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10349414 No.10349414 [Reply] [Original]

I could never get into Genesis emulation. I grew up with a SNES and, though I know it's entirely irrational, Genesis games feel so CHEAP. The weak sound ruins most of the experience for me.

Help me overcome this retardation.

>> No.10349426

Love the chippy sound of the Mega Drive.

Play Trouble Shooter and it's jap only sequel.

>> No.10349429

you don't like the genesis, just move on

>> No.10349435
File: 935 KB, 644x644, Screenshot_142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just move on

>> No.10349436

MD works on synths, SFC works on samples. They are just different.

MD has the advatage of a stronger CPU so the games can be faster with less lag. SFC games are. Otorious for slowdown.

>> No.10349458
File: 185 KB, 640x448, Xeno-Crisis-boss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The weak sound ruins most of the experience for me.
It is true that the Mega Drive's better sound hardware was unfortunately more difficult to utilise well, with many games struggling. If you want an idea of what the Mega Drive is capable in the right hands, look at Xeno Crisis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=istNgDl9IvI

>> No.10349460
File: 334 KB, 887x498, Screenshot from 2023-10-24 13-53-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Randomly skipped ahead and this might have sold it to me alone.

>> No.10349467

it's modern homebrew

>> No.10349472

Flash cart and system period if you really wanna get into it. If you emu it just gonna fizzle out.

>> No.10349475

Who cares? It works on the original console and it sounds leagues better than anything on the SNES.

>> No.10349516
File: 169 KB, 640x535, hyfplx6-db7eb309ef384cc8f916790895168922-640-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could never get into Genesis emulation. I grew up with a SNES and, though I know it's entirely irrational, Genesis games feel so CHEAP. The weak sound ruins most of the experience for me.
>Help me overcome this retardation.
Well, is it just the sound that ruins it for you or are there any other issues that make it feel cheap to you? If it's just the sound, just search for what the most acclaimed Genesis OSTs are and play the ones that just happen to come from titles that are well received overall... if even then you dislike it, it's probably the whole sound chip you can't get into, and that's fine, perhaps you could search for something like "Genesis OSTs that sound the most like SNES" or something like that and try those, at least the well received ones, of course... but at the end of the day, if you can't get into it, that's fine, Genesis is a classic system, but there isn't this magical box you have to tick, that if you don't enjoy a certain console then you don't actually enjoy the hobby or whatever, it's all about our own fun and personal experiences, I personally love the Genesis, it's my favorite console even if I feel that, more objectively, SNES was superior... to each their own really.

P.S. I want a Brazilian gray SEGA Genesis from TecToy so badly it's actually ridiculous...

>> No.10349529

I've been playing a lot of SNES because I just got my chink sd2snes and I think the sound is the weakest part of the console, lots of the music compositions feel like they're trying something new instead of something good, a thing the Genesis games I've played do not have a problem with. Play Monster World 4, Ranger X and Trouble Shooter and its sequel.

>> No.10349549

Ironically I think the Genesis' sound is one of the stronger aspects of the system
That said, a lot of devs had no idea how to make the most out of the FM sound chip - leading to a console where the audio highs are high and the lows are just godawful.

>> No.10349570

You just have to understand that while they were competitors, they were developed at different times and with different expectations for the market. Super Nintendo's sound chip was designed by Sony exclusively for Nintendo and was designed to be both as cutting edge and cost effective as possible. It might even be one of the most expensive components in a SNES if the development costs are factored in. Sega just used an off-the-shelf Yamaha chip for the sound in the Genesis, so the comparison isn't a particularly fair one. There are no inherent flaws with the Yamaha chip itself, plenty of games use it to great effect with outstanding soundtracks and sound effects. The problems people have with the sound quality of the Genesis stems from the fact that many composers and developers just weren't knowledgeable on how to get good sound out of the chip, it was apparently a hard piece of tech to work with as far as getting pleasant harmonies and distinct bass lines.
There are plenty of examples of Genesis games with excellent sound; every Sonic game, both Earthworm Jim games, every Streets of Rage game, Castlevania: Bloodlines, etc. Even a handful of shitty games like Shaq-Fu sounded great on Genesis, but mostly due to the fact that their programmers and composers knew how to bring good sound out of the hardware they were working with.

>> No.10349576
File: 10 KB, 320x224, f82klc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting aside audio for a moment, the main thing the Mega Drive offers over the SNES is the massive CPU and DMA advantage it has, which, paired with a very clean architecture, made it a very capable system for fast-paced arcade action. Mega Drive action games have a sense of general fast pace, a smoothness, and instantaneous input response which you simply don't see on the SNES.
When you are used to games playing with this fluidity and speed, the lack of it on SNES really stands out, if anything I consider SNES games to feel "cheap" because of this.
Other games where this is readily apparent are all the Treasure titles such as Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier, Thunder Force IV, Rocket Knight. And, all have excellent sound and music as well.

>> No.10349582

The Mega Drive as a whole was pretty cheap and easy to design since it was mostly off the shelf parts aside from the VDP, which was a cost reduced System 16 graphics processor so the major design work for that was already done.

>> No.10349585

I didn't appreciate Sega until they were gone and it became increasingly clear that Sony is not a game company and their entire strategy hinges on turning games into movies. It was only then that i realized how much we needed more than just nintendo.

>> No.10349587

The PlayStation has a larger, better, and more varied library of fast-paced action games than the N64, and it's not even close.

>> No.10349594

Sony also offered the cheapest and loosest licenses as well as the cheapest and best-documented devkits during the early PSX era. It was by design to fuck over both Sega and Nintendo

>> No.10349598

Offering developers the best tools to make whatever games they wanted with new technology is ultimately a pro-consumer move because it results in more and the best games.

>> No.10349610

I don't disagree, but you can't say it wasn't an underhanded "take that" to both Sega and Nintendo, especially after both declined to work with Sony. Nintendo's case being especially well documented in how they fucked over the CD SNES add-on by partnering with Phillips behind Sony's back.

>> No.10349616

There is a documented case of wanting to get back at Nintendo, Sega was more or less in the way but ultimately didn't stand a chance. Sony capitalizing on Nintendo and Sega's lacked of prepardness and poor market strategies was only smart business and it ultimately benefited gamers.

>> No.10349629

It 100% depends on who made the Music/Sound for the Genesis game. If they're an untallented hack, yea the Music is going to suck. You have to be a programming Wizard and a Musician to get good music out of the Genesis. Sega made the default option for making music very very bad. However the Platform depending on the Revision of the Console can make EXCELLENT Music.

>> No.10349643

No, he doesn't understand the Genesis/Megadrive platform. I honestly don't blame people because SEGA is 100% at fault for this.

>> No.10349648

You think the Megadrive was a cheap console to produce in 1988? You're daft.

>> No.10349650

NTA, but Sega's prowess in the arcade hardware market certainly didn't hurt development costs

>> No.10349653

Genesis games are worse! I grew up with it and sure there's some gems, but fuck nothing comes close to the quality of Sonic. If you only got a few games a year you most likely had a couple Sonic, Street Fighters, a Streets of Rage, and a Mortal Kombat. Maybe MAYBE you had one of the greats like gunstar, ristar, contra, rocket knight, or castlevania. But that wasn't common. The quality that went into SNES games like Megaman X, Mario World, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Super Metroid, Mario Kart, ext was just 100x more than the average shovelware genesis got.

