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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.09 MB, 399x286, sonic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10338134 No.10338134 [Reply] [Original]

You're running so fast the game plays itself until you run into some shit you couldn't see because you're running at mach speed on a 4:3 screen and the "camera" is way too close to the character sprite/model
The dumb Sonic fanboy will say, "Skill issue," but there is a reason why Sega made you effectively invincible with the ring mechanic. Any blind playthrough you can find corroborates what I'm saying
Now the somewhat smarter Sonic fanboy will say, "So what? Levels are meant to be replayed until you get good at them." And that's a sound argument, but this also makes it extremely niche and a shitty game out of the gate to most people and against the backdrop of today's zeitgeist. We are no longer dumb children who don't have anything else to play and get dazzled by nice visuals and jingles. Game-design philosophy has come a long way in the 90s and early 2000s

The actual platforming is floaty and just bad. Depending on the game, the button layout is weird and some things just seem to be doing the same thing but...slightly different. All of it feels like a mess

It's not at all a coincidence the Sonic franchise is seen as such a blunder today and can't produce a 80% game (that isn't just nostalgia bait) for its life

>> No.10338145

You don't need to run full speed through the entire game. That's your perception of what Sonic games are, not what they actually are.
It's just a platformer. Play it like Mario, but you have ramps that you can do jumps off.

>> No.10338152

>You're running so fast the game plays itself until you run into some shit you couldn't see because you're running at mach speed on a 4:3 screen
You're not supposed to be running, you're supposed to be rolling. That's why Sonic's a hedgehog. That's why the devs gave him the ability to roll in the first place, so you can go fast without running into enemies.
Weird how certain people can't wrap their minds around this despite the games generally being a cakewalk.

>> No.10338161

pretty much all accurate. even as a kid i didn't really like sonic. 2 adventure has cool music and a pretty san francisco level though

>> No.10338169

>You're running so fast the game plays itself until you run into some shit you couldn't see because you're running at mach speed on a 4:3 screen and the "camera" is way too close to the character sprite/model
This is legitimately a skill issue.

>> No.10338194

In my opinion it's because in sonic adventure and games following it you really do just go fast the whole time, and the gameplay is primarily designed for that. But, in the classic titles it's simply not the case a majority of the time you will be carefully and slowly making your way through the stage as you would with most platformers, it is a hard lesson to learn in a game that marketed itself as having the blue blur.

>> No.10338197

>you're not supposed to go fast all the time!
Which is why I mentioned that the platforming outside of that sucks and has awful floaty physics and controls as well. The boring meandering level design not helping. Almost any other platforming game has better basics and isn't designed around a dumb, misleading gimmick

>This is legitimately a skill issue.
Yes, on Sega's part. Post one blind playthrough where the player isn't constantly running into shit

>> No.10338206

So a player should never be challenged in any way whatsoever? It should just be "hold right for 3 minutes and then you win"?

>> No.10338216

I dunno if anyone in this thread has played master system sonic but this is a non issue. Outside of the first level you won't be doing much of this ever again.

>> No.10338218

It's always tendies. Containment board now.

>> No.10338227

That's only a problem in the dimps games where they put holes everywhere during the speed sections
Just fucking roll nigga

>> No.10338243

Pretty much agreed when compared to Mario games of the time. Sonic is all style over substance. Which is not to say they're bad games though.

>> No.10338248

The game is boring as fuck if you don't go fast.

>> No.10338258
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Master system Sonic is a totally different game. It has it's zippy moments but is more focused on platforming that mega drive. Master System Sonic is just as good as Mario games.

>> No.10338276

No one said that. There are many challenging platformers that don't have to rely on baiting the player into running fast (which seems like a lot of fun in theory) and then letting them run into spikes


>> No.10338279

Since when are games meant to hold the player's hand on a blind playthrough? Beat him down, make him fight back. This isn't just a Sonic thing, many games are aggressive like this and that's great.

>> No.10338282
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but are there games that let you go fast but are good?

>> No.10338292

So they're boring shit with repetitive levels? Why would I want to play these? The real Sonic games are excellent physics driven platformers where you can move with the controlled chaos of a pinball.

>> No.10338295
File: 372 KB, 960x960, 2941299-3608871010-tryru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tryrush Deppy and Rocket Knight dab on Shitnic

>> No.10338305

Sounds like it's your fault for running into spikes.
You should have been more careful.

>> No.10338315

Agreed. I can't stand Doom for the same reason.
It's unreasonable to expect the player to take damage on their first playthrough.

>> No.10338318


>> No.10338343

>You should have been more careful.
You can't be careful while running/rolling as fast as you can, which is the only thing in the game that's remotely fun and what the game is marketed at. The only way to avoid damage is knowing the level layout

>> No.10338345
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I've been seeing these threads for 20 years and my reply remains unchanged: fuck you it's fun.

>> No.10338348

>fuck you it's fun.
The last 2D Sonic has 50% on open critic. I don't think the concept is nearly as fun as your inner child likes to remember

>> No.10338354

>You can't be careful while running/rolling as fast as you can
Skill issue.

