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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 350x260, Final-Fantasy-VII-Review-PlayStation-Portable-Box-Art-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10334768 No.10334768 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the gameplay so...bad? As in nothing special and your typical JRPG slog
>slow, mindnumbing turn based combat
>random encounters discouraging from exploration (when many games of that era already figured out better systems, like SaGa, Grandia, Chrono games, etc.)
>arbitrary minigames
The story and writing isn't exactly making up for it so far

Not saying it's bad but for it being hyped so much I expected it to have more novelty. Am I crazy for this?

>> No.10334785

>another anti ff7 thread
Get a new bait for God's sake. Gimme some novelty in your shitposts. Also use new arguments, you guys always use stuff that is present in all of classic final fantasy but make it seem like it's a flaw of this specific entry. Stop shitting the board for one day.

>> No.10334790

I don't really get this about the JRPG genre in general.
Games solve problems, and then somehow everyone forgets, and it never becomes the new standard.
As soon as you could show sprites on the map, random encounters should have been a thing of the past, and I'm sure there are still games now that have random encounters.

>> No.10334792

>>another anti ff7 thread
Couldn't see another one. Sometimes people just want to share their thoughts
>you guys always use stuff that is present in all of classic final fantasy but make it seem like it's a flaw of this specific entry. Stop shitting the board for one day.
Maybe because it's specifically this one that is called one of the best games and hyped to the heavens and back. 8 and even 9 get a lot of flak as it is

But yeah, you could probably swap the FF7 picture with a FFX picture

>> No.10334795

>As soon as you could show sprites on the map, random encounters should have been a thing of the past
Very true. Cross or SaGa 3 had an almost ideal system. Lunar had something decent as well

Either get rid of it or
a) balance it ___very___ well
b) make fights very fast
c) give us easy and early ways to avoid encounters

When I want to explore I want to explore

>> No.10334807

>random battles in FFVI, VIII and IX good
>random battles in FFVII bad
this is the extend of the intelligence of the average FF7 hater

>> No.10334818

>>random battles in FFVI, VIII and IX good
Well you won't catch me saying this. Still have to force myself all the way through 6

>> No.10334820

6 has the excuse of being old-old, though

>> No.10334821

>6 has the excuse of being 3 years older than 7 omg!
There's nothing wrong with random battles btw, they've been a staple of the genre since Wizardry. You might as well be saying "I don't like this genre but still I'm gonna force myself to play it because I can't deal with not having an opinion on everything"

>> No.10334849

Well, the truth is I like things about JRPGs(storytelling, aesthetics, music), and I like certain JRPGs (usually the ones that don't do random encounters), but there are certain mechanical trends that have generally kept me away from the genre.
At what point am I allowed to have an opinion? I would like to enjoy these games more. I'm not just picking a random thing I hate, like football, and deciding to play a bunch of football games, specifically so I can call them shit.

>> No.10334869

>random encounters bad

zoomers are so unoriginal and predictable

>> No.10334871

It's inherently immersion breaking, and disempowering. The game is throwing shit at you that you have no way of knowing about or reacting to. That is good design how?

>> No.10334873

>immersion breaking
>good design
Kill yourself seriously. You just want to play visual novels.

>> No.10334876

I want to play Paper Mario.

>> No.10334878

>Chrono games, etc.)

CT does it worse imo, there's way too many encounters in that triggered by touching seemingly arbitrary trigger lines in the ground regardless of the actual enemy proximity, its just as forced as any other RPG

>> No.10334881

Materia combination was a great idea but if you just play the game you don't get any of them until practically the end and you won't have copies of anything to do the cool stuff with.
The minigames are shit now that it's not 1997.
Chocobo racing in particular also completely breaks the game.
I played the PC version with the 28GB of graphic mods and while nice looking I would play the original in future just for fastforward.
Yuffies weapon from the wrecked plane does regular damage using consume.

12>6>8>10>1>5>7>9>4>3>2>13>15 (the worst game I have played to completion)

This was really the start of movie games and deserves way more hate than it gets.

>> No.10334883

>why shuffle cards when you could just pick the ones you want from the deck
This is your level of retardation.

>> No.10334884

12 is that good, eh? Should I play 12?

>> No.10334885

That's not what I mean by random encounters. I don't like stepping on a random tile of ground, and being attacked by something I had no way of seeing.
You can still randomise the enemy placement, just let me see them first.

>> No.10334886

No you're saying 'I like football for the commercials but they should get rid of the football parts.'

>> No.10334887

the combat is the commercials in a JRPG

>> No.10334890
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>> No.10334891

No, it's shit. 12fags are some of the weirdest people on the internet. The fact that the guy also put 8 in third place already proves he's a contrarian edgelord.

>> No.10334892

This is the ranking for having played them a half dozen times already.
12 for exploration and world design. It's really rewarding when you know where to go to get hidden stuff. People dislike the story and first character. I'd also stick to the original release.

>> No.10334893

You'll never succeed with this gaslight. The genre was born with combat and will die with combat. People who play JRPGs for the story and dislike the combat completely miss the point. Go play Disco Elysium, that's the "game" you fuckers want.

>> No.10334895

>As soon as you could show sprites on the map, random encounters should have been a thing of the past
Showing sprites on the map has been a thing since Ultima. Even the NES port of Ultima III showed sprites on the map.
Random encounters were a choice.

I think random encounters work better when the game only has movement in discrete steps from square to square where you can plan and weigh each step knowing it could lead to an encounter. When games have continous floaty movement, the random encounters feel like they interrupt what you were doing.

>> No.10334897

That doesn't have Tifa in it though.

>> No.10334906

Oh so you're a waifufag. The lowest of the low.

>> No.10334915

the only true problem with the gameplay is that you can't switch weapons, armor, and accessories when characters aren't in your party. aside from that ig a nitpick i have is that the characters don't have much to differentiate themselves in battle aside from limits but it's usually just doing a fuckton of damage unless you're aerith or vincent. 6 also had this problem but that was later in the game when the special abilities starting falling off. everything else is dope as fuck though, the materia system was really fun. battles are pretty quick op i don't really see the problem unless you're veghesther and using kotr every turn.

>> No.10334924

I was kinda hoping /vr/ would be safe from gen z. Kids believe their gaming opinion matters and they complain about random battles in a jrpg, my word.

>> No.10334946

Get 2x Turbo for trash fights and text dumps and it becomes manageable.
If you're a zoomer and expecting some masterpiece out of the game you're expecting too much

>> No.10334969

4, 7 and 5 have the best combat of the ATB games.

>> No.10334983

>You just want to play visual novels.
That's literally what random encounters and turn based combat feels like though? No interactivity

Video games are or should be all about interactivity

>> No.10334985

I'm almost 40. Make an argument or stfu. I already thought this game design was shit in the 90s

>Get 2x Turbo for trash fights and text dumps and it becomes manageable.
Fast-forwarding is indeed the remedy for tons of JRPGs

>> No.10334991

I like FF7 and zoomers are ruining /vr/ but don't pretend like complaining about any facet of jrpgs on /vr/ is new.

>> No.10335006

Then go play your puzzle game faggot

>> No.10335007

You poste lazy bait opinions you don't deserve to demand counter arguments. Grow up and leave the cheap bait if you want serious discussion.

>> No.10335049

That’s why I bought FFVII - IX on Switch. They come with built-in cheats that let you turn off random encounters and speed up the game. I’m the same as you and don’t have the patience to play JRPGs the proper way.

>> No.10335050

Maybe JRPGs just aren't very good, with dated mechanics even for /vr/. Pokémon does random, turn based battles better, and that came out earlier.

>> No.10335053

How did Pokemon improve it? Do you just mean cause the battles are faster?

>> No.10335057

Why not just play a better game if combat is why you're spinning it up?

>> No.10335059

This game was never good.

