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File: 9 KB, 200x176, IMG_8204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10321440 No.10321440 [Reply] [Original]

“Powerups” that are pointless/detrimental.

>> No.10321452

charge shot upgrade in mega man x3

>> No.10321465

That shit is why I don’t bother with the golden armor on replays.

>> No.10321490
File: 8 KB, 168x171, x_buster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is pointless. So many cool things to say: An old story about the development of a game, curiosities about programming, which games you've been playing these days and what you think of them...

The X-Buster upgrade in MMX3 is horrible. Why create a delay when shooting? What were the Japanese thinking when they did this shit?

>> No.10321515

The torch in Ghosts n Goblins

>> No.10321527
File: 108 KB, 150x133, X3_XBuster_Lv5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose they were hoping the extra windup frames to the fusion would make it look more powerful than it is.
A real style over substance moment.

>> No.10321604

The ones based shmups troll you into picking up right before the boss

>> No.10321607

At least it shoots quick when megaman is sliding on a wall.

>> No.10321608
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>> No.10321623

Fuck, I agree. Such a letdown. Mega Man X2 also had a slow charged shot, but not so much, and, most importantly, the damage stacked, making it useful. On the other hand, Mega Man X3 had a slower one, with damage spread *vertically*, being totally useless. I still grab that shit for the golden armor alone, but, c'mon, did no dev notice it was a bad idea? At least, Mega Man X4 has the most overpowered charged shot ever.

>> No.10321625

Missed opportunity with that one. Dynamite Headdy had the same stuff, but your health recovered during sleep.

>> No.10321642

Ultima in the Famicom version of Final Fantasy II.

>When Final Fantasy II was originally released on the Famicom, the Ultima spell, which was difficult to acquire, was practically useless. It was initially meant to grow in power relative to the level of other spells the caster had, but due to a bug, did just around 500 damage at the most on a single target.

>Director Hironobu Sakaguchi has later told a humorous story relating to the bug from the original version: When Square tested the game and saw the bug, Sakaguchi asked for it to be fixed, but the person who programmed it replied a legendary spell dating back to an age before "proper techniques" would seem underwhelming from a modern point-of-view, explaining Ultima's weakness. He reasoned that the struggle to acquire it only to discover it was useless mirrors real life, and thus he was not going to fix the bug. Sakaguchi was irritated by the reply and tried to fix it himself, but the programmer had ciphered the source and Ultima was left the way it was.

>> No.10321661

Fire flower > tanuki feather in SMB3, I wish the game's hierarchy didn't place tanuki feathers above

>> No.10321689

>tanuki feather in SMB3

>> No.10321694
File: 898 KB, 256x224, cross shot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least romhacks are always there for us to show that instead of trying to make a shot that looks strong, you can just make a strong shot.

>> No.10321701

A couple later Kirby games do that.

>> No.10321704

I'm dumb, I meant cape feather

>> No.10321709

That's still the wrong game.

>> No.10321716
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>> No.10321732
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>> No.10321739
File: 18 KB, 300x225, fireshark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blowing away the entire enemy army with a fully powered-up red laser
>not giving a single fuck
>suddenly fly out over the water where helicopters pile in
>some 15 shitty little blue squares start bouncing around the screen
>have to either keep dodging them all or grab them and the greens after, and hope you judge correctly to kill the last heli so it drops a red again

>> No.10321762


>long unskippable text every time you pick one up
>gay ass music that plays for its duration
>game is already easy enough without needed a defense boost

>> No.10321773

I still don't know what the R powerup in contra does and I kinda like not knowing

>> No.10321781

idk what you guys problem is, if you don't like the spread you can just not fire two shots rapidly. it's still better than a level3 charge because you get two charged shots out of it, and iirc the second shot ignores boss iframes. also the spread is useful for clearing enemies in vertical sections.

>> No.10321804

Ashamed that I didn't think of this right away. As someone who has played the shit out of GnG, FUCK that piece of shit. The axe, too.

>> No.10321815
File: 23 KB, 640x576, Fuck you items.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white gun reduces the number of projectiles you can have on screen at once.
The S gives you a shotgun, which is no more powerful than the normal gun, but has a reduced range.

>> No.10321848

Everything but the dagger in Ghouls n' Ghosts. The sword even locks you at a boss cause you can't hit it.

>> No.10321880

Nice! I wonder if it would kill the original devs to do something like that. lol
If they didn't want the extra effort, then they should've left the charged shot like previous games.

>> No.10321884

Did they even play test this shit? Might as well add every weapon but spread in contra.
Are both great power ups.

>> No.10321890

Not exactly, though I get your point. That suit is highly useful, but was poor implemented. It was kinda rare and you'd lose it quickly if not careful. Even if you didn't lose it, the following stage would be dry land, gimping you. They should've just made it a common pickup in water stages.

>> No.10321905

It increases fire rate.

