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File: 74 KB, 848x848, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10337758 No.10337758 [Reply] [Original]

I still don't understand why he has pink hair. Surely the SNES can do yellow

>> No.10337764

idk either bro, I've read some stuff but it still sounds like bullshit. I honestly just think they wanted him to have pink hair then bitched out, afterall his bunny form is pink.

>> No.10337802

Pallette limitation talk is bullshit.
Most likiely they simply wanted him to stand out, other than yellow on brown on green on greenish brown on brownish green.
The pink hair makes the sprite distinct. Also it looks cute. They probably tested it out and liked the look, so it stayed.

>> No.10337804

Because it looks good. You're asking the same thing as "why are the Simpsons yellow?"

>> No.10337821

like cucks they never used it in the official art. Probably thought westerners were going to think link is a pooftah at the time and abandon the series.

>> No.10337824

>Because it looks good
It's looks shit, and Nintendo knew they'd fucked up because they dropped it from subsequent games.

>> No.10337879

It was literally the developer's intention to make this link canonically submissive and breedable. That's why when they got rid of the pink hair for links awakening, they compensated on other areas of the design to pick up the slack.

>> No.10337890

>Surely the SNES can do yellow
The SNES has serious difficulty with accurate colour reproduction, this is why many games use bizarre palettes of off-shades. Colours such as pure black and pure red were very difficult to achieve. Nintendo used a very cheap colour DAC, and tried to hide it by allowing to pick between 32000 colours, but many of those shades don't appear correctly, especially highly saturated shades which will be muted and dulled.

>> No.10337892

Would the series still be popular if Link just had pink hair from that point onward? Or would that be too much for audiences?

>> No.10337925

Hair color alone does not make that.

BOTW Link was like the most breedable one yet even before he put on the Gerudo outfit

>> No.10337939
File: 827 KB, 1680x1768, 20231020_073128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like him

>> No.10337948
File: 175 KB, 439x403, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely would've been too much, but it'd be unique I suppose. I like both, but he's obviously better in blonde.

>> No.10338000


>> No.10338009
File: 2.08 MB, 1155x1068, zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be hard gay if thinking about BotW Link when Zelda got that bunda and all those Gerudos though

Also a reason Link isn't super masculine in BotW is simply because he's still a teen

>> No.10338029

>especially highly saturated shades which will be muted and dulled
Wait so is this why Final Fight looks so washed out compared to Streets of Rage 2 even though the SNES can display 4 times as many colors?

>> No.10338031

Agree with this

>> No.10338108
File: 80 KB, 1235x1011, 6hzlltx09dix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just his hat retards, the japanese cover art has him in yellowish color

>> No.10338123


>> No.10338126

I always assumed it was for readability and contrast, it makes it very easy to track Link's movement across the screen and it makes the rabbit transformation look more helpless and also more obviously a rabbit

>> No.10338175


>> No.10338217
File: 15 KB, 395x411, D6ISszWW4AACoL7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just his hat retards
Not sure if bait or blind or retarded

>> No.10338221

If OoT Link had pink hair we would have all just accepted this by now and would instead be arguing why he didn't have pink hair in the first game

Captcha: MAMA JR

>> No.10338225

Pink is symbolically blond

>> No.10338232 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x909, tumblr_n76xoiClb11t5fybso1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but he's blonde in literally all of the official art so it was a decision made only for the sprite. "Color limitations" are probably not the reason but he wasnt designed with pink hair either so the reason has something to do with the sprite, and I assume its just to make the sprite more readable in gameplay like other anons were saying.

>> No.10338245 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 720x1280, 5d2159b10ca3dfd487163e520b802ffa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know its not a she?
You shouldn't assume its gender you bigot.

