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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10320985 No.10320985 [Reply] [Original]

What is a series of games/game that you wish you could get into, but you can't?

It actually frustrates me how little I enjoyed my first few hours of OoT as a 26 year old - back in January. It's October now - and I'd like to go back. Then again, I remember how I dropped Majora's Mask and ALTP a few years back. I started Wind Waker a few weeks back and I haven't touched it in a week.

The aspect of the game which relies on you figuring shit out by yourself makes me feel quite dumb (and in certain ways, I indeed am). What I'm frustrated by the most, I think, is that I'm genuinely not enjoying it. It clashes with the feeling of adventure I feel like i'm supposed to be getting, and how everyone else around me has an innate sense of wonder regarding the worlds in this franchise. It's certainly something I could use these days, and I wish I could experience it too.
I wonder if there's a wrong way that I'm approaching this?

Curious to know if you fellas have anything like this.

pic unrelated, rayman 2 is the bomb

>> No.10321008

I tried for years to get into OOT, finally stuck when I got to the Fire Temple. Really liked it in the end.

>> No.10321028

>love Rayman 2 and 3. Somewhat enjoy the GBA games
>feel obligated to like 1
>nope, filter'd hard by it

>> No.10321059

Try Rayman Redemption

>> No.10321061

All shmups, I'm just awful at them.

>> No.10321073

Zelda and Pokemon mostly. Nintendo is great at platformers but I could never get into their action adventure or RPG's

>> No.10321082

There are lots of great platformer franchises but not action-adventure games rarely come close to Zelda and Metroid

>> No.10321091

MGS, I played and enjoyed 1 but every time I try playing 2 o 3 I try not to use the tranq guns and to avoid alerts at all and I end up not enjoying them.

>> No.10321123
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Instakill trial & error platformers.
It probably feels awesome to finish one, but getting pummeled by everything that moves on top of deliberate traps requires inhuman determination.

>> No.10321136

I tried really hard to get into Devil May Cry but man is it _rough_. Apparently they hadn't learn how to animate 3D telegraphs yet.

>> No.10321138

Try an easier shmup like Star Parodier. You're not supposed to be able to 1cc a game like Dodonpachi Daioujou in one day

>> No.10321181

Dragon Quest and Trails. Too bland with gameplay too dull and traditional.

>> No.10321365

Rail shooters. I love shmups, I love third person shooters, and this board loves the shit out of Sin and Punishment and Star Fox 64, but I just can't get them to click. They're fun, but just a mild fun, not the enrapturing fun I have with shmups and TPS.

>> No.10321401

Dragon Quest is definitely so fucking tedious and slow at times, but so incredibly cozy and familiar at others… Whenever I’m playing Dragon Quest, I wish I was playing another JRPG, and whenever I’m playing another JRPG, I wish I was playing Dragon Quest.

>> No.10321417

The setting is definitely more cozy than other "generic" JRPGs, but I still have trouble feeling motivated to play them versus something with a bit more of an interesting premise and character development. I finished 1 (SNES ver) and 8 and enjoyed both but don't feel like playing any more. I think if the MMO got localized back in the day instead of trapped in japen I would've played the shit out of it, but Square Enix hates money.

>> No.10321420

When I was a wee lad I tried out ALttP on the GBA and thought for the few hours I've played it that it was some sort of bootleg game
it's really not great and I'm a big sucker for top-down/2D Zelda games

Strategy games on the PC were always a genre I wanted to enjoy but at some point they feel too sluggish or I get overrun by the brutal CPU on later levels due to bad micromanagent
Always loved missions that gave you a limited amount of units and you had to fight through everything with those

>> No.10321453

I love everything about Oddworld except for the game itself

>> No.10321475

Just savescum them then. I never enjoyed shmups until I started savescumming. Same for the more challenging platformers. There's no world where I can be arsed to actually master classic Castlevanias but I still had a lot of fun savescumming my way through them

>> No.10321484

I think avoiding alerts is a mistake in stealth games, devs go out of their way to make alert and evasion mode gameplay as fun as pure stealth, skipping it kind of removes a part of the fun. In MGS2 especially they do really cool area sweeps during evasion mode and in MGS3 the gunplay is a lot of fun so it's fun to just let it escalate.

