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File: 85 KB, 546x800, resident-evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10322928 No.10322928 [Reply] [Original]

It's pretty funny the way Resident Evil's story explains how the player characters are immune
>Yeah about 10% of the population are immune, just random genetic shit, nothing we can do about that. Hope all the zombies and mutants get the 10%.

>> No.10322929

Wow the heroes who save the day coincidentally have superior genetics, or maybe it isn't a coincidence

>> No.10322932

Actually you just pulled that 10% out of your ass. In RE1 there is NOTHING that states that bites can transmit the virus, quite the contrary in fact.

If only you had reading comprehesion.

>> No.10322945

It’s never explicitly stated how the disease is transmitted nor how immunity works. The only time that gets referenced is curing Sherry Birkin or the vaccine in 3. Other than that they leave the virus a total mystery. How the main characters never get infected is because they’re the main characters.

>> No.10322951
File: 484 KB, 2200x1000, 1620251560348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or maybe it isn't a coincidence
Not the only thing that's not a coincidence

>> No.10322956

It is stated. In RE1 everything points out that the virus was airborn and by the time the Bravo team got there the place was safe. For instance the guard's diary mentions how he got affected but never mentions getting bitten.

RE2 retcons all that and the rats are the carrier of the virus after vials broke up. And contrary to RE1, in RE2 bites do spread the virus.

>> No.10322964

>For instance the guard's diary mentions how he got affected but never mentions getting bitten
True, but RE1 also never explicitly says that the virus can't be transmitted though bites. To me it seems like the virus can be transmitted in basically every single way a virus possibly can.

>> No.10322981

Yeah, the Inside of Biohazard book says it mutates over time to less dangerous forms. It's something like airborne -> direct contact -> basically inert. It specifically says this is why the characters didn't get infected by bites and scratches.

>> No.10323053

How do we even know they get bitten and scratched? It's not like zombies would pose much of a thread to a team comprised of ex-military special forces armed with firearms.. I think only Cerberus or Hunters would make them break a sweat (unironically setting up the purpose of their creation for military purposes).

>> No.10323069

I'm pretty sure it was stated somewhere that the main characters never get bitten during the course of the games. The only person who's actually immune to the T-Virus is Jill, because she was vaccinated in RE3 (this is a plot point in RE5).

There's a ton of stuff that's explained in files but people still have those misconceptions about the whole thing. For example, the contagious virus in RE2 is pretty clearly stated to be the T-Virus, and people still think it's the G-Virus. The G-Virus isn't contagious, the only way to be infected is through a direct injection (William Birkin) or by an implanted embryo (Sherry).

Another one is that Nemesis kills everything in RE3, not just the STARS. There's a file reporting an encounter between one of the UBCS and Nemesis, and Nemesis leaves him alone. He only attacks Carlos because he's helping Jill. During the last encounter in the Clock Tower, if you stop shooting him, he'll run to where Jill is and try to kill her, ignoring Carlos.

>> No.10323073
File: 2.80 MB, 640x480, RE3 Nem break doors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the coolest shit in the game but many people don't know, it doesn't help that this entire sequence is glitched in the PC version which most people recommend as the "definitive" version

>> No.10323120

it's pretty obvious that a no damage run of these games is the canon, are you a fucking nigger? rhetorical questions btw.

>> No.10323191

I will eternally sneethe at how bad the remake of 3 is.

>> No.10323226

frank west is the only main character that canonically gets bit in any of these zombie games no?

>> No.10323271

I'm replaying the RE series for the Halloween season and I have the PAL PS1 versions of RE2/3. I've got a Wii and can afford the GC ports. Is it worth getting the GC ports for the graphical boost and any additional content?

>> No.10323368

This is true. I understand the abstraction required for gameplay mechanics but really it wouldn't be that hard to keep zombies with really bad motor function from being able to grab you and get a bite. Like even really basic judo or anything similar would be enough to make sure RE1 zombies never get you for a bite

>> No.10323379

I think every fan of RE3 feels the same. Such a missed opportunity for RE3 to get the recognition it deserves.

