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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 320x240, Quake_1_screenshot_320x200_e1m3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1035645 No.1035645 [Reply] [Original]

Wait a minute.

Why the fuck didn't Quake 1 have a soundtrack?

>> No.1035647

it did, as redbook audio on the cd.

>> No.1035659

it did. by Nine Inch Nails in fact. you can even see their logo on the nails box


there's a shitload of old games that have soundtracks that worked as regular audio CD, but cracked versions often skipped on them, and virtual drives just don't seem to play CD audio

>> No.1035668

if you're playing the Steam version you need to download a patch to have the soundtrack; like the majority of older games sold on steam

google it

>> No.1035670

That's because you're playing it through Steam, anon.

There is an unofficial Steam patch that bundles the Darkplaces source port and the soundtrack for the base game and both of it's expansion packs. Ditto for Quake 2.

For Quake 1 it's worth it for the main theme alone, but both mission packs have much better soundtrack

>> No.1035843

whats tragic about this thread is I consider quake 1's soundtrack to be the best game soundtrack of all time

it complemented the game better than any other game soundtrack, in spite of being merely 'good' when encountered by itself


>> No.1035848

If you use DirectQ you can use mp3s.
It should also be a port of choice, unlike Darkplaces.

>> No.1035850

>Nine Inch Nails

>> No.1036591


>> No.1037649

it was actually really great and fit the tone of the game perfectly

>> No.1037768

I remember popping my Quake disc into a cd player back in the day and just jamming it as a cd.


>> No.1037801 [DELETED] 

the quake soundtrack is pure sick frag videos hahaha

>> No.1037935

Come on, Trent Reznor can do some really great ambient stuff, I reckon. And his first 3 albums were pretty decent.

>> No.1037939
File: 13 KB, 184x274, serling184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who played through Quake II without music

>> No.1037941

quake 2 sucks though

>> No.1038163

He can do some really great non ambient stuff as well. A good portion of his works are actually extremely good. There's actually no reason whatsoever to say otherwise, at all.

>> No.1038168
File: 476 KB, 1680x1050, lavan01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quake 1 had a soundtrack, by nine inch nails no less. thats why the nailgun ammo says NIN on it you dumb nigger.

>> No.1038180

Fyi opinions can be wrong.
Ex: >>1037941

>> No.1038186

no seriously

none of the weapons feel good, everything looks the same.

>> No.1038281

>all this relief mapping
what heve source ports become

>> No.1038324

I personally thought that Quake I's weapons were lackluster, and that Quake II was the successor to the original in every way, including its weapons. Also,
>everything looks the same
Are you truly serious? Quake II's color is much more vivid and varying than the previous title, and all of the levels weren't the exact same shit with different placement like Quake I was.

>> No.1039379

I use that soundtrack to read horror stories.

>> No.1039382


I did, although... Technically, I went to YouTube and loaded playlists of the game's soundtrack. Got the game on Steam.

>> No.1039516

Oh god those ammo packs are like a sore thumb.
Like the gun and map textures, even if the nails on the wood look fucked up.

>> No.1040893

Anon you are playing a pirate copy in a 3rd engine?

>> No.1040919

>loaded playlists of the game's soundtrack
That was a good decision and you should feel good. It isn't the same without it.

>> No.1042027

So are you guys as cool as the guys in the doom thread? Point me to where I need to start if i wanted to play me some quake. Is it as easy to get as doom was?

>> No.1042072

harder, more bizarre and varied in style
easier, more consistent in style

you'd have to play both and judge for yourself which you like best.

>> No.1042134

Ive played it before, I was more asking about how easy to download and run it is. I know my doom setup took downloading zdoom and a WADS pack, but they work seamlessly together. Is there something like that for quake?

>> No.1042165

quake2 works out of the box on win7-x64, though i don't think it has widescreen support. maybe through a glide wrapper or something. multiplayer should work out of the box as long as ports are forwarded

Q1 should run fine with GLQuake or WinQuake (both should be in the box; if not, might as well look for a source-port), multiplayer might be problematic to set up

>> No.1042169

DirectQ emulates the software feel well, and should be your choice if you're not a complete purist for the original executable. Just download mp3 tracks and it will run them in id1/Music.

>> No.1042189

GLQuake is bad for many reasons. If you want to play Quake today I'd recommend Quakespasm or DirectQ

>> No.1042257

If it weren't for the having to hack up the music I'd suggest ezquake, it even has software client if you want a more nostalgic touch. A lot of the other engines just don't have the smooth motion quite right or the nice mouse input.

>> No.1042273

It's a shame that Trent couldn't make good music after this soundtrack.

He made better music when he was addicted to heroin.

>> No.1042282
File: 65 KB, 720x960, aaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing Quake 2 with Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works 2

>> No.1042459

excuse me?

this has to be some kind of troll.

Why am I so offended by this?

why am...I...

Oh wait, OP probably just started playing quake recently.

Well, you need to insert the Quake CD or use the Ultimate Quake Patch which inserts the musics for you.

