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10327928 No.10327928 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from ripping off BioHazard

>> No.10327931

I just pretend the sequels don't exist.

>> No.10327937
File: 2.75 MB, 640x480, PE2 Fountain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10327968

Not much, I liked PE2
My only gripe is the lack of text/story compared to PE1. It's like they waited until the end of the game at the shangrila to dump you with text but it's entirely optional

>> No.10327983

Here are the reasons:
-First entry didn't get European PAL release
-PEII: release date August 25, 2000
Also it wasn't made by capcom, and people back then loved capcom as much as EA SPORTS.

>> No.10328124

1. Should have been PS2 release.
2. Should have been a real sequel instead of hiring the RE1 writer to create a bastardized RE sequel.
3. Focuses too much on visual spectacle of often mundane bullshit.
4. Slow plodding gameplay.
5. Pe1 gameplay was faster, focused on positioning and dodging. Should have expanded upon that.
6. The story and monsters are about transhumanism horrors than mitochondrial ones. The idea is that mito mutants have a lot of energy attacks.
7. The majority of the game is bumfuck nowhere instead of hopping around LA with few npc’s to talk to.
8. Pacing is bad.
9. The stakes of the storyline and disaster are small. In 1 all of nyc was under threat.

>> No.10328157 [DELETED] 

Parasite Eve II tries to make you care about Aya Brea, a cop who works for the FBI and fights mutated creatures with her special powers. But you don’t give a damn about her or anyone else in this game. They are all part of the same compost heap. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else

>> No.10328204

>9. The stakes of the storyline and disaster are small. In 1 all of nyc was under threat.

Incorrect, they were getting ready to take over the world in 2

>> No.10328260

do i need to play them in consecutive order to not spoil the story? I thought people loved PE2...

>> No.10328357

No, they half-ass some huge stakes at the end, but it doesn't work or feel justified. It doesn't help that their elite soldiers get btfo by some marines with m16's and m4 carbines. The high stakes feels tacked on so that it compares to the first game. A killsat is also a now cliche way to raise stakes too.

>> No.10328421

It shouldn’t have been a Parasite Eve game. Also there was way too much backtracking, if they could have added in another area or two, it would have helped the game tremendously. Otherwise it’s a pretty fun game, but I still prefer PE1, and any of the RE games.

>> No.10328467

I did not get to have sex with Aya. Me, personally, the player.

>> No.10328468

We call it Resident Evil, weeb.

>> No.10329771

Replacing 1's unique and fun position based and shmup-inspired combat with the most generic RE shit

Replacing perfectly fine controls with tank controls for some reason

All the character and costume designs and setpieces being less relatable than in 1, everything looking more anime and retarded

The story being even less realistic when 1's story being somewhat realistic with actual science thrown in there is what made it feel somewhat weighty

Worse music, atmosphere, writing and everything else

Not directly based on a novel

>> No.10329810

>Should have been a real sequel

There was never going to be a sequel. Original plan was a spin off action game with Kyle as the MC. The Resident Evil writer is the one who decided to make it a sequel with Aya.

>> No.10329818

Nothing, it's better than the first and one of my favorite ps1 games.

>> No.10330064

>it's better than the first

>> No.10330081

I was disappointed that they turned it into an RE clone when I first started playing it but it's actually a pretty fun game. Prefer it over the classic RE games.

>> No.10330090

Killsat is hardly cliche.
I like how XCOM and Half Life 2 did it.
>With the alien technology, they must have had planetary WMD.
>The fact that we aren't already dead is proof that we're more useful to the aliens alive.
>How are we useful? Leverage that.

>> No.10330481

even for a pseudo RE-Clone, the way aiming works, makes combat clunky as fuck and it pisses me off.

otherwise, it dropped out all the great stuff that made PE1 special, from the music to the gameplay.
They seemed to have tried to find some sort of middle-ground but it still erred on the side of limiting it's scope.
getting rid of energy shot, haste and Liberate for some shitty spells kills a lot of the fun.
The gun play I guess is mostly fine but not having a custom handgun with scatter shot, cyanide poison and freeze rounds shows how far removed is this game from it's predecesor.

