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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10342764 No.10342764 [Reply] [Original]

What was PC gaming like in 2001?

>> No.10342765

Bad. 3 in 5 times the damn things wouldn't even work properly.

>> No.10342772

fuck ton of on disk drm to the point youd even crack the games you bought legally
otherwise it was fine, not much different from today

>> No.10342776

was alright

>> No.10342779
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Pretty good.
That was around the time you had all those game compilations and cheap re-releases (no, Valve didn't invent those, zoomers). And you could play a ton of great games for very little.

skill issue

>> No.10342780
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>> No.10342796
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>> No.10342805

shareware DRM was so weak and funny that even as a child I knew how to bypass some
I remembered that one of the shareware sites that had a downloadable Insaniquarium demo didnt automatically kick you out of the game once your time (I think 1 hour) was up, but rather you could just keep playing until the last level and only get locked out as soon as you close the game

>> No.10342854

Was all about Broodwar. Every day. In a way battlenet culture was the proto 4chan.

>> No.10342863

Fairly good if you had the right hardware. Deus Ex came out in 2000. And by then i probably had a computer good enough to run games from the 90s properly instead of at like 10 fps

>> No.10342871

The same as it was in 1971, 1981, 1991, 2011, 2021, and today: shit.

>> No.10342876
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it was perfect and we're never getting it back

>> No.10342882

FIFA 2000
Rainbow Six
The Sims

Mostly emulators.

>> No.10342886

get a 56k modem and you'll feel like you're in 2001 again

>> No.10342889
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>> No.10342890

Broadband was becoming much cheaper and more widely available where I was. This had some major implications:
File sharing was just getting going and emulation was improving so getting decent older games in bulk was becoming easier. The FPS craze was still going strong too and LAN parties were still happening, but a bit less as enough friends playing online made them irrelevant.

Drm was worse a couple of years later imo

>> No.10342902

Cable was widely available and this was before streaming video and torrents so it was fast too.

>> No.10342908

Yeah i was playing a fuck ton of starcraft around this time. I wasn't even gaming outside of that.

>> No.10342915

yeah 56k modems was late 90s so most people had those by then

>> No.10342919

In 2002, when I was 13 and first got CS, I downloaded the CS 1.3 patch from a site called ausgamers while on dialup in Canada. It took a long time and I didn't know any better. Good times.

>> No.10342925


I had a great time.

It was a time when 3D graphics had really moved on from the PSX/N64 era of first trying things out to become a bit more smooth, but everything wasn't the glistening brown and grey mess of the Unreal Engine.

This was really the era that online gaming properly took off as Broadband became a lot more accessible across the Western world and Japan. Arena FPSs were big, so was Starcraft and Everquest, but I was never really into multiplayer stuff. I also had a PC that was very much middling, but distinctly not cutting edge, so had to play newer games on a max of 800x600 for it to be playable.

That - as then was definitely an issue vs. console ownership; you'd still have to spend £££ to be able to play the latest releases, and as other people have said, it was then sometimes a bit of a puzzle to make things work. I enjoyed the puzzle though - it taught me a lot about how computer hardware works that Gen Z are a bit clueless about, however much coding they do in primary school.

Filesharing on Kazaa, Limewire and DC++ were also huge, meaning that there was a huge amount of access to dubious stuff. Thousands of people downloaded what they thought was GTA3 only to in fact found they had downloaded the 1NSANE demo.

This period was also still the time demo CDs and downloads were pretty ubiquitous, meaning you could have hours of free gameplay.

My more contemporary jams at the time were:
- Deus Ex
- Project IGI
- Grim Fandango
- Wolfenstein
- Unreal Tournament (playing on my own against bots because I am like that)

I also constantly replayed the following:
- Half-Life
- Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
- Quake
- Dark Forces
- Age of Empires
- Lucasarts adventure games

>> No.10342926

Brutally mogged by the PS2. The cope from PC nerds and Dreamcast suckers was completely off the charts when PS2 owners were feasting on stuff like Silent Hill 2, Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Final Fantasy X. It was embarrassing to be playing games on any other platform at the time.

