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10335021 No.10335021 [Reply] [Original]

This almost made me drop the game right before the end meme style
>huge damage per hit
>no heals in the area
>experiment a bit and die and you'll have to do both dorf and the entire TOWER again
Awesome theme though, really feels like a final battle without being tacky

>> No.10335023

Zelda difficulty was balanced kinda perfectly before WW turned it into baby shit for some reason

>> No.10335028

Just bring fairies with you. Fairy. Game is piss easy.

>> No.10335034

>he hasn't done the savage labyrinth with no bottles

>> No.10335036

Viewtiful Joe felt pretty punishing. I dropped it because I got sick of having to retread so much ground after Game Overs.

>> No.10335062

Anon, those are two extremely easy fights even if they're back to back...you need to git gud.

>> No.10335068

>Zelda difficulty was balanced kinda perfectly before WW
Yep, it's the perfect fine line of challenging but without killing you (unless you really fuck up) so it feels like one immersive adventure without a gamey Game Over screen. That's what they once explained in an interview.

>> No.10335075

OoT also had the death count, so you really want that 0 death run which was a nice additional challenge

>> No.10335079

On paper it would be, if the fights themselves weren't so easy. Even assuming this is your first time playing the game and you went for a casual run where you didn't get everything, you ought to have at least eleven hearts by that point, along with two or three bottles with fairies and/or potions, and unless you absolutely suck at reflecting Ganondorf's energy balls and died to him, using up your fairies and potions in the process, that ought to be more than enough to get you through Ganon. And that's without mentioning the health upgrade you can easily get right before tackling Ganondorf (conveniently located just outside his tower), as well as Nayru's Love, which makes you invincible, and the Light Arrows, which stun him and guarantee a free hit on his tail if you absolutely suck at chasing his tail. And to top it off, there ARE heart pickups during that battle, which you can get by having Ganon destroy the pillars scattered around the battlefield.
tl;dr he's only hard if you're utterly clueless.

>> No.10335080

Wouldn't say extremely. A lot of games have bosses where you can stand around for 1 min without getting killed. And even, then the thread says punishing deaths and not hard boss fights

No need to be an insane fanboy in every thread

>> No.10335084

No you don't always have two or three fairies on your casual OoT playthrough. Also see >>10335080

Holy shit I had no idea this game still triggered so many Sony fans. Post punishing deaths or stfu

>> No.10335087

>tl;dr he's only hard if you're utterly clueless.
No one called him hard. You're fighting with your inner demons right now and the Nintendo DS kids who bullied you in school for having a PSP

>> No.10335091

Anything Monster Hunter should you somehow triple card after 20+ minutes

>> No.10335095

>goes out of his way to catch fairies and basically pick low difficulty
>complains about low difficulty
Protip: The heart containers after boss fights never disappear for a reason as well

>> No.10335105

Combat became way too easy with Wind Waker but it still has some of the best dungeon design. Twilight Princess made combat negligibly harder again but was still too easy, which is a shame because it has the best Zelda moveset. Difficulty is pretty good again since Skyward Sword and A Link Between Worlds

>> No.10335119
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>filtered by a N64 Nintendo game

>> No.10335124
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>but without killing you
if you never died to this piece of shit, you are just lucky

>> No.10335139

If it was nearly as easy as people pretend, all those streamers who play it for the first time and are used to games like Dark Souls wouldn't always die
You just can't remember your first time or think everything that isn't Contra is easy

>> No.10335141 [DELETED] 

>conveniently located just outside his tower
You mean "conveniently" located so you literally have to go out of your way and leave the dungeon and backtrack to a random pillar you wouldn't even think about at that point if you aren't a 100% junkie

>> No.10335145

>conveniently located just outside his tower
You mean "conveniently" located so you, only at the very end of the game, have to go out of your way, leave the dungeon and backtrack to a random pillar you wouldn't even think about at that point if you aren't a 100% junkie, which maybe 1% of OoT players are because...skulltulas

>> No.10335149
File: 56 KB, 823x559, majorinos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>health upgrade
Really just exists for casuals who can't beat the game otherwise. One of many things Majora does way worse
>can already get it midgame
>almost impossible to miss

>> No.10335150

>numeric generation nonsense

>> No.10335179

watched for 5 seconds, looks like she's struggling more with the controls than the game lmao the n64 controller is so awful.

>> No.10335354

>women brained people can't comprehend the n64 controller
Really makes you think.