>Captcha: AYAjwa

>> No.10330810

I loved the plot about the transhumanist cult and their weird underground zoo/catalog but trying to clumsily tie all that together with Parasite Eve dragged it down. Should have just been its own thing starring Aya as a digital actress like Laura from D.

>> No.10330946
File: 2.74 MB, 640x480, PE2 M249.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree about this. Tieing Aya do the story was the touch too much.

>> No.10331763

Neo Ark needed Aya's genetics to create the project.

>> No.10331774
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This is when the real fun starts, they should have made the default game more difficult so that every feature and spell in the game is utilized, forcing players to learn the game properly, ammo, spell effectiveness, dodging, learning enemy attacks and tells, etc. It becomes a tight challenging game where every fight is fun and challenging because even basic enemies will can kick your ass if you play thoughtlessly.

>> No.10331824

The woman on the cover is so hot
I need an eastern euro gf

>> No.10332168

Aya is the classic design approach of making a Japanese woman and altering her hair and skin tone and just claiming they are that ethnicity.

>> No.10332201

Her mother's name is Mariko so she's at least half Japanese. Especially if she's supposed to be the same Mariko from the novel.

>> No.10332351

Bounty is fun too. The one thing I don't like about Scavenger/Nightmare is how limited weapon distribution is. Killing most things with 9mm guns gets old fast.

>> No.10332516

Yes, squaresoft tried to link the game and the novel, but there are age inconsistencies if I recall correctly

>> No.10332613

Parasite Eve novel is set in the early 90s and Mariko is a little girl. It's physically impossible for that Mariko to be Aya's mother.

>> No.10332623

>Not directly based on a novel
Could have fooled me with how often the writers were going DUDE WE READ "MAN AFTER MAN"

>> No.10332628
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The influence of Man After Man is pretty clear I think

>> No.10333280

man, i agree
it doesn't really bother me much because i enjoy both a lot, but pe2 had more than enough to stand on its own

>> No.10333360

Graphics fag should get the rope.

>> No.10333437
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Yeah, I was referring to the extra modes in general I just didn't have a screen shot of Bounty mode, that's when even basic things like a flash light becomes a very useful tool and the item/inventory system really mattersand attacking enemies with critical hits is also a must since normal attacks do so little damage that you need the right weapon/spell/ammo on the right enemy.
It makes the enemies into a non joke, because a bio weapon creature that gets taken down by one clip from a handgun is kind of silly but enemies that can kill a human in a second and take a shitload of rounds to take down feels more accurate to the story.

>> No.10334030
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I just like to imagine the volunteers who agreed to get turned into these things.

>> No.10334063

I'm surprised Square never attempt to revive the series, I know the third game killed the series hard but that is no excuse for not porting them to modern consoles

I assume it has something to do with copyrights

>> No.10334136

Surprisingly Aya Brea actually got to be a character in one of their Final Fantasy mobile games.

>> No.10334146

>browse comments
god no... Why... I fucking hate these people

>> No.10334159
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They only know how to consume, they need your help anon. They are your brothers

>> No.10334173
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Was talking with some friends about how it sucks PE went out with such a gigantic fucking disaster like The Third Birthday, how it would be great to get just a port or something small to bring it back in an era where survival horror is actually a thing again. They announced this the next day.

>> No.10334482

Beat this game but never went back to it for either of these modes, what do they actually do?

>> No.10334507

It's never going to happen either way since the original author hates SquarEnix so much he refuses to license the name ever again
It would be kino to see the HD versions of the cutscenes like the rat and dog transformations and the people melting at the park

>> No.10334517

Bounty Mode: tougher enemies early on but they also drop better items/weapons etc
Scavenger Mode: same enemy selection as the og but severely limits your stats and weaponry/ammo choices
Nightmare mode: bounty+scavenger at the same time and limits your stats even more, you die in 1-2 hits (until/unless you get damage reduction items or hp upgrades etc)

>> No.10334532

It rearanges enemy types, like adding golems early in the game, makes enemies tougher, do more damage, changes what weapons you get and when, special drops early on. It's a real proper hard mode that forces you to learn the game well or you'll get smoked.

>> No.10334997
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>he refuses to license the name ever again
Except for the part where he clearly licensed the name again.

