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File: 66 KB, 378x264, Bomberman_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10324935 No.10324935 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly there's nothing else like it.

>> No.10324954

battle mode on this was top tier, up there with Saturn bomber man

>> No.10324956

They really should have leaned into the autstic lore that some of the games like this had, bet the franchise would still be popular like Sonic if so

>> No.10324961
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They went full lore with Jetters. It was promoted heavily with tour buses and contests with prizes, even had their own Sonic X-esque anime.

While all of this was soul, i think Jetters sub-franchise didn't perform as well as expected.

Actually, I think it was better for them to go with new setting with each game, while still retaining some consistent lore elements.

>> No.10324968

Hero is even more of its own thing, though 64 is prolly the better game

>> No.10324987
File: 411 KB, 1008x756, IMG_0867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BomberMan thread? …BomberMan thread.

So, gonna take the opportunity to notify /vr/ that private servers for BomberMan Online was just made.

>> No.10325283
File: 203 KB, 1517x468, Astral_Knights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Attack tried to keep up with the lore of 64, but it was inconsistent and contradictory. Still the most kino Bomberman single-player experience to date

>> No.10325898

Hero is fucking wild, like some kind of fever dream.

Never played it going to have to check it out.

>Still the most kino Bomberman single-player experience to date
You are probably right, I was obsessed with studying the worlds and bosses as a kid while I was playing through this over and over. Kino soundtrack. That water planet was mega comfy.

I can never decide if I like the 1st or 2nd game more though.

>> No.10326224

This game is so fucking ahead of it's time. A totally free exploration adventure where everything is a "puzzle" based around your core singular mechanic. A platformer where you can't jump. Honestly its incredible and I have never seen any game since do anything like this, even among indies

>> No.10326238

Based. Online is actually really fun.

>> No.10326242

>private servers for BomberMan Online was just made.

>> No.10326267

Probably the best n64 soundtrack and that’s saying a lot given the competition

>> No.10327096

It's got a whole vibe to itself

>> No.10327189

agreed, one of the best in gaming.

>> No.10327292

64, Hero, and Second Attack all had different composers. 64 was Akifumi Tada's first video game composition ever. Previously, he had mostly composed for anime series. Hero was one of the very last Bomberman games composed by Jun Chikuma, the original Bomberman composer. Second Attack had an entire team of musicians including Yasunori Mitsuda and several others who had worked on games like FFVI/VII, Seiken Densetsu 3 and obviously the Chrono series. All three soundtracks are simultaneously so different and so kino, all in a span of 3 years. It truly is a musical marvel that I haven't seen replicated before or since

>> No.10327365

I'm a pretty big Bomberman fan in general but I've always considered the three we got for N64 to be the cream of the crop of the series. There are other great games like Saturn and 2 DS, but nothing ever matched the N64 games for me. They've got such an inventiveness to them, and a great atmosphere. 64 and TSA are the only times I've ever felt like Bomberman had a full fictional world, Hero does its own thing but is fucking great at it.

I think the ost experience you described is a big part of why those three appealed to me so much.

I was disappointed for a really long time how after Generation and Jetters, which to be honest I thought were a significant step down from the N64 games, the series just went back to the topdown grid gameplay and ditched any sense of immersion. At this point I guess I just accept it.

>> No.10327525

I knew it was over when my friends would clown hard on Jetters whenever we'd play multi. Wiping the 64 aesthetic bummed me out. I just couldn't get into the Jetters world. The Hige-Hige/Mujoe/Bagular goofy villain team just seemed like a downgrade from the "Super powered space pirates threatening the universe" shtick. I guess an overly serious Bomberman isn't as marketable in Japan. Damn shame. I'll always love shonen Bomberman

>> No.10328273

Are there any other games where the bosses look like both adorable and tough?