>> No.10349659
File: 68 KB, 800x272, 800px-YAMAHA_DX7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to take ALL the blame off of Sega, but it's more Yamaha's fault, actually.

People in the 80's music industry already had similar complaints lobbied towards the DX7 and how hard to program FM synthesis was, hence why a lot of songs of that era often used the same presets.

>> No.10349665

>Mario, Zelda, Metroid, the list goes on!!
Begone, tendie, we're talking about real games.

>> No.10349817

The SNES chip was way more advanced but does it really matter when nearly everything on it sounds muddy? I grew up with an SNES too but i learned to appreciate FM synth of many platforms including the Mega Drive

>> No.10349826

It sounds muddy because every sound it output was an 8-bit sample. FM synthesis in addition to a sample channel or two sounds loads better (when done well)

>> No.10349892

I know that "cheap" feeling and I had genesis(mega drive). Something about emulating it just feels off, like, really off. it's really hard to put into words.

>> No.10349907

Most Genesis games are made in America, the Japanese created library is much smaller. I don't think I need to explain that at the time American game developers will still getting the hang of how to make console style games, they tended to specialize in simulation games on PC. These early efforts definitely tend to have some jank to them that could be described as cheap.

>> No.10349929

>Most Genesis games are made in America

I have my serious doubts about that

>> No.10349940

Sorry, I hate modern Sony with a burning passion, but making things easy on developers is somehow some sort of underhanded tactic? Instead of the onus being on Nintendo and Sega to not be completely and utterly retarded faggots, we’re blaming Sony for being, oh I don’t know, remotely professional?

>> No.10349954

The Mega Drive was a flop in Japan, Jaleco and Irem didn't release a single Mega Drive game. Capcom only made the two Street Fighter II ports, the few other games they released on Genesis were outsourced ports. Hudson only released one Bomberman game. The most prolific publisher on the console was EA who always worked with American companies.

>> No.10349958

lol? megadrive sound goes way harder than snes which all sounds like budget midi

>> No.10349959

I was in a similar situation, I didn't have much access to Sega consoles until years later. What helped me get charmed instantly was the exactly the music because it sounded so much like the many many arcade games I had played before.
So I guess my advice is, get into the cool arcade classics that use similar FM synthesis or what its called. Since arcades look way better than what the Genesis could produce but sound similar you should be able to get into a better position to enjoy the Genesis later.

>> No.10349965

That doesn't matter, who developed the majority of games?

>> No.10349969

American developers, either under EA or Sega themselves.

>> No.10349972

You're never too young to consolewar

>> No.10349980

What's underhanded about it is that Sony gained gaming industry insider knowledge via working with both Sega and Nintendo. Sony knew what everybody was charging for licenses and decided to undercut to receive third party support because they barely had any first party support outside of Psygnosis in the early days. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Sony was one of Japans largest corporations outside of the automotive industry, absolutely dwarfing Sega and Nintendo combined. Sure, it ended up being pro-consumer and we got great games and hardware for it, but to deny it being a cut-throat business tactic is retarded

>> No.10349991

That's not what I said, you mentioned cheap dev-kits and well documented dev-kits as underhanded. If Sega and Nintendo couldn't identify that good documentation and easy to access, including financially, dev-kits for developers should be priorities then they absolutely deserve to get sucker punched, which they did. Your shit basically reads as "Sony should have been more retarded, it's not fair that they weren't intentionally inefficient for the sake of gaming SOVL"

I understand the license undercutting stuff, that's a separate discussion, but even then Nintendo in particular was notorious for licensing fee raping developers, so again am I supposed to somehow feel bad for Nintendo because they didn't think to stop with that shit sooner rather than later?

>> No.10349993

EA only published ~110 games for the Genesis. Sega themselves published over 200 titles.

>> No.10350002

I never once said any of that was a bad thing, that's just how business is. It just came to bite Nintendo and Sega in the ass big time during the 5th gen. Why would anyone feel bad for multinational corporations making dumb mistakes? Actually learn to comprehend what you read

>> No.10350007
File: 30 KB, 269x370, Greendog_Cover_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega also published plenty of American games.

>> No.10350015

True. The developers of that game also ended up being acquired by Sega of America

>> No.10350178
File: 698 KB, 691x521, Rocket Knight Adventures for Sega Genesis CRT Gaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis is my favorite console, and emulating it fucking sucks balls
It wants to be played on a CRT with big fuckoff speakers and a pad with three buttons in a row, not a hideous nearest neighbor tiny backfacing-speaker xbox controller shitshow.
The sound is raw big dick FM synth energy and demands respect not just from composers but also from end users.
SNES is about the same no matter what you play it on, because it has subdued midi sound and a common controller layout and popular character sprites people jerk off to so you never expect them to look like anything else.
SNES is like a cable TV series and it doesn't matter if you see it on a projector or a phone, but Genesis is a movie that shines when it's in a motherfuckin movie theatre

>> No.10350187

just use a better emulation and setup the sound properly instead of using the default stuff.
the megadrive is better in several ways you can't see it only.
take as an example story of thor is breath of the wild before even existed.
it doesn't have that many rpg due to being too powerfull,in most phantasy star you get lost due to having too many stuff on story and quests (second planet of PSIV i don't know what to do)

>> No.10350194

The Genesis sound isn't weak, it was just that most devs couldn't into FM synth programming so they were stuck with the preset stock sounds of the Yamaha YM2612 sound chip. Even the preset sounds of the Yamaha DX7, the most popular FM synth of the era sound like ass.

>> No.10350208

the YM2612 had analog filters so it's hard to emulate properly and almost always sounds wrong on emulation

>> No.10350228

The C64 SID chip also has analog filters and the same issues when it comes to emulating authentically

>> No.10350239

Lol at roughing up an alien

>> No.10350249

>The weak sound ruins most of the experience for me.
>Help me overcome this retardation.
Try an emulator with the Nuked implementation of the YM2612 audio chip. Also, enable a low-pass filter at around 50~55% strength. See if that improves something for you.

>> No.10350284

Just how many idiots are there like you that think you can't emulate on a CRT? Or use a real Megadrive controller with an emulator?

>> No.10350302
File: 265 KB, 640x1062, 50053_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play SEGA CD. The sound will blow you away.

>> No.10350307

OP's main complaint about not being able to "get into" it was the sound. Read the posts above and try working that one out, yurofag

>> No.10350317

It's close enough if you play around with the sound options on a good emulator like Kega Fusion. It clearly wasn't as good as SNES sound-wise and the people who were able to bring out good sound on the system were talented with games like Castlevania Bloodlines, Landstalker, the Shining Force games, etc..

>> No.10350373

>Castlevania Bloodlines
Konami games on Genesis generally had great music

>> No.10350454

>weak sound
What? Games like Sonic, Dynamite Headdy, Streets of Rage, and Phantasy Star 4 all sound great. I love the snes just as much, but most of the games sound like farts muffled by a thick blanket. There’s some extremely well composed stuff on the snes, but the quality of the sound itself is not great.