>> No.10323385

It's worth getting them to play in 60hz

They don't have extra content or features though, except from the ability to skip cutscenes in 2

>> No.10323396
File: 3.95 MB, 1280x536, Jill RPD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather rewatch RE: Apocalypse than replay REmake 3

>> No.10323440

That scene could have been cool but really poor casting choice and acting direction. Imagine that scene but with the actual RE3 Jill now. Boom, kickass.

>> No.10323448

>poor casting choice
Sienna Guillory was fine, they could have done worse. Also you're gonna piss off the Anon who's obsessed with movieJill and posts a dozen different webms of her every time he shows up in an RE thread

>> No.10323450

GC remake is an entirely different game, it's worth it to play both. You can also look up the native Wii port, should be probably cheaper.

>> No.10323743
File: 12 KB, 250x305, Jill_Valentine_in_Apocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guillory was fucking robbed honestly. Apparently she was really excited for the role and put a ton of effort into trying to get down Jill's little manerisms, stances, and movements from RE3, only for her to get completely sidelined in the script.

>> No.10323764

Just hack your Wii, it's so easy these days. Wtf are you doing?

>> No.10323768

That fucking blows, just like she did to get that part. Fuck Hollywood

>> No.10323783

Anon, you need to play the RE1 remake. Absolutely. I love RE1, it's my favorite in the series, I love the original, directors cut, remake... but I still think the remake is the definitive edition. I played through it a few years ago around this time of year and it blew my mind. Even as a guy in his 30s who rarely gets sucked into games these days, I couldn't stop playing it.

>> No.10323790

It's a remake whadya expect?

>> No.10324124


>> No.10325021

>it doesn't help that this entire sequence is glitched in the PC version which most people recommend as the "definitive" version
Even the fan-patched version is glitched?
NTA, I would counter by saying it has extra padding compared to the original game. Some of the puzzle boss solutions are fun though.
I kinda liked Zero when I played it nearly twenty years ago. Maybe I'd still like it now. Would have loved to have seen the N64 version. Also would like to see the randomizer and other exclusive features (blood color I think?) from N64 RE2 ported to the reworked PC version.

>> No.10325028
File: 2.79 MB, 640x480, RE3 PC glitched Nem.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even the fan-patched version is glitched?

Last time I checked yes, this video is what happens. Instead of going to the door to switch room, Nemesis just does this in the PC versions, 90% of the time anyway

>> No.10325386

>How the main characters never get infected is because they’re the main characters.
yea basically the canon is that the characters do no-damage playthrough.

>> No.10325417

They have super human feats. Why wouldn't they?

>> No.10325437

I thought it was the case that Jill and the gang are never bitten and if it happens in your game it's your fault and not canon.

>> No.10325462
File: 33 KB, 640x360, images - 2023-10-16T013852.917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In code veronica Claire is shown to out run a chopper blasting her with its mini gun and the follows that up by taking out 100 armed guards with a pistol.

>> No.10325557
File: 272 KB, 220x233, Honkler (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that the hero characters just never canonically took any damage from infected and that healing items were in the game as a gameplay mechanic only.

>> No.10325572

This, they are highly trained special forces. You think they canonically walk around with tank controls, pivoting 90 degrees before they start walking to turn?

>> No.10325582

I don't think zombies are super slow or that weak though. They are still a serious threat in close proximity due to their slight increased size and strength. I would suspect this is how Iwao imagined that some of the Bravo team members died when they lost their weapons or had no more ammunition. They are definitely not dangerous armed with firearms and military experience, though.

>> No.10325586

She needs correcting.

>> No.10325593

The herbs play a role in the story, since Racoon City was chosen as Umbrella's base of operations because it's the only place they grow.

>> No.10325607

Something that didn't resemble a standalone dlc to 2's remake that doesn't even make proper use of the already-existing stalker mechanic.

>> No.10326194

Wesker picked the team so it makes perfect sense. He likely checked all their genetic shit.

>> No.10326205

Bravo team died because they are bravo team, not alpha team a dviirc didn’t they crash and get attacked by dogs and wasn’t it weaker that sabotaged bravo team?