>> No.1042472
File: 17 KB, 406x337, sailor moon s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when I make Quake threads on /vr/ semi-frequently but no one ever joins my servers

>> No.1042501 [DELETED] 

report and hide my friends.

>> No.1042542 [DELETED] 

Reminder these type of reactions would not happen to males.

>> No.1043820

Is there an equivalent to Chocolate Doom for Quake?

>> No.1043882

True as shit

>> No.1043886
File: 458 KB, 194x172, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Golden age FPSes
>Aphex twin


just.. yes

>> No.1043992

DirectQ is probably your best bet. It even plays .mp3's of the soundtracks correctly.

>> No.1044029
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1214573453693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people so young on /vr/ they thought Quake and Quake 2 didn't have soundtracks

>> No.1044453

For multiplayer, look for nQuake. It's all-in-one QuakeWorld package, just supply the game data and you're good to go. It has few presets for graphics, default is the usual "fullbright, all bland" deathmatch shit.

>> No.1044467

Guess it never occurred to you that some people weren't interested or weren't capable of gaming during these times and are interested in it now.

Nope, always gotta be "loal your 2 yung."

>> No.1044491

Quakespasm vs DirectQ
>where are the differences?

>> No.1044506

I guess it's time to just try it myself then.

>> No.1046961

Can someone tell he how to run abyss of pandemonium with directQ?

>> No.1046994

the floor looks like a giant kitkat

>> No.1047972

To start up game mods, bring up the console and enter

game FolderName

Like "game hipnotic" or "game rogue" for the mission packs. Or you could create a shortcut to DirectQ and include in the command line:

+game <foldername>

>> No.1047993

When I try to play Clan Arena in Quakeworld with the FBCA bots, everyone's the same color, team and enemy.
I checked the console variables and everything's set up correctly
wat do

>> No.1048094

I think that Trent would be much more highly regarded and well respected as a musician if he didn't write such whiny, self-absorbed lyrics. I honestly think he's very talented and has flirted with sonic genius more than once, but it's impossible not to roll your eyes at the shit he's saying if you're not a maladjusted teenager.


His Doom 3 alpha sound effects were (except for zombies) better than the retail versions, too. I honestly think he's better suited for film/game scores and sound design than he is for writing compelling rock music.

>> No.1048158

Vanilla Quake 2 supports widescreen and .ogg music with the unofficial 3.24 patch. No need for Windows compatibility mode and that gaudy blue/yellow shield sullying your shortcut. It's pretty awesome.

>> No.1048174

I wouldn't expect the average person to know what redbook audio is or how MIDI works, but I can tell you that anyone who was aware of video games in 1996 would have been SHOCKED to see a new game with no music whatsoever.

>> No.1048176

quake had music, but you must had the cd in pc in order to have music

>> No.1048178

>People like Quake 2

What a boring, ugly drab of a game. Quake 1 weapons had umpf, it had better atmosphere with the gothic style, it played fluid and quicker. People loved Quake 2 because of the multiplayer being so popular.

>> No.1048201

Is this nigga serious? Quake 2 is fantastic.

>> No.1048217

Once, as a youngster, I discovered quake, installed it, then went away to do other things... came back and fired it up.

Unknown to me, my sister had since been using the computer to play her spicegirls album. That was a surreal experience, to say the least.

>> No.1048262
File: 3 KB, 126x121, quakeguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kinda fits with Quake bunny hopping.

>I wanna HUH I wanna HUH I wanna HUH I wanna HUH

>> No.1048396

I remember this hyper dude on my Q3A clan that told this same story a few times, It always got a chuckle out of me how much importance he added to the story just so he could distract us, even funnier it was when he actually put one of their damn songs while playing though teamspeak. We all lost our shit that day.
Jackie is that you?

>> No.1049016

Overall music without lyrics tend to be better.
People can't write worth shit.

>> No.1049056

>download Quake 2 a few years ago
>play it
>wonder why there's no music
>don't bother to Google the answer, I just assume the game has no music, whatever
>few years later
>playing some more Quake 2 because fuck yeah, Quake
>start hearing music
>oh cool, it does have music
>wait a minute, this sounds familiar...

>> No.1049059

He's like the Curt Kobain of industrial. He's someone who saw a musical genre for college-aged intellectuals, saw it had a lot of market potential, and sold a watered down, radio-friendly version to high schoolers.

>> No.1049096

The demo had no music either. I played the shit out of the free chapter. When I finally got it years and years later, it was digitally. Didn't know anything was missing.

>> No.1049102

Yeah because that's exactly what kurt cobain did when he wrote music. Keep your insightful, non-sensical opinions to yourself fucking twat.

>> No.1049113



In all seriousness though, I love NIN/Trent but some of his lyrics are fucking embarrassing.

On topic, Quake soundtrack is amazing and one of my favourites. It's one of those game OSTs that's just really stuck with me.

>> No.1049224

Quake or QuakeWorld? Everyone plays the latter online.