>> No.10342936

Hi zoomer, just fyi, saying mogged tells us that you werent even alive at the time and are just shitposting

>> No.10342951

Unreal Tournament
Diablo 2
Connectix VGS

Hard drives were maybe 16GB but windows didn't use 1.
Halo was just bringing all the retards into gaming but they were on consoles and not fucking up the internet.

>> No.10342952

kys you retard

>> No.10342958

Zoomers get the rope

>> No.10342981

like that >>10322725

>> No.10343002

>Illegal Operation
>Blue screen
>Game loads with no textures
>Get MMORPG running at 2 fps
>FPS game where you decide to take turns after every time you die, friend keeps saying 'one more' and you get into a fight because he never gives you a turn
>Teamspeak or whatever the chat host was then, join random rooms with your friends but other people you don't know are there, also chatting, somehow you all talk together despite not even playing together
>Every room has someone with a variation of the name Osama Bin Laden
>Shitty browser flash games
>Text only MMO browser games
>Trying to bind buttons to a Logitech controller properly
>Emulate NES and SNES
>Demo discs

>> No.10343009

It was ok. I got by on hand me down PCs for C&C, Diablo 1 and 2, Doom and HL1 mods until around 2005 when I built my own PC with money I saved.
For my birthday one year my aunt bought me a compilation of PC games, but it was in French. Carmageddon, MDK, Mechwarrior and something else. It was based as fuck.

>> No.10343014

You know I'm right

>> No.10343015

2001 was peak Everquest. Did not play any other games during that time.

>> No.10343239

My family had 56k yahoo dial up until 2009 :'(

>> No.10343478

Same, but 2011. My fax modem got fried by a storm once and I went to some stores trying to find a new fax modem to replace it. Some store sellers laughed at me.

>> No.10343483

>skill issue
is this the new hot thing to parrot?

>> No.10343506

UT99, Quake 3, RTCW, Diablo II, Starcraft, AOE II there was nothing to play.

>> No.10343528
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pretty good

>> No.10343546

I dunno cause I was only playing D2, but that was pretty good

>> No.10343548

Completely forgot ADOM and MUDs. Easily spent >10k on 1 MUD.

>> No.10343552

I know you're just a retarded contrarian faggot who has already wasted too much of my time.

>> No.10343596

Had a Dell machine and a couple of pirated games mainly tycoon games and some emulators.

>> No.10343601

Oh, you got hardware from 2-3 years ago? Then you can play this new game in 6 fps on lowest settings. Maybe there is something that keeps you busy on newgrounds for a bit before you are so bored that you decide to go outside.

>> No.10343636

I'd take that in a heartbeat over the limited allowed reinstalls bs that came later or the always online drm we have today.

>> No.10343683

Expensive. PCs in general were expensive, you'd probably spend in the ballpark of $1500 just to get an entry-level PC that wasn't a potato (ie something without a celeron). My parents got me a Dimension 4550 around this time with a Pentium 4 2.4 GHz and a GeForce4 Ti which came out to around $2000 (around $3500 today). This was not considered outrageous in the era.

Then as now, the price of PC games was far better than on console. Most PC games targeted the $30-$40 bracket and tended to drop fast in price so you could pick up a ton of games for cheap.

There were basically no auto-updaters. You'd buy the game and then go to the company's web site and see if there were patches available. Often it was unintuitive because companies would just distribute literal patches, necessitating installing them in the correct order and requiring the user to know which version they were on already. This became less of an issue once broadband took off and bandwidth stopped being as much of an issue.

>> No.10343716

Oh and I should also add that building your own PC was much rarer. Newegg was just getting started and wasn't super well known. You could buy things like GPUs and RAM at walmart but not shit like motherboards or cases. There weren't really PC building guides online in simple, digestible formats. It was far more common to buy an existing OEM and then just upgrade it rather than start from scratch.

>> No.10343939

diablo 2, warcraft 3, ragnarok online, gunbound, gunz, visualboyadvance and what the fuck new weekly asian mmo

>> No.10343957
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>There weren't really PC building guides online in simple, digestible formats.
You just had magazines with pc building guides instead.