>> No.10335362

Literally what happened to me recently
I savescummed

>> No.10335392

>thread with fresh premise
>almost no one engages
>just shitposting because popular game bad
evry time

>> No.10335398

More like:
>Another Zelda thread

>> No.10335406

You can lure him into breaking the castle debris in the arena for items, you nitwits.

>> No.10335423
File: 123 KB, 372x279, glide64-goemons-great-adv-81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dying and having to redo the entire boss stage in GGA is brutal.

>> No.10335705
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, viewtiful joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Viewtiful Joe felt pretty punishing. I dropped it because I got sick of having to retread so much ground after Game Overs.
This. And honestly, just play VJ on easy your first playthrough

>> No.10335714

How did you die? You have 4 bottles. Even as a retard kid I had three bottles and beat Ganon without a game over

>> No.10335823

>a-an analog stick and some buttons??? what were they thinking!!

>> No.10336116

At least it (secretly) auto-saves around that point. Mom made us turn it off with the thread of grounding us otherwise when we were struggling there one late night, and thankfully we found out later that we weren't forced to redo the whole level.

>> No.10336138

That anal log stick is pretty shit, looks like that's what she's struggling with, dialing in the target on ganondork. oot and mm both have twitchy analog pointer movement.

>> No.10336374

>How did you die?
Legit forgot what to do and felt like experimenting. Not like I expected this level of 'go fuck yourself' for dying there

>> No.10336452

Wait how do you spawn there after dying then?

>> No.10336458

>it's an anti-Zelda-kun pretending any normal person always runs to the store to fill the bottles with potion or looks for fucking fairies episode

>> No.10336573

The better question is anon's a faggot for simping for and even linking some Literal Who and should end his life.

>> No.10336724

Why are you speedruining it zoomzoom?

>> No.10337026

MGS deaths are never punishing but it still feels this way because it's so dramatic every time you die

>> No.10337049

>Awesome theme though, really feels like a final battle without being tacky
Yeah, and the hold build up to Ganondorf -> Ganon was fantastic with the storms and fire surrounding both Ganon and Link. Icing on the cake is when Ganon knocks out the Master Sword from Link's hand conveniently outside the ring of fire to setup the final battle. Still my favorite final boss of all time.

>> No.10337057

yeah I don't know why they just made it so that everything does piss poor damage to you, it really wasn't necessary since if you were bad at older Zeldas they were easily trivialized by just filling 4 bottles with fairies. It just becomes boring in WW and TP when you actually can't die, and Hero mode in the remakes doesn't fix it because you can't get heart pickups which is just obnoxious.

I'm glad they brought back the difficulty in the Switch games but it's hard to say if we'll ever have a 3D zelda like OoT again which is a little sad.

>> No.10337065

I grew up with 8 and 16 bit games. Than Zelda 64 came out. I played it and thought," This is one of the best games ever. But is is also the easiest game I have ever played."

If you want some truly hard games from that genre look at Contra Shattered Soldier and those dastardly Shmups, Cave, Gradius 5, etc. True difficulty is finite lives and continues.

If you want something that is hard but more approachable the entire DmC genre. You can get sent back 10-15 minutes.

Game difficulty is tied hard to to genre. Zelda style games will never be as difficult as DmC style games which will never be as difficulty as Contra Style games, which will never be as difficulty as shmups. It's just that the rule-set is more conductive to difficulty.

>> No.10337067

I beat this boss as a child, anon. 10 years old. A literal child.

>> No.10337115

OoT's final sequence is fantastic cinematically, but you can just hold up your shield to block every single attack he throws out, and once you know what to do he gives you way more than enough time to run around to his tail.

The idea that you wouldn't think to just pick up a few fairies before the final part of the game is honestly just silly, if you had any trouble whatsoever you could just go back and get some anyway.

The game is the best, but would just be even better had it really gone all out and made enemies actually challenging. Miyamoto even acknowledges that his 5 year old daughter has a far easier time with the game than he expected, as it's almost all knowledge based and rarely punishes bad execution.

>> No.10337116

>but would just be even better had it really gone all out and made enemies actually challenging.

This was the period in time were Nintendo stopped being about hardcore games.

>> No.10337134

>This was the period in time were Nintendo stopped being about hardcore games.
Dumb, pretentiois Zoomer.