>> No.10321560

The only legends of zelda game i played is link's awakening, both original and remake, anything else feels like a chore to start

>> No.10321668

Silent Hill, tried playing the first one and had a good time but I got completely filtered by a couple of the puzzles. Couldn't figure out the piano puzzle. Totally missed the crows being black keys and the storks being white keys in the puzzle clue next to the piano, flew right over my head.. Couldn't figure out the light puzzle had forgotten I had a camera in my inventory, didn't make the connection to use the camera flash.

Got to the final boss and had no ammo left because I'd wasted it all killing every single enemy in the game up until that point. I guess you are supposed to run past them or get really good with the melee weapons?

I really enjoyed silent hill homecoming, I enjoy the story and atmosphere of the silent hill series in general, I enjoy the multiple endings and I'll probably give silent hill another go after some time passes.

>> No.10321686

Yeah the tutorial segments can be extremely tedious. Oot definitely has a long lead up before you get access to the equipment and get set free. You have to jump through all the hoops to get your equipment, then you have to the entire Deku tree dungeon first, then you could argue that the entire child segment of the game is just a very long tutorial for the adult segment. Also the ending sucks, fight me Oot fans, the ending is garbage. Every 3D zelda game is like that though, the tutorial segments are long winded and unskippable but it makes any of the 3d Zeldas a good "first" video game for anyone because it holds your hand for such a long time.

>> No.10321738

In silent hill 1, if you have no ammo to kill the final boss, you just have to try to shoot it with all your weapons, eventually, the monster just dies. I tested it and it works but took a while of "shooting" at it with the rifle until it suddenly died

>> No.10321747
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Chronic trigger. I love dbz, but every time I pick up ct, I just sit there bored, pressing a, because the battles are easier than ff7, they're easier than smrpg. WTF

>> No.10321805

>hadn't learn how to animate 3D telegraphs yet
That's what makes it so brutal. The game has no qualms sucker punching you, feels gritty

>> No.10321813

I'd like to play through it again anyways because I wasn't going to get get the good ending. Had no idea you were supposed to pick up the sauce on the floor with the bottle.

>> No.10321921

>The aspect of the game which relies on you figuring shit out by yourself makes me feel quite dumb
When I played Zelda as a teenager the I only encountered that feeling a couple times and I just kind of thrashed around until it worked. Ocarina has a few points where you have to pay close attention to the text and even then you might not get the hint so I can see how you got lost
Imo the graphics, the sounds, the characters and the map are all so good it seems impossible not to have fun lol. I bet if you stuck with it and looked up guides you'd have a good time

>> No.10321930

Even though 3 of my favorite 5 game series are platformers, there are some series in that genre I couldn’t get into. Sonic and Donkey Kong Country are two examples. I had a few cousins who were into Sonic when they were kids, and I couldn’t get into them (except for the Chao Garden feature in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle). Bought Mania as an adult, and still couldn’t get into it.
I don’t care for DKC either. Maybe I am just too used to the gameplay of Mario, Kirby, and Mega Man to adapt to DKC’s controls.
Speaking of Mega Man, I only care about the classic series, I tried the first X game, but couldn’t get into either.

>> No.10321934

Played the old Resident Evil games and liked them a lot, but then I tried Dino Crisis and couldn’t get into it at all

>> No.10321967

DKC is secretly a rhythm game. Each level is like a guitar hero song. Even the layouts are shaped like sheet music.
Sonic gives you a lot more freedom than detractors claim but you still need to learn how to read the layouts. Most importantly you need to play in a way that makes sense for Sonic's personality. Do what looks cool and it will probably work. A lot of people try too hard to micromanage Sonic's movement which is why they don't feel in control.
Both DKC and Sonic demand players go with the flow and feel their way through. It is a totally different mindset than Mario.

>> No.10322580
File: 3.14 MB, 1280x720, late rayman level part 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think Rayman 2 is good, your opinion on video games is completely irrelevant

>> No.10322582
File: 3.26 MB, 1280x720, late rayman level part 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322592
File: 2.48 MB, 640x360, rayman gameplay part 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322594
File: 2.57 MB, 640x360, rayman gameplay part 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322598
File: 1.82 MB, 640x360, rayman gameplay part 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322602

Try Panzer dragoon or space barrier.