>> No.10328285 [DELETED] 

I liked the atmosphere of this game when i was a child its a shame that Bomberman is a forgotten characte Bomberman 3D had potential

>> No.10328294

I liked the atmosphere of this game when i was a Kid its a shame that Bomberman is a forgotten character Bomberman 3D had potential

>> No.10328315

I feel like the majority of the reviews at the time were critical of the 64 games as not being traditional Bomberman

And now all we get is traditional Bomberman and no one gives a shit because there are already 100 versions

>> No.10328364
File: 90 KB, 524x425, God of Chaos 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Generations, but the charaboms (instead of Pommy just being his own thing) changed the atmosphere from "crazy Japan" to "cutesy/goofy Japan". A definite downgrade.

I fucking love the setting in TSA. It's like the Bible combined with some super sentai show. It was so fucking cool. The OST was 10/10 as previously mentioned. Also this fucker had some great screams. And kept me up until 3 AM trying to beat him.

>> No.10328380

Medabots Anime Video Games maybe

>> No.10328654


>> No.10329064

>hero is a fever dream
even as a child I thought that, like something from the future but sane enough for me to understand. The desert levels and boss stages were otherworldly it was insane i managed to play and beat the game at all

>> No.10329173

Yeah lots of people were put off by the way Bomberman looked in Jetters. I watched through the show and I liked a fair number of the ideas it had, but like you I was just never into that version of the world of Bomberman. And yeah mujoe and the higehige bandits are lame and I wish they weren't treated like the Bowser and koopas of Bomberman. I also feel like Bagular is a nothing character they keep trying to push as this ultimate villain, he just doesn't work. If they aren't going to use the other cooler characters from past games they could at least come up with brand new ones.

>And now all we get is traditional Bomberman and no one gives a shit because there are already 100 versions
Yeah this is how I've felt about the series for like 15 years now.

>Also this fucker had some great screams. And kept me up until 3 AM trying to beat him.
I remember the last bosses taking me a lot of tries as a kid as well. They felt REALLY climactic though, like last bosses should. TSA was one of my alltime favorite games as a kid, still holds a special place in my heart. Not every game necessarily needs to be as story heavy, but it would be great if they tried to be as grand in scale as TSA was.

>> No.10330070


Bomberman 64 is the only one with non-generic battlemode maps and I don't understand it. Why do all other Bomberman games do this retarded checkerboard arena design?

>> No.10331473

Never understood this either. Was the Bomberman 64 team/director never working on any other Bomberman?

>> No.10331484

Always played super bomberman 2 on a snes emulator as a kid and bomberman touch when i got my ds, with all this talking about the n64 game i got to put it on list

>> No.10331490

is bomberman 64 the only bomberman with circular explosions?

>> No.10331643

There is certainly a trippy nostalgia element of the N64 games for me, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it if you've played other Bomberman games.

>> No.10331672

Hope you have someone to play the multiplayer with

>> No.10331676

the atmosphere from bomberman hero is really something, and its music too, that's like a 6/10 game with 10/10 soul

>> No.10331679

N64 Era bomerman was so good. I was pretty disappointed when I bought generations and jetters on the cube expecting more of the same

>> No.10331684
File: 107 KB, 597x447, Pommy_Evolution_Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Pikachu rip off
And yea all 3 64 games have great music

>> No.10331691

holy shit I only ever got knuckle pommy despite beating the game multiple times, guess I am a noob

>> No.10331767

>tfw I finally got Shadow Pommy but had to de-evolve him for that one custom part which requires you to have a non-flying Pommy so he can stand on a switch

>> No.10332314

Bomberman Hero, but the game is so different it almost doesn't count

Bomberman 64 The Second Attack has different elemental bombs you can use, and some of them are circular. The standard fire ones are + shaped though.

I loved this character when I was a kid, thought he was hilarious. Perfect co-op mode for little siblings to join you on the adventure, too. I remember the left side ones generally being more useful than the right side ones. I never did get shadow or pixie. That evolution system is a pretty neat thing for a side feature. Pommy foods and money for the shop give collectibles more value than most other Bomberman games have, I think. In other games usually only powerups are worth getting, and once you have a few of each you're done picking stuff up.