>> No.10335082

If you weren't just baiting you could turn up the battle speed, switch to active battles, get past the opening tutorial-tier fights, sort out your party's equipment and materia and use offensive items to end the fights more quickly.
But you are just baiting, so you won't.

>> No.10335112 [DELETED] 
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because it's made by retards for retards

>> No.10335115

None of this makes it not awful. Acquire standards

>> No.10335121

The gameplay is great. ATB rules, FFVII rules.

>> No.10335125

I love how FFags use terms like "ATB" or "materia" like it would mean anything special or would change the fundamental shit gameplay in any way

>> No.10335128

>The gameplay is great
Then why did Square Enix stop doing random encounters and turn based combat in mainline FF?

>> No.10335135

What do you mean? These are systems within the game, why would fans not want to talk about it? Also, FF7 is a great game, if you like that kind of thing. If you don't, ah well - all this screaming on the internet of how shit you think it is won't change people's opinion.

>> No.10335136

Random encounters are fun. I enjoy games like Beyond the Beyond, which have huge dungeons, no warp-out spells so tons of backtracking, insane puzzles and a high encounter rate during all that. It's supposed to be something stressful that you endure. It's supposed to disempower you, so that you endure it. Beyond the Beyond doesn't even have a good story as a reward at the end for completing such a task. The journey, the task is the reward. You wouldn't get it

>> No.10335229

>I'm almost 40. Make an argument or stfu. I already thought this game design was shit in the 90s
stop posting and go fuck your pillow

>> No.10335237

>Maybe because it's specifically this one that is called one of the best games and hyped to the heavens and back
Oh my fucking God, No it isn’t. What year are you living in? This game is treated like it’s unplayable in the modern day if you didn’t play it when you were a teenager. It is impossible to talk about FFVII without the buzzwords “overrated” “aged-poorly” getting tossed around even though it has been so long since anyone has ever acted like this game is perfect. If you had a single original thought in that retarded head of yours, you would make a thread bitching about random encounters and turn based combat in FFVI or FFIX. The actual games you’re not allowed to criticize.

>> No.10335240

He doesnt actually have an argument he's just attacking ff7 with a popular Nintendo franchise, as per usual.

>> No.10335248

That's not an argument, it's just you being ass asked. Same so etui faith substance, nothing anybody has said has any actual critique except "gam suck, gam gay"

>> No.10335254

anyways, here's an actually response
>Slow, mindnumbing turned based combat
You haven't played JRPGs much do you?
>random encounters discouraging exploration
Yeah you really didn't. Here's two games that are right up your alley.
>FFIX, Xenogears

>The story and writing isn't exactly making it up for it so far
Oh so you haven't even finished Disc 1?
Don't worry you can stop playing now and not worry yourself

>Not saying it's bad but for it being hyped so much I expected it to have more novelty. Am i crazy for this?

You mean, one of the most influential JRPG's in the history of video games doesn't bring you enough novelty 26 years after it's release?

Well... I think you are not crazy, you are just a retard and really bad a trolling.

>hits classic JRPG for it's encounter rate
>asks for novelty to a 26yr old game

Did you use chatGPT to create your bait thread?

>> No.10335260

>Then why did Square Enix stop doing random encounters and turn based combat in mainline FF?
Because it's objectively shit

>You haven't played JRPGs much do you?
Most sitcoms being shit doesn't make Big Bang Theory good

Whan an offensively stupid post

>> No.10335264
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1694537951102214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get to dictate what video games should or shouldn't be. If faggots like you got your authoritarian wishes this world would be filled with wall-E humans. The worst part is you don't even have the awareness to see it, just "QoL" eveything until you dont do anything at all. Pretty soon there will be no enemy encounters at all because it's too "toxic" and filled with "micro aggressions." Go fuck yourself, nigger boi

>> No.10335271

>it's shit
>It's stupid
>Compared it to big bang theory
I'm sorry you're having a mental breakdown because of ff7, but everything you said is not an argument critique, and ff7 is much more like Seinfeld if anything.

>> No.10335284

>just "QoL" eveything until you dont do anything at all.
This is such a weird, retarded thing to say in defense of a game literally deciding for you when to fight and characters fighting for you when you select "attack"

>> No.10335289

>an argument critique
Are you South American?

>> No.10335291

>This game is treated like it’s unplayable in the modern day if you didn’t play it when you were a teenager. It is impossible to talk about FFVII without the buzzwords “overrated” “aged-poorly” getting tossed around
dunno where you read this but all true

>> No.10335292

Or maybe jrpgs are just not for you and it's silly to try and convince people who enjoy them for what they are to agree with you. Sometimes the things you dislike about a game are things that people like.

>> No.10335303

FF7 is overhyped for sure, but whoever's in this thread trying to convince people to not like an entire genre of video games is a huge idiot.

>> No.10335305

>Or maybe jrpgs are just not for you
Not that guy but there are too many JRPGs I love to accept this. It's very easy to balance encounters or just do a system like Tales of Symphonia, maybe even make combat actually fun. Even if most retro JRPGs fuck these things up, I refuse to see them as the ultimate JRPG archetype

>> No.10335306

You haven't played many jrpgs have you? I don't think this genre is for you, maybe try fortnite

>> No.10335308

>You haven't played many jrpgs have you?
That's like saying 'you haven't played many platformers have you' just because you point out that 99% of platformers suck. In fact, 99% of every genre sucks. The question posited here is whether FF is part of the 99% or not

>> No.10335309
File: 1.60 MB, 1278x720, power of science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>late 90s Square writing

>> No.10335313

And it's like you saying "platformers suck because you can jump" - we get you don't like jrpgs but funnily enough there are people out there who like them, if you think they suck that's your opinion

>> No.10335315

It's literally the staple of RPG games, w en new games still use it. Not everything has been homogenized into a 3rd person re4 style sandbox with RPG mechanics. Go fuck yourself

>> No.10335316

What's wrong with that? It's got a charm to it

>> No.10335317

No, I just woke up, I'm making coffee as I type this.

>> No.10335318

same charm as your 5 y/o niece drawing a picture for your birthday, yes

>> No.10335320 [DELETED] 

This just proves my point that it's stupid to try and convince people that the whole genre sucks.

>> No.10335324

>RPGs suck
>Platformers suck
Ok fuck you and your retarded contrarian zoomer opinion. Everything sucks to you, ya negative Nancy ass faggot. I'm not even going to reply so, ha e a shitty day, I know you will with that attitude.

>> No.10335326

Almost no platformer got jumping right until SMB3 and Mega Man and even since then many get it wrong (half the Saturn paltformers have elevator jumps or fixed heights), so not a bad comparison
Didn't say this. I said most, which is just true

>> No.10335358

Fundamentally great gameplay.
>Then why did Square Enix stop doing random encounters and turn based combat in mainline FF?
You mean when the games started getting worse?

>> No.10335364

The only reason it became such a huge success is because of the CGI cutscenes. People were suckers for this shit back then. A lot of buyers were disappointed because the actual gameplay wasn't like the videos or cover at all.

>> No.10335367

That argument kind of falls apart when a game like Paper Mario exists, that is very much a JRPG, and very much does not share the problems of most of the genre.
>duuh, that game for babies!
Maybe it is. Why is a game for babies better than Final Fantasy?

>> No.10335376

>Paper Mario
It's always tendies. Sorry that the first excellent Final Fantasy didn't end up on you're 2.68 mhz RPG Maker machine or the vaseline blur machine.

>> No.10335381

Exactly this. It’s not just rpgs every genre got poop on by corporate capitalism. Once videogames became THE medium for entertainment, then all these grubby rich faggots started to standardize the development process. Now we have so much more shit, even shitty games fro. The early 2000s are masterpieces compared to the derivative shit being spewed out by AAA and indie developers.