>> No.10350605

>better sound hardware

It's powerful and versatile hardware, but at some point personal taste comes into play. I would rather listen to the soundtrack to NES Bases Loaded on loop for five minutes than spend the same amount of time listening to the world's greatest saxophone player doing history's greatest saxophone solo, because I don't like the way saxophones sound. Similarly, I don't like the way the one instrument the Genesis can play (a tiny, absurdly reconfigurable chainsaw, seemingly) sounds.

The SNES can play that tinny buzzy sound, and it can also play lots of other sounds, so to my mind it's got superior sound hardware. The NES can only play its particular squares and triangles and whatnot, and I like all of those a lot, so even though it's quite limited I consider its sound hardware superior as well. I'm not console warring - the Genesis is great, it has lots of great games, and plenty of them have good music. This isn't something that'd put me off the whole console. I'm just saying, for some of us even the world's greatest musical chainsaw played by the world's greatest sound programmer is never going to be better than a halfway decent Casio keyboard purchased at Walmart.

(I'm sure some people would say the same about the allegedly universal "muffling" and "reverb" or whatever they'd complain about in SNES music, and fair enough if they did.)

>> No.10350643

>at some point personal taste comes into play
You're not weaseling out of this with "personal taste". The Mega Drive audio hardware is objectively better by a number of metrics.
>52 khz sample rate, which is almost twice that of the SNES 32 khz
>9-bit FM bit rate, which is over twice that of the SNES 4-bit PCM
>10 channels, which already beats the SNES 8, but you can also software mix PCM or use extended channel 3 to achieve as many as 16 individual channels, wholly twice what you get on SNES
>No memory bottleneck, allowing for as much sample usage or song size as one pleases, compared the SNES bottleneck of 64 kbs, which has to contain the song and all the samples
>3.58 mhz Z80 sound coprocessor, over 3 times faster than the SNES 1 mhz SPC coprocessor
If you "don't like the way it sounds", that's you're loss, but by all objective metrics, the Mega Drive has the far superior audio hardware.

>> No.10350662

Could simply be the soundtracks or Nintendo magic then. Who knows. I would be fascinated to find a Genesis game with a soundtrack that has the richness and variety of Earthbound, DKC, Chrono Trigger, FFVI, etc. They sound like real instrumentals translated through the SNES. Genesis games sound like a synth, and rarely a good one.

>> No.10350701

Has nothing to do with my response to that other 'tard, retard.

>> No.10350716


>> No.10350749

Try the 3 Shinobi games, Thunder Force 3 & 4, Shining Force II, Granada, Adventures of Batman and Robin, and TRUXTON

>> No.10350798

Just play the games and listen to something else then.

>> No.10351320

>weak sound
play Castlevania Bloodlines.

>> No.10351332
File: 1.43 MB, 1252x1840, 2370522-genesis_eccothetidesoftime_eu_croppeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega CD often sounds worse than Mega Drive.

>> No.10351337

>Konami games generally had good music

Fixed, it doesn't matetr what platform it was Konami's sound team always made good music, great even.

>> No.10351349
File: 92 KB, 256x224, anigif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10351364

Those are good SNES soundtracks, although the the strongest tracks on Earthbound sounded better on the NES Mother.

Sonic, Revenge of Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Phantasy Star and ECCO all have great, memorable and varied soundtracks. Columns also has a great track.

>> No.10351380
File: 358 KB, 640x897, 89109-Mick_&_Mack_as_the_Global_Gladiators_(Europe)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega drive games that used gems sounded better than all of those soundtracks.


>> No.10351446

S3&K has a better ost than every single snes game except FF6.

>> No.10351457
File: 44 KB, 497x503, BeyondOasis-VolcanicCrater_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic tranny bullshit.
Raw pixels look great except very occasional gimmick

>> No.10351462

Ecco CD is way fucking better. Only the intro of Ecco 2 is better on cart.
Genesis was greater for rock and edm, snes sounded good when it went for a twinkly anime sound like mega Man 7

>> No.10351468
File: 237 KB, 384x288, crusader of Centy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crusader of centy is better than link to the past, not a troll, lttp is a pretty low tier Zelda game.

>> No.10351470
File: 2.99 MB, 480x360, Legend of Oasis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this gif
This is blast processing

>> No.10351473
File: 2.81 MB, 640x480, Sonic 3K Mecha Sonic Animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh colors

>> No.10351476
File: 2.07 MB, 344x240, Sega Beyond Oasis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10351484
File: 50 KB, 640x448, Shadowrun Genesis gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10351485
File: 3.34 MB, 344x240, Sega Shinobi 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10351487
File: 2.26 MB, 360x240, Sega Sarfox Port.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starfox on gen without enhancement chip

>> No.10351491
File: 320 KB, 500x500, castlevania bloodlines gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10351493
File: 1.88 MB, 640x360, Sega Gen Batman And Robin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is bullshit hard but extremely technically impressive

>> No.10351494
File: 3.22 MB, 344x240, Sega Panorama Cotton.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mode 7, no extra chip needed

>> No.10351497
File: 3.99 MB, 360x240, Sega MD Gen Titan Demo webum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even sega didn't fully comprehend the true power of the genesis

>> No.10351498

Lufia 2, Terranigma, Rudra no Hihou, Seiken Densetu 3/Trials of Mana, Chrono Trigger, etc. Lots of good SNES stuff.

>> No.10351502
File: 3.93 MB, 480x360, Hyperzone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogged by a launch title.

>> No.10351503

Exactly the track I had in mind. Fantastic game

That's a new one for me

>> No.10351504
File: 3.05 MB, 424x240, Sega Ristar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10351505

Good sound tracks.
But not as good as S3&K.
You'll also notice all of those except 1 is square

>> No.10351507
File: 3.59 MB, 406x270, Sega Road 2 Val-VideoToMp4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike that trash, Panarama cotton is actually a good game.

>> No.10351509

Panorama Cotton is not a good game. There's a reason you only ever see the first level and purely as a tech demo.

>> No.10351510
File: 2.09 MB, 856x480, sega how chads play webum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10351513
File: 2.55 MB, 320x240, Sega Rocket Knight 2 Sparkster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10351516

you need to configure it correctly. I dont think cores on retroarch are up to date and I dont think the cores available for the genesis are the most accurate either, however, the most recent genesis Broglia emulator for Android, appears to capture the feel of the Genesis the closest to what I remember as a child in the early 90s. You need to set up the image size to integer and 1:1 or something like that, don't use the "4:3 Original" setting, its simply incorrect. Scanlines to 15% because otherwise you will see bands on it. I would tell you to use a stronger percentage but that would require the games to be at original genesis res.

I wish all emulators would allow native resolution instead of right out outputting the screen's resolution as the base image res.

>> No.10351548

That's not panorama cotton

>> No.10351796

Yeah okay nice 1:1 scale pic, try playing on a screen more than three inches wide.
It's not that the the art is bad and needs to compensate, it's that nearest neighbor is grating and lessens the experience
>wow these two meter wide lego murals are so retro!
There's a reason why there are so many shader threads and it's not just muh nostalgia
Even NES and N64 games can look good at native resolution, but genesis games can so much more.

>> No.10351801

>shader threads
Plz fuck off back to them.

>> No.10351805

The point was that nearest neighbor is unimmersive shit and people will spend time trying to making things look like the real deal, but really you should just buy a CRT
stay rabid

>> No.10352204


>> No.10352240

why do SNES fags even argue? it sold more, the consensus is that it's better. yet if someone ever says they like the genesis or defends it in any way, they start debates about how much better the SNES is. why do they do it?