>> No.10343974
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Yep, and books like these.
>tfw zoomers will never know the anxious feeling of filling out a mail order form for PC components from a PC enthusiast magazine and wondering if you'd ever get your shit

>> No.10343981

10fps if you were lucky

>> No.10343983

>Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
mad man

>> No.10344029

damn, i didn't know the fresh prince was a PC guy

>> No.10344045

Maybe if you were trying to game on your grandma's celeron like some kind of Timmy.

>> No.10344087


I'm still playing it now. I fucking love that game.

>> No.10344218
File: 119 KB, 652x800, 4258515-simcity-3000-unlimited-linux-back-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a pc magazine and find out SimCity 3000 is coming
>go to the pc store and buy the game
>open it
>good smell comes out of the box
>admire the CD art
>read the manual slowly
>check out every single detail of the box art
>autorun menu opens up
>"what the fuck is this the sims stuff?"
>discover a new game where you can control the simcity civilians is under development
>populous the beginning demo
>have a blasting playing SimCity 3000

Good times. I miss when PC games were different from console.

>> No.10344238

I member hacking that shit

>> No.10344272

Pain. Pain on every level.
>is this the new hot thing to parrot?
Git gud n00b
Pick up a weel gun

>> No.10344289

>is this the new hot thing to parrot?
It's one anon who browses both /tv/ and /vr/. He's the only one who talks like that. Kinda cringe ngl

>> No.10344313
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>Kinda cringe ngl

>> No.10344425

You are not allowed to enjoy it because Civvie said it was bad. Sorry, just the way it is.

>> No.10344435

pretty sweet. PC gaming was its own thing and had its own genres like adventure games, FPS (console FPS pre-7th gen were shit besides Halo), strategy, etc.

>> No.10344436

This was me but with my box copy of Doom II. I was extra happy when it even installed on my Windows 95 without issues. Nothing worked on my Windows 95, but Doom95 did.

>> No.10344456

You just named off some of the very greatest of the time for sure. Also early Counter Strike and its mods like Day of Defeat, Science and Industry, Wizard Wars etc
You sound like a kid, you must not have been around at the time. I had a PS2, and when I went to hang out at a rich friend of mine's house and played stuff on his PC, I shit my fucking pants. All of the games I mentioned above and in that OPs post, plus many more amazing titles, plus actual good online multiplayer (PS2 had SOCOM... lol), PLUS active modders making great shit, I could go on all day.
I was super jealous and saved up for ages to build my own pc

>> No.10344484

For sure. Anyone who says it was bad (from anything besides a technical perspective) either never really played PC games or just liked sports/fighting/racing games.

PC gaming at that time had a distinct identity, it's where you'd find your odd simulation games (themepark, simcity, god simulators like Black and White), mechanically dense TBS/RTS/4x games, a wider variety of RPGs, weird homebrew shooters (that scene became incredible, and even back in the day there was awesome shit to play like the Aliens Eradication mod for Doom), some driving/flight simulation (IL-2 Sturmovik was badass), etc

Plus, of course you could emulate genesis/snes/nes/ps1 and more. It was more cost-prohibitive but if you had a nice PC it was amazing.

>> No.10345369

fucking lol, right in the feels

>> No.10345623

I both don't miss and miss shareware. And I miss Futureshop.

>> No.10345634

I've played Runescape on my daddy's office pc once.
So I'm an expert in pc gaming and pc gaming was dead!

They didn't even have good gamepad support! You had to use keyboard & mouse *shudder*.

>> No.10345643

Lots of techno cause of the hacking

>> No.10345651

Here in mexico we were so poor we could only have 56k modems and only fee places had boradband, and even ours wasnt that fast compared to american internet speeds by comparison.

>> No.10345661

Something Awful was the proto 4chan. moot just took that culture over to an imageboard format and it evolved from there

>> No.10345723

Downloading bigger files (in the hundreds of MBs) was a nightmare due to ISP chargin per minute or hour, bills up the ass.

Downloading anime or full episodes were a crapshoot even for files that were compressed was heavy

>> No.10345741

Flat rates were already a thing in 2001.

>> No.10345913
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I got aol in 96 or 97 and it was already monthly subscription fee, the only issue with downloading big files was it took days, file resuming if you got interrupted was iffy, and my mom would yell at me for using the phone line

>> No.10345928
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torrents, keygens, and daemon tools. take me back

>> No.10345974

Yes, other pre-reddit internet communities imagine themselves as proto 4chan but it the underage goons from SA formed the real core.