>> No.10338268

For Link - gladly

>> No.10338301 [DELETED] 

Post belly

>> No.10338329
File: 384 KB, 800x1427, super famicon zelda cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this wrong

>> No.10338339

That's not pink. It's purple

>> No.10338378 [DELETED] 
File: 677 KB, 400x250, 1643327801301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender is NOT wholly separate from sex, how do you know someone is ""enby"", ""agender"", ""bigender"", or ""genderfluid"" for real. How do you know you or any of them are genders based on reality, rather than forms of insanity aka mental illnesses. There's no changing your chromosomes in this life, PERIOD. Ther3 is, however, the possibility of being transsexual l, which has to do with the mind.

>> No.10338469

Lol, somehow you subhumans think it's more likely his hair is pink and not the lower part of the hat

>> No.10338513
File: 73 KB, 376x300, yellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, there's already yellow on the sprite. This argument never made sense to me.

>> No.10338524

They're just trolling us

>> No.10338562 [DELETED] 

Biological sex is complex.
It's possible for an organism to develop as male despite lacking a Y chromosome.
The SRY gene present in the Y chromosome can get misplaced in utero and wind up on an X chromosome of an XX genotype organism. SRY is what triggers masculine physical development, but there can be physiological developmental issues with XX male syndrome.

Matters of biology are personal and private anyway, and a person's outgoing gender identity is usually never questioned unless there are perceived abnormalities or conflicts in their physical appearance.

That said, we're talking about fucking pink hair on an SNES sprite for a game that dresses Agahnim in green, when his official art is red.

The yellow hair doesn't look all that good here. Brown hair might look better when magnified, but probably blurs together with the skin tone face and the brim of his cap on old TV sets.
I don't recall if the blue mail and red mail keep yellow in their color palette though.

>> No.10338573
File: 47 KB, 159x265, 1697826723520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he not wearing underwear?

>> No.10338586 [DELETED] 

gender identity isnt real just crossdressing

>> No.10338609 [DELETED] 

Other languages don't even have to words for that thing (with "sexus" not even used by biologists) because they're the FUCKING SAME.
Your "gender identity" is the one you were born with.
Anyway, back to pink Link.

As we can see with yellow hair the sprite looks blandy Mc bland. No wonder they chose pink. They probably saw exactly that and then tried out several other different colors, of which pink looked best.

>> No.10338610

I was a kid when it was released and honestly no one ever talked about this.
I always assumed it was part of his hat.

>> No.10338613 [DELETED] 

Not retro.

>> No.10338650


>> No.10338651


easy access

>> No.10338765

I bet some developer just made the sprite with pink hair, showed it to others, they liked the way it looked and kept it.

>> No.10338830

It's pink because they wanted it to be pink. It's not that complicated especially since it's not always the same Link in each game anyway.

>> No.10338918
File: 2.69 MB, 1751x3139, 51861142577_b70ef4f0c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10338925
File: 1.39 MB, 1667x1421, 51855096939_58a6c30eb5_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10338929

>It's not that complicated
Nintendo made it complicated with official statements

>> No.10338935
File: 848 KB, 820x619, 453467645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10338940

>Link works in HR

>> No.10338943 [DELETED] 

Anyway, post ear and belly

>> No.10339043

Has anyone asked Nintendo if the pubes are pink too?

>> No.10339114
File: 694 KB, 2000x2500, 20231020_150331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10339169
File: 40 KB, 640x431, 93e7bf04ad58b9865c13c0a625eec1d5-2147352169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the 90s, you wouldn't understand

>> No.10339309

>taking official statements seriously
That's a you problem.

>> No.10339450
File: 25 KB, 468x465, 1647314342702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red nose
Every fucking time why do they do this gay ass shit

>> No.10339529

It’s his hat retard zoomer

>> No.10339535


>> No.10339641

Christ, been a while since I last saw Furious Famicom Faggot

>> No.10339642

They're all coke heads

>> No.10339703

>left: LTTP
>right: Graal

>> No.10339918
File: 116 KB, 848x848, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 gorillion hours in ms paint, or rather thirty seconds in my phone's photo app
i hate that shit too

>> No.10340163
File: 341 B, 64x92, Princess-Zelda-Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surely the SNES can do Red-Orange and light brown.
FTFY (Link wasn't blond until WW), and yes, pic related. The pallette in mind just wasn't satisfactory for Link's sprite to give him it, though it apparently was intended for him to have his artwork-hair as seen in the Gigaleak ALTTP sprites of him.