>> No.10321920
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Easy answer

>> No.10321943


>> No.10321961
File: 2 KB, 128x136, 1453426790303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all it does is make your sprite invisible so you don't know where you are, the homing enemies can still see you lol

>> No.10322263

Many such cases. The best part is when an ADHD spergling zooms in and grabs the shit weapon, repeatedly, each time screeching that the game is impossible bad design artificial difficulty.

>> No.10322265

>with damage spread *vertically*, being totally useless
You can use it to safely strike while on walls.

>> No.10322269

See >>10322265

Pretty helpful for the final boss, iirc.

>> No.10322701

That sounds like such made up bullshit. For one thing, not fixing the bugs your superior directly tells you to fix makes a programmer liable for a breach of contract. Secondly the whole part about the director trying to fix it himself "but the code was ciphered!!!" LMAO.

And people actually believe this shit.

>> No.10322716

I’m sure the devs had fun placing these downgrade items to troll players.

>> No.10322772

I can't remember which game it was, X5 or X6 where there is a version of the charge shot that stays on top of them and does multiple hits...except it immediately triggers iframes on the first hit so the damage now split across like 5 hits only does 1 hit and does fucking nothing

>> No.10322773

Skateboard in Wonder Boy

>> No.10322774

It does have an extra effect actually, it's really specific though: It makes all damage received take only 1 point off your life gauge. But really if you trade the boots for anything else you are being very dumb and I beg you to reconsider.

>> No.10322775

>long unskippable text
It's skippable in the original version. Only in the "DX" downgrade did it become unskippable.

>> No.10322780
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 1674844939801338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolving into a human in EVO Search for Eden. It feels thematically appropriate to go for it, and you assume it'd be better since you have to solve a slightly cryptic riddle to find out how to do it, but it's a downgrade.
It's not terrible, but for the final dungeon/boss where it's available, a highly evolved quadrupedal mammal would be stronger.

>> No.10322782

Not true. There are several different versions of the non-DX game and most of them don't allow text skip.

>> No.10322785

>charge shot
The charge shot in general is broken. Makes the mega buster pointless. My in head fix would be a limited amount of shots per life(let's say 5 shots). So now you need to be more cautious how you use them but still have them in your back pocket for more punch when you need it.

>> No.10322792

I wonder if those weird fuckers, Scotty and Randy, ever made it to the final boss in this game. Probably too busy watching the Spice channel with their mom!

>> No.10323224

Will keep that in mind the next time I play. Let's see if I can change my opinion.

>> No.10323248
File: 174 KB, 800x1114, fuck this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this! Worst troll weapon in run and gun games to date.

>> No.10323254

They didn't consider level design. This kind of shot would be good if the levels involved a lot of straightaways with swarms of small enemies you could use this to clear out. It wouldn't be awful in X4, for example. But instead X3 is a cavalcade of stationary bullet sink enemies for the crossover shot to either do no better damage than the regular charge or miss entirely.

>> No.10323274

The frog suit seems like it was intended to give you access to secret areas if you were good enough to keep it. But there should have been more places like that to make it's implementation more balanced. The biggest useless thing in Mario 3 is probably the star man inventory item. Its only good for clearing out Hammer Bros. which aren't exactly hard in the first place. I guess it does save your suit if you have to get by one with the frog suit.

>> No.10323402

it's a great powerup, the problem is there aren't many water levels in the game

>> No.10323421

>Its only good for clearing out Hammer Bros
Yeah. I use the star mostly as a coping mechanism ("See? It does have a use... Haha..."). Super Mario World tried a "less is more" approach, which wasn't bad, but the cape overshadows the fire flower (and even Yoshi, in some cases). I guess balance wasn't a priority for them.

>> No.10323435

I was playing Quarantine and I bought this upgraded bomb thrower at the weapons shop; I bring it to a test spin, holy shit this thing is strong a single shot obliterates any car and then it spits 3 more fireballs after impact...

I was pretty content with myself so I saved my game.

Then I found out that the ammunition refill costs 1500$ a pop.

>> No.10323653

Its not really a powerup but is there ever any reason to use beserk or beserker class characters in Final Fantasy? The boost in stats don't seem to outweigh not being able to control them.

>> No.10323662

>game about going fast
>power up allows you to go faster
How exactly is it a detriment you loser?

>> No.10323681

Laser gun in Contra

Dagger in Castlevania

>> No.10323693

If you shoot while dashing it will increase the attack power of the x buster.

>> No.10323747

Blows my mind how many people don't know this.

>> No.10323749

Only standard shots though.

>> No.10323775

Mega Buster is intended for common enemies, since they don't have hit invincibility. It's faster to pelt them multiple times than to wait for a charged shot.

>> No.10323851

It’s not. Sigma’s head hitbox is too small, so the shot will touch his armor before hitting his head, so that’s entire shot registers as a null hit.