>> No.10337138

You can say that, but it's around this period that their games reached their peak mechanically. With Mario 64, Smash Bro. (and then Melee specificlaly) the racing games released as 3D games got more advanced etc. you could do way more physically than what you got in previous eras. Zelda is actually no real exception to this, the N64 games have basically an excess of mechanical depth, but it just doesn't matter outside of speedruns etc. because they mostly avoid serious challenges.

>> No.10337172

>but would just be even better had it really gone all out and made enemies actually challenging.
There's some OoT difficulty mod for the PC ver. that changes up enemy and boss patterns and changes to the combat mechanics, but on the combat, the mechanics come off more like a gimmick rather than actually being difficult and before anyone calls me a shill, I'll only link it if anyone's interested.

>> No.10337468

Grunty in Banjo-Tooie is fucking hard as all fuck.

>> No.10337678

Played it last year for the first time, don't remember it being that hard at all. I struggled a little bit with the first Ganondorf phase - first I couldn't figure out how to damage him at all, then I had to get used to hit those balls consistently. As for the final Ganon form, I probably beat him in one try, since I don't remember escaping the tower multiple times. Maybe I just figured out the light arrows stun - it's kinda logical to try them, because they're even described as anti-evil as far as I remember.
Generally I got hard stuck in OoT only once - trying to find the way to the last optional chest in the Fire Temple, eventually gave up and left it there. Also I missed the stone of time after the Dark Link fight and it took a while to find the way I should go. Other than that, there were fairly challenging parts, but nothing infuriating. Previous games were harder.

>> No.10337767
File: 83 KB, 1024x1031, beakfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't remember it being that hard at all
Not even seeing anyone saying it is. You can stop posting cringy verbiage no one reads just because Zelda triggers you

>> No.10337827

Literally fucking OP saying it is, retard. And the other post I replied to.

>> No.10337860

If you want to talk about dropping games at the end:
Jet Force Gemini forces you to get every collectible in the game to be allowed to fight the last boss. This requires redoing all the stages with the two characters that didn't do them.
Windwaker same collect all the bullshit right at the end.
Metroid Prime 2 same thing and never bought anything from Nintendo again.

>> No.10337912

the youtube streamer thing really fell flat, nobody has ever found this game hard.

>> No.10337937

I think I had to try this fight 3 times when I was 6 years old, mostly because I was too dumb to figure out the gimmick. If you're an adult struggling with this I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.10338074

I still remember me and either my friend or my cousin getting filtered and doing the castle a couple of times until we finally beat him. One of the most rewarding games to beat.

>> No.10338113

Is this your way of coping? Inventing boogeymen?

>> No.10338173

I don't understand these people. OoT is a perfectly fine game, which does have flaws that I feel any reasonable fan should acknowledge, even if people are right to praise it far above everything otherwise. But ignoring basic issues like having way too much health and enemies barely being able to hit you if you put up basic defense, because you're not supposed to do you most basic shit, is just being silly and makes you look desperate.

>> No.10338178

unadulterated ludo

>> No.10338272

>the youtube streamer thing really fell flat
If you mean >>10335139, it shows that people die to the boss and it isn't as impossible to die as you pretend. That was literally the first video I found. Here is the second one

This is magnitudes more demonstrable of the truth than insane fanboy musings on an anonymous image board

>> No.10338285

>b-but daddy eceleb sucked too!!!
Literally rope yourself, faggot

>> No.10338304

It's easy to die in the game if you just don't basic shit like block. Otherwise, if you understand things at all, you can basically hold the [DON'T DIE] button to not die. It's only because you didn't know the basic strategy for a given boss that they will be any threat, with (Phantom) Ganondorf being the one exception.

The problem is that all challenge immediately goes away once you understand this.

>> No.10338357
File: 6 KB, 236x236, 1696636619127713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread isn't even about high difficulty
>twenty NINTENDO IS FOR BABBY posts, most of them clearly samefagging
Your brain on Sony

>> No.10338368

While I agree 'tendofags and casual contrarians are shitting up this thread with their victim complex, you need to fuck off back to /v/, Genshitter.

>> No.10338374


>> No.10338450

Neither a single person, nor twenty said or implied that. You’re obviously mentally immature since you can’t handle a discussion without inventing imaginary enemies within your own head. Come back to this board in 15 years after you turn 30 years old.

>> No.10338598

That's an interesting essay. The average person still gets hit, dies and often doesn't know what to do and your word means, I'm sorry to say it, literally nothing compared to video evidence

>> No.10338632

She's not wrong.
The thread is mostly full autists arguing over a 'tendo game, but that's to be expected on 4chan when you start a thread using a particular game in the OP as just an example of the topic, only for autists to latch onto the game, drawing in more autists and thus the thread gets derailed into talking about [Game] instead of [Topic].
You people have ADHD.