>> No.10346342

I'm so sick of faggot zoomers talking about that fucking piece of trash, I actually had some explain to me that "the millennial mind can't comprehend Runescape" as though we didn't get to play UO which was better in every possible way and much deeper of a game.

>> No.10346636
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Playing the shit out of LF2.

>> No.10346656


>> No.10346709

Great. You could call someone a nigger and no one cared at all.

>> No.10346825

Has anyone ever got a WinXP VM to be able to run games decently? I'd like to set one up with a decent selection of games but in my last effort, everything ran terribly if at all.

>> No.10347059 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10347191

Dunno I spent far too much time on MSN messenger and building clan websites for SoF2 and RTCW.

>> No.10347195

Tho those games were 2002 onwards, I can't remember what I played before that.

>> No.10347201

There's no explanation. You had to live it

>> No.10347260

Most gamepads were of low quality and didn't work very well

>> No.10347460

Miss the warez groups and competition between crackers so much.

>> No.10347543

>skill issue
Larping Zoomer detected.

>> No.10347551

Two or three CDs were kinda the norm. Until they started using like 6 CDs.
Bad hardware, lots of pirated stuff, bad internet speed. But the new cool tech were really cool and it really was some improvement over the previous tech

>> No.10347561

PS controller with key to joy mapper was the best way at the time to use a controller on the PC.

>> No.10347584

Crackers of programs never truly went away; They just are being hunted down in very hyper zealous manners in many regions by the goons of the Berne Convention.

>> No.10347920

Consoles were doing DVDs early on meanwhile pkeks had games STILL being delivered on multi-disc CD-ROMs well into the Blu-ray era. I thought PC gaming was supposed to be this bastion of high-end technology.

>> No.10348008

>muh Unreal Engine bad
>first example is Deus Ex

>> No.10348042

A brief history of PC gaming:
>1980s and early 90s: complete potatoes that couldn't even do scrolling, only delusional euros and slavs think they hold a candle to console games
>mid to late 1990s: The $500 graphics card you bought a month ago to play Quake II became obsolete six months later
>2000-2006: Niche dumping ground for RTS, MMORPGs, kiddy point n' clicks, Porn games and FPS (most which were nowhere as memorable as 2000's console FPS), as well as horrible ports of console games that defined the sixth gen
>2007+ (non-retro era): PC actually becomes a serious competitor thanks to Steam sanitizing it's image to consolefags and publishers with Digital Distribution and DRM, and consoles architectures becoming similar

>> No.10348343

Idk I was only 6 at that time so mostly played Doom and Lego Racers

>> No.10348382

In autumn 2001 I spent my first wage on a new PC (Athlon 1400, 512, GeForce 3 v8200, throwing away my rusty P1). 2001 wasn't THAT great in terms of games (it was ok), but 2000 had definitely been, so I spent several months at stuff like Deus Ex, Shogun Total War, Diablo 2 and Porsche Unleashed.
And then 2002 kicked in, the last truly glorious year of the PC gaming golden era.

>> No.10348614

>1980s and early 90s
c64 and Amiga
>mid to late 1990s: The $500 graphics
didn't need one, you could play software mode even on a Pentium 1 all the way up to 2001
if you did have a a graphics card you had better experience than Arcades at home
yup great for RTS but also RPG and hack'n slash
>FPS (most which were nowhere as memorable as 2000's console FPS),
>2007+ (non-retro era): PC actually becomes a serious competitor
once the GTX 8800 came out the consoles could never catch up

>> No.10348674

MMORPGs were huge. World of Warcraft was the the most notable game of its generation. Hardly "dumping ground:

>> No.10348715
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>> No.10348717

I don’t even notice a change.
What is this bullshit?
I’m currently replaying planescape torment and heroes of might and magic 3 and those are from earlier.
Still seems like same era to me. XP? Not much different from current windows. Click on something. Done.

>> No.10348720

why do these fucking zoomer threads not get deleted...

>> No.10348724
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I remember being told putting in a slice of ham into a dvd player will play a short video on the meat industry.

>> No.10348731

Had no single trouble with it.
And then half a year later, brace yourself, I moved to Athlon 1800XP that worked just as great (and let me play Morrowind with max settings).