>> No.10340168

I rarely remember any character in any 16-bit or 32-bit game who's character model/in-game sprite matched the colours of their in-game character portraits or the official fucking art, even when official concept and promotional art is made with the console's colour palette in mind. I think a lot of it has to do with that psuedo-bullshit about sprites being designed to display a certain way specifically on CRT screens, but that shit usually only affects shit like flickering sprites to create a sense of transparency and shit, especially when looking at a fucking character portrait and sprite on the same screen at the same time and they have radically different hair colours and shit.

>> No.10340169

rednose is lame, but better rednose than dotnose (as seen in your image and in a large percentage of anime-style characters)
regardless of their culture or their artistic tradition, the majority of artists would rather die than draw the human nose the way it actually looks

>> No.10340197

>two power gloves

whoever drew this is a retard

>> No.10340208

Both of Link's hands change color when he gets new gloves though.

>> No.10340209

Why Nintendo retcon Link pink hair? whats wrong with it?

>> No.10340264
File: 269 KB, 856x1100, son of dob's tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread, unironically
You don't even fucking know how much you're emulating "him" with this shit.

>> No.10340273
File: 1.09 MB, 856x1100, its an art style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10340279
File: 116 KB, 586x800, 6642971-the-legend-of-zelda-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with Dobson is that he's full of shit.
He doesn't even care about the games. But he's super obsessed with the terrible old Super Mario Super Show where Link was depicted with dark brown hair.
And he should've just admitted that.

>> No.10340291
File: 152 KB, 469x238, 2023-10-21-120321_469x238_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink hair in game
Blond in manual
Dark haired girl in the official Japanese ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjpHzLYHkwA

Nintendo just hates autists.

>> No.10340304

a difference between in game spritework and official art is soulful actually

>> No.10340305

Why Link have legs of a Female?

>> No.10340362


>> No.10340369

Jesus I can still hear the voice after all these years
Might have to go watch some breakfast duck

>> No.10340438
File: 223 KB, 640x918, tumblr_pnyw85w4Om1r7r8ub_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was always right.
I prefer Link in blonde >though and OOT wasn't the tipping point where he got too girly (that was BOTW) but he had the right idea.

>> No.10340623
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, DO DA MAHREEOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dobson is both entirely obsessed with the DiC cartoons and bootleg anime he watched during the 90s and ashamed of it, it's very perplexing.
His entire style is ripped off of Space Invader Lum/Ranma Half with a little Sailor Moon, yet he shames anime for being "misogynistic" and actively tries to hide any of his 1990s/2000s internet art. Not because of the inflation fetish shit, but because of its ties to anime. He's tried to adopt new techniques to differentiate his Lum/Ranma copied art style but they're all fucking retarded and awful to the point where a Disney animator personally bitched him out on Deviantart for his terrible drawing techniques and eloquently dissecting why his art is so bad.
I know he's still actively online and I wonder how he feels about Charles retiring as the official Mario VA. He's likely to be excited because Charles Martinet never sounded like the fucking DiC Super Mario Show Mario, who was unironically based off of fucking Ron Jeremy porn.

>> No.10340626

>"He was always right."
>"I prefer Link in blonde."
>literally posts a comic where Dobson bitches about Link being blonde
You couldn't be disagreeing with him any harder if you tried, why the FUCK did you claim, "He was always right"?

>> No.10340628

This is literally a comic bitching about OoT Link, Metroid Fusion Samus, and Super Mario Galaxy Mario.