I can relate.

>> No.10332423

I think I got claw pommy on accident my first playthrough and then shadow on my 2nd with a guide. Knight and dragon look pretty cool tho.

>> No.10333323

It's weird that this chart just labels Pixie and Shadow with "Sweets" when iirc you had to have a very specific number of each Meat, Fruit and Sweets to trigger it

>> No.10333398

So you can't just start feeding beast pommy sweets in order to get shadow? I honestly can't remember how I did it last time

>> No.10333586
File: 21 KB, 324x378, Cat Pommy 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For me it's catgirl Pommy

>> No.10333669

They put a Battle 64 mode in Super Bomberman R 2. It's just 64 player online.

Biggest disappointment for a game I didn't even buy.

>> No.10333743

I remember guides saying to feed it exact numbers, though I don’t know if it really has to be EXACT or if that was just a guaranteed way to land somewhere in the narrow range of …nutrition points? Diet points? that lets pommy evolve into those rare outcomes.

That’s lame.

I always thought TSA’s battle mode was better than the rest, wish that had been the foundation they’d kept building upon. TSA even had the traditional grid map as one of the levels, so it’s not like you can’t keep those kinds of levels as well.

>> No.10333936
File: 22 KB, 316x316, Bomberman_Tournament_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Bomberman Tournament

>> No.10334053

>Hero is even more of its own thing
because it was originally a Bonk game that got reworked into Bomberman, and its story is heavily plagiarized from Star Wars.

>> No.10334059

I'm aware that Bomberman had lore going back to Super Bomberman but I always like the 64 lore the best

>> No.10334075
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, 1679823297668278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why bomberman can only be cartoony or a mesugaki now

>> No.10334083
File: 244 KB, 1600x890, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is a "puzzle" based around your core singular mechanic. A platformer where you can't jump.

>> No.10334087

>Gen X has entered the chat
Your move, goyboys?

>> No.10334585

It wasn't even that bad, they should have leaned into the fact that it's directly based on the original NES game more in the marketing

>> No.10334590

Nobody ever loved it like I did back in the day. Glad to see it getting proper appreciation.

>> No.10336235

>there's basically no modding scene for BM64
a travesty
i wonder if konami will ever ask m2 to work on a port collection since they worked on cv and contra
i don't even know who's doing the metal gear collection but apparently they can't even get performance right on the switch

>> No.10336251
File: 284 KB, 1485x2048, 1572295748168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BM64 occasionally pops up on virtual consoles and stuff
>2nd Attack is still stuck on the 64, never even being so much as referenced outside of Pommy, who was just reduced to being one of species of Pokemon, and the Angel appearing in a coomer game

What a crime

>> No.10336382

I wonder if that cancelled DS game will ever be leaked. Probably not high profile enough to count as one of those lost holy grails like earthbound 64 or something. Good chance none of the files for it even exist anymore.

If there were better modding tools for the game I’d take a crack at it. Far as I know the most that has been done is changing item spawns.

Honestly it’d probably be easier to do a spiritual sequel or fangame from the ground up.

Considering how light on canon Bomberman is, we’re lucky Pommy became even that much.

Bombergirl was the last place I ever expected TSA to get acknowledgement though, and it’s a pretty specific reference to make. Someone on that dev team must have already liked TSA.

>> No.10336407

its like they were hellbent on making shadow the hedgehog seem reasonable in comparison

>> No.10336416

I'd love to try and create some modding tools for it when I get the time, too many projects at the moment. If it had a modding scene as extensive as SM64 that would be a lot of fun.

>> No.10336417

bombergirl is so based. wish they'd make one that focuses on local multiplayer. nothing screams bros having fun more than bomberman and jerking off the guy who wins to anime girls

>> No.10336449

how close is the castle mode on sbr2?

