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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10340932 No.10340932 [Reply] [Original]

ITT worst ports/remakes.

>> No.10340953
File: 2.44 MB, 2100x1540, Ninjasnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start the thread

>> No.10340995

most of the sega ports on pc engine are solid, but golden axe is a fucking abomination (because it's by telenet). telenet did a mediocre job with columns as well

asmik made so many cuts to pc engine shinobi that it's a fundamentally different game as well
>black tiger stage cut
>bonus levels cut
>no sword
>no gun
>several enemies cut

yet unfortunately it's still better than the master system version because it retains the speed/intensity (and most of the music)

>> No.10340997
File: 202 KB, 1000x1233, Might-and-Magic-Heroes-III-HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10341113

Wow you sound so unique and cool.

>> No.10341121

Mary Kate and Ashley Sweet 16: Licensed to Drive is a clarion example of how to turn a bonafide classic into an abomination. Almost unplayable (though I must admit, it does retain a bit of the original's charm).

very similar story with Bratz: Rock Angels. The original is full of charm, intuitive controls, and you really get to know and love each of the characters. But the port? Couldn't be more soulless.

>> No.10341123

>Includes new secret dungeon
How is it secret if it's on the box art?

>> No.10341132

They mean that it's hidden.

>> No.10341139

Why this bad exactly?

>> No.10341150

It doesn't even have the expansions either. Plus the HD mod existing makes it completely irrelevant

>> No.10341162

>The graphics were ruined and the tiles look better in the original
>The bonus content breaks the game
>You can't skip text
>Owl statues

>> No.10341163
File: 220 KB, 640x223, 1675829080134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real valid criticism I've seen is that it makes the tiles look like shit because they don't seamlessly blend together anymore

>> No.10341167
File: 212 KB, 800x806, 82402-snatcher-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10341173

people hate other remakes for less. DX is the poster child for a soulless rerelease, a total cashgrab.

>> No.10341192

I get what they mean but I don't really care. Tiling errors are common in 8-bit games.

>> No.10341198

Only in lazy, soulless games like Castlevania

>> No.10341248

Everything is hidden until you find it. All it should have said was "Includes a new dungeon". This upsets me.

>> No.10341320

it really is a secret dungeon though, the others are telegraphed, this one you can do whenever you find it. no lock no key

>> No.10341405
File: 66 KB, 639x640, Sonic_and_Knuckles_collection-1018321754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10341410

That has the butchered soundtrack right?

>> No.10341426

twin snakes, the most pointless vidya game ever made

>> No.10341569


>> No.10341697

severe autism

>> No.10341725

It does look like shit though

>> No.10341748

For real. That’s why i got zelda game and watch to play the superior version of the LA re-releases.

>> No.10341751

Why? He has a point. Colored version looks bad. Dwh h4

>> No.10341765

I played DX on my OG GB and absolutely loved it.
>Fast forward 20 years later
>Autists on 4chins shit on it all the because muh tiles not blending in
Not my problem.

>> No.10341769

>The graphics were ruined and the tiles look better in the original
>The bonus content breaks the game
there's nothing to break it's a game for kids. photograph mouse is cool.
>You can't skip text
speedtranner problem.
>Owl statues

>> No.10341837

>lol I love the shitty version autism autism autism

>> No.10342073

autis- oh wait someone beat me to it. autism.

>> No.10342264

The new graphics are optional, you can play it on the dot matrix all the same. For that reason I just can't get mad at the half baked color job

>> No.10342296

>Owl statues
What’s wrong with them? I don’t even remember them.

>> No.10342302

it's a bait thread

>> No.10342314

I agree, the extra dungeon and the photos are not worth the the unskippable text

>> No.10342324

They ruin dungeons by giving away too many answers to things. In the OG you have 1 stone slab riddle per dungeon that gives you a hint on a puzzle or on a gimmick for the dungeon. It's fun to find the fragment and reveal the riddle and figure out what it means. In DX, you get a magic beak for owl statues and there are multiple per dungeon that all say different things and handhold the player by spoiling puzzle answers.

>> No.10342678 [DELETED] 


>> No.10342682

Pic unrelated

>> No.10342689

It's inferior yes, but calling it the worst is a stretch

>> No.10342702
File: 736 KB, 1200x1080, Screenshot_20231022-035256~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would possibly compel them to change that i wonder

>> No.10342729

Majora Mask 3DS

>> No.10343523

op said worst not best

>> No.10343791

Right so Majora's Mask 3D is relevant

>> No.10343885

Some things are explicitly made to be seen, though. I don't know the location of a stop sigh in Minnesota but that doesn't make it secret.

>> No.10343913

People shit on in but I enjoy it's QOL improvements, especially being able to pick by the hour where you want to go ahead in time.
The Zora swimming mechanics though...yeah they fucked that up. It was the first time I ever struggled hard in that fucking beaver race.

>> No.10345695

Worth the tradeoff of actually being in color and not having everything look like shit like it does in the original. Being in color trumps any argument against it.

>> No.10345697

You are a massive faggot

>> No.10345702

Colored looks better than black and white. You are literally retarded. Play the two games and stop looking at cherry picked screen caps. Notice how link is never in the comparison pics? It's biased to trick idiots like you who can't think for themselves.

>> No.10345703

>maybe if i spam it enough the meme will become true!
Only turbo autists nitpick DX
Actually something worthy of criticism.

>> No.10345707

It's a bait thread. You responded to post made by a soulless zoomer trying (successfully) to stir up shit.
J*nnies should be deleting these threads but they don't because the only one who comes to this board is a zoomer and supports the destructive behavior.

>> No.10345713

>oHmYgODDDddodd i can't belive the tiles look like [literally every nes/microcomputer game ever made]