>> No.10340631

>Draws Iwata as a tiny Japanese businessman despite all of the fucking SOUL Iwata was responsible for during his life at Nintendo
This is how you fucking know he's some unhinged, deranged fucking retard basing his opinions off of cartoons and comic books and not the actual fucking video games

>> No.10340638

He's acting like the Japanese enforcing the fucking basics about their own fucking video game franchises against shitty American cartoon and comic book misinterpretations is some sort of sabotage against the franchises.
Imagine if Sega bent the knee to Ken Penders and made the Sonic The Hedgehog games based on what fucking Ken Penders imagined for the series.

>> No.10340642 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 286x313, moviebob soyjack ooo face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Is Link a girl now??? It's about time, and here's why I think why!"

>> No.10340652
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, 1696084299441918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you're a well adjusted child with loving parents and can both enjoy Nintendo's Mario games growing up AND enjoy doing The Mario without being mentally distressed that the two aren't the same exact thing

>> No.10340654

>loose the Popeye arms!
When the fuck did Princess Toadstool have "popeye arms"?

>> No.10340657

>Inflation fetishist is upset that child's cartoon/video game character doesn't sound like an infamous porn star
Sounds just about right.

>> No.10340658

Anons stop, this is a thread about retro video game handhelds and retro emulation handhelds, not Andrew Dobson. He WILL read this thread when he Googles himself and you are just going to push him even further to killing himself when he does!

>> No.10340659
File: 216 KB, 800x588, tumblr_5ce5cccb671d785a2e84fa1edc74625e_b17490d9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hated Fusion for sexualizing Samus too much but he loved Other M.

>> No.10340668
File: 105 KB, 800x670, four eyebrows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand where the fuck he plagiarized this multiple floating eyebrow thing from. I realize he's trying to emulate a character raising their eyebrows, like as if it's animated, but it doesn't look like that at all in a still frame. It makes his character all look like they have lice.

>> No.10340673

>"Things that I like that either no one else does or don't really care about..."
>The first fucking word

>> No.10340674

>"Samus can kick ass!"
>draws Samus kicking him in the face
So he's a self-admitted butthead? HA.

>> No.10340685

>Ron Jeremy
>"Fuck it, I'mma do porn"
>becomes the literal "biggest" legend of all time
>Lou Albano
>"No I'm gonna be wholesome for tha children."
>fucking dies

>> No.10340708
File: 37 KB, 750x920, spitting out cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10340740

he's a twink, that's why

>> No.10340908

>Link wasn't blond until WW

>> No.10341019

Auburn/light brown hair isn't the "dirty blonde" meme US citizens scribe to, kthxbye

>> No.10341026
File: 294 KB, 750x650, 40709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you reach 30+ and experience twink death

>> No.10341029

I still want an official Nintendo title which is the experience of OoT Adult Link becoming this fucked up husk

>> No.10341032
File: 64 KB, 512x874, palettestuff-wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems to be the only theory that actually holds up to scrutiny.
Especially since that particular color of pink used in his hair is exclusively used for that and nowhere else in the game.
It's not even actually shared with bunny.

>> No.10341312

to trole u :3

>> No.10341319

that's why i wear crop tops

>> No.10341334
File: 17 KB, 235x303, 4541ae2e5385c126fe948842d8d4b0aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guitarist Hideto Matsumoto from the extremely popular band X Japan launched his solo career around 1990 in Japan, and made pink hair a sensation in japanese pop culture at the time.

>> No.10341349

doesn't happen if you eat well instead of like an autistic furry

>> No.10341406

>Link never talked bro

>> No.10341794

Only thing weirder are the autismos on 4chan who in an effort to be contrarian to Dobson pretend Link never had brown hair in the first place and thus become Dobsons themselves.

>> No.10341824

And here. He. Is. The son of Dob.