>> No.10323910
File: 66 KB, 250x239, Inferno_crate_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cool power up early in a new game, but on NG+ and in arenas the armor boost doesn't amount to much, and being forced to melee for like 20 seconds is a massive liability, especially if you wind up stuck with it on a timed arena round.

>> No.10323913

This should have been a homing shot and nothing can convince me otherwise.

>> No.10323920

People only believe it because the spells in the first game were glitched to shit and barely anyone has the patience to deal with how FFII's battle system worked, so a late-game spell being "bugged" as a gag sounds like par for the course.

>> No.10324192

How is multiplying the physics calculations pointless/detrimental in a physics sandbox

>> No.10324264

it's less about what they do on paper and more about what the games do with them in practice. the games hardly even use them at all, let alone in a meaningful way. sonic 1 only has 4 shoe monitors in the whole game (GH act 2/3 and SY act 1/3). sonic 2, CD, and 3K aren't much better. boost pads, horizontal springs, and the spin dash exacerbate the problem.

>> No.10324306

Speed boots open up new routes. Please stop posting.

>> No.10324336

Good god its a fucking retard. I swear it seems to me like once us Millennials entered our 30's the gaming boards just got so much more retarded. I can't even tell anymore if zoomers are serious or are just really shitty trolls.

You are way off in your assessment if you aren't baiting. WAY WAY OFF you moron. The boots are a fantastic power up and are not useless.

>> No.10324650

You'd be amazed what you can get away with on a job during a time where your skills are in demand. When I started IT in the 90s, I used to be able to make all sorts of absurd demands on our users and the bosses just had to go with it because finding someone new who could step in and know the system well enough to take over was impossible. Even today a lot of places with old guard IT are like that, where the head of the department jealously guards his secrets to hold management by the balls.

At the end of the day, bosses may not like everything that goes on but most of them understand cost-benefit, and with the cost of putting up with their subordinate's antics vs going to find someone new, giving them time to learn their systems, and hoping that he's not even worse than the last guy, it's better just to suck it up until you can find a proper threat against them one day.

>> No.10324656

Do you inertia? If you can go even faster, then you can run up a quarter pipe even faster. If you run up a quarter pipe even faster then you will launch up with more vertical velocity. If you launch up with more velocity, you can fly over parts of the level

>> No.10324663

Dude, trust me. My uncle works at ciphered code.

>> No.10324665

Also that version of the upgrade in X4 that literally no one ever picked compared to the Plasma Shot

>> No.10324681

I decided to use it in my last playthrough and it made the final boss very difficult because of that vacuum/spitting Sigma fuckface I never hated that cunt before but this made me livid

>> No.10324741
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>> No.10324753

Has there ever been an invisibility power up that was actually useful in any game other than I guess first person shooters? They seem to always be counterproductive in platformers and fighting games.

>> No.10324817
File: 51 KB, 300x134, 300px-Star_control_i_ilwrath_avenger_databank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fighting games
against a human opponent, maybe?
assuming good enough spatial visualization and knowledge of movement/attack speeds, etc. should in theory provide an advantage
i agree though most of the time it's not worth the effort
>you can go invisible but camera zoom spoils the distance

>> No.10324850
File: 171 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I introduce you to… The king of pointless power ups.

>> No.10324918
File: 45 KB, 364x328, barnblaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only found on the first level so unless you play from the very beginning you'll never get to use it
>even then you can only use it in a handful of levels due to EWJ2's constant gameplay changes (hell, the next time you can is about five levels later)
>leaves you vulnerable before and after you fire it
>nothing really warrants this thing, anyway, since all the enemies in the game are easily defeated with your bog-standard gun and whip

The bubble gun was at least put in as deliberate power-down.

>> No.10324937
File: 41 KB, 853x300, Bubble_Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually not bad, just highly dependant on map design. On areas with a lot of cover, it can bounce over stuff. One example is the train level in Metal Slug 2/X, though I'm not entirely sure if you even get the weapon at that point.
It's like the Iron Lizard, which also sucks unless you are on flat ground, where it is great.

>Worst troll weapon in run and gun games to date.
No, that would be pic related. Even the pickup sound is a crow caw. It doesn't even have a hitbox so it can't hit anything (unless there's something I'm unaware of, EWJ1/2 has a metric fuckton of details you can easily be unaware of).

>> No.10324940

>I guess balance wasn't a priority for them.

The game was made for children and 6 year olds don't normally try to fly through each level and skip right to Bowser via star roads. I remember being a party with kids at one point where they came up with some rule like everyone can play the console for 15 minutes, and when I told them you can finish the game in that time, literally everybodys jaws dropped and allowed me to play again out of turn.
But more importantly you can't use the fly through on like a solid half of the levels. Nearly every underground level, nearly every castle / ghost house, the handful autoscrollers (I mean I guess you could use them there as long as you keep on top of the screen out of the screen bounds), and all underwater stages.

