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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 69 KB, 557x800, call-of-duty-4-modern-warfare-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10317564 No.10317564 [Reply] [Original]

I think Call Of Duty's shooting formula is fun. I don't get the hate.

>> No.10317568

not retro and never will be

>> No.10317596

>PC, 2007
sorry zoombro, but I have to reverse you

>> No.10317597

It is fun. Its funny how the tendies will try and convince themselves that perfect dark is better.

>> No.10317601

I don't like it but it actually should be allowed here since it's 2007 and PC was lead platform
>but but your PC needs hardware newer than 2001
Maybe but so it does for Half Life 2, which is allowed here just because it was on Xbox

Silly and pointless reason to exclude a lot of PC and arcade game. I don't even bother making Witcher 1 threads

>> No.10317602

I don't think there's anything wrong with CoD 4, the problem came from the rest of the industry blindly copying them and often without the crazed and over the top setpieces that CoD provides.

>> No.10317603

>the problem came from the rest of the industry blindly copying them
Copying MW implies it did anything new. What would that be?

It's just a completely generic, forgettable piece of shit with some cool presentation

>> No.10317605


>> No.10317606

If we cannot discuss the game for needing newer hardware can we discuss it's instruction manual and box art?
Do tell us how perfect dark is the better game.

>> No.10317609
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it didn't do anything really new, but what it did, it did so with style, and some damn good pacing.
There's a reason why people still talk about the level that ends with your character getting nuked and All Ghillied Up. I'm not even a huge CoD fan but I can still appreciate a good setpiece.

No one is talking about Perfect Dark or Nintendo fans other than you. You really should stop that, as there's no need for that behavior here.

>> No.10317618
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 50293a13e832c1634c1f18dd1dde1058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question, do you think this mission (pic related) was inspired by MGS2?

>> No.10317629

They make one every year. It's hard not to be bored of a thing at that point.
Those are completely different things

>> No.10317648

We need a board for games that are old but not retro. This game is not retro and never will be retro.

>> No.10317653

Why would it be, it's just one of the generic war locations that every generic war franchise features sooner or later. And due to how small and isolated the place is, it's suited for stealth more than anything

>> No.10317657

Yeah /vr/ should always stay what it is now but there should also be /vrr/ for games between /vr/ and current gen. Can't shrink /vr/ any further because it's barely alive anyway

>> No.10317659

It's called /v/.
If you're insinuating /v/ is a "current games board", then lol. /v/ pretty much collectively stopped playing games after MGSV.

>> No.10317662

This is correct. The Dreamcast will forever be the last real console that can be considered retro

>> No.10317720

It was good before they started applying penalty lag to better players. NuCOD is absolute dogshit and not retro anyways

>> No.10317737

nuCOD is MW19 onwards, this thread is about COD4 from 2007.

>> No.10317754

More inspired by the opening level of SOCOM: US NAVY SEALS I think.

>> No.10317776

Yeah, you can find Snake's cum in one of the lockers

>> No.10317831

No, NuCod is definitely 4 onwards. The first three may as well be a distinct franchise.

>> No.10317837
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The platform for this game is from 2004

Not retro

>> No.10317856

and in case mods haven't noticed, I'm pretty sure it's just this one guy making these type of threads one after the other as some sort of "epic troll" I suppose, trying to push the boundaries every time like posting about a switch port of Marios which includes a non retro title also etc

>> No.10317954

>push the boundaries
Op cannot be blamed for these stupid non retro rules. Cod4 is a good game anyway even if it's marketed towards normies.

>> No.10317969
File: 101 KB, 1200x768, 1662187820138573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting /v/ games. Last warning

>> No.10318079

It got the right mix of fun arcadey and pseudo-realistic gunplay. Other games were between Quake-style fantasy weapons and autistic military sim a la ARMA. Sorry Counter Strike, I still feel you're on the Quake side. ADS makes all the difference.
Of the games that do copy it, I think Payday got it the most right, with the military setpieces replaced with heist movies/crime movies setpieces.