>> No.10352272

How's Kega Fusion's sound emulation? Just curious

>> No.10352361

Would they need to argue for the SNES so much if it was actually as good as they say?

>> No.10352670

That game is unplayable, frame is too low.

>> No.10352680

It's this weird uncommitted disinterest they pitch against the Genesis. We get it, you've got opinions about games you've never played, you're not impressing anyone. We've all played donkey kong and super metroid, what else have you got?

>> No.10352693

Nintendo cult.

>> No.10352753

>Genesis games feel so CHEAP.
US made games often sound like garbage. Japan was far more skilled when programming music. Stuff like musha aleste, devil crash md and thunderforce iv sounds better than anything on snes Games like Gargoyles is unlistenable.

>> No.10353000

>only the intro was better on cart
Generic calming sea music is not better. Sonic 3D blast also sounded better than Saturn's version.

>> No.10353014

Comic Zone, Cool Spot, Earthworm Jim all sound as good as the jap games you just listed.

>> No.10353034

I can load up fatboy.sf2 and make general midi sound better than period digital audio for win32 remasters of old DOS games. It doesn't make general midi a superior format, I'm just using the comparatively infinite resources of modern computers to cheat.

>> No.10353085

I always liked both console but emulation made me appreciation Genesis a lot more then I had before actually. I realize thanks to emulation that Genesis should be considered top 5 most important consoles for historical purposes. Without it the console landscape I think would have looked widely different in future generations.

Nintendo needed a great competitor to get them off their high horse. Sure they saved gaming from the shit that the west put it in, especially have Atari to thank for that, but owning pretty much an entire generation as NES did is plenty of success enough for them. They didn't need to dominate yet another gen almost uncontested so it was good Genesis was there as competition. I still think this was the greatest console war. Both consoles were from the same gen but felt different enough hardware wise and company culture wise and even perception wise. I truly don't think we ever got anything close to this gen from later gens. It all feels a hell of a lot more forced imo and its hard to root for any of these companies without feeling like a complete schmuck doing so. True being young back then helps but the industry only got much more corporate and lame as the 00s was drawing towards its end.

Also Sony has a lot to thank Sega and Nintendo for. Without them and Sony trying to strike up an alliance with both of them they'd never have quite entered into the industry in the same way. I'm sure they would have anyways but who knows how successful they initially would have been.

I could go on all day with this really but:
This was the best generation as far as console wars worth investing in as a fanboy. A real gaming enjoyer would appreciate both.

>> No.10353094

Admit snes is rubbish compared to mega drive. If you could only have one which would it be?

>> No.10353095

I bought a Genesis to explore the library. I've only found a couple decent games. It's been gathering dust for a couple years. Meanwhile with the SNES I still find new games to this day.
I also gave PS1 a shot and same thing, there's a couple decent games but nothing amazing.
Also same thing with Xbox OG. Halo 1 and 2, nothing else worthwhile.

>> No.10353096

>If you could only have one which would it be?
Super Nintendo

>> No.10353119

SNES was not rubbish only a fool would say that on /vr/. The console was great with plenty of iconic retro games people talk about even today.

If you had to force me to absolutely choose one over the other though as much as I praised Genesis in my previous post I'd still go with SNES over Genesis simply because it had more games that were top-goat tier. I would however miss plenty of games on Genesis though having to choose.

If you want to know which games strongly convince me here:
>Super Metroid
>Chrono Trigger
>Final Fantasy III/VI
>Street Fighter 2's numerous editions
>Super Mario Kart
>Mega Man X 1-3

Sega doesn't have any games like these on the console save for SF. I didn't list SMW or Donkey Kong because I actually prefer Sonic to those games. I consider Sonic the best platformers for the generation. Genesis also at least got to have a TMNT beat em up game as well as Castlevania, GnG game among others. Even if some may arguably not be as good as the SNES counterparts they still at least had something. But nothing quite like what I listed in the greentext for Genesis. Mega Man X alone is almost enough to make me choose SNES over Genesis.

>> No.10353139

The Mega Drive despite its lack of Japanese success was hugely stimulating to Western devs; it convinced many of them to take vidya seriously. Western devs never really warmed to the NES that much, one reason being that they felt it was just more of the same--more tired, outdated, and limiting 6502 hardware mostly useful to make easy bucks with from shovelware. The MD however was something everyone was excited to develop for, Sega's "tough guy" image being one part of it, and it arguably did more to bolster the vidya industry in the West and pull it out of the Atari era than Nintendo did.

>> No.10353140

sega runs on love. too much love. always pushing new technologies to customers since the arcades. the genesis was made to kill the NES not something that came 2 years later, yet it happens because sega is that good. no wonder you see people arguing the glorified game watch was better than game gear since their parents couldn't buy them batteries.
it's like third worlders arguing a f2p game is better than a proper game cuz not only it runs on their pc and they can "afford" it

>> No.10353143

You mean the American crash, we never had that here.

>> No.10353147
File: 62 KB, 370x270, SNES_Goof_Troop_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer NES Megamen over X. X was alright, I rented X-2 got up to the last boss and never rented it again. I dont know why you rank alttp so high but you are spot on about Sonic being the goat platformer and your ranking of Super Mario Kart. I feel Mega Drive has the better library while snes has a few games like you said Mega drive has no answers for.

>> No.10353149

Don't play Western slop.

>> No.10353162

The 3 button horizontal layout is kinda stupid, honestly. In many cases I prefer being able to rock my thumb to easily access all 3 buttons on a conventional 4 button face layout or bind the 3rd button to the right bumper. It makes sense on a joystick but it's always been martian nonsense on a pad.
and eh you can get 99% of the effect even without a CRT with the right shader. Whether or not you even want composite magoovision varies from game to game, so it's nice to be able to change fidelity on the fly. Lowpass filtering has existed for longer than you've existed, and who says people are using shitty speakers?

>> No.10353165

What is wrong with ALTTP? Many say its still the best Zelda game today. As for the 2D Zelda games its hard to argue against it being the best. I do see what you mean on the NES MM games since you get 6 good games vs 3 for the X series with some on here thinking X3 wasn't good but I liked it. I would say the classic MM series is better overall but I prefer the X series. Its just that the X series really falls apart once its on the PS1.

The way I see it many Genesis games just feel like they play better or smoother to me compared to so many on SNES. It isn't just emulation either since it is known that a lot of games had bad slowdown for SNES. Super GnG being a good example. Compare it to the Genesis counterpart and the Genesis game wins on the smoother play experience part. Not even just framerate, its mechanics feel smoother as well. I just can't go against all the greats on SNES though because while I do prefer Sonic, that isn't to say SMW and DKC are bad games. They were amazing games in their own right. Genesis games feel a lot more pick up and play though compared to SNES.

>> No.10353171

It can at least be overclocked into a consistent framerate but it's still like 20 or 30 capped.

>> No.10353175

>Comix Zone
Stupidly spiteful game, unironically needs an easy patch to be enjoyed. Bro hitting obstacles depletes HP get the fuck out with this.
>2 perryformers
and no, while they aren't the average US brapcore they don't come close to any J Genesis game. You're just wrong and I won't elaborate.

