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10307110 No.10307110 [Reply] [Original]

What are some franchises that just stopped suddenly? Bonus points if they were still doing well critically/commercially and just died without warning.

>> No.10307114

Sometimes dead is better.

>> No.10307116

I don’t even want to think what would’ve happened if they continued gex. He would’ve become Rez just by nature of corporate retardation.

>> No.10307118

Gotta wonder why they stopped though? Gex 4 was leaked as at one point being in development for 6th Gen but got cut for unknown reasons.

>> No.10307127

would you rather have another mascot butchered in ps2 era like crash and spyro?

>> No.10307165

Gex is the opposite of what companies were wanting to promote. Gex is the hero that fights brainwashing entertainment, why would corporate capitalists promote a figure that would make their consumer despise them?

>> No.10307172

oh i dont know. certainly doesnt stop rockstar from doing what they do when literally in their own games they mocked this culture

>> No.10307176

I think game franchises should stop after 2 or 3 games and make way for new franchises. that's gaming back then was so much more interesting. now franchises just drag on way too long and overstay their welcome.

I don't get the double standards that The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park have been airing for way too long and should get canned, but Mario, Zelda and Sonic? all good bro!

>> No.10307181

GTA killed the mascot platformer outside of Sega and Nintendo.

>> No.10307185

mascot platformers were already on their way out.

>> No.10307186

You can do a lot fucking worse than WoC. We know this because TS released later

>> No.10307187

jak & daxter has been shelved for over a decade

>> No.10307197

Yeah but you play a psychopathic murderer in gta, not a hero. You’re already doing bad shot like stealing cars and killing hookers for your money back, and you’re laughing, so what if they break the 4th wall a little and poke fun at the zeitgeist, you’re already in their world. But if gex started to do bad shit, fans wouldn’t be ok with that. Gex is edgy, but wholesome. Gex is a hero, not a villain.

>> No.10307204

Buy your Free Tibet flag today (made in China)

>> No.10307209

>they were still doing well critically/commercially and just died without warning

That's oxymoron. No one with sane mind is going to kill successful and profitable franchise. If company stopped milking it, then something had happened.

>> No.10307212

What an ugly bitch. What were they thinking?

>> No.10307215

not back then. back then the industry wasn't as shit as now so franchises ended when they should've without overstaying their welcome. they weren't milked to death like COD or AC

>> No.10307224

This happened a lot sooner than even you think. Over saturation was a big deal as far back as 5th Gen with some saying franchises should stay dead

>> No.10307234

at least back then you had the 2D->3D and 3D->HD leaps filtering and killing off many franchises and making way for new ones.

nowadays game design and innovation stagnated and there's too much risk in creating a new franchise and so the well known franchises get milked to death.

>> No.10307253

bringing existing franchises to 3d was a mistake. if they really wanted 3d series it shoulda been new mascot. as a result of this bullshit we didnt have new real mario game for 15 years. between 1992 and 2005, between 6 golden coins (last real mario game which was 2d) and new smb, which not even retro

>> No.10307434

tomb raider
soul reaver/legend of kain
dino crisis
james bond games
indiana jones games

>> No.10307483

I just wanted a 2nd future cop LAPD. One if the best games I ever played.

>> No.10307649
File: 153 KB, 843x1708, 87456124561264532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>franchises that just stopped suddenly
>tomb raider

>> No.10307789

mascot platformers boomed during the 6th gen.

>> No.10307806

Most of them didn't stick around though.

>> No.10307850

Things finish sometimes

>> No.10307885

As someone who loves Mascot platformers to a forgiving degree, there was a feel or desperation with a lot of those 6th gen releases. They felt like they were coming in too late, and the level of hype just wasn't there like it was for 5th gen platformers.

>> No.10307890

Until recent years Alex kidd was dead (now it's ultra dead since the remake most likely didn't revive any interest in the IP), Bubsy was also revived due to pure meme magic some years ago.
Kao only got a game recently.
Ty is dead.
Kid Icarus, Mother/Earthbound and F-zero may as well be remembered by their smash appearances.
Alone in the dark is getting another reboot (again).
New Jet Set Radio never ever.

>> No.10307934

It stopped in 2003.

>> No.10308293

>New Jet Set Radio never ever.

Pray it doesn't get cancelled before an official reveal

>> No.10308309

Heavy Metal FAKK2

>> No.10308509

don't compare tomb raider 1996-2002 to tomb raider 2003-2023. The franchise went downhill with no brakes after second movie, second gba game and first ps2 game.

And I love tomb raider trilogy on xbone but it didn't reach the same level of relevance than in the 90s

>> No.10308645
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You're not gonna believe who faults it were...