>> No.1049757

Virtual drives can read CD Audio, it's just that people don't seem to know that making an ISO will not take the audio with it. It needs to be in a better format like a proper BIN/CUE or CloneCD where the multiple tracks on the disc are copied (Data track and then any music tracks).

>> No.1049940


>defending a plagiarist

>> No.1049985

A round of Quakeworld? You know I'd play, but I ain't gonna.

>> No.1049992
File: 80 KB, 355x400, pb cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.1050004 [DELETED] 

>adventure time

I threw up a little

>> No.1050013

Pretty much entirely because, you.

>> No.1050019 [DELETED] 

yeah anyone into that shit should probably off themselves.

>> No.1050021 [DELETED] 

It's actually a really good show.

>> No.1050026 [DELETED] 

if your brain stopped developing when you turned 12 maybe. I know a bunch of stupid fucking stoners watch it and I smoke more than those kids do and I still find it boring. Bravest Warriors was even worse pendelton ward is just a fucking idiot.

>> No.1050043 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 831x961, Catbug_by_sircinnamon-d5riz9k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting Bravest Warriors

>> No.1050056 [DELETED] 


You sound like a really great guy.

>> No.1050072

>mfw a bunch of posts criticizing Princess Sevenleaf just vanished

I swear this happens in every thread she posts in.

>> No.1050080


It was a post by the "other princess" and replies to that post that got removed.

>> No.1050084

It was a mod. Probably because it was veering off-topic, understandably.

Anyhow, I might be up for some quake with people who aren't sevenleaf if anyone does want to play, but I'm majorly rusty so I won't be much of a challenge.

>> No.1052081

How can people live without QUAD MACHINE?
I just don't understand it.

>> No.1053281

Descent into Cerberon is pretty amazing too.

>> No.1053486

Wait a minute.

How the fuck has this thread been up over a week?

>> No.1053494


Anon, /vr/ has threads that live for months. We're nowhere near the top of board activity.

>> No.1053545
File: 150 KB, 1220x880, dendy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying you haven't heard of the Dendy thread that lasted for about six weeks?

>> No.1053569

The Kirby thread was up for 2 months

>> No.1053595

only because when it was about to die some little tard would go bump it

>> No.1054347

Yeah, definitely not the norm for a thread to live that long unless someone babysits it like that.

>> No.1054461

Because /vr/ is dying.

>> No.1054469

A kirby thread lasted for 2 months. /vr/ is a slow and cosy board please be sensible and don't say silly things

>> No.1054521

You know what else had a soundtrack?


>> No.1054553

didn't read the whole thread but if somebody wants to know how to setup the music on harddrive:

you need a folder called "quake/id1/sound/cdtracks", put there the cd tracks in .ogg format named 'track002',003,004 etc. (no track001).

>> No.1055265
File: 968 KB, 1920x1080, DOSBox SVN-Daum, CPU speed 75000 cycles, Frameskip 0, QUAKE_2013-09-08_04-36-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1055284
File: 218 KB, 1024x768, scanlines2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that aspect ratio
>VGA games on anything but a real VGA monitor

fucking disgusting

>> No.1055291

>1px scanlines
I don't think you know how 31KHz 320x200 works.

>> No.1056107

I'm pretty sure Quake 1 has some midi tracks built into pk1 as well as the CD audio.

>> No.1056238

I don't remember MIDI music at all in Quake, but Hexen II definitely does, and it's basically MIDI rendition of the CD audio tracks.

>> No.1056434
File: 803 KB, 1920x1080, DOSBox SVN-Daum, CPU speed 75000 cycles, Frameskip 0, QUAKE_2013-09-08_04-43-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed the aspect ration but I don't have a VGA monitor right now.

I'm just dicking around a little. I think it looks alright though.

>> No.1057106

Holy shit. I saw this exact same thread on /v/ earlier.

>> No.1059676

I noticed RetroArch has a Tyrquake port

How well does that work?

>> No.1059678

It looks like that at 120hz

>> No.1061870

Nope, no midi in Quake's data.

>> No.1061956

What filter is that?

>> No.1062130
File: 799 KB, 1920x1080, DOSBox SVN-Daum, CPU speed max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, QUAKE_2013-09-08_18-22-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRT-geom I think. It came with the DosBox.

>> No.1062167

It's pretty good, only going to get better with each update.

>> No.1063242

No. And it also doesn't come with daum/ykwong.
It's not a scaler or a shader I have.
Though the TV/scan shader and a bilinear would be close scalers don't seem to stay on in game anyway. Doesn't help that aspect correction doesn't even properly work with some resolution and settings.

>> No.1063254


>> No.1063270
File: 157 KB, 515x417, 1378012758135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn you for making me picture that

>> No.1063291

yeah but they complimented that CD soundtrack with a MIDI soundtrack and to be honest I like the MIDI song's better


>> No.1063301

that's not even remotely close to what it looked like back in the day

>> No.1063667

It's either that or CRT-simple.D3D though I'm pretty sure geom came with the daum/ykwong I downloaded.

I don't really care about that. I don't play with filters anyway.