>> No.10353180

The Ooze

>> No.10353187


You should get some fresh air

>> No.10353194

and maybe you should crawl back to whatever gay hole you came from if you can't keep up with basic bitch board culture.

>> No.10353723

You're fucking retarded.
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive + CD:

Turn based: After Armageddon, Aisle Lord, Arslan Senki, Beggar Prince, Cosmic Fantasy CD, Dark Wizard, Langrisser 1&2, Legend Wukong, Lunar 1&2 [unworked patch], Phantasy Star 2&4, Pier Solar, Shining Force 1/2/CD, Shining in the Darkness [Antigrinding patch], Vixen 357

Narrative: Illusion City, Rise of the Dragon, Snatcher, Space Adventure Cobra

Side Action: Alien Soldier, Spiderman Kingpin, Annet Futatabi, Alisia Dragoon, Blades of vengeance, Castlevania Bloodlines, Cave Story, Comix Zone, Contra Hard Corps, Cyborg 009 CD, Dahna, Demolition Man CD, Earthworm Jim 1 CD & 2, El Viento, Exile, Ex Mutants, Gargoyles Ultimate, Gunstar Heroes, Mega Man Wily Wars [Weapon Master] & Sequel Wars, Mega Turrican, Midnight Resistance, Popful Mail [unworked], Pulseman, Ranger X, Rent A Hero, Rocket Knight 1&2, Shinobi 2/3, Shadow Dancer, Pirates of Dark Water, Splatterhouse 2&3, Streets of Rage 2 & 3 DX, Strider, Terminator CD, Twinkle Tale, Valis 1&3, Wolfchild CD, Monster World 3&4, XMen 2, Ys III

Platform: Animaniacs, Ecco 1 CD & 2 CD, Flashback, Out of This World, Generations Lost, Flink [speed hack], Highseas Havoc, Taruruuto, Marvel Land, Mickey Mania CD, Castle of Illusion, World of Illusion, Pantufa, Pitfall CD, Prince of Persia 1 CD & 2 (Remastered), Quackshot, Ristar, Socket, Sonic (Classic Heroes, 3 Complete, Mega Mix CD, S-Factor, Mobius Evolution), Lost Vikings, Tinhead, Tiny Toons

Shmup: Keio Squadron, Gaiares, Gynoug, Lords Thunder, MUSHA, Robo Aleste, Panorama Cotton, Thunder Force 2/3/4, Trouble Shooter 1&2, Zero Wing

Top Down: Arcus 1/2/3/Odyssey, Beyond Oasis, Crusader Centy, Landstalker [Mijet controls hack], Light Crusader, Skeleton Krew, Techno Clash, The Chaos Engine, Shadow Run, Tougiou King Colossus, Traysia, True Lies, Xenocrisis, Mega Bomberman

Other: Columns, Marble Madness, Mean Bean, Rock N Roll Racing

>> No.10353725 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 877 KB, 1018x3962, N64 is a failure_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 has 5 good games.

Rail Shooter: Gamera 2000, Omega Boost, Tempest X3, Vanark

Fighting: Bloody Roar 2, Ehrgeiz, Tekken 3, Rival Schools, Bushido Blade 2

3D Platform: Ape Escape, Crash 2&3, Dr Slump, Spyro 1-3

Action: Apocalypse, Future Cop, Ghost In Shell, One, Gekido, Gunnm Memory, Jackie Chan Stunt Master

Adventure/Narrative: Aconcagua, LSD Dream, Mizzurna Falls, Policenauts, The Legend of Water, SuikoGaiden 1&2,

Action/Adventure: Alundra [Un-Worked Patch], Brave Fencer Musashi, Brave Prove, Community Pom, Dragon Valor, Legend of Mana, MediEvil 1&2 [PAL], Threads of Fate, MM Legends 1&2, MGS 1+VR, Rising Zan, Tail Concerto, Tron Bonne

2D: Castlevania Chronicles/Symphony, Goemon Akogingu, Mega Man 8, X4, X5 [Improvement Project], X6 [Tweaks Project], Oddworld Oddysee/Exodus, Strider 2, Lomax,

RPG: Azure Dreams, Baroque, Breath of Fire 3&4, Chrono Cross, FF 7 [Retranslation], 8, 9 [Moguri Mod], Koudelka, Lunar 1&2 [UnWorked], Legend of Dragoon, Parasite Eve 1, Planet Laika, PoPoLoCrois, Rhapsody 1&2, Saga Frontier 2, SMT 1&2, Star Ocean 2, Tales of Phantasia, Suikoden 1&2, Thousand Arms, Valkyrie Profile, Wild Arms 1, Xenogears [2.0 patch]

Tactics: Brigandine Grand,Bomberman Wars, Ecsaform, FF Tactics Lion War, Monster Tactics, Front Mission 2&3, Galaxy Girl Yuna 3, Kartia, Langrisser 4, Saiyuki, Master of Monsters, Nectaris, Tearring Saga, Vandal Hearts 1 & 2 [+Turn Based patch], Vanguard Bandits

Vehicle: CTR, Jet Moto 2&3, RC de Go, Wipeout 2&3, Racing Lagoon, Rollcage 1&2, Vigilante 8 2nd, Micro Machines V3, Ridge Racer R4, Gun Bike,

Horror: Res Evil 2&3, Silent Hill, Chaos Break, TRAG

Other: Deception 2&3, Remote Control Dandy, Team Buddies, Silent Bomber, Trap Gunner, Devil Dice, Frogger Swampy, Mr Domino, Incredible Crisis, Paranoia Scape, Kyuutenkai, Kurushi,

>> No.10353730

nta you called yourself basic

>> No.10353731

>Super Metroid
Insanely overrated.
Lunar 1&2 and Phantasy Star 2&4 shit all over final Fantasy 4 and 5, and are equal to ff6.
>Super Mario Kart
There's a game on sega cd that's just like it but all of those mode 7 Racers are fucking trash.
Unique, but sega has unique sidescrollers too.
>Mega Man X 1-3
X3 is shit. When the sequel Wars is done, that's going to be the greatest mega Man game of all time. They already put out 4 and it was 10/10.
Also overrated by Nintendo cultists, this is outclassed by every other 2D Zelda except hourglass, and it's outclassed by multiple action adventure games on both genesis and snes (like crusader of centy, Beyond oasis, terranigna, Illusion of gaia).

Filthy casual taste.

>> No.10353737

>There's a game on sega cd that's just like it but all of those mode 7 Racers are fucking trash.
You never beat Super Mario Kart did you and you have the nerve to call others casual lol.

>> No.10353738

Its boring and ugly. An example where the modern games absolutely are better. Also, its fucking easy don't be a fucking retard. I play Wipeout, rollcage, and gran Turismo. Those are actually skilled Racers. New Mario kart is good for casual fun with kids, but mk1 is just trash like every mode 7 eyesore.

>> No.10353756

Alright Auster.

>> No.10354372

>Sega doesn't have any games like these
>Mario, Zelda, Metroid
>still couldn't list more than 5 outside of those
Good, that's why it's better. The SNES has a serious problem with library diversity and variety, it's quite funny and pathetic how, despite having almost 6 times more games than the N64, the short list of actually memorable games that anyone wants to play is still only about as long as the very shallow N64. 1750 games and still nothing to play, and yet this is the "best console ever"?
You are never going to see a list this comprehensive for the SNES, because this many good SNES games simply do not exist.