>The only way to avoid damage is knowing the level layout
And? So what? You think you're only supposed to play through Sonic one time and that's it?

>> No.10338356

OK elitist fucktard shitmask

>> No.10338360

Since when does anyone care about what game critics have to say?

>> No.10338364

>And? So what?
Did you even read the OP? So it means it's less a game of skill and more of learning shit inside out, which makes it niche shit for autists and speedrunners, which again is a reason for Sonic heavily relying on nostalgia fagging to get anything over 50% these days

>> No.10338369

Since ever. Say what you want about critics, it's at least indicative of something when game after game gets a low score

>> No.10338372

Yeah it's boring shit. You can leave the thread now that's been established.

>> No.10338390
File: 562 KB, 1500x1173, 1159019_enf-lover_yae-from-ganbare-goemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing the same level over and over again objectively isn't fun. Just play a game that's balanced for maximum fun on your first or second playthrough.

>> No.10338396 [SPOILER] 

>filtered by marble zone

>> No.10338401

There is no, say, run'n'gun that is purely about some "skill". Every difficult game requires learning and care, there is no avoiding that. It is niche: just like playing old games at all is not common. If you aren't interested in such a niche, why are you here in the first place?

>> No.10338419

>journo opinions
Hmm, let me take a moment to give that all the consideration it's due. Ok.
Fuck you it's fun.

>> No.10338426

I never saw it this way. Damn

I love Sonic now and I will immediately learn its levels inside out instead of doing things that are fun for normal people

>> No.10338438

Good luck.

>> No.10338451

Yet somehow the game is fun. Guess you suck at platformers.

>> No.10338484

>Doing the same level over and over again objectively isn't fun.
Oh? Then why does anyone replay any game? Why are we all still here, talking about these games? Do you only play games once and then say, "Yep, that's enough for one lifetime." Stop being disingenuous.

>Did you even read the OP?
Yes. Again, I say - so what if you have to learn something to improve? You don't have to love it. But it doesn't make it bad. Dark Souls is acclaimed - no one is doing a no-hit run on their first playthrough. Is Dark Souls shit because you have to keep playing bosses until you get good at them?

>> No.10338528

The master system sonic 1 is great fun (despite that dumb auto scroller bridge level) but the genesis versions are still better.

>> No.10338532
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>Now the somewhat smarter Sonic fanboy will say, "So what? Levels are meant to be replayed until you get good at them." And that's a sound argument, but this also makes it extremely niche and a shitty game out of the gate to most people and against the backdrop of today's zeitgeist. We are no longer dumb children who don't have anything else to play and get dazzled by nice visuals and jingles. Game-design philosophy has come a long way in the 90s and early 2000s
You've just exposed yourself as a zoomer that only cares about consooming as many products as fast as possible so you can consoom the next one immediately... or you're just a Tendie that never got over Sonic, either way the solution for both of these issues is the same... just grow up, OP.

>> No.10338537

imagine being bad at a game made for little kids

>> No.10338558
File: 2.38 MB, 1732x2048, F8lEOJFXwAA0zjK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're acting as if Sonic's speed stops him from being just like any video game. On a more traditional platformer, you get hit by enemies, you lose lives, you're taken back to the title screen after not doing much progress, and little by little you go a bit further with each attempt, because you're actively learning while you're playing, you recall enemy behavior and patterns, and level sections were you lost lives and/or got hit more often... with Sonic it's THE SAME THING, you go fast because level design is full of slopes and springs and loops to make it so it's easy to gain speed and go fast, and keep that speed, and sometimes you'll have and enemy or hazard, and if your reflexes are quick enough you might avoid it, or you get hit, lose your rings and try to get some of them back, and you keep going... Sonic's quite simple to beat due to the ring system, winning at Sonic is easier than most traditional platformers, but keeping the speed and flow going in a consistent manner is what takes practice and time... but that's part of why it's fun, going fast by itself is quite fun, but when it takes a bit of time and learning to get there, it's so rewarding!

>> No.10338567

>OP wants to excel at everything he plays on his 1st try and when it doesn't happen he thinks it's because one of video games' most iconic series is "fundamentally flawed"
Oh, it's THIS thread again
OP's sucking cocks as usual

>> No.10338843


>> No.10338881

Well I disagree Sonic games are great. However I have mentioned before on here that I think a good "fix" for the 2D games could be something along the lines of what Wario Land and Pizza Tower do. When Sonic runs at super fast speeds have it so that he bumps enemies and has some invulnerability at such speeds. It doesn't have to work exactly like those games in everything but adopting some mechanics to help him keep going at fast speeds should be encouraged. The bulk of the difficulty should come from time limits instead.

I think I also remember bringing up something about how they can give options to slide the camera left and right and also how Sonic has something like a GPS or something like that. The way that works is you are going super fast and maybe right next to your ring counter it shows what upcoming threats you will be encountering within the next couple seconds before you hit it and from what angles.