>> No.10318085

my enjoyment of CoD ultimately begins & ends with the PvE offerings (campaign, zombies, spec-op, extinction and to a degree DMZ) the PvP is too "carrot on a stick" for me to enjoy it without friends and the newer games practically throw balance out the window with P2W gun blueprints, handicaps in MM and some player skins giving you an advantage (i.e. one skin has a dog that growls when an enemy player is nearby)

basically this. sure time periods changed and some things were added/removed for the sake of balance but the formula hasn't really changed since COD4.

my interactions with the COD community in recent months has wholly convinced me that most of the codkiddies upset with the current CODs are more upset that they "grew up" and just want a time machine so they can be teenagers again. are there problems with the current direction? absolutely what >>10317720 is a prime example of such problems but most of the complaints i've seen from fanboys are the most superficial shit that ultimately undermines the validity of more legitimate grievances.

>> No.10318103

I agree with you. People seethe at it for no reason

It's kinda goyslop, ok, but it's good

>> No.10318109

>Sorry Counter Strike, I still feel you're on the Quake side.
CS didn't really feel arcadey to me until CSGO

>> No.10318290

The game would be good fun if it wasn't for the camera jerking all over the place when you get shot. It ruins singleplayer on harder difficulties and your average multiplayer 1v1 confrontation just comes down to who shoots first.

>> No.10318324

it's fine

>> No.10318348

Why are you trying to stir shit up? Also that's like comparing Need for Speed Underground to Gran Turismo. Yes they're both in the same general genre but they try to do completely different things

>> No.10318361

The level up systems CoD4 and BF2142 popularized were an absolute disaster for the FPS genre and I'm glad that cancer has finally been excised from FPS at large even if its been replaced by lootboxes and microtransactions

>> No.10318423

It's what happens when people just keep buying "the current thing". Also when people literally just play the same basic game format for ten years. I don't know what they expect.

I keep my appreciation of games alive by basically cycling what I'm into whenever I get bored of a particular thing. Last year I pretty much just played arcade shooters and pinball games the whole time. Right now I'm getting into an RPG and adventure game groove. After that, maybe I'll start fucking around with some system I've barely touched, like one of those Japanese computers, and see what I find.

You also have to start to develop an actual taste past a certain point. When you've played enough games you should know what you like, and be able to say "okay, I like 90's cyberpunk, so I'm going to hunt down all of the 90's cyberpunk games I missed, and play those".

If you fail to do those things, the excitement of having the new AAA game in your hands will wear off some time in your 20's, and then you'll burn out.

>> No.10318612

The lag punishment and anti aim started with an update to mw2

>> No.10318771

I wouldn't be surprised if janny is the one that posted it since it hasn't been pruned

>> No.10318821

I think cod4 (remastered) is the one I have played the most. I simply get bored and frustrated as fuck real quickly with the other ones, I even played the original mw2 on pc with the mods and I played it maybe for a week and it just resulted into low frustration levels and anger. Cod4 bare bones gameplay feels the best and obviously everyone is biased about which game is their favorite. I played the MW3 open beta too and first night it was fun with friends and the next day I quit after two matches because it was the same shit. Not paying for that.

Even if cod player base supposedly dropped by 30% I don't think they will cry themselves to sleep because there will be enough suckers and complainers who buy it anyway and then complain it was shit.

>> No.10318829

It did something different because it suddenly moved the fps genre to modern warfare after dozens and dozens of ww2 games which did the saving private ryan ohama beach missions to death. Of course it wasn't the first fps to be modern and not the first shooter for sure, mgs1 and mgs2 already had most of the modern gadgets included.

>> No.10318834

I somehow never connected those together but I dunno mgs2 probably wasn't the only possible game or movie with such a setting.