>> No.10348740

The early Athlons were not bad

It was not until Athlon X2, however, that AMD really began to dominate the scene. I'll never forget how assblasted Pentium 4 fags were bc of it hahaha

Then came Core 2 Duo and, since then, Intel has been the shit

>> No.10348743
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Go to steam and download Insaniaquarium


>> No.10348745

it was perfect and remained perfect until 2007

>> No.10348757

Duron's reliability had a shitty reputation, but Durons were very cheap and pretty fast.

>> No.10348767

early athlons and durons could cook themselves to death with improper cooling. They where also very popular among overclock kids

>> No.10348797

Yeah, I'm not sure whether Intel ever released as anything overclock-friendly as Celeron 300A, and what year was that, 1998?
Also I could be making this up, but I think it was only starting from Athlon XP when AMD let its CPUs shut down automatically in case some shit was going down.

>> No.10348891

we waited years for wizardry 8. it was epic.

>> No.10348931

Shit, I remember the Athlon XP (specifically the Barton core models) was already often recommended over the Pentium 4 because the comparable models often performed similarly if not better, and could often overclock better, too. Back then I built a 2.8 GHz Northwood P4, then when my cousin wanted a gaymen PC, I opted instead for a 1.8 GHz XP 2500+ because that fucker could easily OC to the 3200+ equivalent, and the whole thing ended up being like $300 cheaper. Of course, once the Athlon 64 came out, it was a rout, and the X2 was insult on top of injury.

>> No.10349154

Because they are not against the rules

>> No.10349169

No one needs a history of anything from a 16 year old

>> No.10349302
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peak era for FPS genre

>> No.10349305

thank you

>> No.10349641

There's truth in that. I can hardly trouble differentiating eras because they did a GOOD JOB with backwards compatibility. Like seriously, it was a good job. I think the era before was good stuff like the sims and age of empires or even gta. Yet you could still play all of those you only had more options like age of empires II-III/aom and warcraft or whatnot. I suppose to a console-only this amount of freedom is incomprehensible.

>> No.10349698

1998 to around 2005-ish was the best time to be a PC gamer. I miss kinos like Dungeon Keeper 2, Rune, No One Lives Forever, Team Fortress 1, Red Faction, etc.

>> No.10349727

what windows are you running now?

>> No.10350140

Torrents and Daemon tools are still in existence, though.

>> No.10350143

How do you know he's 16, though?

>> No.10350165

I still have my Delta Force 2 CD lying around somewhere. The game had no anticheat so any trainer you would download off the internet would let you fly through the air and full auto grenades down on people.

>> No.10350185

i had a different problem, my isp limited uptime for only 3 hours, you can reconnect but this made downloading anything moderately sized and not in parts impossible
got dsl later and that had its own problems but infinitely better than that terror
and we somehow lived on that shit until 7 years ago, now i have too much speed and no games

>> No.10350193

Really dependent on good internet. My family was the last in the neighborhood to get away from dialup. I never really had a good experience in WCIII online but I tried anyway.

>> No.10350195

God I miss XP, so much soul

>> No.10350216

Primitive but it was fun. I played a lot of Doom II then.

Emulation was still pretty interesting.

Also RPG Maker2k had just been translated thanks to Don Miguel.

My biggest complaint is we lost a lot of data. Most people who played in those days have a story about a save guy or a project that was lost in a computer crash.

>> No.10350226
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i'm STILL playing this dogshit game

i have a fucking longsword in my inventory thats older than the zoomer youtubers playing it

>> No.10350231

God i miss Windows Movie Maker

>> No.10350291

Is this even a controversial statement? I thought this was common knowledge.

>> No.10350301

I didn't think so.

>> No.10350338

>longsword in my inventory thats older than the zoomer youtubers playing it

>> No.10350382

always wanted to try this game out since i found out about it in high school but it's been two decades or something now.

>> No.10350447
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Was a claymore, my bad

give it a go if you got nothing better to do, they've made it super fucking easy for newbies compared to the og fucking mile high GIT GUD wall that it used to have

there are some private server options if you want the old school rules with minor QoL FIXES

>> No.10350463

what does vindictus have to do with the OG mabinogi or was it just the same studio?