>> No.10335162

well thanks, i hate it

>> No.10335172

3rd Birthday was good though. One of the best games for the PSP.

>> No.10335195
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>> No.10335219

It's fun

>> No.10335273

Not getting her in Brave almost made me drop the game

>> No.10335351 [SPOILER] 
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No, Billy.

>> No.10335403
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>Aya Brea from Parasite Eve

>Aya Brea now

Am honestly not sure I can name a bigger down grade

>> No.10335416

I was there when the game was new. I was blown away by the graphics so I didn't pay much attention to the story. Yeah, going back now it's not that great but I think the concept still has potential

>> No.10337085

It sucks.

>> No.10337213

Play 3rd birthday on the psp, it's fucking awesome. There's even saucey scene

>> No.10337239
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And it had an unlockable maid and bunny outfit.
How can anyone hate it?

>> No.10337406
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Simply put, Aya wasn't a cute japanese anime girl in PE2. She looked like an old Oba-san that worked late at the office again. I couldn't really stomach looking at that fridge body for more than 20 minutes.
I put my retail copy in the trash, where it belonged.

>> No.10337412
File: 921 KB, 640x360, aya.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's too old for you, you're a literal pedo.

>> No.10339431

It's one of the greatest games ever made.

>> No.10339475

it's a great Resident Evil game. the best RE game actually.

it's just a bad PE game

>> No.10339480

I'm actually fucking glad. the game was a disgrace to the source material and I don't want SE ruining another one of their pre-existing franchises. SE never even made a single good game after their merge.

>> No.10339481

Like I understand the shower scene in the sense of "our game is so cinematic like a REAL MOVIE oooh aaaah" but that PE2 flat out has to go "unggh I'm just aging backwards because of MITOCHONDRIA it's so WEIRD I have the bottom of a much younger woman now teehe" is just Japan being Japan

>> No.10339482

she actually looks like a hapa like she's supposed to be rather than a pure white girl like in PE1 or 2.

the design is actually the only good thing Third Birthday got right

>> No.10339490

why do people like this IP so much? it doesn't even have a definite gameplay style. all the 3 games feel completely different from one another so you can't have any be the "true parasite eve game".

>> No.10339494

>ripping off BioHazard

Old-school RE would have benefitted from menu driven combat if not totally turn-based because the tank controlled bullshit is garbage

>> No.10339495

read the novel you can't take anything in the games seriously at all.

>> No.10339512

I can't play PE1 anymore. the cozy christmas atmosphere, the feminine story, the music, the setting, idk what it is about it but it just leaves me with a feeling of guilt and dread and just makes me feel miserable inside.

and Chistmas itself makes me feel like shit these past couple of years. it reminds me that times is passing me by, another year has passed and I've done nothing with my life.

just the combination of playing PE during Christmas makes me feel warm, cozy and fuzzy but also makes me feel empty, stressed and broken. idk how to explain it.

>> No.10339517
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>the game was a disgrace to the source material
The novel is a piss poor imitation of a Michael Crichton scientific thriller for most of its runtime. Then it falls apart into typical Japanese slop by the end with slimegirl rape, Big Futa Cock™, and a super baby wielding psychokinetic powers.

>> No.10339559

There's literally a scientific basis for it, only you are making it a fetish thing. People have literally linked our aging process to Mitochondria. Since Aya has evolved Mitochondria it makes sense her aging would start to slow

>> No.10339567

>I'm actually fucking glad. the game was a disgrace to the source material
??? The author literally liked the first game a lot, it was the second game he had a problem with

>> No.10339568

her mitochondria stopped being special in the Chrysler Building.

>> No.10339571

I seriously don't get why this ending is considered canon, but anyway it didn't stop being special, her evolved powers just became dormant. They are still mutated evolved mitochondria

>> No.10339574

still, the first game just made a noncannon shitty side story to the novel. as a game its great but I can't help but cringe at the story and all the shitty additions like mitochondria mutating people. Eve's final form was HOT though

>> No.10339580

>additions like mitochondria mutating people
I don't really see it as much of a problem, it was mutating animals mostly anyway. I personally find the game to be much more entertaining than the silly novel anyway. Genetic memory is a cool concept but the author literally personified Mitochondria into a jealous woman who lusted after the author's self insert because he was the only one who understood how import mitochondria was to our evolution. It was fucking ridiculous and adding fire breathing T-Rexes to that only make a game more memorable.

