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File: 16 KB, 476x432, sgbc_lighthouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10360245 No.10360245 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better looking GBC game, I'll wait

>> No.10360258

pseudo-TG-16 games?

>> No.10360268 [DELETED] 

Easy. Starfield

>> No.10360337
File: 145 KB, 500x680, tumblr_muryzxW6Wh1s9677oo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Evil Gaiden was pretty good looking. Also had that neat dynamic/layered music feature, where the more enemies were on screen, the more intense the soundtrack got.

Shame that the game itself is kinda mediocre. Resident Evil Revelations reuses the concept of a derelict cruise ship and all that, which is a really cool setting for an RE game, but just the same, that game was kind of mediocre to actually play.

>> No.10360364
File: 39 KB, 800x720, star-ocean-blue-sphere-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Ocean Blue Sphere

>> No.10360367

any translation patch?

>> No.10360426

This looks ugly though:

Squat little mushroom shaped lighthouse with door looking it belongs on some New Orleans parlour and window looking like it came from the ship's cabin.
Colour blocking straight out of a ZX Spectrum game, look where the palm tree (which looks more like some extinct prehistoric plant) bark turns green and where the stairsteps also turn green
Poor colour choices; garish red door, purple cliffside, stairs and mushroom support beams look golden
Extremely limited colour palette on the UI bar at the bottom
Pirate ship in the distance sits way to high on the water, the keel should be below the waterline and the splashing water at the bow and stern should not be visible at this distance.
MC looks like a crosseyed bimbo slut

This is what good colour design looks like, for comparison.
There is a great sense of depth; it even looks kinda three-D.

Compare to OP's pic where everything is flat (except her tits when she moves), especially the span from grassy clifftop to wooden bridge.

>> No.10360436
File: 31 KB, 716x475, sgba_lighthouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the GBA version compare to GBC?

Is it better or worse?

>> No.10360491 [DELETED] 

Tranny game

>> No.10360507

GBA is way better.

Lighthouse has curves and angles now making it look three-D and more like an actual structure.
Clouds look pretty good and so does the bird.
Colours no longer clash with each other and there is some nice shading like the wood pillars on the sides of the red door.
Less screen real estate wasted on user interface; slightly more immersive.
Wider aspect ratio is more pleasant to the eye for this particular zoom level/character sprite size.
The girl is improved, she looks kinda fuckable now.

However, the wooden bridge now looks weirdly futuristic, like something out of a megaman game, and there is a signpost (with grass growing on it) spiked into it.

>> No.10360552

play gbc version on gba (has extra stuff/colors)

>> No.10360560

Pretty sure the GBA mode in the GBC game is just the Tinkerbat transformation and brighter colors just to combat the GBA's dim af screen.
No extra advantages like more on-screen space, improved visuals/sound etc.

>> No.10360592
File: 3.67 MB, 388x348, IMG_1383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game and watch looks more comfy

>> No.10360728

Right here under the Downloads tab, my friend (the Bugfix v.1.0 one, specifically): https://cdromance.com/gameboy-color-roms/star-ocean-blue-sphere-english-patched/

Hate to bandwagon CDRomance circlejerk here, but he has made a lot of things accessible and convenient, and for that, I appreciate the website, despite that he often makes bizarre decisions with many of his upload choices and could still improve in a lot of ways

>> No.10360730

who is this autist?

>> No.10360735

>GBA version
??? Go on...

>> No.10361172
File: 1 KB, 160x144, pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon Yellow is my favorite looking game. It doesn't necessarily have the highest fidelity on the system, but I feel that the graphics are punchy and iconic. And some of the sprites actually very nice and properly capture the appeal and art on to the system without much compromise.

>> No.10361181

Why does GBC have almost no games?