>> No.10336470

Good question. From what I've played in matchmaking it's a 1v15 mode with a huge (not single-screen) map. Nothing like Bombergirl at all.
I do think there's a different version of Castle mode in local play, but i never got to play it yet for obvious reasons

>> No.10337035

>If it had a modding scene as extensive as SM64 that would be a lot of fun.
Best to manage those expectations a little bit anon. Even if the tools were as developed and easy to use as SM64's have become, the difference in popularity between the two games is huge. But if we got a few custom levels out of it, that would be pretty sweet.

>> No.10338898


>> No.10338973

Oh yeah I'm aware, yeah just a few custom levels at least would be comfy. The mechanics of BM64 I think would allow for some pretty ingenious creativity.

>> No.10339009

BM3DS and Paper Mario 3DS are my holy grails. I bought a 3DS for both of them kek. I really don't know why a modern 2nd Attack style game is so impossible for them to greenlight.

>> No.10339103

Konami only cares about what makes the most money and right now it's coomerbait, SBR only exists to keep the Bomberman IP on the minds of non arcade goers and westeners.

>> No.10339121

and that's a good thing because it was shit

>> No.10339159

Those two and Megaman Legends 3 are like the holy trinity of 3DS games that we got fucked over on.

As for why we wont get a third 64 style game I think it's related to what >>10339103 says, Konami is a very risk averse company. For a while they were planning on just using their game IPs for pachinko machines and stopping major game production altogether, because one market is just way more reliable than the other. I don't want to say we're lucky for even getting R and R2 because that feels like shill speak, but I do doubt Konami is going to deviate from the tried and true formula unless it comes attached to some kind of gacha pay system.

Also the grid is naturally way easier to develop for. Everything is made to fit into exact squares, I assume it's very modifiable at any stage of development and people are less likely to notice copypasting than they would in a game with more immersive environments.

I do like those kinds of games but it's been like 20 years of Super Bomberman sequels and it is disappointing that the Bomberman series stopped pushing its boundaries the way it used to.

Well if you ever get those tools off the ground I'll be making a world at minimum, no matter how much of a pain in the ass it is. Bombjumping is definitely a surprisingly deep mechanic and even by the end it feels like there's a lot more to be explored with it.

>> No.10339284

Why are people suddenly thinking Bomberman 3DS would have been a 64 successor? First I've heard of this

>> No.10339557

/vr/ is the place of dreams from those who remember a time when things were better

>> No.10340283
File: 40 KB, 400x240, IMG_7434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bomberman for Nintendo 3DS is an action-adventure game that plays similarly to earlier 3D entries in the Bomberman franchise. The main premise during single-player mode was going to revolve around Bomberman embarking on a journey to free Central City from renegade robot corps.[1][2][3][4] The single-player campaign was reported to be reminiscent of Bomberman 64: The Second Attack, as two players could cooperate locally using special bomb types unavailable in the multiplayer mode to resolve puzzles while navigating obstacles and defeating enemies.[1][2][3][4]

From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bomberman_(Nintendo_3DS_game)

I would have bought a 3ds for this.

Fucking Konami.

>> No.10341346

That's why it's my favorite board

>> No.10342134

uh oh, snoy found the thread. i thought you're busy samefagging in the zelda one we made to keep you busy

>> No.10342245

the crossbomb multiplayer maps were the red flag for me, kinda happy they scrapped it. i really don't understand how a company can't just see that 64 was huge cult status and actually really fun and not just make the same fucking game again with different levels. i guess that's why hudson fucking died.

>> No.10342292

Hudson didn't die, the Konami merger was very amicable.
They've definitely lost their sheen though. Has anyone actually looked at old vs recent credits and seen how much talent they've retained?

>> No.10342417

They look awesome. N64 has so many overlooked gems

>> No.10342525

The only Bomberman game I liked was that gba one where you collected Pokemon creatures.