>> No.10324947

>If you launch up with more velocity, you can fly over parts of the level

In sonic 2, you can jump over nearly the ENTIRE FUCKING FIRST LEVEL using the speed boost. I think you just need to not hold right for like 5 frames so you don't miss one of the buzzers while you juggle.

>> No.10324950

>only found on the first level

Wait what, really? I was sure you could find them on the later levels too.

>> No.10324957
File: 8 KB, 173x190, SNES - Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Items & Weapons~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit fucking sucks. Sure it's funny throwing forks and plates at zombies and mummies, but they're slow and don't do enough damages to justify their clunkiness. I never figured out wtf they're for besides for backup weapons if you really really need it

>> No.10324962

Nope and apparently, actually using it in other levels may even fuck up your game like hardlocking during Flamin Yawn's fight.

>> No.10324973

I use the avenger to auto-beserk Cecil in FFIV. Some battles it helped not having a fifth character to control--especially since it wasn't fast or convenient to skip turns in IV and 99% of the time you're just clicking "Attack" with him anyway.

Also in VI, Gau is just way too fun not to use. Although I guess hunting for rages is a bitch.

>> No.10325030

In Final Fantasy V the berserker class is significantly more powerful than any other physical class from what I recall. Of course the game is piss easy anyway so your mileage may vary. The only real gotcha is that they also attack what you don't want them to, like units you want to steal from, or tricky enemies where you have to time a kill (the bosses resurrect if you don't kill them simultaneously) or the enemies that have bullshit counters if they get hit (the magic tower boss who I think uses Ultima, SrBehemoth in the N-zone who hits you with Meteo, etc).

>> No.10325357

>picking anything BUT Hammer (outside of that one bossfight that forces you to have Jump equipped for it)

>> No.10325380

Funny enough it is and it isn't. In older games it could only be removed with Dispel (which removes positive status buffs), while in later ones it switched to being cured by Esuna (which removes all negative status ailments).

>> No.10325458

The laser gun is an acquired taste. You have to time it right but it does a lot of fucking damage.

>> No.10325515

I wasn't even talking about flight per se. But the cape can kill a lot of enemies the fire flower can't, and one-hit Charging Chucks. It can also give you more air time.

>> No.10325521

In Contra 3, the laser gun is insane during the top-down stages, since it's continuous.

>> No.10325523

IIRC the silverware makes short work of werewolves. Because it's silver. :)

>> No.10325534

But Hammer will destroy hidden power-ups, warps and VOLs. Besides, the game is piss-easy without any shields, and you can dive when in a pinch as well.

>> No.10325558

invisible cap in mario 64 is fine. nothing incredible, but fine.

>> No.10325652

I fucking hate Power Stone 2 so much.

>> No.10325663

What game is it from?

>> No.10325703

silverware one shots werewolves and dishes do a lot of damage to the snakiods

>> No.10325949

In 1 you have to time your presses for it to be effective or it loses all its range, so most people don't bother with it since you can't just mash it. But for bosses and the third person sections it's great because it tears shit up in seconds.

>> No.10326223

To be honest I think that power up should have not existed (or be replaced with something else), and Mario should have always been able to swim like that. It would actually make water levels feel better to play and not a chore. To this day, they still haven't implemented this, other than in Super Mario 64 (which isn't even a 2 D game).

>> No.10326225

Well fuck me, i never even put 2 and 2 together. “Silver”ware to kill a werewolf. My dumb kid brain just went straight to “forks, wtf do I do with forks?” And I never put more thought into it. Thank you anon

>> No.10326297


Frog Suit SMB3. Utterly pointless outside of fun

>> No.10326306

The point of the axe and torch in GnG is that they're downgrades to make the game harder retard.

>> No.10326389

Wizards and Warriors

>> No.10326531

The stock shot? Its the better arm upgrade in theory. In practice though its annoying because releasing the charge button doesn't fire, so you fill your charge and then just stand idle, forcing you to manually shoot. If releasing the charge fired off the first stock automatically like Mega Man usually does it'd be fine.

>> No.10326587

Eh, Gau only really needs a small handful of Rages anyway. In fact, I'd argue he's the epitome of this thread's topic. He can get 255 Rages, but the vast majority of them are pointless or straight-up suck.

>> No.10326606

oh my god i hate how that shit forced me to start using the bosses weaknesses in the boss rush because of how bad it is, thankfully once you get the z saber it redeems it

>> No.10326612

you sounds like you would make awful games

>> No.10326617

the clock in castlevania 1 and 3 it takes so many hearts just to stop time for like 5 seconds which isnt much when you concider how slow the belmonts move, and it does nothing against bosses

>> No.10326621

It arguably downgrades the Z-saber as well. Sure, it turns it into a projectile, but you also need to charge all the way to level 4 to use it, and you still need to shoot both your charged X-buster shots before you can shoot it, so it's a lot slower to use. Without the buster upgrade, you only charge it to level 3, then you only shoot the one regular charged shot, and then you're able to use the saber, albeit at short range, though if you're good it's just as effective.