>> No.10318835

>the problem came from the rest of the industry blindly copying them
This goes for Half-Life and Medal of Honor, actually. If everyone else copied them, then they did something right. It's not their fault other games weren't creative.

>> No.10318916

You do have a point in that while player character flinching when shot (a lot of games don't have this or didn't have this back in the days, maybe just screen flashing in red) is realism, it doesn't always make the gaming experience better. In MW3 beta I played tho players had more health so it wasn't all about who shot first because you or the opponent could run to the cover when shot and survive. It's kind of frustrating but also adds some skill because even if you shoot someone in the back you have to line up the shot skillfully so they can't get away.

>> No.10320917

It is hated only because it is popular

>> No.10321404

>Also when people literally just play the same basic game format for ten years. I don't know what they expect.
-the teenager who grew up with the franchise ultimately wants the same experience they had in high school which they'll never have again because they're a 20-30 something with a job & responsibilities now.

-the CoD youtuber/streamer who's made a career pubstomping kids in matchmaking basically wants to keep doing that but can't now because...
1.) skill based matchmaking now puts them with killers & sweatlords who'll pubstomp THEM.
2.) they are now much older and therefore much slower in their reflexes.
3.) the newer games are more or less P2W with gun blueprints.
...and the best they can hope for is that activision doesn't zap their android PC emulators for CoD mobile so they can continuing pubstomping kids playing on their phones.

-the military LARPer/fethishist expects a serious realistic combat simulation which they never had in the first place because call of duty has about as much to do with a millitary simulator as an 80s/90s buddy cop movie has to do with the show COPS and they're too much of pussies to play an actual military simulator.

>> No.10321412

Actual mil sim games look like shit and run like ass while CoD is one of the only AAA games that still looks good on top of managing 60fps even on poverty machines

>> No.10321435

but at the same time CoD isn't a mill simulator and expecting it to be one is just retarded. it's too arcadey.

>> No.10321461

>Actual mil sim games look like shit and run like ass
You mean Arma? I tried to play Arma III once and it was one of the worst games I have ever played

>> No.10321540

Sim games are always the worst games to people not in their target audience.

>> No.10321582

Anyone else think COD4 on veteran is the hardest game in the series? Most people say WoW, but I thought Blowtorch & Corkscrew (only the first checkpoint is hard) and Heart of the Reich (just stay out of grenade range and whittle down the respawns) were both highly overrated in terms of difficulty.

>> No.10321603

OFP/Arma series actually has some excellent singleplayer campaigns. I'd take Cold War Crisis, Resistance, Harvest Red, and The East Wind over any CoD campaign, and I actually enjoy CoD singleplayer.

>> No.10321606

Heart of the Reich is only tough because of a bug at the start where you're AI front line just stops moving up. If you can find the trigger that fixes it then its not any harder than any other level

>> No.10321618

Makes sense. I had been preparing myself mentally the entire game for that level, but I was surprised by how much of a breeze it was.

>> No.10321795

i don't play any of CoD's campaigns on veteran because i just don't find the experience fun and i usually prefer playing at a more relaxed pace on regular or recruit.

but one of my favorite gaming moments is that i was able to beat the one mission my brother struggled with on veteran for him and it ultimately shut him up about playing on easier difficulties ever again.

>> No.10321869

It's a victim of it's own success.

>> No.10322027

its a victim of showing up right when people who just learned how to read also got access to online multiplayer. i may be being hyperbolic but COD is quite literally only what it is today thanks to the online functionality and it being equally literally "babbys first FPS".

thats not to say it doesnt have some outstanding qualities but it is most fondly remembered for letting children be loud, racist and unmonitored just like on the playground and engage in a progression system that rewards their time spent in game. it comes off as contrarian saying "stop liking things for the wrong reason" but its hard not to say that when you have people try to gush about how good the COD series is as a whole when it has features present in games 20 years its senior that the speaker hasnt played.