>> No.10342650

Hudson literally doesn't exist anymore, Konami dissolved them and kept the IPs. Hudsons's website was shut down in 2014 and Konami sold off Hudon's headquarters that same year. I don't know if Super R has any of the old staff but I would be surprised if it has any of the old guard. It was outsourced to a company started by an ex-capcom guy and also developed by konami. No team has been given far as I know, just 'konami'.

The multiplayer maps look generic but the singleplayer had potential. At the very least it would be a third 64 style singleplayer campaign. Better than a millionth Super clone.

>> No.10342653

That was a Remake of Bomberman 64 right? 3DS was full of N64 Remakes i remember Rayman 2 having a Remake on 3DS

>> No.10344062

I doubt there is a real BM64 remake with all the levels and shit

>> No.10345067

Nah, the boss in that picture doesn't exist in 64 and the little icons in the corner remind me of the elements in Second Attack but in that game you can't equip more than one at once. It was gonna be a new game.

>> No.10346664


>> No.10346945

almost quads anon thanks for the bump. I really want to play through BM64 and the sequel now. I hope the latest emulator supports it well.

>> No.10347007

Sadly I think Second Attack is one of the worst emulating n64 games still

>> No.10347112
File: 446 KB, 449x477, Blue_Resort_scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10347116

Wrong link lol

>> No.10347413

MiSTerman save us

>> No.10347421

Blue Resort has such a weird vibe to it. Maybe it's the endless ocean and the weird cannon things but it feels like some kind of comfy pipe dream.

>> No.10347446

The aetherial synths used in the song really does give the stage a dreamy feel, I wonder if there's a specific genre for that kind of music.

>> No.10347471

Lads, I think I figured it out.
When Westerners say they want Bomberman 64, they think we really mean 64 player Bomberman.
We need to say we want more 爆ボンバーマン and maybe they'll get the hint.

>> No.10347476

"Bomberman 64" is actually the title of a different game in Japan, one that is more of a successor to the Super Bomberman series.

What we call Bomberman 64 is called Baku Bomberman over there.

>> No.10347629

Considering we didn't even get their version of 64, they probably know what we mean.

>Baku is the word for a mythical creature in Japanese folklore, a yokai that is said to feed on people's nightmares. It is revered for its protective nature and is believed to be a powerful force of good and a protector of humanity.
Pretty cool actually. Baku Bomberman is a game meant to take your bad thoughts and feelings away, and leave you with good dreams and healthy feelings, I suppose.

Blue Resort feels like something out of a ghibli movie to me. Both the song and the area itself. Green Garden a little bit too. Those areas evoke a similar sort of headspace that reminds me of early ghibli. Has some castle in the sky vibes.

>> No.10347876

爆 is just the Chinese character for bomb
as seen in 爆発, 爆破, 爆撃, 爆裂, 爆風, , 爆弾 and yes also 爆笑

>> No.10348265

Friend has a copy of Bomberman 64 he was going to list on ebay, but is willing to sell it to me for $20. Probably would play single player only, is that a fair price for the SP content?

>> No.10348282

Yes its a mainly single player game. It's pretty simple to get the normal ending but extremely challenging to get the good ending. One of my favorite games ever

>> No.10348291

Great, thanks. He was just going to give me the game but he got laid off so I offered to buy it to not be a shit friend.

>> No.10348294

I think so. There's a pretty big difference between just reaching the credits and going for 100% collectibles, so that can also make a difference. I recommend going for them because the at first simple mechanics can reveal a surprising amount of depth once you start experimenting with them for the sake of exploration.

>> No.10349034

that's less than what my parents paid for it in the 90s lol

>> No.10351406


>> No.10351479

Anyone has played Saturn bomberman fight?
The 3d one.

>> No.10352350

yeah, 'twas alright.

>> No.10352573

>Baku Bomberman is a game meant to take your bad thoughts and feelings away, and leave you with good dreams and healthy feelings, I suppose.
>爆 is just the Chinese character for bomb
The absolute state of Japanese 101-kun.