>> No.10335383

>Unga bunga, popular thing bad

>> No.10335384

It solves every problem I have with most JRPGs
>can see enemies on the field
>can initiate the the fight by getting an early blow in, which makes me inclined to want to start the battle, instead of running away
>timed hit stuff makes fights fun and engaging
>fights are snappy, and generally over with quickly.

If people other than Nintendo were making that game, I'd be happy to play that too. I hear the South Park RPGs are similar, but I haven't gotten around to those yet.

>> No.10335385


>> No.10335387

People who say this always shitpost popular games the most
Most hardcore JRPG cracks put the PM games in their top 20 or even top 10. You aren't wrong

>> No.10335393

Cool so you don't like platformers too. Thanks for your opinion

>> No.10335395

It "solves every problem" and the end result is the most boring game ever made with zero challenge, zero depth to gameplay mechanics, no party management, no class management, and not even an interesting story for anyone over the age of 3. Paper Mario is a laughibly infantile game and the fact that you are trying to propel it ahead of the legendary Final Fantasy 7 is telling on yourself.

>> No.10335401

>the legendary Final Fantasy 7
kek why are FF fans always autists

>> No.10335404

If I was playing a turn based game for challenge, I'd play X-com. I pretty much want these games to be a gentle walk in the park, where I get to experience a story, and explore a world.
FF7 isn't hard either. It's just tedious.

>> No.10335405

>half the Saturn paltformers have elevator jumps or fixed heights
Or also next to no air control
I do like the very few good ones. Same with books and movies and songs. FF7 is the Katy Parry or Pink of JRPGs

>> No.10335407
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>Big Bang Theory
>Whan an offensively stupid post
PFFFFFF my fuckin sides.
OP is a faggot.

>> No.10335413
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This is not a controversial opinion. Final Fantasy 7 was received better than any previous Final Fantasy, and it's not even close. It's one of the primary reasons the PlayStation rose to utter dominance over the N64, where it still remains to this day.

>> No.10335415

So you think my argument falls apart because people have personal opinions? Nothing wrong with a bit of variation on the genre but just calling it shit because you don't like it doesn't really make much of a debate, as your superiority complex just crawls our the woodwork.

>> No.10335417

>Why is the gameplay so...bad? As in nothing special and your typical JRPG slog
why do people nowadays always need every game to be
>le special and innovative
sometimes you don't need to change a running system. Also this game was the "le movie game" from 20 years ago, basically all jrpgs are le movie game but with gameplay.

>> No.10335427

It's not inherently shit, and it doesn't have to be shit, developer are just strangely averse to change, even when something like Paper Mario comes out, and has so many common sense upgrades over the rest of the genre.
After Halo came out, any shooter still treating grenades as a separate selectable weapon was seen as weird and archaic, and rightfully so. Every other genre works this way.

>> No.10335430
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>FF7 isn't hard either. It's just tedious.
I'm beginning to think you haven't actually played Final Fantasy 7. Which makes sense, since it doesn't have "Nintendo" on the box.

>> No.10335431

You people have to make up your mind

>> No.10335432

I played it for a few hours, and got bored.
Honestly, that's what happened. I couldn't deal with the random encounters constantly whittling away at my patience.

>> No.10335434

Optional fight. Also just grind more + infinite heal loop

>> No.10335435

Go blog about it on Tumblr.

>> No.10335436

>Optional fight, therefore it's not hard!!
What has the N64 done to you're brain?

>> No.10335437

Don't come into a thread filled with opinions you don't like, if you're just going to get upset about them.

>> No.10335438
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It's the opposite of charm. It's quite contemptible and lowbrow.

>> No.10335446

Go blog about it on Tumblr.

>> No.10335449

You are the one obsessed with Nintendo. I don't own a single Nintendo console

>> No.10335452

Go blog about it on Tumblr.

>> No.10335457

Kill yourself
>the first excellent Final Fantasy

>> No.10335461

Another shitty flamewar thread.
Sage -_-

>> No.10335465

Most people who play jrpgs, in fact most people who play FF games cite FF7 as one of the easiest games ever made.

>> No.10335471
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You're not crazy, the game has flaws and while I don't see the combat as slow, boring or bad and think random encounters are fine there's a lot more to it.
First off you gotta remember this game was for lack of a better term, extremely cinematic and despite not having the best story even for the series the way it was told was pretty damn revolutionary for the genre and kind of set the standard for future games.
This is also why it stuck with so many for so long because for a lot of people this was the first time they saw a game that felt like something more than a simple game, wasn't the first but definitely one of the biggest and best.

Short point is game is good, always will be but it doesn't have such a huge wow factor it used to have.

>> No.10335476

Timed hits are lame. Go play a real action game if that's what you want. RPG combat should engage with decision making not carnival game gimmicks.
>inclined to start the battle
This is just your weak psychology
>fights are snappy, and generally over with quickly.
This is a good thing but also a trait common in most other notable JRPGs. Final Fantasy 7 in particular has snappy battles that are over quickly.

>> No.10335478

The game doesn't force you to grind and there are good strategies to defeat the two most dangerous weapons. If you don't use these strategies, they'll be hard even on level 99.
Grinding exists only so that people who don't know how to play can still beat the game. Most jrpgs from the psx era and later don't force you to grind.

>> No.10335487

>FF7 isn't hard either. It's just tedious.
FF7's challenge is what you make of it (like most Final Fantasy games of the era). If you want more challenge, flee from fights and avoid accumulating too much XP and other resources. If you want less challenge, grind more.

>> No.10335493

>This is just your weak psychology
I can't imagine a bigger indication of a "weak psychology" than this post. Your ego has been utterly shattered by someone's gameplay preference being different from yours. You can't fathom people disliking a thing you like. You're a baby.

>> No.10335494

Given that the series remained hugely popular for several entries, I doubt that's the case.

>> No.10335495

I see where you are coming from, but I guess enough people still like the original formulas and don't find them as clunky as others do. FF7 to me is one example where I don't really find much of the arguments in this thread that bad - it's one of the easier jrpgs for me to play. The breath of fire series is one I appreciate but the games put me to sleep when playing them so its not like I love all jrpgs. I haven't actually finished a paper Mario before as I just stop playing part way through, i found the novelty of the features in the battles wore off for me but I've found myself to be hooked on the final fantasy series and I've finished most of them. Shadow hearts did a similar thing of using button timing when attacking but I found it a bit tiresome after a while (and when tired)

>> No.10335496

You can like whatever you want, but it's pretty embarassing for a grown man to be clamouring for Paper Mario.
>the first excellent Final Fantasy
All the previous entries are RPG Maker tier shit.

>> No.10335501

I don't think the science quote is lowbrow, it just smells like dodgy japlish translations to me which to me cracks me up

>> No.10335504

>Waaaaah the gameplay gets in the way of the story!
As always: OP's a faggot.

>> No.10335507
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>despite not having the best story even for the series
After replaying the game last year I'd say the story is better than I remember it being. I'd rate it one of the best videogame stories I've seen (a fairly low bar to be sure, but a relevant bar nonetheless). Easily the best story from mainline Final Fantasy.

>> No.10335509

>projection: the post

>> No.10335513

It's embarrassing for a grown man to be this defensive and assmad over any game.

>> No.10335514

>You're a baby.
>Says the ADHD sped who gets angry when gameplay gets in the way of his Jarpig experience
Makes me wonder why retards like you just don't watch the cutscenes on youtube.

>> No.10335516

I'm not even that anon. I play FF, but you people are retarded.

>> No.10335520


>> No.10335525

No, I don't care if he likes Paper Mario. You are the one assblasted over a simple observation.
If he (you) is (are) so bothered by JRPG encounters that he needs a cheap gimmick to entice you to engage with battle, consider that maybe the problem is him not the genre.