>> No.10326625

the bible in zelda 1. more enemies are immune to fire than beams.
dunno about in final fantasy but the berserker ring in chrono trigger is pretty nice for the early game.

>> No.10326627

the daggers are actually useful in castlevania i can only kill the frankenstein plus hunchback boss with the dagger

>> No.10326634

yes but it kills the final boss in like 2 or 3 hits

>> No.10326643

Uh, yes, the saber in either form (with or without the X-buster upgrade) kills bosses in two hits. Again, the difference is one is ranged but takes longer to charge and fire, while the other has very little range but can be charged and fire quite a bit quicker. If you want to blitz bosses, all you gotta do is dash jump toward them, quickly fire off the saber mid-jump, dash jump back, then do it again.

>> No.10326647
File: 63 KB, 200x227, 200px-Wonderwing_origin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not useless, but there's almost no point in using the Wonder Wing move to actually defend yourself from damage outside the area you learn it in. It's only good for killing otherwise invincible enemies.

>> No.10326652

you make it sound like it takes 3 minutes to charge dude it doesnt take that long, but i do enjoy killing the bosses with just the regular buster (no charge) but it depends on the boss

>> No.10326662

uh, why?

>> No.10326673

It sucks and is worse than Power Stone 1 in every way. And as the first anon put, power up and pretty much all strategy in the game is completely irrelevant.

>> No.10326724

>the point of the game is to make the credit scroll
Tranny moment.

>> No.10326740

The cross in SOTN is really fucking stupid when you're using Alucard. All the subweapons in that game are anywhere between useless and slightly less useless, but the cross in particular is just the item crash version, which costs 100 hearts.

>> No.10326746

The Lightning + Fire combo in Gunstar Heroes is the only weapon I can't justify using in that game.

>> No.10326792

The only Castlevania game where the stopwatch is actually not only good but the only subweapon worth a damn is the awful Haunted Castle for arcade, since it affects every enemy.

>> No.10326794

That's actually one of the better combos in the game. The range sucks but it deals a shitload of damage and eats enemy shots.

>> No.10326798

Alucard's version of the Holy Water is actually pretty good in the early game and would be considered great or even broken in most classic games, but SOTN has so much broken and stupid shit that it gets quickly overshadowed. In the Sorrow games there's actually a heavily nerfed version of that Holy Water in the form of the une soul, and it's still situationaly good just owning to the good concept of the weapon.

>> No.10326978
File: 19 KB, 512x384, EqMmIE-VoAUDE4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10327081

Is there any benefit to the Ozzie Pants in Chrono Trigger? Or is it just a joke item?

>> No.10327172

Secret of Evermore has the infamous Magic Gourd where even the devs don't remember what it actually does.
However, there's also the Silver Sheath that's supposed to increase your attack power but due to a glitch this buff is applied to you right from the start so the sheath does nothing.

>> No.10327182

Shootemups with speed upgrades. They're useful up to a point and then become dangerous because you completely lose all handling on the ship.

>> No.10327350

Yup, when I replay x3 I avoid a few of the upgrades because they make the game less fun.

>> No.10327353
File: 87 KB, 512x448, faxanadu-20081001075647857-2584952_640w-3522354122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power boosts and invincibility in Faxanadu, they only appear in places with normal enemies, can't be saved for later and last only 30 seconds so it can never be used in a hard area or boss.

>> No.10327354

the fireball gun in Contra. People shittalk the Laser but the fireball is way worse.

>> No.10327372

>using anything but spread

>> No.10327382
File: 43 KB, 178x215, Invisibility_Potion_CV4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those things and the rosaries always felt like as if they almost never appear in places where they'd truly matter.

>> No.10327397

That can royally fuck you over in Zero Wing, there's a section that's impossible if you maxed or accidentally maxed your speed.

>> No.10327402
File: 3 KB, 240x224, 167825-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikki's bamboo pole.
But it's probably too well known and goes without saying.

>> No.10327419
File: 997 KB, 2556x1389, techgoggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10327421

i didn't have any by then but it is a pain in the dick to see where you're going in the catacombs section, if inventory wasn't a pain i'd have a few just for that

>> No.10327452

I've always assumed they were more useful for the second loop

>> No.10327462
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>> No.10327509

>game about going fast
>enemies that spawn so quick you run into them
>spikes everywhere
>slow platforming sections that require precision

>> No.10327518

No dumbass, he's saying that with the fully upgraded arm you need to fire both shots before you can use the saber, instead of just the one.

>> No.10327607

It's been a while but the deck is pretty important, no? It does increase the challenge but also helps players progress further on vitality, improve time bonus and adds an extra hit. Maybe improves jump distance too. That seems like a relevant design choice for arcade games of its time to me.