There are ways to make the 2D games even better today. Drop dashing was one of the ways they achieved doing this in more recent times. I think the newest game even has him able to spin dash up or down walls.

I like 2D Sonic gameplay and to me they are the best platformers out there. They can become even better as well but Sega did try to change things up with Superstars. Might have to try that game out to see if its good.

>> No.10338891

>Doing the same level over and over again objectively isn't fun.
Why are you posting to a board where the majority of games are like this?

>> No.10338904
File: 53 KB, 500x375, believe in yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing games until you're good at them is shitty and niche? Then watch walkthroughs instead. Better yet, find a different hobby you actually enjoy.

Improvement in games you play is a result of playing games you actually like. If you don't like challenge, you'll never improve (aka skill issue). Good job using the same argument for the so-called dumb and smart fans, it's an apt statement on your cognitive constitution.

Nothing of interest will be discussed here, thread hidden.

>> No.10338919

>Playing games until you're good at them is shitty and niche?
Why do you think that the only skill based games these days are multiplayer and most "gamers" just watch professionals play them instead of playing themselves. "People", using the term very loosely, actually believe this shit. For them, a good game is 300+ hours long and requires no skill of any kind to play.

>> No.10338976

No matter how many times you make this thread
No matter how much you cry
No matter how many times you shit out your false premises
You will never accomplish whatever retarded goal you might have when you make these garbage threads.
Now post your dumb reply. You can't help yourself.
And you'll make another thread when this one dies.
Because you just can't stop.

>> No.10339225

Others have said this but it's worth repeating. The Master System Sonics don't have this problem. Sonic 2 in particular is a fairly polished platformer that's massively underrated due to its lack of popularity at release.

>> No.10339403
File: 402 KB, 1447x396, another day on vr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad we're having another thread where OP refuses to play a game by its own rules, humour its mechanics, or gets otherwise filtered and calls the game bad for it.

>> No.10339416

All games give knowledge and skill through learning and practice. Your practice will be flawed without learning, and your learning will be meaningless without practice.
Learning is fun and so is practice. I'm learning of your belief that hitting the skill ceiling asap is balanced

>> No.10339601

if you run at full speed the enemies just comes up to you and you have no time to react

if you hold the walk button without stopping the enemies feel like they come out of no where and you don't have time to react

I think the games could be better if the camera was moved back a little like in aladdin how it snaps.
Whats the game design philosophy of today then, most modern games are just walk around then shoot or kick etc the enemies you see.

for the gba games I found this to be highly exaggerated

The op is wrong anyway, once you played a few times on sonic 2 on sms and genesis you can blast through the levels without getting hit but it takes practice to know when to roll or jump.

>> No.10339607

All tendie moaning about any games that aren't on they're precious Nintendo boxes. It's so trite and tiresome.

>> No.10339772

You brain on marketing

>> No.10339814
File: 231 KB, 580x513, 1679771929564814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did tiered level design never take off in other mainstream platformers? Sure, it's more work, but every single run 'n' jump game is now a linear path. Sonic's momentum wasn't his innovative feature, it was the modular routes he could take.

>> No.10339850

>Sonic games are fundamentally bad (outside of great presentation)
if it isn't for you then that's fair but in my case i sit back and play each game basically front to back within an hour or something of gameplay and call it a day if i make it to the End screen or Game Over. i find the game to be relaxing, when i make a mistake it's usually from my own impatience, and occasionally i'll die to bullshit like knocking into one thing and bouncing into a spike or whatever. my experience is fairly positive. i like to hold down and roll a lot. with all that being said, if the game isn't for you that's fine, however i'm not following how i'm supposed to sympathize with your thoughts because of how much you are struggling with the game and i'm not going to tell you how to play. i think you are wrapping a tale in your head about why you can't get into it and attempting to justify your ideas to us as if it mattered.

>> No.10339951

>instead of doing things that are fun for normal people
Like seething over Sonic on the 4channel board /vr/?

>> No.10339984

>it's less a game of skill and more of learning shit inside out, which makes it niche shit for autists and speedrunners,
Of all the fake arguments about Sonic, this has got to be one of if not the dumbest.

>> No.10340201

Sonic filters more zoomers than tank controls.

>> No.10340214

Sonic is really not that hard zoomer. Just because you are shit at a game doesn't mean it's shit. Classic sonic is a great series, you can't change opinions because of your skill issue

>> No.10340263

I love these threads, nothing better than an opportunity to talk about SANIC.
>4:3 screen and the "camera" is way too close to the character sprite/model
I don't pay that much attention to the camera. Might be true but by itself isn't a deal-breaker imo. I heard some sanics have different camera.
>this also makes it extremely niche and a shitty game out of the gate to most people
This is factually not true because it's one of the most iconic and popular game franchises of all time and incredibly, only losing to the most-est popular franchises, literally everyone who had the wrong console at the time liked it. It's a compliment, you're saying the game is less popular than Pokemon (ok!) then contradict yourself later and pretend popularity doesn't matter or w.e..
>baiting the player into running fast
A marketing ad did it, the game doesn't tell you how to play.
>blind playthrough
Yeah, you'd sure not run on a goomba and solo megaman going blind.
>The actual platforming is floaty and just bad.
Subjective opinion, you don't get momentum.
>any 2D game is nostalgia bait
2D/3D fundamentally changes a game. not the game's fault if modern players prefer one or the other lol.