>> No.10335537

Yes, and just rolling through the wilderness with nothing happening IS immersive. You're retarded.
>no way of knowing about or reacting to.
If you aren't expecting a random encounter after your first area, you're retarded. As for options; most JRPGs give you the option to flee, and later game options to avoid combat entirely. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
>That is good design how?
Because just wandering the world without anything happening is boring. This shit goes all the way back to the 70s in early editions of D&D, where random encounters originate. These also aren't FF7 things, these are JRPG things. Random encounters don't deincentivize exploration unless you're a fucking retard; you need the money and XP they give to level up your characters. Random encounters serve a crucial purpose in regards to how in game economy works. The other games you mentioned are just an alternative, but with the exception of Chrono Cross where level is tied to boss fights, all of them require you to engage in enemy encounters to progress effectively.
>Video games are or should be all about interactivity
You're retarded. Random battles are reactive interactivity; the games you cited as "better" are proactive. Both are forms of interactivity, you're just trying to dishonestly intellectualize why you don't like one. Faggot, go choke on a dick.

>> No.10335539

The modern video game generation is so alien to the concept of gameplay that they get mad at ---JRPG--- gameplay of all things.

Let that sink in for a moment. Jesus, when did video games turn out so wrong?

>> No.10335549

Youtube and Twitch

>> No.10335559
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It's not even in the top 10 best PS1 JRPGs and I hate how much attention it got over better, more innocent and holistic games

>> No.10335562

By making it fun to play.

>> No.10335570
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Guardian Heroes as well

>> No.10335571

>It's not even in the top 10 best PS1 JRPGs
It's definitely in the top 10 and quite reasonable to be considered number 1.
I'm sure your favorites have unique features that you love but a game needs more than that to be considered the best.

>> No.10335594
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>number 1
If you don't care about your game being fun to play, well-written, nice to listen to and look at, and if you can stomach some cursed blend of dieselpunk and Nomura (the guy who can't even resist giving Hamitic 40-year-olds a gay emo haircut) for 50+ hours, just to defeat a generic evil angel who completely fizzles out towards the end. Otherwise no

>> No.10335598

>>slow, mindnumbing turn based combat
You're exagerating a lot, normal animations are fast paced. Special attacks are a little slower, but you aren't going to use them in all battles. You also fail to understand that we were coming from 2d games with tiny sprites and often statics enemies. Part of the charm of the battles was the spectacle, the cool animations for the summons, the limit attacks, the camera movements... But if you play it years later, it doesn't have the same impact. The materia system also allows a significative amount of customization.
>random encounters discouraging from exploration (when many games of that era already figured out better systems, like SaGa, Grandia, Chrono games, etc.)
Fair point, but the game is designed around random combats. You can already see the chests, the different paths, the levels aren't huge labyrinths... It's not as if you're going to spend your time doing pixel hunting while fights keep appearing, at least that's not the general rule.
>arbitrary minigames
They're a welcome change and add variety to the game. They're never too hard either. One of the good things about FF7 is how well paced it is.
>The story and writing isn't exactly making up for it so far
They were excellent at the time and they're still enjoyable if you take into account that the game is obviously aimed at young people. Compared to 16 bits jrpgs, FF7 had a more ambitious plot with some clever twists and more defined characters. Even the creator of Baldur's Gate 2 rewrote his game after playing FF7, because his characters were originally too plain and simple compared to the FF7 cast.

>> No.10335621

>better, more innocent and holistic games
Name 10.

>> No.10335624

>You mean when the games started getting worse?
because it's much harder to make a good game when you actually have to do gameplay and can't just dazzle people with funky cutscenes and special effects

>> No.10335636

It's not even the best FF on PS1. 9 makes it look like shit

>> No.10335642

The gameplay is fine, granted that it does require a patience that seems lost in order to play those kinds of games.

I personally like it more than the "thrash around like a coked-up raccoon" battle system the remake has.

>> No.10335643

Why is your prose so...gay?

>> No.10335645

'ATB' means that you must make quick decisions because enemies aren't going to stop attacking. It also means that characters with more speed will get extra turns instead of just attacking first.
'Materia' refers to a system that allows you to link different elements to armors or weapons in order to give you yourself elemental affinities, being able to use a magic in all your allies, automatically activate a magic in case one of your character falls, gain extra commands...
Why would you shitpost about a game that you don't even want to understand?

>> No.10335649

That sure is a list of 10

>> No.10335651

>The genre was born with combat and will die with combat
Then why is the combat so bad and simplistic?

>> No.10335662

By doing what differently?
Seems like it.

>> No.10335672

It’s an abstraction born from table top rpgs, fucking moron. It’s obvious you’re just here to yell and scream like a child, which is why you can’t even uderstand or appreciate the combat mechanics in rpgs.

>> No.10335676

>87 posts by this ID

>> No.10335679

i literally only ever played it because i wanted to larp as the cool guy with the big ass sword
story, sound, and graphics were cool
gameplay was nothing special

>> No.10335683

>It’s an abstraction born from table top rpgs
Then why don't they have the same complexity as games true to the tabletop like NWN or ToMEE?

>which is why you can’t even uderstand or appreciate the combat mechanics in rpgs.
I love the RPG combat mechanics when they're done well. JA2 is one of my favorite games, no JRPG or even SRPG ever came close to that.

>> No.10335697

How do you find that info?

>> No.10335701


>> No.10335703

this post reeks of elderly bitter matsuno purist

>> No.10335704

X-Com fit on a PSX, so how is that an excuse?

>> No.10335708

X-com is only a fraction as complex as tabletop RPGs. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.10335712
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Scone still doesn’t have the amount of options as tabeltop rpgs by a wet mile. You’re so fucking stupid, wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.10335713

Pretty sure you’re just a troll I’m not responding to your retardation, god bless you, anon.

>> No.10335718

I think I only mastered a single materia when playing FFVII when I mostly went down the story path. You need to do a lot of side questing to get a lot of materia mastered. I also made sure to use equipment that didn't inhibit my materia growth.

>> No.10335724

You should have easily mastered at the very least one All materia. You have to aggressively ignore all side content and rush to the end to avoid that. or just to be dumb to equip it.

>> No.10335730

That’s really my only gripe, not enough end game battles. Sure there’s the weapons but grinding those fucking things outside of mideel really fucking sucks dick. I really need to start that mod that makes enemies harder on each disc, why also fixing the magic defense and spirit bug. I might also change up the enemies on the 3rd disc but just that, nothing else.

>> No.10335731

Calm down. It's just video games.

>> No.10335732

Final Poopasy

>> No.10335738

Also maybe making the northern crater exitable. Any input anons?

>> No.10335742

>Also maybe making the northern crater exitable. Any input anons?
You can already exit the Northern Crater, dipshit.

>> No.10335743
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No, it really isn't. If you can fit a million drawn out battle animations, you can fit 100kb worth of rules.
Tabletop RPG rules are just a set of simple equations. The exact thing that computers are really good and efficient at.

Another example is Realms of Arkania. This is a game made by autistic Germans who perfectly recreated the complete rule set of an even more autistic German tabletop (The Dark Eye). It came on floppies and ran on a machine with 512kb RAM.
The game literally has rules and stats to keep track of how well you can carouse.

>> No.10335746

>call someone else a retarded little baby
>is a 40 year old man throwing insults and typing a whole paragraph in caps

shave, go to the gym, ask a lady out on a date - it's not too late yet

>> No.10335750

Not after a certain point, a point where the best endgame enemies are. Most people are barely level 57 when they beat the game, because the third disc only really has one enemy outside of mideel that’s worth grinding, unless the lower part of the northern crater was excitable and/or there were harder enemies around the world.