>> No.10338635

I didn't ask.

>> No.10338637

Nice try

>> No.10338649
File: 192 KB, 950x744, gfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concession accepted, queeranon.

>> No.10338783

hey RARE jet force gemini was hard

>> No.10338895

F-Zero GX is genuinely difficult. There are themed story races where you will die over and over.


>> No.10338948

No one asked for your reality-denying fanboy shitposts

>> No.10339039

Rent free.

>> No.10339085

Castlevania and most games with long af stages

>> No.10339428

This fight was easy. His first form in the top of the tower however...

>> No.10339873

Why has no-one mentioned Metroid Prime? So many missable save points where you could walk into the wrong area and get killed first by an Omega Pirate or something. Ironically, the second and third games which are harder, cut back on this serious strength.

>> No.10339904

Is there a decent way to play OoT on PC?

>> No.10339910

emulate the wii virtual console port in dolphin with wiimote+nunchuck controls

>> No.10340073

unironically made me realize how poorly designed that fight is

>> No.10340102 [DELETED] 

Ocarina of Time is one of the few games whose atmosphere cannot be replicated it is the classic
hero journey vs evil without edgelord crap

>> No.10340105

Ocarina of Time is one of the few games whose atmosphere cannot be replicated it is the classic
hero journey vs evil without edgelord crap

>> No.10340260

>Warp to Temple of Time
>Walk outside to the Sheikah Stones
>Play Zelda's Lullaby or whatever the fuck you had to play
>Refill all your bottles in an instant
So hard and tedious

>> No.10340938


>> No.10341129
File: 62 KB, 400x240, 1684748241939526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to look for fairies at all. If you play Zelda's Lullaby in front of a Gossip Stone, a fairy spawns. Same with the puddles that Navi targets, except it's Song of Storms IIRC. There's a row of four stones just outside of the Temple of Time, the exact same number of bottles you can carry.

>> No.10341858

>No heals in the area
The fallen pillars in the second phase drop magic, hearts, and arrows when Ganondorf smacks them with his golden trident swords.

>> No.10341905

Just emulate either NTSC 1.0 or 1.1 versions since they're uncensored. I personally like the Ares emulator the best for N64 games since it's probably the most accurate

>> No.10341945

>you don't have to look for fairies, you just have to do this cryptic thing 99% of players have no way of knowing besides reading a trivia blogpost in 2005

>> No.10342123

>Zelda's Lullaby is the royal family's song
>Sheikah are the royal family's guardians
>gossip stones have Sheikah symbols on them
Just put 2 and 2 together, man.

>> No.10342256

It always seemed like late 4th gen into 5th gen did a lot of experimenting with degrees of interactivity to stay stimulating and engrossing without being very punishing, and I kinda miss it. Like it was just enough to keep you from falling asleep at the wheel so that you were taking everything in. I guess that's why games from back then are "cozy" to a lot of people.

>> No.10342405

Should have specified 3D games. 2D games always had a fair share of punishing games.

>> No.10342594

>>no heals in the area
Oh are those magic and health refills in the first phase an addition in the 3DS version?

>> No.10342648

It's not even that. If you find something cryptic in the game that Navi targets, chances are you're going to try playing some songs. It's the main mechanic of the game

>> No.10343147

OP is just dumb, you can get Ganon to attack the debris around the arena and hearts and magic will come out.

>> No.10343215

Wouldn't surprise me if they added more in the demake or made jugs refill after dying or leaving a room. The OG has none or a few hidden ones. Probably why people like OP don't bother bringing potions because they're used to newer Zeldas

>> No.10344824

First phase anon.
So there's not a whole bunch of magic (which I can understand) and health refills down the ladder in the first phase of the fight in the original?

>> No.10344864

If you're calling Ganondorf the first phase (which is confusing because the Ganon fight itself has 2 phases) then yes, there are pots with hearts below where you fight Ganondorf.

>> No.10344906

>(which is confusing because the Ganon fight itself has 2 phases)
My bad, clearly I don't remember this fight very well. Yeah that is what I meant, thanks.
Never liked there being health during that fight, but I needed the magic so what can ya do; took me a while to realise you weren't supposed to rapid fire light arrows so I wasted it all.