>> No.10326208

Iirc* wesker*

>> No.10326312

There's no official explanation in Resident Evil 1. Only that the helicopter crashed, the rest is left to the imagination of the player. For example, you find Kenneth dead with 2 pistol clips on his body but no handgun - likely suggesting he got ambushed without a proper weapon and couldn't overtake the zombie.

>> No.10326574
File: 195 KB, 450x360, rebecca-chambers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn’t it wesker that sabotaged bravo team?
*services ur helicopter right before it crashes*

>> No.10326584

In the remake, you actually see him firing at the zombie (he records it).
One piece of useless trivia in the original is that, if you instead run away from the zombie and let Barry kill it, when you come back to Kenneth's body, he won't have the pistol clips anymore. Maybe the zombie ate them?

>> No.10326602

whut? I distinctly remember letting Barry kill it and then taking the mags off Kenneth's corpse, and I'm playing the original PSX version.

>> No.10326608

You can get a different scene if you keep going back to Wesker before meeting Barry by the fireplace. The zombie bursts in on its own and when you later find Kenneth his legs and pistol magazines are missing.

>> No.10326614

That was in the PSX version? I thought that was only in the GCN remake. Neat.

>> No.10326616

Hmmm I could've sworn wesker sabotaged bravo team... maybe that's just some headcanon I picked up somewhere. It's still strange the helicopter crashes, I always thought it was wesker that caused the crash, otherwise why would they crash

>> No.10326618

You think it was Rebecca did it? But she's the least likely too, not that the timeline even matters at this point but the first 3 games plus cv and to an extent 4 are actually good, plotwise

>> No.10326645

There's a ton of stuff that most people never saw, because RE1 has a lot of scene variations.
For example:
- there are two variations of the dining room zombie scene: one is if you see the zombie and go back to Barry, and another if you keep going back to Wesker at the main hall.
- you get the Acid Rounds if you take another way around the mansion and reach the second floor. If you do this, Barry won't save Jill from the ceiling trap.
- if Chris doesn't get bitten by Yawn, you don't play as Rebecca.
- if Chris was bitten, depending on how long it takes for Rebecca to bring him the Serum, she'll show up later on a different place. If you take less than 4 minutes, Rebecca will show up in the guardhouse and make the V-JOLT to kill Plant 42.
- if you take longer than 4 minutes, Rebecca will have a "danger scene" when you come back to the mansion. Depending on if you answered her first question YES or NO, the Hunter will attack her in a different place.
- If you take more than 3 minutes to arrive where she is, she'll be already dead. If you arrive before that but leave the room, you'll see the Hunter killing Rebecca.
- if Jill gets bitten by Yawn, and you didn't trigger the cutscene with Barry at the balcony, Barry will bring Jill to the room where you make the Serum (same can happen with Rebecca/Chris).
- depending on what you did with the other character before fighting Plant 42, you can either fight it just once, have Barry help Jill the second time, or have to fight it twice without any help.

>> No.10326656

I remember there also being a lot of variations of the Wesker cutscene in front of Tyrant's room. You can get Barry to knock Wesker out or Wesker shooting Rebecca (most people saw those), but also a variation where Chris/Jill will be alone and Wesker disarms them.

>> No.10326667

If Becky takes too long to bring the Serum back, Chris is just straight up dead too. I was always disappointed you never got to play as Barry in Jill's scenario. Maybe to go get a flamethrower to burn the plant or something.

>> No.10326735

Remake wasn't written by Iwao, though. I hate that they changed that, a zombie shouldn't be a problem for someone properly equipped and with military background. Zombies are framed as dangerous in hand-to-hand combat because the t-Virus mutation changes their physical resistance (capable of withstanding more damage without flinching) and slightly increases their mass (possibly making them stronger than a normal person) - and the gameplay mechanics even reflect this by making knife combat a last resource as most encounters will result in bites. And yes, I believe the zombie eats through his lower body, likely either swallowing the clips or at least bitting through them and rendering them unusable and with bullets trapped in them.

I don't recall that being mentioned anywhere in the original Resident Evil 1.

>> No.10326748

>you get the Acid Rounds if you take another way around the mansion and reach the second floor. If you do this, Barry won't save Jill from the ceiling trap.
I'm fairly certain you can get Barry to save Jill from the ceiling trap and still get the acid rounds. Maybe you need to do it in a specific order but it's definitely possible.