>> No.10340318

This is the Game Gear version, it's zoomed in because of the limitations of playing the game on a handheld - the SMS version isn't like that. The SMS/GG versions of Sonic aren't even like typically Sonic games, they are far more like normal platformers than being about speed. This is like the first or second level where there is no challenge or platforming obstacles.

>> No.10340578

Tendies are like a dog in the manger. They hate video games and refuse to have fun with anything that isn't made by Nintendo, but at the same, the idea of people loving those non-nintendo games triggers tendies to no end.

>> No.10340586
File: 252 KB, 600x496, 1683208020954708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play it like Mario
no thanks, i'l play real mario instead

>> No.10340593

Here we go again with hateful tendies using meaningless buzzwords. Super Metroid is a strong contender for the title of 16 bits game with the most 'floaty' jump and I already know you didn't bitch about it and just accepted that not all games must play in the same way. But as soon as the game isn't made by Nintendo, you already refuse to understand it and just look for excuses to hate it. Other points have already been disproven by other anons.

>> No.10340594

>real mario
Is an inferior Megaman where you can't even shoot.

>> No.10340598
File: 20 KB, 225x351, nintoddler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this
>"omg this completely different game doesnt play like Mario, well then it's a bad platformer. I don't care if he's a space marine, jumping mechanics peaked in sm64 and every character should feel the same"

>> No.10340619
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>screen size combined with speed
you have enough time to react to obstacles, and typically its a badnik that dies to you already in a ball.
sonic isn't mario. you can press down to keep moving and become an hitbox.

physics in sonic were also groundbreaking and at some point you'll have to accept this

>> No.10340679

>You're running so fast the game plays itself until you run into some shit
Stopped reading there, lmao

>> No.10340851
File: 204 KB, 700x666, 16059702982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for a little bit

>> No.10341485

Always love to see this pic. It shows how much depth such a simple platformer game with simple mechanics really had.

>> No.10341793

Why are gamers so fucking subhuman?

>> No.10342679


>> No.10343059

because i havent leveled up yet

>> No.10343229

I don't even like Metroid but it isn't a platformer. You are retarded and shouldn't be using online forums

>> No.10344080

Lots of parents just dump their kids in front of consoles, pc or phones and be done with that in the "parenting" side of things so gamers grow up to be socially inept, opinionated retards.

>> No.10344113

Why do anti Sonicfags never actually give examples as to how Sonic should play rather than what Sonic actually plays like? They just shitpost every damn day with the same topic and never fuck off.

>> No.10344116

>Literally none of those games are Nintendo games
Kill everyone on /v/.

>> No.10344134

Sounds like something Mega Mam 2 drones will love

>> No.10344157

You can literally shoot in Mario...

>> No.10344163

They want to go fast, and not have any obstacles in their path, but they're too embarrassed to admit they want an easy game, that isn't actually a platformer, or something that plays anything like Sonic.

>> No.10344323
File: 2.99 MB, 576x302, What Sonicniggers think good gameplay looks like.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already got meme games like this like Temple Run and Pizza Tower, I don't want blind speed the game that isn't fun. Speed is just perspective, anyone can have difference senses of speed and I get off to how Sonic rolls around like a rollercoaster, not just moving around like Flash.

>> No.10344410
File: 46 KB, 425x310, supermet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only good Nintendo property.

>> No.10345015

If speed was accurately depicted in Sonic, Flash, DBZ, Superman or any other speedy characters in a video game yeah it would indeed lead to a boring game. It has to be put into perspective I guess? Or maybe limited on purpose yet still try to give a sense of spectacle and speed if that makes sense. Just done in a way the player can still have fun with it.

What you posted makes me think of DBZ. The characters can also fly around the globe numerous times within just a single minute. If this was depicted in the games accurately though it should look something like in your webm. So it wouldn't be very fun. One of the Super movies even shows how Frieza's death actually looked like vs how we perceive it while watching the episode.


>> No.10345039

Why is it that you can't control your jumping momentum when you jump out of a spin, but you can control it when you jump out of a normal run?

It can't be a glitched because it's present in the original trilogy.

>> No.10345074

Fancy Pants Adventures and some of Rayman.

>> No.10345089

Rayman has a moving camera so you can see 2/3 of the screen ahead of you. It moves so fast in the later levels that some people get motion sick. I've never thought an enemy came out of nowhere because I played a real port where you can see the spawn sparkles and that has the actual physics engine and not the butchered ones on Nintendo portable consoles.

>> No.10345101
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even like Metroid but it isn't a platformer.
I often criticise Metroid as well as It's not a very good platformer but it has its moments like this part. If you don't understand you probably haven't played much.