>> No.10350483
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same universe, but takes place before the apocalypse that caused this game to happen, or something. never had a rig that could play vindictus back when it was big

quick example of a gen1 on launch outfit, and an outfit from a few years ago now if "looking dated" is an issue, it will always look kinda like janky shit, but in the last shareholder meeting they said that a swap over to unreal engine is in the works

...Because a korean terrorist killed a bunch of the top brass at nexons video game headquarters a few years back in connection to the 12 witches cult, and many who still knew how to use the "plione" engine died in the attack, so the game has been waffling on just adding new stuff, instead of actuAlly advancing in plot and shit, because nobody can use the spaghetti code

>> No.10350537

I still have Daemon tools on the Thinkpad T60 I used in university. The whole computer is a Windows XP time capsule, it was used from 2006-2012. It's still fun to go back and look through all my old stuff.

SC3K was pretty fucking fun. I remember it really blew my mind coming from the Macintosh edition of SC2K, which was already better than the DOS version. Cities just ended up looking so much more unique.

I still think SC4 was the best entry in the series though, just because of the mod community. There were some super autistic people with a lot of time on their hands and it resulted in some fantastic mods.

>> No.10351057

PC gaming became good only after the release of GTA VC

>> No.10351282

what was posting the same thread thousands of times in 2023 like?

>> No.10351356

>I both don't miss and miss shareware

I miss shareware, but I don't miss time limits for free versions. Limiting your trial/demo by time or launch number count is dumbest fucking idea. If you don't want me to play entire game for free just slice an acceptable bit of content and let me play it as much as I want. If i'll want more, i'll buy whole thing.

>> No.10352549

Did the C&C featured in this bundle was the cucked version with robots instead of human troops?

>> No.10352556

take me back... I miss these days...

also, simcity 3000 was hard to master... how did you develop your cities?

>> No.10353517

Chess, Checkers, Solitaire, Hearts, Jace Boxxi, Fucking VeggieTales.

>> No.10353543

Oh come on, sometimes it was finicky but it wasn’t 3 in 5 times bad unless your rig was just sensitive/under-powered.

>> No.10353761 [DELETED] 

If 3d or even open world stuff is the only flavour you like there's obviously a lot you are missing. Don't you like the original GTA3, which isn't going back very far?

>> No.10353768

The first 4 technically aren't video games, and if you mean the simulations of, that's a terrible set of examples.
>bbbut that's all mummy let me play
Ah that makes sense. Stfu then.

>> No.10353779

If 3d or even open world stuff is the only flavour you like there's obviously a lot you are missing. Don't you like the original GTA3, which isn't going back very far?

>> No.10353794

Better in some ways (LAN > online gaming).

Worse in others (technical bullshit that made both new and old games alike even harder to run than on modern machines).

Best part was that classics came out literally every month. Imagine a legit 11/10 game that you can play for years coming out consistently once, or sometimes more than once, each month without fail. That's what PC gaming was like at the time.

>> No.10353875

Making sonic adventure 2 wallpapers for my desktop in ms paint

>> No.10354383
File: 313 KB, 1191x574, 2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was great anon, and you actually looked forward to the next year.

>> No.10355419

Great list anon! Iwould have played less than half of these at the time. Too many hours of epic gaming (in the non buzz word sense)

>> No.10355549
File: 3.98 MB, 6547x5775, History of PC Games 1988-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have played many of them over the years, something for everyone.

I got it from a much more complete /v/ list.

>> No.10355552

pretty amazing how sharply the industry declines after 2006. You can really see the low test western onions/beta influence rapidly take over

>> No.10355673


I have no problem with the Unreal Engine, it was great technology for the time and Deus Ex, as mentioned was great.

I have a problem with everything being the Unreal 4/5 Engine.

>> No.10355972

It didn't near instantaneously decline all at once, AFAIK. There have been bad and good games on PC and console since the earliest days of the industry. 2007 was certainly not all that great of a year but it was not the absolute worst. Battlefield was still good, its end started with 3, and COD was fine also, until the year after Black Ops II came out.The sōy and woketardation started to come out of the poisoner's hands in full force in 2012-2013.