TLDR; the same people who reminisce about COD are the same type of people who reminisce about day of defeat and CS1.6, the quality of game has nothing to do with it its the time spent, modern devs refuse to let the illusion slip and will forever say "REMEMBER COD4 U LOVED THAT SHIT"

>> No.10322042

>I'm not even a retro fan because I like a good setpiece

>> No.10322064
File: 192 KB, 500x374, 1419249356532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. We've had setpieces in vidya for fucking decades. Some of the most memorable boss battles we've had over the years are setpieces. Contra 3 where the giant metal skeleton opens up the wall and then he cuts his own head off? Mother Brain's fight in Super Metroid? Bowser's Fight in SMW? We've had entire levels that are setpieces, like the horse riding segment in Shinobi 3, or what about jet board level?

>> No.10322072

>memorable boss battles
>mother brain
You just exposed yourself.

>> No.10322073
File: 354 KB, 680x675, literally nobody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait, you don't play games for classic setpieces such as the cutscene from Pac-Man that isn't a boring nuisance? I especially love the setpiece in Dodge'Em where the car swerves towards you.
>Right? Anyone?

Not especially, no. I play games for their gameplay. Crazy right

>> No.10322075

I still classify her as a boss battle.

So you mean to tell me you avoid about 60-80% of titles from damn near every platform?

>> No.10322078

There's nothing wrong with a boss fight being hyped up like shoot em ups often do or walking past fallen heroes before entering the bosses lair.

>> No.10322079
File: 30 KB, 1280x720, 8510dfe51bffbbae3548c13740801ef0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't appreciate setpieces, I appreciate gameplay. Setpieces are mere windowdressing, and the second we started focusing on them like MGS is the moment honest gaming died and was replaced by moviegaming.

C'mon, let's argue about the semantics of RPG gameplay now, so I can ignore you.

>> No.10322094

Unless you're playing pretty much nothing arcade games before the early 90s, you will have played an action game at some point, somewhere that has a setpiece. The earlier mentioned horseback and jetboard levels from Shinobi 3 are setpieces, the big robot skeleton boss from Contra 3 is a setpiece. Mega Man X's intro stage where you get your ass kicked by Vile is a setpiece. Ninja Gaiden has setpieces, like towards the end where you work at destroying the orb controlling Ryu's father, and fighting the giant demon bastard, that is also a setpiece.
The running highway battle in Contra Hard Corps is a setpiece, the level where you're running on helicopter blades and shooting shit in Neo Contra is a setpiece. The final boss of Metal Slug X is a setpiece.

Video games have had cool moments that break from the norm for decades.

>> No.10322096
File: 59 KB, 593x517, images (100).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure she's a boss battle but not a very good one.
Don't blame set pieces for modern gaming being garbage

>> No.10322098

I never claimed she was a good boss battle, just a very memorable one. It's also satisfying turning the tables on that bitch and blasting her with the Hyper Beam, especially with the sheer force of the weapon sending her reeling with every shot. Fantastic.

>> No.10322104
File: 502 KB, 800x800, deal with it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot I don't play Pac-Man for the cutscene. And yet it has one. I play for gameplay, not windowdressing. That doesn't mean it can't have any, it means I prefer games that set the focus on the gameplay. I'll even play games that have more windowdressing, I simply don't prefer them. This is not hard to understand. I'd rather play Tapper for the millionth time over MGS because I will have a challenging game to enioy. This is the value of gameplay over graphics.

It set the precedent. Modern gamers wanted flashy bombast, I think they're lazy fucks that would have the same amount of fun watching walkthroughs.

>> No.10322106

I didn't even bring up MGS. You are blinded by your own nonsensical crusade.

>> No.10322108

I did. Read the thread.

>> No.10322120
File: 15 KB, 626x350, 53460_Duty_Calls_The_Calm_Before_the_Storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah MW was good and all but do you faggots remember THIS gem?