>> No.10345118

Actually, I want a game with lots of obstacles, but I don't want half the screen to be wasted by all the shit behind me. Sonic should be at the left edge of the screen when moving right and the right edge of the screen moving left. Similar with up and down. How close he is to the edge should be proportional to speed, and it should smoothly adjust as needed. Tons of platformers already do this, some of them speed games. This would allow people to play blind runs and use their reflexes instead of memorizing level patterns like in pacman.

>> No.10345164

Lol, that's great. Love seeing toriyama taking the piss out of his own works.

>> No.10345426

That's roll lock, baby!
In Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Knuckles, you can't control the Player's trajectory through the air with the Left/Right buttons if you jump while rolling. Though, in Sonic 3 and in Sonic & Knuckles, you can regain control of the directional keys if you perform a Insta-Shield, or any other jump ability.

However, in Sonic CD and Mania, you can control a jump made while rolling, as if it were a totally normal jump.

>> No.10345524

"Smoothly adjust" doesn't work at mach 10, this concept is always shilled but it doesn't work when the camera ends up jerking all over the damn place the second you slow down under a threshold. Just zoom out at this point, tired of filtered tards dictating shit I never had an issue with. I rather not get fucking verigo in my Sonic games.

>> No.10345791

I agree. I had to finally just admit that I simply do not like playing sonic, I had massive nostalgia over green hill zone and the overall presentation, but the gameplay is not fun. Thought maybe it was a skill issue, but I actually enjoyed the challenge of games like MegaMan.

>> No.10346124

Bro just press down

>> No.10346249

>Thought maybe it was a skill issue, but I actually enjoyed the challenge of games like MegaMan.
don't worry, it's still a skill issue.

Imagine how fast you'd quit megaman if fucking up was as mentally damaging as it is in sonic.

>> No.10346254

because "tiered level design" isn't something that people perceive. They call tiered level design "exploration" and think that they are making a willing choice when they fuck up and fall to the lower/slower path.

They think that the high skill/high speed routes being at the top of the level and the low skill/low speed routes being at the bottom of the level are just coincidences.

>> No.10346283

I've never met any Sonic fan that didn't previously play it as a kid. I really can't see an adult getting into it without prior nostalgia. Although mind you the same goes for Mario and other nintendie games imo. I grew up with stuff like GTA because my parents didn't care about what I played and kiddie games have always been unplayable to me. How can any grown man sit in front of BING BING WAHOO and GOTTA GO FAST with a straight face lmao

>> No.10346291

Well, I didn't play any of the classic Sonic's until they came out on the Gamecube, at which point I was 13-14. Depends if you consider that a "kid".
The only one I played as a kid was 3D Blast, which I have nostalgia for, but do not think is an overwhelmingly good game.

>> No.10346293

Also, I went through a GTA phase as a teenager, and very quickly got over GTA, and basically consider that series to be poorly designed and cringe now.
I picked up GTA5, played a few hours, and thought "wait, what am I doing? None of this is fun", so I stopped playing it.

>> No.10346885

>thread is still up
How many times are we going to have the Sonic question?

>> No.10346896
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At this point I think we'll always have these types of threads on /vr/ really... because there isn't this question to discuss, it's just people who've hated Sonic from the get go, for whatever reason they might have, and want to feel smart about it/feel validated, or to piss people off, and then there'll be people who played Sonic back then, know for a fact that it was a big deal because most people that played the trilogy loved it, and will defend it because of it, all "(Classic) is actually... BAD" sort of threads get traction, it's just the way it is here.

>> No.10347405

I'd hoped losing some rings couldn't be THAT devastating, yet here we are...

>> No.10347989

Thinking Marble Zone is slow is a legitimate skill issue. The zone frequently gives multiple opportunities to skip over big chunks of the level, but shitters who only know how to hold right are too smoothbrained to actually find those.

Can't defend Labyrinth Zone though. Don't know what they were thinking with that.

>> No.10348150

Get good picking them up then
>"We gotta add the token water stage! Hedgehogs can't swim, right?"

>> No.10348686


>> No.10348876

I'd argue that part of the learning experience is understanding when to roll/jump by just generally understanding where enemies usually show up in a level. It's also a matter of reflexes.

>> No.10348932

This thread is bait, and if it's not, go kill yourself for being such a brain dead retard

>> No.10348949

Yet you still defend oot

>> No.10349028

No I don't.

>> No.10349428

>Anon has fun

Why are you like this?

>> No.10349863

True. You have to learn the levels inside out for the game to be remotely fun or played skillfully, which in itself isn't fun to do. Sonic isn't deep or engaging enough to warrant mastering it

>> No.10349886

Was Sonic ever good then?

>> No.10349897

Go back to /v/, snoyfaggot

>> No.10349904

So what games doy you like, now, anon?

>> No.10349912
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He was always good

>> No.10349913

I don't see whats good about this...

>> No.10349915
File: 444 KB, 1370x609, 1627070443910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freedom you soilent cuckold!!!

