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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10316236 No.10316236 [Reply] [Original]

I know this thread will come off as autistic, but I don't mind, just hope it can be fun for someone out there, and it's a topic that interests me, that rarely gets brought up, I get why... but it doesn't mean we can't bring it up every once in a while I guess. I've loved Disney's The Little Mermaid for a long time, since I watched it as a kid, it was the start of the famous Disney Renaissance afterall, so in animation it's quite a big deal... but in video games though? It's rare to see it brought up even though Disney video games were quite good at the time. I grew up with Ariel: The Little Mermaid on Genesis, and have decided to try other ones.

At this point I think I'm probably a Little Mermaid video game connoisseur, if that means anything, probably not, anyways I began by replaying the Genesis title I grew up with and... it's subpar, and that's a shame since Blue Sky made it, they made Vectorman a few years later, so a decent studio, but here things just didn't click too well... it's not bad by any means, it's fine, you go around large maps and rescue poor unfortunate souls until its done and you can fight a boss... it doesn't control all that well, and fighting enemies feels bad, but it's a short and comfortable experience, Game Gear's port is fine too, it's a nice distraction now.

After that I went into what I missed out on, and what I found were mostly minigame collections, so nothing too special... besides Capcom's title, for NES and Game Boy, now this was special, it controls well, moving around is fun, everything both looks and sounds good, leveling Ariel up in the level and trapping enemies in bubbles only to use them as projectiles that you can fire in many directions... it's fantastic! I then tried one more, the PS1 title, and it was closer to the Genesis' in control and overall feel, also the emphasis on collecting... but it was good, slightly better than the Genesis one, more variety and polish in it.

>> No.10316246

Do you think they'll make Black Lil' Mermaid video games now?

>> No.10316249

>little mermaid
>she's not little

>> No.10316265

God i want teenage fish-girl pussy.

>> No.10316275
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I don't think they will, it didn't do too well in the box office, and Disney has sadly moved away in recent years from making video games based on their beloved IPs, besides them appearing in the Kingdom Hearts series... I'd dig a new The Little Mermaid video game based on the new film if it had a skin that let you play as the original Ariel design, though I doubt they'd add it at all...

I kek'd

Imagine the smell.

>> No.10316349

I bet Bob Iger ordered Disney interactive to be shut down the way he did in 2014 because he didn't care about the further possibilities of Disney making more licensed IP-based games, similar stuff for the original Lucasarts in 2012. Damn you Iger, you vile Blackrock and Talmudic Fucker.

>> No.10316364

I love that the jig is up and normie family types are wising up to how horrible and degenerate disney has become.

>> No.10316371
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>I bet Bob Iger ordered Disney interactive to be shut down the way he did in 2014 because he didn't care about the further possibilities of Disney making more licensed IP-based games
Indeed, it really is a shame... I miss that time in the 3rd, 4th and 5th console generations when Mickey, Donald and Goofy had their video games, and also pretty much every major film, mostly in the renaissance era, had its adaptation, some in all 3 of those generations, like Little Mermaid.

I don't know if it's that bad for them just yet, but I'm sure investors expected more and I'm seeing more and more people fed up with Disney, even I'm fed up already, they suck quite hard now.

>> No.10316397

There were some amazing Disney games on NES, SNES, Sega Master System, and the Sega Genesis.
I don't think there's been any good Disney games since those generations, but if you know of some games there were as good as DuckTales, Darkwing Duck, Quackshot, and Mickey's Castle of Illusion. Please let me know.

>> No.10316405

I don't know about "as good" but Epic Mickey was fun.

>> No.10316498

The NES version would be one of the best from the NES library if it wasn't so easy and short. It's a game for little girls after all.

>> No.10316567

What did you think about the Little Mermaid section in Kingdom Hearts?
And have you ever heard of the unfortunately untranslated Shinkai Densetsu Mermanoid RPG?

>> No.10317060
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I wouldn't say they're as good, but a lot of Disney stuff was released on PS1, and some still hold up well enough... I've mentioned The Little Mermaid 2 in the OP, but The Lion King for PS1's also good for the most part, there's also Donald Duck Goin' Quackers, which is one of the better Crash clones I've ever played, and good for what it is... and I'm not even mentioning the many other films titles released on PS1 and on Nintendo's handhelds, in this case GBC and GBA mostly, and they're fine...

I still have to play this one at some point, the art style is quite appealing, also the handheld title's clear inspiration in the Illusion series by SEGA in the 90's is a huge win for me, need to try it out.

Agreed, it looks great, it sounds great, it controls great, it has great mechanics and level design... I can replay this one every once in a while and it's fun every time, if only there was more, and if it'd last a while longer, both by having more levels in it and being more difficult... in a way I really wish that the PS1 installment took more inspiration in this case, even if I think it's fine for what it is...