This mostly depends on whether you managed to save your primary companion or not. One of the most weird things is the scene with the second companion though. You can meet up with them before reaching the experimention laboratory (you won't be able to unlock the door though - just a cutscene) by using all the 3 M.O discs and Jill will begin saying that Wesker is a traitor and Chris interrupts her by saying he knows despite the B.O.W data file which shows Wesker working in research not being mandatory. It almost suggests that the laboratory section was most likely packaged with additional content originally but they had to cut it down to rush the game out.

>> No.10326752
File: 128 KB, 960x720, legs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP my nigga Kenny's legs

>> No.10326849

>It almost suggests that the laboratory section was most likely packaged with additional content originally but they had to cut it down to rush the game out.
There's some interesting unused dialogue between Chris and Rebecca still in the game's files.
Chris and Rebecca find the triggering system
Chris and Rebecca watch the slide show together
Rebecca talks about using a special key?

In general it feels like they were supposed to explore the lab together. The last one even sounds a bit similar to when Leon and Ashley have to pull levers at the same time in 4. I don't know about Jill and Barry though.

>> No.10326972

I thought the heroes were not immune and the medicinal herb was what cured the infection?

>> No.10326976

Viruses do mutate.
Especially unstable fictional horror franchise viruses.

>> No.10326979

the kid from 3 also gets bitten
he is immune but hey

>> No.10327142 [DELETED] 

its funny how we disregard bravo team for incompetence when they play as the the player would without the cushioning of plot convenience and retries.
remake richard is the only reason the player lives and what happened to joseph could have happened to any one of them. even you wesker. very wise if you.
remake has a lot of things but branching paths were the only downgrade.

>> No.10327162

its funny how we disregard bravo team for incompetence when they play as the the player would without the cushioning of plot convenience and retries.
remake richard is the only reason the player lives, enrico pretty much "won" his scenario but got cheated and what happened to joseph could have happened to any one of them. even you wesker. very wise if you. honestly its just kenneth and forest that are the potential bozos but forest could have been taken down by anything, with the crows being the finisher
remake has a lot of things but branching paths were the only downgrade.

>> No.10327380

>I'm fairly certain you can get Barry to save Jill from the ceiling trap and still get the acid rounds. Maybe you need to do it in a specific order but it's definitely possible.

You can, it's my usual route. You need to go directly to the ceiling trap from the start of the game, then once you reach upstairs you'll get the acid rounds.
What that anon meant though was that if you go to the ceiling trap *after* meeting back a second time in the lobby, he won't show up then.

>> No.10327546
File: 44 KB, 225x415, 225px-Biohazard_sample_31_01_unknownkeymodelfront.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had looked into this and and I have come to the following conclusions

>when Chris first goes to the lab engine room, he stumbles on Rebecca
>she got there via the ventilation system
which you *can* see in the rooms backgrounds
>they stumble on the self destruct system and this foreshadows it, which explains why she knows about it (killing one point of that stupid conspiracy theory)

and about the key, it's most likely pic related found in the files of the January 31 beta. A set of two keys and each character would have to use one on each side of the door similar to the setups used in RE4 and RE0.

>> No.10327550

It's probably a relic from when the game had actual partner AI. If you get to the lab and Barry/Rebecca didn't die prior to that, you go through some events that setup the true ending.
Makes sense, the actual true ending feels pretty random in the full game.

>> No.10327551

Rebecca says that something went wrong with the helicopter's engine, which was odd because she serviced it recently.

I'm 100% certain this is meant to make the player understand that it was a sabotage. Thus, Wesker.

>> No.10327553

>It's probably a relic from when the game had actual partner AI.

Nope. That key is present in the files of the prototype January 31 version but not in any other versions before or after.

Also the final game does have "AI partner", IE Barry following Jill in a couple of rooms and in the end with Barry and Chris. There is nothing pointing at it being any more than that, I know there are old magazine screenshots with Jill and Chris together but that doesn't prove the system was ever anything more than that. Everything points out that the "Sweet Home style" partner system that people like to imagine was dropped before production began.