>> No.10349961
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pls understand, tendies can only play in the single designated way developers intended them too, it's because of this that they play the same franchises nonstop for decades, and eat it up every time too.

>> No.10350150

The argument that a game is good because you can break it is a terrible argument.
I like Sonic, and I'm saying that.

>> No.10350910

>not having only a single and correct designated way to play = breaking the game
perhaps you thought that the argument was terrible because that wasn't the argument

>> No.10350913

I look like this and I talk like this

>> No.10351090

I think OP fell into a rhetorical trap he didn't really intend. giting gud at a game in general is not shitty and niche, the specific way of giting gud sonic demands is, or at least it's a disappointing limitation/contrivance. A 'good' game would be difficult because of the complex, dynamic challenges you encounter, sonic is difficult primarily because of an unsuitably claustrophobic zoomed in 4:3 view. needing to memorize every obstacle because you can't see more than a couple paces ahead of you is not an inspiring challenge to master.

>> No.10351106

Super Metroid is only fun due to sequence breaking. Playing it normally is boring.

>> No.10351112

sonic games are still good obviously, there's a good momentum based platformer in there, and the speed component is a fun bonus skill ceiling. it just runs up against the overly claustrophobic view which is disappointing.

>> No.10351257

"get to the end of the level" is the correct designated way to play.
Being able to fuck around with awkwardly designed mechanics doesn't make it Deus Ex.

>> No.10351274


>> No.10351276

This doesn't even make sense, people play Super Mario 64 in a lot of ways the devs didn't intend for.

>> No.10351310

Super Mario 64 released in 1996. Nearly 30 years ago

>> No.10351394

Yeah and there's still weirdos playing it in weird ways to this day. My point is they're not playing it the "designated way" that dude is claiming.

>> No.10351403

>Sonic is too hard for me!
When all you play is games for toddlers like Mario, this isn't really a surprise.

Super Metroid is the only good Nintendo game, and the only one without a gay aesthetic.

>> No.10351416

the real shortcoming of Sonic is how unresponsive it is compared to Mario. Try playing with emulator rewind and you may be surprised how far back you need to go to correct any fatal mistake. This makes it not feel nice compared to other platformers.

>> No.10351424
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So true. Without save states I don't see how anyone could even beat Sonic bosses.

>> No.10351428
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Not just physics, but level design as well. When I see a new 2D indie platformer all I see are a bunch of boxes. It's always so dull looking while Sonic had plenty of levels with curves.

>> No.10351590

This is why Sonic is based

>> No.10351634

I played SMB in the nineties when only pretentious children of some rich fucks had a Sega. My first experience with Sonic was in the 00s when my brother bought a compilation disc with 200 platformers and it blew me away. Fuck the plumber and fuck nineties, I have no nostalgia for that time. Fuck rich kids too.

>> No.10351635

they're all making mario levels in a post-sonic world, that's why they're so forgettable.

>> No.10351650

>Labyrinth Zone
>what they were thinking with that
They were thinking that the zone was too difficult, which is why it was moved to a later point in the game. It was originally supposed to be the second zone.

>> No.10351651

I tried to take the indie pill, but it's so fucking bad. Everything is a "Quality of life" improvement and it's so try hard to feel like a retro game that it misses the mark by a transgender mile (which isnt a real mile, buy theyll tell you it is)

>> No.10351656

My memory is hazy. Isn't orca supposed to be BEFORE the point where this gut started?

>> No.10351662

I'd argue the instant right turn is more casual, as it what you normally expect when you press right.

>> No.10351668

This game is very generous with continues, I had a dozen when I reached that stage. It was unhelpful and gave me a trauma.

>> No.10351743

Nope. Orca is way later

>> No.10351748

It can fuck you over at high speeds if you are retarded

>> No.10351974

Depends on the season. I'm in an adventure games and RPGs mood right now.
Nintendo and Sega games are pretty much always good. Any kind of classic arcade genre like pinball or shmup is always good.

Basically anything but games like GTA, in all honesty. The huge open world game with hundreds of hours of content, but almost none of it is fun or meaningful is completely lost on me as a thing at this point.
Who sits down and actually has fun playing GTA, really? I guess 12 year olds.

>> No.10352153

>Everything is a "Quality of life" improvement and it's so try hard to feel like a retro game that it misses the mark by a transgender mile (which isnt a real mile, buy theyll tell you it is).
I kek'd.

>> No.10352606

i don't know any other places where this series is being taken seriously other than /vr/ and some furry circles or whatever

>> No.10352862

Hilariously wrong on every front.

>> No.10352980

What about the platforming is fun? There's no bottomless pits and constant health refills esentialy removing all challenge. Shooting is equally dull.

>> No.10353643


>> No.10353649

I can't believe you thought that was worth a bump.

>> No.10353654

They post here too

>> No.10353836

i don't even care about any of that gay shit you said, what makes the game bad is the delay. he's the fastest hedgehog in the world but it takes him two seconds to start moving forward? Don't @ me about the spin mechanic because that doesn't solve the problem

>> No.10353854


>> No.10353859

It's as if most of the bad games are modern and most of the good games are old.