>> No.10354408

Amiga lost, Sega lost

>> No.10354415 [DELETED] 

Sony lost

>> No.10354425
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>there are unironic /vr/ posters who don’t enjoy all 8-bit and 16-bit consoles to some degree

I don’t get it, not in the age of emulation at least

>> No.10354447

>Sega lost
The Mega Drive sold a reported 30 million units, the SNES sold a reported 49 million. But Sega's numbers do not include various licesced revisions like the Wondermega, the LaserActive PAC, the modern revisions like the AtMega models, or the countless bootleg clones that were sold back then and still to this day. The SNES has no response for these, and clones didn't even begin to exist until after the 2000's. When you count all of those and compare the SNES, the Mega Drive sold far more, was the far more popular system, had a far longer lifespan, and it's not even close. The SNES couldn't even sell as much as the NES, which is pretty sad.

>> No.10354462

And that's why they are still making consoles, lol
Get over it europoor, your kind is not welcomed here.
Back to /reddit/ and forums

>> No.10354473

The "age of emulation" is the reason more people are walking away from the SNES unimpressed. Back then, you're mother bought you some Mario or Zelda shit, and you were forced to play it several times because games were so expensive that you were not going to get another for a long while. She was not going to risk purchasing a game that didn't have the marketing budget behind it such as Story of Thor or Soleil instead. But now, with emulators and ROM's, there is no reason not to try these games, it is a level playing field for retro games, and as such, more people are seeing that they are in fact the better games when compared Zelda. It turns out, when the SNES cannot live off of millennial nostalgia and marketing hype anymore, it comes up very short and cannot live off it's own merits.

>> No.10354485

The voices in your head aren't people

>> No.10354487 [DELETED] 

Nintendo board
Nintendo site
Shitga and Snoy aren't real companies.

>> No.10354514

Genesis still gets games
Also Nintendo isn't making consoles, just hand helds

>> No.10354516

Hagane, SC4, Super GnG, Pocky and Rocky, Mystical Ninja
Fuck off with your console war trash fanboy, the Genesis fucking rules. If anything it should be 16-bit board, get that 3D trash out

>> No.10354539

Shitty version of Shinobi.
The second worst 16-bit Castlevania, only beating the other SNES title. There is no reason to play this instead of Rondo, Bloodlines, or X68000.
>Super GnG
Horrid slowdowns. The Mega Drive and PC Engine versions are far better.
>Pocky and Rocky
It's OK.
>Mystical Ninja
The first really great Goemon games were on the PlayStation, there's no reason to play these on SNES.

>> No.10354551 [DELETED] 

auster going all out it seems.
based, I love how he has the super nintendo forever inside of his head.
it will be cute when he is dying alone and, just moments before leaving this world, he will check online and, sure enough, people will still be enjoying and cherishing the super nintendo, much to his fatal dismay!

>> No.10354608

I dont wholly disagree but I think you aren't making a divide between modern Sony and 90s Sony. The PS1 was an amazing system and the library had something for any gamer. There's a reason why Sony dominated for two generations straight.

>> No.10354629 [DELETED] 

>try to educate tendies better games exist
>You will die alone

>> No.10354650

Thats why the genesis mini or the various collections released over the year are such hot sellers.

Everyone knows the best goemon games are on the n64.

Everyone knows that the genesis is inferior because of the tiny number of colors on screen, horrible audio and limited by a 3 button controller (lol)

>> No.10354749

Ragnacenty/Crusader of Centy was better than A Link to the Past in most ways, sure, but it was a game released what, 4 years after?

>> No.10354923

I'm more into Genesis and nta but I don't think the issue is the SNES library only having a few good games, its the Nintendo fanbase that (on average) only care about the top 5 first party titles. Console has heaps of cool shit nobody talks about and its because Nintendo just has that sort of fanbase. I mean fuck man its no coincidence Genesis homebrew is exploding while the SNES homebrew scene is miniscule by comparison. The Nintendo people aren't out there playing Psycho Dreams. Its sad.

>> No.10354946
File: 169 KB, 767x379, FF 6 comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S3&k had the best music that entire gen
There's a 6 button controller, most snes games don't even use the shoulder buttons
Genesis has plenty of color, as this thread already showed. Snes games never used more except donkey kong which looks fucking ugly regardless

Pic is the average snes game. Barely any colors

>> No.10354950

Who cares? We're talking about right now.

>> No.10354958

>Thats why the genesis mini or the various collections released over the year are such hot sellers.
unironically, sega's mini consoles sold more than everything else.

>> No.10354969

I miss giant fuck off speakers. I wish that were still a thing.

>> No.10354971 [DELETED] 

People who like video games just like japanese stuff in general, auster. Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Konami....
Nobody cares about the speccy stuff you grew up with.
>but I WILL make the snes less popular!
awesome dude, keep at it lol

>> No.10354984

They aren't playing it because it's shit and they know it too. That's the main problem with the SNES, once you get past that list of top 10 or 15 games everybody's heard of, the drop off in quality is staggering. I've dug through the SNES extensively, I've played all those "hidden gems", and the fact is, the SNES just doesn't have the same kind of discoverable obscure games like other platforms of the era, it's an incredibly shallow library despite the huge quantity.
>its no coincidence Genesis homebrew is exploding while the SNES homebrew scene is miniscule by comparison
That's mostly because the hardware is just better. The Mega Drive has a huge advantage in CPU speed, DMA bandwidth, and memory access, which let's programmers easily develop full games in C in a short amount of time. On the SNES, assembly would need to be used, heavy optimizations would need to be made to avoid slowdowns (if it's even possible), and the end result would still be lower resolution or more cut back in other ways than if it were on Mega Drive. It just does not make sense for a developer to struggle with the SNES instead of choosing the option that will result in less development time and a better end result.

>> No.10355042
File: 8 KB, 480x320, castlevania_-_circle_of_the_moon_-_gameplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That scene was at night. The GBA version is brightened because it was made before handhelds were all backlit.

That's also why Circle of the Moon got panned for being "too dark", despite being gorgeous for its system.

>> No.10355121

>Legend of Oasis.gif
Not very impressive for a Saturn game, actually.

>> No.10355136

>S3&k had the best music that entire gen
Debatable, maybe because of micheal jackson, not because of the actual sample quality.
Even jackson didnt want to be publicly associated with it due to the dissapponting audio.

>There's a 6 button controller
Majority of games do not use it very well and games still needed to be compatible/gimped for the 3btn controller.

>snes games don't even use the shoulder buttons
Except that plenty of them do.

>Pic is the average snes game. Barely any colors
Nice cherrypicking there, most games are plenty colorful.

Indeed, the Genesis was designed to overpower the NES and did a good job at that. But was struggling once the snes showed up.

>> No.10355313

>Lunar 2
This is some Ron Perlman level contrarian seething.

>> No.10355324

>The first really great Goemon games were on the PlayStation

As someone that actually likes one of the Goemon games on PS1 i can still say that you are 100% wrong
>defending the Mga Drive by pretending its games were more colorful

I hope that's bait

>> No.10355395

No one cares about your specify or Amiger britbong.

>> No.10355496 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 344x204, 1685679279040318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega fans at their best. Why do you guys think sonic fans are furry fags and trannies like chrischan. Look how much nonsense this guy is posting isnt it obviously toxic? and still not banned.