>> No.10322121

so what would you consider a "quality" multiplayer FPS then? i hope you don't give a basic bitch answer.

i don't even like CoD's multiplayer and i think you sound pretentious as shit.

>> No.10322126

>thats not to say it doesnt have some outstanding qualities
nta I suggest getting your eyes checked before getting your dick sucked

>> No.10322132

Off the top of my head:
- Short overly scripted campaign
- Really bad AI
- Super annoying screen effects
- Ridiculous regen health where staying 1 second in cover recovers all your health, getting shot a single time drops all your health (Halo did this so much better)

>> No.10322138

>"thats not to say it doesnt have some outstanding qualities"
>refuses to elaborate and proceeds to resume whining about little shits on xbox live being little shits on xbox live.
yeah i read his post anon.

>> No.10322148

From what I glean he says it was a victim of popularity and its gameplay hadn't changed.

Why do people hate old games on /vr/? The original CoD was fine. Better, even, because it didn't have life regeneration. Like Medal of Honor. My own opinion obviously. The game is fine, and was popular.

>> No.10322150

>"I don't appreciate setpieces, I appreciate gameplay."

so by this logic...
>sewer surfing in TMNT isn't gameplay
>the second person bossfight in battletoads isn't gameplay
>fighting a mimic boss character in a fighting game isn't gameplay
>a gimmick race track in a racing game isn't gameplay
...NTA but you're a dumbass.

>> No.10322158

>Ridiculous regen health where staying 1 second in cover recovers all your health, getting shot a single time drops all your health
health regen is a weak argument and immediately outs casuals or people who never played games with it because it don't mean shit on anything above normal and you effectively die in 1 or 2 hits on veteran or legendary.

>> No.10322159
File: 3.59 MB, 498x280, shenmue-shenmue2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd agree if there was some degree of difficulty.
>it set the precedent
So what? Shenmue had fun qte encounters. Should we now hate quick time events because they're in bad games today?

>> No.10322163

By your logic, those sections have no gameplay. Which they actually do. Try again

>> No.10322169

setpieces ARE gameplay anon that's what the other anon is trying to tell you. if they weren't they'd be cutscenes.

>> No.10322172

I don't hate QTEs, but I wish it was implemented better. Yu Suzuki was completely out of his element because he was reminiscing about the 80s (and making his games) rather than trying to revolutionize the gameplay like he did back then. Movie game. Sad really. It's a game I play when I'm feeling lazy.

>> No.10322176
File: 46 KB, 397x520, 1619762791904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I said too, dummy. Those setpieces have gameplay, I don't play games for their setpieces. Understand?

>> No.10322179

Don't bother, he is set in his ways.

>> No.10322181

Forums are for discussion, I want you to change my mind. You're just... Really bad at it.

>> No.10322182

The problem isn't that it's easy, the problem is that promotes an overly cautious play style where you sit behind cover all the time.
That's boring as shit.

Classic shooters like Doom manage to be challenging while also letting me move around and have fun.

>> No.10322189

This whole argument started with this post here >>10322042
My argument was a lot of retro games have setpieces, and that to deny that is utter nonsense.
Perhaps you only play old arcade games, in which case yes, those have no setpieces. That's on you, there's nothing else to discuss if all you care about is arcade games.

>> No.10322192

krauser's knife fight in RE4 is how you do QTEs imo.

a knife fight should feel very twitch/reflex based . i don't know how i feel about the remake making it an actual in game fight since i just imagine it being leon flailing his arms at krauser till he dies.

>The problem isn't that it's easy, the problem is that promotes an overly cautious play style where you sit behind cover all the time.
this type of mindset is why i see so many people here get filtered by hitscanners in retro shooters like doom. which is funny to me because doom is the easiest and most entry level shooter know to man.

>> No.10322203

>those have no setpieces.
Yes they do.