>> No.10335760
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>Final Fantasy
>Final Fantasy 2
>Final Fantasy 3
>Final Fantasy 4
>Final Fantasy 5
>Final Fantasy 6
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Final Fantasy 9
>Final Fantasy 10
>Final Fantasy 11

>> No.10335764

The only bad FF7 games are the ones not released in 1997.

>> No.10335770

That’s a non argument. Accept the L. The fact is, that you or the DM can do an infinite amount of combinations that are still not possible in rpg games. There is no rebuttal, dwarf fortress still doesn’t come close to tabletop experiences. It’s not even debatable, my guy and I don’t even play table top rpgs, I’m just not a moron

>> No.10335778

>my guy
you have to go back

>> No.10335780

Not an argument, my guy

>> No.10335782

>That’s a non argument. Accept the L. The fact is, that you or the DM can do an infinite amount of combinations that are still not possible in rpg games.
Which was never my argument. You're the one sperging about tabletops.
CRPGs had much more complex combat systems on much weaker systems.

Your idea that FF7 combat is so simplistic is because of machine limitations is laughable.
Games with much more complex combat systems existed on the same exact platform.

>> No.10335783
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In terms of presentation it is up there, I personally prefer the SNES titles stories but they definitely are less engaging than 7 was. I think it's for sure one of the better ones despite 8-tards thinking it's the best video game story ever or 9-fags defending a solid but not very good story as amazing. 7 still holds up as better than pretty much every single game after it.

>> No.10335790

>No, it really isn't.
Yes, it is. You only think this way because you're a nogames faggot who's never actually done any TTRPG gaming, where rules can span length longer than encyclopedias and the options for what you can do are limited only by your imagination and what the DM will allow. By definition a computer game has limited options, because each option has to be coded, and the ways you can use each option are further limited, while actual TTRPG play allows for variation and improvisation that even the most robust computer game can't support. This is not a matter of coding the rules, but of rules interpretation and no computer can support that the way a DM can. Even games that do code most/all rules from a given system do not approach the level of complexity actual tabletop play can reach.
I've left the Northern Crater from right before you drop down to fight Jenova.
top kek

>> No.10335796

Final fantasy 7 has mid tier rpg mechanics. Definitely not basic with the materia system. Have you ever messed around with all the combinations in the materia system? Besides that your argument was towards the genre itself being boring and simplistic, go read your own reply, dipshit. And my response was, the history of rpgs spoon fed into your tiny little zoomer brain. And then you moved the goalpost and I proved you wrong in every way now you’re moving the goalpost again to just ff7 us simplistic when people are still finding new materia combinations? You just have nothing to offer. You’re a nothing person m, always taking away by adding negatives.

>> No.10335802

There's no actual point in talking about JRPGs and how easily they could be improved.
The fanbase doesn't actually care about playing a game with engaging or tactical gameplay, or having an interesting or well told story, they just want interactive anime drivel.
There are countless RPGs over the past 40 years that completely eclipse any JRPG on any front. Story, writing, battle system, characters, setting, immersion, stat crunching, all of it. They'll never play them, they get mad when you bring them up, and their arguments will always devole into "WELL JUST LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS!"
Stop wasting your time and effort and just let them play their dumb melodramatic anime shit that literally hasn't evolved since 1985

>> No.10335809

>you can do are limited only by your imagination and what the DM will allow.
Nigger, I have no idea what you're talking about but it has nothing to do with what I'm saying.

I'm not claiming that RPGs can have a perfect AI recreation of an actual human DM. I don't know why you'd think that.
What I am saying is that a PS1 game can have combat as complex as a game that ran on an 80s home computer.

>> No.10335819

> I've left the Northern Crater from right before you drop down to fight Jenova.
Wtf. Why do I remember you can’t get back out earlier? That’s so fucking strange. Well I guess that makes my mind easier to make in any case.

>> No.10335830

Kek, no that wasn’t your argument you just moved the goalpost and are trying to win through shitty tactics. You lost bitch. Stop trying to push the argument away fro. Your original point you’re doing a horrible job

>> No.10335874

You have to get to the point where everyone rejoins you before you can leave.

>> No.10335881

You claimed in no uncertain terms that XCom is as complex as TTRPGs. Eat shit you two-faced cock gargling liar.

>> No.10335893

Right, I totally dont remember that. Fuck I just replayed it not too long ago maybe a couple years, whatever. Thanks for clarifying anon

>> No.10335898

>I personally prefer the SNES titles stories
>FF4: Fakes you out on 3 separate occasions making you think characters are dying, only for them to show up later perfectly happy
>FF5: What story?
>FF6: A dozen characters to hide that none of them have any depth
The games don't just have a reputation for being "RPG Maker" because of the graphics; the writing is also on-par with something a 13 year old would produce. FF7 was the first one with competent and memorable storytelling.

>> No.10335924

As the rule set of a table top RPG, not a whole session with human-like AIs from the future involved, you moron.
You know the thing that fits on a booklet?
You know the thing that games like NWN, ToMEE, RoA implement?
You know the things I was actually talking about?

It's not that complicated. Take your xanax and calm down and you just might be able to follow.

>> No.10335939

Nice backpedal, faggot.

>> No.10335947

I don't think this one's bait. Seems like a good jumping-off point for a discussion.

>> No.10336134

But it has become the standard, just took way too long. Random encounters and standard turn-based combat is nigh non-existent in big-budget games now

>> No.10336147
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>characters are either tropes or gay af and unlikeable
>writing is typical Square cringe; run of the mill shonen but with real life issues and science and religious buzzwords thrown in there to impress brainlets
>can't fight when you want and have to run in circles and wait for the RNG
>can't explore how you want and have to deal with random fights which are glorified loading times (only boss fights are threatening, everything else is a waste of time)
Everyone defending this series is a moron.

>> No.10336152
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>>writing is typical Square cringe

>> No.10336162
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4 is the weakest for sure but I have a soft spot for it

5 is a very simple story but it has great characters and it's overall very entertaining despite it's simplicity

6 is pretty much the opposite of 5 but again still very entertaining and while half the characters are fairly forgettable the main ones are good enough to carry the story

Don't hold these up as the best stories in gaming but they are the FF games I feel had the most entertaining stories, although I do believe every game did something better than others including the ones I don't really care for, namely 2, 3 and 8's stories.

>> No.10336170

>>FF6: A dozen characters to hide that none of them have any depth
I mean you are a window licking retard if you think VII characters have "depth". At least 6 gives you a fun variety

>> No.10336171

>The games don't just have a reputation for being "RPG Maker" because of the graphics
They don't have that reputation to begin with, stop making shit up

>> No.10336181
File: 483 KB, 640x647, i-think-i-know-why-vii-is-my-favorite-v0-08o7tp8pfzya1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 was truly ahead of its time. At least when it comes to eco insanity and crossdressing. Not so much gameplay

>> No.10336225

>Maybe because it's specifically this one that is called one of the best games and hyped to the heavens and back.
This is solely because of SE marketing which is so good it's close to brainwashing. Even developers act like FF is that big JRPG trailblazer when the truth is it's one of the most inconsistent series and always late to the party. X-II still had a static camera, random encounters and slow ass turns in 2003.

>> No.10336276

>>can't fight when you want and have to run in circles and wait for the RNG
Wild Arms games solve this nicely. You can just "parry" encounters if you want, at the cost of something I think

>> No.10336361

this. It's a good game but hilariously overrated, and I got filtered in my most recent playthrough a couple years ago by those faggy golems and rage quit. Not playing that slop again ANY time soon.

>> No.10336387

That dialogue sounds like a Woolseyism to me. Is it true?

>> No.10336528

The second line isn't real.

>> No.10336552

Trannycord raid thread.

>> No.10336563

You're not crazy. Even back then there are many skeptical people that found FFVII incredibly overrated while praising the graphics/atmosphere (the only good parts of this game). And yeah, even from story aspect it's your average cyberpunk scifi anime. On the contrary Grandia 1 for same console impressed me much more from all aspects (even if it's not as impressive looking as FF7) and it's my favorite rpg.