>> No.10322607

You couldn't even pay me to watch all this boring crap let alone play it

>> No.10322612
File: 1.85 MB, 640x360, rayman gameplay part 4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322642

you need to inject more estrogen to enjoy Zelda, son

>> No.10322726

alright buddy i get it, you posted 6 separate 1 minute webms to tell me I shouldn't enjoy a game I beat 9 months ago - that's fine, I appreciate your passion
I never even said I think OoT is a bad game, or any Zelda game for the matter - we're cool

>> No.10322747

someone got triggered by rayman 2 kek

>> No.10323174
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Why are people saying these things about LoZ
Piss off Dave

>> No.10323216

Harvest Moon. I get so bored after the first season, it just becomes too tedious. It sucks because I really enjoy the characters, setting, and music but the gameplay makes me fall asleep. I did enjoy Stardew Valley though, but that’s probably because I played the multiplayer.

>> No.10323237

just like dark souls, the quality of oot is actually very inconsistent, it has highs and lows.
usually people drop it at the water temple, but personally i have never managed to go beyond the fire temple
i just get overwhelmingly bored right after beating it
i grew up with spyro, ape escape and other 3D platformers, i hate not being able to jump around
the movement feels so limited, and restrictive.. so LIGNEOUS!
i'm not saying the game is bad, just that i can't get into it

>> No.10323310

>fire temple
You're almost done with the game just push through to the end. If you leave games half finished it'll wear on your mind and the pattern will carry over into your irl work

>> No.10325315

You're completely right but I feel like a sucker not doing it perfect.

>> No.10325343
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>DKC is secretly a rhythm game. Each level is like a guitar hero song. Even the layouts are shaped like sheet music.
What is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.10326076
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>What is a series of games/game that you wish you could get into, but you can't?
All of Nintendo's major IPs.
I have a problem where, if I didn't grow up playing something, it's tough for me to get into it, so I just play the same dozen franchises over and over... is it OCD, autism or both?

>> No.10326096

The levels are mostly linear and have mostly standardized heights for platforms. Attacking enemies creates nigh unstoppable forward momentum. Stop and go movement usually gets punished while continuous forwards play lines up the timing of the level elements into a neatly orchestrated sequence that plays out in a regular tempo.

>> No.10326097

I could never get into Zelda either
I think they are secretly bad games with a lot of atmosphere and charm ontop that hides that fact

Every aspect is actually crap. The story, combat, puzzles etc are all crap, but together they sort of mask this fact

>> No.10326110

I also think rayman 2 is kinda crap

>> No.10326118

Sort of, DKC can outmove the screen scrolling for whatever reason, maybe the tiles are too complex to load in for the SNES.

>> No.10326351

Rayman should've stayed 2D

>> No.10327037

Rayman 1 was not playtested properly. Play Redemption, it's a fan game that basically restructures Rayman 1 into being a game that's actually fun to play

>> No.10327038
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>PS1 port

>> No.10328289

I've played through Gen 1 and 2 of Pokemon, and so far I still don't like it much. I think the combat is the main issue, it's just really boring to me. I'm hoping the later games improved enough in other ways for me to really enjoy it, cuz I really like Pokemon as a franchise, but the games just aren't really doing it for me so far.

>> No.10328312

isometric CRPGs, really love the idea of playing old school western role playing games, but god damn do they bore me when I actually sit down to play one

>> No.10328331

Monster Hunter, but it's no fault of the game. I just get frustrated when my attacks bounce off armored sections or the monster runs away, leaving me to chase it down. I'm usually a pretty patient player but MH requires too much from me

>> No.10328464

you had to be there, non-backlit gameboy color and all

>> No.10329210

Ultima. It really seems like the most influential videogame series ever made and the world and mythology sounds so wonderful. Actually playing ANY of them I get bored out of my mind and I just find all the note taking annoying instead of immersive, I've tried playing both without taking notes and with taking notes and neither are enjoyable. I've tried multiple games in the series and not once could I bring myself to play more than like a few hours before deciding there are more enjoyable ways to spend my time.

To be honest the games were just about steamrolling everything except like two gyms with your starter's strongest move until gen 5, that was the one where for the first time you were really rewarded for having a balanced team instead of punished for it.

Gen 1 and 2 really only have good battle gameplay when you play Stadium 1/2. Especially Stadium 2, the schoolhouse tutorials are shockingly in depth and well done.

>> No.10329434
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barely related but I don't find Castlevania ball torturing difficult but these fucking spikes where a touch on the side insta kills you always gets me once.

>> No.10330191
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All the older and all the newer Fire Emblem games. I adore the GBA trilogy and know them back to front but the earlier and later games just don't hold my attention for some reason

>> No.10330197

Oddysee and Exoddus are collectively some of the finest games ever made. Give them another shot