>> No.10353862

have you ever considered that maybe you're a faggot?

>> No.10353968


>> No.10354062

you're just fundamentally bad

>> No.10354294
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 1679179589610046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're running so fast the game plays itself until you run into some shit you couldn't see because you're running at mach speed on a 4:3 screen and the "camera" is way too close to the character sprite/model
Stopped reading there. If you have this problem, it's a skill issue. Slow down, pay attention to the level design, watch for when the level design telegraphs enemies.

>> No.10354642
File: 299 KB, 479x720, 1516737910378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I only play mature video games for mature audiences, such as myself...

>> No.10354709

I hate these faggots so fucking badly. Games aren't dev chore similar
Imagine if fucking Doom was a straight line to the end with zero hell spawns trying to kill you along the way? That game would literally be "unplayable" today, I hate underaged faggots so fucking BAD.

>> No.10354721

The only reason you say this shit is because taking damage "kills momentum". Without hazards it's not a real game, it's just a physics simulator. The point is to dodge the hazards (which is telegraphed by the level design itself, not the ENTIRE damn stage faggot, just asset cues that make it painfully clear when to go fast and not to BLINDLY go fast) and boom, shitty gotta go fest mindset rewarded.

This is why I don't play these games for shitty westoid advertisement like "Gotta Catch em All" when there's now fucking 1000+ of the bastards. It's why they dropped that shitty muttoid slogin by Gen 4. Only SEGA was retarded enough to buy into the Sonic is le FLASH shit with Sonic X.

>> No.10354757

>. he's the fastest hedgehog in the world
Fuck off westerner

>> No.10354812

Even SMB3 at least had slopes.

>> No.10355785

I'm not even a Mario fan besides liking World and maybe one of the Galaxy games but comparing Sonic with Mario is just an insult to Mario and shows you're dumb

>> No.10355896


>> No.10355898

English language board.

>> No.10356458

Sonic is better than Mario thoughever

>> No.10357149

Yes? That's why it's an insult. Judge it on its own terms and in its own context, not by comparison to an unrelated series that came years later and only loosely shares a broadly defined "genre".

>> No.10358283

>Judge it on its own terms and in its own context, not by comparison to an unrelated series
It's mariofags who keep making these threads, and NOW you accuse sanic of this? That's ironic.

>> No.10358550

I don't know any normal person into Sonic
>PPP/Ashton Parks
>that other lolcow

>> No.10358565

You managed to type 226 words while saying absolutely nothing about the fucking game. You had exactly one point:
>The game is too fast and it's hard to see where you're going
And you failed to follow up or expand on this idea at all.
>but this also makes it extremely niche and a shitty game out of the gate to most people and against the backdrop of today's zeitgeist.
What is this supposed to mean?
>Game-design philosophy has come a long way in the 90s and early 2000s
How has it come further?
>The actual platforming is floaty and just bad.
>Depending on the game, the button layout is weird and some things just seem to be doing the same thing but...slightly different.
>All of it feels like a mess
H o w.

I don't care if this a shitpost. I don't even care about Sonic. Just learn how to formulate an argument for fuck's sake.

>> No.10358776

>And you failed to follow up or expand on this idea at all.
Doesn't need "expansion" if you aren't retarded
>What is this supposed to mean?
That replaying and memorizing stages in a piss easy shit game isn't fun. Remove the brand recognition and almost no one would touch such a game today. It's like that awful Indiana Jones SNES game where you run away from the boulder and have to memorize the obstacles
>How has it come further?
Breaking away from arcade/highscore culture, games becoming more about experience, way more games to choose from
Play the game
>H o w.
Play the game
>Just learn how to formulate an argument for fuck's sake.
It's your problem that you can't read and think at the same time. I heard like 30% of people suffer from this

>> No.10358927

>Doesn't need "expansion" if you aren't retarded
Building on your point and supporting the claims you make is basic argumentation, dipshit. Finish shcool.
>That replaying and memorizing stages in a piss easy shit game isn't fun. Remove the brand recognition and almost no one would touch such a game today. It's like that awful Indiana Jones SNES game where you run away from the boulder and have to memorize the obstacles
>Breaking away from arcade/highscore culture, games becoming more about experience, way more games to choose from
Would have been nice if you said that the first time.
>Play the game
Kill yourself.
>Play the game
Also kill yourself.
Fucking ESL attention whore faggot.

>> No.10358965

maybe 15 years ago

>> No.10359889

>Building on your point and supporting the claims you make is basic argumentation, dipshit. Finish shcool.
But it's obvious that not being able to avoid damage and losing all momentum is bad
I'm Canadian, born and raised

>> No.10359983

>I can't defend my position so I'll just dismiss you by association with my personal bogeyman

>> No.10359985

I wonder what language this post is in.

>> No.10361035

i think thats in swedish

>> No.10361050

There was a concise video about the matter, wherein Sonic was reimagined as a Banjo-Kazooie clone with double jumping and a backpack, but of course Sonicfags wouldn't have it because it's not what they're used to.