>> No.10341828


>> No.10341838

he's actually over 100 years old, thank you very mantch.
okay i know it's the shrine shig but i thought for the ending zelda was gonna look elderly and die in your arms. guess they gotta have that sequel bait but do they explain why zelda didn't age in totk?

>> No.10341874

why didn't they make any of the manual art of Link have pink hair?

>> No.10341990

Wait, I thought Zelda was fucking dead in BotW and TotK like the King of Hyrule is

>> No.10342287

no she was just in stasis spiritually battling ganon or some shit

>> No.10342545
File: 15 KB, 128x384, ALttP_Dev-NEWS_player-cCGX+bomberCOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They always planned to make his hair pink in this game. Even the earliest sprites found in the leaks have pink hair.

>> No.10342573

they ran out of pink ink, japan had a shortage of that stuff back then but had a surplus on browns and yellows. pretty crazy shit

>> No.10342597

That's not blond. Are you blind?

>> No.10342625

According to the Fischer-Saller scale (the cutting edge in nazi germany blondness science) this hair color would fit most with category L (blond), or category VI (strawberry blond).

>> No.10342645
File: 110 KB, 448x736, 1618517506718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I wish we'd get another gigaleak, this stuff was absolute pennies from heaven.

>> No.10342668

Looks like dogshit
Weird thing to be triggered about, OP looks better
>Around 1990
>X made their major debut in 1989
>His first solo album was 1994
>Pink hair only got popular when he cut it short about 2 years later

>> No.10342693
File: 370 KB, 518x667, toadstool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She kinda had them in the Super Mario Bros. Super Show.

>> No.10342734

It's just a sloppy sprite.
The pink hair is nonsensical, and it still looks bad even if you change the color because of the outline.

>> No.10342884

maybe they just wanted to make it obvious that it was a different link from the NES games?

>> No.10342997

These are so fucking adorable, I want a GBA game using these sprites

>> No.10343393
File: 575 KB, 1411x1080, alttpr_msu-230224-211222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the various hair fixes never felt quite right, so I tend to just dodge the issue entirely and use a minish cap sprite for my randomizers and what not.

>> No.10343593
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, graal online classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any anon 'member
The first true online MMO
And as with tradition, were you ganked the instant you finished creating your custom Link and spawning into the game with the Wee-oo, wee-oo, wee-oo, wee-oo, BONK death sound?

>> No.10343602 [DELETED] 

oh boy this retarded fucking thread again

it's pink because the contrast to pink and green looks good on screens
yellow or brown look like dogshit
the whole sprite muddles together

simple as
don't reply to me you seething zoomer faggots i'm closing the tab, you've been schooled and your counteropinions are wrong.

>> No.10343610 [DELETED] 

I've played rom hacks in the late 90s on a CRT computer monitor and using the yellow pallet already on Link looks fucking fine, you're a goddamn retard totally talking out of your ass.

>> No.10343614 [DELETED] 

Millennials and Gen-X'ers know where to locate either of their two shift keys on their keyboards, you retarded roleplaying zoomie. God damn, you fucking zoomers just can't but fucking fuck yourselves every single time you attempt to do literally anything, lmfao

>> No.10343615 [DELETED] 

Cool, now try explaining to us why it matters if the entire main character "muddles together" as long as you know which sprite is the main character and can still move him and use him to attack enemies. I wanna see you fucking flail like the unsupervised retard on an iPad that you are.

>> No.10343625 [DELETED] 

You are literally the very zoomer faggot you claim to despise as you retcon why you believe a 1990s SNES game has a colour chosen for its sprite. Holy fucking shit, you can't get more zoomie than this. Please don't shoot up your school.

>> No.10343642 [DELETED] 

And the most zoomer post of the year goes to...

>> No.10343658 [DELETED] 

>I'm n-not a zoomer!!
>I'm going to leave this post here... and then exit the thread!
>So I totally won't see or care about anyone who replies to me and my post!
>You...you fucking zoomers! Which I am not one of!!!!1

>> No.10343665 [DELETED] 

>simple as
Zoomers say this shit more often than "fr fr". Which as an adult I can only assume means, "French French".