>> No.10355502

GBA FF6 was 2006, well after the SP was widespread.

>> No.10355524

It's not like everyone's old GBAs got updates with backlights, anon. I never had an SP and was rocking the wormlight until I got my silver DS.

>> No.10355924

>which let's programmers easily develop full games in C in a short amount of time.
Only lazy hacks use C instead of asm.

>> No.10355946

Goemon 2 is one of the best games on the system

>> No.10355954
File: 1.21 MB, 500x420, FF 6 Alexander Gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snes couldn't use very many colors because of the low bandwidth

>> No.10355965

good bait

>> No.10356174

>Even jackson didnt want to be publicly associated with it due to the dissapponting audio.
I thought he was quietly dropped from the project due to the pedo allegations of the time. Anyways, much of the work similar to his could be attributed to one of his guys, Brad Buxer

>> No.10356182


>> No.10356307

It's so fucking weird to me. I never understood console war bullshit. I had a SNES and my best friend had a Genesis. Not once did we argue about which was the better console. Instead he'd come to my house to play DKC and I came to his house to play SOR and so on. Both consoles had extremely good games, there's really nothing to argue about.

>> No.10356312

Play Hagane, it's kinda obscure but a good ninja game on SNES. Not quite on the level of Shinobi but worth playing. I love 16 bit games the most so going back through the catalogs of both SNES and Genesis is a joy thanks to emulation.

>> No.10356337

There's only a handful of good Genesis games. If you don't like those genres, then it's an easily skippable console.

>> No.10356412

>midi sound
What did you mean by this?

>> No.10356417

Just think of the Genesis as a competitor for the NES, not the SNES, and you'll start to appreciate it more. Worked for me.

>> No.10356420

You're fucking retarded and can't read.

Turn based: After Armageddon, Aisle Lord, Arslan Senki, Beggar Prince, Cosmic Fantasy CD, Dark Wizard, Langrisser 1&2, Legend Wukong, Lunar 1&2 [unworked patch], Phantasy Star 2&4, Pier Solar, Shining Force 1/2/CD, Shining in the Darkness [Antigrinding patch], Vixen 357

Narrative: Illusion City, Rise of the Dragon, Snatcher, Space Adventure Cobra

Side Action: Alien Soldier, Spiderman Kingpin, Annet Futatabi, Alisia Dragoon, Blades of vengeance, Castlevania Bloodlines, Cave Story, Comix Zone, Contra Hard Corps, Cyborg 009 CD, Dahna, Demolition Man CD, Earthworm Jim 1 CD & 2, El Viento, Exile, Ex Mutants, Gargoyles Ultimate, Gunstar Heroes, Mega Man Wily Wars [Weapon Master] & Sequel Wars, Mega Turrican, Midnight Resistance, Popful Mail [unworked], Pulseman, Ranger X, Rent A Hero, Rocket Knight 1&2, Shinobi 2/3, Shadow Dancer, Pirates of Dark Water, Splatterhouse 2&3, Streets of Rage 2 & 3 DX, Strider, Terminator CD, Twinkle Tale, Valis 1&3, Wolfchild CD, Monster World 3&4, XMen 2, Ys III

Platform: Animaniacs, Ecco 1 CD & 2 CD, Flashback, Out of This World, Generations Lost, Flink [speed hack], Highseas Havoc, Taruruuto, Marvel Land, Mickey Mania CD, Castle of Illusion, World of Illusion, Pantufa, Pitfall CD, Prince of Persia 1 CD & 2 (Remastered), Quackshot, Ristar, Socket, Sonic (Classic Heroes, 3 Complete, Mega Mix CD, S-Factor, Mobius Evolution), Lost Vikings, Tinhead, Tiny Toons

Shmup: Keio Squadron, Gaiares, Gynoug, Lords Thunder, MUSHA, Robo Aleste, Panorama Cotton, Thunder Force 2/3/4, Trouble Shooter 1&2, Zero Wing

Top Down: Arcus 1/2/3/Odyssey, Beyond Oasis, Crusader Centy, Landstalker [Mijet controls hack], Light Crusader, Skeleton Krew, Techno Clash, The Chaos Engine, Shadow Run, Tougiou King Colossus, Traysia, True Lies, Xenocrisis, Mega Bomberman

Other: Columns, Marble Madness, Mean Bean, Rock N Roll Racing

>> No.10356427

Genesis sound is the best part of the system if you have the only good model which is the first gen one. Not all games sound good but the ones that knew how to do proper sound for the console made the best sounding retro games period. Yes, period.

>> No.10356438

I never played that game but I would imagine it is better on a more modern console due to being able to use dualsticks. All these top down shooters benefit from that control setup the genre was pretty much made for it.

>> No.10356603

A lot of sega consoles feel like they're in between generations. I look at it like it's not a nes and not an snes somewhere in the middle

Not sure if that's right but thats how it plays to me

Has plenty of games you just have to dig to find the good ones. If you're not into arcade feel games maybe it's not for you

>> No.10356669
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>Worked for me.
Have you played any multiplats on both systems?
>If you don't like those genres
Yeah I hate platformers, sports, shmups, beat em ups, run and guns. All trash so I stick to SNES.

>> No.10356705

If you think that you probably don't like video games.

>> No.10356715
File: 2.16 MB, 600x499, IMG_1381.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you play Amiga games without a license, jk. But, that other anon is just being an overnight vagina. Don't let it get to you so much, this is 4chan and you're a faggot

>> No.10356773

>Have you played any multiplats on both systems?
Yes, games like Smash TV, Street Fighter, Turtles are all better on SNES
Indeed, usually the SNES was better. The strength of Genesis was in exclusives.

Too bad the genesis was designed as a competitor to the NES, with its 3 button controller being a massive bottleneck to gameplay.
Just look at a game like Alien Soldier. It needs more buttons to be fun and people have to resort to 6btn romhacks 25 years later to make it playable.

Indeed, the Genesis put up a brave fight but ultimately ended up in second place.

>> No.10356801
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>> No.10356829

If that's the best response you can come up with then his argument has validity to it.

>> No.10356848

>then his argument has validity to it.
You can argue with Auster if you like.

>> No.10356882

There's lots of multplats that are better on genesis, starting with all western games, but also several arcade ports.

>> No.10356896
File: 1.36 MB, 424x240, Sega Comix Zone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the thread you dumb faggot. The genesis is straight up more powerful than the snes because the snes has dumb architecture.


>> No.10356978

Lol killed him

>> No.10357028

This is some really strange cope here. While its cool imo that Genesis did sell much more than that reported 30 million which you are definitely correct about, you still are factoring in awful bootleg clones? I mean I am pretty sure most retro consoles have bootleg clones. In that case they all sold more than what official numbers state. You also should mentioned how most Genesis models are actually garbage since the soundchip is ruined in most of them. And yes this is true, actually research it. In fact I'll just help you with that watch the video.


If they aren't to the standard of that model 1 then they aren't even the best possible version of the console. If SNES had vastly inferior models you would bash Nintendo for that so stop being ridiculous.

>> No.10357064

It isn’t.

>> No.10357078

I grew up with Nintendo and Genesis music is vastly superior. The guitar synths are just phenomenal.