Besides the graphics/atmosphere, the only good thing about FF7 is that along with Pokemon they popularized jrpgs to the West.

>> No.10336678
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That guy is a troll parroting generic lazy criticisms that likely aren't even his own but yes the FFVII characters have depth, and definitely more depth than any SNES title including VI. You're welcome to attempt to convince me otherwise but I pretty much guarantee you will fail.
>filtered by a boss fight in Chrono Trigger
please tell me this is bait
The SNES games have simple+fun stories that work really well for the format. They aren't deep but aren't meant to be. And IV isn't nearly as weak as try-hard pseuds claim. It's a story for 8-13 year old boys and yes when you are not a jaded liberal arts failure, presumed-dead Rydia showing up at the darkest moment to help you whip Golbez and send him packing, fucking rules. Only pseuds opine about feeling "cheated" or some other bullshit lit crit meant for more serious works.

>> No.10337030

>defending invisible creatures and a completely barren of life jpg world

>> No.10337078
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Yes I am

>> No.10337086

I don't understand how random encounters were acceptable at the same time it was decided JRPGs were supposed to have good music.

>This dungeon music is pretty c--WOOOOSH

The amount of time/money that could've been saved instead of having those minigames seems significant. Could've been used to address other issues such as, I dunno, the bugs, incomplete side content, the fact that the non-combat models are of blocks and we're supposed to empathize with the characters in the story. Oh, and the translation/localization...

I'm not saying the remake is flawless, but it was absolutely necessary.

>> No.10337101

Pretentious drivel.

>> No.10337103

>You haven't played JRPGs much do you?
Not an argument.
Yes, but for the presentation, not the gameplay.
There are 2 challenging bosses in FF7. You posted one of them. And by the way, you can beat them by an exploit or overleveling (grinding).
>most JRPGs give you the option to flee, and later game options to avoid combat entirely
This doesn't solve the problem of it breaking immersion.>>10335537
>This shit goes all the way back to the 70s in early editions of D&D, where random encounters originate. These also aren't FF7 things, these are JRPG things.
Just because other games did it doesn't mean all games have to do it.
>Chrono Cross
If you're a CC fan, you're helping me confirm my suspicion that CC fans are mentally ill.

>> No.10337107
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>> No.10337109

God shut up...

>> No.10337117

>Addressing objective problems such as bugs and localization is pretentious drivel.

>> No.10337128

Have you ever made a game? Totally worth the bump btw.

>> No.10337132

>I'm not saying the remake is flawless
Considering it's a burning tire fire I would say it's far from flawless.
It doesn't break immersion, you're just fucking retarded. Random encounters tie into the worldbuilding in showing you that it is a dangerous world and you are traveling in dangerous places. As I pointed out before, NOT having things happen during travel is immersion breaking, if you had a thought in that empty fucking head. Your argument is false on the face of it and disingenuous.
>Just because other games did it doesn't mean all games have to do it.
Brainless fuckwit, people have been doing this since before you were born. Consider for a second in that boiled pea you call a brain that it might have a reason for it's lasting use. This doesn't just exist without reason, it serves functions for worldbuilding, economy, and leveling; games are built this way for a reason and you aren't smarter than the people who made these games.
>If you're a CC fan
No fucking clue how you jumped to that conclusion, but CC is literally what you cited as "good" design, so by your own logic, the mentally ill one is you.

>> No.10337147
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>> No.10337178

Wait, are you fucking kidding me? The game actually lets you climb out, and re-explore the world with the loot you get down there, but only after that point? Absolutely fuck me.

>> No.10337225

Damn, these mongs were filtered by the random battles in FF7 of all things? You are like babby. Play Phantasy Star II, kid.

>> No.10337243
File: 421 KB, 1436x993, Turn Back at this screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, IIRC everyone rejoins you at this screen, so you can pop the Save Crystal here and then turn back.

>> No.10337268

Jenova should be the final boss. Sephiroth is your typical anime villain and I don't like how he's the one in control of Jenova cells.
Japanese can't write good fiction.

>> No.10337304

Jenova being the final boss is the cliche
Sephiroth being an insane science experiment gone wrong reading nazi propaganda in his dad's basement, malding in the middle of a crater in the middle of nowhere because some gay crossdressing twink stabbed him is the subversion

i prefer sephiroth being the big bad because he was pathetic as fuck and wrong about everything
its only all the compilation stuff that kept making him more anime and more sinister when in game he was a dying retard in a hole
a silver haired yamcha

>> No.10337349
File: 44 KB, 899x677, Capturz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what op wanted FF7 to be

>> No.10337584

> random encounters and turn based combat in FFVI or FFIX. The actual games you’re not allowed to criticize.
everyone complains about the random encounters every step in FFVI and the slow-ass battles in FFIX. IX is my favourite and the slowness is always what makes me hesitant to replay it

>> No.10337591

man that config option looks fun

>> No.10337687

>Not an argument.
you don't get to demand an argument if the first criticism of a classic JRPG is random encounters. shut the fuck up molyneux.
>Yes, but for the presentation, not the gameplay.
Yes it did, it streamlined a lot of elements of the genre giving room for experimentation and customization. Not falling into the pits of either grinding or weakness exploitation.
>There are 2 challenging bosses in FF7. You posted one of them. And by the way, you can beat them by an exploit or overleveling (grinding).
Fake News:
Demon Wall, Carry Armor, Red Dragon, Bottomswell, Hojo and the final boss are mandatory battles that can fuck your ass going unprepared.
Not every player unlocked KotR or Ultima or even unlocked the final weapons for his main party characters.

>Sephiroth being an insane science experiment gone wrong reading nazi propaganda in his dad's basement, malding in the middle of a crater in the middle of nowhere because some gay crossdressing twink stabbed him is the subversion

Holy fucking shit. kill yourself zoomer, this culture war shit didn't even existed back in 1997

>> No.10337750

So basically, what OP wants is unironically FF7R kek

>> No.10337812

holy kek

>> No.10337814
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R just makes everything even gayer and cringier

>> No.10338038

Not an argument, you don't even understand the premises properly.

>> No.10338054
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>nazi propaganda
Rent free

>> No.10338059

>damn, you got filtered by licking a thousand envelopes?
No. It's just boring.

>> No.10338087

>It doesn't break immersion, you're just fucking retarded. Random encounters tie into the worldbuilding in showing you that it is a dangerous world and you are traveling in
Yeah it really drew me into the world when I was running around midgar fighting magical houses that never actually exist in the world, or when I defeated a a fucking sentient motorcycle hanging out with a gopher on the world map.
What complete retardation.

>> No.10338092

Why is your way of typing so...gay?

>> No.10338182

>This fantasy setting is TOO unbelievable!

>> No.10338207

>I'm almost 40.

>> No.10338239

No, there weren't. FFVII was universally praised and Grandia was a niche title that hardly anyone looked at.

>> No.10338256

That's not the only solution, but yeah these guys rip off the more original games without ripping off all the best practices somehow.

>> No.10338317

I don't see anything this game does exceptionally well and I never saw anyone explain it. It's just a blonde 'badass' bishonen protagonist with a comically big sword fighting an edgelord with a fucking katana. Just looks like something kids would love to me and that's it.

>> No.10338547

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.10338574 [DELETED] 

How about you go play it and form your own opinion of wanting someone or a Youtuber to spoonfeed you why you should/shouldn't "get" it instead of coming here just bemoan some inane opinion.

>> No.10338582

How about, instead of coming here just bemoan some inane statement, you go PLAY it and form your own opinion of instead wanting someone or a Youtuber to spoonfeed you why you should/shouldn't "get" it.
What a concept!

>> No.10338665

>mosey status: let's not

>> No.10338672

Because that was worth the bump.

