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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 785 KB, 858x520, 2023-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10353815 No.10353815 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck were they thinking with the thwomp placement in this game?

>> No.10353820

what are you retarded? rethorical question, of course you are. kys

>> No.10353851

Kids these days are a bunch of wusses.

>> No.10353864

This map is fucking hard. If you drive YOLO style you have to make every turn perfectly and avoid thwomps but if you try to drive carefully you have even more CPU bastards ramming you off the map.

>> No.10353868

>let's have them be actual obstacles instead of glorified decorations

>> No.10353869

actually kids back then were a bunch of wusses
when i played mario kart 7 as a kid i picked the fastest speed kart with one of the fastest characters not caring about the other stats and this track was a fuckin nightmare, but that taught me how to play mario kart pretty well so it worked out

>> No.10353871

that one in the middle of the narrow lane on bowser's castle is unacceptable

>> No.10353961 [DELETED] 

>when i played mario kart 7 as a kid
you are still a kid lmao

>> No.10353994 [DELETED] 

Mario kart 7 came out in 2011

>> No.10354012

they were thinking of thwomping you right on your retarded head

>> No.10354048 [DELETED] 

Really showed him you’re a big boy. I remember when I was a but a wee lad and ma preordered me Skyrim for an early Christmas present, but me and my friends spent our days with League of Legends and CS:GO instead. Oh boy, I miss the good ol’ days.

>> No.10354049 [DELETED] 

That was over a decade ago

>> No.10354076 [DELETED] 

As if twenty-somethings aren’t kids… they sure as hell act like ones.

>> No.10354116 [DELETED] 


>> No.10354125 [DELETED] 

>he can't count ips
you were replying to a different poster
anyway the point is that 90s kids didn't have to deal with online and blue shells at the last minute
so basically, op just needs to git gud
many such cases

>> No.10354127 [DELETED] 

oh yeah and it was more as an early teenager for me but whatever

>> No.10354164 [DELETED] 

That anon's completely right. People are absolutely retarded until their mid-20s at least. It's the lack of life experience and what you learn from it.

>> No.10354170 [DELETED] 

So do some 50 somethings. Point?

7 letters. 2 words. Hint: They start with 'g'.

Also see the woods and the trees. Being virtually the first of its kind, the devs were learning. Still while you whine about a possibly questionable design choice, be mindful that it was still received as ground breaking, better than what was already out there and completely fair at least with respect to human opponents who faced the same obstacle.

>> No.10354174 [DELETED] 

You are only describing yourself here

>> No.10354272

The track is great and I beat it as a kid in the 90s, stop sucking

>> No.10354282 [DELETED] 

Zoomer here. Please halt discussion of these gay, stupid, fat, and ugly modern games.

>> No.10354630

This game is unironically too hard. Why doesn't drifting help?

>> No.10354639 [DELETED] 

Nigger what. People are more or less done developing by their mid 20s. You are confusing people becoming jaded with growth.

>> No.10354647 [DELETED] 

Just because you're done with puberty doesnt mean your mind and body just stops going through changes. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10354694 [DELETED] 
File: 3.75 MB, 1328x1000, Super Mario Kart 150cc Mushroom cup Final laps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the age of consent shouldn't exist

>> No.10355125 [DELETED] 

currently people develop faster due to all the hormones and chemicals in food so you are mostly done with puberty at 12 if you are a girl and 16 if you are a man.
But you are confusing new gens being stupid and retarded with growth or what are you going to tell me a 20 year old woman behaving like she was a 10 year old girl is normal,i have seen girls more mature at younger age.

>> No.10355138
File: 3.82 MB, 1510x1000, Super Mario Kart Rainbow Road Thwomp tism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs are fucking retarded

>> No.10355317

It's the last level, it's supposed to be spicy.

>> No.10355403 [DELETED] 

What you are now describing is a lifelong thing. At least until dementia kicks in, with respect to learning new perspectives and strategies.

You know, it's strangely like you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.10355839 [DELETED] 

The primary cause of earlier puberty is excess weight.

Are you playing this bad on purpose?

>> No.10356058
File: 3.62 MB, 2984x2640, 20210324_210529_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why is my game slightly challenging waaaahhhhh

>> No.10356169
File: 3.68 MB, 1450x1080, Super Mario Kart ragequit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is such a piece of shit

>> No.10356227

how did you even get to rainbow road driving so badly lol
use your powerslides and don't drive right under a thwomp that's about to drop

>> No.10356246

Playing Toad is playing hard mode because Peach's mushrooms are the most devastating obstacles

>> No.10356289 [DELETED] 

20-somethings are absolutely kids.