>> No.10361217

be honest, shantae is a trash game people only pretend to like because it's deviantart fetish bait

>> No.10361440

Gameboy releases by 97 had slowed to a trickle, I don't think devs considered it much of a viable system until Pokemon came out and got huge. Then Nintendo released the GBC and you had all these publishers scrambling to make games for it, mostly shovelware. By the time they figured out the hardware well, the GBA was out.

>> No.10361558

>calling a game fetish bait just because it has a female mc
damn and i thought i was sexist... that's just mean anon

>> No.10361570


Man plants grow wherever they want. I once had a flaxseed sprout in my dirty apartment sink, after it had popped out from between my teeth during brushing and gotten stuck in a small clog under the drain plug. And the signpost could be attached to the side of the bridge, no problem.

>> No.10361572

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHHrzJzW_w0 I guess?

>> No.10361576

This is almost none?

>> No.10361587

both GB and GBC are absolute trash

the GB had 1000 games and most people can name 25 good games at most on the system

it's always the same shit too

>> No.10361676

Shantae Advance is actually getting a release via Limited Run Games, if you forgor or aren't aware
As a full fledged game, not a demo


>> No.10361702
File: 3 KB, 160x144, Xtreme1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mega Man Xtreme games look really good, both in cutscenes with large character artworks and in stages.

>> No.10361843

You tried.

>> No.10361845

so hard and got so far.

>> No.10362002

warioland 2&3 are pretty good looking, to be honest.

>> No.10362040

Donald Duck: Quack Attack (Goin' Quackers in the USA)

>> No.10362047

pokemon crystal (during nighttime)

>> No.10362089

i dont think pokemon yellow was gbc though

>> No.10363465

Id rather not

>> No.10363496

name 25 good 3rd party GB games
most people name the same 5 over and over like the n64

>> No.10363528

Mega Man Xtreme 2
Samurai Kid
Avenging Spirit
Gargoyle's Quest
Seiken Densetsu
Cave Noire
Operation C
Ninja Gaiden Shadow
Metal Gear Ghost Babel
Power Quest
Return of the Ninja
Dragon Quest 1&2
Banishing Racer
Bubble Ghost
Spanky's Quest
Fortified Zone
Tail 'Gator
Rolan's Curse II
Monster Max
Hammerin' Harry
Castlevania II Belmont's Revenge
Kid Dracula

>> No.10363543

25 games meeting your ridiculous, needlessly specific criteria:
1 Catrap
2 Great Greed
3 Mega Man games (especially V)
4 Final Fantasy Adventure
5 Fortified Zone
6 Boxxle and its sequel
7 Kwirk
8 Avenging Spirit
9 Trip World
10 Ninja Gaiden Shadow
11 Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
12 Hammerin Harry
13 Gargoyle's Quest
14 Kid Dracula
15 Operation C
16 James Bond 007
17 Penguin Wars
18 Itchy and Scratchy Golf
19 Motocross Madness
20 Legend of the River King
21 Final Fantasy Legend series
22 Castlevania games (especially II)
23 Amazing Penguin
24 Bubble Ghost
25 Penguin Wars
Bonus: Trax (developed by HAL, debatable if it counts)

>> No.10363576
File: 2.94 MB, 478x432, austin power gameboy simulator.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a more fab GBC game, I'll wait.

>> No.10363637

I’m puzzled by that shit as well. Whoever they are, they’re pretty fucking dedicated

>> No.10363697
File: 18 KB, 320x289, cgb12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add Duke Nukem to that list, it's like a mildly cartoony pseudo-remake of Duke Nukem 2. I expected nothing and was pleasantly surprised, it was even pretty funny.

>> No.10363707
File: 554 KB, 500x450, ScaredHamtaro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite looks amazing.

>> No.10363712

maybe, so what? The website full of surprises.

>> No.10364272
File: 438 KB, 853x768, Lion King, The - Simba's Mighty Adventure (USA, Europe)-231009-132215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name a better looking GBC game, I'll wait
I really liked Simba's Mighty Adventure, looks a lot like the 1994 Virgin title, until you get to the adult Simba parts and then he just looks odd for me, guess the resolution made it hard to make a bigger Simba look as pleasent.