>> No.10356006

>and COD was fine also, until the year after Black Ops II came out.
Call of Duty 4, maybe World at War, were the last ones worth playing. One could argue any CoD after 2 wasn't worth playing. Dumb zoomer.

>> No.10356012

Understandable, have a nice day then.

>> No.10356665

You are a legend!
Image saved.

>> No.10356675

>hear about this great fallout game
>ask parents
>they buy fallout tactics
>it's on 3cd's and i have to meticulously delete unneeded files to make enough disk space for an install

>get super excited for morrowind
>parents finally buy
>won't run on my pc, have to wait months for parents to buy a proper graphic card

>get super excited for tribunal
>parents finally buy
>won't run on my pc because doesn't recognize my morrowind as licensed up to date copy

>> No.10356684

>>10355552 >>10355972
It seems to me that development cycles have become much longer with the carry on effect of devs also taking shortcuts to get product on shelves before it's ready. Too much emphasis on everything being technologically cutting edge without considering basic business principles of investment vs return.

Wokeness is another curse in itself but cuts across the media landscape so to be almost inescapable. Has it ruined gaming forever??

>> No.10356979

A lot of time spent reinstalling shit, fixing incompatibilities and missing dependencies, browsing forums for help, running up a massive phone bill playing multiplayer. I both miss the fact that it was a tech puzzle getting stuff to work because I got my start in computer sciences messing with games and setting up servers, but I also dont miss the massive headache some stuff was.

>> No.10356997

>won't run on my pc because doesn't recognize my morrowind as licensed up to date copy
Now I remember that here the local Morrowind publisher was always late with localization of fresh patches while EN-patches worked only with the original US/UK-release, thus I had to play a pirated version of Morrowind even though I had got a legal one as soon as it was out.

>> No.10357174

One of my favorite PC gaming experiences is the time my dad came home from work and said he was working in a foreclosed house in a kinda shitty neighborhood and the whole place was completely empty except for a CD case of Weezer's green album with GTA San Andreas for PC inside sitting on the floor in the living room. Normally that sounds like a recipe for a haunted game creepypasta but nope, worked perfectly. No ghosts.

>> No.10357251

>What was PC gaming like in 2001?
Outside of a few cherry-picked games it was a shitshow. Almost nonexistent, available hardware was expensive and a crapshoot, software bloated to ridiculous levels, distribution a mess of unorganized giant boxes shoved onto a side shelf in stores, most people still had dial-up internet, any reconfiguration/addition had a high chance of essentially bricking some part of operation, most households only had one communal pc, installation AND disk required for almost every game, multiple disks for many games, building a pc still relegated to hardcore nerd culture but most prebuilts sold without gaming-centric specs listed, almost no multiplayer options when in-person vidya socializing still relevant, etc., etc., etc.
As much of a dumpster fire it was and became, WoW can be seen as the point were users and industry players started heavily shifting their perception of PC gaming.

>> No.10357285
File: 43 KB, 299x254, red alert 2 cumm cock cuck fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? Red Alert 2 every day for about 5 months straight and not winning a single match on westwood online because I suck ass at RTS games.

>> No.10357321
File: 36 KB, 580x326, grand-theft-bigfoot-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No ghosts.
Yeah cause it had fucking bigfoot

>> No.10357331

>pentium 3 with 128mb ram
>Deus Ex online, Quake 3, GORE, Age of Empires 2
>every website was unique and you could find strange and interesting stuff or just flirt with middle aged american women on worlds.com
>Riva TNT2 64mb video card
>overclocking slightly and opening the case to let the heat out
>early chat rooms on a winter evening with the glow of the crt and your whole life ahead of you
>all of it gone like tears in the rain
>every day falls into the next
>body and soul weakening
>never made friends
>nothing left from those days but regrets

>> No.10357347

>Consoles were doing DVDs early on meanwhile pkeks had games STILL being delivered on multi-disc CD-ROMs

yeah but we could read DVD and write our own CDs in 2001 it was cash.

>> No.10357350

contrarian broccoli hair cringe

>> No.10357357

damn those were killer speca in them days bro

>> No.10357363

i remember trying to play tf1 against americans on dsl with my 56k it was like a slideshow

>> No.10357405

But at least you have a loving wife and kids? Right?