I've never played Kingdom Hearts, and I hadn't heard of this JP RPG before either, I suppose it's because RPGs are a genre I never really got into, so I know very little about it for the most part.

>> No.10317071
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>> No.10317285
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Can you read japanese? I recommend Meremanoid on PS1.

>> No.10317289

My bad, didn't see somebody already mentioned it.

>> No.10318127

>Can you read japanese
I really wish I could...

>> No.10318860

No problem, anon.

>> No.10319945

Non-burger here, please explain what did he do in detail - is he the guy who posted that "we need a Disney princess who had an abortion / is a single mom / had an SRS / is mentally or phisically disabled" snowclone on Twitter?

>> No.10320034

sounds like a job for a romhacker

>> No.10320063

Yea, also thought about that when posting.

>> No.10320147

Hercules on PSX is highly regarded

>> No.10320379

Better than Disney live action

>> No.10320517

>Better than Disney live action
I mean... that's quite a low bar.

>> No.10320884

I serious. Movie just bad.

>> No.10321171
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The gameplay had some neat ideas even if they were questionably executed. It's mostly a fairly competent JRPG with a very unique setting and one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. I also loved how the dialogue felt like some kind of stage play and the characters would do little flourishes while talking. I'm surprised nobody seems to be working on translating it, far less interesting games have been translated.

>> No.10322723

I hope this gets a translation at some point...

>> No.10324353

*Disney live action retellings of their cartoon films.
Disney also made fully live action movies that were not based on cartoons:
>The Newsies
>TRON Evolution
>Herby series
>Mary Poppins

>> No.10326004

I think those replies were talking mostly about the new Little Mermaid live action, and all those new live action remakes Disney's pumping out, of very low quality compared to the originals.

>> No.10327481
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I had difficulties enjoying the Disney interpretation since in the middle of a story they'd break out into song which did not serve the narrative at all and made for a very bad movie experience. The only game I ever knew of it was Capcom's NES game which I was just throwaway in a bundle with another other NES games. It is an easy and short game but I remember being more excited about the 16-bit consoles at the time the game released. EGM's Steve gave it a 5 which messed with the average 7, 7, 8 from the rest of the reviews. I had no idea there was a Genesis game. I think there was a GBA game too.


>> No.10328008

I just want to pull that stupid top down.

>> No.10328092
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my daughter forces me to play the NES game occasionally. it's grown on me but the game is definitely for children and nearly puts me to sleep.

>> No.10328120
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I got the game modernized on the Switch? How fucking common is this game?

>> No.10328676

In your opinion, what's the cutest Ariel sprite?

>> No.10328738
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I guess there is some appeal to the original Hans Christian Andersen story over the Disney one, It really is a shame in a way that there have never been any video games based on it, only Disney. I wish I could recommend more, but you have the absolute best Little Mermaid video game in your possession, and it's in good shape too, which I'm happy to see, it's cozy and should be taken care.

I had a crush on the Genesis one as a kid, so it's only fair I award the cutest Ariel sprite trophy to it instead of any sprite from titles I might've not played until much older, that sprite looked nice.

>> No.10328742

>in the middle of a story they'd break out into song which did not serve the narrative at all and made for a very bad movie experience
Holy shit how many levels of autism are you on?

>> No.10330782

If he's talking about the movies I was the same way when I was a kid. Every time they would start to sing I would cringe and it actually hurt.

>> No.10330995

i have to listen to my child AaaAAAHHHHH AAAA AA AAAAAAA aaAAAA AAA AAA AHA AAAAAA every day man it's a trip you guys. respect to everyone who genuinely enjoys the franchise and the games but reliving the moment every single day by proxy is taking it's toll on me and i'll never snap but this is my way of begging for mercy.

>> No.10331805
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Disney did have a lot of winners for their properties in video games back then. Between Capcom and Sega, they adapted the IPs well for video games.

I'm not totally against musicals, it is entertaining when South Park does it sometimes, but for the most part having a random dance/musical number within a movie just doesn't vibe with me. It is kind of like how maybe sometimes movies just have to have random love-interest drama just awkwardly placed into the stories for no reason, makes it feel forced for some reason.

>> No.10331895

I can guarantee you've never played any of the Tiny Toon games if you're considering them 'hidden treasures'

>I'm not totally against musicals, it is entertaining when South Park does it sometimes
Oh, you're a contrarian Rick and Morty level fan. Explains the fake granite, all appearance and no substance. Choose a different color next time.

>> No.10333590

NES little mermaid was very good, as expected from Capcom.
Played it a lot back in the day with my (girl) cousins.
This and Popeye were our go-to on our Famiclone.

>> No.10333632

Why wasn't this pic custom-made? What's wrong with you?

>> No.10334928

Dude's an attention whore that's been shitting up /vr/ for years. Quit replying to him. Don't know why people still do.

>> No.10335715

Busters's was a 'hidden treasure'
It's actually good.