>> No.10361070

Lol no

>> No.10361110

>actually defending DEAH SEEGA

>> No.10361428

Only way to like Sonic is growing up with it or being female

>> No.10361613

Then stick to playing games the fans agree are good? Why even argue about Superstars when it can't be as good as Mania?

>> No.10362350

This but Zelda

>> No.10362591

I beat that boss using a GameCube controller when I was 10. Skill issue.

>> No.10362754

Zelda TikTok sold like twice as many copies as every Zelda before so this makes no sense

>> No.10362972

Sonic Adventure 1 is the worst game I ever played. At least 2 has the cool San Francisco level and music

>> No.10364224
File: 224 KB, 495x390, 1697342452310175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the weekly "I got filtered by Sonic" thread?

>> No.10364952

As a kid i had more fun whit Jazz Jackabbit 2
Because you can set the resolutions, you can actually see where you are running

>> No.10365473

Exactly my thoughts. When I first played Sonic 2 as an adult I questioned how anyone can find this game enjoyable.

>> No.10365476

>I can't win this game by holding right. I had to save state every 3 seconds. Why am I not having fun????

>> No.10366025


>> No.10366035

I wonder if people who struggle with these games try to play by just running straight into shit, instead of making liberal use of their roll and jump, which are your defensive capabilities.
If you're on a slope, you should roll down it, and then you can roll through enemies that might jump out at you.

>> No.10366049

this thread is retarded and op sucks at games
no offense

>> No.10366074

I was going to reply but I see the thread is already filled to the brim with the typical bullshit and degeneracy. Still love Sonic despite all.

>> No.10366101

Why do you mention gamecube controller?

>> No.10366837

>no offense
sorry i meant no argument

>> No.10366887

nta but the d-pad's in a suboptimal position for 2d games and it's also really fucking small and uncomfortable compared to an snes or genesis dpad, so him being able to do it with it means that's it's really easy to do

>> No.10367125

you don't need to replay the levels, you just need to simply roll on slopes and jump according to timing, the games has a natural speed which let's you react and when rolling you are invincible, the games are balanced on getting speed or being protected and your objective is to get speed while minimizing damage, the game never puts obstacles like spikes to kill you upfront and even if it did the way rolling works let's you stop quicker than when running by pressing the opposite direction, using the jump button to remove all of the possibilities of damage, unironically become hedgehog and roll while doing great platforming on the running and rolling states and you will like it a lot.

>> No.10367136

sonic already has that, it's called rolling, you just need to touch down and you are safe.
the issue of most people is that they don't want to learn how to gain speed and want games to play themselves rather than sonic being badly designed, it's a reflection of games removing interaction in post of destroying the medium for talentless hacks to generate shit and do nepotism, the thing that is plaguing the industry today and have caused a new generation which expects this kind of handholding in all experiences, even real arcade ones like sonic.

>> No.10367140

Why do Sonic fans keep getting baited by this bullshit?

They are trolling you, they are baiting you.

>> No.10367168

doing hypothetical argumentation is fun, they are real retards too so using this thread to talk about it makes retards learn to stop being tards and let's everyone talk and enjoy sonic game design on a fun and complex manner, it's a win win.

>> No.10367214

I would rather use a shitcube dpad over Xbox duke or dreamcasts stock pad.

>> No.10368047

this thread is retarded and op sucks at games
kill yourself OP. very offensive

>> No.10368048

The point is you'd play the game enough and beat it enough that you'd get so good that you could run at top speed and never get hit because you'd know what was coming. Then you'd push yourself to the limit and see how fast you could complete levels and show off to your friends.

>> No.10368056

Shit plays itself man.

>> No.10368187

post yourself playing SA1

>> No.10369449

Yes and no. That's the problem. It plays itself for like 10 seconds and then you're suddenly supposed to do a perfect jump. It's awful. Surprised Sega never went full cinematic QTE cancer with Sonic

>> No.10369515

I didn't. Chud are not welcome on this board.

>> No.10369516

>stop pretending to have fun!

>> No.10369531
File: 112 KB, 777x357, 16960327617693270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm far from having analyzed all the level maps, or remembering them at all, but adding to that, there's obviously some stops. In S2 water level you run into a tube, this is a cue you'll hop into the tubes, naturally there might be enemies around, there's no marble zone in S2 but you have hill top.
The bait is that 99% of the game is that one annoying enemy in S2 (and somehow S1/S3 don't exist), it's impossibly fast to react, to it, etc. but there's no excuse for these two hazards, for example. You have to jump first so you'll be able see the spike.

>> No.10370885

>When I first played Sonic 2 as an adult I questioned how anyone can find this game enjoyable.
tbf we grew up with it and Sonic does have great production value

>> No.10370918

I didn't grow up with it, and I still think it's a pretty high tier platformer.
What else are you playing on the Megadrive? That one Alex Kidd game? Kid Chameleon? Sonic is about ten times better.
If you can't play Sonic, you're literally just shit at games.