>> No.10309794
File: 71 KB, 673x538, 1675464519340054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amen to that

>> No.10309964

That's a doom map.

>> No.10310915
File: 68 KB, 794x1005, 67a7deafe97c846a3c225086c9f92232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some franchises that just stopped suddenly?
Disney's films.
I mean, in the 3rd, 4th and 5th generations we'd get a new Disney animated film and at the same time, or a few years later, we'd get tons of video games for a bunch of consoles, especially all of the Disney renaissance stuff, but nowadays? We get nothing, and it's a shame, I'd love a new Lion King video game, or a Little Mermaid one, they'd often get praised back then, like both versions of Aladdin, for example.
I miss it.

>> No.10311113

wasnt little mermaid is really good on nes

>> No.10311404
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Indeed! It was made by Capcom afterall, back in the golden days where Capcom would make the Disney video games for Nintendo, and SEGA for their own consoles in-house... you had these top tier developers at the time making Disney, truly magical days that'll probably never come back...

>> No.10311415
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>> No.10311420
File: 84 KB, 533x800, Cult_Movie_Poster_-_Austin_Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do they mean by
>deep cover gecko
does he take DEEP cover in her cunt? I am not even trolling. ESL here and I think they are trying to make a pervy pun here.

Also this is clearly an Austin Powers spoof, right? Which is already a James Bond spoof, it is just weird.

>> No.10311597

I don't think a lot of logic and reason was used in gex 3's writing
I don't understand why he was a jive black guy in the pal version either

>> No.10311621
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Yes, it's a sex joke. Gex came out before Austin powers, by 3 years. You're just retarded it's ok, lots of things arent going to make sense to you.

>> No.10314045

Tail time...

>> No.10315396

Why is he a savvy jew in the NTSC version?

>> No.10315729
File: 823 KB, 2000x2000, Power-Stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power Stone
from what I recall they were popular games both on Dreamcast and in the arcade. It even got its own anime. But then the Dreamcast was discontinued and Power Stone ceased to be a franchise

>> No.10315992

there's no pun to be made. It's just a play on deep cover agent.

>> No.10316041

>mascot platformers boomed during the 6th gen.
according to whom?
during PSX era, Crash and Spyro were both huge hits, around top 10-20 best selling franchises on the platform, and even Croc managed to sell well. now, look at PS2. only Jak 1 and Ratchet got any real traction. and Jak 2 and 3 sold progressively worse and copied GTA way too much. as for the rest? :
>Crash and Spyro: slowly getting shit games and fading into obscurity
>Sly: the 1st game got barely any traction, rest didn't even break 1 mln copies
>Maximo 1&2, Rayman 2&3 and Ty 1 didn't sell 1 mln units but at least got Greatest Hits treatment
>Vexx and Ape Escape 2/3 didn't sell well at all
>Xbox games like Blinx and Psychonauts also dead on arrival
>Banjo and DK nowhere to be seen
so platformers were big only in the early years of PS2. vice versa, on PS3/X360 they virtually died out. crash and spyro became irrelevant, jak died, basically only Ratchet survived.

>> No.10316219

>gex3 1999
>Austin powers 1997


>> No.10316259
File: 157 KB, 331x301, 47BF3BC0-AE1D-4098-849C-01269FBF6E51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i want him back

>> No.10316438
File: 251 KB, 800x600, pl9rk0ufyd651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact:

10,000 gecs and Gex: Enter the Gecko for PS1 fit on a single CD-R

>> No.10316981

>according to whom?
Me and all the games that came out at the time
>immediately starts talking about sales
lmfao faggot get a life

>> No.10317478

awesome game

>> No.10317785

because he was a savvy jew in the previous 2 games

>> No.10317792

>Tomb Raider
Reboot trilogy ended with a thud, no surprise they aren't in any hurry to make a new one.
This is a valid answer, shame it died-off.
>Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis 3 was a disaster that singlehandedly killed the franchise.
>James Bond
Activision's last few games were mid as fuck. Goldeneye Reloaded was not the remake anyone wanted and 007 Legends was a halfhearted attempt at throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
>Indiana Jones
You can thank Disney for this.

>> No.10319841

I really do think that F-Zero 99 is their way of gauging interest in the series

>> No.10319847

>truly magical days that'll probably never come back...
Nostalgia is not good, bro, shake those thoughts off your head

>> No.10320480
File: 145 KB, 836x645, 1697171211679197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just nostalgia for the sake of it, just days I miss and that I don't see the present replicating in any way, with Disney licensing their IPs for video games, and it makes me sad because I'd love to have it, like we had back then... when the past had something we liked, and the present shows no sign of it being a thing again, its only natural to miss the past in this specific case and context... I don't think it's bad, it's perfectly natural.