>> No.10343686 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 1840x2048, 20231022_111622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hated him for he spoke the truth.

>> No.10343703
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1413474020737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironically enjoyed this game and wanted so bad to pay for it but 12 year old me couldnt, sadness

>> No.10343708

Avenge the fallen.

>> No.10343728

I like how in the manga, he helped TP Link to defeat Ganondorf

>> No.10343732

I'm literally shaking from the sudden traumatic memories
Literally my first online video game experience was Graal

>> No.10343734

Looks like pastel tone to me

>> No.10343906
File: 475 KB, 750x650, 20450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blending calves/feet and forearms/hands is not "Popeye Arms", where his forearms are giant fucking bulging balls. Even the og FF7 characters didn't have their limbs referred to as, "Popeye Arms" but rather, "Hershey's Kisses". Toadstool doesn't have Popeye Arms at fucking all. She's more akin to classic Mega Man Roll.

>> No.10343920

I can't remember if it was Robot Chicken or what, but I remember this hilarious bit about Popeye and his bulbous forearms being some form of cancer and his forearms were just giant, round tumours.

>> No.10344639
File: 77 KB, 564x1002, 812fc024f567f2ad947a0f40084f88f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the early 90s, Link had a punk streak.

>> No.10344642

nintendo weren't cowards back then

>> No.10344649 [DELETED] 

It’s going to be funny when movieblob gets stabbed by a nigger and has to keep up the libshit facade

>> No.10344732
File: 284 KB, 1079x789, Screenshot_20231022_183706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong peach

>> No.10344740

Feels good man

>> No.10344891

I like it, it gives him a unique trait among the 20+ versions of Link, not to mention this was merely the third iteration and Link was brun or dark blonde in the previous games.

>> No.10344894

Imagine the breeze.

>> No.10344896

It goes to show things were starting to crumble even back then, but now they seem pale in comparison to current stuff.

>> No.10344919

get outta here dobson

>> No.10344934

I'll be honest, I literally never noticed that his hair was pink when actually playing the game on a CRT back in the day. It wasn't until like 10-15 years ago when the internet pointed it out to me that I ever noticed. It looks fine and I don't know why it bothers people.

>> No.10345073

Bro, Dobbo thinks Nintendo stabbed him in the back on the fucking N64. That's Super Mario 64 bing bing wahoo man.

>> No.10345727

Now that you point it out, his tunic and hat are different colors, too. Man is dressed like a hobo

I think from a gameplay perspective, pink makes sense. It's not a very often-used color so Link never fully blends into the background and you're very much aware of his position on the screen at all times, especially with how the pink contrasts with all the green clothes around it

>> No.10345993

Damn I remember the different servers too. There was Graal Eras (?) I think with the modern cops & robbers theme where you could buy guns. And then there was some sort of Graal plus with "enhanced" graphics and RPG mechanics and pet raising.

>> No.10346141

Holy shit, I thought that was lost to time.

>> No.10346515

I've thought about Graal a lot. If it was just someone going "What if Zelda, but online and with user generated content?", what other classic games could you do that for? Castlevania 2? Mario? Final Fantasy 3?

>> No.10346732


>> No.10347160

>goes into an autistic (and incorrect) rage about a video game character's hair
>claims the person who proved him wrong has the autism

>> No.10347198

Graal was 7 years after Neverwinter Nights and a year after Ultima Online and Meridian 59.

>> No.10347725

I thought that anon was just trolling, I had no idea it was that close in age to fucking Ultimate Online.

>> No.10347795

The sprite doesn't look as good with the yellow hair. That's probably your answer to that.
The pink creates a contrast between the orange and green of the hood. Yellow is just kind of there.

>> No.10347804

>almost 20 years later, find out it's pronounced Grail

>> No.10347825

God I want to slowfuck him...