>> No.10339589

I think that the 3rd birthday's framework is solid, the enemies are cool, the apocalyptic scenario of humanity fighting a losing battle against an unknown enemy that can't be reasoned with and maybe don't have intelligence either is neat and the game has very good visuals (like seeing NYC covered in flesh/red mist in mission 5 when the player controls the chopper and seeing the babels in the distance from the roof of the building) but the gameplay is just ok at best and the story drags everything down.

I think the game could be reworked into something else if you take aya out of it and completely change the story because it makes 0 sense

>> No.10339758

This is a myth invented by PE1 fans.

>CTheory: I’m curious about all of the different media versions of Parasite Eve: book, game, TV movie, now possibly feature film. How did it happen that your novel was transformed into a PlayStation game? Have you seen or played the game? If you have, how would you say it relates to the book? Are there any other current or pending versions of the story?
>Hideaki Sena: There are several different media versions of Parasite Eve: a movie (not a TV movie, but a Big Screen film), a comic (manga), PlayStation game (part 1 and part 2), and a manga version of the PlayStation game story (the title is “Parasite Eve DIVA”). The manga version is the most faithful version to my novel. The story of the Play-Station game (part 1) is the sequel to my novel. But none of characters is identical to my story. The story was written by game designers, so I did not know the game story until it was sold. The project of the PlayStation game was between Square Company and my publisher. So far, there is no other pending version of the story.

Hideaki Sena didn't know about the plot of the games or what they were doing with it and he has any opinions about it.

>> No.10339778

And he has no opinions about either game*. If anything I would say he lightly critized PE1 for trying to be a low effort sequel to his novel.

So this whole "the author loved PE1 but hated PE2!" Is a myth invented by bitter PE1 fans.

>> No.10339784

>So this whole "the author loved PE1 but hated PE2!" Is a myth invented by bitter PE1 fans.
Meh, I heard it in a video once but I don't know where he cited his sources simply that he said "Hideaki Senna" was happy with PE1. On /vr/ someone claimed he revoked the rights after that game came out so I really don't know what to say other than something during that period made him upset with square.

>> No.10339787

PE2's story sucked ass no matter if you prefer the gameplay or not. Everything about the story was generic as hell

>> No.10339794

this. also Aya naming her adopted sister after the creature that tried to kill her.

>> No.10339898

It had a decent premise with the Akropolis tower but it falls off a cliff after that. Also scientists were trying to turn people into higher beings but somehow we went from a ultimate being capable of melting people at will in PE1 to suicidal harlequin babies and mutated chicken people. And it conveniently ignored the two stories tall monster with a giant flamethrower installed in his mouth with that logic. Also the gameplay in PE2 is flawed because they give you tank controls that benefits more from trying to avoid battles as much as you can but the game tries to incentivize you to fight with the BP system which is very clashing. The movement system was perfectly fine in PE1, if they kept that I would be able to look past a lot more the other issues this game has. Also the MP regen system in PE 2 is pants on head retarded

>> No.10339970

Gamers love to take interviews and extrapolate, read/understand what *they* want to read/understand, or literally make shit up even, just so it fits their shitty opinion, or worse, becausse they feel the need to have someone tell them what they should think. I've seen this a thousand times.
Every time someone on /vr/ mentions "devs thinks this, devs said that" you can be sure it's bullshit.

The worst thing in all that is that if you know just a little bit about the video game industry, you know that devs in interviews are full of horseshit, when it's not directly marketing speak.

>> No.10341107


does it feel like the run speed is really slow?

>> No.10341604

Negotiating licensing deals with a book publisher for games that didn't sell much to begin with was probably pretty low on the list of priorities after the Spirits Within disaster. It was 10 years between PE2 and 3rd Birthday and the rights to the book changed hands at least once in that span of time.

>> No.10343123

>but somehow we went from a ultimate being capable of melting people at will in PE1 to suicidal harlequin babies and mutated chicken people.