>> No.10357615

>he didn't get dvd's with 14 games packed on them
I bet you bought games from a store too faggot.

>> No.10357626

This poster was a kid who's first game was GTA VC and never bothered to play anything else.

>> No.10357686

>muh multiplayer
imagine being old with a zoomer brains
worst of both worlds

>> No.10357746


The only things I miss are the good games and CRT monitors. Everything else was trash. Accessories like headphones and mics were trash. I hated buying physical copies of games. Windows XP, while not all bad, had many annoying things about it.

>> No.10357828

Yes, I can confirm. Sees what happened with Red Alert 3.

>> No.10357860
File: 41 KB, 280x357, Carmageddon_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The late 90s and early 2000s were the peak of pc gaming. Zoomers would kill themselves on the spot if they ever realized how much soul has been lost over the years.

>> No.10357998

Nah UT99 was the tits and 2001 was still when UO had soul. The other anon is a complete retard by 1997 building a PC was as easy as it was until the complete baby mode shit that came out in the late 2000's. Which is to say it was still easy as shit if you could read.
To push it a little further in 2002 you got MoH AA and Battlefield 1942 both of which had awesome multiplayer, I believe RtCW was also out with it's great MP.

>> No.10358643

Where do you guys go for /vr/ wallpapers ?

>> No.10358661

>ikr remember my uncle hitting me and my 2 cousins with the belt because 1 of us decided we didn't want eat breakfast and decided to hide it in the vcr and he wouldn't admit to it and we didn't tell on him.
>sausage, scrambled eggs, toast
I mean my aunt couldn't cook but still. Got him back a few weeks later. He was over, I had some gum, chewed it and put it in my own hair. Put the wrappers in his jacket. When my mom found it in my hair after he left and asked me why I put gum in my hair I said I didn't have any gum cause he took it from me. Give me 5 bees for a quarter.

>> No.10358689

That was definitely the worst part. Not being able to install a game because I lost the serial number was painful, and so was having to keep a disc in the drive to play even if I could install the whole game to my hard drive. Then again, I was a kid with no internet at home and no access to noCD cracks or keygens until later.

>> No.10358817

I had the same problem with VMs. You’re better off thrifting a $10 pc with XP installed like I did. Now my only issue is trying to get oblivion to start.

>> No.10359243

did you try using 86box

>> No.10359250 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 300x168, ijijkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember being a Kid in the 2000s and playing NESticle i miss the Old Emulators

>> No.10359256
File: 9 KB, 300x168, ijijkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember being a kid in the 2000s and playing NESticle i also played Sonic 1 and 2 in these old emulators with a Dinosaur PC

>> No.10359316

I can explain it

It was before ghetto people pretended to be into these hobbies or electronics at all

They pretend to know but they didn't then

>> No.10359318

What the fuhh

>> No.10359321

(Now, not know)

>> No.10359328

Few Japanese games (other than untranslated VNs), so it was shit.

>> No.10359359

QEMU XP VM does wonders, it can literally run everything
I can post videos if anyone's interested

>> No.10359370
File: 109 KB, 722x573, 2k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing FF on ZSnes when I found out RPG Maker and had a blasting for being able to make an RPG game on it. I've made an RPG for my classmates full of inner jokes. They loved it.

>> No.10359385

>no friends

Retard shit like that is why it took so long for PCs to become synonymous with gaming.

>> No.10359410

Aversion to solitude is a sign of a shallow mind.

>> No.10359429

>he didn't play singleplayer games to have a good conversation irl
>he relied on online socialization in the 90's
FPS games ruined the PC game community.

>> No.10359442

>mommy's special boy
>social gaming didn't exist before online FPS

ok, retards

>> No.10359482


facts. And Age of Empires 2 on the old MSN Zone. I spent so many hours on both of those games.

>> No.10359625

You are all massive faggots, play some games or shut up.

>> No.10359641

this isn't grindr, responding to three fags at once isn't going to improve your odds to suck dick

>> No.10359669

i did both, really hard to meet older people as a 10 year old otherwise and not alot of my schoolmates liked jarpigs

>> No.10359706

tribes 2 is excellent, i wish the community servers weren't both broken and empty