers so I don't give a fuck about them

>> No.1036190
File: 112 KB, 800x534, segacd_pennandteller[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks pretty trash

>> No.1036203
File: 80 KB, 750x272, muh games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have a few kicking around in the closet but I would never deign to replay them tbh
I think other than Sonic almost everything was a miss and it was firmly gimmick in retrospect
It was funnier that they actually tried releasing music videos for it for a short while, as if anyone cared

>> No.1036205

fuck you lieberman you have bias against videogames as a medium since plenty of movies at the time were more messed up than night trap

>> No.1036209


Politicians need them angry votes!

>Al Gore v. Twisted Sister

>> No.1036217


>replying to idiots at the top of the thread

All the autists took their zoloft and left by now

>> No.1036224

I had a nice collection of Sega CD JRPGs back then. Still can't believe I gave away the console and all my games.

Lunar The Silver Star, Lunar Eternal Blue, Dark Wizard, Popful Mail, Shining Force CD, Vay...

>> No.1036238


>Still can't believe I gave away the console and all my games.

I wish I still had my Neo Geo. Most expensive fuckign thing in the world and most expensive games and then just gave it away for nothing in like 1994

Especially regretful since none of the emulators are bug free and also the knob controllers were so unique for the Neo Geo that they can't be replicated without spending 50 bucks on one of those special 6 button ones, and even then they don't feel as good as the original Neo Geo ones.

>> No.1036292
File: 180 KB, 534x627, 1358119083002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Night Fap am I right?

m i rite???

>> No.1037893

>Dark Wizard
Oh fuck YES. I love the fuck out of that game.

>> No.1037951

thats pretty good
i get to the "ninja in the shower" scene then let scat take over.
oooh, hear how that sounds?

>> No.1037956

>Night Trap was the last good thing Dana Plato did before she died

I'm probably just biased, though, being on the retro video game board.

>> No.1040562
File: 41 KB, 175x250, nightrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fixed it.

>> No.1040594

I do not think a regular human being can handle so much blast processing at once.

>> No.1040630
File: 18 KB, 480x359, rapeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That guy in the back looks really similar to Rapeman.