Scientists trying to play God can't be compared to Parasite Eve herself. They were trying to control what they didn't fully understand.

>> No.10343872

Aya didn't name her.

>> No.10343891

god I wanna caress her legs and suck on her toes and worship every part of her body

>> No.10343893 [DELETED] 



>> No.10343903 [DELETED] 





>> No.10343915

Now this is one hell of a shit take.

>> No.10344005

good setting
good atmosphere
and then
rpg elements and battle
I played it for like 5 minutes

>> No.10344569

Oh yeah I'm sure those hunters would have been such great spooky enemies with a turn based system instead with their fast movement speed and insta kill attacks. Nope much better suited for turn based...

>> No.10344597

Because she has no ass or tits

>> No.10344621

but she's got some nice feet in PE1.

>> No.10345696

It's funny that she was thick like a normal American woman in PE2, but in T3B they literally made her anime

>> No.10345801

Aya's character model was created before Nomura joined the development of PE2, he complained about it in Famitsu and explained that that's why he made her a stick in 3rd Birthday.

>> No.10346190

What a god damn faggot. Fruits should have no input female beauty.

>> No.10346279

You have the article?

>> No.10347671

Nomura's pretty good at drawing other people's designs though. I'm pretty sure the original Aya was actually drawn by an American and Nomura adapted her to his style

>> No.10347794

>Aside from ripping off BioHazard
But that's what went wrong. It lost its identity. They had a fantastic foundation in the first game, and instead of building upon it, they threw it all into the garbage to make an incredible derivative RE clone. What's worse, the setting is incredibly uninspired, the story is lackluster, the monster designs pale in comparison to the ones present in the original, and the gameplay is dull.

>> No.10347827
File: 562 KB, 335x735, thicc aya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mitochondria are the cake factory of the cell.

>> No.10347967

In can tell it’s a 4:3 screenshot stretched from o 16:9.

And the original of course was inspired by biohazard, but it put enough of a unique spin on it. The enemies usuing energy and beam spam really is not something you’d see in RE.

>> No.10347973

I unironically enjoyed third birthday. it was the first PE I played and I played it first like 2 years ago on an emulator.

>> No.10347978

>And the original of course was inspired by biohazard
>Didn't have similar gameplay
>Didn't have similar story
>Didn't even copy the same setting (RE2 and Parasite Eve were only months apart)
>enemies were much more inspired by John Carpenter's The Thing unlike Resident Evil
I don't really know what about this game could've be inspired by biohazard.

>> No.10347993

How can you rip off a game you co-created?

>> No.10348518

It obviously wasn't a very good identity if it's completely dumped and forgotten

>> No.10348598

It's extremely cheap, they put literally a cg kino into PE, but there is nothing ovebudget in PE2

>> No.10348678

>the music
>look it up
>it's by that one Final Fantasy composer
>sounds nothing like their FF stuff
Originality in jap vidya music peaked with 5th gen

>> No.10348682

They're not allowed to use the name Parasite Eve anymore iirc and after 3B I don't want them to be able to.

>> No.10348685

That's not Aya anyway

>> No.10348693

That's just you being depressed, has nothing to do with the game. You want real PS1 loneliness? Beat a Spyro game then continue playing it for a while.

>> No.10348701
File: 2.79 MB, 640x480, PE2 M249 4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why people just can't enjoy PE2 for what it is.
No, it isn't a survival horror. No, it isn't a JRPG. It's a unique take on action-adventure game with RPG elements, which is exactly what makes it fun and interesting; it takes the fun preciseness of action game with tank controls in which you have to move with tactic and technique, and adds the layer of RPG experience/spell/choice of character build up/weaponry.
Plus the sort of challenge it offers in the extra game modes is usually unheard of in A-RPGs and is pretty rare to see even in survival horror.

But nooooo "it's like resident evil" (which it isn't, only on a surface) or "it's not like PE1!" (which didn't have that good gameplay, a terrible presentation, and has a completely broken customization system). Well I think your taste is very limited, too limited to really enjoy video games.