>> No.10322205

Which? Because Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man certainly don't. Older arcade games were pretty much pure gameplay with odd intermissions/cutscenes, I don't think setpieces became a thing until the 90s

>> No.10322212

>Forums are for discussion, I want you to change my mind
and you're too stupid and closed minded for that to happen.

>Those setpieces have gameplay.
and the ones you're complaining about don't? like i said your a dumbass and you're not going to change my mind on that.

>> No.10322213

The only hitscanners that are bullshit in classic shooters are the cultists in Blood.

>> No.10322223

>hating day of defeat

>> No.10322226
File: 18 KB, 579x91, Capture+_2023-10-13-22-25-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm replying to people that haven't played Pac-Man. Not even when it was the Google logo. Well done.
Isn't that just Shenmue but smaller UI flashes? I remember the plank walking in Shenmue 2 being particularly cruel with time windows.
You don't even understand the conversation we're having. When have I ever actually said I don't like windowdressing?

>> No.10322237

That is a cutscene. Anon. A setpiece implies a playable moment of gameplay that's extra bombastic or over the top. I'm not sure what else to tell you. If you'd like to list some other games you've played, I'm sure I could point some setpieces in them.

>> No.10322243

The setpiece has no influence of whether or not your intention is to progress. It is a playable cutscene. I like Metal Slug. I like window dressing! But the focus on it, that's the issue I'm taking. Isn't that what OP wanted to see?

>> No.10322275

Nah everyone with any taste knew the grindan bullshit they added was gay and played Pro mod instead

>> No.10322278 [DELETED] 

Acceptable fps to like: Doom, Quake, Unreal, Duke, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Dark Forces, Marathon, Cybermage, Strife, Hexen, Heretic, Sin, Shogo
Unacceptable: Half Life, COD, Halo, Nu Doom, Nu Wolfenstein, Serious Sam, Goldeneye, Timesplitters, FEAR, Perfect Dark, Overwatch, Counter Strike, Battlefield, MOH

>> No.10322312 [DELETED] 

You people realize this is a Doom/Quake chad board right?

>> No.10322319 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 10317913-quake-sega-saturn-sega-intro-screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322824

cod genuinely has got the most fun multiplayer fps formula yet
but it could be improved by economy a la cs i think

>> No.10322825

features alone don't make the game.
especially competitive one, it's all about tuning and balance.

>> No.10322926

I am currently playing the first one on Hardened and already got ass raped in Pavlov's house.
I really wouldn't want to do this on Veteran.

>> No.10323268

CoD1 on Veteran is especially dickish because enemy bullets are way more random and THEY REMOVE ALL THE FUCKING HEALTH KITS. Still not that bad because you can save scum but the constant car/turret sections turn into crap shoots where you can just die from full health instantly if the AI gets lucky

>> No.10324327

>no response to setpieces being interactive cutscenes
Concession accepted

>> No.10324368

No one has ever compared perfect dark to COD4 you zoom zoom

>> No.10324769

it really should be. 6th gen was a mistake and only spawned mouth breathing zoomers in here

>> No.10325093
File: 3.27 MB, 576x576, TFW a single Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier launching 300+ sorties a day to enable the Russian invasion of the US [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fskj2c4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Warfare 2 is superior.

>> No.10325096

Are those setpieces or cutscenes?

>> No.10325224

It is, but missions in america were boring as fuck. Russian locations are beautiful though

>> No.10325232

They're setscenes. #wewladle

But really it's hard to tell since CoD campaigns are so heavily scripted they're playing themselves half the time.

>> No.10325264

First release Crysis
November 13, 2007

>> No.10325326

>But really it's hard to tell since CoD campaigns are so heavily scripted they're playing themselves half the time.
I can't say anything about anything after 4 because that's when I stopped playing, but coming back to the first one after almost two decades of cinematic anything I really did notice how setpiece-heavy and "cinematic" even the first game was already set out to be.

>> No.10325527

Yeah, CoD campaigns were shit from day 1