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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 47 KB, 512x448, Uncanny X-Men (LJN, NES 1989).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10335772 No.10335772 [Reply] [Original]

I just know some poor X-Men nut got this for his birthday in 1989. We salute you.

>> No.10335792

luckily i only got burned on renting it once

>> No.10335804
File: 15 KB, 192x262, download - 2023-10-19T112532.166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this sweet baby

>> No.10335865
File: 267 KB, 1200x1132, Media Tweets by Todd Nauck (@ToddNauck).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the NES, one of the most iconic and also important video game consoles of all time, get a ton of mediocre, or downright bad, super heroes' titles? I mean, super heroes are perfect for what video games offer, and the NES was probably the 1st console that could capture them and do it all justice... but only Batman really got lucky, ALL of the other ones I remember were subpar or awful.

P.S. I do have a soft spot for Spider-Man on NES, because I grew up with it and, after replaying it as an adult, it's not THAT bad, it's simple and the levels are well designed early, though it's subpar.

>> No.10335884

just coincidence of getting poor developers on all the franchises other than Batman. also that probably had a lot to do with the Batman media renaissance in the late 80s-early 90s while those other franchises were largely out of view of anyone but avid comic book readers.

>> No.10335907


I remember renting it too... it was actually kinda fun, played that way. I was young enough to enjoy any kind of simple, accessible action in a video game, and although I didn't love the game or anything, I didn't see anything wrong with it either, and then it went back to the rental place and that was that. It's the same as the experience I had with obtuse Japanese games like Milon's Secret Castle and Legacy of the Wizard: You get the game, have fun exploring its early section for a little while, get nowhere in it, and then send it back to the store.

I was too young to think much about the difference between X-Men who can shoot beams and ones who can't, but even then, it didn't entirely escape me that Iceman and Cyclops (assuming I'm remembering the beamers' identities correctly) were more fun to play as than Wolverine and Colossus were. Picking somebody with a beam felt like cheating or something. It seemed a little weird.

>> No.10335925

Atari era just ended. A few devs knew how to game design and cared enough to give obtained license some justice. Most were still amateurish and worked for a fast buck.

I'd give NESSpider-Man a 6/10, despite the flaws, still a solid attempt. Later 16-bit titles were just boring (comic cutscenes were cool though).

>> No.10335926

Because it's popular and anything released for it would sell decently, therefore anyone who could into assembly enough to get by NoA's QA released dumb shit like this

>> No.10335932

i barely remember anything but the disappointment. even though i was probably like 5 or 6 years old i could tell it wasnt like a real xmen thing. im sure the devs probably had a bunch of proof of concept half assed games waiting to slap whatever licence onto

>> No.10335935

the Famicom library was way worse for amateurish jank made to generate a quick buck

>> No.10335945

This, US got mediocre, passably programed but questionably designed shit that disappointed kids for a weekend and became laughable when angry internet reviewers came into the scene, Japan got some absolute garbage that was poor in every regard and became famously shit immediately.

>> No.10336035

I don't think any licensed US game was as horrible as Super Monkey Daibouken or Bokosuka Wars.

>> No.10336089

NES had the best disneyformers and had the best GI Joe games. You gotta get what you can

>> No.10336481

the Mega Drive was the first console where vidya actually became good. everything before that was just a roided out Tiger handheld game.

>> No.10336624

Bokosuka Wars was a classic that still has a big fanbase today.

>> No.10336658

I know, I just said Famicom games were more dogshit

>> No.10336663

This game cost $70. In 1990.

>> No.10336671

I can find no evidence online of what the original MSRP was but it probably wasn't that high as it was a cheapo UNROM cart. Maybe $40 would be likely.

>> No.10336674

SMS had clearly better disneyformers

>> No.10336905

While not birthday, my parents were active comic book collectors so they bought the X-Men game because they were fans of them. Lesson learned, I think, because licensed games didn't really come into the house much after that.

>> No.10336941

Tose games were localized but they're exactly the kind of famicom shovelware you're talking about

>> No.10337809

>game was literally broken so they put a cheat code on the cartridge label so you could actually complete it

>> No.10338110

Haha no. It had one game

>> No.10338131

Castle of Illusion
Land of Illusion
Legend of Illusion
Lucky Dime Caper
Deep Duck Trouble

>> No.10338163

The only game that can sell a dime is castle. The rest of those can’t even sniff the jock of a third tier game like Rescue Rangers. One game system

>> No.10338180

Batman, Batman Returns, Darkwing Duck, also Sunman even though it's unreleased is really good

That's what everyone say.

But then they never actually name any title. weird!

>> No.10339131

Everyone rented it

>> No.10340338

NES had a ton of terrible capeshit games that isnt batman

>> No.10340345

Such as Superman and...

>> No.10341578
File: 135 KB, 640x288, 327373557722428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha it had one game
>here's a bunch of acclaimed games
>nooo those don't count
tendies are inssuferable
master system was awesome

>> No.10341598

It can’t have acclaimed games if no one owned a master system. You’re worse than n64 fags

>> No.10341685
File: 667 KB, 469x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are truly insufferable, SMS is one of the all time greats