>> No.10364737
File: 127 KB, 320x240, DinosaurPlanet-sabre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There probably isn't one, but this shit came out after the GBA was released so it shouldn't be surprising. Graphics quality improving the older a console gets has always been a thing.
Just compare dinosaur planet to SM64.

>> No.10364793

Every single other official and unofficial release because I said so. Subjectivity is a crazy, mind bending thing, ain't it? One day, someone will have the common sense to prohibit the posting of these kind of entirely pointless threads.

>> No.10364797

>GBC game
Are you illiterate?

>> No.10364798

It was for GB.

>> No.10364801
File: 475 KB, 1520x698, scurge_gba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then, what do you think of Scurge: Hive for the GBA? Which like Shantae GBC, is a late era release made by a small western studio that needed a pretty expensive high capacity cartridge (16MB vs Shantae GBC's 4MB)

>> No.10364803

I actually prefer this to the DOS version of DN2. Love how the combat feels in this game.

>> No.10364878

it's soulless

>> No.10364906

Still has more soul than any modern Shantae game including Seven Sirens

>> No.10364929

The Shantae series is like, it looks good, it sounds good, but it's such a bore to actually play

>> No.10364934

This threads makes me realize how underrated the GBC is

>> No.10364993
File: 5 KB, 640x576, shantae_colour_correct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will emulation retards learn that gameboy games are over saturated to compensate for the shitty screen

>> No.10365001

Seven Sirens could more if was made for additional console instead Apple Arcade.

>> No.10365094

This looks absolutely fucking horrible and shame will strike your descendants

>> No.10365687

How did you do this color correction? Is it possible to do for all of your ROMs?

>> No.10365735
File: 14 KB, 1120x1008, (GBC) Shantae-231030-204536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shader and I think it looks too dark.

I'm sure GBC games were meant to have low contrast visuals like in this example

>> No.10365742

pic is from gbcc emulators website, most GBC and GBA emulators will have a shader to correct colors

>> No.10365763

Why would you do this? This does not replicate even the murkiness of the actual GBC screen.

>> No.10365925

Coomlectors cream over Shantae because it's the holy grail of coomlecting.

>> No.10366007
File: 32 KB, 1120x1008, Shantae Tile Blending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now i clearly see how badly designed and colorized the background graphics on shantae look, its almost as bad as Link's Awakening DX or Harmony of Dissonance, i did a quick graphic correction that YES, retains the 8 palette limit for backgrounds but blends a LOT better.

>> No.10366083

Also: Battletoads was really good on GB. It's completely original and different from the NES version.

>> No.10366109

The battle scenes were neat but honestly it's a pretty ugly game otherwise, especially the cutscene art.

>> No.10366687


>> No.10366776

Why would you do this?

>> No.10366926

because it is more comfy

>> No.10366960
File: 43 KB, 800x439, IMG_20231030_213113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 list
>Bionic Commando 92 didn't make it into either one
Bionic bros...when will people notice us?

>> No.10367098

kek based

>> No.10367135

You would be correct in the sense that its absoluelty a major party they sell the later games on and try to be coy fucks about it. OG Shantae however was a nice mix of a 90s mascot design with some curves. You could still see her as a cool character even if you also wanted to bone her as well. Unfortunately, WayForward are dicks who just want to push her wanna-be anime design so they went as far as to alternate the official artwork of her original design for the box/promotions/extra stuff when it was re-released.

>> No.10367151

>new bad

>> No.10367902

kinda impressive but you completely destroyed the ocean by making it that dark and having all shadowed areas the same color removes contrast and detail

>> No.10368083

This kind of stuff only makes things worse for gameplay. The reason why some games don't have seamless tile blending is specifically because it's not anywhere near as important as actually distinguishing elements during gameplay.