Personally I would rank the hammer in Donkey Kong as less useful. It isn't needed really* and stops the player climbing ladders. Even then it has its moments I guess

>> No.10327624

There's an unfinished/unused SMB3 level that required a frog suit to climb up waterfalls. Being unused, it's hard to tell if it would have been fun, necessary or worthwhile.

>> No.10327728

There's a bug in Faxanadu where the pendant that's supposed to give you a permanent 25% power boost actually takes it away.

>> No.10328014

Some other thing in EVO: why do the final bosses in each era even give you a fuckload of EVO-points when they reset upon going to the next era and you often can't return to earlier levels, anyway?
Is this just there for you to dick around for a while until you move on or was the reset-shit some rental dick-move they pulled outside of Japan?
Because the beginning of each era is insanely grindy and keeping those points would've made sense to give you a kickstart.

>> No.10329453

Found it useful as a "shield" when the turret in the middle comes out

>> No.10329936

Wide is pretty bad as well since it can only fire one at a time and the whole spread counts as a single projectile.

>> No.10330464

The sequel barely even acknowledges it, if I recall there's only one jiggy that actually requires gold feathers to get

>> No.10330638

Wonderwing is an invincibility power-up. Being able to constantly summon has the power to break the game, so the devs made sure to make it less useful as possible. But, if that's the case, then why even exist? The power-up is flawed at implementation level, it shouldn't be able to be summoned at will. Grunty's Revenge did it a little better, by requiring an activation pad.

>> No.10331784

>bad player makes the game more difficult for himself instead of leveraging the speed properly
Inertia. Inertia: >>10324656 the balls are inert and Sonic is a ball

>> No.10332186

so much better than the dolphin dash in wonder

>> No.10332223

The Red Yoshi can be a problem in Mario World in some contexts because he can't spit out shells where it would be more useful than the fireballs. Like if you want to hit an item box that's sitting on the ground.

>> No.10332240

Yellow Yoshi has this same problem. Its a shame the game has such tight controls yet such poorly implemented power ups.

>> No.10332356

>Yellow Yoshi has this same problem.
Huh? No he doesn't, he spits out shells normally.

>> No.10332379

Sonic powerups should have been temporary and used to help solve a problem (like Quake)
The correct way to play is to avoid powerups and treat it as a failure if you get one because you're playing with toddler mode on.

>> No.10332389

water without the bubble sucks ass

>> No.10332393


>> No.10332396

Flame power up is fun. You want to restrict yourself by wearing a blind fold go right ahead but calling others toddlers who don't that gay shit? Nah.

>> No.10332421
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Sonic powerups trivialise the game and are the equivalent to Yoshi's mellow mode.
You don't even get points for using shields, so the developers knew.

>> No.10332429

damn even where sonic lives ppl just leaving crts on the lawn

>> No.10332457

sonic has plenty of powerups that you dont actually want. of course there are the eggman ones in 3, i like to think of the speed powerup the same way. i like how the invincibility powerup is great in every way, but it ruins the music so you never want to use it

>> No.10332992

In Vampire Killer on the MSX it not only costs 1 heart but freezes bosses as well, including Dracula.

>> No.10333941
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The fucking torch

>> No.10333952

I never knew what it did until just now (and still got no idea what that secret horse-head icon does aside from extra points)

>> No.10333956 [DELETED] 

Anyone got any tips for Bubble Bobble NES? I loved that game as a kid, but now I feel like I suck ass at it. At least it's lenient enough to let you continue, but I would still like to not die so fucking much. Also, is there a rhyme and reason for how items and such spawn?

>> No.10333975

Stealth camo, Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.10333981

Also in every crpg, especially in daggerfall and morrowind.

>> No.10333995

keep coping

>> No.10334127

and you keep resisting arrest

>> No.10334176

R-apid fire

>> No.10334189

you use those points to evolve the best possible evolution at that point, save it, and keep it as backup during the final fight with the penis medusa or whatever it was called.

that's what I remember doing, low on health? de-evolve to a previous form with new HP
sort of like megaman E-tanks

>> No.10334271
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Fatal steps in RCR. had no fucking clue what this did as a kid

>> No.10334434

The balls are inert. Do you comprehend inertia?

>> No.10334438

>The balls are inert.

>> No.10334962

Beserk is extremely powerful in FF4.
Agree on Z1, the worst part is that Link is not immune to the fire.

>> No.10335096

IIRC Sonic is one of those games where a bunch of the power ups, especially this one, are placed in strange areas where you won't need it instead of placed in fun places where you'd really want it

>> No.10335451

>muh speed ups
Imagine getting filtered this easily.

>> No.10336070

Your post is hurtful and despicable. Early onset zoomer parkinsons is a serious dehabilitating condition. If you had children that young you wouldn't be mocking it.

>> No.10336086

Isn't there also a dragon evolution?