>> No.10348871

It is her physical body

>> No.10348880

>which didn't have that good gameplay
it did have good gameplay
>a terrible presentation
It had SUPERB presentation
>and has a completely broken customization system
That's why it was FUN

>> No.10349074
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Do you people even read the threads you're responding to? They're using the name right now. 3rd Birthday used a different name because it had deviated so massively during development.

>> No.10349150

PE2 disc 1 is great, PE2 disc 2 is a slowly descent into a mediocre RE clone, everything that PE2 tried to do was better implemented in Dino Crisis 2, movement, combat, secondary abilities, and store system.

>> No.10349174

>Originality in jap vidya music peaked with 5th gen
A true statement
All the Heavy Hitters of jap music found a "method" or a "style" that they only replicate with minimum effort just to get the paycheck
beautiful webm
>PE2 disc 1 is great, PE2 disc 2 is a slowly descent into a mediocre RE clone
I thought the Disc 2 was better, Dryfield is a chore. Shelter stalls a bit at Neo-Ark, but it quickly picks up after it.
>everything that PE2 tried to do was better implemented in Dino Crisis 2, movement, combat, secondary abilities, and store system.
interesting take. though Dino 2 is a really solid game, but I see that PE2 is fundamentally different.

>> No.10349242

Dryfield gave me a RE1/2 feel, it was a little roundabout but was fun, especially because you could explore in different times of the day.

>> No.10349296
File: 112 KB, 921x498, tremors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dryfield is comfy because it reminds me of the little town in Tremors.

>> No.10349383

>Dryfield is comfy because it reminds me of the little town in Tremors.
I see the appeal, but Dryfield, unlike Perfection, is empty of living characters. If there were more characters or events. I would subscribe to that. But otherwise, it really has nothing going on.
There's no pacing to it, unlike RE2/RE1 which >>10349242 mentioned. There's no Sherry/Ada/Rebecca/Barry/Bravo-Team to give some movement, Madigan and the old guy are boring. The dog is cool I guess and made the Burner boss-fight have some stakes to it. As soon as Madigan shows up, it's a boring fetch quest, some rooms are cool.
If you were to compare it to Tremors, there are no events in Dryfield that make use of the battle of wits element that made that movie so much fun. Were the town locals had to improvise, adapt and understand their enemy while staying alive and surviving.
Dryfield try to play more like the most boring X-Files episode with a bit of action sequences here and there.
The Tremors influence is there, though, I agree.

>> No.10349409

PE2 has bad pacing, little mystery. You spend 1/3 of the game in bumfuck nowhere with no idea of the stakes or why any of it matters. The plot only picks up with the ark.

>> No.10349492

I like the idea of PE2's gameplay but I hate tank controls and even though I like the rendered backgrounds, like with RE I don't like them in active combat situations where you sometimes can't see the enemies right in front of you.

>> No.10349532

I never said PE2 had good pacing, I said that I enjoyed Dryfield because it reminded of the mansion and police station, that is it.

>> No.10349621

Well the story in the first game is adapted from a very successful horror novel. That's a hard act to follow for videogame writers. I think they did OK with what they were given though.

>> No.10349760


>野村 昔のイラストを見ると、アヤがガッチリした体型なので、自分にはちょっと違和感があるんです。でも、その体型がいいと言う方もいらっしゃって、逆に『ザ・サード バースデイ』のアヤは華奢すぎると言う方もいます。当時はのびのびと描いていたなと思いますね。

>> No.10349764

Completely retarded logic

>> No.10350329

Yeah, Parasite Eve 2's gameplay style was way ahead and it would shape J-RPGs to come unto the following 3D generation as developers grew tired of turn-based. What I really enjoy about Parasite Eve 2 is how it's a perfect mix of Resident Evil enemy/boss mechanics (which you need to figure out to successfully bust through them) and RPG elements incorporated in real-time (critical to master in higher difficulties). All of this might sound somewhat exaggerated until you play the hard difficulties, then you really see how this all skillfully comes together.

You're comparing apples to oranges. Parasite Eve 2 is a much more methodical RPG action vydia, Dino Crisis is a purist arcade style action/adventure game running on the first generation of 3D videogames.

>> No.10350349

Why are japs so obessed with stick figures? Don't their JAV artists that look natural seem much more sexy? Japanese people have a really odd obsession for wanting little girls. . . but little girls are often heftier than 18 year old twigs.