>> No.10339102

It was made by Square. No universe in which those guys figure out game design. You beat bosses via QTE in XVI.

>> No.10339762

FF9 is terrible in terms of exploration. Like most FF exept 12.

>> No.10340940

It has soul and love for detail everywhere. More detail than most games today

>> No.10341438

>FF9 is terrible in terms of exploration.
I know that's why I offered that to OP.
You don't get to bitch about random encounters in FF7 until you've endured FF9

>> No.10342443

>Final Fantasy

>> No.10342457

X to win slop

>> No.10343196

that's most menu combat games

>> No.10344060

not every game needs good gameplay, unironically

>> No.10344295

FF7 isn't made for JRPG fans though

>> No.10344307

DMC sucks

>> No.10345595

A game so brilliant you should fast forward it

>> No.10345597

Well I didn't end up getting Yuffie or Vincent.

>> No.10345621

i always forget to make a save file right as i get out of midgar so i can start my next playthrough there

i fucking hate doing midgar when i replay

>> No.10346485

Said no heterosexual person ever

>> No.10346512

Really? I enjoy going through shinra hq. It's just a nice atmosphere, then you get caught and put in jail and BAM a sephiroth clone fucking breaks in and kills hella people, Ripping jenovas mutilated body from its biomech stand as blood and fluids spill everywhere. Fucking amazing

>> No.10347369

>then you get caught and put in jail and BAM a sephiroth clone fucking breaks in and kills hella people, Ripping jenovas mutilated body from its biomech stand as blood and fluids spill everywhere
this sounds metal af. you want to watch Naruto Shippuuden in dscord with me?

>> No.10347552

>This was really the start of movie games
Final Fantasy 6 was pure movie game. It never went more than 15 minutes without showing you another action set piece because RPG shit is for faggot nerds cool kids want explosions and roller coasters. When you get to the real RPG mechanics half of it doesn't even work because of shitty coding but that doesn't matter when the difficulty is lower than pokemon so nobody notices

>> No.10347889

millenials first JRPG

>> No.10348874

>slow, mindnumbing turn based combat
>make fights very fast
It's easy to forget FF7 combat was considered fast-paced at the time.

>> No.10350934

you gotta heal sometimes

>> No.10351648
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I went back to replay FF7 for the first time in years and I got to Zack's hometown and kind of stopped.

>> No.10351932

>It's easy to forget FF7 combat was considered fast-paced at the time.
It still is, compared to similar turn-based games. It's not the fastest possible since all actions are still fully animated (old school Wizardry and Might&Magic battles could go much faster). But FF7 is objectively fast. It's also pretty easy to run away (although FF4 is the only one that really made escaping trivial for most random encounters)
>inb4 point-missing "ATB isn't turn-based" dipshittery
>When I want to explore I want to explore
The issue is that exploration gets boring if there's no risk or cost. I'm not saying the periodic interruptions from Final Fantasy's random encounter mechanics are always great but one reason for the success of the franchise was the simplicity of the formula.

>> No.10352213
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Another anon here, so if you're looking to do a fresh playthrough and get everything without over leveling until the last possible moment to fight superbosses etc, then you should do the main story etc all the way to this point so that you can get the most fancy optional endgame materia like mega-all and use it for places like gelnika etc right? Also, random question, what on earth does the Shield materia do? Any other super rare lategame materia nobody really talks about?

>> No.10352218

It has great music and cool art and an interesting setting. The gameplay itself is completely mediocre, dwarfed by so many other games. Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG is way more fun.

>> No.10352504

>and cool art and an interesting setting
Generic dieselpunk and Nomura ladyboys aren't good art

>> No.10352935

>what on earth does the Shield materia do? Any other super rare lategame materia nobody really talks about?
It puts you on Peerless status, which is basically immunity for a few turns.
Only that Materia and Aeris Limit L4 give you that.
It works the same as Invincibility like in FF8

>> No.10352979

>so if you're looking to do a fresh playthrough and get everything without over leveling until the last possible moment to fight superbosses etc, then you should do the main story etc all the way to this point so that you can get the most fancy optional endgame materia like mega-all and use it for places like gelnika etc right?
I don't understand what you mean by fresh playthrough.
Gelnika is not a super-dungeon. It has some dangerous encounters, but the final dungeon has arguably worse encounters at certain sections than the Gelnika.
FF7 only has 2 super-bosses & the battle-arena as challenges.
The rest are side-quests.

I guess if you wanna experience "A fresh playthrough", you can a straight casual play doing just the main story, beat the final boss, load game and then do the extra stuff like Weapons, Forest of the Ancients, Chocobo's, Final Weapons, Battle Arena, Limit L4. Some of the Final Weapons & Side-Quests are Misseable though.
I would approach this by having multiple save files, depending how close you wanna be to 100% the game, I don't think that you would be interested in doing the Turtle Paradise quest, I've never ever did that one and I used to play the game at least once a year in the past.

>> No.10353016 [DELETED] 

>Never got all the turtle paradise flyers
I bet you never did all the fort condor missions either, what a wannabe poser loser, faggot nigger

>> No.10353129

>I bet you never did all the fort condor missions either
that I did, fort condor is kino.

>> No.10353137 [DELETED] 
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>what a wannabe poser loser, faggot nigger
also, calm down nigger faggot retard YWNBAW

>> No.10353158

You don't see actual random encounters (where your characters are traversing the world and the DM rolls a die after every few in-game hours to see if you fight something) if you're doing them traditionally in an actual tabletop RPG and like many gameplay choices it's a carryover from that. I think FFXIV had the right idea though of making it more than just straight combat encounters when it came to FATEs, but it waaaaaay too little too late. Breath of Fire 2 did have those weird things where instead of just a combat encounter it took you to a whole nother map while you were on the world map, and I think random encounters could benefit from more ideas like that where it's not always just combat encounters.

>> No.10353491 [DELETED] 

/sci/ posters agree that female pelvises should be even wider than they already are. Women should be capable of birthing colossal babies should they even need to.

>> No.10354591 [DELETED] 

Please ban

>> No.10355375

Traditional JRPGs have always been bad. I knew this as a 14 year old weeb obsessed with anything Japanese. Godawful story pacing, godawful grind and godawful combat. Video games for lobotomy patients. The precursor to AAA action-adventure press-F-to-pay-respects slop, in the sense of how widespread the retarded audience was.
No, not every game needs good gameplay, but if I was in the mood for a glorified VN I'd pick one that wasn't a waste of time.

>> No.10355460 [DELETED] 
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i think the male one looks a bit more dumb and the female one a bit more malicious this diagram should explain my reasoning

>> No.10355508

You could avoid the whole onions meltdown by just admitting that japs are bugs who like to watch numbers go up over and over again.

>> No.10355512
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Good JRPG combat remembers its roots and doesn't run from them.

From Wizardry ye were born and to Wizardry thou shalt return.

>> No.10355521

>Final Fantasy 7 in particular has snappy battles that are over quickly.
You are a fucking liar. FFVII has these big irritating drawn-out sweeps of enemy design and your party at every encounter, much to the PSX's chagrin as it chugs and stutters through the overwrought animations in spite of the banal backgrounds. That's not even touching on the summon animations, and summons become extremely common as the game goes on.

We know why they did that too. It was a graphics flex. FFVII was always a TECH DEMO before anything else. FFVIII was probably closer to what they wanted FFVII to be, and FFIX was the "OH SHIT GO BACK GO BACK" once they realized what they'd done.

Then FFX was a tech demo again.

I don't hate the series but it's clearly designed with the player's experience during gameplay as the very last priority until, idk, XIII they really tried to do something new and have continued to fuck it up in XV and XVI.

Not counting MMOs for obvious reasons.