>> No.10336098

So you're saying it doesn't make a big of difference?

>> No.10336104


>> No.10336441

I can't believe the simplistic lost viking minigame in SC2 included this aspect of the genre

>> No.10336460
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>Have you committed dodging to muscle memory?
>Well, to bad sucker!

>> No.10336501
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>> No.10336507

It's definitely useful for hitscanners like the chaingunners

>> No.10336537

The plasma shot is in both games, in X5 it triggers i-frames on the first shot like you said, so the falcon armor's shot (which pierces, doesn't trigger i-frames and hits like 5 times) is flat out better. In X6 it works exactly the same and they gave that shit to the ultimate fucking armor, on top of nerfing the fuck out of the falcon's shot.

>> No.10336750

Invisibility in Quake

>> No.10336891
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>original darius rank is tied to weapon power tier and basically nothing else
>if you upgrade your missile to the next tier the game gets insanely hard

>> No.10337957

>Discover amazing new power up purely because of an "I wonder if I could..." scenario
>Only lasts for 5 seconds

What was the fucking point

>> No.10337986

Sonic powerups do not trivialize the game any more than the rings system did. If the developers wanted powerups to be a sign of an unskilled player, they would have rewarded the player for not using them, rather than rewarding the player for getting through the special stages with an invincible, all-destroying form and the game's true ending, the former being far more gamebreaking than any shield could ever be.

>> No.10338002

It definitely IS a clear improvement, its only problem is that it is so rare.

>> No.10338067

In every castlevania game but Sotn where richter could just item crash daggers into a minigun and kill almost every boss in the game in 5 seconds

>> No.10338075
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Dagger is the best weapon against Death in DX, and they hand one out just before the boss

>> No.10338080
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also it can easily stunlock the minotaur

>> No.10338223

It's rarity would be fine if it was actually usable for more than a few seconds. Obviously it kind of has to be rare since there's only two levels it could really work in.

>> No.10338530

If the developers wanted powerups to be a sign of an unskilled player, they would have rewarded the player for not using them
They do. Destroying them costs time which costs points.

>> No.10338551

That would work if time bonus was particularly useful for points, but getting the particularly good time bonuses (such as under 30 seconds) is outright impossible in most stages in Sonic 3 to my knowledge, and there are far, far more efficient ways to gain points that are not punished in any way. And in addition, shields such as the flame one can be very useful for getting through quickly as well, meaning that the time loss from getting one is usually made up for by how useful it can be.

>> No.10339397

If this (>>10324656) doesn't sound like a bit of difference then I don't know what to tell you

>> No.10340374

You can jump/run over on downed enemies to hurt them

>> No.10341207

I like items like this. Where their normal use is worse than many other items but they have a super option that assfucks everything.

>> No.10341337

Anon...your oldfag reps

>> No.10342059

what hack is this?

>> No.10342075

I just beat the game. fuck this upgrade
>vs neon tiger, only beat tunnel rhino and blizzard buffalo before him
>any time he's standing he's blocking all attacks
>oh he jumped? you have to fire immediately, the shot takes forever to come out
>you were too late? whoops, he landed and your shot got blocked
>he started shooting? fire immediately, pray that your shot reaches before he stops and that you recover quickly enough to dodge his shots
I just wish there was a button to turn that upgrade off.
>idk what you guys problem is, if you don't like the spread you can just not fire two shots rapidly.
the first shot comes out too slowly, moves too slowly, and you can't move during it.

>> No.10342090

and on the topic of MMX3… this game is special to me, it was the first game I emulated on ZSNES. yet there's so many poorly implemented stuff
>pointless 4 chips that you don't want to grab because hyper chip exists
>ride armors locked behind Blast Hornet, not very useful as a whole and the 3 varieties don't do anything
>Zero, enough said. (even if you unlocked him, he's too similar to X anyway)
>bosses take too many buster hits, saber and weaknesses make most of them too easy on the other hand
>the ATROCIOUS hit detection on Kaiser Sigma
it sucks because the game is good otherwise. nice graphics & banging soundtrack, better weapons than X1, better exploration than X1 where abilities / subweapons are used more to unlock other stuff.

>> No.10342214

I beat Neon Tiger using only the lvl 1 buster (the "lemon pellets"). It's surprisingly better. I don't remember exact how, but I know positioning is vital for an easy fight. I recall staying away from him, only shooting, and jumping occasionally to dodge a bullet, then switching sides when he jumped towards me.

>> No.10343490

i just used lvl2 or 3. it's not like he gives you forever to charge. still annoying though.
my big issue with the level is that I often run into Bit fight during it, after the fight it's very hard to get any health back at all and I get to Neon 'Igger with empty subtanks.

>> No.10343504

>dishes do a lot of damage to the snakiods
And also the final boss's second form.