>> No.10348442

Why not do orange hair or a better yellow

>> No.10348454

That's not Link.

>> No.10348471

I'm phonefagging and I have night mode on, which yellows the screen a bit, and I legit thought Link's hair was chestnut colored, exactly like the official art. Is it possible that pink didn't look pink to them? Maybe it was a CRT thing?

>> No.10348486

Botw Link is not fucking girly, he's young and he's short that's not girly. Get off social media for 2 seconds. The small bit in the 100 hour game where you sneak into Gerudo town poisoned so many.

>> No.10348501

Two men are walking home one day. They pass a stone house and the first man says "I helped lay the foundation and build this house stone by stone and many like it! Do they call me Duncan the House builder? No." They keep walking and pass the pier. "I helped build that pier! Do they call me Duncan the pier builder? No." They pass a farm and Duncan turns to his friend and says "BUT YOU FUCK ONE SHEEP....."

>> No.10348507

Has there ever been a real answer? It's just the sprite, it's very weird.

>> No.10348509

>maybe it was a CRT thing.
Fucking zoomer.

>> No.10348554

I'm guessing something to do with Bunny Link and not enough memory

>> No.10348581

>Botw Link is not fucking girly
>Long blond hair
>Wide hips
>Wears women's clothing
Seems girly to me.

>> No.10348583

He was always planned to have pink hair in this game.

>> No.10348627
File: 335 KB, 1297x1980, 2bc68449ae5f8f973d696e46099ceff5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hips are genetics and he's wearing them to save his girlfriend
long hair is just dope dunno how that's girly

>> No.10348634

>Long blond hair
Only in ToTK to convey that he's been gone for a long time
>Wide hips
For a man, for a woman he's a stick.
>Wears women's clothing
In one game, in one sequence and he's uncomfortable with it.

>> No.10348650
File: 58 KB, 384x512, stealthset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girly enough for my dick

>> No.10348705

The funny thing is OOT is probably the most outright masculine Link was ever depicted. He's actually muscular in OOT. Dobson's a fucking dumbass, in every possible way.

>> No.10348714

pantless link is best link

>> No.10349079

So your cock is gay

>> No.10349089
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>> No.10349149
File: 21 KB, 384x512, Bartzcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he have white hair?

>> No.10349178

Picrel is AI slop right? I'm trying to get better at figuring out what is AI slop and what is just normal slop

>> No.10349181

Because of dark world pink bunny Link.

>> No.10349184

He's on a time sensitive journey and he has to be able to shit and move

>> No.10349189

It sucks Shmorky is so mentally ill and perverted, he's truly a once in a generation talent

>> No.10349198

I liked the sprite when I thought it was his hat, now I lean towards it being his hair because of the side view and the shape of his hair/hat combo in the official art

>> No.10349207

Ah, Dobson, light of my life

>> No.10349210

and subsequently kek'd

>> No.10349219

Yellow doesn't look good but it is possible they meant to do dark brown like Zelda 1 and 2, and it just got... weird somehow
Dark brown and magenta aren't too far away from each other in terms of colour values

>> No.10349220

Doesn't share a single color of pink with hair. In fact, absolutely nothing else in the game uses that color besides Link's hair.

>> No.10351251

I want to kiss him

>> No.10351254

me too, anon

>> No.10351265

No. CRT's do not make pinks look brown.

>> No.10352496

Looks gay as fuck. Square game?

>> No.10353740

I never noticed Link's hair was pink in the video game until someone brought it up online during a SNES discussion and went back to check. But I don't know if that's due to me just not noticing it, or whether it actually looked less pink blending with the yellow, oranges, and black pixels around it like my original television would have displayed it.

>> No.10353748
File: 14 KB, 296x249, fixed mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the claim that the pink hair was to make Link's sprite more clearly stand out from the rest of the game sounds like total bullshit when Nintendo just simply never fucking cared about or did that shit until the GameBoy Advance.