>> No.10356296

>git gud scrub

>> No.10356338

They thought it would be pretty fun to do that.

>> No.10356351

Even through the SNES/GEN era of gaming, teh design philosophy was to make games like the arcade.
Which meant difficulty and the player needing to learn new skills and memorize a lot.
The N64/SAT/PSX era and beyond, started to slowly drop the arcade design philosophy, and games started to get easier.
There was a really interesting GCD talk on it, probably a decade ago, that discussed this.
It's partially why people call Souls-like games hard, even though they're designed around basic pattern recognition and mild skill level requirements. People aren't used to games having any skill level requirements, for generations. That's why every fucking game had unskippable tutorials, to teach you how to do the basics, people weren't even reading manuals for controls anymore.

>> No.10356415
File: 15 KB, 500x375, 72c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10356423


Git Gud.
It's the last map of the game, if you haven't learned to thread the needle by then you don't deserve to win.

>> No.10356429
File: 44 KB, 165x180, dk_for_shame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the worst shader i have ever fucking seen
> crashes immediately into first place
> no attempt to course correct after getting bopped by DK once
> blames the fucking game
holy fucking zoomer

>> No.10356432
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trying to muscle your way to the front of the pack when you weigh 90 pounds

Deserved. I beat every cup when I was 6 years old. As Koopa Troopa

>> No.10356440

whats wrong with the shader?

>> No.10356445
File: 47 KB, 170x270, dr_wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly PSA: This is not shitty braindead modern mario kart: you need to let go of the gas to corner properly. do not just hold A and blame the fucking game, it is actually the best game in the series

>> No.10356446

a real CRT is bright and vibrant, that just looks dark and stupid. picrel: it's a real CRT >>10356058

>> No.10356450 [DELETED] 


Age of consent lawns exist primarily to keep TOAD MAINS girlfriendless.

>> No.10356656

Special cup is hard but its literally the first course.
Me and my Italian neighbour would fight over who got to pick Koopa Troopa.

>> No.10356698 [DELETED] 

No the primary cause is hormones... But excess weight increases oestrogen and cheap, unhealthy food may contain a lot of phytoestrogens in itself. So your point still stands

>> No.10356703
File: 362 KB, 240x160, 1687471571567573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's the special cup

>> No.10356712

Couldn't agree less anon. The PSX launched with Tekken and Ridge Racer, right? And what did the SNES launch with?

>> No.10356775 [DELETED] 

>unhealthy food
It's the healthy foods that has phytoestrogens. Additionally, most phytoestrogens are beta receptor estrogens and thus far weaker than actual mammalian estrogens which are alpha receptor estrogens. They are also likely protective against ER positive breast cancer. The only alpha receptor phytoestrogen that I'm aware of is found ironically enough in hops.

>> No.10357249 [DELETED] 

kill yourself namefag

>> No.10357739 [DELETED] 

people aren't even human until they hit their 30s. If anyone disagrees then wait till you're 40 and you'll agree with me

>> No.10357774 [DELETED] 

>So do some 50 somethings. Point?
nta but he's right, they are kids. They're kids trying to not act like kids. After a while you start acting like a kid again because you stop caring about how old you are. My mom acts like a child all the time and she's in her 70s. When you're a kid you think adults know everything and you want to be an adult so you can know everything but when you get there in your late 20s or 30s you realize you're an idiot. It's like the dunning kruger curve of life

>> No.10357782 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have an age of consent lawn

>> No.10358020

Super Circuit is heavily underrated.

>> No.10358250 [DELETED] 

Who made you put on excess weight and eat unhealthy foods

>> No.10358328

Real CRTs dont look like how they do captured on a camera, and real CRTs had their own brightness settings

>> No.10358340
File: 1.16 MB, 675x958, trinitron_space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Real CRTs dont look like how they do captured on a camera
yes, that's exactly my point, and why >>10356169
is the worst abomination i have ever seen, kek

>> No.10358354

If thats the worst crt shader you've seen then you clearly don't know what you're talking about

>> No.10358412
File: 1.41 MB, 2928x2368, trin_20210327_032404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's about 50% as bright as it should be and what the fuck are those vertical lines? you never see that on a CRT. absolutely fuckin horrible.
a real CRT produces a bright and slighly blurred image, removing 50% of the pixels from an LCD while keeping the sharpness is just awful and inaccurate.
> you clearly don't know what you're talking about
man i grew up playing them and have some nice ones now lookin way better than the hand me down Magnetboxes i had as a kid; and if you think that looks anyhing like a CRT, i guarantee you have never seen one in person.

>> No.10359068

when people post screenshots with their filters on it will only look the same to you if you have the exact same monitor with the exact same settings