>> No.10343521

The Zero Project

>> No.10343940

Bit is all about rhythm. Climb a wall, so he will dash high, then you drop down and evade below him. You repeat that constantly, while shooting lvl 2 or 3 buster charges at him. If your rhythm is good, you'll end up with plenty of health.

About Neon Tiger, stick to lvl 1 shots, because he absorbs shots higher than that.

>> No.10343943

>Bit is all about rhythm.
what I don't get is when he throws that hoop at the start. you basically have to dash just right under it, jump immediately after to make bit go forward, then land before he hits you. that's the hardest part. that and when he throws 2 hoops / projectiles.

>> No.10344025

I remembered that part, but can't recall how I dealt with it. I'll need to play it again. Hope some other anon chimes in to help you.

>> No.10344126

It's so bizarre to me how the east will just make something dogshit on purpose to look more anime and then never go back to make it actually good, then western fans come in and fix it perfectly first try

I don't like how much anti western propaganda exist these days when the only good media game wise is western indie content. Everyone that isn't controlled by "them" actively makes good content, the west isn't le bad.

>> No.10344132
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>> No.10344137

>The game was made for children and 6 year olds don't normally try to fly through each level and skip right to Bowser via star roads.
Yet why the fuck did NIntendo programmed it in then? The first SMB1 had warp pipes that skipped 3+ levels at a time and it was accessible by world 1-2 and required you to literally walk over the level design to access it like everyone calls out Sonic doing in his games, but not in Mario. If old games expected people to skip shit for being smart about it, then zoomers are the problem, not real gamers.

>> No.10344852

>I don't like how much anti western propaganda exist these days when the only good media game wise is western indie content
Japan still makes good stuff.

>> No.10344860
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>> No.10344889

just tried that. I must say the hack is well-made, at least the newest version. the changes take care of things so many were annoyed by… yet I'm not sure I like the result, it's "balanced" but less fun.
>as if Zero wasn't strong enough, he now has double jump and air dash from the get go
>saber weakened considerably and now barely damages anything
>armor upgrade seems weaker but is also piss easy to get, destroying high effort - high reward
>X's shot finally is fast, but it still stops him when walking and is now pretty OP covering the whole screen without lag
I like that getting any ride armor chip unlocks them now, so you don't have to visit Blast Hornet first, but this in turn makes Blast Hornet stage barely useful.
I guess the idea was "get rid of the annoying limitations", but those were kind of balancing strong stuff out in the end. X3 is designed in a way that it's a flawed concept, but it's at least balanced however flawed it is.
turning Zero into a good fully playable character would basically require making a new game like X4.

>> No.10344912

Coomshit isn't good. Wake me up when I get kino samurai games again.

>> No.10344917

I used to think this too until I actually learned to play. Non-charged shots rack up damage WAY quicker than the charged ones. And in case you use a turbo button, you could destroy non-boss enemies super quick with it.
I feel especially dumb that I used to rely on it for every shot. some enemies can be easily destroyed in 1-2 lvl1 shots or just a single lvl2 shot.
charge is still very useful of course, just not nearly as OP as it feels at first. really it's just bigger, goes through enemies, and is easier to fire in the air. one big skill check in MM is how rapidly you can fire while jumping.

>> No.10344923

Sekiro, Nioh. Not Samurai, but Shinobi Non Grata is cool.

>> No.10345031

It does look cool though.
Yes you are right. Those little green & orange buster energies should have had homing capability to the nearest targets. X4's buster upgrade is usually regarded as the best in the series right? The one that leaves those lightning balls of energy that just wrecks shit after the initial blast? Because I didn't care for the upgrade that charges up to four blasts as much.

>> No.10345038

How bad is Dracula X? Its the one game I refused to play because I hear its a bad game and these webm are not doing it any justice.

>> No.10345638

>How bad is Dracula X?
It's not bad at all. Only slightly mediocre in parts.

>> No.10345650
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If you genuinely like Classicvania and actually got slightly good at them, you'll enjoy it.
Otherwise you'll probably fall for the meme and come crying that the very same things that make CV1/3 great make DX shit.

>> No.10347574

double shot in the original gradius
it got buffed hard in the pc engine port

>> No.10347579

Don't listen to these retards >>10345638 >>10345650

It's horrible designed. It's fucking awful.

>> No.10348169

>double shot in the original gradius
You need it for the final level though. Yes, that one powerup that was useless for the whole game becomes vital for the final level, kino as fuck.

>> No.10349006

>Having the bubble shield underwater means you won't have to sit and wait for bubbles to come up at multiple spots
>Flame shield let's you shoot through the air whenever you reach elevated spots so overall it lets you keep your momentum
>Lightning shield gives you a double jump so you can skip areas
Are you retarded?

>> No.10349063
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CTR is a kart racer and has an invisibility powerup that's exclusive to the pvp battle maps. as well as making it more difficult for other players to spot you (not IMPOSSIBLE because it's splitscreen), homing weapons don't target you while invisible