I hate japanese old men, they're worse than american boomers.

>> No.10350562

>which is a little uncomfortable for me.
God he a such a closet fag.

>> No.10350762

>Parasite Eve 2's gameplay style was way ahead and it would shape J-RPGs to come unto the following 3D generation as developers grew tired of turn-based.
This reads more like you're talking about Parasite Eve 1, I have no idea how this applies to PE2

>> No.10350768

holy fucking kino

>> No.10350802
File: 650 KB, 1400x1080, Parasite_Eve.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, it's a gif and it's not the best gif you could see on psx

>> No.10350930
File: 3.65 MB, 1920x1080, SLUS-01042_2022-12-18_20-29-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a great game but scrubs gonna scrub.

>> No.10351206

It's not a gif. It's a video. Basically the same process as with Final Fantasy 8 when they mix gameplay backgrounds and FMV. This was cutting edge technology only Square mastered at the time.
Onimusha would do the same, but on PS2.

>> No.10351568

>You're comparing apples to oranges.
I don't think so, both games make use of real time combat, PE1 was a more methodical because of the AT system.

>> No.10352326

That part in PE2 where you walk up to the tower and the camera follows you through an animated FMV background was really cool.

>> No.10352405
File: 32 KB, 907x209, Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 17-19-12 Interview Kenichi Iwao Scenario Writer_Planner_Director for Capcom Square-Enix DeNA and Oriflamme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dumped it because Square decided to chase trends and wanted their own Resident Evil, so they hired Kenichi Iwao and a bunch of other ex-RE staff to work on the sequel.

>> No.10353616

There are no games that copy PE1 besides Vagrant Story.

>> No.10353617

It was mind blowing at the time

>> No.10353821

>It's never going to happen either way since the original author hates SquarEnix so much he refuses to license the name ever again
Since when, Hideaki Sena actively praised Parasite Eve 1 and thought it was a great translation of a theoretical sequel of his book to videogame form. Did he not like PE2?

>> No.10353826

It comes from the book J-horror: The Definitive Guide to The Ring, The Grudge and Beyond. So unless that book was straight up lying, Sena did in fact like PE1.

>> No.10353832

I'm pretty sure the reason they can use the name there is because it's from that specific game that already exists, it's not a new game. That's why they can rerelease PE as ports on other platforms but can't make a new game called Parasite Eve.

>> No.10353838

FF7 Remake took the core concept of what Parasite Eve was doing with ATB

>> No.10353841

>the game was a disgrace to the source material
I feel like people who say this have never actually read Parasite Eve. All the interesting shit happens in the last 50 pages of a 250 page book, and he spends WAY too much time describing a kidney transplant

>> No.10354193

What he is trying to say is that the novel doesn't have giant blob monster destroying aircraft carriers or anything even close to that

>> No.10354292

There's literally nothing to show that's the case, and Square's official story has always been that Third Birthday was given a different name because it was basically a spin-off and ultimately not Aya's story.

>> No.10354304

Meant that in response to >>10353832 damn site never lets me just delete a fucking post anymore.

>> No.10354337

Have you considered the idea of getting a wife and children, instead of playing old childrens games and feeling sorry for yourself?

>> No.10354341

Try reading it in Japanese

>> No.10354367

>If anything I would say he lightly critized PE1 for trying to be a low effort sequel to his novel.
Japanese writers and artists are protected by law in that they always have some or all rights to their work. Therefore, the creator always has a say and always gets money when Parasite Eve is used or sold. The reason Western authors and creators often criticize different versions or remakes is because they were fucked out of having any say or getting money from it.
>On /vr/ someone claimed he revoked the rights after that game came out so I really don't know what to say other than something during that period made him upset with square.
Your source is an anonymous post on here and they can't 'revoke rights' that's not how it works. Parasite Eve is still sold digitally, implying they have a perpetual license to use it to some extent.

>> No.10354662

Sequels are always bigger and flashier. The game just builds off of what the book established.

>> No.10354769

No but it does have Eve become a slimegirl made of a giant mass of gooey kidney cells and as >>10339517 shows, Sena cannot write a sex scene.