>> No.10357103

>40 year olds doing unironic console wars from the late 80s/early 90s
based? must suck having traumas from childhood like that though.

>> No.10357291

It literally is. That's why so many snes games needed a chip in the cart. The bus on snes is ghetto. It's got a lot of bottle necks. Saturn and ps3 tier wackyness.

>> No.10357536

There's nothing to get over. Genesis games were by and large just "the SEGA alternative to Zelda/DQ/FF/Star Fox/Mario/etc". Very few Genesis games weren't just shamelessly trying to copy something on the SNES. If it weren't for Sonic, the Genesis would've bombed as hard as the Saturn did.

>> No.10357641

man i don't know if you guys are trolling but you need your ears checked, the snes sounds like fucking shit, even tim follin couldn't get that machine to stop sounding like muffled gooey parps. by far the worst console for music from the 16-bit era

>> No.10357652

>the SEGA alternative to Zelda/DQ/FF/Star Fox/Mario/etc
Aside from maybe Alex Kidd and Phantasy Star (which came out almost exactly the same time as the first FF) I can't recall any other games fitting that bill, at least ones developed by Sega themselves. They were more an arcadefag brand, and you know how annoying those tend to be.

>> No.10357653

Turtles? I sure hope you're talking about Tournament Fighters.
Also MK was always better on Genesis. And Super Street Fighter II isn't bad at all on the Genesis.

>> No.10357654

This guy thinks Virtua Racing is a SEGA alternative to Star Fox.

>> No.10357658

>doo doo dooooo come on!
ristar soundtrack actually goes pretty hard


>> No.10357659

>Help me overcome this retardation.
I would say stop being gay, but as OP i know that's a tall order. Instead, just quit bring a fucktard and stop listening to fifth hand accounts of other retards who only shitty Western games.
See >>10350249
Fucking retarded ass board

>> No.10357662

Technically, the rough Star Fox 'equivalent' would be After Burner, though that's more an equivalent to Taito's Sky Destroyer.

>> No.10357674

Most 4th gen music in general sounds like shit, albeit in different ways. Genesis sounds like a low-end Yamaha synth, Snes like a low-end Casio synth.

>> No.10357787

>even tim follin couldn't get that machine to stop sounding like muffled gooey parps
Can you point out the unlistenable farty doo-doo parts in the Plok soundtrack that were a limitation of the hardware even Tim couldn't work around?

>> No.10357863

the 16-bit war was already settled in the 90s. No 40 year old is doing unironic console warring

>> No.10358046
File: 22 KB, 470x350, soniccrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet you play Amiga games without a license
I do, I still have my copy of James Pond License to Bubble somewhere for the Genesis.

>> No.10358051

It literally isn’t.
Very few games used a chip,
>the bus on snes is ghetto
Uh. Ok.
>it’s for a lot of bottle necks. Saturn and ps3 tier wackiness.
Which meds?

>> No.10358585

All of the games people use to claim the snes is stronger, used chips. The ones that didn't use chips, are not impressive.

>> No.10358587

Dude star Fox fucking sucks. That's the nintoddler bonus in action because it's literally the only rail shooter you've ever played.

>> No.10358591

Well arent you double 0 salmon.

>> No.10358602

Super shitendo have some good games but damn does the Mega Drive (yeah, i'm not in the fucking US, deal with it) just rape it if you get into both consoles catalouges. I guess it kinda depends on if you really reaaaally like RPGS the ninshitdo is for you I guess.

>> No.10358616

Langrisser 1&2 > Der langrisser
Lunar 1 > mario rpg
Lunar 2 = Chrono Trigger
Phantasy Star 2 > FF4
Phantasy Star 4 = Ff6
Shining Force 1/2/CD > Fire Emblem

Narrative games the snes basically doesn't have any answer to: Illusion City Rise of the Dragon, Snatcher, Space Adventure Cobra

Alien Soldier > Mega Man 7
Spiderman Kingpin > Venom
Castlevania Bloodlines > 4
Cave Story > Metroid
Contra Hard Corps > 3
Gunstar Heroes > Mega Man X
Mega Turrican > Super
Popful Mail > [no alternative]
Ranger X > Super turrican 2
Shinobi 2/3 > whatever
Streets of Rage > Final Fight
Monster World 3&4 > whatever
Ys III > V
Mickey Mania CD, Castle of Illusion, World of Illusion > magical Adventure Trilogy
Ristar > kirby
Sonic 3&K > Mario World
Literally all shmups on genesis > snes
Beyond Oasis > secret of mana
Crusader Centy > LTTP
The Chaos Engine > Pocky rocky
Shadowrun > Shadowrun
Mean bean > kirby puyo

Multplats better on genesis: Earthworm Jim 1 CD & 2, Animaniacs, Flashback, Out of This World, Pitfall CD, Prince of Persia 1 CD & 2 (Remastered), Lost Vikings, Tiny Toons, all Disney games, Xenocrisis, Marble Madness,

>> No.10358636

Only gonna respond on types of games I play

Bloodlines is slightly better than 4 but it's way shorter, it could have had a bit more length

Hard Corps is absolutely better than 3

Megaman X however destroys Gunstar Heroes, that game has too many lame gimmick levels. Fucking dice game

Mega Turrican is better yea

Closest Shinobi 3 on SNES would be Hagane and I think they're pretty close, Hagane honestly seems too based to be on SNES.

Ristar destroys Kirby, honestly fuck Kirby in general

Of course Sonic beats Mario

shmups yea Genesis wins, but JRPGs SNES wins. you need a Sega CD to come close, and there's just too many good SNES RPGs. Live A Live, Seiken Densetsu 3, Breath of Fire, 7th Saga, Romancing SaGa, Dragon Quest, fucking Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen nothing tops that shit if you're an RPG autist

Alcahest is better than both Beyond Oasis and Secret of Mana

Puzzle games Genesis wins, Columns and Puyo beat Tetris Attack, I still play Columns

A category you didn't mention is racing, I think the SNES Top Gears are better than Genesis, but Genesis has Super Hang-On which is nice

Sunset Riders SNES is better than Genesis, and SNES has 3 amazing Natsume games: Pocky & Rocky, Wild Guns and Ninjawarriors Again. I play those over and over, would've loved to see Natsume make games for Genesis

also Actraiser, Soulblazer, those games rule

>> No.10359027
File: 367 KB, 577x579, lLSFmQp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.10359096

A lot of those RPGs are JP only.

>> No.10359329

Take your sperg meds

>> No.10359643

Emulation is in the first post

>> No.10361023

And because nintendo once again bottlenecked its hardware, no, not by not giving backlit to the original gba, but by using a really shitty screen that looks burned in and too dark.

>> No.10361032
File: 2.25 MB, 332x250, quantum-leap-mirror (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a retard containment thread.

>> No.10361054

I grew up with the Sega Mega Drive and I can't stand how generic SNES audio sounds.


>> No.10361063

is this a bait post?
with those videos it has to be

>> No.10361065

>Sunset Riders SNES is better than Genesis
could that be because Konami were massive faggots and used a 4 megabit ROM for the Mega Drive port while the SNES got 8 megabits?

>> No.10361067

Mega Drive has more good games, but I REALLY like Super Metroid and ALTTP, to the point where I would still take SNES over the MD. Sonic 1-3K are damn good too