>> No.10355754

holy mother of cope, FFIX was designed as a fucking SPINOFF you nonce. They only made it into a main series title when they were running low on budget. IX fags consistently don't realize it was a "throwback" game, a once off to pander to a bit of nostalgia before forever moving onto what VII changed the series into, and it was never meant to be more than that. It's a good game and all, but not what was envisioned for FF past VII. You want to see a black mage in a tall hat shoot fire 3s at dudes for all eternity just in better graphics each time, let it the fuck go.

>> No.10356027

>holy mother of cope, FFIX was designed as a fucking SPINOFF you nonce.
I really, really hate how Square Enix decides on a whim what is Final Fantasy want what isn't. Makes this whole series feel like a soulless clusterfuck. Xenogears was supposed to be FF too but then they considered it too dark, gave Takahashi free reign but cut funding

This whole company is aids

>> No.10357942
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>> No.10358498
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It's an interactive (bad) movie

>> No.10358508

What other games do you get to have a slap fight on a giant canon barrel, during an apocalyptic event with a giant meteor hurling towards the earth?

>> No.10358652

Whats wrong with that?
are you fucking saying thats bad? wew lad thats a new low anon, even for a virgin like us

>> No.10358659

G&W version when?

>> No.10358672

(and with 2 hot women of different age groups)

>> No.10358683

Was there ever official artwork for scarlet?

>> No.10358749

is this a qte or what's going on?

>> No.10358805

>dieselpunk and Nomura ladyboys
>implying any of this is generic
Lol anon, pls.

>> No.10359909
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>hyperfeminine anime boys aren't generic today
>le pipes and gears and ladders and steam everywhere isn't generic

>> No.10359949

Just a mini game with super-simple mechanics, I think it's almost impossible to lose the point is humor.

>> No.10359959

I cannot believe you thought that was worth the bump, Redditor.

>> No.10359974

FF7 doesn't have big irritating drawn-out sweeps, just a short establishing pan. You are thinking of FF9. FF7's transitions are a little slower than FF4, FF5 and Chrono Trigger but only by 2ish seconds and the ATB itself flows quickly and much more smoothly than FF6.

>> No.10359980

Shut the fuck up. This thread should have died days ago but didn't because of faggots, so eat shit.

>> No.10359987

I bet you are the same faggot that made the SOTC thread.
Nintendo lost.

>> No.10360060
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Lmao nigga generic ladyboys have been a staple of anime since the 80's. It's just the nature of the nips, but yeah weebshit now is worse than ever and you'll never get another mad bull 34 or even an Area 88 that doesn't suck shit.

>> No.10360424

>Nintendo lost.
They're the only ones staying loyal to themselves and still being hypersuccessful

>> No.10360450

Who are you even directing your anger at, retard nigger?

>> No.10360452

Because that was worth the bump.

>> No.10360678

DMC is fujocore

>> No.10361218

the insane irony of saying this about dmc in a final faggotry thread

>> No.10361290

Anon, that's not what happened. Sephiroth took control of Jenovas body when he realized Cloud was imprisoned in the building and saw it as the perfect time to start his plan (which required Cloud).

He busted out of the tank and shape shifted (a Jenova ability she used on the ancients) Jenova's body into a doppelganger of his own.

That's why you fight Jenovas when you run into Sephiroth throughout the game he's tearing pieces off the main body to attack you with, that's what drops before the Jenova Life fight.

>> No.10362256

(a) The faggot board rat (You) bitching about a thread bump after a mere 15 minutes of decay with a simple answer to an honest question after some real discussion had broken out in this otherwise shit thread. Kill yourself.
(b) This thread is indeed overflowing with absolute garbage, gutter-tier comments from complete retards. 10342443, 10343196, 10343196, 10344060, 10347552. If you added up the IQ of all those posters you still wouldn't clear room temperature. The board could have better FF7 threads for sure. (Although with all the 6th gen zoomers plaguing /vr/ now, it's much less likely).

>> No.10362762

I love how they just throw random Jewish words into their Ultima clones to make them seem deep to idiots

>> No.10362770

Ff7 is babby's first jarpig
Most overrated game of all time

>> No.10362778

It'll be 2050 and people will still irrationally defend FF7 as if it didn't ruin like three different genres simultaneously.

>> No.10363065

SE as a whole is a blight on video games

>> No.10363075

They use Norse mythology too, get over it

>> No.10363626

You are thinking of FFIV

>> No.10363628
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>that gif

>> No.10364235

9 deserves the love so much more than 7

>> No.10365396

>the absolute state

>> No.10365410

9 is OK but 7 is better in most respects.

>> No.10365485

SE sure but Square made 7. SE exists purely so the bigger of the 2 (enix) could kill off their biggest rival by not making a single good game in the square franchises since the merger, meanwhile Dragons Quest has done nothing but get bigger and maybe slightly better.

>> No.10365754

>Why is the gameplay so...bad?
Turnbased jrpg

>> No.10365882

such as...

>> No.10366419


>> No.10366431

Another tendie seething over PS1 games

>> No.10366484

There cast is far superior, from the mains to the supporting, even the side characters in 7 are better. Instead of The Turks, in 9 you have zorn and thorn. As much as you might hate Cait Sith, Quina and Amarant are both worse. The Tantalus troupe is good but for how much screentime they get, could have been better.

7 combat blows 9 out of the water this one isn't even close.

Materia system for all its flaws is still better than the awkward 'unlock abilities from gear' system in 9. Disappointing too because usually I prefer fixes class games. But 9 makes it unnecessarily gay.

9s art style is nice in some ways, great palette and lots of creativity but also a lot of shit just looks stupid, like Steiner. 7 is more consistent and less try-hard.

I like the music in 9 a little better maybe but both games are A+ on music.

>> No.10366635

The materia system I do enjoy far more than 9's but there is nothing really wrong with 9's. It sounds stupid on paper but in execution it never bothered me even once.
5 still has the best combat of the entire series.

>> No.10366816

>The materia system
>le materia system
Stop saying this like it's anything special, deep or fun and not just an intentionally intricate way to assign abilities

>> No.10367618

Nobody "said it like" anything, you are imagining things. It's just the easiest way to refer to FF7's system for learning abilities and customizing characters. FF5 has a job system.

>> No.10367865 [DELETED] 

9 is less popular just because 8 shat the bed and it killed the hype for it
Final Fantasy got hyped because of the novelty of PS2 graphics, but FFX arguably shat the bed too

>> No.10367869

9 is less popular just because 8 shat the bed and killed the hype for the franchise
Final Fantasy got hyped because of the novelty of PS2 graphics, but FFX arguably shat the bed too

>> No.10368576
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The way materia works in 7 is unique to that game, it's no different than saying 8 has the draw system. Mechanic would be a interchangeable term for it. I never said it was particularly deep or special but it is how 7 did it and I enjoy it myself. Perhaps you should take the cock out of your ass and chill for a bit before you say some retarded shit.

>> No.10369390

The superbosses are the one remotely challenging part of FF7

>> No.10370243

There are very few people that have played through the game that didn't lose to Carry Armor. Sephiroth is a pain if you're underleveled too. Lost Number as well, unless because he's optional you're counting him under "superboss". Very few in a game so long, but when I was a kid I didn't think the game was easy, I just thought I was a genius and that goes for all JRPGs until I got to the internet and saw all you faggots complaining ruining my perception forever.

>> No.10370264

>management management management
Get a job. You don't want to have fun, you want a job. Lots of spreadsheet games in this era, just open an excel sheet and start typing.

>> No.10370272

JRPGs always sucked. Sega Genesis was only in our house for NHL '94 and Madden. Real retro gamers play the sports games, everyone else is a poser/dick rider.

>> No.10370278

This generation loves Pokémon, what are you talking about?

>> No.10370297

JRPGs barely have --gameplay---
with the exception of Pokemon, which is actually fun