It comes across as just as clinical in its description in Japanese. Parasite Eve is a pretty faithfully translated book.

>> No.10354775

I mean you're not wrong, but we don't know how much of that is true and how much of that is Square bullshitting us.

>> No.10354785

No one else seems to have said it but Kitase has already floated the idea that they should remake PE1 specifically because Capcom has shown how well a good remake of a PS1 horror game can sell.
Which I'm gonna be honest, after 3B I have 0 faith in them doing something new with PE and it turning out good, but I'd totally be down with a remake. Hell, give me a remaster on PC and I'll be happy because then we can tinker with the base files easier and make our own content with debug stuff.

>> No.10355192
File: 3 KB, 128x96, Pe2_item_cola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think Aya would bring a cooler or something considering Cola heals her

>> No.10355196

she brought our supplies box with her in the trunk of her car

>> No.10355219

Yeah but if she'd bought Cola instead of medicine maybe she'd have some cash in her pocket instead of being broke

Or brought a cheaper gun

>> No.10355854

You say this like that isn't fucking awesome

>> No.10355939

The one thing from the first game I was never 100% clear on was why Daniel's wife and son were on Klamp's list of HLA types. When I first played it a long time ago it just seemed like a weird random coincidence or maybe his wife was a potential host for Eve. Then later I thought maybe everyone who got slimed in Central Park was the on that list because they needed compatible types to melt into a big unified mess of people goo. But I don't think the game ever actually explains why he was keeping that list on his computer.

>> No.10356228

iirc it has to deal with being a match which is why Daniel's son didn't turn into gloop at the central park concert even though Daniel's arm burst into flames much further away.

>> No.10356753

Isn't it that she needs spare parts because ultimately Melissa isn't compatible with being Eve's host so she's falling apart?

>> No.10358107
File: 39 KB, 500x376, 1698286726267735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10358279

This image always bothers me because a player that doesn't suck would never use a shotgun as the base weapon

>> No.10358290

Gonna make do with what we have for memes

>> No.10358396
File: 60 KB, 328x800, aya book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10358567

It's an extremely funny to me that the fucking NYPD has to end up handling the threat to humanity while the military is mostly powerless

>> No.10359350

It's not a sequel

>> No.10359428

Aya is the only one resistant to Eve’s mitochondria heat effect. I’m n text this entire central plot point is ignored I the sequel.

>> No.10359738

The only Eve in 2 is the Aya clone

And Aya's never shown the ability to burn people outside of her close general area

>> No.10360970

>I’m n text this entire central plot point is ignored I the sequel.

It's a main plot point in the sequel too, as they need Aya to reach Eve.
Not even the GOLEMs could reach her

>> No.10361180

say what you will about final fantasy games and square enix, but blending gameplay with fmv was cool as fuck then and its cool as fuck now. props to square for that. credit where credit is due

>> No.10361186

no offense but the majority doesnt care. why are most people who read books so insufferable? its like theyre showing off that they read books. its the equivalent to the 'vegans telling everyone theyre vegan' meme

>> No.10362651
File: 168 KB, 238x419, AyaParasiteEve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are most people who read books so insufferable?
It's unlikely you even interact with most people who read books. They don't care what you think at all.
When it's tastefully done, yes. Unfortunately it's easy to go overboard bloating up a game with cutscenes to the point where it's no longer cool in any way.

>> No.10362689

is she fucking imitating squall?

>> No.10362921

This area was so comfy

>> No.10363713

2 is pure dog shit that has no reason to exist. 1 is something unique

>> No.10364651

Cool detail: If you use Pyrokinesis when No.9 grabs Aya during the house boss fight, it will cause extreme damage

>> No.10364668

so was 2.
Unless you're one of those fags who also call Silent Hill just an "RE clone", PE2 played very different from RE. The RPG elements and managing powers, coupled with the NG+ modes adds a lot and makes resource management more interesting than it ever was in RE.

>> No.10364669

That fight is one of the hardest moments on Nightmare difficulty. Even when you know what to do bait him to fire Pyrokinesis in his back

>> No.10366291

2 was unique too. And so was T3B, as much as I dislike it, there's no denying it delivers a great experience on the PSP.