>> No.10353753
File: 55 KB, 346x510, ps_amiibo_Trenta_PS_Modern_R_image510h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate how Mario's sprites look with white gloves, especially the SMB1 sprite being colored.

>> No.10354437 [DELETED] 

>man ass

That word doesn't mean what you think it means, faggot. Keep your fetish out of our vidya.

>> No.10354678 [DELETED] 

How fucking new are you to the world, let alone the internet, to not know that calling somebody "breedable" is interchangeable with, "fuckable"? They're not being literal when they call someone breedable, aspie. It's been a thing for over a fucking decade now.

>> No.10354685 [DELETED] 

It seems the meme, "submissive and breedable" is literally older than you are, kiddo.

>> No.10354692 [DELETED] 

Always all this talk about the pink hair, but no one ever brings up he's black too

>> No.10354918 [DELETED] 

I cannot believe you thought that was worth the bump.

>> No.10355341

wouldn't it be considered red wine due to its reddish pink hue?

>> No.10355345

>Nicknamed "The Hedgehog", Jeremy was ranked by AVN at No. 1 in their "50 Top Porn Stars of All Time" list.

>> No.10355797

Photoshopped or uneven terrain. They're pretty much the same height

>> No.10355806

It's neither, you idiot. It's the thiccer Zelda mod that makes her almost a foot taller than Link.

>> No.10355819

>The SNES has serious difficulty with accurate colour reproduction,
No more then literally any other system that outputs to NTSC
There is a reason why it was joked around as "Never The Same Color twice" in broadcast at the time.

>> No.10356032

But she isn't thaaat much bigger in that screenshot? What a shitty mod

>> No.10356437

Red nose isn't weird. I see whores get it all the time from giving very hard blowjobs

>> No.10356474


This was before having pink hair "meant" anything or had any connotation. It was the early 90s vibrant pink hair just seemed radical and cool at the time.

>> No.10356490


>1990s style rounded band-aids

I think I understand why gays are killed and imprisoned in other countries. They have a habit of fagifying things even when they aren't trying to.

>> No.10356517
File: 8 KB, 1196x1196, 49f92202ce99ade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's something endearingly pathetic about Mario's base form in SMW. He looks like a big headed child with beady eyes and a pointy nose. The oversized buttons on his overalls also make him look like a baby.

Contrasting that, once he gets the Mushroom he looks less like modern Mario and more like a young Santa Claus or something. Also the lighter shade of blue overalls is also very different from the modern designs.

>> No.10356525



>> No.10356532

Yeah whatever nevermind.

>> No.10356592

it's zelda

>> No.10357209
File: 2 KB, 242x229, FpHKO5OWIAEijtn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one that uses brown.

>> No.10357412

Same desu. I’d rail his tight bussy in a heartbeat

>> No.10358536
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, F47cINKaEAAXlPX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BotW is a good gay test. Literally impossible to have eyes for Link with all those 10/10 goddesses running around unless you're a giga homo

>> No.10359015

This is my opinion too. I mean look at this >>10338513, it looks like shit.

>> No.10359183
File: 75 KB, 400x647, Manga-Adventure-of-Link-Volume-Ran-Maru-Vol-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference to Japan-only media.

>> No.10359196

>I know he's still actively online
Where? I thought the fucker went MIA because him saying he'll kill trump on Social Media led to the NSA to visit his home and the record costed his brother an employment opportunity.

>> No.10359207

I want to be amazon-styled fucked by Burlaria, Riju's bodyguard.

>> No.10359209

I only have eyes for Link. Also, Gerudo are disgusting buttugly sandniggers

>> No.10359893
File: 866 KB, 721x640, came.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you failed the test

>> No.10360123

does link need a lantern to explore plato's cave?

>> No.10360241

I like having the different colors of the hat and tunic in the original

>> No.10360304

The Gerudos are way too muscular in this game. I liked the OoT ones